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; ; $VER: Apdf-Install 2.2 (4.4.2000) ; ; (c) 1999-2000 Emmanuel Lesueur ; (if (= @language "espa±ol") ( ; ; Traducci≤n al espa±ol ; (set #wrongversion (cat "Debe tener una versi≤n antigua de la utilidad 'Installer' en su " "sistema.\n\nNecesita la versi≤n 43.3 de dicha utilidad, para " "instalar Apdf.\n\níRevise su configuraci≤n!" )) (set #wrongcpu "Es necesario un 68020 para utilizar Apdf.") (set #wrongos "Es necesario AmigaOS 3.0 para utilizar Apdf.") (set #wrongmui "Es necesario MUI 3.8 para utilizar Apdf.") (set #wrongmode (cat "Imposible encontrar las fuentes. Descomprima el archivo " "Apdf_fonts.lha, o ejecute la instalaci≤n en modo " "'Usuario medio' o 'Usuario experto'." )) (set #welcome "íBienvenido a la instalaci≤n de Apdf!") (set #parts-to-install "┐Desea instalar el plugin PDF para Voyager 3?") (set #parts-to-install-help (cat "Este plugin es in·til si no posee el navegador Voyager 3.\n" "Instalar dicho plugin a±ade dos ficheros a su directorio \"Voyager/Plugins\"." )) (set #choose-apdf-dir "┐D≤nde desea instalar Apdf?\nSe crearß un directorio llamado 'Apdf'. Si ya existe, se harß una copia de seguridad del antiguo.") (set #rename-apdf "┐Renombrar el antiguo directorio Apdf?") (set #rename-apdf-help (cat "Se ha encontrado un directorio llamado Apdf. Ha de ser " "renombrado antes de instalar la nueva versi≤n de Apdf. " )) (set #rename-apdf-info "┐Renombrar tambiΘn el icono del directorio Apdf?") (set #cant-rename-old "Imposible renombrar el antiguo directorio Apdf.") (set #copy-orig-docs "Copiar la documentaci≤n original de Xpdf.") (set #help-copy-orig-docs (cat "Es la documentaci≤n que viene con el programa Xpdf-0.90. " "Se incluye para cumplir las condiciones de distribuci≤n de Xpdf, " "pero es prescindible. Aunque es aconsajable leer el fichero " "README para aclarar 'conceptos'." )) (set #building-config "Creando fichero de configuraci≤n.") (set #choose-voyager-dir "Elija el lugar donde Voyager 3 estß instalado") (set #choose-voyager-dir-help (cat "Ha elegido instalar el plugin PDF para Voyager. Por lo que ha de " "indicar la ubicaci≤n del navegador Voyager. El plugin se instalarß " "en el subdirectorio \"Plugins\". Puede pulsar en \"Abortar\" si " "no desea instalarlo." )) (set #which-fonts "Elija que fuentes desea utilizar con Apdf:") (set #which-fonts-help (cat "Apdf ha encontrado fuentes que puede utilizar. Elija las que " "desee utilizar, o pulse \"Otras\" para utilizar fuentes de " "otro directorio." )) (set #choice-apdf-fonts "Fuentes del directorio \"Apdf/fonts\"") (set #choice-gs-fonts "Fuentes Ghostscript en \"%s\"") (set #choice-ps-fonts "Fuentes (14) base Postscript en \"PSFONTS:\"") (set #choice-acro-fonts "Fuentes de Acrobat Reader 4 en \"PSFONTS:\"") (set #choice-other "Otras") (set #ask-fonts-dir "Elija el directorio donde se encuentran las fuentes Type1.") (set #ask-fonts-dir-help (cat "Necesita estas fuentes (de tipo Type1) para que Apdf funcione:\n" "Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique, " "Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique, " "Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic, " "Symbol, y ZapfDingbats.\n\n" "La instalaci≤n puede configurar Apdf para utilizar:\n" "- Las fuentes originales Adobe, con los nombre anteriores, " "puede que tengan \".pfa\" o \".pfb\" como extensi≤n.\n" "- Las fuentes Ghostscript (n019003l.pfb, ...), que son un " "reemplazo gratuito. Estas fuentes se encuentran en el archivo " "Apdf_fonts.lha.\n" "- Las fuentes utilizadas por Acrobat Reader 4 (Arial, Courier, " "TimesNewRoman, ...).\n\n" "Puede utilizar otras fuentes, pero entonces deberß configurar " "Apdf usted mismo. Las fuentes sustitutas deben ser de tipo Type1 " "o TrueType, NO PUEDEN ser fuentes de Amiga o CompuGraphics." )) (set #fonts-not-recognized (cat "Ninguna fuente de este directorio son reconocidas para " "su utilizarlas con Apdf. Si estß seguro de querer utilizarlas " "deberß configrar Apdf usted mismo.\n┐Estß seguro de querer " "utilizar este directorio?" )) (set #fonts-not-recognized-help (cat "Esta instalaci≤n solo reconoce las fuentes procedentes de " "la distribuci≤n Ghostscript, Acrobat Reader 4, o las (14) " "fuentes base Postscript. Si no tiene ninguna de estas, " "consiga el archivo \"Apdf_fonts.lha\". Es posible que " "distribuciones antiguas de Ghostscript no tengan todas " "las fuentes necesarias." )) (set #need-some-fonts (cat "Las fuentes a utilizar por Apdf no se han podido configurar " "durante la instalaci≤n. Deberß de hacerlo usted mismo, o " "algunos documetos PDF no se verßn correctamente. Lea la secci≤n " "\"Fuentes\" del manual. Puede utiliar el documento \"test.pdf\" " "para verificar dicha configuraci≤n." )) (set #end-msg (cat "íInstalaci≤n finalizada!\nPruebe a ver el fichero \"test.pdf\" " "para comprobar si la configuraci≤n de las fuentes es correcta.\n\n" "Si desea leer documentos PDF encriptados, visite la pßgina: " "http://elesueur.free.fr/Apdf, y bßjese el m≤dulo de desencriptar, " "y c≤pielo en el directorio de Apdf." )) (set #copy-catalogs "Elija el/los idioma(s) a instalar:") (set #guide-language "Elija el idioma de la documentaci≤n a instalar:") ) (if (= @language "deutsch") ( ; ; German catalog. ; (set #wrongversion (cat "Du hast eine alte Version des 'Installer' auf deinem Amiga!" "\n\nDie Installationsprozedur ben÷tigt mindestens den Installer 43.3.\n\n" "Bitte ⁿberprⁿfe das!" )) (set #wrongcpu "Du ben÷tigst mindestens einen 68020 fⁿr Apdf.") (set #wrongos "Du ben÷tigst mindestens AmigaOS 3.0 fⁿr Apdf.") (set #wrongmui "Du ben÷tigst mindestens MUI 3.8 fⁿr Apdf.") (set #wrongmode (cat "Die ZeichensΣtze k÷nnen nicht gefunden werden. Entweder besorgst du dir" "das Archiv Apdf_fonts.lha oder du startest die Installation im Modus" "'Geⁿbter Benutzer' oder 'Experte'." )) (set #welcome "Willkommen bei der Installation von Apdf !") (set #parts-to-install "M÷chtest du das PDF plugin fⁿr Voyager 3 installieren ?") (set #parts-to-install-help (cat "Das Voyager plugin ist ohne Voyager 3 nutzlos.\n" "Das Installieren der plugin kopiert zwei Dateien in dein \"Voyager/Plugins\" Verzeichnis." )) (set #choose-apdf-dir "Wo soll Apdf installiert werden ? Das Verzeichnis 'Apdf' wird erstellt. Falls es bereits existiert, wird es zuvor gesichert.") (set #rename-apdf "Benenne das alte Apdf Verzeichnis um ?") (set #rename-apdf-help (cat "Ein altes Apdf Verzeichnis wurde gefunden. " "Es muss vor dem Installieren eines neuen umbenannt werden. " )) (set #rename-apdf-info "Benenne das Piktogramm des alten Apdf Verzeichnisses um ?") (set #cant-rename-old "Das Umbenennen ist fehlgeschlagen") (set #copy-orig-docs "Kopiere die originale Dokumentation zu Xpdf") (set #help-copy-orig-docs (cat "Dies ist die Dokumentation zu Xpdf-0.90. " "Sie wird mitgeliefert, um die Bedingungen des Xpdf-Vertriebs zu erfⁿllen, " "aber das meiste ist fⁿr Apdf nicht relevant. " "Trotzdem sollte man die Datei README lesen." )) (set #building-config "Erzeuge Konfigurationsdatei.") (set #choose-voyager-dir "In welchem Verzeichnis ist Voyager 3 installiert") (set #choose-voyager-dir-help (cat "Du wolltest das Voyager plugin installieren. WΣhle das Verzeichnis, " "in welchem Voyager 3 installiert ist. Der plugin wird in " "\"Plugins\" kopiert. Du kannst durch \"Abbruch\" deine Meinung Σndern." )) (set #which-fonts "WΣhle die gewⁿnschten ZeichensΣtze.") (set #which-fonts-help (cat "Apdf hat ein paar brauchbare ZeichensΣtze gefunden. WΣhle die, " "welche du nutzen m÷chtest oder \"Andere\" aus einem anderen Verzeichnis." )) (set #choice-apdf-fonts "Die ZeichensΣtze im Verzeichnis \"Apdf/fonts\"") (set #choice-gs-fonts "Die Ghostscript ZeichensΣtze in \"%s\"") (set #choice-ps-fonts "Die 14 Postscript basierten ZeichensΣtze in \"PSFONTS:\"") (set #choice-acro-fonts "Die Acrobat 4 ZeichensΣtze in \"PSFONTS:\"") (set #choice-other "Andere") (set #ask-fonts-dir "WΣhle das Verzeichnis, welches deine Type1 ZeichensΣtze enthΣlt.") (set #ask-fonts-dir-help (cat "Du ben÷tigst Type1 ZeichensΣtze als Ersatz fⁿr folgende 14 ZeichnsΣtze: " "Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique, " "Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique, " "Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic, " "Symbol und ZapfDingbats.\n\n" "Diese Installation kann Apdf konfigurieren, um entweder:\n" "- Die originalen Adobe ZeichensΣtze, mit den oben gegebenen Namen, " "vielleicht mit einer Endung \".pfa\" oder \".pfb\".\n" "- Die Ghostscript ZeichensΣtze (n019003l.pfb, ...), welche ein " "frei verfⁿgbarer Ersatz sind. Diese sind im Archiv Apdf_fonts.lha " "enthalten.\n" "- Die ZeichensΣtze von Acrobat Reader 4 (Arial, Courier, " "TimesNewRoman, ...).\n zu nutzen.\n" "Man kann aber auch anderen Ersatz nutzen, muss dann aber " "Apdf selber konfigurieren. Der Ersatz muss entweder Type1 oder " "TrueType ZeichensΣtze sein, NICHT Amiga Bitmap oder CompuGraphics ZeichensΣtze." )) (set #fonts-not-recognized (cat "Es kann keiner der ben÷tigten ZeichensΣtze in diesem Verzeichnis gefunden werden. " "Wenn du dieses benutzt, musst du Apdf selbst konfigurieren. " "M÷chtest du es benutzen ?" )) (set #fonts-not-recognized-help (cat "Diese Installation kann Apdf fⁿr die ZeichensΣtze aus " "Ghostscript, Acrobat Reader 4 oder den vorgegebenen 14 Basis " "Postscript ZeichensΣtze konfigurieren. Falls du keine davon besitzt, " "besorge das Archiv \"Apdf_fonts.lha\". Beachte, dass alte " "Versionen von Ghostscript nicht alle ben÷tigten ZeichensΣtze aufweisen." )) (set #need-some-fonts (cat "Durch diese Installation werden keine ZeichensΣtze konfiguriert. " "Du musst dies von Hand nachholen, oder viele Texte " "werden nicht dargestellt. Lies im Abschnitt \"Fonts\" " "des Handbuchs fⁿr ErklΣrungen dazu. Benutze das Dokument " "\"test.pdf\", um die Konfiguration zu ⁿberprⁿfen." )) (set #end-msg (cat "Installation abgeschlossen ! Prⁿfe nun mit Hilfe des Dokuments \"test.pdf\" " "die Installation der ZeichensΣtze.\n\n" "Falls du Unterstⁿtzung von verschlⁿsselten Dokumenten ben÷tigst, " "schaue unter http://elesueur.free.fr/Apdf und lade " "das Verschlⁿssleungsmodul herunter, und kopiere es in das Apdf Verzeichnis." )) (set #copy-catalogs "Welche Sprachen sollen installiert werden") (set #guide-language "Welche Dokumentationen sollen installiert werden.") ) (if (= @language "franτais") ( ; ; French catalog. ; (set #wrongversion (cat "Votre version du programme 'Installer' est trop ancienne.\n\n" "La procedure d'installation nΘcessite au moins la version 43.3." )) (set #wrongcpu "Apdf nΘcessite au moins un 68020.") (set #wrongos "Apdf nΘcessite au moins AmigaOS 3.0.") (set #wrongmui "Apdf nΘcessite au moins MUI 3.8.") (set #wrongmode (cat "Je ne peux trouver de polices tout seul." "Vous pouvez soit relancer ce programme d'installation " "en mode 'initiΘ' ou 'expert', soit rΘcuperer l'archive " "Apdf_fonts.lha et la dΘcompresser dans le mΩme tiroir " "que les autres." )) (set #welcome "Bienvenue dans le programme d'installation d'Apdf !") (set #parts-to-install "Voulez-vous installer le plugin PDF pour Voyager 3 ?") (set #parts-to-install-help (cat "Le plugin ne sert que si vous avez Voyager 3.\n" "Son installation ajoute deux fichiers dans le tiroir \"Voyager/Plugins\"." )) (set #choose-apdf-dir (cat "O∙ voulez-vous installer Apdf ? Un tiroir 'Apdf' sera crΘΘ. " "S'il existe dΘjα, il sera sauvegardΘ d'abord.")) (set #rename-apdf "Renommer le vieux tiroir 'Apdf' ?") (set #rename-apdf-help (cat "Un vieux rΘpertoire 'Apdf' a ΘtΘ trouvΘ. " "Il doit Ωtre renommΘ avant d'en crΘer un nouveau." )) (set #rename-apdf-info "Renommer l'ancienne ic⌠ne ?") (set #cant-rename-old "Impossible de renommer le vieux tiroir.") (set #copy-orig-docs "Copie de la documentation originale d'Xpdf") (set #help-copy-orig-docs (cat "Il s'agit de la documentation distribuΘe avec Xpdf-0.90. " "Elle est lα pour satisfaire aux conditions de distribution " "d'Xpdf, mais la plupart de son contenu ne concerne pas " "directement Apdf. Lire le README est tout de mΩme une " "bonne idΘe." )) (set #building-config "CrΘation du fichier de configuration.") (set #choose-voyager-dir "Selectionnez le tiroir o∙ est installΘ Voyager 3") (set #choose-voyager-dir-help (cat "Vous avez choisi d'installer le plugin Voyager. Selectionnez " "le tiroir o∙ ce dernier est installΘ. Le plugin ira dans le " "sous-repertoire \"Plugins\". Choisissez \"Interrompre\" si vous " "ne souhaitez plus installer le plugin." )) (set #which-fonts "Choisissez les polices α utiliser.") (set #which-fonts-help (cat "Des polices utilisables par Apdf ont ΘtΘ trouvΘes. " "Choisissez celles que vous voulez, ou \"Autres\" pour " "choisir un autre tiroir." )) (set #choice-apdf-fonts "Les polices du tiroir \"Apdf/fonts\"") (set #choice-gs-fonts "Les polices de Ghostscript dans le tiroir \"%s\"") (set #choice-ps-fonts "Les 14 polices Postscript de base dans \"PSFONTS:\"") (set #choice-acro-fonts "Les polices d'Acrobat 4 dans \"PSFONTS:\"") (set #choice-other "Autres") (set #ask-fonts-dir "Selectionnez le tiroir contenant vos polices Type1.") (set #ask-fonts-dir-help (cat "Il vous faut des polices Type1 pour Ωtre substituΘes aux 14 " "polices suivantes: " "Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique, " "Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique, " "Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic, " "Symbol, et ZapfDingbats.\n\n" "Ce script d'installation peut configurer Apdf pour utiliser:\n" "- soit les polices Postscript originales d'Adobe, avec les noms " "donnΘs ci-dessus, Θventuellement avec un suffixe \".pfa\" ou \".pfb\".\n" "- soit les polices de Ghostscript (n019003l.pfb, ...), qui sont " "des polices de remplacement librement distribuables. Ce sont celles " "contenues dans l'archive Apdf_fonts.lha.\n" "- soit les polices utilisΘes par Acrobat Reader 4 (Arial, Courier, " "TimesNewRoman, ...).\n\n" "Il est possible d'utiliser d'autres polices, mais il vous " "faudra configurer Apdf vous-mΩme pour cela. Ces polices " "doivent Ωtre soit Type1, soit TrueType, et PAS des polices " "bitmap Amiga ni des polices CompuGraphics." )) (set #fonts-not-recognized (cat "Je ne reconnais aucun jeu de polices dans ce tiroir. " "Si vous voulez l'utiliser, il vous faudra configurer Apdf " "vous-mΩme. Voulez-vous vraiment utiliser ce tiroir ?" )) (set #fonts-not-recognized-help (cat "Ce script peut configurer Apdf pour utiliser les polices " "fournies avec Ghostscript, Acrobat Reader 4, ou les 14 " "polices Postscript de base. Si vous n'avez aucunes de " "celles-ci, rΘcupΘrez l'archive \"Apdf_fonts.lha\". Notez " "que les distributions de Ghostscript trop anciennes n'ont pas " "toutes les polices nΘcessaires." )) (set #need-some-fonts (cat "Les polices α utiliser par Apdf n'ont pas ΘtΘ configurΘes " "durant l'installation. Il va vous falloir le faire vous-mΩme, " "o∙ beaucoup de textes n'apparaεtront pas. Lisez la section " "\"Fonts\" du manuel pour avoir des explications. Vous pouvez " "utiliser le document \"test.pdf\" pour vΘrifier la configuration." )) (set #end-msg (cat "Installation terminΘe ! Essayez de visualiser le fichier " "\"test.pdf\" pour vΘrifier que la configuration des polices " "est correcte.\n\n" "Si vous voulez lire des documents cryptΘs, allez sur " "http://elesueur.free.fr/Apdf, tΘlΘchargez le module " "de dΘcryptage, et placez-le dans le tiroir d'Apdf." )) (set #copy-catalogs "Choisissez le(s) catalogue(s) α installer") (set #guide-language "Choisissez la langue de la documentation α installer.") )( ; defaults to english ; ; English catalog. ; (set #wrongversion (cat "You have an old version of the program 'Installer' " "on your Amiga!\n\nThe installation procedure needs at least Installer 43.3.\n\n" "Please check your configuration!" )) (set #wrongcpu "You need at least a 68020 to use Apdf.") (set #wrongos "You need at least AmigaOS 3.0 to use Apdf.") (set #wrongmui "You need at least MUI 3.8 to use Apdf.") (set #wrongmode (cat "I can't find fonts. Either get and uncompress the " "Apdf_fonts.lha archive, or run this installation " "script in 'average' or 'expert' mode." )) (set #welcome "Welcome to the Apdf installation utility !") (set #parts-to-install "Do you want to install the PDF plugin for Voyager 3 ?") (set #parts-to-install-help (cat "The Voyager plugin is useless without Voyager 3.\n" "Installing the plugin adds two files in your \"Voyager/Plugins\" directory." )) (set #choose-apdf-dir "Where do you wish to install Apdf ? The directory 'Apdf' will be created. If it already exists, it will be backed up first.") (set #rename-apdf "Rename old Apdf directory ?") (set #rename-apdf-help (cat "An old Apdf directory has been found. " "It must be renamed before installing a new one. " )) (set #rename-apdf-info "Rename old Apdf directory's icon ?") (set #cant-rename-old "Can't rename old Apdf directory") (set #copy-orig-docs "Copying original Xpdf docs") (set #help-copy-orig-docs (cat "This is the documentation that comes with Xpdf-0.90. " "It is here to comply with Xpdf's distribution conditions, " "but most of it is not relevant for Apdf. " "It is still a good idea to read the README file, though." )) (set #building-config "Building config file.") (set #choose-voyager-dir "Select the directory where Voyager 3 is installed") (set #choose-voyager-dir-help (cat "You chose to install the Voyager plugin. Select the directory " "where you have installed Voyager 3. The plugin will go in its " "\"Plugins\" subdirectory. You can press \"Abort\" if you no " "longer want to install it." )) (set #which-fonts "Select the fonts to use.") (set #which-fonts-help (cat "Apdf has found some fonts it can use. Select those you " "want to use, or \"other\" to use some from an other directory." )) (set #choice-apdf-fonts "The fonts in the \"Apdf/fonts\" directory") (set #choice-gs-fonts "The Ghostscript fonts in \"%s\"") (set #choice-ps-fonts "The 14 Postscript base fonts in \"PSFONTS:\"") (set #choice-acro-fonts "The Acrobat 4 fonts in \"PSFONTS:\"") (set #choice-other "Other") (set #ask-fonts-dir "Select the directory that contains your Type1 fonts.") (set #ask-fonts-dir-help (cat "You need Type1 fonts substitute for the following 14 fonts: " "Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique, " "Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique, " "Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic, " "Symbol, and ZapfDingbats.\n\n" "This installer script can configure Apdf to use either:\n" "- The original Adobe fonts, with the names given above, " "maybe with a \".pfa\" or \".pfb\" suffix.\n" "- The Ghostscript fonts (n019003l.pfb, ...), which are " "free replacements. Those are the fonts in the Apdf_fonts.lha " "archive.\n" "- The fonts used by Acrobat Reader 4 (Arial, Courier, " "TimesNewRoman, ...).\n\n" "You can use other substitutes, but you will have to " "configure Apdf yourself. Substitutes must be either Type1 or " "TrueType fonts, NOT Amiga bitmap nor CompuGraphics fonts." )) (set #fonts-not-recognized (cat "I can not find any of the fontsets I know in that directory. " "If you choose this one, you will have to configure Apdf " "by yourself. Do you still want to use it ?" )) (set #fonts-not-recognized-help (cat "This script can configure Apdf to use fonts from " "Ghostscript, Acrobat Reader 4, or the standard 14 base " "Postscript fonts. If you don't have any of them, " "get the \"Apdf_fonts.lha\" archive. Note that old " "versions of Ghostscript don't have all the needed fonts." )) (set #need-some-fonts (cat "No fonts were configured during this installation. " "You will need to do that yourself by hand, or lots of " "text will not appear. Read the \"Fonts\" section of the " "manual for explanations on how to do that. Use the " "\"test.pdf\" document to check your configuration." )) (set #end-msg (cat "Installation finished ! Try to view the \"test.pdf\" " "document to check that the fonts installation is correct.\n\n" "If you want encryption support, go to " "http://elesueur.free.fr/Apdf, download the " "decryption module, and put it in Apdf's directory." )) (set #copy-catalogs "Select the languages to install") (set #guide-language "Select the documentation language to install.") )))) (procedure P_check_gs_base_fonts #dir (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (exists (tackon #dir "n019003l.pfb")) (exists (tackon #dir "n019004l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "n019023l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "n019024l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "n021003l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "n021004l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "n021023l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "n021024l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "n022003l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "n022004l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "n022023l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "n022024l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "s050000l.pfb"))) (exists (tackon #dir "d050000l.pfb"))) ) (procedure P_check_acro4_fonts #dir (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (exists (tackon #dir "Arial")) (exists (tackon #dir "Arial-Bold"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Arial-BoldItalic"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Arial-Italic"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-Bold"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-BoldOblique"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-Oblique"))) (exists (tackon #dir "TimesNewRoman"))) (exists (tackon #dir "TimesNewRoman-Bold"))) (exists (tackon #dir "TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic"))) (exists (tackon #dir "TimesNewRoman-Italic"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Symbol"))) (exists (tackon #dir "ZapfDingbats"))) ) (procedure P_check_base_ps_fonts #dir (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica")) (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica.pfb"))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica-Bold")) (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica-Bold.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica-Bold.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica-BoldOblique")) (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica-BoldOblique.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica-BoldOblique.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica-Oblique")) (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica-Oblique.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Helvetica-Oblique.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Courier")) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-Bold")) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-Bold.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-Bold.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-BoldOblique")) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-BoldOblique.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-BoldOblique.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-Oblique")) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-Oblique.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Courier-Oblique.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Times-Roman")) (exists (tackon #dir "Times-Roman.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Times-Roman.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Times-Bold")) (exists (tackon #dir "Times-Bold.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Times-Bold.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Times-BoldItalic")) (exists (tackon #dir "Times-BoldItalic.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Times-BoldItalic.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Times-Italic")) (exists (tackon #dir "Times-Italic.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Times-Italic.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "Symbol")) (exists (tackon #dir "Symbol.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "Symbol.pfb")))) (or (or (exists (tackon #dir "ZapfDingbats")) (exists (tackon #dir "ZapfDingbats.pfa"))) (exists (tackon #dir "ZapfDingbats.pfb")))) ) (procedure P_set_gs_extra_fontmap #cfgfile (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"AvantGarde-Book/a010013l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"AvantGarde-BookOblique/a010033l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"AvantGarde-Demi/a010015l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"AvantGarde-DemiOblique/a010035l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Bookman-Demi/b018015l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Bookman-DemiItalic/b018035l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Bookman-Light/b018012l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Bookman-LightItalic/b018032l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica-Narrow/n019043l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique/n019063l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica-Narrow-Bold/n019044l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique/n019064l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"NewCenturySchlbk-Roman/c059013l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"NewCenturySchlbk-Italic/c059033l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"NewCenturySchlbk-Bold/c059016l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic/c059036l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Palatino-Roman/p052003l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Palatino-Italic/p052023l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Palatino-Bold/p052004l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Palatino-BoldItalic/p052024l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"ZapfChancery-MediumItalic/z003034l.pfb[T1]\"")) ) (procedure P_set_gs_fontmap #cfgfile (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica/n019003l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica-Bold/n019004l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica-Oblique/n019023l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica-BoldOblique/n019024l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Times-Roman/n021003l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Times-Bold/n021004l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Times-Italic/n021023l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Times-BoldItalic/n021024l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Courier/n022003l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Courier-Bold/n022004l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Courier-Oblique/n022023l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Courier-BoldOblique/n022024l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Symbol/s050000l.pfb[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"ZapfDingbats/d050000l.pfb[T1]\"")) ) (procedure P_set_acro4_fontmap #cfgfile (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica/Arial[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica-Bold/Arial-Bold[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica-Oblique/Arial-Oblique[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Helvetica-BoldOblique/Arial-BoldOblique[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Times-Roman/TimesNewRoman[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Times-Bold/TimesNewRoman-Bold[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Times-Italic/TimesNewRoman-Italic[T1]\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #cfgfile "\" FONTMAP=\"Times-BoldItalic/TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic[T1]\"")) ) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Check installer version. I'm not sure what exact version is ; needed, but there is no reason not to have 43.3+. (if (< @installer-version 2818051) ( (message #wrongversion) (exit (quiet)) ) ) ; Apdf works only on 68020+ (if (patmatch "68000|68010" (database "cpu")) ( (message #wrongcpu) (exit (quiet)) ) ) ; Apdf requires OS 3.0+ (if (< (getversion "exec.library" (resident)) 2555904) ( (message #wrongos) (exit (quiet)) ) ) ; Apdf requires MUI 3.8+ (if (< (getversion "libs:muimaster.library") 1245184) ( (message #wrongmui) (exit (quiet)) ) ) ; Check if we can find fonts. If we can't we'll have to ask ; the user. Don't do that in 'novice' mode. (set #has-apdf-fonts 0) (set #has-gs-fonts 0) (set #has-acro4-fonts 0) (set #has-ps-fonts 0) (if (exists "Ghostscript:fonts" (noreq)) ( (if (P_check_gs_base_fonts "Ghostscript:fonts") ( (set #has-gs-fonts 1) (set #gs-fonts-dir "Ghostscript:fonts") ) ( (message #wronggs) ) ) ) ) (if (and (exists "fonts") (P_check_gs_base_fonts "fonts")) (set #has-apdf-fonts 1) ) (if (exists "PSFONTS:" (noreq)) ( (if (P_check_base_ps_fonts "PSFONTS:") ( (set #has-ps-fonts 1) (set #ps-fonts-dir "PSFONTS:") ) ) (if (P_check_acro4_fonts "PSFONTS:") ( (set #has-acro4-fonts 1) (set #acro4-fonts-dir "PSFONTS:") ) ) (if (and (not #has-gs-fonts) (P_check_gs_base_fonts "PSFONTS:")) ( (set #has-gs-fonts 1) (set #gs-fonts-dir "PSFONTS:") ) ) ) ) ; Find out how the user wants to install things (welcome #welcome) ; Check whether we can do a complete installation without ; asking any question. (if (and (= @user-level 0) (and (and (not #has-apdf-fonts) (not #has-gs-fonts)) (and (not #has-ps-fonts) (not #has-acro4-fonts)))) ( (message #wrongmode) (exit (quiet)) ) ) ; Get fonts directories (set #found-fonts (+ #has-apdf-fonts #has-gs-fonts #has-ps-fonts #has-acro4-fonts)) (if (or (= @user-level 2) (and (>= #found-fonts 1) (not #has-apdf-fonts))) ( ; if we have already found some fonts, ask which ones to use (if #found-fonts ( (set #apdf-fonts-choice (select #has-apdf-fonts "" #choice-apdf-fonts)) (set #gs-fonts-choice (select #has-gs-fonts "" (#choice-gs-fonts #gs-fonts-dir))) (set #ps-fonts-choice (select #has-ps-fonts "" #choice-ps-fonts)) (set #acro4-fonts-choice (select #has-acro4-fonts "" #choice-acro-fonts)) (if #has-apdf-fonts (set #default-fonts 0) (if #has-gs-fonts (set #default-fonts 1) (if #has-acro4-fonts (set #default-fonts 3) (set #default-fonts 2) ) ) ) (set #has-apdf-fonts 0) (set #has-gs-fonts 0) (set #has-ps-fonts 0) (set #has-acro4-fonts 0) (select (askchoice (prompt #which-fonts) (help #which-fonts-help) (default #default-fonts) (choices #apdf-fonts-choice #gs-fonts-choice #ps-fonts-choice #acro4-fonts-choice #choice-other) ) (set #has-apdf-fonts 1) (set #has-gs-fonts 1) (set #has-ps-fonts 1) (set #has-acro4-fonts 1) (set #found-fonts 0) ) ) ) ) ) ; if no fonts where found, or the user selected 'other', ; ask for the fonts directory. (while (not #found-fonts) ( (trap 1 (set #fonts-dir (askdir (prompt #ask-fonts-dir) (help #ask-fonts-dir-help) (default "SYS:") ) ) ) (if (P_check_gs_base_fonts #fonts-dir) ( (set #has-gs-fonts 1) (set #gs-fonts-dir #fonts-dir) (set #found-fonts 1) ) ( (if (P_check_base_ps_fonts #fonts-dir) ( (set #has-ps-fonts 1) (set #ps-fonts-dir #fonts-dir) (set #found-fonts 1) ) ( (if (P_check_acro4_fonts #fonts-dir) ( (set #has-acro4-fonts 1) (set #acro4-fonts-dir #fonts-dir) (set #found-fonts 1) ) ) ) ) ) ) (if (not #found-fonts) ( (set #found-fonts (askbool (prompt #fonts-not-recognized) (help #fonts-not-recognized-help) ) ) ) ) ) ) (if #has-apdf-fonts ( (set #has-gs-fonts 0) (set #has-ps-fonts 0) (set #has-acro4-fonts 0) ) ) (set #install-apdf 1) ; Choose Apdf's directory (if #install-apdf ( ; Select a directory (set #apdf-dir @default-dest) (if (> @user-level 0) (set #apdf-dir (askdir (prompt #choose-apdf-dir) (help #choose-apdf-dir) (default #apdf-dir) ) ) ) (set @default-dest #apdf-dir) ) ) ; Install plugin ? (set #install-vpdf (= (exists "ENV:Vapor/Voyager_LASTUSEDDIR" (noreq)) 1)) (if (> @user-level 0) ( (set #install-vpdf (askbool (prompt #parts-to-install) (help #parts-to-install-help) (default #install-vpdf) ) ) ) ) ; Choose the documentation language (set #apdf-doc "Apdf.guide") (if (exists "Apdf_espa±ol.guide" (noreq)) ( (if (= @user-level 0) ( (if (= @language "espa±ol") (set #apdf-doc "Apdf_espa±ol.guide") ) ) ( (if (askchoice (prompt #guide-language) (help #guide-language) (choices "english" "espa±ol") (default (= @language "espa±ol"))) (set #apdf-doc "Apdf_espa±ol.guide") ) ) ) ) ) ; Apdf installation (if #install-apdf ( (set #in-place (= (expandpath (tackon #apdf-dir "Apdf")) (expandpath ""))) (if #in-place ( (set #apdf-dir "") (set @default-dir #apdf-dir) (if (> (exists "Apdf.info_") 0) ( (rename "Apdf.info_" "Apdf.info") (tooltype (dest "Apdf") (settooltype "stub")) ) ) (if (> (exists "Apdf.guide.info_") 0) ( (rename "Apdf.guide.info_" "Apdf.guide.info") (tooltype (dest "Apdf.guide") (settooltype "stub")) ) ) (if (> (exists "ReadMe.mui.info_") 0) ( (rename "ReadMe.mui.info_" "ReadMe.mui.info") (tooltype (dest "ReadMe.mui") (settooltype "stub")) ) ) (if (> (exists "COPYING.info_") 0) ( (rename "COPYING.info_" "COPYING.info") (tooltype (dest "COPYING") (settooltype "stub")) ) ) (if (> (exists "ATO.readme.info_") 0) ( (rename "ATO.readme.info_" "ATO.readme.info") (tooltype (dest "ATO.readme") (settooltype "stub")) ) ) (if (> (exists "Test.pdf.info_") 0) ( (rename "Test.pdf.info_" "Test.pdf.info") (tooltype (dest "Test.pdf") (settooltype "stub")) ) ) ) ( ; Backup an old Apdf directory if needed (if (> (exists (tackon #apdf-dir "Apdf")) 0) ( (set #n 1) (while (exists (tackon #apdf-dir (cat "Apdf.old." #n))) (set #n (+ #n 1)) ) (rename (tackon #apdf-dir "Apdf") (tackon #apdf-dir (cat "Apdf.old." #n)) (prompt #rename-apdf) (help #rename-apdf-help) (confirm) ) (rename (tackon #apdf-dir "Apdf.info") (tackon #apdf-dir (cat "Apdf.old." #n ".info")) (prompt #rename-apdf-info) (help #rename-apdf-info) (confirm) ) (if (> (exists (tackon #apdf-dir "Apdf")) 0) ( (message #cant-rename-old) (exit (quiet)) ) ) ) ) ; Create the Apdf directory (makedir (tackon #apdf-dir "Apdf")) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "Apdf.dirinfo") (newname "Apdf.info")) (set #apdf-dir (tackon #apdf-dir "Apdf")) (set @default-dest #apdf-dir) ; Copy the files (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "Apdf") (infos)) (if (> (exists "Apdf.info_") 0) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "Apdf.info_") (newname "Apdf.info")) ) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source #apdf-doc) (newname "Apdf.guide") (infos)) (if (> (exists "Apdf.guide.info_") 0) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "Apdf.guide.info_") (newname "Apdf.guide.info")) ) (copyfiles (dest (tackon #apdf-dir "Catalogs")) (source "Catalogs") (choices "catalα" "czech" "deutsch" "espa±ol" "franτais" "italiano" "norsk" "portuguΩs-brasil" "russian" "slovensko" "svenska" "tⁿrkτe") (confirm) (prompt #copy-catalogs) (help #copy-catalogs) ) (copyfiles (dest (tackon #apdf-dir "doc.orig")) (source "doc.orig") (all) (confirm) (prompt #copy-orig-docs) (help #help-copy-orig-docs)) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "ReadMe.mui") (infos)) (if (> (exists "ReadMe.mui.info_") 0) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "ReadMe.mui.info_") (newname "ReadMe.mui.info")) ) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "ATO.readme") (infos)) (if (> (exists "ATO.readme.info_") 0) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "ATO.readme.info_") (newname "ATO.readme.info")) ) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "Test.pdf") (infos)) (if (> (exists "Test.pdf.info_") 0) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "Test.pdf.info_") (newname "Test.pdf.info")) ) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "COPYING") (infos)) (if (> (exists "COPYING.info_") 0) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "COPYING.info_") (newname "COPYING.info")) ) (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "") (pattern "#?.module")) (if #has-apdf-fonts ( (copyfiles (dest #apdf-dir) (source "ReadMe.fonts") (infos)) (copyfiles (dest (tackon #apdf-dir "fonts")) (source "fonts") (all)) ) ) ) ) ; Build config file. (working #building-config) (set #apdf-config (tackon #apdf-dir "Apdf.config")) (if #has-apdf-fonts (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #apdf-config "\" FONTDIR=PROGDIR:fonts")) ) (if (or #has-apdf-fonts #has-gs-fonts) (P_set_gs_fontmap #apdf-config) ) (if #has-gs-fonts ( (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #apdf-config "\" FONTDIR=\"" #gs-fonts-dir "\"")) (P_set_gs_extra_fontmap #apdf-config) ) ) (if #has-acro4-fonts ( (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #apdf-config "\" FONTDIR=\"" #acro4-fonts-dir "\"")) (P_set_acro4_fontmap #apdf-config) ) ) (if #has-ps-fonts ( (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #apdf-config "\" FONTDIR=\"" #ps-fonts-dir "\"")) ) ) ) ) ; Vpdf installation (if #install-vpdf ( (set #install-vpdf 0) (trap 1 ( ; Find the Voyager directory (set #vpdf-dir (getenv "Vapor/Voyager_LASTUSEDDIR")) (if (or (not (exists (tackon #vpdf-dir "Plugins"))) (= @user-level 2)) (set #vpdf-dir (askdir (prompt #choose-voyager-dir) (help #choose-voyager-dir-help) (default #vpdf-dir) ) ) ) (set #vpdf-dir (tackon #vpdf-dir "Plugins")) (set #install-vpdf 1) ) ) ) ) (if #install-vpdf ( ; Copy files (copyfiles (dest #vpdf-dir) (source "Vpdf.VPlug")) (if (not (exists (tackon #vpdf-dir "Data"))) (makedir (tackon #vpdf-dir "Data")) ) (set #vpdf-config (tackon #vpdf-dir "Data/Vpdf.config")) (if #install-apdf ( (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #vpdf-config "\" MODULESDIR=\"" (expandpath #apdf-dir) "\"")) ) ( (copyfiles (dest #vpdf-dir) (pattern "#?.module")) (if #has-apdf-fonts ( (copyfiles (dest (tackon #vpdf-dir "Data")) (source "ReadMe.fonts") (infos)) (copyfiles (dest (tackon #vpdf-dir "Data/fonts")) (source "fonts") (all)) (set apdf-dir "PROGDIR:Plugins/Data") ) ) ) ) ; Build config file. (working #building-config) (if #has-apdf-fonts (if #install-apdf ( (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #vpdf-config "\" FONTDIR=\"" (tackon (expandpath #apdf-dir) "fonts") "\"")) (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #vpdf-config "\" FONTDIR=\"PROGDIR:Plugins/Data/fonts\"")) ) ) ) (if (or #has-apdf-fonts #has-gs-fonts) (P_set_gs_fontmap #vpdf-config) ) (if #has-gs-fonts ( (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #vpdf-config "\" FONTDIR=\"" #gs-fonts-dir "\"")) (P_set_gs_extra_fontmap #vpdf-config) ) ) (if #has-acro4-fonts ( (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #apdf-config "\" FONTDIR=\"" #acro4-fonts-dir "\"")) (P_set_acro4_fontmap #apdf-config) ) ) (if #has-ps-fonts ( (run (cat "MakeConfig \"" #apdf-config "\" FONTDIR=\"" #ps-fonts-dir "\"")) ) ) ) ) ; If no fonts where installed, tell the user that he needs some. (if (not (or (or #has-apdf-fonts #has-gs-fonts) (or #has-ps-fonts #has-acro4-fonts))) (message #need-some-fonts) ) ; End with a message. (message #end-msg)