home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- **
- ** $Id: v_plugin.h,v 1.24 2000/04/13 22:30:10 zapek Exp $
- **
- */
- #ifndef V_PLUGIN_H
- #define V_PLUGIN_H
- /*
- ** Voyager Plugin definitions
- ** ==========================
- **
- ** (C) 1997-2000 Oliver Wagner <owagner@vapor.com>
- ** All Rights Reserved
- **
- ** Revision 2 (12-10-97)
- ** ---------------------
- ** - extended comments a bit
- **
- ** Revision 3 (04-07-99)
- ** ---------------------
- ** - added VPLUG_Query_APIVersion
- ** - added VPLUG_Query_RegisterMIMEType
- ** - added function table
- **
- ** Revision 4 (09-07-99)
- ** ---------------------
- ** - added vplug_domethoda()
- **
- ** Revision 5 (18-07-99)
- ** ---------------------
- ** - added vplug_seturl()
- ** - added vplug_mergeurl()
- ** - added VPLUG_EmbedInfo_ParentURL
- ** - added VPLUG_EmbedInfo_Baseref
- **
- ** Revision 6 (23-01-00)
- ** ---------------------
- ** - added VPLUG_Query_RegisterMIMEExtension
- ** - added VPLUG_GetInfo()
- ** - fixed for newer GCC and vbcc (Emmanuel Lesueur)
- **
- ** Revision 7 (04-03-00)
- ** ---------------------
- ** - added VPLUG_Query_HasURLMethodGetSize
- ** and the related plugin entry point
- */
- #ifndef __reg
- #ifdef _DCC
- #define __reg(x,y) __ ## x y
- #elif defined __GNUC__
- #define __reg(x,y) y __asm__(#x)
- #else
- #define __reg(x,y) register __ ## x y
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifndef PLFUNC
- #if defined __MAXON__ || defined __STORM__ || defined _DCC || defined __GNUC__
- #define PLFUNC
- #else
- #define PLFUNC __asm
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifndef SAVEDS
- #if defined __MAXON__ || defined __GNUC__
- #define SAVEDS
- #endif
- #if defined __STORM__ || defined __SASC
- #define SAVEDS __saveds
- #endif
- #ifdef _DCC
- #define SAVEDS __geta4
- #endif
- #endif
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #ifdef __STORM__
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #endif
- /* ^ needed for the #pragma libbase below */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #include <utility/hooks.h>
- #define VPLUG_TAGBASE (TAG_USER+0x87112)
- /*
- ** VPLUG_Query() is supposed to return a static TagList
- ** which describes the ability and requirements of
- ** a plugin.
- **
- ** Everything is described in the autodocs
- **
- */
- /*
- ** V1 = Voyager 2.95 and before
- ** V2 = Voyager 3.0
- ** V3 = Voyager 3.1
- */
- #define VPLUG_Query_Version (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+0) /* ULONG */
- #define VPLUG_Query_Revision (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+1) /* ULONG */
- #define VPLUG_Query_Copyright (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+2) /* STRPTR */
- #define VPLUG_Query_Infostring (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+3) /* STRPTR */
- #define VPLUG_Query_APIVersion (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+6) /* ULONG */
- #define VPLUG_Query_HasPrefs (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+7) /* LONG */
- #define VPLUG_Query_PluginID (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+8) /* STRPTR */
- #define VPLUG_Query_RegisterURLMethod (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+4) /* STRPTR */
- #define VPLUG_Query_HasURLMethodGetSize (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+10) /* BOOL */
- #define VPLUG_Query_RegisterMIMEType (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+5) /* STRPTR */
- #define VPLUG_Query_RegisterMIMEExtension (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+9) /* STRPTR */
- /*
- ** Arguments passed to <EMBED>
- ** ArgNames is an array of STRPTR with the names,
- ** ArgValues is an array of STRPTR with the values, or ""
- ** ArgCnt is the number of arguments
- */
- #define VPLUG_EmbedInfo_ArgNames (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+4002)
- #define VPLUG_EmbedInfo_ArgValues (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+4004)
- #define VPLUG_EmbedInfo_ArgCnt (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+4005)
- #define VPLUG_EmbedInfo_ParentURL (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+4006)
- #define VPLUG_EmbedInfo_Baseref (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+4007)
- /*
- ** The complete URL of the SRC (<EMBED SRC="...">)
- */
- #define VPLUG_EmbedInfo_URL (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+4000) /* STRPTR */
- /*
- ** The complete URL of the page containing the <EMBED>
- */
- #define VPLUG_EmbedInfo_Container (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+4001) /* STRPTR */
- /* APTR handle to network stream, already opened. Do NOT vplug_nets_close()
- ** it! The plugin can call vplug_settofile() or vplug_settomem() to
- ** get the file to whereever it wants the data. The network handler
- ** then does send VPLUG_NetStream_GotData and VPLUG_NetStream_GotDone
- ** methods to the embedded objects, informing of download progress.
- */
- #define VPLUG_EmbedInfo_NetStream (VPLUG_QUERYBASE+4003)
- /*
- ** Those are methods sent to the plugin.
- ** GotInfo is sent when V got all the header of the stream,
- ** GotData is sent everytime V gets one chunk of data and
- ** GotDone is sent when V is done with the loading of the
- ** stream
- */
- #define VPLUG_NetStream_GotInfo 0x851ba045
- #define VPLUG_NetStream_GotData 0x851ba046
- #define VPLUG_NetStream_GotDone 0x851ba047
- /****************************************************************************/
- /*
- ** Callback table
- ** If a plugin implements API spec >= 2, V will call
- ** VPLUG_Setup() with a pointer to this
- ** object. The plugin can call functions in that
- ** table anytime.
- */
- struct vplug_functable
- {
- int vplug_functabversion;
- APTR context; /* ***PRIVATE!!! DO NOT TOUCH!!!*** */
- APTR (PLFUNC * vplug_net_openurl)(
- __reg(a0, STRPTR url),
- __reg(a1, STRPTR referer),
- __reg(a2, APTR informobj),
- __reg(d0, int reload)
- );
- int (PLFUNC * vplug_net_state)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle)
- );
- void (PLFUNC * vplug_net_close)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle)
- );
- STRPTR (PLFUNC * vplug_net_mimetype)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle)
- );
- APTR (PLFUNC * vplug_net_getdocmem)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle)
- );
- int (PLFUNC * vplug_net_getdocptr)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle)
- );
- int (PLFUNC * vplug_net_getdoclen)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle)
- );
- void (PLFUNC * vplug_net_settomem)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle)
- );
- void (PLFUNC * vplug_net_settofile)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle),
- __reg(a1, STRPTR filename),
- __reg(d0, int resume)
- );
- STRPTR (PLFUNC * vplug_net_redirecturl)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle)
- );
- STRPTR (PLFUNC * vplug_net_url)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle)
- );
- void (PLFUNC * vplug_net_lockdocmem)(void);
- void (PLFUNC * vplug_net_unlockdocmem)(void);
- void (PLFUNC * vplug_net_abort)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle)
- );
- STRPTR (PLFUNC * vplug_net_errorstring)(
- __reg(a0, APTR nethandle)
- );
- int (PLFUNC * vplug_domethoda)(
- __reg(a0, APTR obj),
- __reg(a1, APTR Msg)
- );
- void (PLFUNC * vplug_seturl)(
- __reg(a0, STRPTR url),
- __reg(a1, STRPTR target),
- __reg(d0, int reload)
- );
- void (PLFUNC * vplug_mergeurl)(
- __reg(a0, STRPTR url),
- __reg(a1, STRPTR partial),
- __reg(a2, STRPTR dest)
- );
- void (PLFUNC * vplug_colorspec2rgb)(
- __reg(a0, STRPTR colorspec),
- __reg(d0, ULONG *red),
- __reg(d1, ULONG *green),
- __reg(d2, ULONG *blue)
- );
- };
- /*
- * Network handle states
- */
- /* states */
- #define VNS_FAILED -1
- #define VNS_INPROGRESS 0
- #define VNS_DONE 1
- /****************************************************************************/
- /*
- ** holds your plugin's custom preference page information
- ** A pointer to this structure, which is already allocated for you
- ** by Voyager, is passed to the VPLUG_Hook_Prefs() function.
- */
- struct vplug_prefs {
- char *label; /* list item label, defaults to plugin name */
- struct BitMap *bitmap; /* 24x14 list icon bitmap, defaults to plugin image */
- APTR colormap; /* bitmap's colormap, defaults to MWB palette (8 col.) */
- APTR object; /* preferences object */
- };
- /*
- ** These are the methods you are expected to handle in _Hook_Prefs()
- ** whenever Voyager wants to know or do stuff with your prefs.
- ** The description of the method id is what Voyager expects you to
- ** do or what to return when it is requested. Check the autodocs for more infos
- */
- enum {
- VPLUGPREFS_first = 16384,
- };
- /* where to store the settings */
- #define VPLUGPREFSPATH "PROGDIR:Plugins/Data"
- /****************************************************************************/
- /*
- ** Plugin library calls
- */
- #ifndef NO_PRAGMAS
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_Query 1e 0
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_ProcessURLMethod 24 801
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_GetURLData 2a 801
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_GetURLMIMEType 30 801
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_FreeURLData 36 801
- /* V2 API additions */
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_GetClass 3c 801
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_Setup 42 801
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_Cleanup 48 0
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_FinalSetup 4e 0
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_Hook_Prefs 54 8002
- /* V3 API additions */
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_GetInfo 5a 9802
- #pragma libcall classlib VPLUG_GetURLDataSize 60 801
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_PROTO
- struct TagItem *VPLUG_Query( void );
- APTR VPLUG_ProcessURLMethod( STRPTR url );
- APTR VPLUG_GetURLData( APTR handle );
- void VPLUG_FreeURLData( APTR handle );
- APTR VPLUG_GetClass( STRPTR mimetype );
- /*
- * Embedding objects, asking for size. This structure might extend in the future.
- * Just modify the fields of VPlugInfo if you need to.
- */
- struct VPlugInfo {
- ULONG x; /* horizontal size */
- ULONG y; /* vertical size */
- STRPTR wintitle; /* title of the window */
- };
- BOOL VPLUG_GetInfo( struct VPlugInfo *, APTR nethandle );
- BOOL VPLUG_Setup( struct vplug_functable *table );
- void VPLUG_FinalSetup( void );
- void VPLUG_Cleanup( void );
- void VPLUG_Hook_Prefs( ULONG methodid, struct vplug_prefs *prefs );
- int VPLUG_GetURLDataSize( APTR handle );
- #endif /* NO_PROTO */
- #endif /* BUILDPLUGIN */
- #endif /* V_PLUGIN_H */