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- LacePointer 1.0 User Manual
- Feb 2, 1992
- Preface
- =======
- The programs and files in this distribution are freely distributable, but
- are also copyright (c) Nico Franτois. They may be freely distributed as long
- as no more than a nominal fee is charged to cover time and copying costs.
- No commercial usage is permitted without written permission from the
- author. Everything in this distribution must be kept together, in original
- unmodified form.
- The above is generally known as freeware.
- If you have suggestions or remarks about this program, or if you find
- any bugs, please let me know.
- Write to the following address:
- Nico Franτois
- Corbielaan 13
- B-3060 Bertem
- Contents
- ========
- 1. An introduction
- 2. Shell usage
- 3. Workbench usage
- 4. Compatibility
- 1. An introduction
- ==================
- When you first show the Amiga to someone have you ever heard this remark:
- "Gee, what a fantastic machine, but what's this enormous mouse pointer!" ?
- Then you can start explaining the mouse pointer is a hardware sprite and that
- these are always displayed in a Lores resolution.
- LacePointer is a program that will change all that. Running LacePointer
- will _double_ the resolution of your mouse pointer. So your pointer will be
- displayed in Lores-Interlace!
- LacePointer is based on a very simple but brilliant idea: if the Amiga
- interlaces bitplanes, why not interlace the mouse pointer as well ?
- LacePointer will display a different mouse pointer each frame. Together these
- two pointers form a complete interlaced pointer. The idea is not mine and all
- credit for it must go to Geert Uytterhoeven.
- One caveat becomes apparent: your screen must be interlaced! So if you
- run LacePointer it will force interlace on all screens, or it will only take
- effect on interlaced screens (behaviour can be set using options). Owners of
- an Amiga with some kind of flickerfixer (like an A3000 or an A2000 with A2320)
- naturally won't notice anything.
- Furthermore LacePointer will recognize the standard Workbench mouse
- pointer (1.3 and 2.0) and the standard 2.0 wait pointer. It will replace
- these pointers with its own pointers which have been redesigned for Lores-
- Interlace. The standard 2.0 wait pointer will be replaced with an animated
- pointer (the hand on the clock will turn). All this can be turned off if you
- don't like it, but who wouldn't :-)
- Install LacePointer by putting it in your user-startup (on 2.0) or your
- startup-sequence (on 1.3), or by dragging it to your WbStartup drawer. There
- is no need to 'Run' LacePointer. It will install itself and exit immediately.
- LacePointer is provided in two versions. One for Workbench 2.0 or higher
- (LacePointer) and one for Workbench 1.2/1.3 (LacePointer13). LacePointer for
- Workbench 2.0 is shorter and more efficient than LacePointer13. Apart from
- this the only difference between LacePointer13 and LacePointer is that
- LacePointer13 also recognizes (and replaces) the Workbench 1.3 Zzz cloud.
- LacePointer will take only 3K of memory once installed. Overhead is
- reduced to a minimum thanks to an interrupt handler written entirely in high
- speed optimized 68000 assembly.
- LacePointer is compatible with and supports Kickstart & Workbench 2.0.
- 2. Shell usage
- ==============
- Enter 'LacePointer ?' for a usage template:
- Explanation of the options:
- NODEFPOINTER : Do not replace the standard 1.3 or 2.0 mouse pointer
- with built-in Lores-Interlace replacement.
- NOWAITPOINTER : Do not replace the standard 2.0 wait pointer with
- built-in (animated) replacement.
- NOFORCELACE : Do not force interlace on non-interlaced screens, but
- instead display the normal mouse pointer.
- NOCLOCKTICK : Do not animate the Lores-Interlace wait pointer.
- TICKSPEED n : Set the speed (in vertical blanks) with which the hand
- of the animated clock will turn. Default 7, higher is
- slower.
- Running LacePointer again will remove it from memory.
- 3. Workbench usage
- ==================
- Double-click LacePointer to install it. Double-click again to remove it
- from memory. Options can be set in the icon's tooltypes.
- Select LacePointer's icon and choose 'Information' from the 'Icons' menu
- (Workbench 2.0) or 'Info' from the 'Workbench' menu (Workbench 1.3). You can
- now edit LacePointer's tooltypes, check your manual for more information.
- Recognized tooltypes:
- NODEFPOINTER : See Shell option.
- TICKSPEED=n : " " "
- QUIET : Quiet startup. Do not open a small window instructing
- LacePointer has been installed.
- Set the QUIET tooltype if you drag LacePointer to your WbStartup drawer.
- Otherwise you will be bothered with a window popping up everytime you boot.
- It is also best to enter STARTPRI=127 in the tooltypes so LacePointer will be
- executed before other programs in your WbStartup drawer.
- 4. Compatibility
- ================
- Quite a bit of work has gone into making LacePointer as compatible as
- possible with Intuition. Present compatibility seems to be 100%.
- LacePointer is not a 100% legal program, simply because it can't be.
- There is (as far as I know) no legal way to replace the mouse pointer.
- Everything that could be done in a legal, future compatible way has been done
- so. LacePointer should be as compatible with future versions of the Amiga
- operating system as it can be.
- LacePointer relies on the fact that Intuition uses the hardware sprite 0
- for its mouse pointer. It gets this sprite from GfxBase->SimpleSprites[0].
- If either of these two facts change LacePointer will no longer function. On
- the other hand, if these facts do change it will probably be because Intuition
- uses an improved mouse pointer so there will be no more use for LacePointer.
- LacePointer will almost certainly NOT work with the A2024 hires monitor!
- When running Kickstart 2.0 LacePointer will recognize Productivity mode
- screens. It will not force interlace and lace the mouse pointer in this case.
- LacePointer is also compatible with SuperHires.
- I have been running beta versions of LacePointer for a few weeks now and
- I have encountered no problems. If you have compatibility problems with
- LacePointer let me know and I'll try to fix what I can fix for the next
- version.
- As always, I hope you find this program useful!
- *****************************************************************************
- First release.
- *****************************************************************************
- LacePointer 1.0 written by Nico Franτois (Yes, Nico is my first name :-)
- Special thanks to Jorrit Tyberghein and Geert Uytterhoeven
- "And when the planet hit the sun
- I saw the face of Allison" - Pixies
- (c) 1992 Nico Franτois
- //
- Thanks to \X/ Amiga for being the best computer ever !