home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # Usage:
- # require "finddepth.pl";
- #
- # &finddepth('/foo','/bar');
- #
- # sub wanted { ... }
- # where wanted does whatever you want. $dir contains the
- # current directory name, and $_ the current filename within
- # that directory. $name contains "$dir/$_". You are cd'ed
- # to $dir when the function is called. The function may
- # set $prune to prune the tree.
- #
- # This library is primarily for find2perl, which, when fed
- #
- # find2perl / -name .nfs\* -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \; -o -fstype nfs -prune
- #
- # spits out something like this
- #
- # sub wanted {
- # /^\.nfs.*$/ &&
- # (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) &&
- # int(-M _) > 7 &&
- # unlink($_)
- # ||
- # ($nlink || (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_))) &&
- # $dev < 0 &&
- # ($prune = 1);
- # }
- sub finddepth {
- chop($cwd = `pwd`);
- foreach $topdir (@_) {
- (($topdev,$topino,$topmode,$topnlink) = stat($topdir))
- || (warn("Can't stat $topdir: $!\n"), next);
- if (-d _) {
- if (chdir($topdir)) {
- $topdir =~ s,/$,, ;
- &finddepthdir($topdir,$topnlink);
- ($dir,$_) = ($topdir,'.');
- $name = $topdir;
- &wanted;
- }
- else {
- warn "Can't cd to $topdir: $!\n";
- }
- }
- else {
- unless (($dir,$_) = $topdir =~ m#^(.*/)(.*)$#) {
- ($dir,$_) = ('.', $topdir);
- }
- chdir $dir && &wanted;
- }
- chdir $cwd;
- }
- }
- sub finddepthdir {
- local($dir,$nlink) = @_;
- local($dev,$ino,$mode,$subcount);
- local($name);
- # Get the list of files in the current directory.
- opendir(DIR,'.') || warn "Can't open $dir: $!\n";
- local(@filenames) = readdir(DIR);
- closedir(DIR);
- if ($nlink == 2) { # This dir has no subdirectories.
- for (@filenames) {
- next if $_ eq '.';
- next if $_ eq '..';
- $name = "$dir/$_";
- $nlink = 0;
- &wanted;
- }
- }
- else { # This dir has subdirectories.
- $subcount = $nlink - 2;
- for (@filenames) {
- next if $_ eq '.';
- next if $_ eq '..';
- $nlink = $prune = 0;
- $name = "$dir/$_";
- if ($subcount > 0) { # Seen all the subdirs?
- # Get link count and check for directoriness.
- ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink) = lstat($_) unless $nlink;
- if (-d _) {
- # It really is a directory, so do it recursively.
- if (!$prune && chdir $_) {
- &finddepthdir($name,$nlink);
- chdir '..';
- }
- --$subcount;
- }
- }
- &wanted;
- }
- }
- }
- 1;