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- SHORT : MCF V4.13 ARexx Integrated AmIRC Scripts.
- AUTHOR : dtbecker@ptd.net (Donald T. Becker)
- UPLOADER : dtbecker@ptd.net (Donald T. Becker)
- TYPE : comm/tcp
- VERSION: : $VER: MCF4AmIRC.readme 4.13 (26.12.96)
- A set of integrated ARexx scripts that perform many functions not
- readily available with AmIRC (by Olliver Wagner). Auto-Ops, Status,
- Help, and File Server are some of the functions. Remote User Functions
- are also available to Authorized Users.
- Read the Guide file under Installation for extra information on
- installation and software in-compatibilies.
- New to Release 4.13:
- Fixed a bug with MCF_SOUND. It now validates that the
- requested file actually exists as a FILE before trying
- to play it.
- New to Release 4.12:
- Added MCF Configuration File exist validation so that
- MCF will not Crap out if one of them don't exist.
- MCF will notify you which file is missing and continue
- to execute. If you receive this/these error(s),
- copy the missing file(s) from the MCF4AmIRC archive
- to the MCF: directory
- New to Release 4.11:
- Fixed DCCGET bug that occurred with version 4.10.
- Changed GUI procedure for selecting which SoundDir
- you send a Sound Request from when you have multiple
- directories assigned to your SOUNDDIR variable.
- Added GUI interface "MCF_Auto.AMIRX" for setting
- values of %AUTO variables.
- New to Release 4.10:
- Added MCF_SAbuser.AMIRX to ignore speech abusers.
- Re-structured MCF.AMIRX for future ease of updates.
- Added new flag: PSOUND. if = Y, MCF will play
- sounds you send to other users.
- Validation now performed on all startup values at
- MCF startup time and during %AUTO settings.
- New to Release 4.9:
- Added 2 new CTCP functions: ClientInfo and Finger.
- MCF_Finger.AMIRX requires AmiTCP:bin/Finger for it
- to respond to a CTCP Finger request.
- Fixed a problem in the MCF_HELP script.
- DalNet updated versions so I had to change how the
- scan in the flood protection for DalNet Services was
- done.
- Added code to MCF to help guarantee that redirected
- dos commands will NOT execute on your machine.
- Added Speech and Speech on/off auto switch.
- New to Release 4.8:
- The MsgPort "SFPROTECT.?" has been removed.
- and "MCF_SFPROTECT.AMIRX". Altered coding in
- Help and Status Functions process only 1 request
- at a time so as not to flood yourself from off of
- the Server.
- Flood Protection routine should no longer ignore
- Service@Dal.net.
- MCF will now display a channel's Topic upon your
- Joining it if it is an Encoded Topic.
- Added missing commands to MCF:MCF.Cmds.
- New to Release 4.7:
- All Config files have been moved from ENV: to MCF:
- Install script handles updates of older versions.
- Added new options to Auto-Greets:
- P will send the Greets as a PRIVMSG to the user.
- C will only send Greets to a user if that channel
- is listed in file: MCF:MCF.GChans.
- Added validation to values issued by way of %AUTO.
- CTCP_Sound.AMIRX is now more Win95 compatible.
- MCF Aliases are now installable thru install script.
- Install script moves configuration files from ENV:
- to MCF: and deletes 1 obsolete script from ENV:.
- Added new CTCP function: MCF_PING.AMIRX.
- New to Release 4.6:
- Fixed bug in !Nick Auto-Request function.
- Re-structured Flood Protection processing.
- Fixed bug where an ingnored, but not silenced
- user, would still get response from MCF.
- Finally added auto-random and auto-nick Greets.
- Sound function now strips IBM style drive letters
- and directory paths from sound filenames.
- New to Release 4.5:
- Added new feature to MCF_GETSOUND.AMIRX.
- Added new feature to MCF_Encode.AMIRX.
- Added DalHelper configuration to Install_MCF.
- Added more functions to DalHelper.AMIRX.
- Fixed bug in MCF.AMIRX Decryption routine.
- Fixed bug in %AUTO USE/SAVE routines.
- Changed MCF_SOUND.AMIRX to auto-request a
- not-found soundfile only once.
- Added a GUI to sending sounds function "CTCP_Sound.AMIRX"
- Commpressed all script files with RexxOpt.
- Added Auto-Get feature for sounds you request
- from another user thru the NOSOUNDS settings.
- Fixed channel CTCP flood protection.
- New to Release 4.4:
- Extra kick power added to function MKB.AMIRX.
- New function for users of Dal's NickServ and ChanServ:
- DalHelper.AMIRX
- New to Release 4.3:
- Nothing except for Rexx: being hard-coded before all scripts.
- New to Release 4.2:
- Added 2 new commands for those users who keep asking
- New to Release 4.1:
- Made encryption schemes into a file that is to reside in MCF:
- filename is MCF.Encrypt.
- Re-structured the internal coding of MCF so that the main
- loop in it has less to interpret thru each cycle.
- Changed MCF_Encode.AMIRX to fetch the necessary encryption
- info from the clipboard instead of reading the whole
- MCF.Encrypt file or hard-coding it into the script.
- Added URL for MCF Home Page to MCF_VERSION.AMIRX
- New to Release 4.0:
- The main script (MCF.AMIRX) and all associated scripts were
- changed to run the remote commands as seperate background tasks.
- This allows the main script to continue it's processing quicker.
- Added user configurable responses to "Soundfile not found"
- condition from a CTCP SOUND.
- Added new CTCP command: MCF_VERSION.AMIRX.
- Added new CTCP command: MCF_GETSOUND.AMIRX.
- Added size checking to the Flood Protection routine.
- Added Icons and a new script to allow a user to test MCF
- first, without Installing it.
- Added 4th option for response to "Soundfile not found".
- Added support for auto-fetching of un-found soundfiles.
- Added code to allow individualized remote command usage.
- Added Silence to the auto-ignore and un-ignore routines.
- Added new Extra command for joining a channel and then
- sending a sound request to the channel: JSound.AMIRX.
- Added new Extra command for manual silencing of users
- that you expect flooding from: MCF_Silence.AMIRX.
- Added support for Cybeonix V1.3.3 message encryption.
- Added new Extra command for encrypting messages:
- MCF_Encode.AMIRX.
- Added 10 new encryption routines exclusive to MCF.
- New to 3.1:
- Added new Extra Command: Say.AMIRX This allows you at add
- attributes to lines of text sent to the channel or a user.
- Attributes are: Reversed, UnderLined, and Bold.
- Added new Level 99 function: %OPTS This will display to the
- screen the current changeable enviroment settings being used.
- New to Release 3.0:
- MCF now makes use of ENV default values stored in a file named MCF4AmIRC
- in your ENV: directory. This will make the installation of any future
- updates much easier.
- Scanning for TEXT and PRIV Flooding has now been added to the
- Protection process. A new method for passing the info to the
- Protection process has also been added.
- New to Release 2.2:
- An installation warning. A new function to make using the configuration
- functions easier.
- New to Release 2.1:
- 9 more .help files and a completely re-written %STATUS function.
- Please E-Mail me about bugs/suggestions.
- New to Release 2.0:
- Now supports CTCP Sound command. MCF has the capabilities now to process
- a CTCP Sound command sent to you by another user just like "mIRC" users.
- Now included, FLOOD Protection. This method isn't perfect, so, if it doesn't
- stand up to a Mass Attack upon you, I'm sorry.
- Protection is somewhat proportional to the speed of your CPU.