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- -- Here are a collection of fairly standard functions for manipulating
- -- one form of binary trees
- data Tree a = Lf a | Tree a :^: Tree a
- reflect t@(Lf x) = t
- reflect (l:^:r) = r :^: l
- mapTree f (Lf x) = Lf (f x)
- mapTree f (l:^:r) = mapTree f l :^: mapTree f r
- -- Functions to calculate the list of leaves on a tree:
- leaves, leaves' :: Tree a -> [a]
- leaves (Lf l) = [l] -- direct version
- leaves (l:^:r) = leaves l ++ leaves r
- leaves' t = leavesAcc t [] -- using an accumulating parameter
- where leavesAcc (Lf l) = (l:)
- leavesAcc (l:^:r) = leavesAcc l . leavesAcc r
- -- Picturing a tree:
- drawTree :: Text a => Tree a -> String
- drawTree = unlines . thd3 . pic
- where pic (Lf a) = (1,1,["-- "++show a])
- pic (l:^:r) = (hl+hr+1, hl+1, top pl ++ mid ++ bot pr)
- where (hl,bl,pl) = pic l
- (hr,br,pr) = pic r
- top = zipWith (++) (copy (bl-1) " " ++
- [" ,-"] ++
- copy (hl-bl) " | ")
- mid = ["-| "]
- bot = zipWith (++) (copy (br-1) " | " ++
- [" `-"] ++
- copy (hr-br) " ")
- -- Finally, here is an example due to Richard Bird, which uses lazy evaluation
- -- and recursion to create a `cyclic' program which avoids multiple traversals
- -- over a data structure:
- replaceAndMin m (Lf n) = (Lf m, n)
- replaceAndMin m (l:^:r) = (rl :^: rr, ml `min` mr)
- where (rl,ml) = replaceAndMin m l
- (rr,mr) = replaceAndMin m r
- replaceWithMin t = mt where (mt,m) = replaceAndMin m t
- sample = (Lf 12 :^: (Lf 23 :^: Lf 13)) :^: Lf 10
- sample2 = sample :^: sample
- sample4 = sample2 :^: sample2