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- --
- -- Substitutions and Unification of Prolog Terms
- -- Mark P. Jones November 1990, modified for Gofer 20th July 1991
- --
- -- uses Gofer version 2.20
- --
- infixr 3 @@
- infix 4 ->-
- --- Substitutions:
- type Subst = Id -> Term
- -- substitutions are represented by functions mapping identifiers to terms.
- --
- -- apply s extends the substitution s to a function mapping terms to terms
- -- nullSubst is the empty substitution which maps every identifier to the
- -- same identifier (as a term).
- -- i ->- t is the substitution which maps the identifier i to the term t,
- -- but otherwise behaves like nullSubst.
- -- s1 @@ s2 is the composition of substitutions s1 and s2
- -- N.B. apply is a monoid homomorphism from (Subst,nullSubst,(@@))
- -- to (Term -> Term, id, (.)) in the sense that:
- -- apply (s1 @@ s2) = apply s1 . apply s2
- -- s @@ nullSubst = s = nullSubst @@ s
- apply :: Subst -> Term -> Term
- apply s (Var i) = s i
- apply s (Struct a ts) = Struct a (map (apply s) ts)
- nullSubst :: Subst
- nullSubst i = Var i
- (->-) :: Id -> Term -> Subst
- (i ->- t) j | j==i = t
- | otherwise = Var j
- (@@) :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
- s1 @@ s2 = apply s1 . s2
- --- Unification:
- -- unify t1 t2 returns a list containing a single substitution s which is
- -- the most general unifier of terms t1 t2. If no unifier
- -- exists, the list returned is empty.
- unify :: Term -> Term -> [Subst]
- unify (Var x) (Var y) = if x==y then [nullSubst] else [x->-Var y]
- unify (Var x) t2 = [ x ->- t2 | x `notElem` varsIn t2 ]
- unify t1 (Var y) = [ y ->- t1 | y `notElem` varsIn t1 ]
- unify (Struct a ts) (Struct b ss) = [ u | a==b, u<-listUnify ts ss ]
- listUnify :: [Term] -> [Term] -> [Subst]
- listUnify [] [] = [nullSubst]
- listUnify [] (r:rs) = []
- listUnify (t:ts) [] = []
- listUnify (t:ts) (r:rs) = [ u2 @@ u1 | u1<-unify t r,
- u2<-listUnify (map (apply u1) ts)
- (map (apply u1) rs) ]
- --- End of Subst.hs