(set #about (cat "\n\n\n\nWelcome to NetInfo-II " NetInfover "\n\n\nCopyright ⌐1996-1999 by Oliver Wagner\n") )
(set #installup " Install or Update NetInfo-II")
(set #clearcache " Clear Cache Directory")
(set #task "\nWhat would you like to do?\n")
(set #whereNetInfo "Where do you wish to install NetInfo-II. The directory 'NetInfo-II' will be created if it is not there. If a copy of NetInfo-II is found it will be backed up.")
(set muiver "No Version Installed")
(set #newermui "\nNetInfo-II needs version 3.8 or higher of MUI installed to work correctly.\n\nNow would be a good time to Upgrade!\n\nYou can find mui38usr.lha on Aminet in util/libs\n\nIt looks like you have: \n\n")
(set #nomuiarc "\nThe installer could not find the MUI dir in the archive. Because of this the MUI Classes used by NetInfo-II were not installed.\n\n If you are Updating NetInfo-II then this is not a problem. If it is your first time installing NetInfo-II you will need to get an archive with these files.")
(set #updatingmuic "\nUpdating the MUI Classes if needed.\n\n(#?.mcc & #?.mcp)")
(set #nompc "\nThe .MCC files for NetInfo-II can not be installed to 'mui:libs/mui'")
(set #need-os "\n\nNetInfo-II needs version 3.0 or higher of the Amiga OS installed to work correctly.\n\n It looks like you have: \n\n")
(set #000used "\n\nThe 68000 version will be installed.")
(set #nompc "\nThe .MPC files for NetInfo-II can not be installed to 'mui:libs/mui'")
(set #noreg1 "\nThe installer could not find 'S:NetInfo-II.Key' or '")
(set #noreg2 "' on your system. It also does not seem to be in the archive you are installing NetInfo-II from. You may need to get the archive again.\n\nThe installer will now run the Registration Utility, 'Registrationutility'.")
(set #filethere1 "\n\nThe installer has found NetInfo-II version ")
(set #filethere2 " at ")
(set #filethere3 "\n\nThe file will be renamed to ")
(set #filethere4 " and it will then be moved to ")
(set #backuptoXXX "Back-UP to file named 'NetInfo-II.")
(set #copyover "Copy Over Old Version")
(set #oktodelete1 "\nIs it ok to delete the older NetInfo-II binary so that the NetInfo-II Directory can be made?\n")
(set #oktodelete2 "\nIs it ok to delete the older _renamed_ NetInfo-II binary so that the NetInfo-II Directory can be made?\n")
(set #NetInfofound "\nThe Installer has found a copy of NetInfo-II already installed. What do you want to do?\n")
(set #no030found "\n\nThe 68030+FPU Version of NetInfo-II, V030, was not found in this archive this is why the 68000 version was installed.")
(set #newicon "\nDo you wish to copy over The NetInfo-II Icon from the archive? If you have any ToolTypes already set you should select no.\n")
(set #nonewicon "No - ToolTypes already set.")
(set #yesnewicon "Yes - Copy over Icon.")
(set #yesnewicon "Yes - Copy over Icon.")
(set #whatcat "\nSelect the NetInfo-II Language catalog you wish to install.\n")
(set #wherecat "\nWhere do you wish to install the NetInfo-II Language Catalog? Default is ")
(set #catnofind "Can not find this catalog in this NetInfo-II archive. You may need to get a newer archive.")
(set #whattools "\nWhat Tools would you like to install? They will be placed in: ")
(set #updatingmuic "\nUpdating the MUI Classes if needed.\n\n(#?.mcc & #?.mcp)")
(set #nomuiarc "\nThe installer could not find the MUI dir in the archive. Because of this the MUI Classes used by NetInfo-II were not installed.\n\n If you are Updating NetInfo-II then this is not a problem. If it is your first time installing NetInfo-II you will need to get an archive with these files.")
(set #whatdocs "\nWhat NetInfo-II documentation would you like to install?\n")
(set #wheredocs "Where would you like the NetInfo-II documentation you selected to be installed?")
(set #askcpu "\nWhat version of NetInfo-II would you like to install?\n")
(set #noregdir "\nThe Registration directory was not found. This means that the archive has been altered or is bad. Please get another copy of the NetInfo-II Archive.\n\nOR\n\nThe Keyfile is missing. Please contact your REG site.")
(set #updatesetpatch "\nThe installer looked for 'c:setpatch' and did not find it or you have a version lower then 40.16. NetInfo-II needs version 40.16 to work correctly. You wany want to upgrade soon. (NOTE: if you keep 'setpatch' in a different place than 'c:' and its 40.16 or higher then this message is void.)")
(set #updateinstaller "\nJust to let you know ESCOM AG has released a new version of the installer program.\n\n\nVersion 43.3 can be found on Aminet in:\n\n/util/misc/Installer-43_3.lha\n\n\nYou might want to upgrade soon, if you can.")
(set #whatcat "\nSelect the NetInfo-II Language catalog you wish to install.\n")
(set #wherecat "\nWhere do you wish to install the NetInfo-II Language Catalog? Default is ")
(set #catnofind "Can not find this catalog in this NetInfo-II archive. You may need to get the complete archive from the support site.")
(set #wantbuttons "\nThe installer has found that the directory 'Images' exist. Do you still wish to install the default Images? If you have created your own you should select 'No'.\n")
(set #yesbutton "Yes - Copy default images over")
(set #nobuttons "No - Use currently installed images")
(set #wantflags "\nThe installer has found that the directory 'Images/Flags' exist. Do you still wish to install the default Flag images? If you have created your own you should select 'No'.\n")
(set #yesflags "Yes - Copy default Flag images over")
(set #noflags "No - Use currently installed Flag images")
(set #updatedlibs "\nInstall/Update the Vapor Libraries?\n* = Must be installed to work correctly\n(Click 'Help' for more info on the libs.)\n")
(set #lib1 " Update library (*)")
(set #lib2 " Toolkit library (*)")
(set #lib3 " Registration library")
(set #libhelp1 "vapor_update.library:\nIf installed every Vapor app will automagically check for updates by querying the Vapor server via Internet. You will be informed and offered automatic downloading if there is an update.")
(set #libhelp2 "\n\nvapor_toolkit.library (* Must be installed):\nContains support functions which are used by most Vapor applications and thus can be shared to reduce individual application code size. ie: Async I/O library, crytographically strong random number generator, math support.")
(set #libhelp3 "\n\nvapor_registration.library (* Must be installed):\nContains the core code for the registration utility\n")
(set #wherelibs "Where do you wish to place the Vapor lib(s), 'Libs:' is default.")
(set #flushing "\n\nRunning:\n\n'avail flush >NIL:'\n\n to try to flush old Vapor libraries from memory.")