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- // $VER: MCF_UI.AMIRX 4.7 (11.10.96)
- \\ Written by Donald T. Becker (dtbecker@prolog.net) IRC: StarDustr
- // Please mail any bug reports/comments to the above address with a subject
- \\ header of MCF.AMIRX.
- //
- \\ ** What to do with this file?
- // Put this script in REXX:
- \\ Go into Settings->Lists in the menu.
- // Click on Aliases. Add the following Alias
- \\ UI /Rx MCF_UI %p Make sure you use a lowercase p.
- */
- ;OPTIONS RESULTS;parse arg MCFenv Abuser junk;if Abuser ~="" then;address value(MCFenv);else;do;Abuser=MCFenv;MCFenv=address();end;userhost Abuser;xx=result;if xx="RESULT" then xx="*!*@"||Abuser;xp1=pos("!",xx)+1;xp2=pos("@",xx);if xp1=xp2 then;UName="*";else UName=upper(substr(xx,xp1,xp2-xp1));UHost=upper(substr(xx,xp2+1));"Say /Rx Rexx:MCF_Alias DROP" UName UHost;exit