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- # exceptions.pl
- # tchrist@convex.com
- #
- # Here's a little code I use for exception handling. It's really just
- # glorfied eval/die. The way to use use it is when you might otherwise
- # exit, use &throw to raise an exception. The first enclosing &catch
- # handler looks at the exception and decides whether it can catch this kind
- # (catch takes a list of regexps to catch), and if so, it returns the one it
- # caught. If it *can't* catch it, then it will reraise the exception
- # for someone else to possibly see, or to die otherwise.
- #
- # I use oddly named variables in order to make darn sure I don't conflict
- # with my caller. I also hide in my own package, and eval the code in his.
- #
- # The EXCEPTION: prefix is so you can tell whether it's a user-raised
- # exception or a perl-raised one (eval error).
- #
- # --tom
- #
- # examples:
- # if (&catch('/$user_input/', 'regexp', 'syntax error') {
- # warn "oops try again";
- # redo;
- # }
- #
- # if ($error = &catch('&subroutine()')) { # catches anything
- #
- # &throw('bad input') if /^$/;
- sub catch {
- package exception;
- local($__code__, @__exceptions__) = @_;
- local($__package__) = caller;
- local($__exception__);
- eval "package $__package__; $__code__";
- if ($__exception__ = &'thrown) {
- for (@__exceptions__) {
- return $__exception__ if /$__exception__/;
- }
- &'throw($__exception__);
- }
- }
- sub throw {
- local($exception) = @_;
- die "EXCEPTION: $exception\n";
- }
- sub thrown {
- $@ =~ /^(EXCEPTION: )+(.+)/ && $2;
- }
- 1;