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- The Program
- -----------
- PointerX - Spins the hands of any pointer that looks like the
- standard 2.0 Workbench Busy pointer. PointerX only runs under
- Kickstart 2.0.
- This means it will spin not just the WB pointer, but your programs
- too - If you use the right pointer. The pointer as given below in
- Source is the one used by 2.0 WB (this data is from a posting on bix),
- and you can use it in your own programs too to get the same effect
- there.
- To install PointerX just drop it's icon in your WBStartup drawer
- and reboot (or double-click on it) - and it will be active for the
- rest of the current session, or until you send it a Break signal.
- That's all there is to it!
- PointerX is written by Steve Tibbett, and is placed in the Public Domain.
- You can reach me on PLINK as STEVEX, Bix as s.tibbett, Usenet as
- cognos!alzabo!omx!stevex, on my BBS at 613-731-3419, or by Phone at
- 613-731-5316 in the evenings.
- The Source
- ----------
- PointerX.c and Pointers.c compile under SAS/C 5.10a. The program checks the
- pointer every two VBlanks, and if it's a busy pointer, it updates the
- image from one of the 32 whose data is in Pointers.c.
- The Pointer
- -----------
- static USHORT __chip BusyPointerData[] =
- {
- 0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x0400,0x07C0,0x0000,0x07C0,0x0100,0x0380,0x0000,0x07E0,
- 0x07C0,0x1FF8,0x1FF0,0x3FEC,0x3FF8,0x7FDE,0x3FF8,0x7FBE,
- 0x7FFC,0xFF7F,0x7EFC,0xFFFF,0x7FFC,0xFFFF,0x3FF8,0x7FFE,
- 0x3FF8,0x7FFE,0x1FF0,0x3FFC,0x07C0,0x1FF8,0x0000,0x07E0,
- 0x0000,0x0000,
- };
- SetPointer(Win, BusyPointerData, 16, 16, -6, 0);
- Use this call, and that data, to get the proper pointer and you'll look
- like a real 2.0 program (all good programs use a busy pointer when they
- don't accept user input - they also turn off all their window gadgets
- so the users don't get confused), and if PointerX is running, it's hands
- will spin!