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- Stony Brook Prolog Translator: User Guide
- 1. Invoking the Translator:
- ==========================
- The translator is invoked via the predicate "compile", whose usage is as
- follows:
- ?- compile( Input_File [, Output_File ] [, Options ] ).
- Input_File is the name of the file containing the Prolog source program to
- be compiled. It must be a Prolog atom, i.e. if it does not begin with a
- lower-case letter, or contains special characters, it must be enclosed
- within quotes.
- Output_File is the name of the file intended to contain the byte code
- generated by the translator, and is optional. If specified, it must be a
- Prolog atom, like Input_File. If omitted, it defaults to the string
- obtained by appending a ".out" suffix to the input file name.
- Options is a Prolog list of compiler options. Options currently recognized
- by the translator are:
- v : if specified, turns on the verbose mode. In this mode,
- the translator prints out brief messages describing its
- progress. Handy if the program to be translated is
- large or the system is slow. DEFAULT: off.
- a : If specified, generates a symbolic "assembly" file in
- addition to the byte code, which may itself be assembled
- separately. The additional reading/writing involved
- slows down the translator. The assembly file name is
- the string obtained by appending ".asl" to the input
- file name. DEFAULT: off.
- Example:
- ?- compile('/users/foo',[v],foo_targ).
- specifies that the file '/users/foo' is to be translated in verbose mode,
- and the byte-code is to be generated into file 'foo_targ'. Note that the
- output-file and options list can be specified in any order.
- 2. Environment:
- ==============
- The translator uses many of the builtins and library routines in the
- directory "lib" in this package. The environment variable SIMPATH should
- be set up to include the "lib" and "cmplib" directories.
- 3. Inline, Built-in and Internal Predicates:
- ===========================================
- Built-in predicates are defined in the directory "lib", and may be redefined
- by the user. They are loaded dynamically according to the search order
- specified in SIMPATH. Their functionality is essentially that of C-Prolog,
- and the user is referred to the C-Prolog User Manual for details.
- A point to note is that the system distinguishes between "inline" predicates
- and "builtin" predicates. Inline predicates have in-line code generated for
- them, and cannot be redefined; built-ins are defined out-of-line and loaded
- dynamically as necessary, and hence may be redefined. Inline predicates
- include var/1, nonvar/1, is/2, =/2, >/2, >=/2, =</2, </2, =:=/2, =\=/2,
- fail/0, true/0, halt/0, !/0. Note that is/2, as implemented, DOES NOT HANDLE
- the case where a variable gets bound to a structure and is evaluated at
- runtime: for this, the user should use the library routine eval/2.
- There is also a set of internal predicates, whose names all begin with
- '_$', which are not visible to users, and which I won't tell you about.
- Users who define predicates whose names begin with '_$' do so at their own
- risk.