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- The SB-Prolog System, Version 2.2
- A User Manual
- edited by
- Saumya K. Debray
- from material by
- David Scott Warren
- Suzanne Dietrich
- SUNY at Stony Brook
- Fernando Pereira
- SRI International
- March 1987
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Arizona
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- The SB-Prolog System, Version 2.2
- A User Manual
- Abstract: SB-Prolog is a public-domain Prolog system for
- Unix- based systems originally developed at SUNY, Stony
- Brook. The core of the system is an emulator, written in C
- for portability, of a Prolog virtual machine that is an
- extension of the Warren Abstract Machine. The remainder of
- the system, including the translator from Prolog to the vir-
- tual machine instructions, is written in Prolog. Parts of
- this manual, specifically the sections on Prolog syntax and
- descriptions of some of the builtins, are based on the C-
- Prolog User Manual by Fernando Pereira.
- ____________________
- - Unix is a trademark of AT&T.
- 1. Introduction
- SB-Prolog is a public domain Prolog system based on an extension of
- the Warren Abstract Machine[1]. The WAM simulator is written in C to
- enhance portability. Prolog source programs can be compiled into byte code
- files, which contain encodings of WAM instructions and are interpreted by
- the simulator. Programs can also be interpreted via consult.
- SB-Prolog offers several features that are not found on most Prolog
- systems currently available. These include: compilation to object files;
- dynamic loading of predicates; provision for generating executable code on
- the global stack, which can be later be reclaimed; an extension table
- facility that permits memoization of relations. Other features include
- full integration between compiled and interpreted code, and a facility for
- the definition and expansion of macros that is fully compatible with the
- runtime system.
- The following features are absent: we expect to incorporate them in
- future versions.
- A ``listing'' feature, which produces a listing of clauses in the sys-
- tem database.
- A garbage collector for the global stack.
- ____________________
- [1] D. H. D. Warren, ``An Abstract Prolog Instruction Set'', Tech. Note
- 309, SRI International, 1983.
- 1
- The record/recorded/erase, clause and
- current_atom/current_functor/current_predicate facilities of C-Prolog.
- In addition, it should be mentioned that while interpreted and com-
- piled code behave similarly in almost all cases, there are a few cases that
- we are aware of where they behave differently:
- (1) In cuts buried within if-then-elses (->): such cuts are treated as
- ``hard'' cuts in interpreted code (i.e. cuts away alternative clauses
- as well), but as ``soft'' cuts in compiled code (i.e. cuts as far back
- as the head of the clause, but does not cut away alternative clauses).
- (2) In the evaluation of arithmetic expressions involving compound subex-
- pressions created dynamically: in compiled code, this cannot be han-
- dled using is/2, and must be handled using eval/2 (see the section on
- Arithmetic predicates), while in interpreted code either is/2 or
- eval/2 is acceptable.
- 2
- 2. Getting Started
- This section is intended to give a broad overview of the SB-Prolog
- system, so as to enable the new user to begin using the system with a
- minimum of delay. Many of the topics touched on here are covered in
- greater depth in later sections.
- 2.1. The Dynamic Loader Search Path
- In SB-Prolog, it is not necessary for the user to load all the predi-
- cates necessary to execute a program. Instead, if an undefined predicate
- foo is encountered during execution, the system searches the user's direc-
- tories in the order specified by the environment variable SIMPATH until it
- finds a directory containing a file foo whose name is that of the undefined
- predicate. It then dynamically loads and links the file foo (which is
- expected to be a byte code file defining the predicate foo), and continues
- with execution; if no such file can be found, an error message is given and
- execution fails. This feature makes it unnecessary for the user to have to
- explicitly link in all the predicates that might be necessary in a program:
- instead, only those files are loaded which are necessary to have the pro-
- gram execute. This can significantly reduce the memory requirements of
- programs.
- The key to this dynamic search-and-load behaviour is the SIMPATH
- environment variable, which specifies the order in which directories are to
- be searched. It may be set by adding the following line to the user's
- 3
- .cshrc file:
- setenv SIMPATH path
- where path is a sequence of directory names separated by colons:
- dir<1>:dir<2>: ... :dir<n>
- and dir<i> are full path names to the respective directories. For example,
- executing the command
- setenv SIMPATH .:$HOME/prolog/modlib:$HOME/prolog/lib
- sets the search order for undefined predicates to the following: first, the
- directory in which the program is executing is searched; if the appropriate
- file is not found in this directory, the directories searched are, in
- order, ~/prolog/modlib and ~/prolog/lib. If the appropriate file is not
- found in any of these directories, the system gives an error message and
- execution fails.
- The beginning user is advised to include the system directories
- (listed in the next section) in his SIMPATH, in order to be able to access
- the system libraries (see below).
- 4
- 2.2. System Directories
- There are four basic system directories: cmplib, lib, modlib and sim.
- cmplib contains the Prolog to byte code translator; lib and modlib contain
- library routines. The src subdirectory in each of these contains the
- corresponding Prolog source programs. The directory sim contains the simu-
- lator, the subdirectory builtin contains code for the builtin predicates of
- the system.
- It is recommended that the beginning user include the system direc-
- tories in his SIMPATH, by setting SIMPATH to
- .:SBP/modlib:SBP/lib:SBP/cmplib
- where SBP denotes the path to the root of the SB-Prolog system directories.
- 2.3. Invoking the Simulator
- The simulator is invoked by the command
- sbprolog bc_file
- where bc_file is a byte code file resulting from the compilation of a Pro-
- log program. In almost all cases, the user will wish to interact with the
- SB-Prolog query evaluator, in which case bc_file will be $readloop, and the
- command will be
- sbprolog PATH/\$readloop
- where PATH is the path to the directory containing the command interpreter
- 5
- $readloop. This directory, typically, is modlib (see Section 2.2 above).
- The command interpreter reads in a query typed in by the user, evalu-
- ates it and prints the answer(s), repeating this until it encounters an
- end-of-file (the standard end-of-file character on the system, e.g. ctrl-
- D), or the user types in end_of_file or halt.
- The user should ensure that the the directory containing the execut-
- able file sim (typically, the system directory sim: see Section 2.2 above)
- is included in the shell variable path; if not, the full path to the simu-
- lator will have to be specified.
- In general, the simulator may be invoked with a variety of options, as
- follows:
- sbprolog -options bc_file
- or
- sbprolog -option<1> -option<2> ... -option<n> bc_file
- The options recognized by the simulator are described in Section 4.2.
- When called with a byte code file bc_file, the simulator begins execu-
- tion with the first clause in that file. The first clause in such a file,
- therefore, should be a clause without any arguments in the head (otherwise,
- the simulator will attempt to dereference argument pointers in the head
- that are really pointing into deep space, and usually come to a sad end).
- If the user is executing a file in this manner rather than using the com-
- mand interpreter, he should also be careful to include the undefined predi-
- cate handler `_$undefined_pred'/1, which is normally defined in the file
- modlib/$init_sys.P.
- 6
- 2.4. Executing Programs
- There are two ways of executing a program: a source file may be com-
- piled into a byte-code file, which can then be loaded and executed; or, the
- source file may be interpreted via consult. The system supports full
- integration of compiled and interpreted code, so that some predicates of a
- program may be compiled, while others may be interpreted. However, the
- unit of compilation or consulting remains the file. The remainder of this
- section describes each of these procedures in more detail.
- 2.4.1. Compiling Programs
- The compiler is invoked through the Prolog predicate compile. It
- translates Prolog source programs into byte code that can then be executed
- on the simulator. The compiler may be invoked as follows:
- | ?- compile(InFile [, OutFile ] [, OptionsList ]).
- or
- | ?- compile(InFile, OutFile, OptionsList, PredList).
- where optional parameters are enclosed in brackets. InFile is the name of
- the input (i.e. source) file; OutFile is the name of the output file (i.e.
- byte code) file; OptionsList is a list of compiler options, and PredList is
- a list of terms P/N denoting the predicates defined in InFile, where P is a
- predicate name and N its arity.
- 7
- The input and output file names must be Prolog atoms, i.e. either
- begin with a lower case letter and consist only of letters, digits, dollar
- signs and underscores; or, be enclosed within single quotes. If the output
- file name is not specified, it defaults to InFile.out. The list of
- options, if specified, is a Prolog list, i.e. a term of the form
- [ option<1>, option<2>, ..., option<n> ].
- If left unspecified, it defaults to the empty list []. PredList, if speci-
- fied, is usually given as an uninstantiated variable; its principal use is
- for setting trace points on the predicates in the file (see Sections 6 and
- 8). Notice that PredList can only appear in compile/4.
- A list of compiler options appears in Section 8.3.
- 2.4.2. Loading Byte Code Files
- Byte code files may be loaded into the simulator using the predicate load:
- | ?- load(ByteCode_File).
- where ByteCode_File is a Prolog atom (see Section 3.1) that is the name of
- a byte code file.
- The load predicate invokes the dynamic loader, which carries out a
- search according to the sequence specified by the environment variable
- 8
- SIMPATH (see Section 2.1). It is therefore not necessary to always specify
- the full path name to the file to be loaded.
- Byte code files may be concatenated together to produce other byte
- code files. Thus, for example, if foo1 and foo2 are byte code files
- resulting from the compilation of two Prolog source programs, then the file
- foo, obtained by executing the shell command
- cat foo1 foo2 > foo
- is a byte code file as well, and may be loaded and executed. In this case,
- loading and executing the file foo would give the same result as loading
- foo1 and foo2 separately, which in turn would be the same as concatenating
- the original source files and compiling this larger file. This makes it
- easier to compile large programs: one need only break them into smaller
- pieces, compile the individual pieces, and concatenate the resulting byte
- code files together.
- 2.4.3. Consulting Programs
- Instead of compiling a file to generate a byte code file which then
- has to be loaded, a program may be executed interpretively by ``consult-
- ing'' the corresponding source file:
- | ?- consult(SourceFile [, OptionList ] ).
- or
- | ?- consult(SourceFile, OptionList, PredList).
- where SourceFile is a Prolog atom which is the name of a file containing a
- Prolog source program; OptionList is a list of options to consult; and
- 9
- PredList is a list of terms P/N, where P is a predicate name and N its
- arity, specifying which predicates have been consulted from SourceFile; its
- principal use is for setting trace points on the predicates in the file
- (see Section 6). Notice that PredList can only appear in consult/3.
- At this point, the options recognized for consult are the following:
- first
- If on, causes each clause read in to be added as the first clause of
- the database (so that effectively, the clauses appear in the reverse
- order as in the source file). Default: off.
- index
- If on, causes an index to be generated on the first argument of each
- predicate. Default: off.
- index(N)
- If on, causes an index to be generated on the N[th] argument of each
- predicate. Default: off.
- q ``quick''. If on, invokes a consultation algorithm that is simpler
- and more efficient than the general one. However, the code generated
- with the simpler algorithm may not be correct if there are repeated
- variables within compound terms in the body of the clause, e.g. in
- p(X) :- q([X, X]).
- Default: off.
- 10
- t ``trace''. Causes a trace point to be set on any predicate in the
- current file that does not already have a trace point set.
- v ``verbose''. Causes information regarding which predicates have been
- consulted to be printed out. Default: off.
- In addition to the above, the options specified for the macro expander are
- also recognized (see Section 10)).
- It is important to note that SB-Prolog's consult predicate is similar
- to that of Quintus Prolog, and behaves like C-Prolog's reconsult. This
- means that if a predicate is defined across two or more files, consulting
- them will result in only the clauses in the file consulted last being used.
- 2.5. Execution Directives
- Execution directives may be specified to compile and consult through
- :-/1. If, in the read phase of compile or consult, a term with principal
- functor :-/1 is read in, this term is executed directly via call/1. This
- enables the user to dynamically modify the environment, e.g. via op
- declarations (see Section 3.2), asserts etc.
- A point to note is that if the environment is modified as a result of
- an execution directive, the modifications are visible only in that environ-
- ment. This means that consulted code, which runs in the environment in
- which the source program is read in (and which is modified by such execu-
- tion directives) feel the effects of such execution directives. However,
- byte code resulting from compilation, which, in general, executes in an
- 11
- environment different from that in which the source was compiled, does not
- inherit the effects of such directives. Thus, an op declaration can be
- used in a source file to change the syntax and allow the remainder of the
- program to be parsed according to the modified syntax; however, these
- modifications will not, in general, manifest themselves if the byte code is
- executed in another environment. Of course, if the byte code is loaded
- into the same environment as that in which the source program was compiled,
- e.g. through
- | ?- compile(foo, bar), load(bar).
- the effects of execution directives will continue to be felt.
- 3. Syntax
- 3.1. Terms
- The syntax of SB-Prolog is by and large compatible with that of C-
- Prolog. The data objects of the language are called terms. A term is
- either a constant, a variable or a compound term. Constants can be
- integers or atoms. The symbol for an atom must begin with a lower case
- letter or the dollar sign $, and consist of any number of letters, digits,
- underscores and dollar signs; if it contains any character other than
- these, it must be enclosed within single quotes.[2] As in other
- ____________________
- [2] Users are advised against using symbols beginning with `$' or `_$',
- however, in order to minimize the possibility of conflicts with symbols
- internal to the system.
- 12
- programming languages, constants are definite elementary objects.
- Variables are distinguished by an initial capital letter or by the
- initial character "_", for example
- X Value A A1 _3 _RESULT _result
- If a variable is only referred to once, it does not need to be named and
- may be written as an anonymous variable, indicated by the underline char-
- acter "_".
- A variable should be thought of as standing for some definite but
- unidentified object. A variable is not simply a writeable storage
- location as in most programming languages; rather it is a local name
- for some data object, cf. the variable of pure LISP and constant
- declarations in Pascal.
- The structured data objects of the language are the compound terms. A
- compound term comprises a functor (called the principal functor of the
- term) and a sequence of one or more terms called arguments. A functor is
- characterised by its name, which is an atom, and its arity or number of
- arguments. For example the compound term whose functor is named `point' of
- arity 3, with arguments X, Y and Z, is written
- point(X,Y,Z)
- An atom is considered to be a functor of arity 0.
- A functor or predicate symbol is uniquely identified by its name and
- arity (in other words, it is possible for different symbols having dif-
- ferent arities to share the same name). A functor or predicate symbol p
- 13
- with arity n is usually written p/n.
- One may think of a functor as a record type and the arguments
- of a compound term as the fields of a record. Compound terms are use-
- fully pictured as trees. For example, the term
- s(np(john),vp(v(likes),np(mary)))
- would be pictured as the structure
- s
- / \
- np vp
- | / \
- john v np
- | |
- likes mary
- Sometimes it is convenient to write certain functors as operators --
- 2-ary functors may be declared as infix operators and 1-ary functors as
- prefix or postfix operators. Thus it is possible to write
- X+Y (P;Q) X<Y +X P;
- as optional alternatives to
- +(X,Y) ;(P,Q) <(X,Y) +(X) ;(P)
- Operators are described fully in the next section.
- Lists form an important class of data structures in Prolog. They are
- essentially the same as the lists of LISP: a list either is the atom
- [], representing the empty list, or is a compound term with functor
- `.'/2 and two arguments which are respectively the head and tail of
- the list. Thus a list of the first three natural numbers is the
- 14
- structure
- .
- / \
- 1 .
- / \
- 2 .
- / \
- 3 []
- which could be written, using the standard syntax, as
- .(1,.(2,.(3,[])))
- but which is normally written, in a special list notation, as [1,2,3]. The
- special list notation in the case when the tail of a list is a variable
- is exemplified by
- [X|L] [a,b|L]
- representing
- . .
- / \ / \
- X L a .
- / \
- b L
- respectively.
- Note that this list syntax is only syntactic sugar for terms of the
- form `.'(_,_) and does not provide any new facilities that were not avail-
- able otherwise.
- For convenience, a further notational variant is allowed for
- lists of integers which correspond to ASCII character codes. Lists
- written in this notation are called strings. For example,
- 15
- "Prolog"
- represents exactly the same list as
- [80,114,111,108,111,103]
- 3.2. Operators
- Operators in Prolog are simply a notational convenience. For example,
- the expression
- 2 + 1
- could also be written +(2,1). It should be noticed that this expression
- represents the structure
- +
- / \
- 2 1
- and not the number 3. The addition would only be performed if the struc-
- ture was passed as an argument to an appropriate procedure (such as eval/2
- - see Section 5.2).
- The Prolog syntax caters for operators of three main kinds -
- infix, prefix and postfix. An infix operator appears between its two argu-
- ments, while a prefix operator precedes its single argument and a postfix
- operator is written after its single argument.
- Each operator has a precedence, which is a number from 1 to 1200.
- The precedence is used to disambiguate expressions where the struc-
- ture of the term denoted is not made explicit through parenthesization.
- 16
- The general rule is that the operator with the highest precedence is the
- principal functor. Thus if `+' has a higher precedence than `/', then
- ``a+b/c'' and ``a+(b/c)'' are equivalent and denote the term "+(a,/(b,c))".
- Note that the infix form of the term "/(+(a,b),c)" must be written with
- explicit parentheses, ``(a+b)/c''.
- If there are two operators in the subexpression having the same
- highest precedence, the ambiguity must be resolved from the types of the
- operators. The possible types for an infix operator are
- xfx xfy yfx
- With an operator of type `xfx', it is a requirement that both of the two
- subexpressions which are the arguments of the operator must be of lower
- precedence than the operator itself, i.e. their principal functors
- must be of lower precedence, unless the subexpression is explicitly
- bracketed (which gives it zero precedence). With an operator of type
- `xfy', only the first or left-hand subexpression must be of lower pre-
- cedence; the second can be of the same precedence as the main operator;
- and vice versa for an operator of type `yfx'.
- For example, if the operators `+' and `-' both have type `yfx' and
- are of the same precedence, then the expression ``a-b+c'' is valid, and
- means ``(a-b)+c'', i.e. ``+(-(a,b),c)''. Note that the expression would be
- invalid if the operators had type `xfx', and would mean ``a-(b+c)'',
- i.e. ``-(a,+(b,c))'', if the types were both `xfy'.
- The possible types for a prefix operator are
- 17
- fx fy
- and for a postfix operator they are
- xf yf
- The meaning of the types should be clear by analogy with those for
- infix operators. As an example, if `not' were declared as a prefix
- operator of type `fy', then
- not not P
- would be a permissible way to write "not(not(P))". If the type were
- `fx', the preceding expression would not be legal, although
- not P
- would still be a permissible form for "not(P)".
- In SB-Prolog, a functor named name is declared as an operator of
- type type and precedence precedence by calling the evaluable predicate op:
- | ?- op(precedence,type,name).
- The argument name can also be a list of names of operators of the same type
- and precedence.
- It is possible to have more than one operator of the same name, so
- long as they are of different kinds, i.e. infix, prefix or postfix. An
- operator of any kind may be redefined by a new declaration of the same
- kind. This applies equally to operators which are provided as standard
- in SB-Prolog, namely:
- :- op( 1200, xfx, [ :-, --> ]).
- :- op( 1200, fx, [ :-, ?- ]).
- :- op( 1198, xfx, [ ::- ]).
- 18
- :- op( 1100, xfy, [ ; ]).
- :- op( 1050, xfy, [ -> ]).
- :- op( 1000, xfy, [ ',' ]). /* See note below */
- :- op( 900, fy, [ not, \+, spy, nospy ]).
- :- op( 700, xfx, [ =, is, =.., ==, \==, @<, @>, @=<, @>=,
- =:=, =\=, <, >, =<, >= ]).
- :- op( 661, xfy, [ `.' ]).
- :- op( 500, yfx, [ +, -, /\, \/ ]).
- :- op( 500, fx, [ +, - ]).
- :- op( 400, yfx, [ *, /, //, <<, >> ]).
- :- op( 300, xfx, [ mod ]).
- :- op( 200, xfy, [ ^ ]).
- Operator declarations are most usefully placed in directives at the
- top of your program files. In this case the directive should be a command
- as shown above. Another common method of organisation is to have one file
- just containing commands to declare all the necessary operators. This file
- is then always consulted first.
- Note that a comma written literally as a punctuation character can
- be used as though it were an infix operator of precedence 1000 and type
- `xfy':
- X,Y ','(X,Y)
- represent the same compound term. But note that a comma written as a
- quoted atom is not a standard operator.
- Note also that the arguments of a compound term written in
- standard syntax must be expressions of precedence below 1000. Thus it is
- necessary to parenthesize the expression "P :- Q" in
- assert((P :- Q))
- The following syntax restrictions serve to remove potential ambiguity
- associated with prefix operators.
- - In a term written in standard syntax, the principal functor and its
- following "(" must not be separated by any whitespace. Thus
- 19
- point (X,Y,Z)
- is invalid syntax (unless point were declared as a prefix operator).
- - If the argument of a prefix operator starts with a "(", this "("
- must be separated from the operator by at least one space or other
- non-printable character. Thus
- :-(p;q),r.
- (where `:-' is the prefix operator) is invalid syntax, and must be
- written as
- :- (p;q),r.
- - If a prefix operator is written without an argument, as an
- ordinary atom, the atom is treated as an expression of the same
- precedence as the prefix operator, and must therefore be bracketed
- where necessary. Thus the brackets are necessary in
- X = (?-)
- 4. SB-Prolog: Operational Semantics
- 4.1. Standard Execution Behaviour
- The normal execution behaviour of SB-Prolog follows the usual left to
- right order of literals within a clause, and the textual top to bottom
- order of clauses for a predicate. This corresponds to a depth first search
- of the leftmost SLD-tree for the program and the given query. Unification
- 20
- without occurs check is used, and execution backtracks to the most recent
- choice point when unification fails.
- 4.2. Cuts and If-Then-Else
- This standard execution behaviour of SB-Prolog can be changed using
- constructs like cut (`!') and if-then-else (`->'). In SB-Prolog, cuts are
- usually treated as hard, i.e. discard choice points of all the literals to
- the left of the cut in the clause containing the cut being executed, and
- also the choice point for the parent predicate, i.e. any remaining clauses
- for the predicate containing the cut being executed. There are some situa-
- tions, however, where the scope of a cut is restricted to be smaller than
- this. Restrictions apply under the following conditions:
- (1) The cut occurs in a term which has been constructed at runtime and
- called through call/1, e.g. in
- ..., X = (p(Y), !, q(Y)), ..., call(X), ...
- In this case, the scope of the cut is restricted to be within the
- call, unless one of the following cases also apply and serve to res-
- trict its scope further.
- (2) The cut occurs in a negated goal, or within the scope of an if-then-
- else. In these cases, the scope of the cut is restricted to be within
- the negation or the if-then-else.
- In cases involving nested occurrences of these situations, the scope of the
- cut is restricted to that for the deepest such nested construct, i.e. most
- 21
- restricted. For example, in the construct
- ..., not( (p(X) -> not( (q(X), (r(X) -> s(X) ; (t(X), !, u(X)))) )) ), ...
- the scope of the cut is restricted to the inner if-then-else, and does not
- affect any choice point that may have been set up for q(X).
- The behaviour of the if-then-else operator `->' is as follows: when
- executing the goal
- P -> Q ; R
- if P succeeds, then any alternatives for P are discarded and Q is tried,
- while if P fails then R is tried. Thus, -> may be thought of as
- P -> Q ; R :- P, !, Q.
- P -> Q ; R :- R.
- The scoping of cuts within if-then-elses is consistent with this conceptu-
- alization.
- 4.3. Unification of Floating Point Numbers
- As far as unification is concerned, no type distinction is made
- between integers and floating point numbers, and no explicit type conver-
- sion is necessary when unifying an integer with a float. However, due to
- the finite precision representation of floating point numbers and cumula-
- tive round-off errors in floating point arithmetic, comparisons involving
- floating point numbers may not always give the expected results. An effort
- 22
- is made to minimize surprises by considering two numbers x and y (at least
- one of which is a float) to be unifiable if ||x| - |y||/min(|x|, |y|) to be
- less than 10[-5]. However, this does not guarantee immunity against
- round-off errors. For the same reason, users are warned that indexing on
- predicate arguments (see Section 13) may not give the expected results if
- floating point numbers are involved.
- 23
- 5. Evaluable Predicates
- This section describes (most of) the evaluable predicates provided by
- SB-Prolog. These can be divided into three classes: inline predicates,
- builtin predicates and library predicates.
- Inline predicates represent ``primitive'' operations in the WAM.
- Calls to inline predicates are compiled into a sequence of WAM instructions
- in-line, i.e. without actually making a call to the predicate. Thus, for
- example, relational predicates (>/2, >=/2, etc.) compile to, essentially, a
- subtraction and a conditional branch. Inline predicates cannot be rede-
- fined by the user. Table 1 lists the SB-Prolog inline predicates.
- Unlike inline predicates, builtin predicates are implemented by C
- functions in the simulator, and accessed via the inline predicate `_$buil-
- tin'/1. Thus, if a builtin predicate foo/3 was defined as builtin number
- 38, there would be a definition in the system of the form
- =/2 </2 =</2 >=/2
- >/2 /\/2 `\/'/2 <</2
- >>/2 =:=/2 =\=/2 is/2
- /1 `_$savecp'/1 `_$cutto'/1 `_$builtin'/1
- `_$call'/1 nonvar/1 var/1 fail/0
- halt/0 true/0
- Table 1: Inline Predicates of SB-Prolog
- 24
- foo(X,Y,Z) :- '_$builtin'(38).
- In effect, a builtin is simply a segment of code in a large case (i.e.
- switch) statement. Each builtin is identified internally by an integer,
- referred to as its ``builtin number'', associated with it. The code for a
- builtin with builtin number k corresponds to the k[th.] case in the switch
- statement. SB-Prolog limits the total number of builtins to 256.
- Builtins, unlike inline predicates, can be redefined by the user.
- For example, the predicate foo/3 above can be redefined simply by compiling
- the new definition into a directory such that during dynamic loading, the
- new definition would be encountered first and loaded.
- A list of the builtins currently provided is listed in Appendix 1.
- Section 7.4 describes the procedure to be followed in order to define new
- builtin predicates.
- Like builtin predicates, library predicates may also be redefined by
- the user. The essential difference between builtin and library predicates
- is that whereas the former are coded into the simulator in C, the latter
- are written in Prolog.
- 5.1. Input and Output
- Input and output are done with respect to the current input and output
- streams. These can be set, reset or checked using the file handling predi-
- cates described below. The default input and output streams are denoted by
- 25
- user, and refer to the user's terminal.
- 5.1.1. File Handling
- see(F)
- F becomes the current input stream. F must be instantiated to an atom
- at the time of the call.
- seeing(F)
- F is unified with the name of the current input file.
- seen Closes the current input stream.
- tell(F)
- F becomes the current output stream. F must be instantiated to an
- atom at the time of the call.
- telling(F)
- F is unified with the name of the current output file.
- told
- Closes the current output stream.
- $exists(F)
- Succeeds if file F exists.
- 26
- 5.1.2. Term I/O
- read(X)
- The next term, delimited by a full stop (i.e. a "." followed by a
- carriage-return or a space), is read from the current input
- stream and unified with X. The syntax of the term must accord with
- current operator declarations. If a call read(X) causes the end of
- the current input stream to be reached, X is unified with the atom
- `end_of_file'. Further calls to read for the same stream will then
- cause an error failure.
- write(X)
- The term X is written to the current output stream according to
- operator declarations in force.
- display(X)
- The term X is displayed on the terminal in standard parenthesised pre-
- fix notation.
- writeq(Term)
- Similar to write(Term), but the names of atoms and functors are quoted
- where necessary to make the result acceptable as input to read.
- print(Term)
- Prints out the term Term onto the user's terminal.
- writename(Term)
- If Term is an uninstantiated variable, its name, which looks a lot
- 27
- like an address in memory, is written out; otherwise, the principal
- functor of Term is written out.
- writeqname(Term)
- As for writename, but the names are quoted where necessary.
- print_al(N, A)
- Prints A (which must be an atom or a number) left-aligned in a field
- of width N, with blanks padded to the right. If A's print name is
- longer than the field width N, then A is printed but with no right
- padding.
- print_ar(N, A)
- Prints A (which must be an atom or a number) right-aligned in a field
- of width N, with blanks padded to the left. If A's print name is
- longer than the field width N, then A is printed but with no left pad-
- ding.
- 5.1.3. Character I/O
- nl A new line is started on the current output stream.
- get0(N)
- N is the ASCII code of the next character from the current input
- stream. If the current input stream reaches its end of file, a -1 is
- returned (however, unlike in C-Prolog, the input stream is not closed
- on encountering end-of-file).
- 28
- get(N)
- N is the ASCII code of the next non-blank printable character from
- the current input stream. It has the same behaviour as get0 on end of
- file.
- put(N)
- ASCII character code N is output to the current output stream. N must
- be an integer.
- tab(N)
- N spaces are output to the current output stream. N must be an
- integer.
- 5.2. Arithmetic
- Arithmetic is performed by evaluable predicates which take as
- arguments arithmetic expressions and evaluate them. An arithmetic
- expression is a term built from evaluable functors, numbers and vari-
- ables. At the time of evaluation, each variable in an arithmetic
- expression must be bound to a number or to an arithmetic expression.
- Each evaluable functor stands for an arithmetic operation.
- The evaluable functors are as follows, where X and Y are
- arithmetic expressions.
- X + Y
- addition.
- 29
- X - Y
- subtraction.
- X * Y
- multiplication.
- X / Y
- division.[3] Amounts to integer division if both X and Y are
- integers.
- X mod Y
- X (integer) modulo Y.
- -X unary minus.
- X /\ Y
- integer bitwise conjunction.
- X \/ Y
- integer bitwise disjunction.
- X << Y
- integer bitwise left shift of X by Y places.
- X >> Y
- integer bitwise right shift of X by Y places.
- ____________________
- [3] The ``integer division'' operator `//' of C-Prolog is not supported;
- it can be faked using floor/2 if necessary.
- 30
- \X integer bitwise negation.
- As far as unification is concerned, no type distinction is made
- between integers and floating point numbers, and no explicit type conver-
- sion is necessary when unifying an integer with a float. However, due to
- the finite precision representation of floating point numbers and cumula-
- tive round-off errors in floating point arithmetic, comparisons involving
- floating point numbers may not always give the expected results. An effort
- is made to minimize surprises by considering two numbers x and y (at least
- one of which is a float) to be unifiable if |x - y|/min(|x|, |y|) to be
- less than 10[-5]. The user should note, however, that this does not
- guarantee immunity against round-off errors.
- The arithmetic evaluable predicates are as follows, where X and Y
- stand for arithmetic expressions, and Z for some term. Note that this
- means that is only evaluates one of its arguments as an arithmetic expres-
- sion (the right-hand side one), whereas all the comparison predicates
- evaluate both their arguments.
- Z is X
- Arithmetic expression X is evaluated and the result, is unified with
- Z. Fails if X is not an arithmetic expression. One point to note is
- that in compiled code, the current implementation of is/2 cannot han-
- dle compound expressions created dynamically: these have to be handled
- using eval/2. Thus, for example, the goals
- ..., X = Y + Z, Y = 3, Z = 2, W is X, ...
- 31
- would fail, whereas
- ..., X = Y + Z, Y = 3, Z = 2, eval(X,W), ...
- could succeed.
- eval(E, X)
- Evaluates the arithmetic expression E and unifies the result with the
- term X. Fails if E is not an arithmetic expression. The principal
- difference between eval/2 and is/2 is that in compiled code, is/2 can-
- not handle arithmetic expressions that are compound terms constructed
- at runtime, but eval/2 can. On the other hand, is/2 is more efficient
- for the evaluation of static arithmetic expressions (i. e. expres-
- sions that do not have compound subterms created at runtime). Another
- difference is that while is/2 is an inline predicate, eval/2 is not;
- thus, is/2 cannot be redefined by the user, but eval/2 can.
- X =:= Y
- The values of X and Y are equal. If either X or Y involve compound
- subexpressions that are created at runtime, they should first be
- evaluated using eval/2.
- X =\= Y
- The values of X and Y are not equal. If either X or Y involve com-
- pound subexpressions that are created at runtime, they should first be
- evaluated using eval/2.
- 32
- X < Y
- The value of X is less than the value of Y. If either X or Y involve
- compound subexpressions that are created at runtime, they should first
- be evaluated using eval/2.
- X > Y
- The value of X is greater than the value of Y. If either X or Y
- involve compound subexpressions that are created at runtime, they
- should first be evaluated using eval/2.
- X =< Y
- The value of X is less than or equal to the value of Y. If either X
- or Y involve compound subexpressions that are created at runtime, they
- should first be evaluated using eval/2.
- X >= Y
- The value of X is greater than or equal to the value of Y. If either
- X or Y involve compound subexpressions that are created at runtime,
- they should first be evaluated using eval/2.
- floor(X, Y)
- If X is a floating point number in the call and Y is free, then Y is
- instantiated to the largest integer whose absolute value is not
- greater than the absolute value of X; if X is uninstantiated in the
- call and Y is an integer, then X is instantiated to the smallest float
- 33
- not less than Y.
- floatc(F, M, E)
- If F is a number while M and E are uninstantiated in the call, then M
- is instantiated to a float m (of magnitude less than 1), and E to an
- integer n, such that
- F = m * 2[n].
- If F is uninstantiated in the call while M is a float and E an
- integer, then F becomes instantiated to M * 2[E].
- exp(X, Y)
- If X is instantiated to a number and Y is uninstantiated in the call,
- then Y is instantiated to e[X] (where e = 2.71828...); if X is unin-
- stantiated in the call while Y is instantiated to a positive number,
- then X is instantiated to log<e>(Y).
- square(X, Y)
- If X is instantiated to a number while Y is uninstantiated in the
- call, then Y becomes instantiated to X[2]; if X is uninstantiated in
- the call while Y is instantiated to a positive number, then X becomes
- instantiated to the positive square root of Y (if Y is negative in the
- call, X becomes instantiated to 0.0).
- sin(X, Y)
- 34
- If X is instantiated to a number (representing an angle in radians)
- and Y is uninstantiated in the call, then Y becomes instantiated to
- sin(X) (the user should check the magnitude of X to make sure that the
- result is meaningful). If Y is instantiated to a number between -~~/2
- and ~~/2 and X is uninstantiated in the call, then X becomes instan-
- tiated to sin[-1](Y).
- 5.3. Convenience
- P , Q
- P and then Q.
- P ; Q
- P or Q.
- Always succeeds.
- X = Y
- Defined as if by the clause " Z=Z ", i.e. X and Y are unified.
- 5.4. Extra Control
- ! Cut (discard) all choice points made since the parent goal started
- execution. (The scope of cut in different contexts is discussed in
- Section 4.2).
- not P
- If the goal P has a solution, fail, otherwise succeed. It is
- 35
- defined as if by
- not(P) :- P, !, fail.
- not(_).
- P -> Q ; R
- Analogous to "if P then Q else R" i.e. defined as if by
- P -> Q ; R :- P, !, Q.
- P -> Q ; R :- R.
- P -> Q
- When occurring other than as one of the alternatives of a dis-
- junction, is equivalent to
- P -> Q ; fail.
- repeat
- Generates an infinite sequence of backtracking choices. It is
- defined by the clauses:
- repeat.
- repeat :- repeat.
- fail Always fails.
- 5.5. Meta-Logical
- var(X)
- Tests whether X is currently instantiated to a variable.
- 36
- nonvar(X)
- Tests whether X is currently instantiated to a non-variable term.
- atom(X)
- Checks that X is currently instantiated to an atom (i.e. a
- non-variable term of arity 0, other than a number).
- integer(X)
- Checks that X is currently instantiated to an integer.
- real(X)
- Checks that X is currently instantiated to a floating point number..
- number(X)
- Checks that X is currently instantiated to a number, i.e. that it is
- either an integer or a real.
- atomic(X)
- Checks that X is currently instantiated to an atom or number.
- structure(X)
- Checks that X is currently instantiated to a compound term, i.e. to a
- nonvariable term that is not atomic.
- functor(T,F,N)
- The principal functor of term T has name F and arity N, where F is
- either an atom or, provided N is 0, a number. Initially, either T
- must be instantiated to a non-variable, or F and N must be
- 37
- instantiated to, respectively, either an atom and a non-
- negative integer or an integer and 0. If these conditions are not
- satisfied, an error message is given. In the case where T is ini-
- tially instantiated to a variable, the result of the call is to
- instantiate T to the most general term having the principal functor
- indicated.
- arg(I,T,X)
- Initially, I must be instantiated to a positive integer and T to a
- compound term. The result of the call is to unify X with the Ith
- argument of term T. (The arguments are numbered from 1 upwards.)
- If the initial conditions are not satisfied or I is out of range, the
- call merely fails.
- X =.. Y
- Y is a list whose head is the atom corresponding to the principal
- functor of X and whose tail is the argument list of that functor in
- X. E.g.
- product(0,N,N-1) =.. [product,0,N,N-1]
- N-1 =.. [-,N,1]
- product =.. [product]
- If X is instantiated to a variable, then Y must be instantiated either
- to a list of determinate length whose head is an atom, or to a list of
- length 1 whose head is a number.
- name(X,L)
- If X is an atom or a number then L is a list of the ASCII codes of the
- 38
- characters comprising the name of X. E.g.
- name(product,[112,114,111,100,117,99,116])
- i.e. name(product,"product").
- If X is instantiated to a variable, L must be instantiated to a list of
- ASCII character codes. E.g.
- | ?- name(X,[104,101,108,108,111])).
- X = hello
- | ?- name(X,"hello").
- X = hello
- call(X)
- If X is a nonvariable term in the program text, then it is executed
- exactly as if X appeared in the program text instead of call(X), e.g.
- ..., p(a), call( (q(X), r(Y)) ), s(X), ...
- is equivalent to
- ..., p(a), q(X), r(Y), s(X), ...
- However, if X is a variable in the program text, then if at runtime X
- is instantiated to a term which would be acceptable as the body of a
- clause, the goal call(X) is executed as if that term appeared textu-
- ally in place of the call(X), except that any cut (`!') occurring in
- X will remove only those choice points in X. If X is not instan-
- tiated as described above, an error message is printed and call
- fails.
- 39
- X (where X is a variable) Exactly the same as call(X). However, we
- prefer the explicit usage of call/1 as good programming practice, and
- the use of a top level variable subgoal elicits a warning from the
- compiler.
- conlength(C,L)
- Succeeds if the length of the print name of the constant C (which can
- be an atom, buffer or integer), in bytes, is L. If C is a buffer (see
- Section 5.8), it is the length of the buffer; if C is an integer, it
- is the length of the decimal representation of that integer, i.e., the
- number of bytes that a $writename will use.
- 5.6. Sets
- When there are many solutions to a problem, and when all those
- solutions are required to be collected together, this can be
- achieved by repeatedly backtracking and gradually building up a list of
- the solutions. The following evaluable predicates are provided to automate
- this process.
- setof(X,P,S)
- Read this as "S is the set of all instances of X such that P is
- provable''. If P is not provable, setof(X,P,S) succeeds with S
- instantiated to the empty list []. The term P specifies a goal or
- goals as in call(P). S is a set of terms represented as a list of
- those terms, without duplicates, in the standard order for terms (see
- 40
- Section 5.7). If there are uninstantiated variables in P which do not
- also appear in X, then a call to this evaluable predicate may
- backtrack, generating alternative values for S corresponding to
- different instantiations of the free variables of P. Variables occur-
- ring in P will not be treated as free if they are explicitly bound
- within P by an existential quantifier. An existential quantification
- is written:
- Y^Q
- meaning "there exists a Y such that Q is true", where Y is some Pro-
- log term (usually, a variable, or tuple or list of variables).
- bagof(X,P,Bag)
- This is the same as setof except that the list (or alternative lists)
- returned will not be ordered, and may contain duplicates. If P is
- unsatisfiable, bagof succeeds binding Bag to the empty list. The
- effect of this relaxation is to save considerable time and space in
- execution.
- findall(X,P,L)
- Similar to bagof/3, except that variables in P that do not occur in X
- are treated as local, and alternative lists are not returned for dif-
- ferent bindings of such variables. The list L is, in general, unor-
- dered, and may contain duplicates. If P is unsatisfiable, findall
- succeeds binding S to the empty list.
- X^P
- 41
- The system recognises this as meaning "there exists an X such that P
- is true", and treats it as equivalent to call(P). The use of this
- explicit existential quantifier outside the setof and bagof constructs
- is superfluous.
- 5.7. Comparison of Terms
- These evaluable predicates are meta-logical. They treat unin-
- stantiated variables as objects with values which may be compared,
- and they never instantiate those variables. They should not be used when
- what you really want is arithmetic comparison (Section 5.2) or unification.
- The predicates make reference to a standard total ordering of terms,
- which is as follows:
- variables, in a standard order (roughly, oldest first - the order is
- not related to the names of variables);
- numbers, from -"infinity" to +"infinity";
- atoms, in alphabetical (i.e. ASCII) order;
- complex terms, ordered first by arity, then by the name of principal
- functor, then by the arguments (in left-to-right order).
- For example, here is a list of terms in the standard order:
- [ X, -9, 1, fie, foe, fum, X = Y, fie(0,2), fie(1,1) ]
- These are the basic predicates for comparison of arbitrary terms:
- 42
- X == Y
- Tests if the terms currently instantiating X and Y are literally
- identical (in particular, variables in equivalent positions in the
- two terms must be identical). For example, the question
- | ?- X == Y.
- fails (answers "no") because X and Y are distinct uninstantiated
- variables. However, the question
- | ?- X = Y, X == Y.
- succeeds because the first goal unifies the two variables (see page
- 42).
- X \== Y
- Tests if the terms currently instantiating X and Y are not
- literally identical.
- T1 @< T2
- Term T1 is before term T2 in the standard order.
- T1 @> T2
- Term T1 is after term T2 in the standard order.
- T1 @=< T2
- Term T1 is not after term T2 in the standard order.
- 43
- T1 @>= T2
- Term T1 is not before term T2 in the standard order.
- Some further predicates involving comparison of terms are:
- compare(Op,T1,T2)
- The result of comparing terms T1 and T2 is Op, where the possible
- values for Op are:
- `=' if T1 is identical to T2,
- `<' if T1 is before T2 in the standard order,
- `>' if T1 is after T2 in the standard order.
- Thus compare(=,T1,T2) is equivalent to T1 == T2.
- sort(L1,L2)
- The elements of the list L1 are sorted into the standard order, and
- any identical (i.e. `==') elements are merged, yielding the list
- L2.
- 5.8. Buffers
- SB-Prolog supports the concept of buffers. A buffer is actually a
- constant and the characters that make up the buffer is the name of the con-
- stant. However, the symbol table entry for a buffer is not hashed and thus
- is not added to the obj-list, so two different buffers will never unify.
- 44
- Buffers can be allocated either in permanent space or on the heap. Buffers
- in permanent space stay there forever; buffers on the heap are deallocated
- when the ``allocate buffer'' goal is backtracked over.
- A buffer allocated on the heap can either be a simple buffer, or it
- can be allocated as a subbuffer of another buffer already on the heap. A
- subbuffer will be deallocated when its superbuffer is deallocated.
- There are occasions when it is not known, in advance, exactly how much
- space will be required and so how big a buffer should be allocated. Some-
- times this problem can be overcome by allocating a large buffer and then,
- after using as much as is needed, returning the rest of the buffer to the
- system. This can be done, but only under very limited circumstances: a
- buffer is allocated from the end of the permanent space, the top of the
- heap, or from the next available space in the superbuffer; if no more space
- has been used beyond the end of the buffer, a tail portion of the buffer
- can be returned to the system. This operation is called ``trimming'' the
- buffer.
- The following is a list of library predicates for buffer management
- (predicates whose names begin with `$' are low-level routines intended only
- for serious hackers willing to put up with little or no protection):
- alloc_perm(Size, Buff)
- Allocates a buffer with a length Size in the permanent (i.e. program)
- area. Size must be bound to a number. On successful return, Buff will
- be bound to the allocated buffer. The buffer, being in the permanent
- 45
- area, is never de-allocated.
- alloc_heap(Size, Buff)
- Allocates a buffer of size Size on the heap and binds Buff to it.
- Since it is on the heap, it will be deallocated on backtracking.
- $alloc_buff(Size,Buff,Type,Supbuff,Retcode)
- Allocates a buffer. Size is the length (in bytes) of the buffer to
- allocate; Buff is the buffer allocated, and should be unbound at the
- time of the call; Type indicates where to allocate the buffer: a value
- of 0 indicates that the buffer is to be allocated in permanent space,
- 1 that it should be on the heap, and 2 indicates that it should be
- allocated from a larger heap buffer; Supbuff is the larger buffer to
- allocate a subbuffer out of, and is only looked at if the value of
- Type is 2; Retcode is the return code: a value of 0 indicates that the
- buffer has been allocated, while a value of 1 indicates that the
- buffer could not be allocated due to lack of space. The arguments
- Size, Type, and Supbuff (if Type = 2) are input arguments, and should
- be bound at the time of the call; Buff and Retcode are output argu-
- ments, and should be unbound at the time of the call.
- trimbuff(Type, Buff, Newlen)
- This allows (in some very restricted circumstances) the changing of
- the size of a buffer. Type is 0 if the buffer is permanent, 1 if the
- buffer is on the heap. Buff is the buffer. Newlen is an integer: the
- size (which should be smaller than the original length of the buffer)
- to make the buffer. If the buffer is at the top of the heap (if heap
- 46
- buffer) or the end of the program area (if permanent) then the heap-
- top (or program area top) will be readjusted down. The length of the
- buffer will be modified to Newlen. This is (obviously) a very low-
- level primitive and is for hackers only to implement grungy stuff.
- $trim_buff(Size,Buff,Type,Supbuff)
- Trims the buffer Buff (possibly contained in superbuffer Supbuff) of
- type Type to Size bytes. The value of Type indicates where the buffer
- is located: a value of 0 denotes a buffer in permanent space, a value
- of 1 a buffer on the heap, and a value of 2 a buffer within another
- buffer (the superbuffer). All the arguments are input arguments, and
- should be instantiated at the time of call (with the possible excep-
- tion of Supbuff, which is looked at only if Type is 2). The internal
- length of the buffer Buff is changed to Size.
- conlength(Constant,Length)
- Succeeds if the length of the print name of the constant Constant
- (which can be an atom, buffer or integer), in bytes, is Length. If
- Constant is a buffer, it is the length of the buffer; if Constant is
- an integer, it is the length of the decimal representation of that
- integer, i.e., the number of bytes that a $writename will use.
- 5.9. Modification of the Program
- The predicates defined in this section allow modification of the pro-
- gram as it is actually running. Clauses can be added to the program
- 47
- (asserted) or removed from the program (retracted). At the lowest level,
- the system supports the asserting of clauses with upto one literal in the
- body. It does this by allocating a buffer and compiling code for the
- clause into that buffer. Such a buffer is called a ``clause reference''
- (clref). The clref is then added to a chain of clrefs. The chain of
- clrefs has a header, which is a small buffer called a ``predicate refer-
- ence'' (prref), which contains pointers to the beginning and end of its
- (prref), which contains pointers to the beginning and end of its chain of
- clrefs. Clause references are quite similar to ``database references'' of
- C-Prolog, and can be called.
- A prref is normally associated with a predicate symbol and contains
- the clauses that have been asserted for that symbol. However, prrefs can
- be constructed and clrefs added to them, and such clauses can be can be
- constructed and clrefs added to them, and such clauses can be called, all
- without associating that prref with any particular predicate symbol. A
- predicate symbol that has an associated prref is called a ``dynamic''
- predicate (other predicate types are ``compiled'' and ``undefined'').
- There are options as to where clrefs are allocated and how they are
- linked to a chain of clrefs associated with a prref. A clref can
- either be allocated in permanent space (the normal arrangement) or as a
- sub-buffer of a superbuffer on the heap. When adding a clref to a prref
- chain, it can be be added at the beginning of the chain or at the end of
- the chain. In addition, one of the argument positions can be used to
- index, so that subsequent retrievals will try to index on that position.
- 48
- assert(C)
- The current instance of C is interpreted as a clause and is added to
- the program (with new private variables replacing any uninstantiated
- variables), at the end of the list of clauses for that predicate. C
- must be instantiated to a non-variable.
- assert(C, Opts)
- As for assert/1, with Opts a list of options. The options currently
- recognized are:
- first
- If on, causes the asserted clause to be added as the first clause of
- the database. Default: off.
- index
- If on, causes an index to be generated on the first argument of the
- clause. Default: off.
- index(N)
- If on, causes an index to be generated on the N[th] argument of the
- clause. Default: off.
- q
- ``quick''. If on, invokes an assertion algorithm that is simpler and
- more efficient than the general one. However, the code generated with
- 49
- the simpler algorithm may not be correct if there are repeated vari-
- ables within compound terms in the body of the clause, e.g. in
- p(X) :- q([X, X]).
- Default: off.
- asserti(C,N)
- The current instance of C, interpreted as a clause, is asserted to the
- program with an index on its N[th] argument. If N is zero, no index
- is created.
- asserta(C)
- Similar to assert(C), except that the new clause becomes the first
- clause of the procedure concerned.
- asserta(C, Ref)
- Similar to asserta(C), but also unifies Ref with the clause reference
- of the clause asserted.
- assertz(C)
- Similar to assert(C), except that the new clause becomes the last
- clause of the procedure concerned.
- assertz(C, Ref)
- Similar to assertz(C), but also unifies Ref with the clause reference
- of the clause asserted.
- 50
- assert_union(P, Q)
- The clauses for Q are added to the clauses for P. For example, the
- call
- | ?- assert_union(p(X,Y),q(X,Y)).
- has the effect of adding the rule
- p(X,Y) :- q(X,Y).
- as the last rule defining p/2. If P is not defined, it results in the
- call to Q being the only clause for P.
- The variables in the arguments to $assert_union/2 are not significant,
- e.g. the above would have been equivalent to
- | ?- assert_union(p(Y,X),q(X,Y)).
- or
- | ?- assert_union(p(_,_),q(_,_)).
- However, the arities of the two predicates involved must match, e.g.
- even though the goal
- | ?- assert_union(p(X,Y), r(X,Y,Z)).
- will succeed, the predicate p/2 will not in any way depend on the
- clauses for r/3.
- $assert(Clause,AZ,Index,Clref)
- Asserts a clause to a predicate. Clause is the clause to assert. AZ
- is 0 for insertion as the first clause, 1 for insertion as the last
- clause. Index is the number of the argument on which to index (0 for
- 51
- no indexing). Clref is returned as the clause reference of the fact
- newly asserted. If the main functor symbol of Clause has been
- declared (by $assertf_alloc_t/2, see below) to have its clauses on the
- heap, the clref will be allocated there. If the predicate symbol of
- Clause is undefined, it will be initialized and Clause added. If the
- predicate symbol has compiled clauses, it is first converted to be
- dynamic (see symtype/2, Section 5.10) by adding a special clref that
- calls the compiled clauses. Fact, AZ and Index are input arguments,
- and should be instantiated at the time of call; Clref is an output
- argument, and should be uninstantiated at the time of call.
- $assertf_alloc_t(Palist,Size)
- Declares that each predicate in the list Palist of predicate/arity
- pairs (terms of the form `/'(P,N) where P is a predicate symbol and N
- the arity of P) is to have any facts asserted to them stored in a
- buffer on the heap, to be allocated here. This allocates a super-
- buffer of size Size on the heap. Future assertions to these predi-
- cates will have their clauses put in this buffer. When this call is
- backtracked over, any clauses asserted to these predicates are deallo-
- cated, and a subsequent call to any of those predicates will cause the
- simulator to report an error and fail. Both Palist and Size are input
- arguments, and should be instantiated at the time of call.
- retract(Head)
- The first clause in the program whose head matches Head is erased.
- This predicate may be used in a non-deterministic fashion, i.e. it
- 52
- will successively backtrack to retract clauses whose heads match Head.
- Head must be initially instantiated to a non-variable. In the current
- implementation, retract works only for asserted (e.g. consulted)
- clauses.
- abolish(P)
- Completely remove all clauses for the procedure with head P (which
- should be a term). For example, the goal
- | ?- abolish( p(_, _, _) ).
- removes all clauses for the predicate p/3.
- abolish(P, N)
- Completely remove all clauses for the predicate P (which should be an
- atom) with arity N (which should be an integer).
- call_ref(Call, Ref)
- Calls the predicate whose database reference (prref) is Ref, using the
- literal Call as the call. This is similar to call_ref(Call, Ref, 0).
- call_ref(Call, Ref, Tr)
- Calls the predicate whose database reference (prref) is Ref, using the
- literal Call as the call. Tr must be either 0 or 1: if Tr is 0 then
- the call Call is made assuming the ``trust'' optimization will be
- made; if Tr is 1 then the ``trust'' optimization is not used, so that
- any new fact added before final failure will be seen by Call. (Also,
- 53
- this currently does not take advantage of any indexing that might have
- been constructed. Call, Ref and Tr are all input arguments, and
- should be instantiated at the time of call.
- The basic library predicates that support the manipulation of prrefs and
- clrefs are as follows:
- $db_new_prref(Prref,Where,Supbuff)
- Creates an empty Prref, i.e. one with no facts in it. If called, it
- will simply fail. Where indicates where the prref should be allo-
- cated: a value of 0 indicates the permanent area, while a value of 2
- indicates that it is to be allocated as a subbuffer. Supbuff is the
- superbuffer from which to allocate Prref if Where is 2. Where should
- be instantiated at the time of call, while Prref should be uninstan-
- tiated; in addition, if Where is 2, Supbuff should be instantiated at
- the time of call.
- $db_assert_fact(Fact,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref,Where,Supbuff)
- Fact is a fact to be asserted; Prref is a predicate reference to which
- to add the asserted fact; AZ is either 0, indicating the fact should
- be inserted as the first clause in Prref, or 1, indicating it should
- be inserted as the last; Index is 0 if no index is to be built, or n
- if an index on the n[th] argument of the fact is to be used. (Assert-
- ing at the beginning of the chain with indexing is not yet supported.)
- Where indicates where the clref is to be allocated: a value of 0
- 54
- indicates that it should be in the permanent area, while a value of 2
- indicates that it should be allocated as a subbuffer of Supbuff.
- Clref is returned and it is the clause reference of the asserted
- fact. Fact, Prref, AZ, Index and Where are input arguments, and
- should be instantiated at the time of call; in addition, if Where is
- 2, then Supbuff should also be instantiated. Clref is an output argu-
- ment, and should be uninstantiated at the time of call.
- $db_add_clref(Fact,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref,Where,Supbuff)
- Adds the clref Clref to the prref Prref. Fact is the fact that has
- been compiled into Clref (used only to get the arity and for index-
- ing). The other parameters are as for $db_assert_fact/7.
- $db_call_prref(Call,Prref)
- Calls the prref Prref using the literal Call as the call. The call is
- done by simply branching to the first clause. New facts added to
- Prref after the last fact has been retrieved by Call, but before Call
- is failed through, will not be used. Both Call and Prref are input
- arguments, and should be instantiated at the time of call.
- $db_call_prref_s(Call,Prref)
- This also calls the prref Prref using Call as the call. The differ-
- ence from $db_call_prref is that this does not use the ``trust''
- optimization, so that any new fact added before final failure will be
- seen by Call. (Also, this currently does not take advantage of any
- indexing that might have been constructed, while $db_call_prref does.)
- 55
- Both Call and Prref are input arguments, and should be instantiated at
- the time of call.
- $db_get_clauses(Prref,Clref,Dir)
- This returns, nondeterministically, all the clause references Clref
- for clauses asserted to prref Prref. If Dir is 0, then the first
- clref on the list is returned first; if Dir is 1, then they are
- returned in reverse order. Prref and Dir are input arguments, and
- should be instantiated at the time of call; Clref is an output argu-
- ment, and should be uninstantiated at the time of call.
- $db_kill_clause(Clref)
- This predicate retracts the fact referenced by clref Clref. It does
- this by simply making the first instruction of the clause a fail
- instruction. This means that this clause will fail whenever it is
- called in the future, no matter how it is accessed. Clref should be
- instantiated at the time of call.
- 5.10. Environmental
- op(priority, type, name)
- Treat name as an operator of the stated type and priority (see Section
- 3.2). name may also be a list of names, in which all are to be
- treated as operators of the stated type and priority.
- 56
- break
- Causes the current execution to be suspended at the next procedure
- call. Then the message ``[ Break (level 1) ]'' is displayed. The
- interpreter is then ready to accept input as though it was at the top
- level (except that at break level n > 0, the prompt is ``n: ?- '').
- If another call of break is encountered, it moves up to level 2, and
- so on. To close the break and resume the execution which was
- suspended, type the END-OF-INPUT character. Execution will be resumed
- at the procedure call where it had been suspended. Alternatively, the
- suspended execution can be aborted by calling the evaluable predicate
- abort, which causes a return to the top level.
- abort
- Aborts the current execution, taking you back to top level.
- save(F)
- The system saves the current state of the system into file F.
- restore(F)
- The system restores the saved state in file F to be the current state.
- One restriction imposed by the current system is that various system
- parameters (e.g. stack sizes, permanent space, heap space, etc.) of
- the saved state have to be the same as that of the current invocation.
- Thus, it is not possible to save a state from an invocation where
- 50000 words of permanent space had been allocated, and then restore
- 57
- the same state in an invocation with 100000 words of permanent space.
- cputime(X)
- Unifies X with the time elapsed, in milliseconds, since the system was
- started up.
- $getenv(Var,Val)
- Val is unified with the value of the Unix environment variable Var.
- Fails is Var is undefined.
- statistics
- Prints out the current allocations and amounts of space used for each
- of the four main areas: the permanent area, the local stack, the glo-
- bal stack and the trail stack. Does not work well unless the simula-
- tor has been called with the -s option (see Section 7.2).
- nodynload(P, N)
- Flags the predicate P with arity N as one that should not be attempted
- to be dynamically loaded if it is undefined. If a predicate so
- flagged is undefined when a call to it is encountered, the call fails
- quietly without trying to invoke the dynamic loader or giving an error
- message. P and N should be instantiated to an atom and an integer,
- respectively, at the time of call to nodynload/2.
- symtype(T,N)
- 58
- Unifies N with the ``internal type'' of the principal functor of the
- term T, which must be instantiated at the time of the call. N is
- bound to 0 if T does not have an entry point defined (i.e. cannot be
- executed); to 1 if the principal functor of T is ``dynamic'', i.e. has
- asserted code; to 2 if the principal functor for T is a compiled
- predicate; and 3 if T denotes a buffer. Thus, for example, if the
- predicate p/2 is a compiled predicate which has been loaded into the
- system, the goal
- | ?- symtype(p(_,_), X).
- will succeed binding X to 2; on the other hand, the goal
- | ?- assert(q(a,b,c)), symtype(q(_,_,_), X).
- will succeed binding X to 1.
- system(Call)
- Calls the operating system with the atom Call as argument. For exam-
- ple, the call
- | ?- system('ls').
- will produce a directory listing. Since system/1 is executed by fork-
- ing off a shell process, it cannot be used, for example, to change the
- working directory of the simulator.
- syscall(N,Args,Res)
- Executes the Unix system call number N with arguments Args, and
- returns the result in Res. N is an integer, and Args a Prolog list of
- 59
- the arguments to the system call. For example, to execute the system
- call ``creat(File,Mode)'', knowing that the syscall number for the
- Unix command creat(2) is 8, we execute the goal
- | ?- syscall(8, [File, Mode], Des).
- where Des is the file descriptor returned by creat. The syscall
- numbers for some Unix system calls are given in Table 2.
- 5.11. Global Values
- SB-Prolog has some primitives that permit the programmer to manipulate
- global values. These are provided primarily as an efficiency hack, and
- needless to say, should be used with a great deal of care.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- exit 1 | fork 2 |
- read 3 | write 4 |
- open 5 | close 6 |
- creat 8 | link 9 |
- unlink 10 | chdir 12 |
- chmod 15 | lseek 19 |
- access 33 | kill 37 |
- wait 84 | socket 97 |
- connect 98 | accept 99 |
- send 101 | recv 102 |
- bind 104 | setsockopt 105 |
- listen 106 | recvmsg 113 |
- sendmsg 114 | getsockopt 118 |
- recvfrom 125 | sendto 133 |
- socketpair 135 | mkdir 136 |
- rmdir 137 | getsockname 150 |
- ____________________________________|____________________________________|
- Table 2: Some Syscall Numbers for Unix Systems Calls
- 60
- globalset(Term)
- Allows the user to save a global value. Term must be bound to a com-
- pound term, say p(V). V must be a number or a constant or a variable.
- If V is a number or a constant, the effect of globalset(p(V)) can be
- described as:
- retract(p(_)), assert(p(V)).
- I.e., p is a predicate that when called will, from now on (until some
- other change by globalset/1), deterministically return V. If V is a
- variable, the effect is to make V a global variable whose value is
- accessible by calling p. For example, executing ``globalset(p(X))''
- makes X a global variable. X can be set by unification with some other
- term. On backtracking, X will be restored to its earlier value.
- gennum(Newnum)
- gennum/1 sets its argument to a new integer every time it is invoked.
- gensym(C,Newsym)
- gensym/2 sets its second argument to an atom whose name is made by
- concatenating the name of the atom C to the current gennum number.
- This new constant is bound to Newsym. For example, if the current
- gennum number is 37, then the call
- | ?- gensym(aaa,X)
- will succeed binding X to the atom `aaa37'.
- 61
- 6. Debugging
- 6.1. High Level Tracing
- The preferred method of tracing execution is through the predicate
- trace/1. This predicate takes as argument a term P/N, where P is a predi-
- cate name and N its arity, and sets a ``trace point'' on the corresponding
- predicate; it can also be given a list of such terms, in which case a trace
- point is set on each member of the list. For example, executing
- | ?- trace(pred1/2), trace([pred2/3, pred3/2]).
- sets trace points on predicates pred1/2, pred2/3 and pred3/2. Only those
- predicates are traced that have trace points set on them.
- If all the predicates in a file are to be traced, it is usually con-
- venient to use the PredList parameter of compile/4 or consult/3, e.g.:
- | ?- compile(foo, 'foo.out', [t,v], Preds), load('foo.out'), trace(Preds).
- or
- | ?- consult(foo, [v], Preds), trace(Preds).
- Notice that in the first case, the t compiler option (see Section 8.3)
- should be specified in order to turn off certain assembler optimizations
- and facilitate tracing. In the second case, the same effect may be
- achieved by specifying the t option to consult.
- The trace points set on predicates may be overwritten by loading byte
- code files via load/1, and in this case it may be necessary to explicitly
- set trace points again on the loaded predicates. This does not happen with
- 62
- consult: predicates that were being traced continue to have trace points
- set after consulting.
- The tracing facilities of SB-Prolog are in many ways very similar to
- those of C-Prolog. However, leashing is not supported, and only those
- predicates can be traced which have had trace points set on them through
- trace/1. This makes trace/1 and spy/1 very similar: essentially, trace
- amounts to two levels of spy points. In SB-Prolog, tracing occurs at Call
- (i.e. entry to a predicate), successful Exit from a clause, and Failure of
- the entire call. The tracing options available during debugging are the
- following:
- c, NEWLINE: Creep
- Causes the system to single-step to the next port (i.e. either the
- entry to a traced predicate called by the executed clause, or the suc-
- cess or failure exit from that clause).
- a: Abort
- Causes execution to abort and control to return to the top level
- interpreter.
- b: Break
- Calls the evaluable predicate break, thus invoking recursively a new
- incarnation of the system interpreter. The command prompt at break
- level n is
- n: ?-
- The user may return to the previous break level by entering the system
- 63
- end-of-file character (e.g. ctrl-D), or typing in the atom
- end_of_file; or to the top level interpreter by typing in abort.
- f: Fail
- Causes execution to fail, thus transferring control to the Fail port
- of the current execution.
- h: Help
- Displays the table of debugging options.
- l: Leap
- Causes the system to resume running the program, only stopping when a
- spy-point is reached or the program terminates. This allows the user
- to follow the execution at a higher level than exhaustive tracing.
- n: Nodebug
- Turns off debug mode.
- q: Quasi-skip
- This is like Skip except that it does not mask out spy points.
- r: Retry (fail)
- Transfers to the Call port of the current goal. Note, however, that
- side effects, such as database modifications etc., are not undone.
- s: Skip
- Causes tracing to be turned off for the entire execution of the pro-
- cedure. Thus, nothing is seen until control comes back to that pro-
- cedure, either at the Success or the Failure port.
- 64
- Other predicates that are useful in debugging are:
- untrace(Preds)
- where Preds is a term P/N, where P is a predicate name and N its
- arity, or a list of such terms. Turns off tracing on the specified
- predicates. Preds must be instantiated at the time of the call.
- spy(Preds)
- where Preds is a term P/N, where P is a predicate name and N its
- arity, or a list of such terms. Sets spy points on the specified
- predicates. Preds must be instantiated at the time of the call.
- nospy(Preds)
- where Preds is a term P/N, where P is a predicate name and N its
- arity, or a list of such terms. Removes spy points on the specified
- predicates. Preds must be instantiated at the time of the call.
- debug
- Turns on debugging mode. This causes subsequent execution of predi-
- cates with trace or spy points to be traced, and is a no-op if there
- are no such predicates. The predicates trace/1 and spy/1 cause debug-
- ging mode to be turned on automatically.
- nodebug
- Turns off debugging mode. This causes trace and spy points to be
- ignored.
- 65
- debugging
- Displays information about whether debug mode is on or not, and lists
- predicates that have trace points or spy points set on them.
- tracepreds(L)
- Binds L to a list of terms P/N where the predicate P of arity N has a
- trace point set on it.
- spypreds(L)
- Binds L to a list of terms P/N where the predicate P of arity N has a
- spy point set on it.
- There is one known bug in the package: attempts to set trace points,
- via trace/1, on system and library predicates that are used by the trace
- package can cause bizarre behaviour.
- 6.2. Low Level Tracing
- SB-Prolog also provides a facility for low level tracing of execution.
- This can be activated by invoking the simulator with the -T option, or
- through the predicate trace/0. It causes trace information to be printed
- out at every call (including those to system trap handlers). The volume of
- such trace information can very become large very quickly, so this method
- of tracing is not recommended in general.
- Low level tracing may be turned off using the predicate untrace/0.
- 66
- 7. The Simulator
- The simulator resides in the SB-Prolog system directory sim. The fol-
- lowing sections describe various aspects of the simulator.
- 7.1. Invoking the Simulator
- The simulator is invoked by the command
- sbprolog bc_file
- where bc_file is a byte code file resulting from the compilation of a Pro-
- log program. In almost all cases, the user will wish to interact with the
- SB-Prolog query evaluator, in which case bc_file will be $readloop, and the
- command will be
- sbprolog PATH/\\$eadloop
- where PATH is the path to the directory containing the command interpreter
- $readloop. This directory, typically, is the system directory modlib.
- The command interpreter reads in a query typed in by the user, evalu-
- ates it and prints the answer(s), repeating this until it encounters an
- end-of-file (the standard end-of-file character on the system, e.g. ctrl-
- D), or the user types in end_of_file or halt.
- 67
- The user should ensure that the the directory containing the execut-
- able file sim (typically, the system directory sim) is included in the
- shell variable path; if not, the full path to the simulator will have to be
- specified.
- In general, the simulator may be invoked with a variety of options, as
- follows:
- sbprolog -options bc_file
- or
- sbprolog -option<1> -option<2> ... -option<n> bc_file
- The options recognized by the simulator are described below.
- When called with a byte code file bc_file, the simulator begins execu-
- tion with the first clause in that file. The first clause in such a file,
- therefore, should be a clause without any arguments in the head (otherwise,
- the simulator will attempt to dereference argument pointers in the head
- that are really pointing into deep space, and usually come to a sad end).
- If the user is executing a file in this manner rather than using the com-
- mand interpreter, he should also be careful to include the undefined predi-
- cate handler `_$undefined_pred'/1, which is normally defined in the file
- modlib/$init_sys.P.
- 7.2. Simulator Options
- 68
- The following is a list of options recognized by the simulator.
- T Generates a trace at entry to each called routine.
- d Produces a disassembled dump of bc_file into a file named `dump.pil'
- and exits.
- n Adds machine addresses when producing trace and dump.
- s Maintains information for the builtin statistics/0. Default: off.
- m size
- Allocates size words (4 bytes) of space to the local stack and heap
- together. Default: 100000.
- p size
- Allocates size words of space to the program area. Default: 100000.
- b size
- Allocates size words of space to the trail stack. Default: m/5, where
- m is the amount of space allocated to the local stack and heap
- together. This parameter, if specified, must follow the -m parameter.
- As an example, the command
- sim -s -p 60000 -m 150000 \$readloop
- starts the simulator executing the command interpreter with 60000 bytes of
- program space, 150000 bytes of local and global stack space and (by
- default) 30000 bytes of trail stack space; the s option also results in
- 69
- statistics information being maintained.
- 7.3. Interrupt Handling
- SB-Prolog provides a facility for exception handling using user-
- definable interrupt handlers. This can be used both for external inter-
- rupts, e.g. those generated from the keyboard by the user or from signals
- other processes; or internal traps, e.g. those caused by stack overflows,
- encountering undefined predicates, etc. For example, the ``undefined
- predicate'' interrupt is handled, by default, by the predicate
- `_$undefined_pred'/1, which is defined in the file modlib/$init_sys.P. The
- default action on encountering an undefined predicate is to attempt to
- dynamically load a file whose name matches that of the undefined predicate.
- However, the user may easily alter this behaviour by redefining the unde-
- fined predicate handler.
- 8. The Compiler
- The compiler translates Prolog source files into byte-code object files.
- It is written entirely in Prolog. The byte code for the compiler can be
- found in the SB-Prolog system directory cmplib, with the source code
- resident in cmplib/src.
- Byte code files may be concatenated together to produce other byte
- code files. Thus, for example, if foo1 and foo2 are byte code files
- resulting from the compilation of two Prolog source programs, then the file
- 70
- foo, obtained by executing the shell command
- cat foo1 foo2 > foo
- is a byte code file as well, and may be loaded and executed. In this case,
- loading and executing the file foo would give the same result as loading
- foo1 and foo2 separately, which in turn would be the same as concatenating
- the original source files and compiling this larger file. This makes it
- easier to compile large programs: one need only break them into smaller
- pieces, compile the individual pieces, and concatenate the byte files
- together.
- The following sections describe the various aspects of the compiler in
- more detail.
- 8.1. Structure of the Compiler
- The compilation of a Prolog program proceeds in four phases. In the first
- phase, the source program is read in and passed through a preprocessor.
- The output of the preprocessor is essentially another Prolog source pro-
- gram. Next, this program is transformed into an internal representation
- (essentially an annotated abstract syntax tree). The third phase involves
- generating WAM ``assembly'' code and peephole optimization. Finally, the
- WAM assembly code is processed by an assembler which generates byte code.
- 8.2. Invoking the Compiler
- 71
- The compiler is invoked through the Prolog predicate compile:
- | ?- compile(InFile [, OutFile ] [, OptionsList ]).
- where optional parameters are enclosed in brackets. InFile is the name of
- the input (i.e. source) file; OutFile is the name of the output file (i.e.
- byte code) file; OptionsList is a list of compiler options (see below).
- The input and output file names must be Prolog atoms, i.e. either
- begin with a lower case letter or dollar sign `$', and consist only of
- letters, digits, and underscores; or, be enclosed within single quotes. If
- the output file name is not specified, it defaults to InFile.out. The list
- of options, if specified, is a Prolog list, i.e. a term of the form
- [ option<1>, option<2>, ..., option<n> ].
- If left unspecified, it defaults to the empty list [].
- In fact, the output file name and the options list may be specified in
- any order. Thus, for example, the queries
- | ?- compile('/usr/debray/foo', foo_out, [v]).
- and
- | ?- compile('/usr/debray/foo', [v], foo_out).
- are equivalent, and specify that the Prolog source file `/usr/debray/foo'
- is to be compiled in verbose mode (see ``Compiler Options'' below), and
- that the byte code is to be generated into the file foo_out.
- The compile predicate may also be called with a fourth parameter:
- | ?- compile(InFile, OutFile, OptionsList, PredList).
- where InFile, OutFile and OptionsList are as before; compile/4 unifies
- 72
- PredList with a list of terms P/N denoting the predicates defined in
- InFile, where P is a predicate name and N its arity. PredList, if speci-
- fied, is usually given as an uninstantiated variable; its principal use is
- for setting trace points on the predicates in the file (see Section 6),
- e.g. by executing
- | ?- compile('/usr/debray/foo', foo_out, [v], L), load(foo_out), trace(L).
- Notice that PredList can only appear in compile/4.
- 8.3. Compiler Options
- The following options are currently recognized by the compiler:
- a Specifies that an ``assembler'' file is to be created. The name of
- the assembler file is obtained by appending ``.asl'' to the source
- file name. While the writing out of assembly code slows down the com-
- pilation process to some extent, it allows the assembler to do a
- better job of optimizing away indirect subroutine linkages (since in
- this case the assembler has assembly code for the entire program to
- work with at once, not just a single predicate). This results in code
- that is faster and more compact.
- d Dumps expanded macros to the user (see Section 10).
- e Expand macros (see Section 10).
- i Specifies that indexes are to be generated. The pragma file (see Sec-
- tion 14) corresponding to the source file is consulted for information
- 73
- regarding predicates which should have indexes constructed, and the
- arguments on which indexes are to be constructed.
- t If specified, turns off assembler optimizations that eliminate
- indirect branches through the symbol table in favour of direct
- branches. This is useful in debugging compiled code. It is necessary
- if the extension table feature is to be used.
- v If specified, compiles in ``verbose'' mode, which causes messages
- regarding progress of compilation to be printed out.
- 8.4. A Note on Coding for Efficiency
- The SB-Prolog system tends to favour programs that are relatively
- pure. Thus, for example, asserts tend to be quite expensive, encouraging
- the user to avoid them if possible. This section points out some syntactic
- constructs that lead to the generation of efficient code. These involve
- (i) avoiding the creation of backtrack points; and (ii) minimizing data
- movement between registers. Optimization of logic programs is an area of
- ongoing research, and we expect to enhance the capabilities of the system
- further in future versions.
- 8.4.1. Avoiding Creation of Backtrack Points
- Since the creation of backtrack points is relatively expensive, pro-
- gram efficiency may be improved substantially by using constructs that
- avoid the creation of backtrack points where possible. The SB-Prolog
- 74
- compiler recognizes conditionals involving certain complementary inline
- tests, and generates code that does not create choice points for such
- _ _
- cases. Two inline tests p(X) and q(X) are complementary if and only if
- _ _
- p(X) = not(q(X)). For example, the literals `X > Y' and `X =< Y' are com-
- plementary. At this point, complementary tests are recognized as such only
- if their argument tuples are identical. The inline predicates that are
- treated in this manner, with their corresponding complementary literals,
- are shown in Table 3. The syntactic constructs recognized are:
- (i) Disjuncts of the form
- _ _
- head :- (( test(X), ... ) ; ( not(test(X)), ...)).
- or
- _________________________________________
- | Inline Test | Complementary Test |
- |___________________|_____________________|
- | >/2 | =</2 |
- |___________________|_____________________|
- | =</2 | >/2 |
- |___________________|_____________________|
- | >=/2 | </2 |
- |___________________|_____________________|
- | </2 | >=/2 |
- |___________________|_____________________|
- | =:=/2 | =\=/2 |
- |___________________|_____________________|
- | =\=/2 | =:=/2 |
- |___________________|_____________________|
- | var/1 | nonvar/1 |
- |___________________|_____________________|
- | nonvar/1 | var/1 |
- |___________________|_____________________|
- Table 3: Complementary tests recognized by the compiler
- 75
- _ _
- head :- (( test(X), ... ) ; ( comp_test(X), ...)).
- where test is one of the inline tests in the table above, and
- comp_test the corresponding complementary test (note that the argu-
- ments to test and comp_test have to be identical).
- (ii) Conditionals of the form
- head :- (test<1>, ... , test<n>) -> True_Case ; False_Case.
- or
- head :- (test<1>; ... ; test<n>) -> True_Case ; False_Case.
- where each test<i> is an inline test, as mentioned in the table above.
- The code generated for these cases involves a test and conditional
- branch, and no choice point is created. We expect future versions of the
- translator to recognize a wider class of complementary tests.
- Notice that this discourages the use of explicit cuts. For example,
- whereas a choice point will be created for
- part(M,[E|L],U1,U2) :-
- ((E =< M, !, U1 = [E|U1a], U2 = U2a) ;
- (U1 = U1a, U2 = [E|U2a])),
- part(M,L,U1a,U2a).
- no choice point will be created for either
- part(M,[E|L],U1,U2) :-
- (E =< M ->
- (U1 = [E|U1a], U2 = U2a) ;
- (U1 = U1a, U2 = [E|U2a])),
- part(M,L,U1a,U2a).
- or
- 76
- part(M,[E|L],U1,U2) :-
- ((E =< M, U1 = [E|U1a], U2 = U2a) ;
- (E > M, U1 = U1a, U2 = [E|U2a])),
- part(M,L,U1a,U2a).
- Thus, either of the two later versions will be more efficient than the ver-
- sion with the explicit cut.
- 8.4.2. Minimizing Data Movement Between Registers
- Data movement between registers for parameter passing may be minimized
- by leaving variables in the same argument position wherever possible.
- Thus, the clause
- p(X,Y) :- p1(X,Y,0).
- is preferable to
- p(X,Y) :- p1(0,X,Y).
- because the first definition leaves the variables X and Y in the same argu-
- ment positions (first and second, respectively), while the second defini-
- tion does not.
- 8.5. Assembly
- The SB-Prolog assembler can be invoked by loading the compiler and
- using the predicate $asm/3:
- | ?- $asm(InFile, OutFile, OptionsList).
- where InFile is a Prolog atom which is the name of a WAM assembly source
- file (e.g. the ``.asl'' file generated when a Prolog program is compiled
- 77
- with the ``a'' option), OutFile is an atom which is the name of the
- intended byte code file, and OptionsList is a list of options. The options
- recognized by the assembler are:
- v ``Verbose'' mode. Prints out information regarding progress of assem-
- bly.
- t ``Trace''. If specified, the assembler generates code to force pro-
- cedure calls to branch indirectly via the symbol table, instead of
- using a direct branch. This is Useful for tracing compiled code. It
- is necessary if the extension table feature is to be used.
- The assembler is intended primarily to support the compiler, so the assem-
- bly language syntax is quirky in places. The interested reader is advised
- to look at the assembly files resulting from compilation with the ``a''
- option for more on SB-Prolog assembler syntax.
- 9. Modules
- To describe how modules (or maybe more properly, just libraries) are
- currently supported in our system, we must describe the _$undefined_pred/1
- interrupt handler. The system keeps a table of modules and routines that
- are needed from each. When a predicate is found to be undefined, the table
- is searched to see if it is defined by some module. If so, that module is
- loaded (if it hasn't been previously loaded) and the association is made
- between the routine name as defined in the module, and the routine name as
- used by the invoker.
- 78
- The table of modules and needed routines is:
- defined_mods(Modname, [pred<1>/arity<1>, ..., pred<n>/arity<n>]).
- where Modname is the name of the module. The module exports n predicate
- definitions. The first exported pred is of arity arity<>1, and needs to be
- invoked by the name of pred<1>.
- The table of modules that have already been loaded is given by
- loaded_mods(Modname).
- A module is a file of predicate definitions, together with a fact defining
- a list of predicates exported by that module, and a set of facts, each of
- which specifies, for some other module, the predicates imported from that
- module. For example, consider a module name `p'. It contains a single
- fact, named p_export, that is true of the list of predicate/arity's that
- are exported. E.g.
- p_export([p1/2, p2/4])
- indicates that the module p exports the predicates p1/2 and p2/4. For each
- module m which contains predicates needed by the module p, there is a fact
- for p_use, describing what module is needed and the names of the predicates
- defined there that are needed. For example, if module p needs to import
- predicates ip1/2 and ip2/3 from module q, there would be a fact
- p_use(q,[ip1/2, ip2/3])
- where q is a module that exports two predicates: one 2-ary and one 3-ary.
- This list corresponds to the export list of module q.
- 79
- The correspondence between the predicates in the export list of an
- exporting module, and those in the import or use list of a module which
- imports one or more of them, is by position, i.e. the predicate names at
- the exporting and importing names may be different, and the association
- between names in the two lists is by the position in the list. If the
- importing module does not wish to import one or more of the predicates
- exported by the exporting module, it may put an anonymous variable in the
- corresponding position in its use list. Thus, for example, if module p
- above had wished to import only the predicate ip2/3 from module q, the
- corresponding use fact would be
- p_use(q, [_, ip2/3]).
- The initial set of predicates and the modules from which they are to
- be loaded is set up by an initial call to $prorc/0 (see the SB-Prolog sys-
- tem file modlib/src/$prorc.P). This predicate makes initial calls to the
- predicate $define_mod which set up the tables described above so that the
- use of standard predicates will cause the correct modules to be loaded in
- the _$undefined_pred routine, and the correct names to be used.
- 10. Macros
- SB-Prolog features a facility for the definition and expansion of mac-
- ros that is fully compatible with the runtime system. Its basic mechanism
- is a simple partial evaluator. It is called by both consult and compile,
- so that macro expansion occurs independently of whether the code is inter-
- preted or compiled (but not when asserted). Moreover, the macro
- 80
- definitions av%retained as clauses at runtime, so that invocation of macros
- via call/1 at runtime (or from asserted clauses) does not pose a problem.
- This means, however, that if the same macro is used in many different
- files, it will be loaded more than once, thus leading to wasetd space.
- This ought to be thought about and fixed.
- The source for the macro expander is in the SB-Prolog system file
- modlib/src/$mac.P.
- 10.1. Defining Macros
- `Macros', or predicates to be evaluated at compile-time, are defined
- by clauses of the form
- Head ::- Body
- where facts have `true' as their body. The partial evaluator will expand
- any call to a predicate defined by ::-/2 that unifies with the head of only
- one clause in ::-/2. If a call unifies with the head of more than one
- clause in ::-/2, it will not be expanded Notice that this is not a funda-
- mental restriction, since `;' is permitted in the body of a clause. The
- partial evaluator also converts each definition of the form
- Head ::- Body.
- to a clause of the form
- Head :- Body.
- and adds this second clause to the other ``normal'' clauses that were read
- from the file. This ensures that calls to the macro at runtime, e.g.
- 81
- through call/1 or from unexpanded calls in the program do not cause any
- problems.
- The partial evaluator is actually a Prolog interpreter written
- `purely' in Prolog, i.e., variable assignments are explicitly handled.
- This is necessary to be able to handle impure constructs such as `var(X),
- X=a'. As a result this is a very slow Prolog evaluator.
- Since naive partial evaluation can go into an infinite loop, SB-
- Prolog's partial evaluator maintains a depth-bound and will not expand
- recursive calls deeper than that. The depth is determined by the globalset
- predicate $mac_depth. The default value for $mac_depth is 50 This can be
- changed to some other value n by executing
- | ?- globalset($mac_depth(n)).
- 10.2. Macro Expander Options
- The following options are recognized by the macro expander:
- d Dumps all clauses to the user after expansion. Useful for debugging.
- e Expand macros. If omitted, the expander simply converts each ::-/2
- clause to a normal :-/2 clause.
- v ``Verbose'' mode. Prints macros that are/are not being expanded.
- 82
- 11. Extension Tables
- Extension tables store the calls and answers for a predicate. If a
- call has been made before, answers are retrieved from the extension table
- instead of being recomputed. Extension tables provide a caching mechanism
- for Prolog. In addition, extension tables affect the termination charac-
- teristics of recursive programs. Some Prolog programs, which are logically
- correct, enter an infinite loop due to recursive predicates. An extension
- table saved on recursive predicates can find all answers (provided the set
- of such answers is finite) and terminate for some logic programs for which
- Prolog's evaluation strategy enters an infinite loop. Iterations over the
- extension table execution strategy provides complete evaluation of queries
- over function-free Horn clause programs.
- To be able to use the simple extension table evaluation on a set of
- predicates, the source file should either be consulted, or compiled with
- the t option (the t option keeps the assembler from optimizing subroutine
- linkage and allows the extension table facility to intercept calls to
- predicates).
- To use extension table execution, all predicates that are to be saved
- in the extension table must be passed to et/1. For example,
- | ?- et([pred1/1, pred2/2]), et(pred3/2)
- will set up ``ET-points'' for the for predicates pred1/1, pred2/2 and
- pred3/2, which will cause extension tables for these predicates to be main-
- tained during execution. At the time of the call to et/1, these predicates
- 83
- must be defined, either by having been loaded, or through consult.
- The predicate noet/1 takes a list of predicate/arity pairs for which
- ET-points should be deleted. Notice that once an ET-point has been set up
- for a predicate, it will be maintained unless explicitly deleted via
- noet/1. If the definition of a predicate which has an ET-point defined is
- to be updated, the ET-point must first be deleted via noet/1. The predi-
- cate can then be reloaded and a new ET-point established. This is enforced
- by the failure of the goal ``et(P/N)'' if an ET-point already exists for
- the argument predicate. In this case, the following error message will be
- displayed:
- *et* already defined for: P/N
- There are, in fact, two extension table algorithms: a simple one,
- which simply caches calls to predicates which have ET-points defined; and a
- complete ET algorithm, which iterates the simple extension table algorithm
- until no more answers can be found. The simple algorithm is more efficient
- than the complete one; however, the simple algorithm is not complete for
- certain especially nasty forms of mutual recursion, while the complete
- algorithm is. To use the simple extension table algorithm, predicates can
- simply be called as usual. The complete extension table algorithm may be
- used via the query
- | ?- et_star(Query).
- The extension table algorithm is intended for predicates that are ``essen-
- tially pure'', and results are not guaranteed for code using impure code.
- 84
- The extension table algorithm saves only those answers which are not
- instances of what is already in the table, and uses these answers if the
- current call is an instance of a call already made. For example, if a call
- p(X, Y), with X and Y uninstantiated, is encountered and inserted into the
- extension table, then a subsequent call p(X, b) will be computed using the
- answers for p(X, Y) already in the extension table. Notice that this might
- not work if var/nonvar tests are used on the second argument in the evalua-
- tion of p.
- Another problem with using impure code is that if an ET predicate is
- cut over, then the saved call implies that all answers for that predicate
- were computed, but there are only partial results in the ET because of the
- cut. So on a subsequent call the incomplete extension table answers are
- used when all answers are expected.
- Example:
- r(X,Y) :- p(X,Y),q(Y,Z),!,fail.
- | ?- r(X,Y) ; p(X,Y).
- Let p be an ET predicate whose evaluation yields many tuples. In the
- evaluation of the query, r(X,Y) makes a call to p(X,Y). Assuming that
- there is a tuple such that q(Y,Z) succeeds with the first p tuple then the
- evaluation of p is cut over. The call to p(X,Y) in the query uses the
- extension table because of the previous call in the evaluation of r(X,Y).
- Only one answer is found, whereas the relation p contains many tuples, so
- the computation is not complete. Note that "cuts" used within the evalua-
- tion of an ET predicate are ok, as long as they don't cut over the evalua-
- tion of another ET predicate. The evaluation of the predicate that uses
- 85
- cuts does not cut over any et processing (such as storing or retrieving
- answers) so that the tuples that are computed are saved. In the following
- example, the ET is used to generate prime numbers where an ET point is put
- on prime/1.
- Example:
- prime(I) :- globalset(globalgenint(2)),fail. /* Generating Primes */
- prime(I) :- genint(I), not(div(I)).
- div(I) :- prime(X), 0 is I mod X.
- genint(N) :-
- repeat,
- globalgenint(N),
- N1 is N+1,
- globalset(globalgenint(N1)).
- The following summarizes the library predicates supporting the extension
- table facility:
- et(L)
- Sets up an ET-point on the predicates L, which causes calls and anwers
- to these predicates to be saved in an ``extension table''. L is
- either a term Pred/Arity, where Pred is a predicate symbol and Arity
- its arity, or a set of such terms represented as a list. L must be
- instantiated, and the predicates specified in it defined, at the time
- of the call to et/1. Gives error messages and fails if any of the
- predicates in L is undefined, or if an ET-point already exists on any
- of them; in this case, no ET-point is set up on any of the predicates
- in L.
- 86
- et_star(Goal)
- Invokes the complete extension table algorithm on the goal Goal.
- et_points(L)
- Unifies L with a list of predicates for which an ET-point is defined.
- L is the empty list [] if there are no ET-points defined.
- noet(L)
- Deletes ET-points on the predicates specified in L. L is either a
- term P/N, where P is the name of a predicate and N its arity, or a set
- of such terms represented as a list. Gives error messages and fails
- if there is no ET-point on any of the predicates specified in L.
- Deleting an ET-point for a predicate also removes the calls and
- answers stored in the extension table for that predicate. The exten-
- sion tables for all predicates for which ET-points are defined may be
- deleted using et_points/1 in cojnunction with noet/1.
- L must be instantiated at the time of the call to noet/1.
- et_remove(L)
- Removes both calls and answers for the predicates specified in L. In
- effect, this results in the extension table for these predicates to be
- set to empty. L must be instantiated at the time of the call to
- either a term P/N, where P is a predicate with arity N, or a list of
- such terms. An error occurs if any of the predicates in L does not
- 87
- have an ET-point set.
- All extension tables can be emptied by using et_points/1 in conjunc-
- tion with et_remove/1.
- et_answers(P/N, Term)
- Retrieves the answers stored in the extension table for the predicate
- P/N in Term one at a time. Term is of the form P(t<1>, ..., t<N>).
- An error results and et_answers/2 fails if P/N is not fully specified
- (ground), or if P/N does not have an ET-point set.
- et_calls(P/N, Term)
- Retrieves the calls stored in the extension table for the predicate
- P/N in Term one at a time. Term is of the form P(t<1>, ..., t<N>).
- An error results and et_calls/2 fails if P/N is not fully specified
- (ground), or if P/N does not have an ET-point set.
- 12. Profiling Programs
- SB-Prolog provides a utility for profiling programs interactively.
- Two kinds of profiling are supported: one may count the number of calls to
- a predicate, or compute the time spent in a predicate. It is important
- that the predicates being profiled are either consulted, or compiled with
- the t option, so that calls to the relevant predicates can be intercepted
- by the profiler.
- 88
- To use the profiler, predicates whose calls are to be counted must be
- passed to count/1, e.g.
- | ?- count([p/1, q/2]), count(r/3).
- will set up ``count-points'' on the predicates p/1, q/2 and r/3. Predi-
- cates whose calls are to be timed have to be passed to time/1, e.g.
- | ?- time([s/1, t/2]), time(u/3).
- will set up ``time-points'' on the predicates s/1, t/2 and u/3. It is pos-
- sible to set both count-points and time-points on the same predicate.
- After count-points and time-points have been set, the program may be exe-
- cuted as many times as desired: the profiling system will accumulate call
- counts and execution times for the appropriate predicates. Execution pro-
- files may be obtained using the predicates prof_stats/0 or prof_stats/1.
- Using prof_stats/0 to display the execution profile will cause the call
- counts and execution times of predicates being profiled to be reset to 0
- (this may be avoided by using prof_stats/1).
- It should be noted that in this context, the ``execution time'' for a
- predicate is an estimate of the total time spent in the subtrees below
- calls to that predicate (including failed subtrees): thus, the execution
- time figures may be dilated slightly if the subtree below a timed predicate
- contains predicates that are being profiled, because of the time taken for
- updating the call counts and execution times. For each predicate, the exe-
- cution time is displayed as the fraction of time spent, in computation in
- subtrees under calls to that predicate, relative to the time elapsed from
- the last time profiling was timed on or the last time profiling statistics
- 89
- were taken, whichever was more recent.
- The following summarizes the library predicates supporting profiling:
- count(L)
- Sets up a count-point on the predicates L, which causes calls to these
- predicates to be counted, and turns profiling on. L is either a term
- Pred/Arity, where Pred is a predicate symbol and Arity its arity, or a
- set of such terms represented as a list. L must be instantiated, and
- the predicates specified in it defined, at the time of the call to
- count/1.
- time(L)
- Sets up a time-point on the predicates L, which causes execution times
- for calls to these predicates to be accumulated, and turns profiling
- on. L is either a term Pred/Arity, where Pred is a predicate symbol
- and Arity its arity, or a set of such terms represented as a list. L
- must be instantiated, and the predicates specified in it defined, at
- the time of the call to time/1.
- nocount(L)
- Deletes the count-point on the predicates L. L is either a term
- Pred/Arity, where Pred is a predicate symbol and Arity its arity, or a
- set of such terms represented as a list. L must be instantiated, and
- the predicates specified in it defined, at the time of the call to
- 90
- nocount/1.
- notime(L)
- Deletes the time-point on the predicates L. L is either a term
- Pred/Arity, where Pred is a predicate symbol and Arity its arity, or a
- set of such terms represented as a list. L must be instantiated, and
- the predicates specified in it defined, at the time of the call to
- time/1.
- profiling
- Displays information about whether profile mode is on or not, and
- lists predicates that have count- and time-points set on them.
- prof_reset(L)
- Resets call counts and/or execution times for the predicates L. L is
- either a term Pred/Arity, where Pred is a predicate symbol and Arity
- its arity, or a set of such terms represented as a list. L must be
- instantiated, and the predicates specified in it defined, at the time
- of the call to prof_reset/1.
- resetcount(L)
- Resets call counts for the predicates L. L is either a term
- Pred/Arity, where Pred is a predicate symbol and Arity its arity, or a
- set of such terms represented as a list. L must be instantiated, and
- the predicates specified in it defined, at the time of the call to
- resetcount/1.
- 91
- resettime(L)
- Resets execution times for the predicates L. L is either a term
- Pred/Arity, where Pred is a predicate symbol and Arity its arity, or a
- set of such terms represented as a list. L must be instantiated, and
- the predicates specified in it defined, at the time of the call to
- resettime/1.
- profile
- Turns profiling on. This causes subsequent execution of predicates
- with count- or time-points to be profiled, and is a no-op if there are
- no such predicates. The predicates count/1 and time/1 cause profiling
- to be turned on automatically.
- noprofile
- Turns profiling off. This causes count- and time-points to be
- ignored.
- timepreds(L)
- Unifies L to a list of terms P/N where the predicate P of arity N has
- a time point set on it.
- countpreds(L)
- Unifies L to a list of terms P/N where the predicate P of arity N has
- a count point set on it.
- 92
- prof_stats
- Causes the call counts and/or execution times accumulated since the
- last call to prof_stats/0 to be printed out for predicates that are
- being profiled. The execution times are given as fractions of the
- total time elapsed since the last time profiling was turned on, or the
- last time prof_stats was called, whichever was most recent. This also
- results in the call counts and relative execution times of these
- predicates being reset to 0. Equivalent to prof_stats(1).
- prof_stats(N)
- Causes the call counts and/or execution times accumulated since the
- last call to prof_stats/0 to be printed out for predicates that are
- being profiled. The execution times are given as fractions of the
- total time elapsed since the last time profiling was turned on, or the
- last time prof_stats was called, whichever was most recent. If N is
- 1, then this also results in the call counts and execution times of
- these predicates being reset to 0; otherwise, the call counts and exe-
- cution times are not reset.
- 13. Other Library Utilities
- The SB-Prolog library contains various other utilities, some of which
- are listed below.
- $append(X, Y, Z)
- 93
- Succeeds if list Z is the concatenation of lists X and Y.
- $member(X, L)
- Checks whether X unifies with any element of list L, succeeding more
- than once if there are multiple such elements.
- $memberchk(X, L)
- Similar to $member/2, except that $memberchk/2 is deterministic, i.e.
- does not succeed more than once for any call.
- $reverse(L, R)
- Succeeds if R is the reverse of list L. If L is not a fully deter-
- mined list, i.e. if the tail of L is a variable, this predicate can
- succeed arbitrarily many times.
- $merge(X, Y, Z)
- Succeeds if Z is the list resulting from ``merging'' lists X and Y,
- i.e. the elements of X together with any element of Y not occurring in
- X. If X or Y contain duplicates, Z may also contain duplicates.
- $absmember(X, L)
- Similar to $member/2, except that it checks for identity (through
- ==/2) rather than unifiability (through =/2) of X with elements of L.
- $nthmember(X, L, N)
- 94
- Succeeds if the N[th.] element of the list L unifies with X. Fails if
- N is greater than the length of L. Either X and L, or L and N, should
- be instantiated at the time of the call.
- $member2(X, L)
- Checks whether X unifies with any of the actual elements of L. The
- only difference between this and $member/2 is on lists with a variable
- tail, e.g. [a, b, c | _ ]: while $member/2 would insert X at the end
- of such a list if it did not find it, $member2/2 only checks for
- membership but does not insert it into the list if it is not there.
- length(L, N)
- Succeeds if the length of the list L is N. This predicate is deter-
- ministic if L is instantiated to a list of definite length, but is
- nondeterministic if L is a variable or has a variable tail.
- subsumes(X, Y) Succeeds if the term X subsumes the term Y (i.e. if Y is an
- instance of X).
- 14. Pragma Files
- Users may specify pragma information about SB-Prolog programs in a
- file called the pragma file for the program. The pragma file corresponding
- to a Prolog source file foo is a file foo.def which is either in the same
- directory as the source file, or is in a subdirectory defs in the directory
- containing the source file. In other words, relative to the directory
- 95
- containing the source file foo, the pragma file can be either foo.def or
- defs/foo.def.
- Pragma information in such a file is specified as a set of facts
- prag/3. The first and second arguments are, respectively, the name and
- arity of the predicate for which information is being specified. The third
- argument is the pragma being specified, and can be either a term, or a list
- of terms. Thus, for example, to specify that an index is to be created on
- the first argument position for a predicate bar/3 in the file foo, we would
- enter, in a file foo.def, the fact ``prag(bar, 3, index)'' or ``prag(bar,
- 3, [index])''.
- The pragma information that may be specified is limited, at this
- point, to information about indexing. If an index is to be created on
- argument n of a predicate, the corresponding pragma is a term ``index(n)''.
- In the special case where n = 1, the pragma ``index(1)'' may be abbreviated
- to ``index''.
- Acknowledgements
- A large number of people were involved, at some time or another, with
- the Logic Programming group at SUNY, Stony Brook, and deserve credit for
- bringing the SB-Prolog system to its present form. The following names, in
- particular, ought to be mentioned: David Scott Warren, Weidong Chen,
- Suzanne Dietrich, Sanjay Manchanda, Jiyang Xu and David Znidarsic. The
- author is also grateful to Fernando Pereira for permission to use material
- from the C-Prolog manual for the descriptions of Prolog syntax and many of
- 96
- the builtins.
- 97
- Appendix 1: Evaluable Predicates of SB-Prolog
- An entry of ``B'' indicates a builtin predicate, ``I'' an inline
- predicate, and ``L'' a library predicate. A ``P'' indicates that the
- predicate is handled by the preprocessor during compilation and/or consult-
- ing.
- (L) _$undefined_pred/1.... 6 (I) =\=/2 ................ 32
- (L) compile/1 ............ 7 (I) </2 .................. 33
- (L) compile/2 ............ 7 (I) >/2 .................. 33
- (L) compile/3 ............ 7 (I) =</2 ................. 33
- (L) compile/4 ............ 7 (I) >=/2 ................. 33
- (B) load/1 ............... 8 (B) floor/2 .............. 33
- (L) consult/1 ............ 9 (B) floatc/3 ............. 34
- (L) consult/2 ............ 9 (B) exp/2 ................ 34
- (P) :-/1 ................. 11 (B) square/2 ............. 34
- (L) op/3 ................. 18 (B) sin/2 ................ 34
- (B) see/1 ................ 26 (I) `,'/2 ................ 35
- (B) seen ................. 26 (I) `;'/2 ................ 35
- (B) tell/1 ............... 26 (I) true/0 ............... 35
- (B) telling/1 ............ 26 (I) =/2 .................. 35
- (B) told/0 ............... 26 (P) !/0 .................. 35
- (B) $exists/1 ............ 26 (P) not/1 ................ 36
- (L) read/1 ............... 27 (P) ->/2 ................. 36
- (L) write/1 .............. 27 (L) repeat/0 ............. 36
- (L) display/1 ............ 27 (I) fail/0 ............... 36
- (L) writeq/1 ............. 27 (I) var/1 ................ 36
- (L) print/1 .............. 27 (I) nonvar/1 ............. 37
- (B) writename/1 .......... 27 (B) atom/1 ............... 37
- (B) writeqname/1 ......... 28 (B) integer/1. ........... 37
- (L) print_al/2 ........... 28 (B) real/1 ............... 37
- (L) print_ar/2 ........... 28 (B) number/1 ............. 37
- (B) nl/0 ................. 28 (B) atomic/1 ............. 37
- (B) get0/1 ............... 28 (B) structure/1 .......... 37
- (B) get/1 ................ 29 (L) functor/3 ............ 38
- (B) put/1 ................ 29 (B) arg/3 ................ 38
- (B) tab/1 ................ 29 (L) =../2 ................ 38
- (I) is/2 ................. 31 (B) name/2 ............... 39
- (L) eval/2 ............... 32 (P) call/1 ............... 39
- (I) =:=/2 ................ 32 (B) conlength/2 .......... 40
- 98
- (L) setof/3 .............. 40 (B) system/1 ............. 59
- (L) bagof/3 .............. 41 (B) syscall/3 ............ 59
- (B) ==/2 ................. 43 (L) globalset/1 .......... 61
- (B) \==/2 ................ 43 (L) gennum/1 ............. 61
- (B) @</2 ................. 43 (L) gensym/2 ............. 61
- (B) @>/2 ................. 43 (L) trace/1 .............. 62
- (B) @=</2 ................ 43 (L) untrace/1 ............ 65
- (B) @>=/2 ................ 44 (L) spy/1 ................ 65
- (B) compare/3 ............ 44 (L) nospy/1 .............. 65
- (L) sort/2 ............... 44 (L) debug/0 .............. 65
- (L) alloc_perm/2 ......... 45 (L) nodebug/0 ............ 65
- (L) alloc_heap/2 ......... 46 (L) debugging/0 .......... 66
- (L) $alloc_heap/5 ........ 46 (L) tracepreds/1 ......... 66
- (L) trimbuff/3 ........... 46 (L) spypreds/1 ........... 66
- (L) $trim_buff/4 ......... 47 (L) trace/0 .............. 66
- (L) assert/1 ............. 49 (L) untrace/0 ............ 66
- (L) assert/2 ............. 49 (P) ::-/2 ................ 81
- (L) asserti/2 ............ 50 (L) et/1 ................. 86
- (L) asserta/1 ............ 50 (L) et_star/1 ............ 87
- (L) asserta/2 ............ 50 (L) et_points/1 .......... 87
- (L) assertz/1 ............ 50 (L) noet/1 ............... 87
- (L) assertz/2 ............ 50 (L) et_remove/1 .......... 88
- (L) assert_union/2 ....... 51 (L) et_calls/2 ........... 88
- (L) $assert/4 ............ 51 (L) count/1 .............. 90
- (L) $assertf_alloc_t ..... 52 (L) time/1 ............... 90
- (L) retract/1 ............ 52 (L) nocount/1 ............ 90
- (L) abolish/1 ............ 53 (L) notime/1 ............. 91
- (L) abolish/2 ............ 53 (L) profiling/0 .......... 91
- (L) call_ref/2 ........... 53 (L) prof_reset/1 ......... 91
- (L) call_ref/3 ........... 53 (L) resetcount/1 ......... 91
- (L) $db_new_prref/3 ...... 54 (L) resettime/1 .......... 92
- (L) $db_assert_fact/5 .... 54 (L) profile/0 ............ 92
- (L) $db_add_clref/7 ...... 55 (L) noprofile/0 .......... 92
- (L) $db_call_prref/2 ..... 55 (L) timepreds/1 .......... 92
- (L) $db_call_prref_s/2 ... 55 (L) countpreds/1 ......... 92
- (L) $db_get_clauses/3 .... 56 (L) prof_stats/0 ......... 93
- (L) $db_kill_clause/1 .... 56 (L) prof_stats/1 ......... 93
- (L) break/0 .............. 57 (L) $append/3 ............ 94
- (B) abort/0 .............. 57 (L) $member/2 ............ 94
- (B) save/1 ............... 57 (L) $reverse/2 ........... 94
- (B) restore/1 ............ 57 (L) $merge/3 ............. 94
- (B) cputime/1 ............ 58 (L) $absmember/2 ......... 94
- (L) $getenv/2 ............ 58 (L) $nthmember/3 ......... 95
- (B) statistics/0 ......... 58 (L) length/2 ............. 95
- (L) nodynload/2 .......... 58 (L) subsumes/2 ........... 95
- (B) symtype/2 ............ 59
- 99
- Appendix 2: Adding Builtins to SB-Prolog
- Adding a builtin involves writing the C code for the desired case and
- installing it into the simulator. The files in the irectory sim/builtin
- contain the C code for the builtin predicates supported by the system. The
- following procedure is to be followed when adding a builtin to the system:
- I. Installing C Code:
- (1) Go to the directory sim/builtin.
- (2) Look at the #defines in the file builtin.h, and choose a number N1
- (between 0 and 255) which is not in use to be the builtin number for
- the new builtin.
- (3) Add to the file builtin.h the line
- #define NEWBUILTIN N1
- (4) The convention is that the code for builtin will be in a parameterless
- procedure named b_NEWBUILTIN. Modify the file init_branch.c in the
- directory sim/builtin by adding these lines:
- extern int b_NEWBUILTIN();
- and
- set_b_inst ( NEWBUILTIN, b_NEWBUILTIN );
- in the appropriate places.
- 100
- (5) The builtins are compiled together into one object file, builtin.
- Update the file Makefile by appending the name of your object code
- file at the end of the line ``OBJS = ... '' and insert the appropriate
- commands to compile your C source file, e.g.:
- OBJS = [ ... other file names ... ] newbuiltin.o
- ...
- newbuiltin.o: $(HS)
- cc $(CFLAGS) newbuiltin.c
- (6) Execute the updated make file to create an updated object file buil-
- tin.
- (7) Go to the directory sim and execute make to install the new file buil-
- tin.
- II. Installing Prolog Code:
- Assume that the builtin predicate to be added is newbuiltin/4. The
- procedure for installing the Prolog code for this is as follows:
- (1) Go to the SB-Prolog system directory lib/src, where the Prolog source
- for the library routines is kept.
- (2) Each builtin definition is of the form
- pred( ... ) :- '_$builtin'(N).
- 101
- where N is an integer, the builtin number of pred.
- (3) Create a Prolog source file newbuiltin.P (notice correspondence with
- the name of the predicate being defined) containing the definition
- newbuiltin(A,B,C,D) :- '_$builtin'(N1).
- where N1 is the builtin number of the predicate newbuiltin, obtained
- when installing the C code for the builtin (see above).
- (4) Compile this Prolog predicate, using the simulator and the compile
- predicate, into a file newbuiltin (notice correspondence with the name
- of the predicate being defined) in the SB-Prolog directory lib.
- 102
- 1 : Introduction ............................................. 1
- 2 : Getting Started .......................................... 3
- 2.1 : The Dynamic Loader Search Path ....................... 3
- 2.2 : System Directories ................................... 5
- 2.3 : Invoking the Simulator ............................... 5
- 2.4 : Executing Programs ................................... 7
- 2.4.1 : Compiling Programs .............................. 7
- 2.4.2 : Loading Byte Code Files ......................... 8
- 2.4.3 : Consulting Programs ............................. 9
- 2.5 : Execution Directives ................................. 11
- 3 : Syntax ................................................... 12
- 3.1 : Terms ................................................ 12
- 3.2 : Operators ............................................ 16
- 4 : SB-Prolog: Operational Semantics ......................... 20
- 4.1 : Standard Execution Behaviour ......................... 20
- 4.2 : Cuts and If-Then-Else ................................ 21
- 4.3 : Unification of Floating Point Numbers ................ 22
- 5 : Evaluable Predicates ..................................... 24
- 5.1 : Input and Output ..................................... 25
- 5.1.1 : File Handling ................................... 26
- 5.1.2 : Term I/O ........................................ 27
- 5.1.3 : Character I/O ................................... 28
- 5.2 : Arithmetic ........................................... 29
- 5.3 : Convenience .......................................... 35
- 5.4 : Extra Control ........................................ 35
- 5.5 : Meta-Logical ......................................... 36
- 5.6 : Sets ................................................. 40
- 5.7 : Comparison of Terms .................................. 42
- 5.8 : Buffers .............................................. 44
- 5.9 : Modification of the Program .......................... 47
- 5.10 : Environmental ....................................... 56
- 5.11 : Global Values ....................................... 60
- 6 : Debugging ................................................ 62
- 6.1 : High Level Tracing ................................... 62
- 6.2 : Low Level Tracing .................................... 66
- 7 : The Simulator ............................................ 67
- 7.1 : Invoking the Simulator ............................... 67
- 7.2 : Simulator Options .................................... 68
- 7.3 : Interrupt Handling ................................... 70
- 8 : The Compiler ............................................. 70
- 8.1 : Structure of the Compiler ............................ 71
- 8.2 : Invoking the Compiler ................................ 71
- 8.3 : Compiler Options ..................................... 73
- 8.4 : A Note on Coding for Efficiency ...................... 74
- 8.4.1 : Avoiding Creation of Backtrack Points ........... 74
- 8.4.2 : Minimizing Data Movement Between Registers ...... 77
- 8.5 : Assembly ............................................. 77
- 9 : Modules .................................................. 78
- 10 : Macros .................................................. 80
- 10.1 : Defining Macros ..................................... 81
- 10.2 : Macro Expander Options .............................. 82
- 11 : Extension Tables ........................................ 83
- 12 : Profiling Programs ...................................... 88
- 13 : Other Library Utilities ................................. 93
- 14 : Pragma Files ............................................ 95
- Appendix 1: Evaluable Predicates of SB-Prolog ................... 98
- Appendix 2: Adding Builtins to SB-Prolog ........................ 100