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- ; Installer Script for DalHelper Version 5.0.2
- ; $VER: Install_DalHelper V_5.0.02 (07.06.97)
- (set #config-dal
- (cat "Configuration of DalHelper is only necessary if you use ChanServ"
- " and/or NickServ on DalNet and have not already cofigured it"
- " during a previous install."
- ))
- (set #install-docs
- (cat " Install documentation?\n"
- "This consists of 2 file: DalHelper.doc and it's icon.\n"
- ))
- (set #goodbye
- (cat "\nInstallation of DalHelper is Complete.\n\n"
- ))
- (set #my-address
- (cat "Donald T Becker\n"
- "335 S Chestnut St\n"
- "Mt Carmel Pa 17851-2219\n\n"
- "email: dtbecker@prolog.net\n"
- "IRC: StarDustr!StarDustr@*.ptd.net\n"
- ))
- (set dalrc (= 1))
- ;********************************************************************
- (complete 1)
- (set target1 (askdir
- (prompt "Select Directory where your AmIRC program is")
- (help "This directory should also have a Rexx directory in it")
- (default "RAM:")
- ))
- (set @def-target (target1))
- (set @old-file (tackon target1 "MCF.Dal"))
- (if (Exists "Rexx:DalHelper.amirx" (noreq))
- (run "delete <>nil: Rexx:DalHelper.amirx")
- )
- (if (Exists @old-file (noreq)) (
- (run "copy <>nil:" @old-file "RAM:")
- (run "delete <>nil:" @old-file)
- (set dalrc (- dalrc 1))
- ))
- (if (Exists "env:mcf.dal" (noreq)) (
- (run "copy <>nil: env:mcf.dal RAM:")
- (run "delete <>nil: env:mcf.dal")
- (set dalrc (- dalrc 1))
- ))
- (if (Exists "envarc:mcf.dal" (noreq)) (
- (run "copy <>nil: envarc:mcf.dal RAM:")
- (run "delete <>nil: envarc:mcf.dal")
- (set dalrc (- dalrc 1))
- ))
- (if (Exists "MCF:mcf.dal" (noreq)) (
- (run "copy <>nil: mcf:mcf.dal RAM:")
- ; (run "delete <>nil: mcf:mcf.dal")
- (set dalrc (- dalrc 1))
- ))
- (if (= dalrc 1) (
- (run "echo >RAM:MCF.Dal $VER: MCF.Dal 5.0 (04.06.97)")
- (complete 10)
- (set ncntr (askstring
- (prompt "Enter the number of Nicks that you have Registered.")
- (help "Enter the number of Nicks you have Registered on Dalnet with Nickserv.")
- (default "0")
- ))
- (complete 20)
- (while (> ncntr 0)
- (set Dalinfo (askstring
- (prompt "Enter Registered Nick and Password.")
- (help "Enter you Dalnet Registered Nick, a space and the Nick's Password."
- " Remember that the Password is CaSe SeNsItIvE.")
- ))
- (run "echo >>RAM:MCF.Dal " Dalinfo)
- (set ncntr (- ncntr 1))
- )
- (complete 30)
- (set ccntr (askstring
- (prompt "Enter the number of Channels that you have Registered.")
- (help "Enter the number of Channels you have Registered on Dalnet with Nickserv.")
- (default "0")
- ))
- (complete 40)
- (while (> ccntr 0)
- (set Dalinfo (askstring
- (prompt "Enter Registered Channel and Password.")
- (help "Enter you Dalnet Registered Channel, a space and the Channel's Password."
- " Remember that the Password is CaSe SeNsItIvE.")
- ))
- (run "echo >>RAM:MCF.Dal " Dalinfo)
- (set ccntr (- ccntr 1))
- )
- ))
- (run "copy <>nil: RAM:MCF.Dal" target1)
- (run "delete <>nil: RAM:MCF.Dal")
- (set target2 (askdir
- (prompt "Select Rexx Directory")
- (help "Directory where DalHelper.amirx will be copied to.")
- (default @def-target)
- ))
- (run "copy <>nil: rexx/DalHelper.amirx" target2)
- (complete 60)
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "Do you wish to Install DalHelper Aliases??")
- (help "This will install Aliases that make using DalHelper easier.")
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- (default 1))
- (
- (message ("Start a copy of AmIRC that has\nAMIRC.1 in the top left corner.\nClick Proceed when ready."))
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS CS /Rx DalHelper C %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS MS /Rx DalHelper M %p'\"")
- (run "rx \"address AMIRC.1 say '/ALIAS NS /Rx DalHelper N %p'\"")
- ))
- (complete 75)
- (set docs (askbool (prompt #install-docs)
- (help #install-docs-help)
- (choices "YES" "NO")
- )
- )
- (complete 90)
- (if (= docs 1) (
- (set target3 (askdir
- (prompt "Select Directory for DalHelper.doc")
- (help "Directory where DalHelper.doc will be copied to.")
- (default @def-target)
- ))
- (run "copy <>nil: docs/Dal#?" target3)
- ))
- (complete 100) (message #goodbye #my-address)
- (exit (quiet))