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- Introduction to Gofer 14. OVERLOADING IN GOFER
- One of the biggest differences between Gofer and most other programming
- languages (with the exception of Haskell) is the approach to
- overloading; enabling the definition and use of functions in which the
- meaning of a function symbol may depend on the types of its arguments.
- Like Haskell, overloading in Gofer is based around a system of type
- classes which allow overloaded functions to be grouped together into
- related groups of functions. Whilst the precise details of the
- approach to type classes used by Gofer are quite different to those of
- Haskell, both rely on the same basic ideas and use a similar syntax for
- defining and using type classes. It would therefore seem possible that
- experience gained with the overloading system in one language can
- readily by applied to the other.
- The differences embodied in the Gofer system of classes stem from my
- own, theoretically based investigations into `qualified types' some of
- which is detailed in references [8-12]. In my personal opinion, the
- Gofer system has some significant advantages over the Haskell approach
- (see [12] for details) and one of the principal motivations behind the
- implementation to Gofer was to provide a way of testing such claims.
- One fact which I believe has already been established using Gofer is
- that the use and implementation of overloaded functions need not have
- the significant effect on performance that was anticipated with early
- implementations of Haskell.
- This section outlines the system of type classes used in Gofer,
- indicating briefly how they can be used and how they are implemented.
- 14.1 Type classes and predicates
- --------------------------------
- A type class can be thought of as a family of types (or more generally
- as a family of tuples of types) whose elements are called instances of
- the class. If C is the name of an n-parameter type class then an
- expression of the form C t1 t2 ... tn where t1, t2, ..., tn are type
- expressions is called a predicate and represents the assertion that the
- specified tuple of types is an instance of the class C.
- Given a polymorphic function (e.g. map::(a->b)->[a]->[b]), we are free
- to use the function at any type which can be obtained by substituting
- arbitrary types for each of the type variables in its type. In Gofer,
- a type expression may be qualified by one or more predicates which
- restrict the range of types at which a value can be used:
- e.g. a function of type C a => a -> a -> a can be treated as a function
- of type t -> t -> t for any instance t of the class C.
- The predicate C a in the type expression in the previous example is
- called the context of the type. Contexts may contain more than one
- predicate in which case the predicates involved must be separated by
- commas and the context enclosed in parentheses as in (C a, D b). The
- empty context is written () and any type expression t is equivalent to
- the qualified type () => t. For uniformity, a context with only one
- element may also be enclosed by parentheses.
- 61
- Introduction to Gofer 14.1 Type classes and predicates
- For technical reasons, type synonyms are not currently permitted in
- predicates. This is consistent with the use of predicates in Haskell,
- but may be relaxed, at least in certain cases, in later versions of
- Gofer.
- 14.2 The type class Eq
- ----------------------
- The type class Eq is a simple and useful example, whose instances are
- precisely those types whose elements can be tested for equality. The
- declaration of this class given in the standard prelude is as follows:
- class Eq a where
- (==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
- x /= y = not (x == y)
- There are three parts in any class declaration. For this particular
- example we have:
- o The first line (called the `header') of the declaration introduces
- a name Eq for the class and indicates that it has a single
- parameter, represented by the type variable a.
- o The second line of the declaration (the `signature part')
- indicates that there are functions denoted by the operator symbols
- (==) and (/=) of type a -> a -> Bool for each instance a of class
- Eq. Using the notation introduced in the previous section, both
- of these operators have type:
- Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
- These functions are called the `members' (or `member functions')
- of the class. [This terminology, taken from Haskell, is rather
- unfortunate; thinking of a type class as a set of types, the
- elements of the class are called `instances', whilst the `members'
- of the class correspond more closely to the instance variables
- that are used in the terminology of object-oriented programming.]
- The intention is that the (==) function will be used to implement
- an equality test for each instance of the class, with the (/=)
- operator providing the corresponding inequality function. The
- ability to include related groups of functions within a single
- type class in this way is a useful tool in program design.
- o The third line of the class declaration (the `default
- definitions') provides a default definition of the (/=) operator
- in terms of the (==) operator. Thus it is only necessary to give
- a definition for the (==) operator in order to define all of the
- member functions for the class Eq. It is possible to override
- default member definitions by giving an alternative definition as
- appropriate for specific instances of the class.
- 62
- Introduction to Gofer 14.2.1 Implicit overloading
- 14.2.1 Implicit overloading
- ---------------------------
- Member functions are clearly marked as overloaded functions by their
- definition as part of a class declaration, but this is not the only way
- in which overloaded functions occur in Gofer; the restriction to
- particular instances of a type class is also carried over into the type
- of any function defined either directly or indirectly in terms of the
- member functions of that class. For example, the types inferred for
- the following two functions:
- x `elem` xs = any (x==) xs
- xs `subset` ys = all (`elem` ys) xs
- are:
- elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
- subset :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
- [ASIDE: On the other hand, if none of the functions used in a
- particular expression or definition are overloaded then there will not
- be any overloading in the corresponding value. Gofer does not support
- the concept of implicit overloading used in some languages where a
- value of a particular type might automatically be coerced to a value of
- some supertype. An example of this would be the automatic translation
- of a badly typed expression "1.0 == 1" to a well-typed expression of
- the form "1.0 == float 1" for some (potentially overloaded) coercion
- function "float" mapping numeric values to elements of type Float.]
- Note also that the types appearing in the context of a qualified type
- reflect the types at which overloaded functions are used. Thus:
- f x ys = [x] == ys
- has type Eq [a] => a -> [a] -> Bool, and not Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool,
- which is the type that would be assigned to "f" in a Haskell system.
- 14.2.2 Instances of class Eq
- ----------------------------
- Instances of a type class are defined using declarations similar to
- those used to define the corresponding type class. The following
- examples, taken from the standard prelude, give the definitions for a
- number of simple instances of the class Eq:
- instance Eq Int where (==) = primEqInt
- instance Eq Bool where
- True == True = True
- False == False = True
- _ == _ = False
- instance Eq Char where c == d = ord c == ord d
- instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (a,b) where
- (x,y) == (u,v) = x==u && y==v
- 63
- Introduction to Gofer 14.2.2 Instances of class Eq
- instance Eq a => Eq [a] where
- [] == [] = True
- [] == (y:ys) = False
- (x:xs) == [] = False
- (x:xs) == (y:ys) = x==y && xs==ys
- The interpretation of these declarations is as follows:
- o The first declaration makes Int an instance of class Eq. The
- function "primEqInt" is a primitive Gofer function which tests the
- equality of two integer values and has type Int -> Int -> Bool
- which tests the equality of two integer values.
- o The second declaration makes Bool an instance of class Eq with a
- simple definition involving pattern matching.
- o The third declaration makes Char an instance of class Eq. This
- definition indicates that a pair of characters are equal if they
- have the same ASCII value, which is obtained using the "ord"
- function. Note that the two occurrences of the symbol (==) in the
- equation:
- c == d = ord c == ord d
- have different meanings; the first denotes equality between
- characters (elements of type Char), whilst the second denotes
- equality between integers (elements of type Int).
- o The fourth declaration provides an equality operation on pairs.
- Given two elements (x,y) and (u,v) of type (a,b) for some a, b, it
- must be possible to check that both x==u and y==v before we can be
- sure that the two pairs are indeed equal. In other words, both a
- and b must also be instances of Eq in order to make (a,b) an
- instance of Eq. This requirement is described by the first line
- in the instance declaration using the expression:
- (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (a,b)
- o The fifth declaration makes [a] an instance of Eq, whenever a is
- itself an instance of Eq in a similar way to the previous
- example. The context Eq a is used in the last equation in the
- declaration:
- (x:xs) == (y:ys) = x==y && xs==ys
- which contains three occurrences of the (==) operator; the first
- and third are used to compare lists of type [a], whilst the second
- is used to compare elements of type a, using the instance Eq a.
- Combining these five declarations, we obtain definitions for (==) on an
- infinite family of types including Int, Char, Bool, (Int,Bool),
- (Char,Int), [Char], (Bool,[Int]), [(Bool,Int)], etc...:
- ? 2 == 3 -- using Eq Int
- False
- (2 reductions, 10 cells)
- 64
- Introduction to Gofer 14.2.2 Instances of class Eq
- ? (["Hello"],3) == (["Hello"],3) -- using Eq ([[Char]],Int)
- True
- (31 reductions, 65 cells)
- ?
- On the other hand, any attempt to use (==) to compare elements of some
- type not covered by a suitable instance declaration will result in an
- error. For example, the standard prelude does not define the equality
- operation on triples of values:
- ? (1,2,3) == (1,2,3)
- ERROR: Cannot derive instance in expression
- *** Expression : (==) d125 (1,2,3) (1,2,3)
- *** Required instance : Eq (Int,Int,Int)
- ?
- This can be solved by including an instance declaration of the form
- into a file of definitions loaded into Gofer:
- instance (Eq a, Eq b, Eq c) => Eq (a,b,c) where
- (x,y,z) == (u,v,w) = x==u && y==v && z==w
- Giving:
- ? (1,2,3) == (1,2,3)
- True
- (6 reductions, 20 cells)
- ?
- In general, an instance declaration has the form:
- instance context => predicate where
- definitions of member functions
- The context part of the declaration gives a list of predicates which
- must be satisfied for the predicate on the right hand side of the `=>'
- sign to be valid. Constant predicates (i.e. predicates not involving
- any type variables) required by an instance declaration (such as the
- predicate Eq Int required by the third declaration) need not be
- included in the context. If the resulting context is empty (as in the
- first three declarations above) then it may be omitted, together with
- the corresponding `=>' symbol.
- 14.2.3 Testing equality of represented values
- ---------------------------------------------
- Instances of Eq can also be defined for other types, including
- user-defined datatypes, and unlike the instances described above, the
- definition of (==) need not be used to determine whether the values
- being compared have the same structure; it is often more useful to
- check that they represent the same value. As an example, suppose that
- we introduce a type constructor Set for representing sets of values,
- using a list to store the values held in the set:
- data Set a = Set [a]
- 65
- Introduction to Gofer 14.2.3 Testing equality of represented values
- As usual, we say that two sets are equal if they have the same members,
- ignoring any repetitions or differences in the ordering of the elements
- in the lists representing the sets. This is achieved using the
- following instance declaration:
- instance Eq a => Eq (Set a) where
- Set xs == Set ys = xs `subset` ys && ys `subset` xs
- where xs `subset` ys = all (`elem` ys) xs
- A couple of examples illustrate the use of this definition:
- ? Set [1,2,3] == Set [3,4,1]
- False
- (49 reductions, 89 cells)
- ? Set [1,2,3] == Set [1,2,2,2,1,3]
- True
- (157 reductions, 240 cells)
- ?
- 14.2.4 Instance declarations without members
- --------------------------------------------
- It is possible to give an instance declaration without specifying any
- definitions for the member functions of the class. For example:
- instance Eq ()
- In this case, the definition of (==) for the instance Eq () is left
- completely undefined, and hence so is the definition of (/=), which is
- defined in terms of (==):
- ? () == ()
- {undefined_member (==)}
- (3 reductions, 34 cells)
- ? () /= ()
- {undefined_member (==)}
- (4 reductions, 36 cells)
- ?
- 14.2.5 Equality on function types
- ---------------------------------
- If an expression requires an instance of a class which cannot be
- obtained using the rules in the given instance declarations, then an
- error message will be produced when the expression is type-checked.
- For example, in general there is no sensible way to determine when a
- pair of functions are equal, and the standard prelude does not include
- a definition for an instance of the form Eq (a -> b) for any types a
- and b:
- ? (1==) == (\x->1==x)
- ERROR: Cannot derive instance in expression
- *** Expression : (==) d148 ((==) {dict} 1) (\x->(==) {dict} 1 x)
- *** Required instance : Eq (Int -> Bool)
- ?
- 66
- Introduction to Gofer 14.2.5 Equality on function types
- If for some reason, you would prefer this kind of error to produce an
- error message when an expression is evaluated, rather than when it is
- type-checked, you can use an instance declaration to specify the
- required behaviour. For example:
- instance Eq (a -> b) where
- (==) = error "Equality not defined between functions"
- Evaluating the previous expression once this instance declaration has
- been included now produces the following result:
- ? (1==) == (\x->1==x)
- {error "Equality not defined between functions"}
- (42 reductions, 173 cells)
- ?
- A limited form of equality can be defined for functions of type (a->b)
- if a has only finitely many elements, such as the boolean type Bool:
- instance Eq a => Eq (Bool -> a) where
- f == g = f False == g False && f True == g True
- [ASIDE: This instance declaration would not be accepted in a Haskell
- program which insists that the predicate on the right of the `=>'
- symbol contains precisely one type constructor symbol.]
- Using this instance declaration once for each argument, we can now test
- two functions taking boolean arguments for equality (assuming of course
- that their result type is also an instance of Eq).
- ? (&&) == (||)
- False
- (9 reductions, 21 cells)
- ? not == (\x -> if x then False else True)
- True
- (8 reductions, 16 cells)
- ? (&&) == (\x y-> if x then y else False)
- True
- (16 reductions, 30 cells)
- ?
- 14.2.6 Non-overlapping instances
- --------------------------------
- Other instance declarations for types of the form a -> b can be used at
- the same time, so long as no pair of declarations overlap. For
- example, adding the following instance declaration
- instance Eq a => Eq (() -> a) where f == g = f () == g ()
- enables us to evaluate expressions such as:
- ? (\()->"Hello") == const "Hello"
- True
- (30 reductions, 55 cells)
- ?
- 67
- Introduction to Gofer 14.2.6 Non-overlapping instances
- If however, we try and use instance declarations for types of the form
- (a -> b) and (Bool -> a) at the same time, then Gofer produces an error
- message similar to the following:
- ERROR "file" (line 37): Overlapping instances for class "Eq"
- *** This instance : Eq (a -> b)
- *** Overlaps with : Eq (Bool -> a)
- *** Common instance : Eq (Bool -> a)
- ?
- indicating that, given the task of testing two values of type (Bool->a)
- for equality, there are (at least) two definitions of (==) that could
- be used, with potentially different results being obtained in each
- case.
- Here is a further example of the use of non-overlapping instances of a
- class to define a function "cat" (inspired by the unix (tm) command of
- the same name) which uses the I/O facilities of Gofer to print the
- contents of one or more files on the terminal:
- class Cat a where cat :: a -> Dialogue
- instance Cat [Char] where cat n = showFile n done
- instance Cat [[Char]] where cat = foldr showFile done
- showFile name cont = readFile name abort
- (\s->appendChan stdout s abort cont)
- Given these declarations, an expression of the form:
- cat "file"
- can be used to display the contents of the named file, whilst a list of
- files can be printed one after the other using an expression of the
- form:
- cat ["file1", "file2", ..., "filen"].
- 14.3 Dictionaries
- -----------------
- In order to understand some of the messages produced by Gofer, as well
- as some of the more subtle problems associated with overloaded
- functions, it is useful to have a rough idea of the way in which
- overloaded functions are implemented.
- The basic idea is that a function with a qualified type context => type
- where context is a non-empty list of predicates is implemented by a
- function which takes an extra argument for each predicate in the
- context. When the function is used, each of these parameters is filled
- by a `dictionary' which gives the values of each of the member
- functions in the appropriate class. None of these extra parameters is
- entered by the programmer. Instead, they are inserted automatically
- during type-checking.
- For the class Eq, each dictionary has at least two elements containing
- 68
- Introduction to Gofer 14.3 Dictionaries
- definitions for each of the functions (==) and (/=). A dictionary for
- an instance of Eq can be depicted by a diagram of the form:
- +--------+--------+---------
- | | |
- | (==) | (/=) | .....
- | | |
- +--------+--------+---------
- In order to produce useful error messages and indicate the way in which
- dictionary expressions are being used, Gofer uses a number of special
- notations for printing expressions involving dictionaries:
- (#1 d) selects the first element of the dictionary d
- (#2 d) selects the second element of the dictionary d
- (#n d) selects the nth element of the dictionary d
- (note that (#0 d) is equivalent to the dictionary d).
- {dict} denotes a specific dictionary (the contents are not
- displayed).
- dnnn a dictionary variable representing an unknown dictionary is
- printed as a lower case letter `d' followed by an integer;
- e.g. d231.
- Note that, whilst these notations are used in output produced by Gofer
- and in the following explanations, they cannot be entered directly into
- Gofer expressions or programs -- even if you use a variable such as
- "d1" in an expression, Gofer will not confuse this with a dictionary
- variable with the same name (although Gofer might confuse you by using
- the same name in two different contexts!).
- Using these notations, the member functions (==) and (/=) of the class
- Eq behave as if they were defined by the expressions:
- (==) d1 = (#1 d1)
- (/=) d1 = (#2 d1)
- To understand how these definitions work, we need to take a look at a
- specific dictionary. Following the original instance declaration used
- for Eq Int, the corresponding dictionary is:
- d :: Eq Int
- +------------+------------+
- | | |
- | primEqInt | defNeq d |
- | | |
- +------------+------------+
- Note that the dictionary variable d is used as a name for the
- dictionary in this diagram, indicating how values within a dictionary
- can include references to the same dictionary.
- [ASIDE: It turns out that predicates play a very similar role for
- 69
- Introduction to Gofer 14.3 Dictionaries
- dictionaries as types play for normal values. This motivates our use
- of the notation d :: Eq Int to indicate that d is a dictionary for the
- instance Eq Int. One difference between these, particularly important
- for theoretical work, is that dictionary values are uniquely determined
- by predicates; if d1::p and d2::p for some predicate p, then d1 = d2.]
- The value held in the first element of the dictionary is the primitive
- equality function on integers, "primEqInt". The following diagram
- shows how the dictionary is used to evaluate the expression "2 == 3".
- Note that this expression will first be translated to "(==) d 2 3" by
- the type checker. The evaluation then proceeds as follows:
- (==) d 2 3 ==> (#1 d) 2 3
- ==> primEqInt 2 3
- ==> False
- The second element of the dictionary is a little more interesting
- because it uses the default definition for (/=) given in the original
- class definition which, after translation, is represented by the
- function "defNeq" defined by:
- defNeq d1 x y = not ((==) d1 x y)
- Notice the way in which the extra dictionary parameter is used to
- obtain the appropriate overloading. For example, evaluation of the
- expression "2 /= 3", which becomes "(/=) d 2 3" after translation,
- proceeds as follows:
- (/=) d 2 3 ==> (#2 d) 2 3
- ==> defNeq d 2 3
- ==> not ((==) d 2 3)
- ==> not ((#1 d) 2 3)
- ==> not (primEqInt 2 3)
- ==> not False
- ==> True
- [Clearly there is some scope for optimisation here; whilst the actual
- reduction sequences used by Gofer are equivalent to those illustrated
- above, the precise details are a little different.]
- If an instance is obtained from an instance declaration with a
- non-empty context, then the basic two element dictionary used in the
- examples above is extended with an extra dictionary value for each
- predicate in the context. As an example, the diagram below shows the
- dictionaries that will be created from the instance definitions in
- section 14.2.2 for the instance Eq (Int, [Int]). The functions
- "eqPair" and "eqList" which are used in these dictionaries are obtained
- from the definitions of (==) given in the instance declarations for Eq
- (a,b) and Eq [a] respectively:
- eqPair d (x,y) (u,v) = (==) (#3 d) x u && (==) (#4 d) y v
- eqList d [] [] = True
- eqList d [] (y:ys) = False
- eqList d (x:xs) [] = False
- eqList d (x:xs) (y:ys) = (==) (#3 d) x y && (==) d xs ys
- 70
- Introduction to Gofer 14.3 Dictionaries
- The dictionary structure for Eq (Int, [Int]) is as follows. Note that
- the Gofer system ensures that there is at most one dictionary for a
- particular instance of a class, and that the dictionary d1 :: Eq Int in
- this system is automatically shared between d2 and d3:
- d3 :: Eq (Int, [Int])
- +------------+------------+------------+------------+
- | | | | |
- | eqPair d3 | defNeq d3 | d1::Eq Int |d2::Eq [Int]|
- | | | | |
- +------------+------------+-----+------+-----+------+
- | |
- +--------------+ |
- | |
- | d2 :: Eq [Int] V
- | +------------+------------+------------+
- | | | | |
- | | eqList d2 | defNeq d2 | d1::Eq Int |
- | | | | |
- | +------------+------------+-----+------+
- | |
- d1 :: Eq Int V |
- +------------+------------+ |
- | | | |
- | primEqInt | defNeq d1 |<--------------------------+
- | | |
- +------------+------------+
- Once again, it may be useful to see how these definitions are used to
- evaluate the expression "(2,[1]) == (2,[1,3])" which, after
- translation, becomes "(==) d3 (2,[1]) (2,[1,3])":
- (==) d3 (2,[1]) (2,[1,3])
- ==> (#1 d3) (2,[1]) (2,[1,3])
- ==> eqPair d3 (2,[1]) (2,[1,3])
- ==> (==) (#3 d3) 2 2 && (==) (#4 d3) [1] [1,3]
- ==> (==) d1 2 2 && (==) (#4 d3) [1] [1,3]
- ==> (#1 d1) 2 2 && (==) (#4 d3) [1] [1,3]
- ==> primEqInt 2 2 && (==) (#4 d3) [1] [1,3]
- ==> True && (==) (#4 d3) [1] [1,3]
- ==> (==) (#4 d3) [1] [1,3]
- ==> (==) d2 [1] [1,3]
- ==> (#1 d2) [1] [1,3]
- ==> eqList d2 [1] [1,3]
- ==> (==) (#3 d2) 1 1 && (==) d2 [] [3]
- ==> (==) d1 1 1 && (==) d2 [] [3]
- ==> (#1 d1) 1 1 && (==) d2 [] [3]
- ==> primEqInt 1 1 && (==) d2 [] [3]
- ==> True && (==) d2 [] [3]
- ==> (==) d2 [] [3]
- ==> False
- 71
- Introduction to Gofer 14.3.1 Superclasses
- 14.3.1 Superclasses
- -------------------
- In general, a type class declaration has the form:
- class context => Class a1 ... an where
- type declarations for member functions
- default definitions of member functions
- where Class is the name of the new type class which takes n arguments,
- represented by distinct type variables a1, ..., an. As in the case of
- instance declarations, the context that appears on the left hand side
- of the `=>' symbol specifies a list of predicates that must be
- satisfied in order to construct any instance of "Class".
- The predicates in the context part of a class declaration are called
- the superclasses of Class. This terminology is taken from Haskell
- where all classes have a single parameter and each of the predicates in
- the context part of a class declaration has the form C a1; in this
- situation, any instance of Class must also be an instance of each class
- C named in the context. In other words, each such C contains a
- superset of the types in Class.
- As an example of a class declaration with a non-empty context, consider
- the following declaration from the standard prelude which introduces a
- class Ord whose instances are types with both strict (<), (>) and
- non-strict (<=), (>=) versions of an ordering defined on their
- elements:
- class Eq a => Ord a where
- (<), (<=), (>), (>=) :: a -> a -> Bool
- max, min :: a -> a -> a
- x < y = x <= y && x /= y
- x >= y = y <= x
- x > y = y < x
- max x y | x >= y = x
- | y >= x = y
- min x y | x <= y = x
- | y <= x = y
- Notice that this definition provides default definitions for all of the
- member functions except (<=), so that in general only this single
- function needs to be defined to construct an instance of class Ord.
- There are two reasons for defining Eq as a superclass of Ord:
- o The default definition for (<) relies on the use of (/=) taken
- from class Eq. In order to guarantee that this is always valid we
- must ensure that every instance of Ord must also be an instance of
- Eq.
- o Given the definition of a non-strict ordering (<=) on the elements
- of a type, it is always possible to construct a definition for the
- (==) operator (and hence for (/=)) using the equation:
- 72
- Introduction to Gofer 14.3.1 Superclasses
- x==y = x<=y && y<=x
- There will therefore be no loss in generality by requiring Eq to
- be a superclass of Ord, and conversely, no difficulty in defining
- an instance of Eq to accompany any instance of Ord for which an
- instance of Eq has not already be provided.
- As an example, the following definitions provide an alternative
- way to implement the equality operation on elements of the Set
- datatype described in section 14.2.3, in terms of the subset
- ordering defined in class Ord:
- instance Ord (Set a) => Eq (Set a) where
- x == y = x <= y && y <= x
- instance Eq a => Ord (Set a) where
- Set xs <= Set ys = all (`elem` ys) xs
- This definition is in fact no less efficient or effective than the
- original version.
- Dictionaries for superclasses are dealt with in much the same way as
- the instance specific dictionaries described above. For example, the
- general layout of a dictionary for an instance of Ord is illustrated in
- the following diagram:
- +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----
- | | | | | | | |
- | (<) | (<=) | (>) | (>=) | max | min | Eq a | .....
- | | | | | | | |
- +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----
- Note the use of the seventh element of this dictionary which points to
- the dictionary for the appropriate instance of Eq. This is used in the
- translation of the default definition for (<) which is equivalent to:
- defLessThan d x y = (<=) d x y && (/=) (#7 d) x y
- 14.3.2 Combining classes
- ------------------------
- In general, a dictionary is made up of three separate parts:
- +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+
- | Implementation | Superclass | Instance specific |
- | of class members | Dictionaries | Dictionaries |
- | | | |
- +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+
- Each of these may be empty. We have already seen examples in which
- there are no superclass dictionaries (e.g. instances of Eq) and in
- which there are no instance specific dictionaries (e.g. Eq Int).
- Classes with no member functions (corresponding to dictionaries with no
- member functions) are sometimes useful as a convenient abbreviation for
- a list of predicates. For example:
- 73
- Introduction to Gofer 14.3.2 Combining classes
- class C a where cee :: a -> a
- class D a where dee :: a -> a
- class (C a, D a) => CandD a
- makes CandD a an abbreviation for the context (C a, D a). Thinking of
- single parameter type classes as sets of types, the type class CandD
- corresponds to the intersection of classes C and D.
- Just as the type inferred for a particular function definition or
- expression do not involve type synonyms unless explicit type signatures
- are used, the Gofer type system will not use a single predicate of the
- form CandD a instead of the two predicates C a and D a unless explicit
- signatures are used:
- ? :t dee . cee
- \d129 d130 -> dee d130 . cee d129 :: (C a, D a) => a -> a
- ? :t dee . cee :: CandD a => a -> a
- \d129 -> dee (#2 d129) . cee (#1 d129) :: CandD a => a -> a
- ?
- In Haskell, all instances of a class such as CandD must be have
- explicit declarations, in addition to the corresponding declarations
- for instances for C and D. This problem can be avoided by using the
- more general form of instance declaration permitted in Gofer; a single
- instance declaration:
- instance CandD a
- is all that is required to ensure that any instance of CandD can be
- obtained, so long as corresponding instances for C and D can be found.
- 14.3.3 Simplified contexts
- --------------------------
- Consider the function defined by the following equation:
- eg1 x = [x] == [x] || x == x
- This definition does not restrict the type of x in any way except that,
- if x :: a, then there must be instances Eq [a] and Eq a which are used
- for the two occurrences of the (==) operator in the equation. We might
- therefore expect the type of eg1 to be:
- (Eq [a], Eq a) => a -> Bool
- with translation:
- eg1 d1 d2 x = (==) d1 [x] [x] || (==) d2 x x
- However, as can be seen from the case where a=Int illustrated in
- section 14.3, given d1::Eq [a] we can always find a dictionary for Eq a
- by taking the third element of d1 i.e. (#3 d1)::Eq a. Since it is more
- efficient to select an element from a dictionary than to complicate
- both type and translation with extra parameters, the type assigned to
- "eg1" by default is:
- 74
- Introduction to Gofer 14.3.3 Simplified contexts
- Eq [a] => a -> Bool
- with translation:
- eg1 d1 x = (==) d1 [x] [x] || (==) (#3 d1) x x
- In general, given a set of predicates corresponding to the instances
- required by an expression, Gofer will always attempt to find the
- smallest possible subset of these predicates such that all of the
- required dictionaries can still be obtained, whilst minimising the
- number of dictionary parameters that are used.
- The original type and translation for eg1 given above can be produced
- by including an explicit type signature in the file containing the
- definition of eg1:
- eg1 :: (Eq [a], Eq a) => a -> Bool
- eg1 x = [x] == [x] || x == x
- But even with this definition, Gofer will still always try to minimise
- the number of dictionaries used in any particular expression:
- ? :t eg1
- \d153 -> eg1 d153 (#3 d153) :: Eq [a] => a -> Bool
- ?
- As another example, consider the expression "(\x y-> x==x || y==y)".
- The type and translation assigned to this term can be found directly
- using Gofer:
- ? :t (\x y-> x==x || y==y)
- \d121 d122 x y -> (==) d122 x x ||
- (==) d121 y y
- :: (Eq b, Eq a) => a -> b -> Bool
- ?
- Note that the translation has two dictionary parameters d121 and d122
- corresponding to the two predicates Eq a and Eq b respectively. Since
- both of these dictionaries can be obtained from a dictionary for the
- predicate Eq (a,b), we can use an explicit type signature to produce a
- translation which needs only one dictionary parameter:
- ? :t (\x y-> x==x || y==y) :: Eq (a,b) => a -> b -> Bool
- \d121 x y -> (==) (#3 d121) x x ||
- (==) (#4 d121) y y
- :: Eq (a,b) => a -> b -> Bool
- ?
- 75
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4 Other issues
- 14.4 Other issues
- -----------------
- 14.4.1 Unresolved overloading
- -----------------------------
- Consider the use of the (==) operator in the following three
- situations:
- o In the expression "2 == 3", it is clear that the appropriate value
- for the equality operator in this case is primIntEq as defined by
- the instance declaration for Eq Int. The expression can therefore
- be translated to "primEqInt 2 3".
- o In the function definition "f x = x==x", we cannot completely
- determine the appropriate value for (==) because it depends on the
- type assigned to the variable "x", which may itself vary with
- different uses of the function "f". It is however possible to add
- an extra parameter to the definition, giving "f d x = (==) d x x"
- and taking the type of "f" to be Eq a => a -> Bool.
- In this way, the problem of finding the appropriate definition for
- the (==) operator is deferred until the function is actually used.
- o In the expression "[]==[]", the appropriate value for (==) must be
- obtained from the dictionary for some instance of the form Eq [a],
- but there is not sufficient information in the expression to
- determine what the value of the type variable a should be.
- Looking back to the instance declaration for Eq [a], we find that
- the definition of (==) depends on the value of the dictionary for
- the instance Eq a. In this particular case, it is clear that the
- expression will always evaluate to True, regardless of the value
- of this dictionary. Unfortunately, the only way that this can be
- detected is by evaluating the expression to see if the calculation
- can be completed without reference to the dictionary value (see
- the comments in the aside at the end of this section).
- Attempting to evaluate this expression in Gofer will therefore
- result in an error message indicating that the expression does not
- contain sufficient information to resolve the use of overloading
- in the expression:
- ? [] == []
- ERROR: Unresolved overloading
- *** type : Eq [a] => Bool
- *** translation : \d129 -> (==) d129 [] []
- ?
- Note that the expression has been converted into a lambda
- expression using the dictionary variable d129 to represent the
- dictionary for the unknown instance Eq [a].
- One simple way to resolve the overloading in an expression of this
- kind is to use an explicit type signature. For example, if we
- specify that the second empty list is an empty list of type [Int]:
- 76
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.1 Unresolved overloading
- ? [] == ([]::[Int])
- True
- (2 reductions, 9 cells)
- ?
- The same problem occurs in Haskell, where it is described using the
- idea of an `ambiguous type' -- i.e. a type expression of the form
- context => type where one or more of the type variables appearing in
- the given context do not appear in the remaining part of the type
- expression.
- Further examples of unresolved overloading occur with other classes.
- As an example consider the class Reader defined by:
- class Reader a where
- parse :: String -> a
- unparse :: a -> String
- whose member functions provide methods for obtaining the string
- representation of an element of an instance type, and for converting
- such representations back into the original values (The standard
- Haskell Text class contains similar functions). Now consider the
- expression "parse . unparse" which maps values from some instance of
- Reader to values of another instance via an intermediate string
- representation.
- ? parse . unparse
- ERROR: Unresolved overloading
- *** type : (Reader a, Reader b) => a -> b
- *** translation : \d129 d130 -> parse d130 . unparse d129
- ?
- One of the first things that might surprise the reader here is that the
- value produced by "parse . unparse" does not have to be of the same
- type as the argument; for example, we would not usually expect to have
- any sensible interpretation for a floating point number obtained from
- the string representation of a boolean value!
- This can be fixed by using an explicit type declaration, although the
- expression still produces unresolved overloading:
- ? (parse . unparse) :: Reader a => a -> a
- ERROR: Unresolved overloading
- *** type : Reader a => a -> a
- *** translation : \d130 -> parse d130 . unparse d130
- ?
- Notice however that the type of this expression is not ambiguous so
- that the unresolved overloading in this example can be eliminated when
- the function is actually used:
- ? ((parse . unparse) :: Reader a => a -> a) 'a'
- 'a'
- (4 reductions, 11 cells)
- ?
- 77
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.1 Unresolved overloading
- A more serious problem occurs with the expression "unparse . parse"
- which maps string values to string values via some intermediate type.
- Clearly this will lead to a problem with unresolved overloading:
- ? unparse . parse
- ERROR: Unresolved overloading
- *** type : Reader a => String -> String
- *** translation : \d130 -> unparse d130 . parse (#0 d130)
- ?
- Notice that the type obtained in this case is ambiguous; the type
- variable a which appears in the predicate Reader a does not appear in
- the type String -> String. There are a number of ways of resolving
- this kind of ambiguity:
- o Using an explicitly typed expression: Assuming for example that
- Char is an instance of Reader, we can write:
- ? unparse . (parse :: String -> Char)
- v113 {dict} . v112 {dict}
- (5 reductions, 42 cells)
- ?
- without any ambiguity. If such type signatures are used in a
- number of places, it might be better to define an auxiliary
- function and use that instead:
- charParse :: String -> Char
- charParse = parse
- ? unparse . charParse
- v113 {dict} . charParse
- (4 reductions, 37 cells)
- ?
- In such situations, it is perhaps worth asking if overloaded
- functions are in fact the most appropriate solution for the
- problem in hand!
- o Using an extra dummy parameter in a function definition. In a
- definition such as:
- f = unparse . parse
- we can introduce an additional dummy parameter `x' which is not
- used except to determine the type of the result produced by parse
- in f:
- f x = unparse . (parse `asTypeOf` (\""->x))
- where the standard prelude operator `asTypeOf` defined by:
- asTypeOf :: a -> a -> a
- x `asTypeOf` _ = x
- is used to ensure that the type of parse in the definition of f is
- 78
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.1 Unresolved overloading
- the same as that of the function (\""->x) -- in other words, the
- type must be String -> a where a is the type of the variable x.
- The resulting type for f is:
- f :: Reader a => a -> String -> String
- Notice how the addition of the dummy parameter has been used to
- eliminate the ambiguity present in the original type.
- This kind of `coding trick' is rather messy and is not recommended
- for anything but the simplest examples.
- [ASIDE: The idea of evaluating an expression with an ambiguous type to
- see if it does actually need the unspecified dictionaries could have
- been implemented quite rather easily in Gofer using an otherwise unused
- datatype Unresolved and generating instance declarations such as:
- instance Eq Unresolved where
- (==) = error "unresolved overloading for (==)"
- (/=) = error "unresolved overloading for (/=)"
- for each class. Given a particular expression, we can then use the
- type Unused in place of any ambiguous type variables in its type. The
- evaluation of the expression could then be attempted, either completing
- successfully if the dictionaries are not required, but otherwise
- resulting in a run-time error.
- This approach is not used in Gofer; instead, the programmer is notified
- of any unresolved polymorphism when the program is type checked,
- avoiding the possibility that a program might contain an undetected
- ambiguity.]
- 14.4.2 `Recursive' dictionaries
- -------------------------------
- Unlike Haskell, there are no restrictions on the form of the predicates
- that may appear in the context part of a Gofer class or instance
- declaration. This has a number of potentially useful applications
- because it enables the Gofer programs to use mutually `recursive'
- systems of dictionaries.
- One example of this is the ability to implement a large family of
- related functions using a group of classes instead of having to use a
- single class. The following example illustrates the technique with an
- alternative definition for the class Eq in which the (==) and (/=)
- operators are placed in different classes:
- class Neq a => Eq a where (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
- class Eq a => Neq a where (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
- x/=y = not (x == y)
- [ASIDE: These declarations clash with those in the standard prelude and
- hence cannot actually be used in Gofer unless a modified version of the
- 79
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.2 `Recursive' dictionaries
- standard prelude is used instead.]
- If we then give instance declarations:
- instance Eq Int where (==) = primEqInt
- instance Neq Int
- and try to evaluate the expression "2==3" then the following system of
- dictionaries will be generated:
- d1 :: Eq Int d2 :: Neq Int
- +-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+
- | | | | | |
- +-->| primEqInt |d2::Neq Int+----->| defNeq d2 |d1::Eq Int +---+
- | | | | | | | |
- | +-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+ |
- | |
- +------------------------------<-------------------------------+
- where the function "defNeq" is derived from the default definition in the
- class Neq and is equivalent to:
- defNeq d x y = not ((==) (#2 d) x y)
- Incidentally, if the instance declaration for Neq Int above had been
- replaced by:
- instance Neq a
- Then the effect of these declarations would be similar to the standard
- definition of the class Eq, except that it would not be possible to
- override the default definition for (/=). In other words, this
- approach would give the same effect as defining (/=) as a top-level
- function rather than a member function in the class Eq:
- class Eq a where (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
- (/=) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
- x /= y = not (x == y)
- There are other situations in which recursive dictionaries of the kind
- described above can be used. A further example is given in the
- following section. Unfortunately, the lack of restrictions on the form
- of class and instance declarations can also lead to problems in some
- (mostly pathological) cases. As an example, consider the class:
- class Bad [a] => Bad a where bad :: a -> a
- Without defining any instances of Bad, it is not possible to construct
- any dictionaries for instances of Bad:
- ? bad 2
- ERROR: Cannot derive instance in expression
- *** Expression : bad d126 2
- *** Required instance : Bad Int
- ?
- 80
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.2 `Recursive' dictionaries
- If however we add the instance declarations:
- instance Bad Int where bad = id
- instance Bad [a] where bad = id
- then any attempt to construct a dictionary for Bad Int will also
- require a dictionary for the superclass Bad [Int] and then for the
- superclass of that instance Bad [[Int]] etc... Since Gofer has only a
- finite amount of space for storing dictionaries, this process will
- eventually terminate when that space has been used up:
- ? bad 2
- ERROR: Dictionary storage space exhausted
- ?
- [ASIDE: depending on the configuration of your particular version of
- Gofer and on the nature of the class and instance declarations that are
- involved, an alternative error message "ERROR: Too many type variables
- in type checker" may be produced instead of the message shown above.]
- From a practical point of view, this problem is unlikely to cause too
- many real difficulties:
- o Class declarations involving predicates such as those in the
- declaration of Bad are unlikely to be used in realistic programs.
- o All dictionaries are constructed before evaluation begins. This
- process is guaranteed to terminate because each new dictionary
- that is created uses up part of the space used to hold Gofer
- dictionaries. The construction process will either terminate
- successfully once complete, or be aborted as soon as all of the
- dictionary space has been used.
- It remains to see what impact (if any) this has on realistic programs,
- and if later versions of Gofer should be modified to impose some
- syntactic restrictions (as in Haskell) or perhaps some form of static
- checking of the contexts appearing in class and instance declarations.
- 14.4.3 Classes with multiple parameters
- ---------------------------------------
- Gofer is the first language to support the use of type classes with
- multiple parameters. This again is an experimental feature of the
- language, intended to make it possible to explore the claims from a
- number of researchers about the use of such classes.
- Initial experiments suggest that multiple parameter type classes are
- likely to lead to large numbers of problems with unresolved
- overloading. Ultimately, this may mean that such classes are only of
- practical use in explicitly typed languages, or alternatively that a
- more powerful and general defaulting mechanism (similar to that used in
- Haskell with numeric classes) is required to support user controlled
- overloading resolution.
- The following declaration introduces a class Iso whose elements are
- pairs of isomorphic types:
- 81
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.3 Classes with multiple parameters
- class Iso b a => Iso a b where iso :: a -> b
- The single member function "iso" represents the isomorphism mapping
- elements of type a to corresponding elements of type b. Note the
- `superclass' context in this declaration which formalises the idea that
- if a is isomorphic to b then b is also isomorphic to a. The class Iso
- therefore provides further examples of the recursive dictionaries
- described in the previous section.
- The fact that any type is isomorphic to itself can be described by the
- following instance declaration:
- instance Iso a a where iso x = x
- For example, the dictionary structure created in order to evaluate the
- expression "iso 2 = 3" is:
- d :: Iso Int Int
- +--------------+--------------+
- | | |
- +-->| id |d::Iso Int Int+--+
- | | | | |
- | +--------------+--------------+ |
- | |
- +------------------<-----------------+
- ? iso 2 == 3
- False
- (4 reductions, 11 cells)
- ?
- Our first taste of the problems to come occurs when we try to evaluate
- the expression "iso 2 == iso 3":
- ? iso 2 == iso 3
- ERROR: Unresolved overloading
- *** type : (Eq a, Iso Int a) => Bool
- *** translation : \d130 d132 -> (==) d130 (iso d132 2) (iso d132 3)
- ?
- In this case, the "iso" function is used to map the integers 2 and 3 to
- elements of some type a, isomorphic to Int, and the values produced are
- the compared using (==) at the instance Eq a; there is no way of
- discovering what the value of a should be without using an explicit
- type signature.
- Further instances can be defined. The following two declarations are
- needed to describe the (approximate) isomorphism between lists of pairs
- and pairs of lists:
- instance Iso [(a,b)] ([a],[b]) where
- iso xs = (map fst xs, map snd xs)
- instance Iso ([a],[b]) [(a,b)] where
- iso (xs,ys) = zip xs ys
- 82
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.3 Classes with multiple parameters
- Unfortunately, even apparently straightforward examples give problems
- with unresolved overloading, forcing the use of explicit type
- declarations:
- ? iso [(1,2),(3,4)]
- ERROR: Unresolved overloading
- *** type : Iso [(Int,Int)] a => a
- *** translation : \d126 -> iso d126 [(1,2),(3,4)]
- ? (iso [(1,2),(3,4)]) :: ([Int],[Int])
- ([1, 3],[2, 4])
- (22 reductions, 64 cells)
- ?
- A second example of a multiple parameter type class is defined as
- follows:
- class Ord a => Collects a b where
- emptyCollection :: b
- addToCollection :: a -> b -> b
- listCollection :: b -> [a]
- The basic intuition is that the predicate Collects a b indicates that
- elements of type b can be used to represent collections of elements of
- type a. A number of people have suggested using type classes in this
- way to provide features similar to the (similarly named, but otherwise
- different) classes that occur in object-oriented languages.
- Obvious implementations involve the use of ordered lists or binary
- search trees defined by instances of the form:
- data STree a = Empty | Node a (STree a) (STree a)
- instance Collects a [a] where ....
- instance Collects a (STree a) where ....
- Once again, there are significant problems even with simple examples
- using these functions. As an example, the standard way of defining a
- function of type:
- Collects a b => [a] -> b
- mapping a list of values to a collection of those values using the
- higher order function "foldr":
- listToCollection = foldr addToCollection emptyCollection
- actually produces a function with ambiguous type:
- ? :t foldr addToCollection emptyCollection
- \d139 d140 -> foldr (addToCollection d140) (emptyCollection d139)
- :: (Collects c b, Collects a b) => [a] -> b
- ?
- which cannot be resolved, even with an explicit type declaration.
- 83
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.4 Overloading and numeric values
- 14.4.4 Overloading and numeric values
- -------------------------------------
- One of the most common uses of overloading is to allow the use of the
- standard arithmetic operators such as (+), (*) etc. on the elements of
- a range of numeric types including integers, floating point values in
- addition to user defined numeric types such as arbitrary precision
- integers, complex and rational numbers, vectors and matrices,
- polynomials etc. In Haskell, these features are supported by a number
- of built-in types and a complex hierarchy of type classes describing
- the operations defined on the elements of each numeric type.
- As an experimental language, intended primarily for the investigation
- of general purpose overloading, Gofer has only two built-in numeric
- types; Int and Float (the second of which is not supported in all
- implementations). Similarly, although the Gofer system could be used
- to implement the fully hierarchy of Haskell numeric classes, the
- standard prelude uses a single numeric type class Num defined by:
- class Eq a => Num a where -- simplified numeric class
- (+), (-), (*), (/) :: a -> a -> a
- negate :: a -> a
- fromInteger :: Int -> a
- The first four member functions (+), (-), (*), (/) are the standard
- arithmetic functions on instances of Num, whilst "negate" denotes unary
- negation. The final member function, fromInteger is used to coerce any
- integer value to the corresponding value in another instance of Num.
- An expression such as "fromInteger 3" is called an overloaded numeric
- constant and has type Num a => a indicating that it can be used as a
- value of any instance of Num. See below for examples.
- Both Float and Int are defined as instances of Num using primitive
- functions for integer and floating point arithmetic:
- instance Num Int where
- (+) = primPlusInt
- (-) = primMinusInt
- (*) = primMulInt
- (/) = primDivInt
- negate = primNegInt
- fromInteger x = x
- instance Num Float where
- (+) = primPlusFloat
- (-) = primMinusFloat
- (*) = primMulFloat
- (/) = primDivFloat
- negate = primNegFloat
- fromInteger = primIntToFloat
- These definitions make it possible to evaluate numeric expressions
- involving both types:
- ? 2 + 3
- 5
- (3 reductions, 6 cells)
- 84
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.4 Overloading and numeric values
- ? 3.2 + 4.321
- 7.521
- (3 reductions, 13 cells)
- ?
- Note however that any attempt to evaluate an expression mixing
- different arithmetic types is likely to cause a type error:
- ? 4.2 * 4
- ERROR: Type error in application
- *** expression : 4.2 * 4
- *** term : 4.2
- *** type : Float
- *** does not match : Int
- ?
- Further problems occur when we try to define functions intended to be
- used with arbitrary instances of Num rather than specific numeric
- types. As an example of this, the standard prelude function "sum",
- roughly equivalent to:
- sum [] = 0
- sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs
- has type [Int] -> Int, rather than the more general Num a => [a] -> a
- which could be used to find the sum of a list of numeric values in any
- instance of Num. The problem in this particular case is caused by the
- integer constant 0 in the first line of the definition. Replacing this
- with the expression fromInteger 0 leads to the following definition for
- a generic sum function of the required type:
- genericSum :: Num a => [a] -> a
- genericSum [] = fromInteger 0
- genericSum (x:xs) = x + genericSum xs
- For example:
- ? genericSum [1,2,3]
- 6
- (10 reductions, 18 cells)
- ? genericSum [1.0,2.0,3.0]
- 6.0
- (11 reductions, 27 cells)
- ?
- The fromInteger function can also be used to solve the previous
- problem:
- ? 4.2 * fromInteger 4
- 16.8
- (3 reductions, 13 cells)
- ?
- In Haskell, any integer constant k appearing in an expression is
- treated as if the programmer had actually written "fromInteger k" so
- that both of the preceding problems are automatically resolved.
- 85
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.4 Overloading and numeric values
- Unfortunately, this also creates some new problems; applying the
- function fromInteger to each integer constant in previous examples
- causes problems with unresolved overloading:
- ? fromInteger 2 + fromInteger 3
- ERROR: Unresolved overloading
- *** type : Num a => a
- *** translation : \d143 -> (+) d143 (fromInteger d143 2)
- (fromInteger d143 3)
- ?
- Once again, Haskell provides a solution to this problem in the form of
- a `default mechanism' for numeric types which, once the following
- problem has been detected, will typically `default' the unknown type
- represented by the type variable a above to be Int, so that the result
- is actually equivalent to the following:
- ? (fromInteger 2 + fromInteger 3) :: Int
- 5
- (4 reductions, 8 cells)
- ?
- There are a number of problems with the Haskell default mechanism; both
- theoretical and practical. In addition, if a default mechanism of some
- form is used then it should also be capable of dealing with arbitrary
- user-defined type classes, rather than a small group of `standard'
- classes, in order to provide solutions to the unresolved overloading
- problems described in previous sections. Therefore, for the time
- being, Gofer does not support any form of default mechanism and
- overloaded numeric constants can only be obtained by explicit use of
- the fromInteger function.
- 14.4.5 Constants in dictionaries
- --------------------------------
- The Gofer system constructs new dictionaries as necessary, and deletes
- them when they are no longer required. At any one time, there is at
- most one dictionary for each instance of a class. Coupled with lazy
- evaluation, this has a number of advantages for classes in which member
- functions are defined by variable declarations as in section 9.10. As
- an example, consider the class Finite defined by:
- class Finite a where members :: [a]
- The only member in this class is a list enumerating the elements of the
- type. For example:
- instance Finite Bool where members = [False, True]
- instance (Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (a,b) where
- members = [ (x,y) | x<-members, y<-members ]
- In order to overcome any problems with unresolved overloading, explicit
- type signatures are often needed to resolve overloading:
- ? members :: [Bool]
- 86
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.5 Constants in dictionaries
- [False, True]
- (6 reductions, 26 cells)
- ? length (members :: [((Bool,Bool),(Bool,Bool))])
- 16
- (103 reductions, 195 cells)
- ?
- In some cases, the required overloading is implicit from the context
- and no additional type information is required, as in the following
- example:
- ? [ x && y | (x,y) <- members ]
- [False, False, False, True]
- (29 reductions, 90 cells)
- ?
- We can also use the technique of passing a `dummy' parameter to resolve
- overloading problems in a function definition:
- size :: Finite a => a -> Int
- size x = length (members `asTypeOf` [x])
- which calculates the number of elements of a finite type, given an
- arbitrary element of that type:
- ? size (True,False)
- 4
- (31 reductions, 60 cells)
- ?
- Now consider the expression "size (True,False) + size (True,False)".
- At first glance, we expect this to repeat the calculation in the
- previous example two times, requiring approximately twice as many
- reductions and cells as before. However, before this expression is
- evaluated, Gofer constructs a dictionary for Finite (Bool,Bool). The
- evaluation of the first summand forces Gofer to evaluate the value for
- "members" in this dictionary. Since precisely the same dictionary is
- used to calculate the value of the second summand, the evaluation of
- "members" is not repeated and the complete calculation actually uses
- rather fewer reductions and cells:
- ? size (True,False) + size (True,False)
- 8
- (51 reductions, 90 cells)
- ?
- On the other hand, repeating the original calculation gives exactly the
- same number of reductions and cells as before, because the dictionaries
- constructed at the beginning of each calculation are not retained for
- use in subsequent calculations.
- We can force Gofer to construct specific dictionaries whilst reading
- from a file of definitions, so that they are not deleted at the end of
- each calculation, using an explicitly typed variable definition such
- as:
- 87
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.5 Constants in dictionaries
- boolBoolMembers = members :: [(Bool,Bool)]
- This forces Gofer to construct the dictionary Finite (Bool,Bool) when
- the file of definitions is loaded and prevents it from being deleted at
- the end of each calculation. Having loaded a file containing this
- definition, the first two attempts to evaluate "size (True,False)"
- give:
- ? size (True,False)
- 4
- (31 reductions, 60 cells)
- ? size (True,False)
- 4
- (20 reductions, 32 cells)
- ?
- 14.4.6 The monomorphism restriction
- -----------------------------------
- This section describes a technique used to limit the amount of
- overloading used in the definition of certain values to avoid a number
- of technical problems. This particular topic has attracted quite a lot
- of attention within the Haskell community where it is affectionately
- known as the `dreaded monomorphism restriction'. Although the initial
- formulation of the rule was rather cumbersome and limiting, the current
- version used in both Gofer and Haskell is unlikely to cause any
- problems in practice. In addition, many of the examples used to
- motivate the need for the monomorphism restriction in Haskell occur as
- a result of the use of implicitly overloaded numeric constants,
- described in section 14.4.4, and hence do not occur in Gofer.
- The monomorphism restriction takes its name from the way in which it
- limits the amount of polymorphism that can be used in particular kinds
- of declaration. Although we touch on this point in the following
- discussion, the description given here uses an equivalent, but less
- abstract approach, based on observations about the implementation of
- overloaded functions.
- Basic ideas:
- ------------
- As we have seen, the implementation of overloading used by Gofer
- depends on being able to add extra arguments to a function definition
- to supply the required dictionary parameters. For example, given a
- function definition such as:
- isElement x [] = False
- isElement x (y:ys) = x==y || isElement x ys
- we first add a dictionary parameter for the use of the overloaded (==)
- operator on the right hand side, obtaining:
- isElement x [] = False
- isElement x (y:ys) = (==) d x y || isElement x ys
- Finally, we have to add the variable d as a new parameter for the
- function isElement, on both the left and right hand sides of the
- 88
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.6 The monomorphism restriction
- definition:
- isElement d x [] = False
- isElement d x (y:ys) = (==) d x y || isElement d x ys
- The monomorphism restriction imposes conditions which prevent this last
- step from being used for certain kinds of value binding.
- Declaration groups:
- -------------------
- Before giving the full details, it is worth pointing out that, in
- general, the monomorphism restriction affects groups of value
- declarations rather than just individual definitions. To illustrate
- this point, consider the function definitions:
- f x y = x==y || g x y
- g x y = not (f x y)
- Adding an appropriate dictionary parameter for the (==) operator gives:
- f x y = (==) d x y || g x y
- g x y = not (f x y)
- The next stage is to make this dictionary variable into an extra
- parameter to the function f wherever it appears, giving:
- f d x y = (==) d x y || g x y
- g x y = not (f d x y)
- But now the right hand side of the second definition mentions the
- dictionary variable d which must therefore be added as an extra
- parameter to g:
- f d x y = (==) d x y || g d x y
- g d x y = not (f d x y)
- In other words, if dictionary parameters are added to any particular
- function definition, then each use of that function in another
- definition will also be require extra dictionary parameters. As a
- result, the monomorphism restriction has to be applied to the smallest
- groups of declarations such that any pair of mutually recursive
- bindings are in the same group.
- As the example above shows, if one (or more) of the bindings in a given
- declaration group is affected by the monomorphism restriction so that
- the appropriate dictionary parameters cannot be added as parameters for
- that definition, then the same condition must also be imposed on all of
- the other bindings in the group. [Adding the extra parameter to f in
- the example forces us to add an extra parameter for g; if extra
- parameters were not permitted for g then they could not be added to f.]
- 89
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.6 The monomorphism restriction
- Restricted bindings:
- --------------------
- There are three main reasons for avoiding adding dictionary parameters
- to a particular value binding:
- o Dictionary parameters unnecessary. If the dictionary values are
- completely determined by context then it is not necessary to pass
- the appropriate values as dictionary parameters. For example, the
- function definition:
- f x = x == 0 || x == 2
- can be translated as:
- f x = (==) {dict} x 0 || (==) {dict} x 2
- where, in both cases, the symbol {dict} denotes the dictionary for
- Eq Int. As a further optimisation, once the dictionary is fully
- determined, this can be simplified to:
- f x = primEqInt x 0 || primEqInt x 2
- o Dictionary parameters cannot be added in a pattern binding. One
- potential solution to this problem would be to replace the pattern
- binding by an equivalent set of function bindings. In practice,
- we do not use this technique because it typically causes ambiguity
- problems, as illustrated by the pattern binding:
- (plus,times) = ((+), (*))
- Translating this into a group of function bindings gives:
- newVariable = ((+), (*))
- plus = fst newVariable -- fst (x,_) = x
- times = snd newVariable -- snd (_,y) = y
- The type of newVariable is (Num a, Num b) => (a->a->a, b->b->b) so
- that the correct translation of these bindings using two
- dictionary variables gives:
- newVariable da db = ((+) da, (*) db)
- plus da db = fst (newVariable da db)
- times da db = snd (newVariable da db)
- and hence the correct types for plus and times are:
- plus :: (Num a, Num b) => a -> a -> a
- times :: (Num a, Num b) => b -> b -> b
- both of which are ambiguous.
- o Adding dictionary parameters may translate a variable definition
- into a function definition, loosing the benefits of shared
- evaluation. As an example, consider the following definition
- using the function "size" and the class Finite described in the
- previous section:
- 90
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.6 The monomorphism restriction
- twiceSize x = n + n where n = size x
- Since the variable n is defined using a local definition, we would
- not expect to have to evaluate size x more than once to determine
- the value of twiceSize. However, adding extra dictionary
- parameters without restriction gives:
- twiceSize d x = n d + n d where n d = size d x
- Now that n has been replaced by a function, the evaluation will be
- repeated, once for each occurrence of the expression "n d". In
- order to avoid this kind of problem, the monomorphism restriction
- does not usually allow extra parameters to be added to a variable
- definition. Thus the original definition above will be translated
- to give:
- twiceSize d x = n + n where n = size d x
- Note that the same rule is applied to variable definitions at the
- top-level of a file of definitions, resulting in an error if any
- dictionary parameters are required for the right hand side of the
- definition. As an example of this:
- twiceMembers = members ++ members
- which produces an error message of the form:
- ERROR "ex" (line 157): Unresolved top-level overloading
- *** Binding : twiceMembers
- *** Inferred type : [_7]
- *** Outstanding context : Finite _7
- ?
- [COMMENT: A type expression of the form _n (such as _7 in this
- particular example) represents a fixed (i.e. monomorphic) type
- variable.]
- In the case of a variable declaration, the monomorphism
- restriction can be overcome by giving an explicit type signature
- including an appropriate context, to indicate that the variable
- defined is intended to be used as an overloaded value. In this
- case, we need only include the declaration:
- twiceMembers :: Finite a => [a]
- in the file containing the definition for twiceMembers to suppress
- the previous error message and allow the function to be used as a
- fully overloaded variable.
- Note that the monomorphism restriction interferes with the use of
- polymorphism. For example, the definition:
- aNumber = length (twiceMembers::[Bool]) +
- length (twiceMembers::[(Bool,Bool)])
- where twiceMembers = members ++ members
- 91
- Introduction to Gofer 14.4.6 The monomorphism restriction
- will not be accepted because the monomorphism restriction forces
- the local definition of "twiceMembers" to be restricted to a
- single overloading (the dictionary parameter supplied to each use
- of members must be constant throughout the local definition):
- ERROR "ex" (line 12): Type error in type signature expression
- *** term : twiceMembers
- *** type : [(Bool,Bool)]
- *** does not match : [Bool]
- ?
- Once again, this problem can be fixed using an explicit type
- declaration:
- aNumber = length (twiceMembers::[Bool]) +
- length (twiceMembers::[(Bool,Bool)])
- where twiceMembers :: Finite a => [a]
- twiceMembers = members ++ members
- Formal definition:
- ------------------
- The examples above describe the motivation for the monomorphism
- restriction, captured by the following definition:
- Dictionary variables will not be used as extra parameters in the
- definition of a value in a given declaration group G if:
- either: G includes a pattern binding
- or: G includes a variable declaration, but does not include an
- explicit type signature for any of the variables in the
- group.
- If neither of these conditions hold, then equivalent sets of dictionary
- parameters will be added to each declaration in the group.
- 92