home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; Installer Script for MCF4AmIRC Version 4.13
- ; $VER: Install_MCF V_4.13 (26.12.96)
- (set @def-dest1 "Rexx:")
- (set @def-dest2 "AmiTCP:help")
- (set @def-dest3 "ENVARC:")
- (set @def-dest4 "AmiTCP:Doc")
- (set #Hello
- (cat "\nWelcome to the Installer Proceedure for MCF for AmIRC"
- " Before using this Installer, you should really read the"
- " documentation first so that you have a better understanding"
- " of what MCF is and how it actually works. It will also"
- " make the installation process easier to understand."
- ))
- (set #config-player1
- (cat "\nSelect the program that you wish to use to play sounds.\n"
- ))
- (set #config-player2
- (cat "\nSelect the program that you wish to us for Speech.\n"
- ))
- (set #config-sounds
- (cat "\nSelect the directory which contains your sound files.\n"
- ))
- (set #config-dccdir
- (cat "\nSelect the directory for Auto-Download of Auto-Rerquested sound files.\n"
- ))
- (set #config-o-ajoin
- (cat "\nDo you wish to Automacially join a channel when you receive"
- " an Invite to it?\n(default 'Y')\n"
- ))
- (set #config-o-asend
- (cat "\nDo you wish to Auto-Send sound files requested by others?\n(default 'Y')\n"
- ))
- (set #config-o-dccget
- (cat "\nDo you wish to Auto-Get sound files Auto-Requested by you?\n(default 'N')\n"
- ))
- (set #config-o-fserv
- (cat "\nDo you wish to turn the File Server feature ON?\n(default 'N')\n"
- ))
- (set #config-o-ops
- (cat "\nDo you wish to turn Auto OPs ON?\n (default 'Y')\n"
- ))
- (set #config-o-greets
- (cat "\nDo you wish to turn Auto Greets ON?\n (default 'N')\n"
- ))
- (set #config-o-rcmds
- (cat "\nDo you wish to turn Remote Commands ON?\n(default 'Y')\n"
- ))
- (set #config-o-sounds
- (cat "\nDo you wish to turn the Sounds feature ON?\n(default 'Y')\n"
- ))
- (set #config-o-psound
- (cat "\nDo you wish to Play Sounds you send to other users?\n(default 'N')\n"
- ))
- (set #config-o-speech
- (cat "\nDo you wish to turn the Speech feature ON?\n(default 'N')\n"
- ))
- (set #config-o-nosounds
- (cat "\nWhich response to 'Soundfile Not Found' condition do you want? (0-9)\n(default '2')\n"
- ))
- (set #player-help1
- (cat "\nThis is the program that will play your sounds."
- " The current default is 'C:Play16' since this works fine"
- " when you are connected to the net. The directory path"
- " of your sound play cannot have any spaces in it's name.\n"
- ))
- (set #player-help2
- (cat "\nThis is the program that will provide Speech for MCF."
- " The current default is 'SYS:Utilities/Say'. The directory"
- " path of your Speech program cannot have any spaces in it's name.\n"
- ))
- (set #sounds-help
- (cat "\nThis is the directory which contains your sound files"
- " that you want to be available for playing thru MCF. This"
- " directory name cannot have any spaces in it's name.\n\n"
- ))
- (set #opts-help
- (cat "\nThese are AUTO options that are alterable by using %AUTO.\n\n"
- "AJOIN = N or Y. Turns off/on your Auto-Join on an INVITE.\n"
- "ASEND = N or Y. Turns off/on your Auto-Sending of requested Sounds.\n"
- "DCCGET = N or Y. Turns off/on your Auto-Get function.\n"
- "FSERV = N or Y. Turns off/on your FileServer functions.\n"
- "GREETS = C,N,P or Y. Sets your Auto-Greets response.\n"
- " C = Channel Specific Auto-Greets."
- " N = Turns off Auto-Greets."
- " P = Send Auto-Greets as PRIVMSG to User."
- " Y = Global Auto-Greets. (NOT Recommended!)"
- "OPS = N or Y. Turns off/on your Auto-Ops and %OP functions.\n"
- "RCMDS = N or Y. Turns off/on your Remote Commands.\n"
- "SPEAK = N or Y. Turns off/on your Speech function.\n"
- "SOUNDS = N or Y. Turns off/on your Sound Playing function.\n"
- "PSOUND = N or Y. Turns off/on Playing of sent sounds.\n"
- "NOSOUNDS = 0 to 9. Sets your response to 'Soundfile Not Found'."
- " 0 = Do nothing. 1 = Notify Requestor. 2 = Notify You."
- " 3 = Issue CTCP GETSOUND to Requestor."
- " 4 = Issue !Nick Soundfile.wav to Requestor.\n"
- " 5 thru 9 are the same as 0 thru 4 except that they instruct"
- " MCF_Sound.AMIRX to NOT play the sound, AmIRC BETA 1.4+ will.\n"
- ))
- (set #path-text-help
- (cat "\nSelect directory to install MCF OPs and help files to"
- ))
- (set #path-text-rexx
- (cat "\nSelect directory to install MCF Rexx Scripts to"
- ))
- (set #path-help
- (cat "\nThis section lets you choose where to install MCF Ops and"
- " help files on your hard disk. If you already have installed"
- " a previous version or have already configured your MCF.Ops"
- " and MCF.Fserv files, De-Select them before copying.\n\n"
- @askdir-help
- ))
- (set #copy-help
- (cat "\nThis section lets you choose where to install MCF Ops and"
- " help files on your hard disk. If you already have installed"
- " a previous version or have already configured your MCF.Greets,"
- " MCF.GNicks, MCF.Ops, and MCF.Fserv files, De-Select them before copying.\n\n"
- @copyfiles-help
- ))
- (set #path-rexx
- (cat "\nThis section installs the MCF Script files on your hard disk.\n"
- "I've found less problems if only 1 directory is assigned to Rexx:.\n\n"
- @copyfiles-help
- ))
- (set #rexx-copy-text
- (cat "Installing MCF Scripts"
- ))
- (set #help-copy-text
- (cat "Installing MCF Ops and Help files. De-Select MCF.Ops and"
- " MCF.Fserv if you have already configured these files"
- ))
- (set #env-copy-text
- (cat "Installing MCF ENV: to ENVARC: This step is not necessary"
- " if ENV: and ENVARC: are on your Hard-drive to save Ram:"
- ))
- (set #env-copy-dal
- (cat "Configuration of DalHelper is only necessary if you use ChanServ"
- " and/or NickServ on DalNet and have not already cofigured it"
- " during a previous install."
- ))
- (set #doc-dir-choose
- (cat "\nWhich parts of documentation do you wish to install?"
- ))
- (set #doc-dir-choose-help
- (cat "\nSelect which of the following files are to be installed:\n"
- " MCF4AmIRC.guide - documentation\n"
- " MCF4AmIRC.readme - ReadMe file. Latest update info\n"
- @askdir-help
- ))
- (set #install-docs
- (cat " Install documentation?\n"
- "This consists of the following files:\n"
- "AmigaGuide documentation\n"
- "ReadMe file. Latest update info\n"
- ))
- (set #goodbye
- (cat "\nInstallation of MCF is Complete. Please remember that MCF4AmIRC is not"
- " perfect, nor even anywhere near complete in it's Flood Protection. Any"
- " info on how to handle Floods not included in MCF would be appreciated\n\n"
- ))
- (set #my-address
- (cat "Donald T Becker\n"
- "335 S Chestnut St\n"
- "Mt Carmel Pa 17851-2219\n\n"
- "email: dtbecker@prolog.net\n"
- "IRC: StarDustr!StarDustr@*.ptd.net\n"
- ))
- ;********************************************************************
- (complete 7) (message #Hello)
- (set target2
- (askdir (prompt #path-text-help)
- (help #path-help)
- (default @def-dest2)
- ; (newpath)
- ))
- (makeassign "MCF" target2)
- (set @def-dest2 target2)
- (complete 13) (message "About to move configuration files\nand delete obsolete files.")
- (if (Exists "env:mcf.dal")
- (
- (run "copy <>nil: env:mcf.dal MCF:")
- (run "delete <>nil: env:mcf.dal")
- ))
- (if (Exists "env:mcf.startup")
- (
- (run "copy <>nil: env:mcf.startup MCF:")
- (run "delete <>nil: env:mcf.startup")
- ))
- (if (Exists "env:mcf.protect")
- (
- (run "copy <>nil: env:mcf.protect MCF:")
- (run "delete <>nil: env:mcf.protect")
- ))
- (if (Exists "envarc:mcf.dal")
- (run "delete <>nil: envarc:mcf.dal")
- )
- (if (Exists "envarc:mcf.startup")
- (run "delete <>nil: envarc:mcf.startup")
- )
- (if (Exists "envarc:mcf.protect")
- (run "delete <>nil: envarc:mcf.protect")
- )
- (if (Exists "rexx:mcf_sfprotect.amirx")
- (run "delete <>nil: rexx:mcf_sfprotect.amirx")
- )
- (if (Exists "rexx:mcf__help.amirx")
- (run "delete <>nil: rexx:mcf__help.amirx")
- )
- (if (Exists "rexx:mcf__status.amirx")
- (run "delete <>nil: rexx:mcf__status.amirx")
- )
- (complete 17)
- (set player1
- (askfile (prompt #config-player1)
- (help #player-help1)
- (default "C:Play16")
- ))
- (set player2
- (askfile (prompt #config-player2)
- (help #player-help2)
- (default "SYS:Utilities/Say")
- ))
- (set sounds
- (askdir (prompt #config-sounds)
- (help #sounds-help)
- (default "Ram:")
- ))
- (set dccdir
- (askdir (prompt #config-dccdir)
- (help #sounds-dccdir)
- (default "Ram:")
- ))
- (complete 21)
- (set o-ajoin
- (askbool (prompt #config-o-ajoin)
- (help #opts-help)
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- (default 0)
- ))
- (set o-asend
- (askbool (prompt #config-o-asend)
- (help #opts-help)
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- (default 0)
- ))
- (set o-dccget
- (askbool (prompt #config-o-dccget)
- (help #opts-help)
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- (default 0)
- ))
- (complete 24)
- (set o-fserv
- (askbool (prompt #config-o-fserv)
- (help #opts-help)
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- (default 0)
- ))
- (complete 28)
- (set o-greets
- (askchoice (prompt #config-o-greets)
- (help #opts-help)
- (choices "C" "N" "P" "Y")
- (default 1)
- ))
- (complete 30)
- (set o-ops
- (askbool (prompt #config-o-ops)
- (help #opts-help)
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- (default 0)
- ))
- (complete 33)
- (set o-rcmds
- (askbool (prompt #config-o-rcmds)
- (help #opts-help)
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- (default 0)
- ))
- (complete 38)
- (set o-sounds
- (askbool (prompt #config-o-sounds)
- (help #opts-help)
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- (default 0)
- ))
- (complete 40)
- (set o-Psound
- (askbool (prompt #config-o-psound)
- (help #opts-help)
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- (default 0)
- ))
- (complete 43)
- (set nosounds-f
- (askchoice (prompt #config-o-nosounds)
- (help #opts-help)
- (choices "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9")
- (default 2)
- ))
- (complete 45)
- (set o-speak
- (askbool (prompt #config-o-speech)
- (help #opts-help)
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- (default 0)
- ))
- (set ajoin-f "N")
- (set asend-f "N")
- (set dccget-f "N")
- (set fserv-f "N")
- (set greets-f "N")
- (set ops-f "N")
- (set rcmds-f "N")
- (set sounds-f "N")
- (set psound-f "N")
- (set speak-f "N")
- (if (= o-ajoin 1)
- (set ajoin-f "Y")
- )
- (if (= o-asend 1)
- (set asend-f "Y")
- )
- (if (= o-dccget 1)
- (set dccget-f "Y")
- )
- (if (= o-fserv 1)
- (set fserv-f "Y")
- )
- (if (= o-greets 0)
- (set greets-f "C")
- )
- (if (= o-greets 2)
- (set greets-f "P")
- )
- (if (= o-greets 3)
- (set greets-f "Y")
- )
- (if (= o-ops 1)
- (set ops-f "Y")
- )
- (if (= o-rcmds 1)
- (set rcmds-f "Y")
- )
- (if (= o-sounds 1)
- (set sounds-f "Y")
- )
- (if (= o-psound 1)
- (set psound-f "Y")
- )
- (if (= o-speak 1)
- (set speak-f "Y")
- )
- (run "echo >MCF:MCF.StartUp $VER: MCF.StartUp 4.13 (26.12.96)")
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp SPEAKPLAYER " player2)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp SOUNDPLAYER " player1)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp SOUNDDIR " sounds)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp DCCDIR " dccdir)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp AJOIN " ajoin-f)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp ASEND " asend-f)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp DCCGET " dccget-f)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp FSERV " fserv-f)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp GREETS " greets-f)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp OPS " ops-f)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp RCMDS " rcmds-f)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp SOUNDS " sounds-f)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp PSOUND " psound-f)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp NOSOUNDS " nosounds-f)
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.StartUp SPEAK " speak-f)
- (copyfiles
- (source "ENV")
- (dest "ENV:")
- (choices "MCF_JOIN.AMIRX")
- (files)
- )
- (set dalrc (askbool (prompt #env-copy-dal)
- (help "Do you wish to config DalHelper?")
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- )
- )
- (if (= dalrc 1)
- (run "echo >MCF:MCF.Dal $VER: MCF.Dal 4.13 (26.12.96)")
- (complete 45)
- (set ncntr (askstring
- (prompt "Enter the number of Nicks that you have Registered.")
- (help "Enter the number of Nicks you have Registered on Dalnet with Nickserv.")
- (default "0")
- ))
- (complete 48)
- (while (> ncntr 0)
- (set Dalinfo (askstring
- (prompt "Enter Registered Nick and Password.")
- (help "Enter you Dalnet Registered Nick, a space and the Nick's Password."
- " Remember that the Password is CaSe SeNsItIvE.")
- ))
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.Dal " Dalinfo)
- (set ncntr (- ncntr 1))
- )
- (complete 51)
- (set ccntr (askstring
- (prompt "Enter the number of Channels that you have Registered.")
- (help "Enter the number of Channels you have Registered on Dalnet with Nickserv.")
- (default "0")
- ))
- (complete 53)
- (while (> ccntr 0)
- (set Dalinfo (askstring
- (prompt "Enter Registered Channel and Password.")
- (help "Enter you Dalnet Registered Channel, a space and the Channel's Password."
- " Remember that the Password is CaSe SeNsItIvE.")
- ))
- (run "echo >>MCF:MCF.Dal " Dalinfo)
- (set ccntr (- ccntr 1))
- ))
- (complete 56)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #rexx-copy-text)
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "Rexx")
- (dest @def-dest1)
- (pattern "#?")
- (files)
- )
- (complete 70)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #help-copy-text)
- (help @copy-help)
- (source "MCF")
- (dest @def-dest2)
- (choices "MCF.FServ" "MCF.GChans" "MCF.Greets" "MCF.GNicks" "MCF.Ops" "MCF.Pings" "MCF.PNicks" "MCF.Protect")
- (files)
- (confirm)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "MCF")
- (dest @def-dest2)
- (choices "MCF.Cmds" "MCF.Encrypt" "MCF_AU.help" "MCF_AUTO.help" "MCF_DO.help"
- "MCF_DU.help" "MCF_FLIST.help" "MCF_FSEND.help" "MCF_HELP.help" "MCF_K.help"
- "MCF_KB.help" "MCF_MDO.help" "MCF_MKB.help" "MCF_OP.help" "MCF_OPTS.help"
- "MCF_QUIT.help" "MCF_RC.help" "MCF_RU.help" "MCF_STATUS.help" "MCF_USERS.help")
- (files)
- )
- (complete 77)
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "Do you wish to Install MCF Aliases??")
- (help "This will install Aliases that make using MCF easier.")
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- (default 1))
- (
- (message ("Start a copy of AmIRC that has\nAMIRC.1 in the top left corner.\nClick Proceed when ready."))
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS S /Rx CTCP_Sound %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS CS /Rx DalHelper C %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS NS /Rx DalHelper N %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS JS /Rx JSound %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MCF /Rx MCF %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS AU /Rx MCF_Alias %%AU %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS AUTO /Rx MCF_Alias %%AUTO %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS DU /Rx MCF_Alias %%DU %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS OPTS /Rx MCF_Alias %%OPTS'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MQ /Rx MCF_Alias %%QUIT'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS RC /Rx MCF_Alias %%RC'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS RE /Rx MCF_Alias %%RE'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS RU /Rx MCF_Alias %%RU'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MU /Rx MCF_Alias %%USERS'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS X /Rx MCF_Encode %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MDO /Rx MCF_MDO'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MKB /Rx MCF_MKB %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS OK /Rx MCF_OK %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS OKB /Rx MCF_OKB %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS SA /Rx MCF_SAbuser %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS Say /Rx Say %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MSI /Rx MCF_Silence %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MUS /Rx MCF_Silence %p -'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS UI /Rx MCF_UI %p'\"")
- ))
- (complete 80)
- (startup "MCF for AmIRC"
- (prompt
- "An Assign to MCF: needs to be added to the \"S:User-Startup\" so the MCF: knows where to find the OPs and help files. READ HELP!")
- (help "Installs the Assign to MCF: in your S:User-Startup or you must manually add the assign to S:User-Startup.")
- (command (cat "Assign MCF: " '"'(getassign "MCF" "a")'"' "\n"))
- )
- (complete 84)
- (set earc (askbool (prompt #env-copy-text)
- (help "Do you wish ENV: files stored in ENVARC:?")
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- )
- )
- (if (= earc 1)
- (copyfiles
- (source "ENV:")
- (dest @def-dest3)
- (choices "MCF_JOIN.AMIRX")
- (files)
- )
- )
- (complete 92)
- (set docs (askbool (prompt #install-docs)
- (help #install-docs-help)
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- )
- )
- (complete 96)
- (if (= docs 1)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #doc-dir-choose)
- (help #doc-dir-choose-help)
- (source "")
- (choices "MCF4AmIRC.guide" "MCF4AmIRC.guide.info" "MCF4AmIRC.ReadMe" "MCF4AmIRC.ReadMe.info")
- (dest @def-dest4)
- (infos)
- (files)
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- (complete 100) (message #goodbye #my-address)
- (exit (quiet))