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Text File | 1992-11-10 | 43.0 KB | 1,387 lines |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- __________ __________ __________ __________ ________
- / _______/ / ____ / / _______/ / _______/ / ____ \
- / / _____ / / / / / /______ / /______ / /___/ /
- / / /_ / / / / / / _______/ / _______/ / __ __/
- / /___/ / / /___/ / / / / /______ / / \ \
- /_________/ /_________/ /__/ /_________/ /__/ \__\
- Functional programming environment, Version 2.21
- Copyright Mark P Jones 1991.
- Release notes
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This document is intended as a supplement to the user manual ``An
- introduction to Gofer'' supplied with the previous public release of
- Gofer, version 2.20.1. It provides brief descriptions of the changes
- and new features incorporated in version 2.21. With the exception of
- bug fixes, which will be distributed as soon as they become available,
- there are no plans to release a further update of Gofer for some time
- (at least six months).
- If you would like to be informed when bug-fixes or further versions
- become available, please send email to me at mpj@prg.ox.ac.uk (if you
- have not already done so) and I will add your name to the mailing
- list.
- Please contact me if you have any questions about the Gofer system, or
- if you need some advice or help to complete a port of Gofer to a new
- platform.
- In addition to PC and Sun workstations, I have now had reports that
- Gofer has been successfully compiled and used on a number of other
- machines including Apollo, DecStation, Mips, MicroVax and Acorn ARM
- machines, with little or no changes to the original source.
- Many of the features described in this document were motivated by
- comments and suggestions from users of the previously released version
- of Gofer. My thanks in particular to Julian Seward, but also to Brent
- Benson, Stuart Clayman, Andy Gill, Peter Hancock, Ian Holyer, Hiroyuki
- Matsuda, Aiden McCaughey, Tobias Nipkow, Will Partain, Ian Poole,
- Bernard Sufrin and Phil Wadler.
- 1
- A number of small enhancements have been made to make the source code
- for Gofer a little more flexible. In particular, this includes:
- o Gofer can now be compiled using the Gnu C compiler gcc, for those
- who prefer this to the standard cc compiler provided on their
- machine.
- o Default table sizes for the Unix version have been expanded which
- makes it possible to support larger programs in Gofer (a program
- of over 5000 lines has already been tested with this release).
- o The Makefile has been made less SunOS specific and should be
- usable on a wider range of machines without modification.
- 2
- The user interface of the previous release has been extended to support
- a range of new features, intended to make the Gofer environment more
- convenient for program development. Further details are given in the
- following sections.
- 2.1 Command line options
- ------------------------
- Although the previous version of Gofer accepted some command line
- options, these were not documented. Those who discovered about the
- Gofer command line options in the previous release by reading the
- source code should note that a different syntax is now used which is
- not compatible with the older system.
- Options may be set when loading Gofer (on the UNIX/DOS command line)
- or within the interpreter itself using the :set command. Using this
- command on its own with no arguments prints a menu of all of the
- available options and displays the current settings:
- ? :set
- Groups of options begin with +/- to turn options on/off resp.
- s Print no. reductions/cells after eval
- t Print type after evaluation
- d Show dictionary values in output exprs
- f Terminate evaluation on first error
- g Print no. cells recovered after gc
- c Test conformality for pattern bindings
- l Treat input files as literate scripts
- e Warn about errors in literate scripts
- i Apply fromInteger to integer literals
- o Optimise use of (&&) and (||)
- u Catch ambiguously typed top-level vars
- a Use any evidence, not nec. best
- E Fail silently if evidence not found
- OTHER OPTIONS: (leading + or - makes no difference)
- hnum Set heap size (cannot be changed within Gofer)
- pstr Set prompt string to str
- xnum Set maximum depth for evidence search
- Current settings: +sdcoaE -tfgleiu -h100000 -p? -x8
- ?
- Most options are toggles meaning that they can either be switched on
- (by preceding the option with a `+' character) or off (by using a `-'
- character). Several options may be grouped together so that:
- :set +std -le is equivalent to :set +s +t +d -l -e
- In order to distinguish command line options from filenames, a leading
- `+' or `-' must also be used with the `h', `p' and `x' options, although
- the choice in each case is not significant.
- 3
- Release Notes 2.1 Command line options
- Options may also be used in :a and :l commands, and within project files
- (see section 2.2), although it should be noted that they will be acted
- upon as soon as they are encountered and will not be reapplied when
- reloading files.
- Most of the options listed above are described in more detail in the
- following sections.
- 2.1.1 Set Gofer prompt
- -----------------------
- The standard Gofer prompt "? " may be changed using a command line
- option of the form -pstr where for any string str. The new prompt is
- formed from the given string, followed by a single space:
- ? :set -pGofer>
- Gofer> :set -p?
- ?
- 2.1.2 Print statistics
- -----------------------
- In normal operation, Gofer displays the number of reductions and cells
- used by a particular calculation when the result has been evaluated or
- if the calculation is interrupted:
- ? map (\x -> x*x) [1..10]
- [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]
- (112 reductions, 204 cells)
- ? [1..]
- [1, 2, 3, 4, ^C{Interrupted!}
- (18 reductions, 54 cells)
- ?
- Printing of these statistics can be suppressed using the -s option
- (and subsequently restored using +s):
- ? :set -s
- ? map (\x -> x*x) [1..10]
- [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]
- ? [1..]
- [1, 2, 3, 4, ^C{Interrupted!}
- ? :set +s
- ? 2 + 4
- 6
- (2 reductions, 6 cells)
- ?
- 2.1.3 Print type
- -----------------
- Before evaluating an expression entered into the interpreter, the Gofer
- type checker is used to determine the type of the resulting value.
- This is used to detect errors in the original input expression, avoid
- the use of runtime type checks and determine how the value should be
- 4
- Release Notes 2.1.3 Print type
- output. The actual type of the term is not usually displayed unless a
- type error is detected. This behaviour can be changed using the +t
- option which displays the type of each value as soon as evaluation is
- complete.
- ? :set +t
- ? map (\x -> x*x) [1..10]
- [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100] :: [Int]
- (108 reductions, 204 cells)
- ? map concat
- map concat :: [[[a]]] -> [[a]]
- (2 reductions, 17 cells)
- ? fix where fix f = f (fix f)
- v112 :: (a -> a) -> a
- (1 reduction, 7 cells)
- ?
- Note that values of type String and Dialogue (or equivalent forms) are
- displayed in a different manner to other values, and no type information
- is printed after such values to avoid any possibility of confusion:
- ? map -- the map function
- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
- (1 reduction, 6 cells)
- ? "map" -- a string expression
- map
- (0 reductions, 4 cells)
- ? print "map" -- a dialogue
- "map"
- (18 reductions, 44 cells)
- ?
- 2.1.4 Show dictionaries
- ------------------------
- The implementation of overloading in Gofer uses a translation of each
- expression entered into the interpreter to a new expression involving
- dictionary variables and constants. These additional parameters are
- usually included in expressions displayed by the interpreter and are
- often useful for understanding and resolving overloading problems:
- ? \x -> x + x
- ERROR: Unresolved overloading
- *** type : Num a => a -> a
- *** translation : \d125 x -> (+) d125 x x
- ? :t map (1+) [1..10]
- map ((+) {dict} 1) (enumFromTo {dict} 1 10) :: [Int]
- ?
- If necessary (perhaps to make the output of Gofer easier for a beginner
- to understand), the printing of dictionary parameters may be suppressed
- 5
- Release Notes 2.1.4 Show dictionaries
- using the -d option:
- ? :set -d
- ? \x -> x + x
- ERROR: Unresolved overloading
- *** type : Num a => a -> a
- *** translation : \x -> x + x
- ? :t map (1+) [1..10]
- map (1 +) (enumFromTo 1 10) :: [Int]
- ?
- The original behaviour can be obtained using :set +d within the
- interpreter.
- 2.1.5 Terminate on error
- -------------------------
- When an irreducible subexpression is encountered during the evaluation
- of a particular expression, the irreducible redex is printed with
- surrounding braces and the Gofer interpreter attempts to continue the
- evaluation with other parts of the original expression:
- ? take (1/0) [1..] -- value is bottom
- {primDivInt 1 0}
- (4 reductions, 33 cells)
- ? [1/0] -- value is [bottom]
- [{primDivInt 1 0}]
- (5 reductions, 34 cells)
- ? [1/0, 2] -- value is [bottom, 2]
- [{primDivInt 1 0}, 2]
- (7 reductions, 43 cells)
- ?
- Notice that, reading an expression enclosed in {braces} as bottom, each
- of the values printed by Gofer gives the correct value. Of course, it
- is not possible to arrange for anything to be printed when a value of
- bottom is generated by a nonterminating computation:
- ? last [1..]
- ^C{Interrupted!} -- nothing printed until interrupted
- (10470 reductions, 15712 cells)
- ?
- An alternative behaviour is provided by the +f option, which causes the
- evaluation of an expression to be abandoned completely if an error
- occurs:
- ? :set +f
- ? take (1/0) [1..]
- Aborting evaluation: {primDivInt 1 0}
- (3 reductions, 55 cells)
- 6
- Release Notes 2.1.5 Terminate on error
- ? [1/0]
- Aborting evaluation: {primDivInt 1 0}
- (3 reductions, 54 cells)
- ? [1/0,2]
- Aborting evaluation: {primDivInt 1 0}
- (3 reductions, 56 cells)
- ?
- Note that we are no longer able to distinguish between the values
- produced by these three terms from the output produced by Gofer -- the
- only differences are in the number of reductions and cells used which
- tells us nothing about the values of the terms. Note that the basic
- method of evaluation in Gofer is unchanged -- the +f option simply
- modifies the printing mechanism (i.e the means by which values are
- displayed) to be more strict (in the technical sense of the word).
- Although the use of the +f option makes the Gofer printing mechanism
- less accurate, it is sometimes useful to use this option during program
- development so that an error can be detected as soon as it occurs. The
- original behaviour can of course be restored at any time using the -f
- option.
- 2.1.6 Heap size
- ----------------
- The -hnumber option can be used to set the heap size (i.e. total number
- of cells available at any one time), but cannot be used once the
- interpreter has been loaded. For example, starting the interpreter
- with the command:
- gofer -h20000
- will typically start the Gofer interpreter with a heap of 20000 cells.
- Note that the heap is used to hold an intermediate (parsed) form of an
- input file while it is being read, type checked and compiled. It
- follows that, the larger the input file, the larger the heap required
- to enable that file to be loaded into Gofer. In practice, most large
- programs are written (and loaded) as a number of separate files (see
- section 2.2) which means that this does not usually cause problems.
- 2.1.7 Garbage collector notification
- -------------------------------------
- It is sometimes helpful to be able to tell when the garbage collector
- is being used, in order to monitor the amount of time involved and the
- number of cells recovered with each garbage collection. If the +g
- command line option is given (for example, using the command :set +g)
- then the garbage collector prints a message of the form {{Gc:num}} each
- time that the garbage collector is invoked. The number after the colon
- indicates the total number of cells that have been recovered.
- 7
- Release Notes 2.1.7 Garbage collector notification
- The garbage collector messages are actually printed in three sections,
- which indicate which stage the garbage collector has reached (this is
- only noticeable on slower machines of course!):
- {{Gc : number}}
- garbage marking cells preparing garbage
- collection which are unused cells collection
- begins still in use for reuse completed
- Garbage collector messages may be printed at almost any stage in a
- computation (or indeed whilst loading, type checking or compiling a
- file of definitions). For this reason, it is often better to turn
- the garbage collector messages off (using :set -g for example) when
- they are not required.
- 2.1.8 Conformality testing
- ---------------------------
- As described briefly in section 9.11 of the documentation for Gofer
- version 2.20, pattern bindings of the form pat=expr are implemented
- using a `conformality check' to ensure that the value of expr does
- indeed match the pattern pat. For example, the pattern binding:
- (x:xs) = [1..]
- is actually implemented as if it had been defined by:
- (x:xs) = conformality [1..]
- where conformality v@(_:_) = v
- which is in turn treated as a group of bindings:
- xxs = conformality [1..] where conformality v@(_:_) = v
- x = head xxs
- xs = tail xxs
- [The variables conformality and xxs used here are given as examples
- only -- in practice, Gofer maintains a supply of variable names and
- selects new names from this supply to avoid clashes with variables
- which are already in use.]
- The conformality check does not cause any problems in the example
- above because the list [1..] is always guaranteed to match the
- pattern (x:xs) (i.e. a non-empty list). We can however see the
- conformality check in action is we try examples in which the pattern
- does not match:
- ? x where (x:xs) = []
- {v114 []}
- (3 reductions, 25 cells)
- ? xs where (0:xs) = [1..]
- {v114 [1] ++ iterate (primPlusInt 1) (primPlusInt 1 1)}
- (13 reductions, 94 cells)
- ?
- 8
- Release Notes 2.1.8 Conformality testing
- The variable v114 in each of these examples is the variable name
- representing the conformality check. As the second example shows, the
- value of the expression on the right hand side of the pattern binding
- is evaluated as much as possible to determine whether the pattern
- fits.
- [ASIDE: This example also demonstrates a small problem with the printer
- in that, when the first element of the list is encountered, it is
- unable to detect that the tail of the list has not yet been evaluated.
- Consequently, the expression:
- [1] ++ iterate (primPlusInt 1) (primPlusInt 1 1)
- is not enclosed in parentheses as it should be. This is a little
- annoying, but not important because the expression only appears in an
- error message. The problem cannot in general be solved unless we avoid
- the use of the [...] notation for enumerating the elements of a list.]
- The conformality check must be used for compatibility with Haskell.
- However, it is sometimes useful to be able to suppress the conformality
- check using the -c option (for example, to use some programs written
- for a language without conformality checks within Gofer):
- ? :set -c
- ? x where (x:xs) = []
- {_SEL (:) [] 1}
- (5 reductions, 36 cells)
- ? xs where (0:xs) = [1..]
- [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14^C{Interrupted!}
- (55 reductions, 146 cells)
- ?
- In the first example, the expression _SEL (:) [] 1 indicates that the
- first component of an object constructed using the (:) operator is to
- be extracted from the object []. Clearly this is impossible, and hence
- the expression _SEL (:) [] 1 is irreducible. In the second case, the
- value of xs is equivalent to _SEL (:) (1:[2..]) 2 which reduces to
- the infinite list [2..] as shown, despite the fact that [1..] does not
- match the pattern (0:xs).
- [ASIDE: The _SEL function is used internally by Gofer and cannot be
- entered directly into the the interpreter. One particular reason for
- this is that it is not in general possible to assign a sensible type
- to _SEL. Constructor functions appearing as the first argument to _SEL
- are printed in the normal manner. There is no standard syntax for
- writing tuple constructors in Gofer or Haskell which are therefore
- printed in the form (,,,) for example, where the number of commas
- indicates the number of components in the tuple. In the following
- example the constructor (,) denotes the pairing constructor.
- ? f a b where f (n+1) y = n+y; (a,b) = (0,1)
- {v113 0 (_SEL (,) (0,1) 2)}
- (10 reductions, 63 cells)
- ?
- 9
- Release Notes 2.1.8 Conformality testing
- The same notation is sometimes used in the messages produced when type
- errors are detected:
- ? (1,2) 3
- ERROR: Type error in application
- *** expression : (1,2) 3
- *** term : (,)
- *** type : a -> b -> (a,b)
- *** does not match : c -> d -> e -> f
- ?
- This syntax for tuple constructor functions cannot be used in
- expressions entered directly into Gofer. It may however be a nice
- extension to consider for future versions, allowing definitions such
- as zip = zipWith (,) and distl x = map (x,).]
- 2.1.9 Literate scripts
- -----------------------
- In common with most programming languages, Gofer typically treats input
- from a file as a list definitions in which program text is the norm,
- and comments play a secondary role, introduced by the character
- sequences ``--'' and ``{- ... -}''.
- An alternative approach, using an idea described by Knuth as ``literate
- programming'', gives more emphasis to comments and documentation, with
- additional characters needed to distinguish program text from comments.
- Gofer supports a form of literate programming based on an idea due to
- Richard Bird and originally implemented as part of the functional
- programming language Orwell. The same idea has subsequently been
- adopted by several other functional language systems.
- A literate script contains a sequence of lines. Program lines are
- distinguished from comments by a `>' character in the first column.
- This makes it particularly easy to write a document which is both an
- executable program script and at the same time, without need for any
- preprocessing, suitable for use with document preparation software such
- as LaTeX. Indeed, this document is itself a literate script containing
- the following definition of the squaring function.
- > sqr x = x * x
- The +l option sets Gofer to treat each input file as a literate
- script. It should not be used on the command line unless the prelude
- file has been edited to make a literate script.
- The effect of using literate scripts can be thought of as applying a
- preprocessor to each input file before it is loaded into Gofer. This
- program has a particularly simple definition in Gofer:
- illiterate :: String -> String
- illiterate cs = unlines [ xs | ('>':xs) <- lines cs ]
- The system of literate scripts used in Orwell is actually a little more
- complicated than this and requires that the programmer adopt two simple
- 10
- Release Notes 2.1.9 Literate scripts
- conventions in an attempt to try to catch simple errors in literate
- scripts:
- o Every input file must contain at least one line whose first
- character is `>'. This means that programs containing no
- definitions (because the programmer has forgotten to use the `>'
- character to mark definitions) from being accepted.
- o Lines containing definitions must be separated from comment lines
- by one or more blank lines (i.e. lines containing only space and
- tab characters). This is useful for catching programs where the
- leading `>' character has been omitted from one or more lines in
- the definition of a function. For example:
- > map f [] = []
- map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
- would result in an error if the `>' character appeared in the first
- column of the first line.
- Gofer will report on errors of this kind if the +l option is combined
- with the +e option (for example as +le).
- 2.1.10 Optimise (&&) and (||)
- -----------------------------
- The operator symbols (&&) and (||) are usually used to represent the
- boolean connectives conjunction (and) and disjunction (or). By
- default, Gofer uses the following equations to produce better code for
- expressions involving these operators:
- x && y = if x then y else False
- x || y = if x then True else y
- This optimisation is only valid if the operator symbols (&&) and (||)
- are indeed bound to the appropriate values at the top level (the
- standard full definitions are required in order to support partial
- applications involving these operators). Although this optimisation is
- in general valid (because the appropriated definitions are included in
- the standard prelude), it may be necessary in certain cases (for
- example, when working with a non-standard prelude) to suppress the
- optimisation using the -o option.
- 11
- Release Notes 2.2 Project Files
- 2.2 Project Files
- ------------------
- Project files provide a simple way to use programs which has been
- spread across a number of source files. Larger programs are often
- written in this way, to separate the different components of the
- program into smaller pieces which can be developed and tested
- independently of other components.
- A project file is a simple text file containing a list of program
- filenames. The project file may also contain comments using either of
- the Gofer conventions for comments. As a simple example, a simple
- project file, in a file named "miniProlog", suitable for the
- stack-based version of the mini Prolog interpreter included as a
- demonstration program with Gofer 2.21 is as follows:
- -- This is a project file suitable for loading the stack-based
- -- version of the mini Prolog interpreter into Gofer 2.21
- --
- -- Load into Gofer using the command: :p miniProlog
- -- or from command line using: gofer + miniProlog
- Parse -- general purpose parsing library
- Interact -- general purpose library for interactive programs
- PrologData -- definition of main data structures
- Subst -- substitutions and unification
- StackEngine -- inference engine
- Main -- top level program
- As indicated in the comments at the top, there are two ways of using
- this file with Gofer. Within the interpreter we can use the command
- :p miniProlog. Once this command has been entered, Gofer reads the
- contents of the project file and then attempts to load each of the
- files named. In general, if a particular project file "proj" contains
- the options op1, ..., opn and the filenames f1, ..., fm, then the
- command :p proj is equivalent to the sequence of commands:
- :l -- clear any previously loaded scripts
- :set op1 ... opn -- set options
- :l f1 ... fm -- load files
- The project file name may also be specified on the command line used to
- start the interpreter by preceding the project file name with a single
- `+' character. Note that there must be at least one space on each side
- of the `+'. This may be combined with standard command line options,
- but any additional filename arguments will be ignored. Starting Gofer
- with a command of the form "gofer + proj" is equivalent to starting
- Gofer without the "+ project" arguments and then giving the command
- :p proj.
- In addition, Gofer records the name of the project file and displays
- this with the list of files loaded. For example:
- Gofer session for: (project: miniProlog)
- /users/mpj/public/Gofer/prelude
- Parse
- Interact
- 12
- Release Notes 2.2 Project Files
- PrologData
- Subst
- StackEngine
- Main
- ?
- Once a project file has been selected, the command :p (without any
- arguments) can be used to force Gofer to reread the project file and
- load fresh copies of each of the files listed there. There are two
- places in which this is particularly useful:
- o If the project file itself has been modified since the last time
- that it was read.
- o To force Gofer to reload all of the files in the project,
- regardless of the last time they were modified.
- As usual, the :r command can be used to reload each of the files in the
- current project without rereading the project file itself, and avoiding
- the need to read certain files which have not been modified since the
- previous time they were loaded.
- The use of project files integrates smoothly with the other parts of
- the Gofer environment. As an example consider a project file proj
- containing the four filenames f1, f2, f3 and f4, and suppose that the
- file f3 contains an error of some kind. This leads to the following
- sequence of commands and results:
- :p proj -- attempt to load project proj
- -- reads filenames f1, f2, f3, f4 from proj
- -- load definitions from f1
- -- load definitions from f2
- -- load definitions from f3 -- error occurs
- -- error message printed
- :e -- starts up editor at relevant line in f3
- -- correct error
- -- exit editor
- -- load definitions from f3
- -- load definitions from f2
- After just these two commands, the error in f3 has been corrected and
- all of the files mentioned in proj have been loaded, ready for use.
- 13
- Release Notes 2.3 Other new features
- 2.3 Other new features
- -----------------------
- 2.3.1 :find - find definition
- ------------------------------
- The command ":f name" starts up an editor to allow you to inspect (and
- possibly modify) the definition of a particular name from the files
- currently loaded into Gofer. If supported (using the EDITLINE
- variable), Gofer will attempt to initialise the editor so that the
- cursor is initially positioned at the first line in the definition.
- There are three possibilities:
- o If the name is defined by a function or variable binding then
- the cursor is positioned at the first line in the definition of
- the name (ignoring any type declaration, if present).
- o If the name is a constructor function, then the cursor is
- positioned at the first line in the definition of the
- corresponding data definition.
- o If the name represents an internal Gofer function, then the
- cursor will be positioned at the beginning of the standard
- prelude file.
- Note that names of infix operators should be given without any
- enclosing them in parentheses. Thus ":f ++" starts an editor on the
- standard prelude at the first line in the definition of (++).
- 2.3.2 :! - shell escape
- ------------------------
- A command of the form ":! cmd" can be used to execute a specified
- system command without leaving the Gofer interpreter. For example,
- ":! ls" (or ":! dir" on MS DOS machines) can be used to list the
- contents of the current directory.
- The command ":!" without any arguments starts a new shell:
- o On a unix machine, the SHELL environment variable is used to
- determine which shell to use (the default is "/bin/sh").
- o On an MS DOS machine, the COMSPEC environment variable is used
- to determine which shell to use. This is usually COMMAND.COM
- and you may return to Gofer using the EXIT command.
- As usual, it is not possible to use a shell escape to change the
- current working directory. The :cd command described in the following
- section can be used for this purpose.
- 2.3.3 :cd - change directory
- -----------------------------
- The command ":cd dir" changes the current working directory to the path
- given by "dir". This command is ignored if the pathname is omitted.
- 14
- Release Notes 2.3.4 :names - list names
- 2.3.4 :names - list names
- --------------------------
- The :n command lists the names of variables and functions whose
- definitions are currently loaded into the Gofer interpreter. Using
- this command without any arguments produces the list of all names
- known to the system. For example, with just the standard prelude
- loaded we obtain:
- ? :n
- !! && * + ++ - . / /= : < <= == > >= AppendChan AppendFile Echo
- Failure False FormatError OtherError ReadChan ReadError ReadFile
- SearchError Str Success True WriteError WriteFile [] \\ ^ abort abs
- all and any appendChan appendFile asTypeOf break chr cjustify
- concat const copy curry cycle div done drop dropWhile echo elem
- enumFrom enumFromThen enumFromThenTo enumFromTo error even exit
- filter flip foldl foldl' foldl1 foldr foldr1 fromInteger fst fst3
- gcd head help id inRange index init insert interact isAlpha
- isAlphanum isAscii isControl isDigit isLower isPrint isSpace
- isUpper iterate last layn lcm length lines ljustify map max maximum
- merge min minimum mod negate not notElem nub null odd or ord
- otherwise primDivFloat primDivInt primEqFloat primEqInt
- primIntToFloat primLeFloat primLeInt primMinusFloat primMinusInt
- primMulFloat primMulInt primNegFloat primNegInt primPlusFloat
- primPlusInt primPrint print prints product products qsort range
- readChan readFile rem repeat reverse rjustify run scanl scanl'
- scanl1 scanr scanr1 show show' showChar showList showString shows
- showsPrec signum snd snd3 sort space span splitAt stdecho stderr
- stdin stdout strDispatch strict subtract succDispatch sum sums tail
- take takeUntil takeWhile thd3 toLower toUpper transpose uncurry
- undefined unlines until until' unwords words writeFile zip zip3
- zip4 zip5 zip6 zip7 zipWith zipWith3 zipWith4 zipWith5 zipWith6
- zipWith7 ||
- (201 names listed)
- ?
- Note that the names are listed in the standard alphabetical order.
- The :n can also accept one or more pattern strings which limits the list
- of names printed to those names matching one or more of the given
- pattern strings:
- ? :n fold*
- foldl foldl' foldl1 foldr foldr1
- (5 names listed)
- ?
- Each pattern string consists of a string of characters and may use the
- standard wildcard characters: `*' (matches anything), `?' (matches any
- single character), `\c' (matches exactly the character c) and ranges of
- characters of the form `[a-zA-Z]' etc. For example:
- ? :n *ap* *[Cc]han \\\\ ?
- * + - . / : < > AppendChan ReadChan \\ ^ appendChan appendFile
- map readChan
- (16 names listed)
- ?
- 15
- Release Notes 2.3.5 $$ - recall last expression
- 2.3.5 $$ - recall last expression
- ----------------------------------
- The previously entered expression can be recalled at any stage whilst
- using the Gofer interpreter (even if the list of currently loaded files
- has subsequently been changed) by using the operator symbol $$:
- ? 42
- 42
- (1 reduction, 5 cells)
- ? [$$]
- [42]
- (3 reductions, 12 cells)
- ? [$$]
- [[42]]
- (5 reductions, 19 cells)
- ? ($$, length $$)
- ([[42]],1)
- (14 reductions, 43 cells)
- ?
- The $$ symbol is bound to a new value each time that an expression is
- evaluated, or its type determined using the :t command:
- ? :t $$
- ([[42]],length [[42]]) :: ([[Int]],Int)
- ? :t map (1+) [1..10]
- map ((+) {dict} 1) (enumFromTo {dict} 1 10) :: [Int]
- ? $$
- [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
- (100 reductions, 189 cells)
- ?
- Note that $$ can also be used when the last expression entered used
- a where clause (such expressions are simply translated into the
- appropriate let expressions):
- ? fibs where fibs = 0:1:zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
- [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55^C{Interrupted!}
- (41 reductions, 136 cells)
- ? :t $$
- let {...} in fibs :: [Int]
- ? take 5 $$
- [0, 1, 1, 2, 3]
- (24 reductions, 77 cells)
- ?
- Note that $$ expands to the unevaluated form of the expression, so that
- a certain amount of computation may be repeated if $$ is used more than
- once in a subsequent expression:
- ? sum [1..10]
- 55
- (92 reductions, 130 cells)
- ? $$ + $$
- 110
- 16
- Release Notes 2.3.5 $$ - recall last expression
- (176 reductions, 254 cells)
- ? x + x where x = sum [1..10]
- 110
- (89 reductions, 131 cells)
- ?
- Note that the value of $$ is updated after the expression has been parsed
- but before it is type checked:
- ? 42
- 42
- (1 reduction, 5 cells)
- ? 4)
- ERROR: Syntax error in input (unexpected `)')
- ? $$ 4
- ERROR: Type error in application
- *** expression : 42 4
- *** term : 42
- *** type : Int
- *** does not match : a -> b
- ?
- 2.3.6 Command names
- --------------------
- Command names of the form :X (where X represents an arbitrary capital
- letter) are no longer supported. Each command has a mnemonic full name
- of the form :name which can be abbreviated to :n where `n' is the first
- letter of the full name. The complete list of commands produced by the
- :? command is as follows:
- ? :?
- LIST OF COMMANDS: Any command may be abbreviated to :c where
- c is the first character in the full name.
- :set <options> set command line options
- :set help on command line options
- :? display this list of commands
- <expr> evaluate expression
- :type <expr> print type of expression
- :names [pat] list names currently in scope
- :load <filenames> load scripts from specified files
- :load clear all files except prelude
- :also <filenames> read additional script files
- :reload repeat last load command
- :project <filename> use project file
- :edit <filename> edit file
- :edit edit last file
- :find <name> edit file containing definition of name
- :! command shell escape
- :cd dir change directory
- :quit exit Gofer interpreter
- ?
- 17
- There are very few changes to the language supported by Gofer -- most
- programs that ran correctly under the previous release should run
- without any changes. The features described in the following sections
- are (for the most part) extensions to the previous version.
- 3.1 c*p and p+k patterns
- ------------------------
- Motivated by recent discussion on the Haskell mailing list, starting
- with a posting from Tony Davie, Gofer now supports a more general form
- of n+k pattern, together with a new form of patter, c*p. The syntax of
- patterns is extended to include:
- pattern ::= .... | pattern + integer | integer * pattern
- Note that, in the previous version of Gofer, only variables were
- permitted for the pattern p in a p+k pattern. Certain restrictions are
- placed on the constants c and k used in c*p and p+k patterns; Gofer
- currently requires c>1 and k>0.
- The semantics of these new patterns are described by the equations
- (suggested by Kent Karlsson):
- case e0 of {p+k -> e; _ -> e'}
- = if e0 >= k then case e0-k of {p -> e; _ -> e'} else e'
- case e0 of {c*p -> e; _ -> e'}
- = if e0 >= 0 then case e0 `divRem` c of {(p, 0) -> e; _ -> e'}
- else e'
- In Gofer, both forms of pattern match nonnegative integers only (there
- is no possibility for overloading here as there is in Haskell).
- These features are included in Gofer to enable experimentation with the
- use of c*p patterns. They are not currently supported by Haskell, and
- are subject to change as we gain more experience using them. To
- illustrate the potential uses for these extensions, here are two
- examples provided by Tony Davie in his original message which can be
- used in Gofer:
- x^^0 = 1 -- fast exponentiation
- x^^(2*n) = xn*xn where xn = x^^n -- compare with definition
- x^^(2*n+1) = x * x^^(2*n) -- of (^) in the prelude
- fib 1 = 1 -- fast fibonnacci
- fib 2 = 1
- fib (2*n) = (fib(n+1))^^2 - (fib(n-1))^^2
- fib (2*n+1) = (fib(n+1))^^2 + (fib n )^^2
- 18
- Release Notes 3.2 Errors during output
- 3.2 Errors during output
- ------------------------
- If an error of the form "error str" occurs during an output request in
- a program using the facilities for I/O, the IOError value passed to
- the failure continuation is the (WriteError str), rather than
- (WriteError "{error str}") as in the previous release. This enables
- further evaluation of the string str (for example to produce a
- compound error message by concatenating several strings together).
- You are strongly advised to consider using the standard prelude
- continuation "exit" in your programs in place of the "abort" predicate;
- whereas "abort" causes a program to terminate without any indication of
- the problem, "exit" attempts to print a suitable error message before
- the program terminates.
- 3.3 Type synonyms in predicates
- -------------------------------
- Type synonyms may now be used in predicates (The previous release
- allowed only data constructors). This means that programs such as the
- cat program described in section 14.2.6 (page 68) of the Gofer
- documentation can now be written as:
- class Cat a where cat :: a -> Dialogue
- instance Cat String where cat n = showFile n done
- instance Cat [String] where cat = foldr showFile done
- showFile name cont = readFile name abort
- (\s->appendChan stdout s abort cont)
- This uses the type synonym String in place of the expanded form [Char]
- required by the original program. Note that it is still not permitted
- to define overlapping instances; an attempt to add an instance for Cat
- [Char] to the above will not be accepted.
- 3.4 Reporting on ambiguous types
- --------------------------------
- Class declarations whose member functions have ambiguous types are no
- longer permitted. For example, in the class declaration:
- class Box a where
- mem :: Int
- The type of the member function mem is Box a => Int which is ambiguous
- and produces the error message:
- ERROR "examp" (line 3): Ambiguous type signature in class declaration
- *** ambiguous type : Box a => Int
- *** assigned to : mem
- ?
- Similar error messages are also produced an explicit type signature
- includes an ambiguous type. For example:
- 19
- Release Notes 3.4 Reporting on ambiguous types
- func :: Eq a => Int -> Int
- func x = 2*x+1
- Results in an error of the form:
- ERROR "examp" (line 12): Ambiguous type signature in type declaration
- *** ambiguous type : Eq a => Int -> Int
- *** assigned to : func
- ?
- By default, no error is signalled if an ambiguous type is assigned to a
- variable or function by the type checker. This makes it possible to
- write definitions such as:
- f y xs = if xs==[] then 0 else g y
- g y = f y []
- The types obtained for each of these terms is as follows:
- f :: Eq [a] => b -> [a] -> Int
- g :: Eq [a] => b -> Int
- Note that the second type is ambiguous. Making the analogy between
- these mutually recursive functions and a two state machine, we can
- think of a direct call to f as initialising the machine correctly so
- that there is no problem when we enter g. On the other hand, entering
- the system at g does not initialise the machine correctly, as signalled
- by the ambiguity.
- Using the +u command line flag forces Gofer to generate an error when
- an attempt to assign an ambiguous type to a top-level function occurs.
- For the above example this gives:
- ERROR "examp" (line 20): Ambiguous type signature in inferred type
- *** ambiguous type : Eq [a] => b -> Int
- *** assigned to : g
- ?
- The restriction to top-level functions means that f can still be
- implemented by writing:
- f :: Eq [a] => b -> [a] -> Int
- f = f' where f' y xs = if xs==[] then 0 else g y
- g' y = f y []
- which prevents external access to g' (preventing entry to the finite
- machine described above in state g). Note that the type signature in
- this example is necessary to avoid the monomorphism restriction.
- 20
- Release Notes 4. OTHER MATTERS
- 4.1 Contributions
- -----------------
- I would like to hear from anyone with interesting Gofer programs or
- other useful items which might be included (with full credit to the
- original author(s) of course!) in subsequent releases of Gofer. There
- is already one example of this in the new release; a small gnuemacs
- mode for running the Gofer interpreter from within gnuemacs on Unix
- machines, contributed by Stuart Clayman. See the file gofer.el for
- more details.
- 4.2 Future directions
- ---------------------
- There will not be another release of Gofer for some time. There are
- however a number of areas which I would like to investigate at some
- point as extensions to the Gofer system:
- o The ability to use Haskell style type classes.
- o Facilities for working with modules, based on the approach
- described in the Haskell report. A particular problem here is
- in finding an elegant way to provide the full power of the
- module system from the interactive environment.
- o The ability to write stand alone applications programs using
- Gofer.
- o An improved user interface. There are a number of grand ideas
- based on the use of windowing/mouse/pulldown-menus etc. The
- current user interface is closer to this kind of approach than
- might at first be realised. More interesting ideas include the
- design of class, data type and value browsers, along the lines
- of a Smalltalk system.
- I would be interested to hear from anyone with comments or suggestions
- on any of these (or other ideas).
- 21