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- The language supported by Gofer is both syntactically and semantically
- similar to that of the functional programming language Haskell as
- defined in the report for Haskell version 1.1 [5]. This section
- details the differences between the two languages, outlined briefly in
- section 2.
- Haskell features not included in Gofer:
- ---------------------------------------
- o Modules
- o Arrays
- o Derived instances for standard classes -- the ability to construct
- instances of particular classes automatically.
- o Default mechanism for eliminating unresolved overloading involving
- numeric and standard classes. Since Gofer is an experimental
- system, it can be used with a range of completely different
- prelude files; there is no concept of `standard classes'.
- o Overloaded numeric constants. In the absence of a defaulting
- mechanism as mentioned in the previous item, problems with
- unresolved overloading make implicitly typed programming involving
- numeric constants impractical in an interpreter based system.
- o Full range of numeric types and classes. Gofer has only two
- primitive numeric types Int and Float (the second of which is not
- supported in the PC version). Although is would be possible to
- modify the standard prelude so that Gofer uses the same class
- hierarchy as Haskell, this is unnecessarily sophisticated for the
- intended uses of Gofer.
- o Datatype definitions in Haskell may involve class constraints such
- as:
- data Ord a => Set a = Set [a]
- It is not clear how such constraints should be interpreted
- (particularly in the light of the extended form of constraints
- used by Gofer) in such a way to make them useful whilst avoid
- unwanted ambiguity problems.
- Gofer features not supported in Haskell:
- ----------------------------------------
- o Type classes may have multiple parameters.
- o Predicates in type expressions may involve arbitrary type
- expressions, not just type variables as used in Haskell.
- o Instances of type classes can be defined at non-overlapping, but
- otherwise arbitrary types, as described in section 14.2.5.
- o List comprehensions may include local definitions, specified by
- 111
- qualifiers of the form <pat>=<expr> as described in section 10.2.
- o No restrictions are placed on the form of predicates that appear
- in the context for a class of instance declaration. This has a
- number of consequences, including the possibility of using
- (mutually) recursive groups of dictionaries, but means that
- decidability of the predicate entailment relation may be lost.
- This is not a great problem in practice, since all dictionary
- construction is performed before evaluation and supposedly
- non-terminating dictionary constructions will actually generate an
- error due to the limited amount of space available for holding
- dictionaries (see section 14.4.2).
- Other differences:
- ------------------
- o Whilst superficially similar the approach to type classes in Gofer
- is quite different to that used in Haskell. In particular, the
- approach used in Gofer ensures that all necessary dictionaries are
- constructed before the evaluation of an expression begins, rather
- than being built (possibly several times) during the evaluation as
- is the case with Haskell. See section 14 and reference [11] for
- further details.
- o Input/Output facilities - Gofer supports only a subset of the
- requests available in Haskell. In principal, it should not be too
- difficult to add most of the remaining forms of request (with the
- exception of those associated with binary files) to Gofer. The
- principal motivation for including the I/O facilities in Gofer was
- to make it possible to experiment with simple interactive
- programs.
- o In Gofer, unary minus has greater precedence than any operator
- symbol, but lower than that of function application. In Haskell,
- the precedence of unary minus is the same as that of the infix
- (subtraction) operator of the same name.
- o In Haskell, the character `-' can only be used as the first
- character of an operator symbol. In Gofer, this character may
- appear in any position in an operator (except for symbols
- beginning with "--", which indicates the start of a comment). The
- only problems that I am aware of with this is that a lambda
- expression such as "\-2->2" will be parsed as such by a Haskell
- system, but cause a syntax error in Gofer. This form of lambda
- expression is sufficiently unusual that I do not believe this will
- cause any problems in practice; in any case, the parsing problem
- can be solved by inserting a space: "\ -2->2".
- o Pattern bindings are not currently permitted in either instance or
- class declarations. This restriction has been made simply for
- ease of implementation, is not an inherent problem with the type
- class system and is likely to be relaxed in later versions of
- Gofer if appropriate. I have yet to see any examples in which the
- lack of pattern bindings in class and instance declarations causes
- any kind of deficiency.
- 112
- o Qualified type signatures are not permitted for the member
- functions in Gofer class declarations. Once again, this
- restriction was made for ease of implementation rather than any
- pressing technical issues. It is likely that this restriction
- will be relaxed in future versions of Gofer, although I am not
- convinced that proper use can be made of such member functions
- without some form of nested instance declarations (yuk!).
- o The definition of the class Text given in the standard prelude
- does not include the Haskell functions for reading/parsing values
- from strings; the only reason for omitting these functions was to
- try and avoid unnecessary complexity in the standard prelude. The
- standard prelude can be modified to include the appropriate
- additional definitions if these are required.
- Known problems in Gofer:
- ------------------------
- o The null escape sequence "\&" is not generated in the printable
- representations of strings produced by both The primitive function
- primPrint (used to implement the show' function) and the version
- of show defined in the standard prelude. This means that certain
- strings values are not printed correctly e.g. show' "\245\&123"
- produces the string "\245123". This is unlikely to cause too many
- problems in practice.
- o Unification of a type variable a with a type expression of the
- form T a where T is a synonym name whose expansion does not
- involve a will fail. It is not entirely clear whether this
- behaviour is correct or not.
- o Formfeeds '\f' and vertical tabs '\v' are not treated as valid
- whitespace characters in the way suggested by the Haskell report.
- o Inability to recover from program stack overlow errors in some
- situations. This problem only affects the PC implementation of
- Gofer.
- o Implementation of ReadFile may loose referential transparency; the
- response to a particular ReadFile request may be affected by a
- later WriteFile or AppendFile request for the same file. Whilst
- this problem can be solved for UNIX based implementations, I have
- not yet found a portable solution suitable for all of the systems
- on which Gofer can be used.
- Areas for possible future improvement:
- --------------------------------------
- o Relaxing the restriction on type synonyms in predicates.
- o General purpose automatic default mechanism for eliminating
- certain forms of unresolved overloading.
- o Improved checking and use of superclass and instance constraints
- during static analysis and type checking.
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- o Simple facility to force dictionary construction at load-time.
- o Provision for shell escapes :! etc within the Gofer interpreter.
- o Debugging facilities, including breakpoints and tracing from
- within interpreter.
- o Separate interpreter and compiler programs for creating standalone
- applications using Gofer.
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