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- PGP 2.6ui Amiga version
- =======================
- assembled by mathew <mathew@mantis.co.uk>
- Amiga version by Peter Simons <simons@peti.GUN.de>
- Bonn, 2nd November 1994
- Welcome to the wonderful world of PGP 2.6ui! If you're new to PGP, you
- might have trouble understanding what I am talking about in this file and
- I'd suppose you read the user manual first and come back to this readme
- file later.
- Well, let's start with some basic explainations. MIT have released what
- they call version 2.6.1 of PGP. Unlike PGP 2.3a, it uses the RSAREF
- library. This has a number of ramifications:
- 1. _Generating_ keys is limited to 1024 bits. It understands larger keys,
- though.
- 2. You must agree to the RSAREF license.
- 3. MIT PGP 2.6.1 is not publicly and widely available outside the USA
- and Canada, because RSAREF falls under ITAR export restrictions.
- Worse, MIT's PGP 2.6.1 has been deliberately crippled, so that it will
- produce encoded data which PGP 2.3a cannot decode.
- This is an unofficial release of PGP based on 2.3a, modified for
- interoperability with MIT's PGP 2.6.1. The following changes have been
- made:
- * This version of PGP will read encoded data produced by both MIT PGP
- 2.6.1 and PGP 2.3a.
- * You can choose to write data either in the "new" format used by MIT PGP
- 2.6.1, or in the old PGP 2.3a format. To do this, use the command line
- switch +version_byte=3 for MIT PGP 2.6.1 format, or +version_byte=2 for
- PGP 2.3a format (the default).
- You can also specify a line like:
- version_byte = 3
- in your config.txt file.
- This version does *not* have any time-bomb code in it. If you want to
- switch version byte like MIT PGP does, you'll have to do it manually.
- There's no advantage in doing so, unless you want it to look like you're
- running MIT PGP.
- * You can choose the version text which you want to have appear in ASCII
- armoured files. The default is 2.6, and if you're in the USA you
- probably don't want to change it, as a well known net.personality tends
- to harass people whose PGP armor says anything else.
- To change the version text, use a command line argument such as
- +armor_version=2.6ui or +armor_version=2.3 -- but please do try and use
- this feature responsibly, and don't go creating random version strings
- unnecessarily.
- You can also specify
- armor_version = 2.6ui
- or similar in your config.txt file.
- * This version of PGP displays and accepts 8 characters of the key ID.
- Hence there's less chance of two keys having the same visible ID.
- * A message has been added to the key generation section, reminding the
- user that MIT PGP 2.6.1 will only handle keys of 504 bits or larger.
- * The -w option wipes files with pseudo-random data, to try and
- ensure the file is wiped even if you're using a disk compressor.
- Note that this still isn't perfect, though
- Please note also that the random number generation requires a lot of
- time and will slow PGP notably down. If you do not use a disk
- compressor, you might want to switch this feature off and have all files
- wiped with normal data. You can do this by adding +SecureWipe=off to the
- command line or by specifying
- SecureWipe = off
- in your config.txt file.
- * Branko Lankester and Paul C Leyland's patches have been applied, so
- that newer key certification signatures automatically replace older
- ones.
- * Some keyservers were using a self-written utility to extract keys rather
- than calling PGP. This tool had a bug that caused the keys to be
- extracted without the full user ID and thus corrupting your keyring.
- This bug has been fixed. This version will recognize these keys and
- remove them from your keyring.
- * PGP 2.6ui will recognize both local and gloal (SET vs. SETENV) system
- variables. (Only available under OS 2.04 or later!)
- * the executable is pure and may be made resident
- * converted the documentation to AmigaGuide-format. Many thanks Jin S Choi
- for authoring the TexInfo style docs. (If you happen to find any bugs or
- formatting errors in the manual, please report them! I didn't read the
- whole manual again. :->)
- * added an Installer script (Thanks to Jacob Ellis!!)
- * Whenever PGP needs user input, it will check whether the current
- standard input is interactive. This will avoid infinite loops and
- crashed when started with "PGP -f <test". If the standard input is not
- interactive, PGP will pop up an requester asking for the string. This
- feature requires the reqtools.library by Nico Francois, available on the
- Aminet.
- * PGP is able to read its commandline from the shell! (Note: The Amiga
- version is the _only_ PGP version that has this capability. :->) Here's
- a brief description:
- | AmigaDOS supports only commandlines up to 512 characters. This is a
- | serious limitation for programs like PGP, where you may need very long
- | lines, especially when encrypting for several receivers.
- |
- | This module provides a nice way around the problem: You may call the
- | program with a filename, prefaced with the at ("@") and PGP will read
- | this file and use it's contents instead of the filename. Newlines
- | ("\n") in the file will be turned into blanks (" ").
- |
- | To encrypt a text for a few hundred persons, just write all their
- | addresses to a file like this:
- |
- | address1 address2 address3 [...] addressN
- |
- | or
- |
- | address1
- | address2
- | address3
- | address4
- | [...]
- | address9*10^255+1
- | address9*10^255+2
- |
- | and save it as, say, "T:addressfile". Now call PGP:
- |
- | PGP -ftesa @T:addressfile <infile >outfile
- |
- | Voila! :-)
- |
- |
- | If you want to use a parameter that starts with an at, you have to put
- | a '\' before the at or specify it in quotes:
- |
- | pgp -e filename "@peti.GUN.de"
- | pgp -e filename \@peti.GUN.de
- |
- | and the module will treat this as a normal parameter.
- |
- | If you want to load a file that contains blanks, you have to put the
- | _name_ into quotes:
- |
- | PGP -e filename @"weird file name"
- Thanks to Robert Knop for authoring a new __main.c file which can be
- distributed without violating SAS's copyright.
- * Users of earlier PGPAmiga versions should note that the config file has
- been renamed back to "config.txt" for various reasons, while PGPAmiga
- 2.3a and later used "pgp.config". I decided to stick with the standard
- name because the file is kept in a seperate directory anyway and it will
- keep the Amiga version interoperable with other platforms. Furthermore,
- the filename pgp.config is invalid on MS-DOS systems.
- * One last note: People on the net have been wondering about the way PGP
- handles clear-signed text and I want to draw your attention to this fact
- as it is not really described in the manual and could mean a serious
- security leak if you don't know it.
- What I am talking about is that PGP ignores the first paragraph
- following the "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----" line, which
- introduces a clear-signed text. This is intended and is required for
- certain purposes, such as stating the version you're using, etc. As a
- consequence, it is possible for others to add text in the signed message
- _without_ breaking the signature.
- Of course this text will disappear when checking the signature with PGP,
- but some people do not check signatures but just read the text. Just
- look at this example:
- |
- | XYZ is a smart ass.
- |
- | Hi John,
- | [...]
- |
- | Version: 2.6ui (Amiga)
- |
- | iQCVAgUBLrfgWA9HL1s0103BAQHoqwQAvBlkskYShobXTCGcJMQkZIzgQhsd+giB
- | rvyaqk5cnAE8lBa097sIYA6oomY0Pg1O9iYfyLVUriOX8XjH5BWZeHEd6/KQmxAB
- | GTiKNAK471U4Or+HoivItPp4GnZvZqRTDtJioYNwF0hu+4IwC80NosNxxc67Uavr
- | FP2O5wUmIcU=
- | =t3CV
- | -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
- You can't be sure whether all the lines are for real or not! "But hey,"
- you might say, "I thought PGP ignores only the first paragraph and
- there's definitely a blank line before this 'XYZ...' thing!"
- Right, but this must not necessarily be an empty line, it might contain
- a single blank or a tab or any other invisible character! Don't forget
- that! You should really feed the article into PGP and read the returned
- clear text rather than this version, otherwise the signature is worth
- nothing.
- An other idea to prevent people from adding stuff to your messages is to
- state where your text starts, like in this example:
- | ^^^ Anything above this line has been hacked! ^^^
- |
- | Hi John,
- | [...]
- and sign this.
- This release reports itself as 2.6ui. It's 2.6 because if it were
- called 2.3b, users would get confused as to whether 2.3b was compatible
- with MIT PGP 2.6, given the much smaller version number. I haven't
- called this version 2.7, because I have no wish to get involved in the
- kind of "version number war" which goes on between (say) Microsoft, IBM
- and Novell over DOS.
- The letters "ui" stand for Unofficial International release. It's an
- unofficial release in that it has not been approved by Philip
- Zimmermann.
- This version was assembled by mathew <mathew@mantis.co.uk> from the
- standard PGP 2.3a sources, and from source code patches obtained from
- the net. All patches were scrutinized carefully before being applied by
- hand. No binary patches were used.
- Thanks go to Alan Barrett <barrett@ee.und.ac.za>, Planar
- <Damien.Doligez@inria.fr> and Pr0duct Cypher for 2.6 information and
- interoperability patches. The key signature patches were by Paul C Leyland
- <pcl@black.ox.ac.uk> and Branko Lancaster <branko@suppnet1.support.nl>.
- If you used this version of PGP in the USA, and if you remembered to change
- version_byte to 3, your PGP messages would almost certainly be
- indistinguishable from ones produced using MIT PGP 2.6. That would be very
- naughty and devious, though, so don't do it.
- This release comes with several MD5 checksums and PGP signatures to
- guarantee it's validity (described later). Note that if the signature
- matches, that only really means that the files you have are the same as the
- ones I have; it doesn't mean that I guarantee this release of PGP works, or
- that I've examined it for cryptographic back doors. Naturally, you should
- only use this release of PGP if you think you can trust me, or if you've
- compared the source with 2.3a and compiled it yourself.
- If you have any patches to fix bugs or add features, feel free to mail them
- to me, and I'll consider adding them to any future release.
- Now, before you go on, you should validate whether all files are
- unmodified, use the md5sum utility together with the checksums appended to
- this text. Just type:
- contrib/md5sum/md5sum -cv readme.amiga
- and all files in the distribution will be checked. This file itself is
- signed with my secret key, so a simple
- PGP -ka readme.amiga
- PGP readme.amiga
- will check the integrity of this text, too.
- Okay, if all files reported as okay, you may start "Installer InstallPGP"
- and lean back to enjoy the show. :-) ATTENTION: If some files do not report
- as okay, please contact me immediately and state where you got the archive
- from, so I can check it for backdoors!
- If you want to receive the latest news on the Amige version of PGP, you
- might be interested in subscribing to the PGPAmiga mailing list running on
- my machine. All you have to do is to send an e-mail to
- PGPAmiga-request@peti.GUN.de and to put the keyword "ADD" into the message
- body. You may also specify the address you want to subscribe:
- ADD joe@doe.foobar.com
- You should receive notification from the ListSERV daemon whether the
- subscription succeeded or not within 24 hours. If you have any problems
- subscribing, please contact PGPAmiga-admin@peti.GUN.de.
- Sincerely,
- Peter Simons
- 16b8f20b84025d222027e664e6900ec8 *PGP-Install
- baf607e382d00b4ddeb566fa72ebe332 *PGP-Installer-Script
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- 06d90ef1c0d8bfbde0eeac634e31715d *bin/fr.hlp
- 855a12f7b62bdf39e967d4c3eca65fb1 *bin/keys.asc
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- 942dcee3edd21fcc658ca7116dbde952 *bin/PGP
- 86b473fefb36c56ea85ec5502072abe3 *bin/PGP.hlp
- f98f4e946ff0fcc7062b93c5a9c70717 *bin/PGP020
- 8ca43cbc842c2336e835926c2166c28b *doc/COPYING
- e4523c9b35cfd8be2289b167b2edcf91 *doc/keyserv.doc
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- 3bd01a58d2437a56ab70d74178a5be04 *doc/newfor23.doc
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- df7928fe4fd206f4656614ada4e81774 *doc/PGPNutshell.guide
- c8e28a0fee8a2a6231b038e30e74529e *doc/politic.doc
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- 28350d0bb028394f41354aa3a8daada9 *contrib/AmigaELM/RequestString
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- e851bb236dc9b6978675b9f316af8450 *contrib/CED/doPGP.ced
- 017a753636816dd8804fc6b3026bb696 *contrib/CED/EncryptPGP.ced
- 82471f0d3b0b6a84d5a9a02b7bc61ae7 *contrib/CED/EncypherPGP.ced
- bd35e9b819f0bbe21e7f3aa434e66c50 *contrib/CED/SignPGP.ced
- 773cd56b0ab34fc53e981ff8fcec57cf *contrib/GoldEd/PGP.ged
- 6f2a35ac204192333a6211855b5c0030 *contrib/GoldEd/PGP_GoldEd.lha
- 93e8bbf43605b8ceb631988538b72fda *contrib/languages/german.asc
- adf66292ba293b1227c86ea23698a006 *contrib/languages/language.txt_deutsch
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- eaedb43ecef34461de49fadfc84171b3 *contrib/md5sum/Readme.first
- fc1c9643aecc46a7c138320673bbbfd6 *contrib/PGPMore/PGPMore
- 655a930ece4f9b77eaafe25238bd17af *contrib/PGPSendMail/PGPSendmail
- 2f738404cfd14324780326a425e80765 *contrib/PGPSendMail/PGPSendmail.guide
- 8384f0ce72840f05d54ca9954a0d93a6 *contrib/StealthPGP/stealth1_0
- 1f948771c15c56244dcb0bf4dbb57113 *contrib/StealthPGP/stealth1_0.doc
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- 215fa037da9aca5fcbfdb6995739fa2d *contrib/PGPMore/source/PGPMore_rev.h
- 39fc9f3dc01d1dcb597d8349ca1cc61b *contrib/PGPMore/source/SCOPTIONS
- 0fc7735836ca9ff196e352120e152274 *contrib/PGPSendMail/source/expandalias.c
- 99bc8ffba18689009e0fb4c70c9287ac *contrib/PGPSendMail/source/pgpsendmail.c
- 3317efad810ebff00498cb7c076acd24 *contrib/PGPSendMail/source/pgpsendmail.h
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- 897316929176464ebc9ad085f31e7284 *contrib/PGPSendMail/source/pgpsendmail_rev.rev
- e71d575a39652d7adfd691798877c0b8 *contrib/PGPSendMail/source/protos.h
- 9c1b84ccf70e08e9a9b995784b458ae4 *contrib/PGPSendMail/source/rfcstuff.c
- ca45ebd15360237ae2ad66614b5f5058 *contrib/PGPSendMail/source/smakefile
- 5afc290a76808a61d465ba06023df46e *contrib/PGPSendMail/source/system.c
- 3d74deb80f88c507219c2f3fa9013f54 *contrib/PGPSendMail/source/TODO
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- 3650e7439da7a4ab263510ff542ee622 *contrib/StealthPGP/source/stealth1_0.c
- Version: 2.6ui (Amiga)
- iQCVAgUBLrfkWw9HL1s0103BAQE3dwP+Nv74nzBy2CiBGbDlzmNVLCNu7pW8gxj2
- Gi5+lH1+0uRgE5DPxQGUlU9MgtYVjs9ddoq5TkN/0ECYFr1xSJm/YEVd9qeehQYX
- JwyZm2pZiw2jJzNFMiM2C70nS3aHSOLamwgFfWlFt3Joa0AIdGUVJCsbpzPnMHUZ
- tTkACDtGuXs=
- =To23
- Version: 2.6ui (Amiga)
- mQCNAiyg9DgAAAEEAMnWa12Ub+g8uzR/GByKjpMiNsHZygQ4pw2Bjix+WjyEVsHH
- JV8DRqdnYBs+MPrhvou1dDXEkhC64lklC23xlawI2yaXBtKadKgEEOdKLF9tVibP
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