home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * MouseAccelerator.c
- *
- * Commodity
- *
- * Author: Stefan Sticht
- *
- * Copyright: source is public domain, no copyright
- *
- * Version history:
- *
- * V1.00 initial release
- * V1.01 two small changes in messages (thanks to Holger Gzella)
- * V1.02 recompiled with changed (for 68040 compatiblity) cback.o
- * V1.03 small changes; set MAX_THRESH to 20;
- * setting acceleration = 1 now disables the mousefilter
- * V1.04 removed enforcer hit under low mem in createallgadgets()
- * now window opens on the front screen, if it is a public screen, else on
- * the default public screen
- * V1.05 14 Sep 1991 Stefan Sticht changed request() to open on the same screen
- * as the window; replaced strlen() with sizeof();
- * other optimizations
- * V1.06 16 Sep 1991 Stefan Sticht removed error in lockfrontpubscr()
- * V1.07 Mon 07-Oct-91 Stefan Sticht removed obsolete code: replying IDCMP messages before CloseWindow()
- */
- #define VERSION "V1.07"
- /********************************************************************
- * interfacing *
- ********************************************************************/
- /*
- * include files
- */
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <devices/inputevent.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #include <libraries/commodities.h>
- #include <clib/alib_protos.h>
- #include <clib/commodities_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/commodities_pragmas.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- #include <clib/gadtools_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/gadtools_pragmas.h>
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/graphics_pragmas.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/intuition_pragmas.h>
- #include <clib/utility_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/utility_pragmas.h>
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #define printf KPrintF
- #include <clib/dlib_protos.h>
- #endif
- /*
- * prototypes
- */
- long openwindow(void);
- struct Gadget *createallgadgets(struct Gadget **glist, APTR vi, struct Screen *scr,áULONG *height, ULONG *width);
- struct Library *myopenlibrary(char *name, unsigned long version);
- struct Screen *lockfrontpubscr(void);
- void __saveds accelerator(CxMsg *cxm);
- void closewindow(void);
- void processmessages(short window);
- /*
- * global data defined in other moduls
- *
- * libraries opened by startup code; basepointers needed by function pragmas
- */
- extern struct Library *DOSBase;
- extern struct Library *SysBase;
- /*
- * Disable SAS/C CTRL/C handling
- */
- void chkabort(void) {}
- /********************************************************************
- * global data *
- ********************************************************************/
- /*
- * definition of all messages (multi language support not completed yet)
- */
- #if defined(GERMAN)
- #define RETRY_GADGETS "Wiederholen|Abbrechen"
- #define RESUME_GADGETS "Weiter"
- #define MSG_LIBRARY_OPENERR "Die %s (V%ld+) kann nicht ge÷ffnet werden!"
- #define MSG_WINDOW_OPENERR "Leider kann das Fenster nicht ge÷ffnet werden!"
- #define COM_NAME "Mausbeschleuniger"
- #define COM_DESCR "Beschleunigt Mausbewegungen"
- #define MSG_ACC "Beschleunigungsfaktor: %-lu "
- #define MSG_ACC_SCC 'F'
- #define MSG_THRESH "Beschleunigungsminimum: %-lu "
- #define MSG_THRESH_SCC 'M'
- #define MSG_HIDE "_Verstecken"
- #define MSG_HIDE_SCC 'V'
- #define MSG_QUIT "_Beenden"
- #define MSG_QUIT_SCC 'B'
- #define YES "JA"
- #define NO "NEIN"
- #define TT_ACC "FAKTOR"
- #else
- #define RETRY_GADGETS "Retry|Cancel"
- #define RESUME_GADGETS "Resume"
- #define MSG_LIBRARY_OPENERR "%s (V%ld+) can't be opened!"
- #define MSG_WINDOW_OPENERR "Window can't be opened!"
- #define COM_NAME "MouseAccelerator"
- #define COM_DESCR "Accelerates mouse movements"
- #define MSG_ACC "Acceleration: %-lu "
- #define MSG_ACC_SCC 'A'
- #define MSG_THRESH "Threshold: %-lu "
- #define MSG_THRESH_SCC 'T'
- #define MSG_HIDE "_Hide"
- #define MSG_HIDE_SCC 'H'
- #define MSG_QUIT "_Quit"
- #define MSG_QUIT_SCC 'Q'
- #define YES "YES"
- #define NO "NO"
- #endif
- #define DEF_CX_PRIORITY 0
- #define DEF_CX_POPKEY ""
- #define CX_POPUP "CX_POPUP"
- #define DEF_CX_POPUP NO
- #define DEF_TT_ACC 5
- #define DEF_TT_THRESH 4
- #define MAX_ACC 20
- #define MAX_THRESH 20
- #define MIN_ACC 1
- #define MIN_THRESH 1
- #define POP_KEY_ID 100
- #define CCMD_NOP 0
- #define CCMD_HIDE 1
- #define CCMD_QUIT 2
- #define CASE_DIFF ('a' - 'A')
- #define ON 1l
- #define OFF 0l
- /*
- * data for cback.o
- */
- long _stack = 2048l;
- char *_procname = COM_NAME;
- long _priority = 0l;
- long _BackGroundIO = 1;
- extern BPTR _Backstdout;
- /*
- * library base pointers
- */
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct Library *CxBase;
- struct Library *IconBase;
- struct Library *GadToolsBase;
- struct Library *GfxBase;
- struct Library *UtilityBase;
- /*
- * our task
- */
- struct Task *mytask = NULL;
- /*
- * signal we AllocSignal() in main()
- */
- long signal = -1l;
- /*
- * message ports
- */
- struct MsgPort *idcmpport;
- struct MsgPort *cxport;
- /*
- * signal flags
- */
- unsigned long cxsigflag = 0l;
- unsigned long idcmpsigflag = 0l;
- /*
- * programtitle and version for Version command
- */
- char versionstring[] ="\0$VER: " COM_NAME " " VERSION;
- /*
- * helpstring
- */
- #if defined(GERMAN)
- char helpstring[] = "\033[1m" COM_NAME "\033[0m " VERSION " (Public Domain) von Stefan Sticht\n"\
- "Aufruf: " COM_NAME " [" CX_PRIORITY "=<Zahl>] [" CX_POPKEY "=<Zeichenkette>] ["
- CX_POPUP "=" YES "|" NO "] [" TT_ACC "=<Zahl>] [" TT_THRESH "=<Zahl>]\n";
- #else
- char helpstring[] = "\033[1m" COM_NAME "\033[0m " VERSION " (Public Domain) by Stefan Sticht\n"
- "Usage: " COM_NAME " [" CX_PRIORITY "=<number>] [" CX_POPKEY "=<string>] ["
- CX_POPUP "=" YES "|" NO "] [" TT_ACC "=<number>] [" TT_THRESH "=<number>]\n";
- #endif
- /*
- * the tooltypearray
- */
- char **tooltypes;
- /*
- * our broker
- */
- CxObj *broker = NULL;
- CxObj *mousefilter;
- CxObj *hotkeyfilter;
- struct NewBroker newbroker = {
- NB_VERSION, /* BYTE nb_Version */
- COM_NAME, /* BYTE *nb_Name */
- COM_TITLE, /* BYTE *nb_Title */
- COM_DESCR, /* BYTE *nb_Descr */
- NBU_NOTIFY | NBU_UNIQUE, /* SHORT nb_Unique */
- COF_SHOW_HIDE, /* SHORT nb_Flags */
- 0, /* BYTE nb_Pri */
- NULL, /* struct MsgPort nb_Port */
- 0 /* WORD nb_ReservedChannel */
- };
- IX mouseix = {
- IX_VERSION, /* UBYTE ix_version */
- 0, /* UWORD ix_Code */
- 0, /* UWORD ix_CodeMask */
- 0 /* UWORD ix_QualSame */
- };
- /*
- * acceleration and threshold
- */
- unsigned short acceleration;
- unsigned short threshold;
- /*
- * data for our window
- */
- struct Window *win;
- APTR vi;
- struct Gadget *gadgetlist;
- struct Screen *scr;
- char windowtitle[] = COM_TITLE;
- /*
- * space for zoomed window pos & size
- */
- WORD zoompos[4];
- #define P_WA_Left 0
- #define P_WA_Top 1
- #define P_WA_Width 2
- #define P_WA_Height 3
- #define P_WA_Title 6
- #define P_WA_PubScreen 7
- #define P_WA_Gadgets 8
- struct TagItem mywindowtag[] = {
- WA_Left, 0l,
- WA_Top, 20l,
- WA_Width, 400l,
- WA_Height, 150l,
- WA_Title, (ULONG)windowtitle,
- WA_PubScreen, 0l,
- WA_Gadgets, 0l,
- WA_Zoom, (ULONG)zoompos,
- WA_AutoAdjust, FALSE,
- };
- char msg_acc[] = MSG_ACC;
- char msg_thresh[] = MSG_THRESH;
- char msg_hide[] = MSG_HIDE;
- char msg_quit[] = MSG_QUIT;
- /*
- * gadget definitions
- */
- #define GAD_ACC 6
- #define GAD_THRESH 7
- #define GAD_HIDE 8
- #define GAD_QUIT 9
- struct Gadget *gad_acc;
- struct Gadget *gad_thresh;
- /********************************************************************
- * functions *
- ********************************************************************/
- /*
- * request(): a glue routine to EasyRequest as simple as printf plus
- * titlestring, gadgettexts
- *
- * Input: char *title: pointer to the title of the requester
- * char *gadgets: pointer to gadgettext
- * char *text: text displayed in requester
- *
- * Result: same as EasyrequestArgs()
- *
- * !!! for more info see EasyRequestArgs() in Autodocs/intuition.doc !!!
- */
- long request(char *title, char *gadgets, char *text, ...)
- {
- /*
- * structure textreq only needed in this function, so hide it here
- * must be static, in order to be initialized only once
- */
- static struct EasyStruct textreq = {
- sizeof (struct EasyStruct), /* ULONG es_StructSize */
- 0l, /* ULONG es_Flags */
- NULL, /* UBYTE *es_Title */
- NULL, /* UBYTE *es_TextFormat */
- NULL, /* UBYTE *es_GadgetFormat */
- };
- va_list ap;
- long rc;
- /*
- * get start of variable arguments
- */
- va_start(ap, text);
- /*
- * update textreq
- */
- textreq.es_Title = (UBYTE *)title;
- textreq.es_TextFormat = (UBYTE *)text;
- textreq.es_GadgetFormat = (UBYTE *)gadgets;
- /*
- * win may be NULL
- */
- rc = EasyRequestArgs(win, &textreq, NULL, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- return(rc);
- }
- /*
- * myopenlibrary(): same as OpenLibrary(), but opens a retry-requester
- * if OpenLibrary() fails, to give the user a chance to
- * copy the library to libs: and retry
- * requires request(), see above
- */
- struct Library *myopenlibrary(char *name, unsigned long version)
- {
- static char errortext[] = MSG_LIBRARY_OPENERR;
- struct Library *libptr;
- long ok = TRUE;
- do {
- if (!(libptr = OpenLibrary((UBYTE *)name, version))) {
- if (IntuitionBase) {
- ok = request(COM_NAME ":", RETRY_GADGETS, errortext, name, version);
- }
- else ok = FALSE;
- }
- } while (!libptr && ok);
- return(libptr);
- }
- void main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- CxObj *customobj;
- char *hotkey;
- struct Message *msg;
- short window = FALSE;
- if ((argc > 1) && (*argv[1] == '?')) {
- /*
- * display help string
- */
- if (_Backstdout) {
- Write(_Backstdout, helpstring, sizeof(helpstring) - 1l);
- Close(_Backstdout);
- }
- return;
- }
- else if (argc && _Backstdout) Close(_Backstdout);
- if (IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)myopenlibrary("intuition.library", 37l)) {
- /*
- * parse command line or tool types
- *
- * we need icon.library therefore
- */
- if (IconBase = myopenlibrary("icon.library", 37l)) {
- long value;
- /*
- * create tooltypes array (requires icon.library open!!!)
- */
- tooltypes = (char **)ArgArrayInit(argc, argv);
- newbroker.nb_Pri = ArgInt(tooltypes, CX_PRIORITY, DEF_CX_PRIORITY);
- /*
- * acceleration
- */
- value = ArgInt(tooltypes, TT_ACC, DEF_TT_ACC);
- if (value < MIN_ACC) acceleration = MIN_ACC;
- else if (value > MAX_ACC) acceleration = MAX_ACC;
- else acceleration = value;
- /*
- * acceleration
- */
- value = ArgInt(tooltypes, TT_THRESH, DEF_TT_THRESH);
- if (value < MIN_THRESH) threshold = MIN_THRESH;
- else if (value > MAX_THRESH) threshold = MAX_THRESH;
- else threshold = value;
- /*
- * check for a hotkey
- */
- hotkey = ArgString(tooltypes, CX_POPKEY, DEF_CX_POPKEY);
- if (UtilityBase = myopenlibrary("utility.library", 37l)) {
- if (Stricmp(ArgString(tooltypes, CX_POPUP, DEF_CX_POPUP), YES) == 0l)
- window = TRUE;
- CloseLibrary(UtilityBase);
- } /* if UtilityBase */
- if (CxBase = myopenlibrary("commodities.library", 37l)) {
- if (GfxBase = myopenlibrary("graphics.library", 37l)) {
- if (GadToolsBase = myopenlibrary("gadtools.library", 37l)) {
- /*
- * create our message port
- */
- if (cxport = CreateMsgPort()) {
- cxsigflag = 1l << cxport->mp_SigBit;
- newbroker.nb_Port = cxport;
- if (broker = CxBroker(&newbroker, NULL)) {
- if (mousefilter = CxFilter(NULL)) {
- AttachCxObj(broker, mousefilter);
- SetFilterIX(mousefilter, &mouseix);
- if (customobj = CxCustom(accelerator, 0l)) {
- AttachCxObj(mousefilter, customobj);
- if (*hotkey && (hotkeyfilter = HotKey(hotkey, cxport, POP_KEY_ID))) {
- AttachCxObj(broker, hotkeyfilter);
- }
- if (!CxObjError(mousefilter) &&
- !CxObjError(broker) &&
- !(hotkeyfilter && CxObjError(hotkeyfilter))) {
- /*
- * if acceleration == 1 we don't need to get events
- */
- if (acceleration == MIN_ACC) ActivateCxObj(mousefilter, OFF);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("main(): no acceleration, deactivate mousefilter\n");
- #endif
- /*
- * activate our commodity
- */
- ActivateCxObj(broker, ON);
- /*
- * now watch our numerous ports
- */
- processmessages(window);
- } /* if !CxObjError() */
- } /* if customobj */
- } /* if mousefilter */
- DeleteCxObjAll(broker);
- } /* if broker */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- else printf("main(): CxBroker() failed!\n");
- #endif
- /*
- * delete our message port after replying all pending messages
- */
- while (msg = GetMsg(cxport)) ReplyMsg(msg);
- DeleteMsgPort(cxport);
- } /* if cxport */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- else printf("main(): CraeteMsgPort() failed!\n");
- #endif
- CloseLibrary(GadToolsBase);
- } /* if GadToolsBase */
- CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
- } /* if GfxBase */
- CloseLibrary(CxBase);
- } /* if CxBase */
- /*
- * free memory allocated by ArgArrayInit()
- */
- ArgArrayDone();
- CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- } /* if IconBase */
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
- } /* if IntuitionBase */
- } /* main() */
- void processmessages(short window)
- {
- struct Message *msg;
- unsigned long sigreceived;
- unsigned long msgtype;
- unsigned long msgid;
- unsigned short quit = FALSE;
- unsigned char command = CCMD_NOP;
- if (window) {
- if (!openwindow()) request(COM_NAME ":", RESUME_GADGETS, MSG_WINDOW_OPENERR);
- }
- while (!quit) {
- sigreceived = Wait(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C | cxsigflag | idcmpsigflag);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("processmessages(): signal received\n");
- #endif
- if (sigreceived & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) quit = TRUE;
- if (sigreceived & cxsigflag) {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("processmessages(): message at cxport\n");
- #endif
- while (msg = (struct Message *)GetMsg(cxport)) {
- msgid = CxMsgID((CxMsg *)msg);
- msgtype = CxMsgType((CxMsg *)msg);
- ReplyMsg(msg);
- switch (msgtype) {
- case CXM_IEVENT:
- if (msgid == POP_KEY_ID) {
- if (!openwindow()) request(COM_NAME ":", RESUME_GADGETS, MSG_WINDOW_OPENERR);
- }
- break;
- switch (msgid) {
- case CXCMD_KILL:
- quit = TRUE;
- ActivateCxObj(broker, OFF);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("processmessages(): broker disabled\n");
- #endif
- break;
- ActivateCxObj(broker, ON);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("processmessages(): broker enabled\n");
- #endif
- break;
- if (!openwindow()) request(COM_NAME ":", RESUME_GADGETS, MSG_WINDOW_OPENERR);
- break;
- closewindow();
- break;
- }
- break;
- } /* switch msgtype */
- } /* while CxMsg */
- } /* if (sigreceived & cxsigflag) */
- if (sigreceived & idcmpsigflag) {
- APTR *object;
- ULONG class;
- UWORD code;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("processmessages(): message at idcmpport\n");
- #endif
- while (idcmpport && (msg = (struct Message *)GT_GetIMsg(idcmpport))) {
- /*
- * handle IDCMP messages
- */
- class = ((struct IntuiMessage *)msg)->Class;
- code = ((struct IntuiMessage *)msg)->Code;
- object = ((struct IntuiMessage *)msg)->IAddress;
- GT_ReplyIMsg((struct IntuiMessage *)msg);
- switch (class) {
- command = CCMD_HIDE;
- break;
- GT_BeginRefresh(win);
- GT_EndRefresh(win, TRUE);
- break;
- case GADGETUP:
- if (object) command = (unsigned char)((struct Gadget *)object)->UserData;
- break;
- if (object) {
- switch(((struct Gadget *)object)->GadgetID & GADTOOLMASK) {
- case GAD_ACC:
- if (code > MIN_ACC) {
- if (acceleration == MIN_ACC) {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("processmessages(): acceleration, activate mousefilter\n");
- #endif
- ActivateCxObj(mousefilter, ON);
- }
- }
- else {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("processmessages(): no acceleration, deactivate mousefilter\n");
- #endif
- ActivateCxObj(mousefilter, OFF);
- }
- acceleration = code;
- break;
- case GAD_THRESH:
- threshold = code;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- switch (code) {
- case 27:
- case MSG_HIDE_SCC:
- command = CCMD_HIDE;
- break;
- case MSG_QUIT_SCC:
- command = CCMD_QUIT;
- break;
- /* doesn't work yet
- case MSG_ACC_SCC:
- if (acceleration > MIN_ACC) {
- acceleration--;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gad_acc, win, NULL, GTSL_Level, acceleration, TAG_DONE);
- if (acceleration == MIN_ACC) {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("processmessages(): no acceleration, deactivate mousefilter\n");
- #endif
- ActivateCxObj(mousefilter, OFF);
- }
- }
- break;
- if (acceleration < MAX_ACC) {
- if (acceleration == MIN_ACC) {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("processmessages(): acceleration, activate mousefilter\n");
- #endif
- ActivateCxObj(mousefilter, ON);
- }
- acceleration++;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gad_acc, win, NULL, GTSL_Level, acceleration, TAG_DONE);
- }
- break;
- if (threshold > MIN_THRESH) {
- threshold--;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gad_thresh, win, NULL, GTSL_Level, threshold, TAG_DONE);
- }
- break;
- if (threshold < MAX_THRESH) {
- threshold++;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gad_thresh, win, NULL, GTSL_Level, threshold, TAG_DONE);
- }
- break;
- */
- }
- break;
- } /* switch class */
- } /* while idcmp message */
- } /* if (sigreceived & idcmpsigflag) */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("processmessages(): command = %ld\n", command);
- #endif
- switch(command) {
- case CCMD_NOP:
- break;
- case CCMD_HIDE:
- closewindow();
- break;
- case CCMD_QUIT:
- quit = TRUE;
- break;
- } /* switch (command) */
- command = CCMD_NOP;
- } /* while !quit */
- ActivateCxObj(broker, OFF);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("processmessages(): broker disabled\n");
- #endif
- closewindow();
- }
- /*
- * commodity functions
- */
- void __saveds accelerator(CxMsg *cxm)
- {
- register struct InputEvent *ie;
- register short n;
- register short s;
- if ((ie = (struct InputEvent *)CxMsgData(cxm)) && (acceleration > 1)) {
- n = ie->ie_X;
- s = 1;
- if (n < 0) {
- n = -n;
- s = -1;
- }
- if (n > threshold)
- ie->ie_X = s * (short)((n - threshold - 1) * acceleration + threshold + 1);
- n = ie->ie_Y;
- s = 1;
- if (n < 0) {
- n = -n;
- s = -1;
- }
- if (n > threshold)
- ie->ie_Y = s * (short)((n - threshold - 1) * acceleration + threshold + 1);
- }
- }
- /*
- * window functions
- */
- struct Screen *lockfrontpubscr(void)
- {
- struct Screen *scr;
- struct Screen *pubscr = NULL;
- struct List *pslist;
- struct PubScreenNode *psnode;
- unsigned long lock;
- unsigned short screentype;
- lock = LockIBase(0l);
- if (scr = IntuitionBase->FirstScreen) {
- screentype = scr->Flags & SCREENTYPE;
- UnlockIBase(lock);
- if (screentype == PUBLICSCREEN || screentype == WBENCHSCREEN) {
- if (pslist = LockPubScreenList()) {
- for (psnode = (struct PubScreenNode *)pslist->lh_Head;
- psnode->psn_Node.ln_Succ && (psnode->psn_Screen != scr);
- psnode = (struct PubScreenNode *)psnode->psn_Node.ln_Succ);
- if (psnode && (psnode->psn_Screen == scr) && !(psnode->psn_Flags & PSNF_PRIVATE)) {
- pubscr = LockPubScreen(psnode->psn_Node.ln_Name);
- }
- UnlockPubScreenList();
- }
- }
- }
- else UnlockIBase(lock);
- if (pubscr && ((pubscr->Width < 640) || (pubscr->Height < 200))) {
- UnlockPubScreen(NULL, pubscr);
- pubscr = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * no locked screen yet, try default public screen
- */
- if (!pubscr) pubscr = LockPubScreen(NULL);
- return(pubscr);
- }
- long openwindow(void)
- {
- struct DimensionInfo di;
- struct Rectangle *rect;
- unsigned long vpmid;
- long ok = FALSE;
- if (win) {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("openwindow(): window already open\n");
- #endif
- /*
- * dont't open window but pop it to front, unzip it
- *
- * unzip window if zipped
- */
- if (win->Height < mywindowtag[P_WA_Height].ti_Data) ZipWindow(win);
- /*
- * window to front
- */
- WindowToFront(win);
- /*
- * activate window
- */
- if (win != IntuitionBase->ActiveWindow) ActivateWindow(win);
- /*
- * screen to front
- */
- if (win->WScreen != IntuitionBase->FirstScreen) ScreenToFront(win->WScreen);
- ok = TRUE;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * lock the default public screen
- */
- if (scr = lockfrontpubscr()) {
- /*
- * GetVisualInfo() for gadtools
- */
- if (vi = GetVisualInfo(scr, TAG_DONE)) {
- /*
- * update some window information
- */
- mywindowtag[P_WA_Width].ti_Data = zoompos[2] =
- TextLength(&scr->RastPort, (STRPTR)windowtitle, sizeof(windowtitle) - 1l) + 100;
- mywindowtag[P_WA_Height].ti_Data = zoompos[3] =
- scr->WBorTop + scr->RastPort.TxHeight + 1;
- /*
- * create all gadgets:
- *
- * this function may also change the width and height of our window
- */
- if (createallgadgets(&gadgetlist, vi, scr,
- &mywindowtag[P_WA_Height].ti_Data,
- &mywindowtag[P_WA_Width].ti_Data)) {
- /*
- * center the window in the visible box of the screen
- */
- if ((vpmid = GetVPModeID(&scr->ViewPort )) != INVALID_ID) {
- GetDisplayInfoData(0, (UBYTE *)&di, sizeof(struct DimensionInfo), DTAG_DIMS, vpmid);
- rect = &di.TxtOScan;
- zoompos[0] = mywindowtag[P_WA_Left].ti_Data =
- (scr->LeftEdge < 0 ? -scr->LeftEdge : 0) +
- ((min((rect->MaxX - rect->MinX + 1), scr->Width) -
- mywindowtag[P_WA_Width].ti_Data) >> 1);
- zoompos[1] = mywindowtag[P_WA_Top].ti_Data =
- (scr->TopEdge < 0 ? -scr->TopEdge : 0) +
- ((min((rect->MaxY - rect->MinY + 1), scr->Height) -
- mywindowtag[P_WA_Height].ti_Data) >> 1);
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- else printf("openwindow(): GetVPModeID() == INVALID_ID\n");
- #endif
- mywindowtag[P_WA_PubScreen].ti_Data = (ULONG)scr;
- mywindowtag[P_WA_Gadgets].ti_Data = (ULONG)gadgetlist;
- if (win = OpenWindowTagList(NULL, mywindowtag)) {
- /*
- * save IDCMP port
- */
- idcmpport = win->UserPort;
- idcmpsigflag = 1L << idcmpport->mp_SigBit;
- GT_RefreshWindow(win, NULL);
- /*
- * switch screen to front
- */
- if (win->WScreen != IntuitionBase->FirstScreen) ScreenToFront(win->WScreen);
- ok = TRUE;
- } /* if (win = OpenWindowTagList(NULL, mywindowtag)) */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- else printf("openwindow(): OpenWindowTagList() failed\n");
- #endif
- } /* if (createallgadgets() */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- else printf("openwindow(): createallgadgets() failed\n");
- #endif
- } /* if (vi = GetVisualInfo(scr, TAG_DONE)) */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- else printf("openwindow(): GetVisualInfo() failed\n");
- #endif
- } /* if (scr = LockPubScreen(NULL)) */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- else printf("openwindow(): could LockPubScreen(NULL)\n");
- #endif
- if (!ok) {
- /*
- * window could not be opened - free all resources
- */
- closewindow();
- }
- } /* if (!win) */
- return(ok);
- }
- void closewindow(void)
- {
- if (win) {
- /*
- * now close the window
- */
- CloseWindow(win);
- win = NULL;
- idcmpport = NULL;
- idcmpsigflag = 0l;
- }
- if (gadgetlist) {
- FreeGadgets(gadgetlist);
- gadgetlist = NULL;
- }
- if (vi) {
- FreeVisualInfo(vi);
- vi = NULL;
- }
- if (scr) {
- UnlockPubScreen(NULL, scr);
- scr = NULL;
- }
- }
- #define TAG_Max 1
- #define TAG_Level 2
- #define TAG_LevelFormat 3
- #define TAG_MaxLevelLen 4
- struct TagItem slidertags[] = {
- GTSL_Min, 1l,
- GTSL_Max, 0l,
- GTSL_Level, 0l,
- GTSL_LevelFormat, 0l,
- GTSL_MaxLevelLen, 0l,
- };
- struct TagItem underscoretag[] = {
- GT_Underscore, '_',
- };
- /*
- * createallgadgets(): create all gadgets and put required width and height
- * of window in height and width
- */
- struct Gadget *
- createallgadgets(struct Gadget **glist, APTR vi, struct Screen *scr,áULONG *height, ULONG *width)
- {
- static struct NewGadget ng;
- struct Gadget *gad;
- struct RastPort *rp;
- short underscorewidth;
- short borderswidth;
- short buttonwidth;
- short accwidth;
- short threshwidth;
- short dummy;
- /*
- * first get RastPort of screen to determine some TextLength()
- */
- rp = &scr->RastPort;
- borderswidth = scr->WBorLeft + scr->WBorRight;
- underscorewidth = TextLength(rp, "_", 1l);
- /*
- * calculate width
- */
- accwidth = TextLength(rp, msg_acc, sizeof(msg_acc) - 1l);
- *width = max(accwidth + DBL_INTERWIDTH + borderswidth, *width);
- threshwidth = TextLength(rp, msg_thresh, sizeof(msg_thresh) - 1l);
- *width = max(threshwidth + DBL_INTERWIDTH + borderswidth, *width);
- buttonwidth = TextLength(rp, (STRPTR)msg_hide, sizeof(msg_hide) - 1l);
- dummy = TextLength(rp, (STRPTR)msg_quit, sizeof(msg_quit) - 1l);
- buttonwidth = max(buttonwidth, dummy) - underscorewidth + DBL_INTERWIDTH;
- /*
- * check out if the window's width has to be enlarged
- */
- *width = max((buttonwidth << 1) + (DBL_INTERWIDTH + INTERWIDTH) + borderswidth, *width);
- /*
- * now create the gadgets
- */
- gad = CreateContext(glist);
- /*
- * Acceleration gadget:
- */
- ng.ng_TopEdge = scr->WBorTop + (rp->TxHeight << 1) + 1 + DBL_INTERHEIGHT;
- ng.ng_Width = *width - DBL_INTERWIDTH - borderswidth;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = INTERWIDTH + scr->WBorLeft;
- ng.ng_Height = rp->TxHeight + 4;
- ng.ng_TextAttr = scr->Font;
- ng.ng_GadgetText = NULL;
- ng.ng_GadgetID = GAD_ACC;
- ng.ng_VisualInfo = vi;
- slidertags[TAG_Max].ti_Data = (ULONG)MAX_ACC;
- slidertags[TAG_Level].ti_Data = (ULONG)acceleration;
- slidertags[TAG_LevelFormat].ti_Data = (ULONG)msg_acc;
- slidertags[TAG_MaxLevelLen].ti_Data = sizeof(msg_acc) - 2l;
- gad_acc = gad = CreateGadgetA(SLIDER_KIND, gad, &ng, slidertags);
- /*
- * threshold gadget
- */
- ng.ng_TopEdge += ng.ng_Height + DBL_INTERHEIGHT + rp->TxHeight;
- ng.ng_GadgetID = GAD_THRESH;
- slidertags[TAG_Max].ti_Data = (ULONG)MAX_THRESH;
- slidertags[TAG_Level].ti_Data = (ULONG)threshold;
- slidertags[TAG_LevelFormat].ti_Data = (ULONG)msg_thresh;
- slidertags[TAG_MaxLevelLen].ti_Data = sizeof(msg_thresh) - 2l;
- gad_thresh = gad = CreateGadgetA(SLIDER_KIND, gad, &ng, slidertags);
- /*
- * dummy now gets the spacing between the button gadgets
- */
- dummy = (*width - (buttonwidth << 1) - borderswidth) / 3;
- /*
- * Hide gadget
- */
- ng.ng_TopEdge += ng.ng_Height + DBL_INTERHEIGHT;
- ng.ng_Width = buttonwidth;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = dummy + scr->WBorLeft;
- ng.ng_GadgetText = (UBYTE *)msg_hide;
- ng.ng_GadgetID = GAD_HIDE;
- ng.ng_Flags = 0l;
- ng.ng_UserData = (APTR)CCMD_HIDE;
- gad = CreateGadgetA(BUTTON_KIND, gad, &ng, underscoretag);
- /*
- * Quit gadget
- */
- ng.ng_LeftEdge += ng.ng_Width + dummy;
- ng.ng_GadgetText = (UBYTE *)msg_quit;
- ng.ng_GadgetID = GAD_QUIT;
- ng.ng_UserData = (APTR)CCMD_QUIT;
- gad = CreateGadgetA(BUTTON_KIND, gad, &ng, underscoretag);
- *height = ng.ng_TopEdge + ng.ng_Height + scr->WBorBottom + INTERHEIGHT;
- return(gad);
- }