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- /* PatMatch.c - Implements AmigaDos Regular Expression Pattern Matching.
- **
- ** This program will test whether a string is an AmigaDos regular expression
- ** It may be used to implement wild expressions such as:
- **
- ** "copy #?.c to <dir>" to copy any file ending in .c
- **
- ** The program has two entry points: CmplPat, and Match.
- **
- ** CmplPat - takes a pattern and returns an auxilliary integer vector
- ** which is used by Match. The pattern is not modified in
- ** any way. CmplPat returns 1 if no errors were detected
- ** while compiling the pattern; otherwise it returns 0;
- **
- ** Match - takes the pattern, the auxilliary vector, and the string
- ** to be matched. It returns 1 if the string matches the
- ** pattern; otherwise it returns 0;
- **
- ** Translated from BCPL by:
- ** Jeff Lydiatt
- ** Richmond B.C. Canada
- ** 16 May 1986.
- **
- ** Source: "A Compact Function for Regular Expression Pattern Matching",
- ** Software - Practice and Experience, September 1979.
- **
- ** Useage:
- ** To test if "file.c" matches the regular expression "#?.c"
- ** char *Pat = "#?.c";
- ** char *Str = "file.c";
- ** WORD Aux[128];
- **
- ** if ( CmplPat( Pat, Aux ) == 0 )
- ** {
- ** printf("Bad Wildcard Expression\n");
- ** exit(1);
- ** }
- ** if ( Match( Pat, Aux, Str ) == 1 )
- ** printf("String matches the pattern\n");
- ** else
- ** printf("String does NOT match the pattern\n");
- **/
- /*--- Included files ----*/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define EOS '\0'
- /*--- Global Variables ---*/
- static char Ch; /* The current character in Pattern */
- static char *Pat; /* Pointer to the Pattern */
- static int *Aux; /* Pointer to returned auxilliary vector */
- static int PatP; /* Current position in Pat */
- static int Patlen; /* strlen(pat) */
- static BOOL Errflag; /* TRUE if error */
- static int *Work; /* Pointer to Active work area */
- static int Wp; /* Current position in work */
- static BOOL Succflag;/* True if "str" matches "pat" */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* The Interpreter */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static void Put(N)
- int N;
- {
- register int *ip;
- register int *to;
- if ( N == 0 )
- Succflag = TRUE;
- else
- {
- for ( ip = &Work[ 1 ], to = &Work[ Wp ]; ip <= to; ip++)
- if ( *ip == N )
- return;
- Work[ ++Wp ] = N;
- }
- }
- int Match( Pat, Aux, Str )
- char Pat[];
- int Aux[];
- char Str[];
- {
- int W[ 128 ];
- int S = 0;
- int I, N, Q, P, Strlength;
- char K;
- int strlen();
- void Put();
- Work = W;
- Wp = 0;
- Succflag = FALSE;
- Strlength = strlen( Str );
- Put( 1 );
- if ( Aux[ 0 ] != 0 )
- Put( Aux[ 0 ] );
- for(;;)
- {
- /* First complete the closure */
- for( N=1; N <= Wp; N++ )
- {
- P = Work[ N ];
- K = Pat[ P-1 ];
- Q = Aux[ P ];
- switch( K )
- {
- case '#': Put( P + 1 );
- case '%': Put( Q );
- default : break;
- case '(':
- case '|': Put( P + 1);
- if ( Q != 0 )
- Put( Q );
- }
- }
- if ( S >= Strlength )
- return Succflag;
- if ( Wp == 0 )
- return FALSE;
- Ch = Str[ S++ ];
- /* Now deal with the match items */
- N = Wp;
- Wp = 0;
- Succflag = FALSE;
- for ( I = 1; I <= N; I++)
- {
- P = Work[ I ];
- K = Pat[ P - 1 ];
- switch( K )
- {
- case '#':
- case '|':
- case '%':
- case '(': break;
- case '\'': K = Pat[ P ];
- default : if ( _toupper( Ch ) != _toupper( K ) )
- break;
- case '?': /* Successful match */
- Put ( Aux[ P ] );
- } /* End Switch */
- } /* End For I */
- } /* End for(;;) */
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* The Compiler */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static void Rch() /* Read next character from Pat */
- {
- if ( PatP >= Patlen )
- Ch = EOS;
- else
- Ch = Pat[ PatP++ ];
- }
- static void Nextitem() /* Get next char from Pat; recognize the ' escape char */
- {
- if ( Ch == '\'' )
- Rch();
- Rch();
- }
- static void Setexits( List, Val )
- int List;
- int Val;
- {
- int A;
- do
- {
- A = Aux[ List ];
- Aux[ List ] = Val;
- List = A;
- }
- while ( List != 0 );
- }
- static int Join( A, B )
- int A, B;
- {
- int T = A;
- if ( A == 0 )
- return B;
- while ( Aux[ A ] != 0 )
- A = Aux[ A ];
- Aux[ A ] = B;
- return T;
- }
- static int Prim() /* Parse a Prim symbol */
- {
- int A = PatP;
- char Op = Ch;
- int Exp();
- void Setexits(), Nextitem();
- Nextitem();
- switch( Op )
- {
- case EOS:
- case ')':
- case '|': Errflag = TRUE;
- default : return A;
- case '#': Setexits( Prim(), A ); return A;
- case '(': A = Exp( A );
- if ( Ch != ')' )
- {
- Errflag = TRUE;
- }
- Nextitem();
- return A;
- }
- }
- static int Exp( AltP ) /* Parse an expression */
- int AltP;
- {
- int Exits = 0;
- int A;
- int Prim(), Exits(), Join();
- void Nextitem(), Setexits();
- for (;;)
- {
- A = Prim();
- if ( Ch == '|' || Ch == ')' || Ch == EOS )
- {
- Exits = Join( Exits, A );
- if ( Ch != '|' )
- return Exits;
- Aux[ AltP ] = PatP;
- AltP = PatP;
- Nextitem();
- }
- else
- Setexits( A, PatP );
- }
- }
- int CmplPat( Pattern, CmplPattern)
- char Pattern[];
- int CmplPattern[];
- {
- int i, strlen();
- void Rch(), Setexits();
- Pat = Pattern;
- Aux = CmplPattern;
- PatP = 0;
- Patlen = strlen( Pat );
- Errflag = FALSE;
- for ( i = 0; i <= Patlen; i++ )
- Aux[ i ] = 0;
- Rch();
- Setexits( Exp(0), 0 );
- return (!Errflag);
- }