home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/perl -P
- # $Header: scan_messages,v 4.0 91/03/20 01:13:01 lwall Locked $
- # This prints out extraordinary console messages. You'll need to customize.
- chdir('/usr/adm/private/memories') || die "Can't cd to memories: $!\n";
- $maxpos = `cat oldmsgs 2>&1`;
- #if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
- open(Msgs, '/dev/null') || die "scan_messages: can't open messages";
- #else
- open(Msgs, '/usr/adm/messages') || die "scan_messages: can't open messages";
- #endif
- ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,
- $blksize,$blocks) = stat(Msgs);
- if ($size < $maxpos) { # Did somebody truncate messages file?
- $maxpos = 0;
- }
- seek(Msgs,$maxpos,0); # Start where we left off last time.
- while (<Msgs>) {
- s/\[(\d+)\]/#/ && s/$1/#/g;
- #ifdef vax
- $_ =~ s/[A-Z][a-z][a-z] +\w+ +[0-9:]+ +\w+ +//;
- next if /root@.*:/;
- next if /^vmunix: 4.3 BSD UNIX/;
- next if /^vmunix: Copyright/;
- next if /^vmunix: avail mem =/;
- next if /^vmunix: SBIA0 at /;
- next if /^vmunix: disk ra81 is/;
- next if /^vmunix: dmf. at uba/;
- next if /^vmunix: dmf.:.*asynch/;
- next if /^vmunix: ex. at uba/;
- next if /^vmunix: ex.: HW/;
- next if /^vmunix: il. at uba/;
- next if /^vmunix: il.: hardware/;
- next if /^vmunix: ra. at uba/;
- next if /^vmunix: ra.: media/;
- next if /^vmunix: real mem/;
- next if /^vmunix: syncing disks/;
- next if /^vmunix: tms/;
- next if /^vmunix: tmscp. at uba/;
- next if /^vmunix: uba. at /;
- next if /^vmunix: uda. at /;
- next if /^vmunix: uda.: unit . ONLIN/;
- next if /^vmunix: .*buffers containing/;
- next if /^syslogd: .*newslog/;
- #endif
- next if /unknown service/;
- next if /^\.\.\.$/;
- if (/^[A-Z][a-z][a-z] [ 0-9][0-9] [ 0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/) {
- $pfx = '';
- next;
- }
- next if /^[ \t]*$/;
- next if /^[ 0-9]*done$/;
- if (/^A/) {
- next if /^Accounting [sr]/;
- }
- elsif (/^C/) {
- next if /^Called from/;
- next if /^Copyright/;
- }
- elsif (/^E/) {
- next if /^End traceback/;
- next if /^Ethernet address =/;
- }
- elsif (/^K/) {
- next if /^KERNEL MODE/;
- }
- elsif (/^R/) {
- next if /^Rebooting Unix/;
- }
- elsif (/^S/) {
- next if /^Sun UNIX 4\.2 Release/;
- }
- elsif (/^W/) {
- next if /^WARNING: clock gained/;
- }
- elsif (/^a/) {
- next if /^arg /;
- next if /^avail mem =/;
- }
- elsif (/^b/) {
- next if /^bwtwo[0-9] at /;
- }
- elsif (/^c/) {
- next if /^cgone[0-9] at /;
- next if /^cdp[0-9] at /;
- next if /^csr /;
- }
- elsif (/^d/) {
- next if /^dcpa: init/;
- next if /^done$/;
- next if /^dts/;
- next if /^dump i\/o error/;
- next if /^dumping to dev/;
- next if /^dump succeeded/;
- $pfx = '*' if /^dev = /;
- }
- elsif (/^e/) {
- next if /^end \*\*/;
- next if /^error in copy/;
- }
- elsif (/^f/) {
- next if /^found /;
- }
- elsif (/^i/) {
- next if /^ib[0-9] at /;
- next if /^ie[0-9] at /;
- }
- elsif (/^l/) {
- next if /^le[0-9] at /;
- }
- elsif (/^m/) {
- next if /^mem = /;
- next if /^mt[0-9] at /;
- next if /^mti[0-9] at /;
- $pfx = '*' if /^mode = /;
- }
- elsif (/^n/) {
- next if /^not found /;
- }
- elsif (/^p/) {
- next if /^page map /;
- next if /^pi[0-9] at /;
- $pfx = '*' if /^panic/;
- }
- elsif (/^q/) {
- next if /^qqq /;
- }
- elsif (/^r/) {
- next if /^read /;
- next if /^revarp: Requesting/;
- next if /^root [od]/;
- }
- elsif (/^s/) {
- next if /^sc[0-9] at /;
- next if /^sd[0-9] at /;
- next if /^sd[0-9]: </;
- next if /^si[0-9] at /;
- next if /^si_getstatus/;
- next if /^sk[0-9] at /;
- next if /^skioctl/;
- next if /^skopen/;
- next if /^skprobe/;
- next if /^skread/;
- next if /^skwrite/;
- next if /^sky[0-9] at /;
- next if /^st[0-9] at /;
- next if /^st0:.*load/;
- next if /^stat1 = /;
- next if /^syncing disks/;
- next if /^syslogd: going down on signal 15/;
- }
- elsif (/^t/) {
- next if /^timeout [0-9]/;
- next if /^tm[0-9] at /;
- next if /^tod[0-9] at /;
- next if /^tv [0-9]/;
- $pfx = '*' if /^trap address/;
- }
- elsif (/^u/) {
- next if /^unit nsk/;
- next if /^use one of/;
- $pfx = '' if /^using/;
- next if /^using [0-9]+ buffers/;
- }
- elsif (/^x/) {
- next if /^xy[0-9] at /;
- next if /^write [0-9]/;
- next if /^xy[0-9]: </;
- next if /^xyc[0-9] at /;
- }
- elsif (/^y/) {
- next if /^yyy [0-9]/;
- }
- elsif (/^z/) {
- next if /^zs[0-9] at /;
- }
- $pfx = '*' if /^[a-z]+:$/;
- s/pid [0-9]+: //;
- if (/last message repeated ([0-9]+) time/) {
- $seen{$last} += $1;
- next;
- }
- s/^/$pfx/ if $pfx;
- unless ($seen{$_}++) {
- push(@seen,$_);
- }
- $last = $_;
- }
- $max = tell(Msgs);
- open(tmp,'|sort >oldmsgs.tmp') || die "Can't create tmp file: $!\n";
- while ($_ = pop(@seen)) {
- print tmp $_;
- }
- close(tmp);
- open(tmp,'oldmsgs.tmp') || die "Can't reopen tmp file: $!\n";
- while (<tmp>) {
- if (/^nd:/) {
- next if $seen{$_} < 20;
- }
- if (/NFS/) {
- next if $seen{$_} < 20;
- }
- if (/no carrier/) {
- next if $seen{$_} < 20;
- }
- if (/silo overflow/) {
- next if $seen{$_} < 20;
- }
- print $seen{$_},":\t",$_;
- }
- print `rm -f oldmsgs.tmp 2>&1; echo $max > oldmsgs 2>&1`;