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- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The files in this directory are based on the programs described in:
- A Modular fully-lazy lambda lifter in Haskell
- Simon L. Peyton Jones and David Lester
- Software -- Practice and Experience
- Vol 21(5), pp.479-506
- MAY 1991
- These files include:
- Readme -- this file.
- Utility -- implementation of various utility functions and
- data types including sets, bags and name supplies.
- The paper referred to above includes type signatures
- for the operations defined in this file but does not
- actually give definitions. I trust that my own
- implementations of these functions will be satisfactory!
- LambdaLift -- simple lambda lifter. Contains code from the first
- half of the above paper.
- Laziness -- transformations for fully-lazy lambda lifting. Contains
- the remaining code from the above paper.
- Demo -- demonstration of lamda lifting (normal and fully-lazy
- variants). This hastily-written file contains definitions
- for a parser and input parser for the expressions used
- in the preceeding two files. This file can only be loaded
- if the Parse file from MiniProlog has already been loaded
- into Gofer. As it stands, this code uses non-standard
- features of Gofer and will not (i.e. should not!) be
- accepted by a Haskell compiler.
- The modular fully-lazy lambda lifter and demonstration files can be loaded
- into Gofer with the command:
- gofer Utility LambdaLift Laziness ../prolog/Parse Demo
- The find of results that can be obtained are illustrated by:
- ? show example1
- let f = (\x.let g = (\y.(Plus (Times x x) y)) in (Plus (g 3) (g 4))) in (f 6)
- ? ll example1
- 1) $main = let f = SC1 in (f 6)
- 2) SC1 x = let g = (SC0 x) in (Plus (g 3) (g 4))
- 3) SC0 x y = (Plus (Times x x) y)
- ? fll example1
- 1) $main = let f0 = SC1 in (f0 6)
- 2) SC1 x1 = let v4 = (Plus (Times x1 x1)) in
- let g2 = (SC0 v4) in (Plus (g2 3) (g2 4))
- 3) SC0 v4 y3 = (v4 y3)
- ? show example2
- let f = (\x.letrec g = (\y.(Cons (Times x x) (g y))) in (g 3)) in (f 6)
- ? ll example2
- 1) $main = let f = SC1 in (f 6)
- 2) SC1 x = letrec g = (SC0 g x) in (g 3)
- 3) SC0 g x y = (Cons (Times x x) (g y))
- ? fll example2
- 1) $main = let f0 = SC1 in (f0 6)
- 2) SC1 x1 = let v4 = (Cons (Times x1 x1)) in
- letrec g2 = (SC0 g2 v4) in (g2 3)
- 3) SC0 g2 v4 y3 = (v4 (g2 y3))
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