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Text File | 1988-10-01 | 47.8 KB | 1,279 lines |
- with Ace_Universal_Types;
- use Ace_Universal_Types;
- with Literals;
- use Literals;
- with Symtbl_Entry_Get_Routines;
- use Symtbl_Entry_Get_Routines;
- with Symbol_Table_Routines;
- use Symbol_Table_Routines;
- with Node_Get_Routines;
- use Node_Get_Routines;
- with Misc_Support_Routines;
- use Misc_Support_Routines;
- with Error_Handler;
- use Error_Handler;
- with Sun_Windows;
- use Sun_Windows;
- package body Dump_Routines is
- We_Are_Dumping : Boolean := False;
- Dump_Statement_Number : Boolean := False;
- Dump_Text_Window : Boolean := False;
- Quote_Infix : Boolean := True;
- Line : String (1 .. 256);
- Line_Length : Ace_Natural := 1;
- Indented : Integer := 0;
- procedure Dump_To_Text_Windows (Switch : Boolean) is
- begin
- Dump_Text_Window := Switch;
- end Dump_To_Text_Windows;
- procedure Dump_Statement_Numbers (Switch : Boolean) is
- begin
- Dump_Statement_Number := Switch;
- end Dump_Statement_Numbers;
- function Is_Statement_Dump_On return Boolean is
- begin
- return We_Are_Dumping;
- end Is_Statement_Dump_On;
- procedure Dump (Switch : Boolean) is
- begin
- We_Are_Dumping := Switch;
- end Dump;
- procedure Indent is
- begin
- Indented := Indented + 3;
- end Indent;
- procedure Exdent is
- begin
- Indented := Indented - 3;
- end Exdent;
- procedure Print_Indent (File : File_Type) is
- begin
- for I in 1 .. Indented loop
- if Dump_Text_Window then
- Line_Length := Line_Length + 1;
- Line (1 .. Line_Length) := Line (1 .. Line_Length - 1) & " ";
- else
- Put (File, " ");
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Print_Indent;
- procedure Output (File : File_Type;
- Str : String) is
- begin
- if Dump_Text_Window then
- Line_Length := Line_Length + Str'LENGTH;
- Line (1 .. Line_Length) := Line (1 .. Line_Length - Str'LENGTH) & Str;
- else
- Put (File, Str);
- end if;
- end Output;
- procedure Outputln (File : File_Type) is
- begin
- if Dump_Text_Window then
- Display_Line (Line (2 .. Line_Length));
- Line_Length := 1;
- else
- New_Line (File);
- end if;
- end Outputln;
- procedure Outputln (File : File_Type;
- Str : String) is
- begin
- if Dump_Text_Window then
- Line_Length := Line_Length + Str'LENGTH;
- Line (1 .. Line_Length) := Line (1 .. Line_Length - Str'LENGTH) & Str;
- Display_Line (Line (2 .. Line_Length));
- Line_Length := 1;
- else
- Put_Line (File, Str);
- end if;
- end Outputln;
- function Is_Infix (Str : String) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Str'LENGTH > 3 then
- return False;
- elsif Str'LENGTH = 3 then
- if Str = "mod" then
- return True;
- elsif Str = "rem" then
- return True;
- elsif Str = "and" then
- return True;
- elsif Str = "xor" then
- return True;
- elsif Str = "not" then
- return True;
- else
- return False;
- end if;
- elsif Str'LENGTH = 2 then
- if Str = "or" then
- return True;
- elsif Str = ">=" then
- return True;
- elsif Str = "<=" then
- return True;
- elsif Str = "/=" then
- return True;
- else
- return False;
- end if;
- elsif Str'LENGTH = 1 then
- case Str (Str'FIRST) is
- when '+' |
- '-' |
- '*' |
- '/' |
- '&' |
- '|' |
- '=' |
- '<' |
- '>' =>
- return True;
- when others =>
- return False;
- end case;
- end if;
- end Is_Infix;
- procedure Dump_Type_Name (File : File_Type;
- Ref : Ref_Symbol_Table_Entry) is
- begin
- case Ref.Entry_Kind is
- when Object_Entry =>
- Output (File, Convert_To_String (Ref.Object_Type.Symbol_Name));
- when Type_Entry =>
- Output (File, Convert_To_String (Ref.Symbol_Name));
- when Formal_Param_Entry =>
- Output (File, Convert_To_String (Ref.Param_Type.Symbol_Name));
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end Dump_Type_Name;
- procedure Dump_Symbol_Name (File : File_Type;
- Ref : Ref_Symbol_Table_Entry) is
- begin
- if Is_Infix (Convert_To_String (Ref.Symbol_Name)) and Quote_Infix then
- Output (File, """");
- end if;
- Output (File, Convert_To_String (Ref.Symbol_Name));
- if Is_Infix (Convert_To_String (Ref.Symbol_Name)) and Quote_Infix then
- Output (File, """");
- end if;
- end Dump_Symbol_Name;
- procedure Dump_Constraint_Info (File : File_Type;
- Ref : Ref_Symbol_Table_Entry) is
- begin
- Output (File, " range ");
- Output (File, Ace_Integer'IMAGE (Get_Lower_Bound (Ref)));
- Output (File, " .. ");
- Output (File, Ace_Integer'IMAGE (Get_Upper_Bound (Ref)));
- end Dump_Constraint_Info;
- procedure Dump_Enumeration_List (File : File_Type;
- Ref : Ref_Symbol_Table_Entry) is
- Iterator : Ref_Symbol_Table_Entry;
- begin
- Iterator := Get_First_Literal (Ref);
- while (not Is_Empty (Iterator)) loop
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Iterator);
- Iterator := Get_Successor (Iterator);
- if not Is_Empty (Iterator) then
- Output (File, ", ");
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Dump_Enumeration_List;
- procedure Dump_Parameter_List (File : File_Type;
- Ref : Ref_Symbol_Table_Entry) is
- Iterator : Ref_Symbol_Table_Entry;
- Iterator2 : Ref_Symbol_Table_Entry;
- procedure Dump_Mode (File : File_Type;
- Param : Ref_Symbol_Table_Entry) is
- begin
- if Is_Mode_Default_In (Param) then
- null; -- nothing is output-ed here.
- elsif Is_Mode_Explicit_In (Param) then
- Output (File, "in ");
- elsif Is_Mode_Out (Param) then
- Output (File, "out ");
- elsif Is_Mode_In_Out (Param) then
- Output (File, "in out ");
- end if;
- end Dump_Mode;
- begin
- Iterator := Get_Head_Of_Parameters_List (Ref);
- if Is_Empty (Iterator) then
- return ;
- else
- Output (File, " (");
- while (not Is_Empty (Iterator)) loop
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Iterator);
- -- Loop thru all parameters that are separated by a ","
- loop
- Iterator2 := Get_Next_Parameter (Iterator);
- exit when Is_Empty (Iterator2) or else
- not Is_Preceded_By_Comma (Iterator2);
- Output (File, ", ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Iterator2);
- Iterator := Iterator2;
- end loop;
- Output (File, " : ");
- Dump_Mode (File, Iterator);
- Dump_Type_Name (File, Iterator);
- if not Is_Empty (Iterator2) then
- Output (File, "; ");
- end if;
- Iterator := Iterator2;
- end loop;
- Output (File, ")");
- end if;
- end Dump_Parameter_List;
- procedure Dump_Symtbl (Ref : Ref_Symbol_Table_Entry;
- File : File_Type;
- Dumping_Bodies : Boolean := False) is
- begin
- if Is_Empty (Ref) then
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "null;");
- else
- case Get_Entry_Kind (Ref) is
- when Object_Entry =>
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Output (File, " : ");
- Dump_Type_Name (File, Ref);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Type_Entry | Derived_Type_Entry =>
- Output (File, "type ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Output (File, " is ");
- if Get_Entry_Kind (Ref) = Type_Entry then
- if Is_Type_An_Enumeration_Type (Ref) then
- Output (File, "(");
- Dump_Enumeration_List (File, Ref);
- Outputln (File, ");");
- elsif Is_Type_An_Integer_Type (Ref) then
- Output (File, " range ");
- --dump_statement_statement_database
- -- (Get_Lower_Bound(Get_Symbol_Table_Entry(Ref));
- --dump_statement_statement_database
- -- (Get_Upper_Bound(Get_Symbol_Table_Entry(Ref));
- Output (File, Ace_Integer'IMAGE (Get_Lower_Bound (Ref)));
- Output (File, " .. ");
- Output (File, Ace_Integer'IMAGE (Get_Upper_Bound (Ref)));
- Outputln (File, ";");
- else
- Outputln (File, "<Unimplemented Type>;");
- end if;
- elsif Get_Entry_Kind (Ref) = Derived_Type_Entry then
- Output (File, "new ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Entry_Base_Type (Ref));
- if Has_Constraint (Ref) then
- Dump_Constraint_Info (File, Ref);
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- end if;
- when Subtype_Entry =>
- Output (File, "subtype ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Output (File, " is ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Entry_Base_Type (Ref));
- if Has_Constraint (Ref) then
- Dump_Constraint_Info (File, Ref);
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Procedure_Entry =>
- Output (File, "procedure ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Dump_Parameter_List (File, Ref);
- if Dumping_Bodies then
- if Is_Subprogram_Built_In (Ref) then
- Outputln (File, ";");
- Output (File, "pragma BUILTIN (");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Output (File, ", ");
- Output
- (File,
- Ace_Integer'IMAGE (Get_Built_In_Instance_Number (Ref)
- ));
- Outputln (File, ");");
- elsif not Is_Empty (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List (Ref)) then
- Outputln (File, " is");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_Declarations_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Exdent;
- Outputln (File, "begin");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Exdent;
- Output (File, "end ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- else
- Outputln (File, ";");
- end if;
- else -- spec only
- if Is_Subprogram_Built_In (Ref) then
- Outputln (File, ";");
- Output (File, "pragma BUILTIN (");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Output (File, ", ");
- Output
- (File,
- Ace_Integer'IMAGE (Get_Built_In_Instance_Number (Ref)
- ));
- Outputln (File, ");");
- else
- Outputln (File, ";");
- end if;
- end if;
- when Function_Entry =>
- Output (File, "function ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Dump_Parameter_List (File, Ref);
- Output (File, " return ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Return_Type (Ref));
- if Is_Subprogram_Built_In (Ref) then
- Outputln (File, ";");
- Output (File, "pragma BUILTIN (");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Output (File, ", ");
- Output
- (File,
- Ace_Integer'IMAGE (Get_Built_In_Instance_Number (Ref)));
- Outputln (File, ");");
- elsif Dumping_Bodies and
- not Is_Empty (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List (Ref)) then
- Outputln (File, " is");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_Declarations_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Exdent;
- Outputln (File, "begin");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List (Ref),
- File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Exdent;
- Output (File, "end ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- else -- spec only
- Outputln (File, ";");
- end if;
- when Package_Entry =>
- Output (File, "package ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Outputln (File, " is");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Package_Spec_Decls (Ref), File,
- False);
- Exdent;
- Output (File, "end ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- if Dumping_Bodies and Has_A_Body (Ref) then
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "package body ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Outputln (File, " is");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Package_Body_Decls (Ref), File,
- True);
- Exdent;
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List (Ref)) then
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "begin");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List (Ref), File, True);
- Exdent;
- end if;
- Output (File, "end ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- end if;
- when Enumeration_Literal_Entry =>
- Output (File, "-- Enumeration Literal : """);
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Ref);
- Output (File, """ of type ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Type (Ref));
- Outputln (File);
- when others =>
- --Show_Error(3009, Internal, "Dump_Symtbl");
- null;
- end case;
- end if;
- end Dump_Symtbl;
- procedure Dump_For_Statement_Trace (Ref : Ref_Statement_Database;
- File : File_Type) is
- Dumping_Bodies : Boolean := False;
- begin
- if Is_Empty (Ref) then
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "null;");
- else
- if Dump_Statement_Number then
- Output (File, Ace_Integer'IMAGE (Get_Statement_Number (Ref)));
- Output (File, "| ");
- end if;
- case Ref.Statement_Node.Statement_Kind is
- when Object_Declaration =>
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Name_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " : ");
- Dump_Type_Name
- (File,
- Get_Symbol_Table_Entry
- (Get_Expression (Get_Name_List (Ref))));
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Expression (Ref)) then
- Output (File, " := ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Expression (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Type_Declaration =>
- Output (File, "type ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Output (File, " is ");
- if Get_Entry_Kind (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)) = Type_Entry
- then
- if Is_Type_An_Enumeration_Type (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))
- then
- Output (File, "(");
- Dump_Enumeration_List (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Outputln (File, ");");
- elsif Is_Type_An_Integer_Type (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))
- then
- Output (File, " range ");
- --dump_statement_statement_database
- -- (Get_Lower_Bound(Get_Symbol_Table_Entry(Ref));
- --dump_statement_statement_database
- -- (Get_Upper_Bound(Get_Symbol_Table_Entry(Ref));
- Output
- (File,
- Ace_Integer'IMAGE (
- Get_Lower_Bound (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))));
- Output (File, " .. ");
- Outputln
- (File,
- Ace_Integer'IMAGE (
- Get_Upper_Bound (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))));
- Outputln (File, ";");
- else
- Outputln (File, "<Unimplemented Type>;");
- end if;
- elsif Get_Entry_Kind (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)) =
- Derived_Type_Entry then
- Output (File, "new ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name
- (File, Get_Entry_Base_Type (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))
- );
- if Has_Constraint (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)) then
- Dump_Constraint_Info (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- end if;
- when Subtype_Declaration =>
- Output (File, "subtype ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Output (File, " is ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name
- (File, Get_Entry_Base_Type (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)));
- if Has_Constraint (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)) then
- Dump_Constraint_Info (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Procedure_Declaration =>
- Output (File, "procedure ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Dump_Parameter_List (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Outputln (File, ";");
- if Is_Subprogram_Built_In (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)) then
- Outputln (File, ";");
- Output (File, "pragma BUILTIN (");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Output (File, ", ");
- Output
- (File,
- Ace_Integer'IMAGE (
- Get_Built_In_Instance_Number
- (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))));
- Outputln (File, ");");
- end if;
- when Function_Declaration =>
- Output (File, "function ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Dump_Parameter_List (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Output (File, " return ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name
- (File, Get_Return_Type (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)));
- Outputln (File, ";");
- if Is_Subprogram_Built_In (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)) then
- Outputln (File, ";");
- Output (File, "pragma BUILTIN (");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Output (File, ", ");
- Output
- (File,
- Ace_Integer'IMAGE (
- Get_Built_In_Instance_Number
- (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))));
- Outputln (File, ");");
- end if;
- when Package_Declaration =>
- Output (File, "package ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Outputln (File, " is");
- when Package_Body_Declaration =>
- Output (File, "package body ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Outputln (File, " is");
- when Assign_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Lhs (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " := ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Rhs (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Loop_Statement =>
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Name (Ref)) then
- Print_Indent (File);
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Name (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, " :");
- end if;
- if Is_Empty (Get_Loop_Scheme (Ref)) then
- if Is_Expression_Node (Ref) then
- Output (File, "while ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Loop_Scheme (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " ");
- else
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Loop_Scheme (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- end if;
- end if;
- Outputln (File, "loop");
- when For_Statement =>
- Output (File, "for ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_For_Variable (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " in ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_For_Range (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " ");
- when If_Statement =>
- Output (File, "if ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Condition (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, " then");
- when Case_Statement =>
- Output (File, "case ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Expression (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- when Case_Alternative_Part =>
- Output (File, "when ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Alternative_Choice (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, " => ");
- when Labeled_Statement =>
- Output (File, "<<");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Label_Entry (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, ">>");
- when Goto_Statement =>
- Output (File, "goto ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Goto_Label (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Exit_Statement =>
- Output (File, "exit ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Name (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Condition (Ref)) then
- Output (File, " when ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Condition (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Return_Statement =>
- Output (File, "return ");
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Expression (Ref)) then
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Expression (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Block_Statement =>
- null;
- when With_Statement =>
- Output (File, "with ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Name_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Use_Statement =>
- Output (File, "use ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Name_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Procedure_Call =>
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Subprogram_Info (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Parameter_List (Ref)) then
- Output (File, "(");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Parameter_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, ")");
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Pragma_Statement =>
- Output (File, "pragma ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Name (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Argument_List (Ref)) then
- Output (File, "(");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Argument_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, ")");
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Null_Statement =>
- Outputln (File, "null;");
- when Unknown =>
- null;
- end case;
- end if;
- end Dump_For_Statement_Trace;
- procedure Dump_Statement (Ref : Ref_Statement_Database;
- File : File_Type;
- Dumping_Bodies : Boolean) is
- begin
- if Ref = null then
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "null;");
- else
- if Dump_Statement_Number then
- Output (File, Ace_Integer'IMAGE (Get_Statement_Number (Ref)));
- Output (File, "| ");
- end if;
- case Ref.Statement_Node.Statement_Kind is
- when Object_Declaration =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Name_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " : ");
- Dump_Type_Name
- (File,
- Get_Symbol_Table_Entry
- (Get_Expression (Get_Name_List (Ref))));
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Expression (Ref)) then
- Output (File, " := ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Expression (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Type_Declaration =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "type ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Output (File, " is ");
- if Get_Entry_Kind (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)) = Type_Entry
- then
- if Is_Type_An_Enumeration_Type (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))
- then
- Output (File, "(");
- Dump_Enumeration_List (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Outputln (File, ");");
- elsif Is_Type_An_Integer_Type (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))
- then
- Output (File, " range ");
- --dump_statement_statement_database
- -- (Get_Lower_Bound(Get_Symbol_Table_Entry(Ref));
- --dump_statement_statement_database
- -- (Get_Upper_Bound(Get_Symbol_Table_Entry(Ref));
- Output
- (File,
- Ace_Integer'IMAGE (
- Get_Lower_Bound (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))));
- Output (File, " .. ");
- Outputln
- (File,
- Ace_Integer'IMAGE (
- Get_Upper_Bound (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))));
- Outputln (File, ";");
- else
- Outputln (File, "<Unimplemented Type>;");
- end if;
- elsif Get_Entry_Kind (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)) =
- Derived_Type_Entry then
- Output (File, "new ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name
- (File, Get_Entry_Base_Type (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))
- );
- if Has_Constraint (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)) then
- Dump_Constraint_Info (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- end if;
- when Subtype_Declaration =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "subtype ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Output (File, " is ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name
- (File, Get_Entry_Base_Type (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)));
- if Has_Constraint (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)) then
- Dump_Constraint_Info (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Procedure_Declaration =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "procedure ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Dump_Parameter_List (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- if Dumping_Bodies and
- not Is_Empty
- (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List
- (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))) then
- Outputln (File, " is");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_Declarations_List
- (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)), File, Dumping_Bodies
- );
- Exdent;
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "begin");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List
- (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)), File, Dumping_Bodies
- );
- Exdent;
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "end ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Outputln (File, ";");
- else -- spec only
- Outputln (File, ";");
- end if;
- when Function_Declaration =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "function ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Dump_Parameter_List (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Output (File, " return ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name
- (File, Get_Return_Type (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)));
- if Dumping_Bodies and
- not Is_Empty
- (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List
- (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))) then
- Outputln (File, " is");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_Declarations_List
- (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)), File, Dumping_Bodies
- );
- Exdent;
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "begin");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List
- (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)), File, Dumping_Bodies
- );
- Exdent;
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "end ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Outputln (File, ";");
- else -- spec only
- Outputln (File, ";");
- end if;
- when Package_Declaration =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "package ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Outputln (File, " is");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Package_Spec_Decls (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)), File,
- False);
- Exdent;
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "end ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Package_Body_Declaration =>
- if Dumping_Bodies and Has_A_Body (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))
- then
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "package body ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Outputln (File, " is");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Package_Body_Decls (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)),
- File, True);
- Exdent;
- if not Is_Empty
- (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List
- (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref))) then
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "begin");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List
- (Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref)), File, True);
- Exdent;
- end if;
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "end ");
- Dump_Symbol_Name (File, Get_Symbol_Table_Entry (Ref));
- Outputln (File, ";");
- end if;
- when Assign_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Lhs (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " := ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Rhs (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Loop_Statement =>
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Name (Ref)) then
- Print_Indent (File);
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Name (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, " :");
- end if;
- Print_Indent (File);
- if Is_Empty (Get_Loop_Scheme (Ref)) then
- if Is_Expression_Node (Ref) then
- Output (File, "while ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Loop_Scheme (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " ");
- else
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Loop_Scheme (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- end if;
- end if;
- Outputln (File, "loop");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Exdent;
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "end loop ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Name (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when For_Statement =>
- Output (File, "for ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_For_Variable (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " in ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_For_Range (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " ");
- when If_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "if ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Condition (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, " then");
- Indent;
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Head_Of_True_Task_Statements_List (Ref))
- then
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_True_Task_Statements_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- else
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "null;");
- end if;
- Exdent;
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Head_Of_False_Task_Statements_List (Ref))
- then
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "else");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_False_Task_Statements_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Exdent;
- end if;
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "end if;");
- when Case_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "case ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Expression (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, " is");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Alternatives_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Exdent;
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "end case;");
- when Case_Alternative_Part =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "when ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Alternative_Choice (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, " => ");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Alternative_Statements (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Exdent;
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Next_Alternative (Ref)) then
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Next_Alternative (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- end if;
- when Labeled_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "<<");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Label_Entry (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, ">>");
- when Goto_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "goto ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Goto_Label (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Exit_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "exit ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Name (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Condition (Ref)) then
- Output (File, " when ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Condition (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Return_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "return ");
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Expression (Ref)) then
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Expression (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Block_Statement =>
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Block_Declarations (Ref)) then
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "declare");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Block_Declarations (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Exdent;
- end if;
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "begin");
- Indent;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Get_Head_Of_Statements_List (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Exdent;
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "end;");
- when With_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "with ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Name_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Use_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "use ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Name_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Procedure_Call =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Subprogram_Info (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Parameter_List (Ref)) then
- Output (File, "(");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Parameter_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, ")");
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Pragma_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Output (File, "pragma ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Name (Ref), File, Dumping_Bodies);
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Argument_List (Ref)) then
- Output (File, "(");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Argument_List (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, ")");
- end if;
- Outputln (File, ";");
- when Null_Statement =>
- Print_Indent (File);
- Outputln (File, "null;");
- when Unknown =>
- null;
- end case;
- if not Is_Empty (Get_Next_Statement (Ref)) then
- Dump_Statement_Database (Get_Next_Statement (Ref), File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Dump_Statement;
- procedure Dump_Expression (Ref : Ref_Expression_Record;
- File : File_Type;
- Dumping_Bodies : Boolean) is
- begin
- case Ref.Expression_Kind is
- when Dot_Operator =>
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Dot_Object, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, ".");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Dot_Component, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- when Left_Parenthesis_Operator =>
- if Is_Infix
- (Convert_To_String
- (Ref.Lp_Object.Expression_Node.Symbol_Name)) then
- Output (File, "(");
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Ref.Lp_Items_List.Expression_Node.Item_Expression, File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Quote_Infix := False;
- Output (File, " ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Lp_Object, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " ");
- Quote_Infix := True;
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Ref.Lp_Items_List.Expression_Node.Next_List_Item, File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, ")");
- else
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Lp_Object, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- if Ref.Lp_Object = null or else Ref.Lp_Items_List /= null then
- Output (File, "(");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Lp_Items_List, File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, ")");
- end if;
- end if;
- when List_Item =>
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Item_Expression, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- if Ref.Next_List_Item /= null then
- Output (File, ", ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Next_List_Item, File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- end if;
- when Aggregate_Component =>
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Ref.Aggregate_Choice, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " => ");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Aggregate_Expression, File,
- Dumping_Bodies);
- when Range_Expression =>
- if Ref.Range_Name /= null then
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Range_Name, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, " range ");
- end if;
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Lower_Bound, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, "..");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Upper_Bound, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- when Attribute_Tick =>
- Dump_Statement_Database
- (Ref.Attribute_Prefix, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- Output (File, "'");
- Dump_Statement_Database (Ref.Attribute, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- when String_Node =>
- Output (File, '"' & Convert_To_String (Ref.String_Symbol) & '"');
- when Character_Node =>
- Put (''' & Ref.Character_Symbol & ''');
- when Constant_Node =>
- Output (File, Convert_To_String (Ref.Constant_Symbol));
- when Terminal_Node =>
- if Is_Infix (Convert_To_String (Ref.Symbol_Name)) and Quote_Infix
- then
- Output (File, """");
- Output (File, Convert_To_String (Ref.Symbol_Name));
- Output (File, """");
- else
- Output (File, Convert_To_String (Ref.Symbol_Name));
- end if;
- when Array_Reference |
- Function_Call |
- Type_Conversion |
- Record_Reference |
- Dot_Notation_Variable_Reference |
- Unknown =>
- null;
- end case;
- end Dump_Expression;
- procedure Dump_Statement_Database (Ref : Ref_Statement_Database;
- File : File_Type;
- Dumping_Bodies : Boolean := False) is
- begin
- if Ref /= null then
- case Ref.Node_Kind is
- when Statement_Node_Type =>
- Dump_Statement (Ref, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- when Expression_Node_Type =>
- Dump_Expression (Ref.Expression_Node, File, Dumping_Bodies);
- when Unknown =>
- null;
- end case;
- end if;
- end Dump_Statement_Database;
- procedure Dump_Entire_Symtbl (Dump_Bodies : in Boolean := False) is
- Current_Entry : Ref_Symbol_Table_Entry;
- begin
- Put_Line ("Entire Symbol Table Dump =>");
- Current_Entry := Get_Top_Of_Symtbl;
- while not Is_Empty (Current_Entry) loop
- Dump_Symtbl (Current_Entry, Standard_Output, Dump_Bodies);
- New_Line;
- Current_Entry := Get_Next_Entry (Current_Entry);
- end loop;
- end Dump_Entire_Symtbl;
- end Dump_Routines;