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- Voyager HTML implementation reference
- =====================================
- This gives a brief overview of the HTML interpreter implemented
- in Voyager (as of version 2.91m).
- Supported tags:
- ---------------
- H1
- H2
- H3
- H4
- H5
- H6
- B
- I
- A
- BR
- HR
- LI
- UL
- OL
- P
- DD
- DL
- DT
- TR
- TD
- TH
- EM
- TT
- U
- Supported character entities
- ----------------------------
- Entity names are case sensitive.
- #<ascii-val>; notation is supported as well
- excl
- quot
- num
- dollar
- percnt
- amp
- apos
- lpar
- rpar
- ast
- plus
- comma
- hyphen
- minus
- dash
- period
- sol
- colon
- semi
- lt
- equals
- gt
- quest
- commat
- lsqb
- bsol
- rsqb
- circ
- caret
- lowbar
- grave
- lcub
- verbar
- rcub
- tilde
- sim
- nbsp
- iexcl
- cent
- pound
- curren
- yen
- brvbar
- brkbar
- sect
- uml
- die
- copy
- ordf
- laquo
- not
- shy
- reg
- macr
- hibar
- deg
- plusmn
- sup2
- sup3
- acute
- micro
- para
- middot
- cedil
- sup1
- ordm
- raquo
- frac14
- frac12
- half
- frac34
- iquest
- Agrave
- Aacute
- Acirc
- Atilde
- Auml
- Aring
- angst
- AElig
- Ccedil
- Egrave
- Eacute
- Ecirc
- Euml
- Igrave
- Iacute
- Icirc
- Iuml
- Ntilde
- Ograve
- Oacute
- Ocirc
- Otilde
- Ouml
- times
- Oslash
- Ugrave
- Uacute
- Ucirc
- Uuml
- Yacute
- szlig
- agrave
- aacute
- acirc
- atilde
- auml
- aring
- aelig
- ccedil
- egrave
- eacute
- ecirc
- euml
- igrave
- iacute
- icirc
- iuml
- eth
- ntilde
- ograve
- oacute
- ocirc
- otilde
- ouml
- divide
- oslash
- ugrave
- uacute
- ucirc
- uuml
- yacute
- thorn
- yuml
- Supported color names
- ---------------------
- Color names are not case sensitive. Also, Voyager
- accepts names with and without intervening spaces;
- for example, "alice blue" is equivalent to "aliceblue".
- alice blue 240 248 255
- AntiqueWhite 250 235 215
- AntiqueWhite1 255 239 219
- AntiqueWhite2 238 223 204
- AntiqueWhite3 205 192 176
- AntiqueWhite4 139 131 120
- aquamarine 127 255 212
- aquamarine1 127 255 212
- aquamarine2 118 238 198
- aquamarine3 102 205 170
- aquamarine4 69 139 116
- azure 240 255 255
- azure1 240 255 255
- azure2 224 238 238
- azure3 193 205 205
- azure4 131 139 139
- beige 245 245 220
- bisque 255 228 196
- bisque1 255 228 196
- bisque2 238 213 183
- bisque3 205 183 158
- bisque4 139 125 107
- black 0 0 0
- blanched almond 255 235 205
- blue 0 0 255
- blue violet 138 43 226
- blue1 0 0 255
- blue2 0 0 238
- blue3 0 0 205
- blue4 0 0 139
- brown 165 42 42
- brown1 255 64 64
- brown2 238 59 59
- brown3 205 51 51
- brown4 139 35 35
- burlywood 222 184 135
- burlywood1 255 211 155
- burlywood2 238 197 145
- burlywood3 205 170 125
- burlywood4 139 115 85
- cadet blue 95 158 160
- CadetBlue1 152 245 255
- CadetBlue2 142 229 238
- CadetBlue3 122 197 205
- CadetBlue4 83 134 139
- chartreuse 127 255 0
- chartreuse1 127 255 0
- chartreuse2 118 238 0
- chartreuse3 102 205 0
- chartreuse4 69 139 0
- chocolate 210 105 30
- chocolate1 255 127 36
- chocolate2 238 118 33
- chocolate3 205 102 29
- chocolate4 139 69 19
- coral 255 127 80
- coral1 255 114 86
- coral2 238 106 80
- coral3 205 91 69
- coral4 139 62 47
- cornflower blue 100 149 237
- cornsilk 255 248 220
- cornsilk1 255 248 220
- cornsilk2 238 232 205
- cornsilk3 205 200 177
- cornsilk4 139 136 120
- cyan 0 255 255
- cyan1 0 255 255
- cyan2 0 238 238
- cyan3 0 205 205
- cyan4 0 139 139
- dark blue 0 0 139
- dark cyan 0 139 139
- dark goldenrod 184 134 11
- dark green 0 100 0
- dark grey 169 169 169
- dark khaki 189 183 107
- dark magenta 139 0 139
- dark olive green 85 107 47
- dark orange 255 140 0
- dark orchid 153 50 204
- dark red 139 0 0
- dark salmon 233 150 122
- dark sea green 143 188 143
- dark slate blue 72 61 139
- dark slate grey 47 79 79
- dark turquoise 0 206 209
- dark violet 148 0 211
- DarkBlue 0 0 139
- DarkCyan 0 139 139
- DarkGoldenrod1 255 185 15
- DarkGoldenrod2 238 173 14
- DarkGoldenrod3 205 149 12
- DarkGoldenrod4 139 101 8
- DarkGrey 169 169 169
- DarkMagenta 139 0 139
- DarkOliveGreen1 202 255 112
- DarkOliveGreen2 188 238 104
- DarkOliveGreen3 162 205 90
- DarkOliveGreen4 110 139 61
- DarkOrange1 255 127 0
- DarkOrange2 238 118 0
- DarkOrange3 205 102 0
- DarkOrange4 139 69 0
- DarkOrchid1 191 62 255
- DarkOrchid2 178 58 238
- DarkOrchid3 154 50 205
- DarkOrchid4 104 34 139
- DarkRed 139 0 0
- DarkSeaGreen1 193 255 193
- DarkSeaGreen2 180 238 180
- DarkSeaGreen3 155 205 155
- DarkSeaGreen4 105 139 105
- deep pink 255 20 147
- deep sky blue 0 191 255
- DeepPink1 255 20 147
- DeepPink2 238 18 137
- DeepPink3 205 16 118
- DeepPink4 139 10 80
- DeepSkyBlue1 0 191 255
- DeepSkyBlue2 0 178 238
- DeepSkyBlue3 0 154 205
- DeepSkyBlue4 0 104 139
- dim grey 105 105 105
- dodger blue 30 144 255
- DodgerBlue1 30 144 255
- DodgerBlue2 28 134 238
- DodgerBlue3 24 116 205
- DodgerBlue4 16 78 139
- firebrick 178 34 34
- firebrick1 255 48 48
- firebrick2 238 44 44
- firebrick3 205 38 38
- firebrick4 139 26 26
- floral white 255 250 240
- forest green 34 139 34
- gainsboro 220 220 220
- ghost white 248 248 255
- gold 255 215 0
- gold1 255 215 0
- gold2 238 201 0
- gold3 205 173 0
- gold4 139 117 0
- goldenrod 218 165 32
- goldenrod1 255 193 37
- goldenrod2 238 180 34
- goldenrod3 205 155 29
- goldenrod4 139 105 20
- green 0 255 0
- green yellow 173 255 47
- green1 0 255 0
- green2 0 238 0
- green3 0 205 0
- green4 0 139 0
- grey 190 190 190
- grey0 0 0 0
- grey1 3 3 3
- grey2 5 5 5
- grey3 8 8 8
- grey4 10 10 10
- grey5 13 13 13
- grey6 15 15 15
- grey7 18 18 18
- grey8 20 20 20
- grey9 23 23 23
- grey10 26 26 26
- grey11 28 28 28
- grey12 31 31 31
- grey13 33 33 33
- grey14 36 36 36
- grey15 38 38 38
- grey16 41 41 41
- grey17 43 43 43
- grey18 46 46 46
- grey19 48 48 48
- grey20 51 51 51
- grey21 54 54 54
- grey22 56 56 56
- grey23 59 59 59
- grey24 61 61 61
- grey25 64 64 64
- grey26 66 66 66
- grey27 69 69 69
- grey28 71 71 71
- grey29 74 74 74
- grey30 77 77 77
- grey31 79 79 79
- grey32 82 82 82
- grey33 84 84 84
- grey34 87 87 87
- grey35 89 89 89
- grey36 92 92 92
- grey37 94 94 94
- grey38 97 97 97
- grey39 99 99 99
- grey40 102 102 102
- grey41 105 105 105
- grey42 107 107 107
- grey43 110 110 110
- grey44 112 112 112
- grey45 115 115 115
- grey46 117 117 117
- grey47 120 120 120
- grey48 122 122 122
- grey49 125 125 125
- grey50 127 127 127
- grey51 130 130 130
- grey52 133 133 133
- grey53 135 135 135
- grey54 138 138 138
- grey55 140 140 140
- grey56 143 143 143
- grey57 145 145 145
- grey58 148 148 148
- grey59 150 150 150
- grey60 153 153 153
- grey61 156 156 156
- grey62 158 158 158
- grey63 161 161 161
- grey64 163 163 163
- grey65 166 166 166
- grey66 168 168 168
- grey67 171 171 171
- grey68 173 173 173
- grey69 176 176 176
- grey70 179 179 179
- grey71 181 181 181
- grey72 184 184 184
- grey73 186 186 186
- grey74 189 189 189
- grey75 191 191 191
- grey76 194 194 194
- grey77 196 196 196
- grey78 199 199 199
- grey79 201 201 201
- grey80 204 204 204
- grey81 207 207 207
- grey82 209 209 209
- grey83 212 212 212
- grey84 214 214 214
- grey85 217 217 217
- grey86 219 219 219
- grey87 222 222 222
- grey88 224 224 224
- grey89 227 227 227
- grey90 229 229 229
- grey91 232 232 232
- grey92 235 235 235
- grey93 237 237 237
- grey94 240 240 240
- grey95 242 242 242
- grey96 245 245 245
- grey97 247 247 247
- grey98 250 250 250
- grey99 252 252 252
- grey100 255 255 255
- honeydew 240 255 240
- honeydew1 240 255 240
- honeydew2 224 238 224
- honeydew3 193 205 193
- honeydew4 131 139 131
- hot pink 255 105 180
- HotPink1 255 110 180
- HotPink2 238 106 167
- HotPink3 205 96 144
- HotPink4 139 58 98
- indian red 205 92 92
- IndianRed1 255 106 106
- IndianRed2 238 99 99
- IndianRed3 205 85 85
- IndianRed4 139 58 58
- ivory 255 255 240
- ivory1 255 255 240
- ivory2 238 238 224
- ivory3 205 205 193
- ivory4 139 139 131
- khaki 240 230 140
- khaki1 255 246 143
- khaki2 238 230 133
- khaki3 205 198 115
- khaki4 139 134 78
- lavender 230 230 250
- lavender blush 255 240 245
- LavenderBlush1 255 240 245
- LavenderBlush2 238 224 229
- LavenderBlush3 205 193 197
- LavenderBlush4 139 131 134
- lawn green 124 252 0
- lemon chiffon 255 250 205
- LemonChiffon1 255 250 205
- LemonChiffon2 238 233 191
- LemonChiffon3 205 201 165
- LemonChiffon4 139 137 112
- light blue 173 216 230
- light coral 240 128 128
- light cyan 224 255 255
- light goldenrod 238 221 130
- light goldenrod yellow 250 250 210
- light green 144 238 144
- light grey 211 211 211
- light pink 255 182 193
- light salmon 255 160 122
- light sea green 32 178 170
- light sky blue 135 206 250
- light slate blue 132 112 255
- light slate grey 119 136 153
- light steel blue 176 196 222
- light yellow 255 255 224
- LightBlue1 191 239 255
- LightBlue2 178 223 238
- LightBlue3 154 192 205
- LightBlue4 104 131 139
- LightCyan1 224 255 255
- LightCyan2 209 238 238
- LightCyan3 180 205 205
- LightCyan4 122 139 139
- LightGoldenrod1 255 236 139
- LightGoldenrod2 238 220 130
- LightGoldenrod3 205 190 112
- LightGoldenrod4 139 129 76
- LightGreen 144 238 144
- LightPink1 255 174 185
- LightPink2 238 162 173
- LightPink3 205 140 149
- LightPink4 139 95 101
- LightSalmon1 255 160 122
- LightSalmon2 238 149 114
- LightSalmon3 205 129 98
- LightSalmon4 139 87 66
- LightSkyBlue1 176 226 255
- LightSkyBlue2 164 211 238
- LightSkyBlue3 141 182 205
- LightSkyBlue4 96 123 139
- LightSteelBlue1 202 225 255
- LightSteelBlue2 188 210 238
- LightSteelBlue3 162 181 205
- LightSteelBlue4 110 123 139
- LightYellow1 255 255 224
- LightYellow2 238 238 209
- LightYellow3 205 205 180
- LightYellow4 139 139 122
- lime green 50 205 50
- linen 250 240 230
- magenta 255 0 255
- magenta1 255 0 255
- magenta2 238 0 238
- magenta3 205 0 205
- magenta4 139 0 139
- maroon 176 48 96
- maroon1 255 52 179
- maroon2 238 48 167
- maroon3 205 41 144
- maroon4 139 28 98
- medium aquamarine 102 205 170
- medium blue 0 0 205
- medium orchid 186 85 211
- medium purple 147 112 219
- medium sea green 60 179 113
- medium slate blue 123 104 238
- medium spring green 0 250 154
- medium turquoise 72 209 204
- medium violet red 199 21 133
- MediumOrchid1 224 102 255
- MediumOrchid2 209 95 238
- MediumOrchid3 180 82 205
- MediumOrchid4 122 55 139
- MediumPurple1 171 130 255
- MediumPurple2 159 121 238
- MediumPurple3 137 104 205
- MediumPurple4 93 71 139
- midnight blue 25 25 112
- mint cream 245 255 250
- misty rose 255 228 225
- MistyRose1 255 228 225
- MistyRose2 238 213 210
- MistyRose3 205 183 181
- MistyRose4 139 125 123
- moccasin 255 228 181
- navajo white 255 222 173
- NavajoWhite1 255 222 173
- NavajoWhite2 238 207 161
- NavajoWhite3 205 179 139
- NavajoWhite4 139 121 94
- navy 0 0 128
- navy blue 0 0 128
- old lace 253 245 230
- olive drab 107 142 35
- OliveDrab1 192 255 62
- OliveDrab2 179 238 58
- OliveDrab3 154 205 50
- OliveDrab4 105 139 34
- orange 255 165 0
- orange red 255 69 0
- orange1 255 165 0
- orange2 238 154 0
- orange3 205 133 0
- orange4 139 90 0
- OrangeRed1 255 69 0
- OrangeRed2 238 64 0
- OrangeRed3 205 55 0
- OrangeRed4 139 37 0
- orchid 218 112 214
- orchid1 255 131 250
- orchid2 238 122 233
- orchid3 205 105 201
- orchid4 139 71 137
- pale goldenrod 238 232 170
- pale green 152 251 152
- pale turquoise 175 238 238
- pale violet red 219 112 147
- PaleGreen1 154 255 154
- PaleGreen2 144 238 144
- PaleGreen3 124 205 124
- PaleGreen4 84 139 84
- PaleTurquoise1 187 255 255
- PaleTurquoise2 174 238 238
- PaleTurquoise3 150 205 205
- PaleTurquoise4 102 139 139
- PaleVioletRed1 255 130 171
- PaleVioletRed2 238 121 159
- PaleVioletRed3 205 104 137
- PaleVioletRed4 139 71 93
- papaya whip 255 239 213
- peach puff 255 218 185
- PeachPuff 255 218 185
- PeachPuff1 255 218 185
- PeachPuff2 238 203 173
- PeachPuff3 205 175 149
- PeachPuff4 139 119 101
- peru 205 133 63
- pink 255 192 203
- pink1 255 181 197
- pink2 238 169 184
- pink3 205 145 158
- pink4 139 99 108
- plum 221 160 221
- plum1 255 187 255
- plum2 238 174 238
- plum3 205 150 205
- plum4 139 102 139
- powder blue 176 224 230
- purple 160 32 240
- purple1 155 48 255
- purple2 145 44 238
- purple3 125 38 205
- purple4 85 26 139
- red 255 0 0
- red1 255 0 0
- red2 238 0 0
- red3 205 0 0
- red4 139 0 0
- rosy brown 188 143 143
- RosyBrown1 255 193 193
- RosyBrown2 238 180 180
- RosyBrown3 205 155 155
- RosyBrown4 139 105 105
- royal blue 65 105 225
- RoyalBlue 65 105 225
- RoyalBlue1 72 118 255
- RoyalBlue2 67 110 238
- RoyalBlue3 58 95 205
- RoyalBlue4 39 64 139
- saddle brown 139 69 19
- salmon 250 128 114
- salmon1 255 140 105
- salmon2 238 130 98
- salmon3 205 112 84
- salmon4 139 76 57
- sandy brown 244 164 96
- sea green 46 139 87
- SeaGreen1 84 255 159
- SeaGreen2 78 238 148
- SeaGreen3 67 205 128
- SeaGreen4 46 139 87
- seashell 255 245 238
- seashell1 255 245 238
- seashell2 238 229 222
- seashell3 205 197 191
- seashell4 139 134 130
- sienna 160 82 45
- sienna1 255 130 71
- sienna2 238 121 66
- sienna3 205 104 57
- sienna4 139 71 38
- sky blue 135 206 235
- SkyBlue1 135 206 255
- SkyBlue2 126 192 238
- SkyBlue3 108 166 205
- SkyBlue4 74 112 139
- slate blue 106 90 205
- slate grey 112 128 144
- SlateBlue 106 90 205
- SlateBlue1 131 111 255
- SlateBlue2 122 103 238
- SlateBlue3 105 89 205
- SlateBlue4 71 60 139
- snow 255 250 250
- snow1 255 250 250
- snow2 238 233 233
- snow3 205 201 201
- snow4 139 137 137
- spring green 0 255 127
- SpringGreen1 0 255 127
- SpringGreen2 0 238 118
- SpringGreen3 0 205 102
- SpringGreen4 0 139 69
- steel blue 70 130 180
- SteelBlue1 99 184 255
- SteelBlue2 92 172 238
- SteelBlue3 79 148 205
- SteelBlue4 54 100 139
- tan 210 180 140
- tan1 255 165 79
- tan2 238 154 73
- tan3 205 133 63
- tan4 139 90 43
- thistle 216 191 216
- thistle1 255 225 255
- thistle2 238 210 238
- thistle3 205 181 205
- thistle4 139 123 139
- tomato 255 99 71
- tomato1 255 99 71
- tomato2 238 92 66
- tomato3 205 79 57
- tomato4 139 54 38
- turquoise 64 224 208
- turquoise1 0 245 255
- turquoise2 0 229 238
- turquoise3 0 197 205
- turquoise4 0 134 139
- violet 238 130 238
- violet red 208 32 144
- VioletRed1 255 62 150
- VioletRed2 238 58 140
- VioletRed3 205 50 120
- VioletRed4 139 34 82
- wheat 245 222 179
- wheat1 255 231 186
- wheat2 238 216 174
- wheat3 205 186 150
- wheat4 139 126 102
- white 255 255 255
- white smoke 245 245 245
- yellow 255 255 0
- yellow1 255 255 0
- yellow2 238 238 0
- yellow3 205 205 0
- yellow4 139 139 0
- yellow green 154 205 50