home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ______________ _______
- _ __ ___ | ___ _____ \ \_ _/
- | '_ ` _ \| __| | | ___) | | | | too good
- | | | | | | | | | | __/ - | | | for vowels
- |_| |_| |_|_| |_| | | /_____\
- ---------------------------|_|------------------------------
- ⌐ 1995-98 Michael Neuweiler <dolphin@zool.unizh.ch>
- ⌐ 1999 Jamie van den Berge <entity@vapor.com>
- ⌐ 2000-01 Zeus Developments <neil@tkgbbs.freeserve.co.uk>
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Welcome to mFTP-II version 1.3.
- mFTP-II is a file transfer protocol (FTP) client for
- AmigaOS. It works over any TCP/IP link (including
- non-world-visible machines behind IP-NAT gateways) and uses
- modern object oriented design to allow any number of
- simultaneous connections and file transfers between
- any two locations, such as between a local directory and an
- FTP server or even two FTP servers.
- Version 1.3 is an evolutionary step from 1.2. <=1.2 has been
- notoriously buggy and very unforgiving with some FTP servers.
- 1.3 improves on this.
- To read about what has been improved since 1.2, please read
- the log below.
- Reporting Bugs:
- Please please please, if anything goes wrong make a note of
- every detail you can and describe it in a message on the mFTP
- mailing list.
- To subscribe, mail to:
- <mftp-request@vapor.com>
- and put "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject or body of the mail.
- The mailing list is archived at:
- http://www.mail-archive.com/mftp@vapor.com/
- You might like to try using the automated bug tracking
- system located at:
- http://bugs.vapor.com/
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- 0.97alpha
- =============
- - Development taken over by Jamie van den Berge
- - General: Lotsa changes :)
- 0.98alpha
- =============
- - GUI: fixed hit on reading dir
- - Net: fixed cd to /pub/aminet on non-ADT servers
- - GUI: added context menu to filelist
- 0.99alpha
- =========
- - General: implemented keyfile system
- - Net: fixed login failure race condition
- - GUI: prefs window now opens on 640x256
- - Net: fixed Nuke(TM) and/or Hang« on abort or failure of file transfer.
- - GUI: local listers in dual list mode now show the right directory on open
- (set in host edit window)
- - Net: added automatic transfer type stuff
- - GUI: 'Start All' button in batch window should now work
- - GUI: ghosting of toolbar icons in dual list adt mode now working
- - Net: fixed connection lockup on failure to read the dir
- - GUI: added primitive download status indication to batch window
- 1.0
- ===
- - WOA Prerelease
- 1.0.1alpha
- ==========
- - GUI: fixed stringgadget showing crap in makedir requester
- - GUI: fixed local listers not being refreshed after makedir
- - General: hostlist is now automatically saved on exit
- - GUI: added menu option to save hostlist w/o requester
- - Net: fixed a filelist parsing bug causing weird effects on
- some FTP servers
- 1.0.2alpha
- ==========
- - ADT: added search feature
- - GUI: dirs show up white now
- - GUI: added seperator thingies to filelist context menu
- - GUI: added parent button next to path string
- - Net: fixed false reporting of 'No control connection' when
- uploading
- 1.0.3alpha
- ==========
- - GUI: toolbar now made using SpeedBar.mcc (by Wiz)
- - Net: added VMS support code
- - GUI: fixed Select files thingy (was broken due to chaning
- toolbar to SpeedBar.mcc)
- - Net: added 'Send NOOPs' option in host edit window
- - GUI: added Batch Window item to lister menu
- - ADT: viewing of .readmes now possible
- - GUI: added option to change the pen and background
- colour/image of the statusbar in the listers
- - Net: fixed some hickups in the parser that could cause
- crashes
- - GUI: added new 'GUI' tab in Settings window
- - GUI: removed redundant 'Host type' from lister menus
- 1.0.4alpha
- ==========
- - GUI: fixed Anonymous checkmark not unghosting user/pass
- - GUI: added RMB menu to lister status bar to select
- - Net: added IsOnline check to determine online status
- before trying stuff like connecting to a site or commencing
- a download
- - GUI: when adding a new host/group, the list will jump
- to the new entry
- - GUI: when creating a new group mFTP now asks for a name
- - Net: added passive FTP (PASV) support
- - Net: disabling 'Show Hidden files' now works :^)
- - GUI: bottom half of icon bar no longer partially disappears
- vertical if window is made (too) small
- - GUI: added back/forward buttons to toolbar
- - Net: added resume support
- - Net: added auto hosttype detection (VMS/normal)
- - Cache: disk cache is now actually used and expires at after
- user definable period
- - GUI: 'New Group' and 'NewHost' now add the new item in the
- currently active group
- - Net: added option to use STAT <dir> for reading the
- directory contents instead of the classic PORT/PASV, TYPE,
- LIST combo. This is generally faster and more efficient,
- but cannot be interrupted. (Only used for non-VMS hosts)
- 1.0.5alpha
- ==========
- - Prefs: remote dir now 'empty' by default, and no longer always
- CWDs to / in that case (this was already fixed in 1.0.4 ;)
- - GUI: password win would show up even when anonymous was checked
- 1.0.6alpha
- ==========
- - Net: seems 211 is not the only replycode to STAT. Added 213,
- otherwise the dir is requested two times (STAT + LIST), with
- the stat being show in the FTP output list (argh!)
- - GUI: fixed some improper menu labels/shortcuts
- - GUI: added hotkeys to buttons in main window
- - GUI: a new group is now removed if name requester is cancelled
- - GUI: FTP output list now no longer removes the top line for
- EVERY extra line received beyond the set limit
- - GUI: overwrite/resume requester now also shows in ADT mode
- - Net: fixed broken file transfer in 1.0.5
- - General: removed some nasty enforcerhits here and there
- 1.0.7alpha
- ==========
- - GUI: removed enforcerhits when ordering a file transfer in a
- double list window
- - GUI: dates of files are now correctly shown in the
- overwrite/resume requester
- - ADT: option to set maximum number of search results added
- - ADT: added basic ADT 'filter' system (only wildcard hilite atm)
- 1.0.8alpha
- ==========
- - GUI: removed enforcer hits when closing requesters
- - GUI: now downloads to default download directory if there is
- no destination lister
- - Net: fixed not being able to connect if PASV is not enabled
- - GUI: improved ADT filter a lot
- - Net: on failing to read dir, cache is no longer saved
- - GUI: added Recent 7/14 starting choice cycle in prefs
- - General: cache now only used in online mode if that setting is
- enabled
- - General: listers now auto-refresh when content changed
- - General: killed some more nasty enforcer hits
- 1.0.9alpha
- ==========
- - ADT: it's now possible to specify what to do with highlighted
- entries (don't do anything, top of list, or exclusively show them)
- - GUI: you can now Drag&Drop files from remote listers into the
- batch list, which will download them to default download directory
- 1.0.10alpha
- ===========
- - GUI: 'local dir' string in host prefs wasn't disabled when ADT
- was checked.
- - ADT: directory field of entries now also processed by filter
- - GUI: after toolbar prefs change, all buttons were displayed
- in ADT listers
- 1.0.11alpha
- ===========
- - GUI: added option to use a Contact Manager front end instead of
- mFTP's own host list
- - GUI: listers now close on fatal error
- 1.0.12alpha
- ===========
- - GUI: Contact Manager is now entirely optional :^)
- - GUI: moved around some prefs items to make it fit on 640x256
- - General: localized some hardcoded strings (still some left)
- - Net: fixed mFTP asking login/pass in some circumstances when
- using the CM interface
- - General: a keyfile in one of the hardcoded locations was
- not be recognised if KEYFILES and/or KEYPATH variable(s)
- existed
- - GUI: overwrite/resume requester now also states the size of
- the two files involved :^)
- 1.1
- ===
- - GUI: window titles of CM launched listers were trashed
- - General: fixed nuke bug on exit caused by too old CM
- - GUI: added immediate update of toolbar images when prefs changed
- - General: added vapor_update.library support
- - First release
- 1.1.1alpha
- ==========
- - GUI: fixed popping up of error requester causing major mayhem when
- ftp service is not defined in services database of the TCP/IP stack
- - General: added AmFTP profiles import feature (Internal host manager)
- - GUI: (hopefully) fixed Resume/Overwrite window showing trash
- - General: added check for cmanager.library before trying to create
- the CM object, to prevent a Total and Utter Mess«
- - GUI: listers opened using CM can now be snapshotted as well
- - GUI: non-relevant menu items now disabled when in CM mode
- - GUI: added CHMOD support
- 1.2
- ===
- - NC3 Release
- - GUI: fixed 'Finished' time in download window showing nonsense in case
- of HUGE files
- 1.2.1
- =====
- - General: amftp profiles file was not closed on import (Entity)
- - GUI: demo timeut requester had body/buttons mixed up (Entity)
- - GUI: added list backgrounds where appropriate (KingGuppy)
- - Locale: fixed the English string for the "Treat links" menu item (KingGuppy)
- - GUI: made single-lister directory lists the default object of their window,
- allowing easier keyboard control (KingGuppy)
- - GUI: fixed the cyclechain in directory views (KingGuppy)
- 1.2.2alpha
- ==========
- - Development taken over by Zeus Developments
- - Net: Added option to skip online check, see prefs/net options (nOw2)
- 1.2.3alpha
- ==========
- - General: Enforcer hits fixed (hosts lists -> save as) (nOw2)
- - GUI: Localised some more strings. (nOw2)
- - Prefs: If the prefs dir is retrieved from env:mftpConfigPath, the string
- will be terminated at the first line feed, if any. (nOw2)
- - GUI: Localised 'demo period over' requester, added register & homepage
- buttons. (nOw2)
- - GUI: The status line in the directory transfer info window updates only
- once a second, not on every data packet. (nOw2)
- - GUI: Status windows now have window borders and depth gadgets. (nOw2)
- - General: Corrected help file path. Erm.. help file? (nOw2)
- - Prefs: New hosts default to dual list mode. (nOw2)
- - Prefs: Imported AmFTP hosts default to NoOps, and dual list mode if not
- ADT, and also have more sensible 'buffer' and 'lines' settings. (nOw2)
- - ADT: Defaults sorting to group/area first, then name, etc. (nOw2)
- - GUI: The Speedbar class redraws on every set(), whether there was a
- change or not, so now a set() is only performed if necessary. (nOw2)
- 1.2.4alpha
- ==========
- - GUI: Whoops, unintentional self-modifying code meant that the SpeedBar
- redraw fix crashed on the second run. (nOw2)
- - GUI: Directory status line redraws once per half second and the bytes
- reading is emboldened when the transfer is finished. (nOw2)
- - ADT: Was displaying dates 1 day in the future for files. Completely
- overhauled date code, now supports Localised formats. (nOw2)
- - Prefs: Due to some broken STAT implementations (i.e. Microsoft), each
- host now has an individual option to use STAT or not. (nOw2)
- - Prefs: The main "Use STAT" setting is now used as a default to set the
- Use STAT option in a new host's preferences. (nOw2)
- - Net: Implemented a simple check which detects broken STAT implementations
- and if necessary disables it for that host, warning the user of this.
- (nOw2)
- - GUI: FTP output now uses small font (like AmFTP) and is being expanded
- into a general logging/info/debug list. (nOw2)
- - Net: Added code/option to download Aminet readme files. Check the option
- in Settings->ADT to enable it (it's global, and enabled by default). (nOw2)
- - General: Fixed enforcer hit loading non-ADT directory listing of AmiNet
- on WuArchive. (nOw2)
- 1.3
- ===
- - General: Cleaned up some debug code and error requesters, going for
- semi-beta release... (nOw2)
- - GUI: Batch List window could cause a divide by zero guru with very small
- files (less than 1KB). (nOw2)
- - Net: Clicking "Cancel" or "Overwrite" on a 'file exists' requester would
- upload the file anyway. Fixed. (nOw2)
- - GUI: If you clicked Abort while reading a directory, the Connection Status
- window would remain forevermore. (nOw2)
- - General: Fixed hang on some FTP servers: was checking for data which would
- never arrive, and the 'never arrive' handling was broken. (nOw2)
- - Net: No longer attempts to check every possible socket that could ever exist
- when downloading directory lists. So it's faster. (nOw2)
- - Net: If a server sends 'extra' data after a directory change command, mFTP
- now knows to ignore this. (nOw2)
- - Net: Handles servers which send extra blank lines in their output. (nOw2)
- - GUI: (Local-) file exists requester was completely broken. Fixed. (nOw2)
- - Prefs: Implemented DOpusFTP configuration importing. This was partially done
- in the source, but I had to rewrite most of it anyway. HoHum. By default it
- points directly at DOpus5:System/ftp.config. (nOw2)
- 1.3.1
- =====
- - General: Gone back to beta release version numbering. (nOw2)
- - GUI: Locale works again. (nOw2)
- - Net: Fixed Symlinks handling. (nOw2)