home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- This is a Dump of Services Help. All DalHelper functions
- are shown as DalHelper - under Usage where a DalHelper
- function exists. All functions are displayed using the following
- Aliases:
- ChanServ: Alias CS /Rx DalHelper c %p
- MemoServ: Alias MS /Rx DalHelper m %p
- NickServ: Alias NS /Rx DalHelper n %p
- ChanServ Help
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - HELP
- Usage - HELP <command>
- DalHelper - /CS HE <command>
- Returns Help information about requested ChanServ command.
- Example:
- /msg ChanServ help register
- will return information about how to register a channel.
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- ChanServ gives normal users the ability to keep hold of a channel,
- without the need for a bot. Unlike other IRC networks, channel
- takeovers are virtually impossible, when they are registered.
- Registration is a quick and painless process. Once registered, the
- founder can maintain complete and total control of the channel.
- ChanServ will stop monitoring a channel if no Op enters the=
- channel for 30 days.
- For more information on a command /msg ChanServ help <command>
- Core Commands:
- REGISTER - Register a channel
- SET - Change various channel configuration settings
- SOP - Maintain SuperOp channel operator list
- AOP - Maintain AutoOp channel operator list
- AKICK - Maintain the channel AutoKick banned user list
- DROP - Drop a registered channel
- Other Commands:
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - REGISTER
- Usage - REGISTER <channel> <password> <description>
- DalHelper - /CS REG <channel> <password> <description>
- When you register a channel with ChanServ, you don't need to worry
- about takeovers, or bots to keep a list of Ops. ChanServ does all of
- this and more. The founder is the person who does the registering.
- The password is included so that only the founder can completely
- control the channel. The description is only used when a user asks
- ChanServ for information on a channel.
- Examples:
- /msg ChanServ register #DragonRealm adminchannel DALnet IrcOp and Admin channel.
- /msg ChanServ register #Macintosh BeOSrules Macintosh discussion
- *** PLEASE NOTE: Passwords ARE case-sensitive. Also, PLEASE
- remember your password, write it down somewhere, but PLEASE remember it! :)
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SET <channel> <command> [<value>]
- Allows you to change your channel settings. These affect a
- registered channel's status and operation.
- For more information on a command /msg ChanServ help SET <command>
- Core SET Commands:
- FOUNDER - Allows you to change the channel founder
- PASSWD - Lets you change the channel founder password
- DESC - Modify the channel's description
- MLOCK - Locks the channel to certain modes
- OPGUARD - More militant channel operator protection
- KEEPTOPIC - Maintain the topic when no one is on the channel
- URL - Attaches a URL to the channel
- IDENT - Ops have to identify to NickServ before ChanServ ops them
- RESTRICT - Allow ops only into a channel
- Additional Commands:
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SET PASSWD
- Usage - SET <channel> PASSWD <password>
- DalHelper - /CS PA <channel> <password>
- Will change the founder password on a channel. Is normally used when
- ChanServ doesn't recognise the founder. Limited to channel founder.
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SET DESC
- Usage - SET <channel> DESC <description>
- DalHelper - /CS SDE <channel> <description>
- Allows the founder to change the description of a channel. Limited
- to channel founder.
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SET IDENT
- Usage - SET <channel> IDENT [ON|OFF]
- DalHelper - /CS SID <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
- This command makes it harder for anyone to use someone elses nick to
- gain ops in your channel. If this option is on, then all ops have to
- identify to NickServ before ChanServ ops them. Access lists will have
- no effect on ops.
- Example:
- /msg ChanServ set #Macintosh ident on
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SET MLOCK
- Usage - SET <channel> MLOCK <mode lock mask>
- DalHelper - /CS SML <channel> <mode lock mask>
- Changes mode lock pattern for specified channel. Limited to
- channel founder. Below are a few examples.
- SET #dragonrealm MLOCK +nt-ispklm
- Locked to mode +nt only
- SET #dragonrealm MLOCK +nt-ipklm
- Same as above, except mode "s" isn't locked either way
- SET #dragonrealm MLOCK *
- Turns off all mode locks
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SET OPGUARD
- Usage - SET <channel> OPGUARD [ON|OFF]
- DalHelper - /CS SOG <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
- Turns on/off ops guarding on a channel. When ON, only
- AutoOps, SuperOps, and the channel founder will be allowed
- ops on the channel. Limited to channel founder.
- Example:
- /msg ChanServ set #DragonRealm opguard on
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - MEMO
- Usage - SET <channel> MEMO [NONE|AOP|SOP|FOUNDER]
- DalHelper - /CS SME <channel> [0(NONE)|1(AOP)|2(SOP)|3(FOUNDER)]
- Use this command to limit who can send channel memos. When
- NONE, no-one can send channel memos. When AOP, only AOps and
- above can send channel memos <this is the default setting>. When
- SOP, only SOps and the founder can send channel memos. When
- FOUNDER, only the Channel Founder can send channel memos.
- Limited to Channel Founder.
- Example:
- /msg ChanServ set #DragonRealm memo AOP
- will allow only AOps and above to send memos to #DragonRealm
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SET RESTRICT
- Usage - SET <channel> RESTRICT [ON|OFF]
- DalHelper - /CS SRE <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
- This option will only allow ops into a channel. If someone who is not
- on the AOp/SOp list, they will be kickbanned when they enter the channel.
- Example:
- /msg ChanServ set #Macintosh restrict on
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Usage - SET <channel> KEEPTOPIC [ON|OFF]
- DalHelper - /CS SKT <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
- Turns "Sticky" topics for a channel on or off. If everybody in a
- certain channel leaves that channel, then the topic is lost. But with
- this option on, that does not happen. ChanServ will set the topic to
- "blahblahblah (PersonWhoLastChangedTheTopic)" when the channel is recreated.
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SET URL
- Usage - SET <channel> URL [<URL>]
- DalHelper - /CS SUR <channel> [<URL>]
- Allows a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to be set, indicating where
- more information on the channel may be found. Limited to channel founder.
- Example:
- SET #dragonrealm URL http://www.dal.net/
- SET #dragonrealm URL mailto:info@dal.net
- An email address
- SET #dragonrealm URL
- Remove the URL
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- DalHelper - /CS STL <channel> [0(OFF)|1(SOP)|2(FOUNDER)]
- Sets the "topic lock" option for a channel. When on, only the
- founder or SuperOps (depending on the option) are able to change
- the topic. This setting also performs the function of the KEEPTOPIC
- command. Limited to channel founder.
- Example:
- /msg ChanServ set #DragonRealm TopicLock on
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SET LEAVEOPS
- Usage - SET <channel> LEAVEOPS [ON|OFF]
- DalHelper - /CS SLO <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
- Turns on/off leave-ops behaviour on a channel. When ON, the channel
- will behave as if ChanServ was not present, and will not deop users
- who 'create' the channel. But AutoOps and SuperOps will still be
- opped in the channel. Limited to channel founder.
- Example:
- /msg ChanServ set #DragonRealm LeaveOps on
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SET UNSECURE
- Usage - SET <channel> UNSECURE [ON|OFF]
- DalHelper - /CS SUS <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
- Will make a channel a little less secure than normal. When on, you
- need to be in the founders nick access list to make founder level
- changes, you won't need to identify. Limited to channel founder.
- Example:
- If *cicar@194.145.1.* is in the access list for dalvenjah, and #afd
- is set to be unsecured, then anyone with the mask of *cicar@194.145.1.*
- can make founder level changes on #afd
- Example:
- /msg ChanServ set #afd unsecure on
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SET PRIVATE
- Usage - SET <channel> PRIVATE [ON|OFF]
- DalHelper - /CS SPR <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
- When this option is ON, only those who know about the channel will
- have access to it. The channel won't show if /msg ChanServ list
- *search pattern* is used, or on a /list. Limited to channel founder.
- Example:
- /msg ChanServ set #Macintosh private on
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - SOP
- Usage - SOP <channel> ADD <nick or mask>
- DalHelper - /CS SOA <channel> <nick or mask>
- Usage - SOP <channel> DEL <index number or mask>
- DalHelper - /CS SOD <channel> <index number or mask>
- Usage - SOP <channel> LIST [<search pattern>]
- DalHelper - /CS SOL <channel> [<search pattern>]
- Maintains the channel SuperOp list. While only the channel founder
- can ADD and DEL SOps, any AutoOp and above can LIST them.
- ADD adds a user to a channels SuperOp access list. DEL removes a
- user from a channel's SuperOp access list. LIST lists the SuperOp
- access list, with an index number. When LIST is used with a search
- pattern, only those entries to the SOp access list matching your
- search pattern will be shown to you.
- Examples:
- SOP #dragonrealm ADD dalvenjah
- SOP #dragonrealm ADD *!besmith@*.uncc.edu
- SOP #dragonrealm DEL 3
- SOP #dragonrealm LIST
- Maintains the channel SuperOp list. ADD and DEL limited to
- channel founder LIST to utoOpaccess.
- ADD adds a user to a channels SuperOp access list. DEL removes
- a user from a channel's SuperOp access list. Index number is found
- using the LIST subcommand. LIST lists the SuperOp access list.
- When used with the optional search pattern, it will only show
- those masks matching the specified pattern.
- Examples:
- SOP #dragonrealm ADD dalvenjah
- SOP #dragonrealm ADD *!besmith@*.uncc.edu
- SOP #dragonrealm DEL 3
- SOP #dragonrealm LIST
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - AOP
- Usage - AOP <channel> ADD <nick or mask>
- DalHelper - /CS AOA <channel> <nick or mask>
- Usage - AOP <channel> DEL <index number or mask>
- DalHelper - /CS AOD <channel> <index number or mask>
- Usage - AOP <channel> LIST [<search pattern>]
- DalHelper - /CS AOL <channel> [<search pattern>]
- Maintains the channel AutoOp list. Only Sops or above may ADD and
- DEL AOps, but any AOp or above may use LIST.
- ADD adds a user to a channels AutoOp access list. DEL removes a
- user from a channel's AutoOp access list. LIST lists the AutoOp
- access list, with an index number. When LIST is used with a search
- pattern, only those entries to the AOp access list matching your
- search pattern will be shown to you.
- Examples:
- AOP #dragonrealm ADD dalvenjah
- AOP #dragonrealm ADD *!besmith@*.uncc.edu
- AOP #dragonrealm DEL 3
- AOP #dragonrealm LIST
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - AKICK
- Usage - AKICK <channel> ADD <nick or mask>
- DalHelper - /CS AKA <channel> <nick or mask>
- Usage - AKICK <channel> DEL <index number or mask>
- DalHelper - /CS AKD <channel> <index number or mask>
- Usage - AKICK <channel> LIST [<search pattern>]
- DalHelper - /CS AKL <channel> [<search pattern>]
- Maintains the channel AutoKick list. If a user on the channel
- AKICK list does try to join a channel, then they will be kicked by
- ChanServ, as well as banned. ADDing and DELeting AKICKs is limited
- to SOps and the channel founder.
- ADD adds a user to a channels AutoKick access list. DEL removes a
- user from a channel's AutoKick access list. LIST lists the
- AutoKick access list, with an index number. When LIST is used with
- a search pattern, only those entries to the AutoKick access list
- matching your search pattern will be shown to you.
- Examples:
- AKICK #dragonrealm ADD dalvenjah
- AKICK #dragonrealm ADD *!besmith@*.uncc.edu
- AKICK #dragonrealm DEL 3
- AKICK #dragonrealm LIST
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - DROP
- Usage - DROP <channel>
- DalHelper - /CS DR <channel>
- If you no longer wish ChanServ to manage a channel, then /msg
- ChanServ identify #name <password> before using this command.
- DROP stops ChanServ management of the specified channel.
- Examples:
- /msg ChanServ drop #DragonRealm
- /msg ChanServ drop #wasteland
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - IDENTIFY
- Usage - IDENTIFY <channel> <password>
- DalHelper - /CS ID <channel> [optional, default: current channel]
- This command will identify the user to ChanServ as the founder,
- and give them full access to the channel.
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - INFO
- Usage - INFO <channel>
- DalHelper - /CS IN <channel>
- Shows information for a channel, such as the channel founder, any mode
- locks, the current topic, the channel description, any settings such as
- topic lock, the time the channel was registered, and the time of the last opping.
- Example:
- /msg ChanServ info #DragonRealm
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - ACCESS
- Usage - ACCESS <channel> [<nick>]
- Allows a user to query their access on a registered channel. Access
- levels are Basic, AutoOp, SuperOp, and Founder for any given channel.
- When used with the optional <nick> variable, this command serves as
- a protocol for bots to query user access on a channel using the
- ChanServ facility, thus relieving the bot of keeping track of access
- lists. For a registered channel, the reply is given in a NOTICE of
- the following format:
- ACC <channel> <nick> <user@host> <access level>
- The returned access level is a number from 0 to 3, where 0=Basic,
- 1=AutoOp, 2=SuperOp, and 3=founder. If the user is not online,
- the user@host and access level will be *UNKNOWN* and 0, respectively.
- This command is limited to channel AutoOps.
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - INVITE
- Usage - INVITE <channel> [<nickname>]
- Invites the sender, or the named user, to a channel that is set to
- invite only (mode +i). Limited to channel AutoOps and above.
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - OP
- Usage - OP <channel> [-]<nick>...
- DalHelper - /CS OP <channel> <nick>
- DalHelper - /CS DOP <channel> <nick>
- Will op the <nick> in a channel. When used with the - flag, deops the
- named users. Limited to channel AutoOps and above. Will not work if
- secured ops is on.
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - UNBAN
- Usage - UNBAN <channel> [ME|ALL]
- DalHelper - /CS UN <channel>
- Will remove any ban placed on you in a channel that you have ops in.
- If you are an AutoOp, then you can only use the ME option ... if
- you are a SuperOp you may use the all option.
- Examples:
- /msg ChanServ Unban #DragonRealm me
- /msg ChanServ Unban #afd all
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - MDEOP
- Usage - MDEOP <channel>
- DalHelper - /CS MD <channel>
- Removes operator status from all users on the named channel who don't
- outrank the user, ie an AOp can't deop a SOp. Limited to channel
- AutoOps and above.
- ***** ChanServ Help*****
- Command - MKICK
- Usage - MKICK <channel>
- DalHelper - /CS MK <channel>
- Evacuates a channel completely by kicking everyone out, banning *!*@*
- (everyone), setting mode +i (invite only) and +l 1. When MKICKing a
- channel, you cannot UNBAN or INVITE yourself back into the
- channel. This should only be used in a takeover situation. Limited to
- channel AutoOps and above while they are not outranked on the
- channel (if there is a SOp present, an AOp cannot mkick).
- Example:
- /msg ChanServ MKICK #Macintosh
- ***** ChanServ Help *****
- Command - LIST
- Usage - LIST <search pattern>
- Will display any channels matching your search pattern.
- Examples:
- /msg ChanServ list *mac*=A0
- ***** End of ChanServ HELP*****
- NickServ Help
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - HELP
- Usage - HELP <command>
- DalHelper - /NS HE <command>
- Returns Help information about requested NickServ command.
- Example:
- /msg NickServ help register
- will return information about how to register a nickname.
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- NickServ permits users to 'register' a nickname, and stop others
- from using that nick. NickServ allows the owner of a nick to
- disconnect a user using the owners registered nick. If a registered
- nick is not used by the owner for 30 days, NickServ will drop it,
- leaving it up for grabs by another user. Please do NOT register more
- nicks than you really need :)
- For more information on a command /msg NickServ help <command>
- Core Commands:
- REGISTER - Register a nickname
- SET - Change settings, including the KILL option
- ACCESS - Change the list of addresses allowed to use a nick
- IDENTIFY - Authorise yourself using a password
- RECOVER - Stop someone from using your registered nick
- GHOST - Terminate a ghosted nickname
- DROP - Drop a registered nickname
- Other Commands:
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - REGISTER
- Usage - REGISTER <password>
- DalHelper - /NS REG <password>
- This will register your nickname with NickServ. This means that only
- you can have access to this nickname, unless you give access to
- others. When you register a nickname, an entry is added to your
- access list.
- Examples:
- /msg NickServ Register AnyOldPassword
- If dalvenjah's user@host mask was dalvenja@123.321.231.132, the
- dalvenja@123.321.231.* would have been added to his access list.
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - SET
- Usage - SET <command> [<value>]
- Lets you change your nickname settings. These are several options
- here, but to use any of them, your nickname MUST be registered.
- For more information on a command /msg NickServ help SET <command>
- Available SET Commands:
- PASSWD - Lets you change your nickname's password
- KILL - Forcibly prevent people from using your nick
- URL - Attaches a Uniform Resource Locator to your nick
- NOMEMO - Disables ALL memos to your nick
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - SET PASSWD
- Usage - SET PASSWD <password>
- DalHelper - /NS PA <password>
- This command changes the current password for your nickname.
- Example:
- /msg NickServ Set Passwd AnyOldPassword
- You have to identify yourself to NickServ before doing this.
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - SET KILL
- Usage - SET KILL [ON|OFF]
- DalHelper - /NS SKI [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
- This option will make it much harder for anybody to use your nick. If
- they do change their nick to a nick registered with kill on, they
- will be given 60 seconds in which they must either change nicks, or
- identify themselves.
- Example:
- /msg NickServ Set Kill ON
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - SET URL
- Usage - SET URL [<URL>]
- DalHelper - /NS SUR [<URL>]
- Will show anyone who asks NickServ for info on your nickname an URL
- (Uniform Resource Locator) along with the rest of your info. This
- could be your home page location, or an email address, for example.
- Examples:
- SET URL http://www.dal.net/lefler/
- SET URL mailto:lefler@dal.net // An email address
- SET URL // Remove the URL
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - SET NOMEMO
- DalHelper - /NS SNM [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
- When this option is on, ALL memos to this nickname will be
- ignored. MemoServ will simply not store them. This command could
- be usful if you were going on vacation for a while, and did not
- want your memo list to build up. If this option is on, it will
- show up in /msg NickServ info.
- Example:
- /msg NickServ SET NOMEMO ON
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - ACCESS
- Usage - ACCESS LIST [<nickname>]
- DalHelper - /NS AL <nickname>
- Usage - ACCESS ADD <user@host mask>
- DalHelper - /NS AA <user@host mask>
- Usage - ACCESS DEL <user@host mask>
- DalHelper - /NS AD <user@host mask>
- Allows you to list, add, or delete user@host masks from your access
- list. When a mask is added to your access list, you will not need to
- identify to NickServ.
- Examples:
- ACCESS ADD calvin@hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu
- ACCESS DEL birdman@alcatraz.com
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - IDENTIFY
- Usage - IDENTIFY <password>
- DalHelper - /NS ID
- This tells NickServ that you are the owner of a certain nickname.
- After you have identified, you have full access to the nickname.
- Example:
- /msg NickServ Identify AnyOldPassword
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - RECOVER
- Usage - RECOVER <nick> [<password>]
- DalHelper - /NS REC <nick>
- If you haven't set your nick kill switch to on, then this is the
- manual version. If someone is using your nick, /msg NickServ Recover
- <yournick> <password>. This will forcibly stop them from using your
- nick. A check in this command prevents you from killing yourself. :)
- Example:
- /msg NickServ Recover dalvenjah AnyOldPassword
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - GHOST
- Usage - GHOST <nick> [<password>]
- DalHelper - /NS GH <nick>
- If, for some reason, your Internet connection fails, then your client
- may not log off IRC properly. This is called a ghost. With this
- command, you can remove your ghost. If you're not in the access list
- for the nick, you must use the password.
- Example:
- /msg NickServ Ghost dalvenjah aPasswordHere
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - DROP
- Usage - DROP <nick>
- DalHelper - /NS DR <nick>
- Will stop NickServ watching your nick, and will remove it from
- NickServs database. If a nick is dropped, anyone else can register it.
- Example:
- /msg NickServ Drop Cit
- You will need to identify yourself to NickServ first.
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - RELEASE
- Usage - RELEASE <nick> [password]
- DalHelper - /NS REL <nick>
- If you used the recover command to stop another user from using your
- nick, then NickServ won't let go of the nick for 2 minutes. This
- command overrides that. If you're not in the access list for the nick
- you want to release, then you will need to include the password.
- Example:
- /msg NickServ Release dalvenjah AnyOldPassword
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - INFO
- Usage - INFO <nick>
- DalHelper - /NS IN <nick>
- If a nick is registered, this command shows certain info about it,
- such as the owner, when it was registered, when it was last
- recognised by NickServ, and whether or not the owner has set nick
- kill on.
- Example:
- /msg NickServ info Cit
- ***** NickServ Help*****
- Command - ACC
- Usage - ACC <nick>
- This is mainly used by bots, to determine if the person using the
- nick is the real owner. The reply will be given in a notice, saying:
- ACC <nick> <access level>
- The returned access level is a number from 0 to 3:
- 0 = No such registered nickname
- 1 = User is not online or not identified to NickServ
- 2 = User is identified with NickServ access
- 3 = User is identified with the NickServ IDENTIFY command
- Example:
- /msg NickServ ACC dalvenjah
- ***** End of NickServ HELP*****
- MemoServ Help
- ***** MemoServ Help*****
- Command - HELP
- Usage - HELP <command>
- DalHelper - /MS HE <command>
- Returns Help information about requested MemoServ command.
- Example:
- /msg MemoServ help send
- will return information about how to send a memo to a user.
- ***** MemoServ Help *****
- MemoServ allows users registered with MemoServ to send each other
- messages, which can be read by the recipient at his/her leisure.
- Memos can be sent to people even when they are not on IRC.
- For more information on a command /msg MemoServ help <command>
- Commands:
- SEND - Send another user a memo
- LIST - List your current memos
- READ - Read a memo
- DEL - Mark a memo as deleted
- UNDEL - Mark a memo as not deleted
- PURGE - Erase memos marked as deleted
- FORWARD - Arrange or modify memo forwarding
- ***** MemoServ Help *****
- Command - SEND
- Usage - SEND <nick> <memo>
- DalHelper - /MS SE <nick> <memo>
- This sends a short memo to <nick>. Both your nick, and the nick of
- the person you're sending the memo too must be registered,
- otherwise you will be unable to send a memo.
- Example:
- /msg MemoServ send JoeUser Hi there. Could you meet me in #help to go
- over a few things? Thanks :)
- ***** MemoServ Help *****
- Command - LIST
- Usage - LIST
- DalHelper - /MS LI
- Displays a list of memos sent to you. You cannot see memos that you
- have sent. Only 20 memos will be displayed. If you have more than 20
- memos, you will have to delete some of the earlier memos, to get at
- the ones near the top.
- Example:
- /msg MemoServ List
- ***** MemoServ Help *****
- Command - READ
- Usage - READ <memo number>
- DalHelper - /MS RE <memo number>
- Shows you the contents of <memo number>. To find out what <memo
- number> is, use /msg MemoServ List.
- Examples:
- /msg MemoServ Read 1
- /msg MemoServ Read 15
- ***** MemoServ Help *****
- Command - DEL
- Usage - DEL <memo number>
- DalHelper - /MS DE <memo number>
- Usage - DEL ALL
- DalHelper - /MS DA
- Deletes memo <memo number> (as given by the LIST command) from your
- memo list. DEL ALL deletes and purges all of your memos without
- restriction, so use it with care. There is no way to get a memo
- back after it has been deleted and purged.
- Note: DEL does not actually remove the memo, but simply marks it as
- deleted (indicated with D in the LIST display). The memo is not
- removed until you sign off or the PURGE command is used.
- Examples:
- /msg MemoServ Del All
- /msg MemoServ Del 13
- ***** MemoServ Help *****
- Command - UNDEL
- Usage - UNDEL <memo number>
- DalHelper - /MS UN <memo number>
- Marks memo <memo number> (as given by the LIST command) as undeleted,
- if has been marked deleted with the DEL command.
- Example:
- /msg MemoServ Undel 1
- ***** MemoServ Help *****
- Command - PURGE
- Usage - PURGE
- DalHelper - /MS PU
- Purges all Deleted Memos from the database.
- ***** End of MemoServ HELP *****