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- /* MCF_FServ.rexx
- // $VER: MCF_FServ.rexx 4.1 (29.07.96)
- \\ Written by Donald T. Becker (dtbecker@prolog.net) IRC: StarDustr
- // Please mail any bug reports/comments to the above address with a subject
- \\ header of MCF.AMIRX.
- //
- \\ ** What to do with this file?
- // Put this script in REXX:, then type Rx MCF_FServ after you have updated
- \\ your copy of the file: MFC:MFC.FServ.
- */
- ;if ~show("L","rexxsupport.library") then;do;if ~addlib("rexxsupport.library",0,-30,0) then;do;say "Rexxsupport.library not openned.";exit;end;end;call open("Input","MCF:MCF.FServ","R");call open("Lout","MCF:MCF.FList","W");call open("Sout","MCF:MCF.FSend","W");xx=readln("Input");cntr=0;Omitted="";if ~eof("Input") then;do;do outer=1 by 1 until xx="#END";if 1=pos("-",xx) then;do;parse value xx with junk OFile;Omitted=Omitted||OFile;xx=readln("Input");iterate outer;end;Omitted=upper(Omitted)||" ";zz=showdir(xx,"File",'0a'x)||'0a'x||"#";do inner=1 by 1 until zz="#";xpos=pos('0a'x,zz);fn=left(zz,xpos-1);zz=substr(zz,xpos+1);if 0 ~=pos(".info",fn) then iterate inner;if 0 ~=pos(' ',fn) then iterate inner;Ufn=" "||upper(fn)||" ";if 0 ~=pos(Ufn,Omitted) then iterate inner;cntr=cntr+1;tot="#"||cntr||". ";lot=tot||fn||'0d'x;sot=tot||xx||"/"||fn;call writeln("Lout",lot);call writeln("Sout",sot);end inner;xx=readln("Input");Omitted="";end outer;end;call close("Input");call close("Lout");call close("Sout");exit