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- % hanoi.P
- % This is an example program
- % To load it, type consult('hanoi.P').
- % Note the single quotes. This is necessary as SBProlog
- % considers the '.' character to be the termination character
- % for a clause.
- % This program is an implementation of the Towers of Hanoi problem.
- % Supposedly in Tibet, there is a tower of 64 golden disks. Each
- % disk is of a different radius, and the disks are placed on a pole
- % such that the largest is at the bottom and the smallest at the
- % top.
- % The monks job was to move all the disks from one tower to a
- % second one (they could also use a third or auxilary tower)
- % with the following restrictions:
- % Only one disk can be moved at a time
- % A disk may never have a large one placed above it
- % To use the program, you need to determine how many
- % disks you want and the names of the three towers.
- % As an example, try:
- % hanoi(3,start,aux,end, Solution).
- % This will solve the tower of hanoi for 3 disks.
- % The solution is a list of moves.
- % You can also compile the program for greater speed.
- % Type the following:
- % compile('hanoi.P','hanoi').
- % load(hanoi).
- % The first line compiles the program into a file named hanoi.
- % Surprisingly enough, load -- well, it loads the byte code
- % (compiled) file hanoi. Once it is loaded, it can be executed
- % just as if you had consulted it.
- % append(A,B,C) - True when list C is the concatenation of lists A & B
- append([],List,List).
- append( [H|T], List, [H | Outlist]) :- append(T, List, Outlist).
- % hanoi(N, From, Aux, To, Solution_list) - True when Solution_list
- % is the solution to the Towers of Hanoi problem of N disks.
- hanoi(1,From,Aux,To,[move(From,To)]).
- hanoi(N,From,Aux,To,Moves) :-
- Nminus1 is N - 1,
- hanoi(Nminus1,From,To,Aux,Offmvs),
- hanoi(Nminus1,Aux,From,To,Onmvs),
- append(Offmvs,[mv(From,To)|Onmvs],Moves).