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- AmIRC 3.5 Guide - Table Of Content
- **********************************
- Welcome to AmIRC, the AmigaOS IRC client (Version 3.5).
- Thank you for reading this manual as it will help you make the most out
- of AmIRC and IRC in general. It will also prevent you from making a
- fool of yourself by asking silly question during your first IRC
- sessions.
- Please don't forget to also read the Readme file included in the
- distribution archive as this will contain any last minute info that
- might be important to you!
- To help you find what you want in this manual we've provided you with
- the following table of content. Feel free to jump directly to the
- chapter of your choice or you can also just browse through them.
- About AmIRC
- ***********
- In short, AmIRC is the most versatile IRC client for the Amiga
- computer. It allows you to chat to other users worldwide over the
- internet using IRC.
- IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat, originally written by Jarkko
- Oikarinen <jto@tolsun.oulu.fi>. In a nutshell, IRC consists of a network
- of computers (servers) that are connected to each other via the
- internet or a LAN, and allow users with proper client software to
- connect and chat with each other. Within this network, virtual space is
- divided up into channels, usually with a topic of conversation, where
- users can talk in groups. During your ventures on IRC you will notice
- there are a lot of special expressions and abbreviations. Make sure you
- have a look at the list of commonly used IRC Terms and expressions in
- this guide.
- IRC used to be a technical matter with the user having to type in
- commands to connect to a network and to send message to a specific
- channel. AmIRC takes care of the technical part with a comfortable
- user interface without compromising on flexibility.
- Over the last years AmIRC has been constantly improved and updated. The
- already long list of Features was constantly growing resulting in the
- current version 3.5 with the following What's new?.
- What's new?
- ***********
- New since last release:
- -----------------------
- * The QUERY command now takes "+", "-" or a "msg" as (optional)
- arguments allowing you to either force it to open in the main
- window or a seperate window, regardless of the default setting or
- to immediately send a message when opening the window.
- * The Notify window now has a QUERY button to easily open a Query
- window with a notified nick.
- * Both Nick changes and DCC requests can now be diverted to the
- Info Message window.
- * The Log function has been moved from the 'L' button in the
- channel window to the Context or RMB menu on the channel or query
- button.
- * The Configuration window has been re-arranged and features some
- new options.
- Other recently added features:
- ------------------------------
- * AmIRC now handles inline channelnames which means that if a
- channelname appears in the channel you can now double click it to
- enter the actual channel.
- * AmIRC's Pages mode features "Tabs" at the top of the window
- through which you can access the corresponding channel. Page mode
- also fully suppports drag & drop to attach and detach chats to the
- main window.
- * The CLEAR command allows you to easily clear any buffer.
- * The FAKE command allows you to fake servermessages that will be
- processed by AmIRC.
- * New Conference Mode will suppress Join and Part messages in the
- channel window.
- * You can now load/unload Plugins from within AmIRC using
- * If you use a name for a Log File that already exists, AmIRC will
- now ask if you want to "Append" to it or "Overwrite" it.
- * The QUERY command now uniconifies a Query window if it is issued
- with a nick that is attached to an iconified Query window. You can
- disable the Query windows from opening when you are away.
- * The Tray window now has a Context Menu (Right Mouse Button menu)
- through which it can be snapshot, brought to the front or back and
- closed.
- * From Version 3.0 AmIRC needs a New Keyfile! You will need to
- upgrade to be able to use this new version to the fullest.
- * You can now open and close a window by double clicking on its
- button in the Tray Window.
- * AmIRC now supports Mousewheel scrolling.
- * The Setup window is now layout in MUI Prefs style.
- * New RECONNECT command allows easily reconnecting to a server.
- * Added IRCNet commands for EXCADDand INVADD.
- * Channel name gadget now has a Context Menu which makes CYCLE or
- LEAVE a channel only a right mouse button click away.
- * The Userlist counter now shows number of users & channel
- operators. When channel has a user limit it will become a gauge
- showing the channel filling.
- * Channel window and logs now have a (configurable) timestamp.
- * Any URL sent to the channel will now be underlined and
- clickable, giving direct access to them. The URL Grabber will get
- them too for later reference. AmIRC now also recognizes URLs that
- aren't preceded with http:// and FTP URLs.
- * AmIRC will ask for a Browser if none can be found using either
- OpenURL.library, Sendbrowser.amirx or Voyager IPC.
- * AmIRC will now look for the ENV Variables REALNAME and USER
- upon start-up and use those if available.
- * AmIRC now supports COLOURCODES, which means it will show
- individual message colours set by the sender! Rest assured this
- feature can be switched off! :) (Use at own risk ;-)
- * The Channel Limit and Keyword fields are switched between text
- and string object according to the user's status. i.e. When the
- user is not allowed to change them, he cannot access them.
- * The Channel Limit and Keyword fields are hidden when not the
- modes are not active on a channel.
- * The Topic is now a text field as long as the user is not a OP
- and the channel has MODE, as the user is not allowed to change the
- TOPIC anyway.
- * When MUI Bubble Help is active, the TOPIC window now comes up with
- a bubble containing the user who set it and when, as well as the
- complete topic string.
- * The Text Input Gadgets now have a popup menu when the right
- mouse button is pressed when the mouse is on them.
- * With the new Terminal Login Mode AmIRC will open a mini 'telnet'
- connection window after the initial server connection. This allows
- you to bypass any firewalls, use relays etc. (This mode is
- activated by starting AmIRC from the shell using: "AmIRC
- TerminalMode" or "AmIRC TM").
- * New Single Channel Window mode allows to join multiple channels
- in a single window.
- Features
- ********
- * Runs with Genesis, AmiTCP, Miami and AS225 without additional
- support libraries.
- * Built-in highly optimized DCC drivers for SEND, TSEND and MOVE,
- with asynchronous file I/O and threaded network handling. Supports
- Drag&Drop sending of files and DCC.
- * Transparent implementation of DCC routing all MSGs automatically
- via DCC CHAT if applicable, to save runtime and reduce IRC load.
- Option to automatically accept DCC CHAT connections.
- * Ultra fast text output and scrolling. Supports Cut&Paste for the
- list text. Supports proportional fonts.
- * Internal CTCP flood and DCC bomb protection.
- * Full support of the 'Undernet' IRC extensions, both reply codes and
- additional IRC commands.
- * Intuitive channel display with user list and channel mode overview.
- Channel modes can easily be changed via gadgets. Configurable user
- action list to perform whatever action you like on users in channel
- by the press of a mouse button.
- * Supports QUERY windows for private chat.
- * Supports 'smart' banning.
- * Versatile ARexx port including server message parsing ("event
- trapping") and commandline/script interaction.
- * Easy command line aliasing.
- * Built-in IdentD (automatically disabled if another IdentD is
- already installed).
- * Supports nick notification, highlighting, ignoring, and kickban.
- * Versatile event handling allows you to bind sound effects,
- auto-deiconify or rexx scripts to certain events.
- * Server phone book.
- * Last nick history stores the nicknames of the last nicks you've
- send MSGs to, received MSGs from or addressed publicly with
- 'nick:'. Reference can be used in all commands which require nick
- names, e.g. MSG, OP, DEOP. Automatic nick expansion on public
- messages with ':'.
- * TAB messaging to automatically cycle the list of last used
- nicknames with a MSG prefix.
- * Auto rejoin channel on KICK and auto reconnect to server facility.
- * Auto AWAY after a user-specified idle time-out. Also, auto unaway
- after sending public and/or private msgs.
- * Auto update download. Check for and download new releases with a
- simple click.
- * URL grabber for interfacing with a web browser. (Using
- OpenURL.library or ARexx)
- * Support for DALnet extensions.
- * AmIRC is fully localized thanks to ATO
- (http://ato.vapor.com/ato).
- Requirements
- ************
- What is needed to use AmIRC?
- ============================
- Hardware
- --------
- AmIRC was written for the Amiga family of computers, and has been
- tested on Amiga 500, 1000, 1200, 2000, 3000, & 4000 computers in various
- configurations.
- Software
- --------
- AmIRC requires MUI V3.6 or later in order to run.
- AmIRC requires KickStart & WorkBench 2.x or later, with setpatch 40.16
- installed.
- AmIRC020 requires a 68020 or higher CPU and OS3.0 or newer. This
- version is optimized for such machines.
- If you plan to run a TCP/IP stack and AmIRC among other Internet
- applications you should have at least 2 megabytes of RAM.
- Finally, you need to have a TCP/IP protocol stack running, such as
- Genesis, Miami, AmiTCP/IP or Amiga Technology's as225r2 TCP/IP protocol
- stack.
- Copyright
- *********
- AmIRC has been designed, developed and written by
- Oliver Wagner Jamie van den Berge
- Landsberge 5
- 45549 Sprockh÷vel
- Germany
- E-Mail: <owagner@vapor.com> E-Mail: <entity@vapor.com>
- ⌐1995-2000 Oliver Wagner, Jamie van den Berge
- All Rights Reserved.
- This document was originally written by Laurence Walton <lww@vapor.com>
- and modified for the 1.65 release by Oliver Wagner, including Ariel
- Magnum's <amagnum@ibm.net> fine ARexx guide. Updated and revised for
- the AmIRC v3.5 release by Frank Mosch <frank.mosch@advalvas.be>.
- Installer Script ⌐1995-2000 Robert C. Reiswig All Rights Reserved
- No part of this archive may be redistributed except with the entire
- contents of the original archive.
- Registration
- ************
- Registering AmIRC
- =================
- You may use AmIRC freely for a period of up to 30 days to evaluate the
- package. After those 30 days, you must either register AmIRC or stop
- using it completely. During the trial period, AmIRC is limited to an
- on-line time of 30 minutes, besides that, no functions are disabled.
- To register AmIRC, see the included registration utility and assorted
- documentation. It has all the necessary info and prices. You can also
- register on-line at http://www.vapor.com/.
- Use a credit card and have your keyfile in minutes!
- Installation
- ************
- How to install AmIRC
- ====================
- It is strongly suggested that you use AmIRC's installer script. This
- will make sure all necessary files are in the correct place and will
- make sure you will have AmIRC up and running in no time. The installer
- script requires that you have the Amiga installer utility (version 43.3
- or later). Once you've unpacked the AmIRC archive you can start the
- installation by simply clicking on the install icon in the AmIRC
- drawer. The installation script will ask you some questions, depending
- on the experience level you've selected at the start, simply answer
- them and the installer will do the rest.
- If you cannot or prefer not to use the installer utility, a manual
- install is relatively simple, just move the contents of the archive to a
- directory of your choice and it's ready to use. If you have met the
- Requirements for the optimized version of AmIRC, delete the AmIRC file
- and rename "AmIRC020" as "AmIRC". You might want to copy the "MUI"
- directory of the AmIRC distribution to MUI:Libs/MUI/ to avoid version
- confusion.
- Connecting
- **********
- Let's have a (first) go
- =======================
- Once you have Installation AmIRC, you can start the program from WB by
- clicking on its icon. After a few moments you will be presented with the
- Server Selection Window. You will need to enter some data into the
- gadgets of this window in order for AmIRC to be able to log you onto an
- IRC network. First and foremost you will need to think up some witty
- and original nickname or handle by which you will be known during your
- IRC session(s). Make sure you pick an original one as some networks
- don't allow different users sharing the same name and won't allow you
- to connect until you try with a name that is not being used. You can
- supply AmIRC with 4 nicknames which it will subsequently use to try and
- connect to the network. You also need to provide AmIRC some additional
- information like your real name (be honest here!). If your TCP/IP stack
- is already running an IdentD service then you won't need to provide
- your user name as AmIRC will get it from the stack and the IdentD
- gadget will be ghosted. Now you are ready to connect AmIRC to an IRC
- network. Either select a network and server from the list provided or
- enter the details of your own favourite server.
- Operation
- *********
- Operation at a glance
- =====================
- The main AmIRC user interface is laid out in a logical, intuitive
- manner, making it easy to use. Here's an overview of the main interface:
- * The main feature of the interface is the Text Listview, where
- all incoming text is displayed.
- * Directly below this is the Textinput Gadget, labelled with the
- nickname that you have chosen. Any text entered here will be sent
- out to the IRC server.
- * Directly next to the textinput gadget is the Logging Button
- marked 'L'. Clicking on it activates the logging of that window
- to a file.
- * To the right of the listview is a Scroll Gadget, which enables
- you to scroll backward through the text in the listview.
- * At the top left of the listview is a the Channelname Gadget that
- shows the name of the channel that you have joined.
- * To the right of the channel name, is the Topic Input/Display
- Gadget, where the topic of a joined channel is displayed. Many
- channels have topic protection, which means only channel operators
- can change the topic. If you can enter text in the topic bar
- (either because the topic isn't protected or you are a channel
- operator) you may change the topic of the channel by entering the
- topic in this gadget, and hitting the 'Enter' key.
- * To the right of the topic input gadget are theChannel Mode
- Buttons, which display the current modes for the joined channel.
- Users with Channel Operator (Ops) status may also use these
- buttons to change the current channel modes.
- - T - Topic Protection: Toggles Topic Protection on/off. If
- on, the topic can be changed by Channel Operators (Ops) only.
- - N - No Messaging: Toggles Messaging on/off. If active, a
- user can only write to the channel if they have joined it.
- - S - Secret: Toggles Secret mode on/off. If active, the
- channel is invisible until it is joined.
- - I - Invite Only: Toggles Invite Only mode on/off. If
- active, users can only join after they have been invited.
- - P - Private: Toggles Private mode on/off. If active, the
- channel will be invisible in the global channel list.
- - M - Moderated: Toggles Moderated mode on/off. If active,
- only channel operators (Ops) and users with 'voice' can type
- to the channel.
- - L - Limit: Sets a limited number of users allowed on the
- channel
- - K - Keyword: Toggles Keyword mode on/off. If active, Users
- can only join the channel if they give the correct keyword.
- - B - Ban: Sets/Displays the current Bans active on the
- channel
- * Below the channel mode buttons is the User Listview, which shows
- a current list of users on the joined channel. Double clicking on
- a users name will perform a WHOIS on that user. Clicking once on a
- users name will set that user as the default to perform other
- operations on, such as an operation from the configurable user
- buttons. Pressing the right mouse button when on a name shows a
- menu where you can select the same functions as the User Buttons
- below.
- * Directly below the User Listview is the Lag-O-Meter. This meter
- indicates how much lag there is on your connection. Double
- clicking on it will bring up the INFO window.
- * Below the Lag-O-Meter are the User Buttons. These buttons are
- configurable from the Actions window, accessible by selecting
- 'Setup...' from the AmIRC Settings menu.
- * You can Drag-Highlight text in the listview in order to paste it
- elsewhere. you will need some type of snap utility such as
- Newedit or Powersnap in order to past the text into another
- application. The text is stored in the clipboard. To paste the
- text inside AmIRC you can use <right-amiga> V.
- The TAB key will cycle through the names of people that have
- previously /MSG'ed you, and insert it into the textinput gadget.
- Simply enter your message after the "/MSG <user> " in order to MSG
- them back.
- Entering ':' first in the textinput gadget will automatically
- publicly address the last person you typed to using the ':' after
- their nick.
- For a full explanation of all AmIRC functions and windows please check
- out the Reference section.
- IRC Terms
- *********
- Specific IRC vocabulary
- =======================
- Here's a list of some commonly used terms and expressions with their
- respective explanation:
- * Action: CTCP Action command, executed by a ME at the beginning
- of a message.
- * Ban: A channel mode set in order to prevent a user or group
- of users from joining a channel.
- * Bot: Short for Robot, a Bot is a script that acts like a user,
- and can execute a command upon a certain occurrence.
- * Client: Software that is written for the purpose of connecting
- to a server, in this case, an IRC server.
- * Channel: A group of users on IRC. A channel will have a name
- (i/e, #AmIRC), and may or may not have a topic of conversation.
- * Channel Mode: The properties of a channel that allow or
- disallow certain activities. Channel Modes can only be changed or
- set by Channel Operators. The available channel modes are:
- - Invite Only: If active, This mode allows users to join if
- they have been invited by someone in the channel.
- - Private: If active, the channel is invisible in the
- global channel list.
- - Lag: The term which is used when the connection to a server
- or client is delayed.
- - Limit: If active, sets a limit on the number of users
- allowed to join a channel.
- - Moderated: If active, only Channel Operators and
- users with voice may type input to the channel.
- - No Messaging: If active, prevents users from sending a
- message to the channel until they have joined it.
- - Secret: If active, the channel is invisible until it is
- joined.
- - Topic Protection: If active, only Channel Operators may
- set or change the topic of a channel.
- * Channel Operator (or OP): A user who has control over a
- channel. A user who creates a channel is given Op status,
- and in turn can give it to anyone else in the channel.
- * Chat Network: A network of computers that are interconnected so
- that anyone on any server in the network may chat with anyone else
- on any computer in that same network. Here's some major chat
- networks:
- - ARCnet: Amiga Relay Chat Network, partially running on
- Amiga servers.
- - IRCnet: Formerly part of EFnet, now split.
- - EFnet: Eris Free Network. The largest IRC network
- - DAL-Net: A different IRC network with some specialized
- functions that do not appear in typical IRC networks.
- - Undernet: An alternative IRC network
- * Command: A message to an IRC server or to a local or remote
- client. Commands generally begin with a /. See Commands.
- * CTCP: Client To Client Protocol, A standard for sending commands
- from one client to another, usually for the purpose of getting
- information from the remote client. See CTCP.
- * DCC: Direct Client Connection - a standard for creating a direct
- link between two clients, for the purpose of sending or receiving
- files, or to carry a more secure conversation. See DCC.
- * IdentD: IdentD is software that can be run on the client,
- allowing an IRC server to corroborate the identity of a client.
- AmIRC has an IdentD built in, and will automatically disable it if
- an external IdentD is running.
- * IRC: Internet Relay Chat - Any Network of Computers that run
- IRC servers for the purpose of allowing users to connect to it
- using client software made for IRC.
- * Kick: The occurrence of a user being removed from a joined
- channel by a channel operator.
- * Lag: Term to specify that the connection is delayed to some
- extend.
- * MOTD: Message Of The Day, A message that may or may not be
- updated daily, that is meant to be read when connecting to an IRC
- server.
- * Netsplit: An event that occurs when a server goes down that
- other servers depend on for network packets. Any servers that are
- dependant on the crashed server will split from the net, that is,
- they will still be up and running, with active clients, but any
- clients on the other side of the crashed unit will appear to have
- all logged off at once.
- * Nick: Short for Nickname, this is an alias that you may pick for
- yourself.
- * Op: See Channel Operator.
- * Server: A computer that is Running IRC server software, allowing
- it to be connected to by IRC clients or other servers.
- * Server Operator: A person in control of an IRC server.
- * TLA (Three Letter Abbreviations): Commonly used acronyms, not
- entirely restricted to 3 letters:
- - AFAIK: As Far As I Know
- - AFK: Away From Keyboard
- - ASAP: As Soon As Possible
- - ATM: At The Moment
- - BRB: (I'll) Be Right Back
- - BBL: (I'll) Be Back Later
- - BBIAB: (I'll) Be Back In A Bit
- - BTW: By The Way
- - CU: Or Cya, See You
- - CUL: Or CUL8R, See You Later, Catch You Later
- - DL: Or D/L, Download
- - FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
- - FWIW: For What It's Worth
- - FYI: For Your Information
- - IC: I See
- - IIRC: If I Remember Correctly
- - IMHO: In My Humble|Honest Opinion
- - L8R: Later
- - LOL: Laughs Out Loud
- - LTNS: Long Time No See
- - MOTD: Message Of The Day
- - NE1: Anyone
- - NP: No Problem
- - OTL: Out To Lunch
- - PLS: Or PLZ, Please
- - PPL: People
- - POV: Point Of View
- - RE: Welcome back, short for Regards
- - ROTFL: Rolls On The Floor Laughing
- - RSN: Real Soon Now
- - RTFM: Read The F***ing Manual
- - TIA: Thanks In Advance
- - TNX: Or Thnx, Thanks
- - TTYL: Talk To You Later
- - TTFN: Ta Ta For Now
- - UL: Or U/L, Upload
- - WB: Welcome Back
- - WTF: What(Why) The F***
- * Topic: A heading for a channel that may or may not have
- anything to do with the conversation at hand.
- * User: A person using an IRC Client to connect to a server to
- chat.
- * User Mode: Settings that affect a users properties.
- - Invisible: If this mode is set, a user will be invisible
- in the global user list. The user will still be visible in
- the user list of any joined channel, however.
- - Wallops: When set, this mode will allow receiving of
- messages from the server operator to all operators.
- * Userhost: This is the string that defines a user. It consists
- of the user's chosen nick, login name and domain name. For
- example:
- Wupper!jwupper@monorail.denet234.de
- | | | | |_ Domain
- | | | |________ Network
- | | |_________________ Machine
- | |_________________________ Login
- |________________________________ Nick
- * Voice: Status a normal (not an operator) user must have to type
- into a moderated channel.
- Menus
- *****
- What's on the menu?
- ===================
- Menus
- =====
- AmIRC Menu
- ----------
- Select Server...
- Opens the server window from which you can select various options
- for connecting to an IRC server. See Connecting.
- Reconnect
- Reconnects to the previously selected server, without having to
- open de server window.
- Disconnect
- Disconnects you from the current server without having to quit
- AmIRC.
- Logging Enabled?
- Toggles logging on/off.
- Iconify
- Hides the AmIRC window either in an icon on the Workbench screen
- or in the WB Tools menu (selectable in MUI Prefs).
- Help...
- Opens Amirc.guide for reference while using AmIRC.
- About AmIRC...
- Opens a window with information about AmIRC and its Developer.
- Here you may connect to the AmIRC home page if your browser is
- running.
- About MUI...
- This will open a small window that displays information about the
- current version of MUI that is installed on your system, also,
- this window provides the option to register or update your MUI
- software.
- Quit
- Will close the current instance of AmIRC, leaving other instances
- open.
- Menus
- =====
- Windows Menu
- ------------
- Channel Windows
- If more than one AmIRC window is opened, you may select one here
- to pop it to front.
- Dialog Windows
- If any dialogue windows are open, you may select one here and
- bring it to front.
- Windows List...
- Shows the tray window where all windows are represented by a
- button. Hidden windows can be opened by double-clicking that
- window's button.
- Channel List Window...
- This will produce a window where you may list channels by min.
- users, pattern matching, or both. Once listed, you may list users
- on a channel or join it by double-clicking the channel name or
- selecting 'join channel' gadget. Please note that this function
- can cause a high load of traffic and may take a while on slow
- (14.4 or less) connections.
- Notify Window...
- In the Notify window you may enter nicks of users that you wish to
- be notified of their entering/leaving IRC. The 'check period' is
- how often AmIRC will check for the specified users. Add a nick to
- the list by clicking in the input text gadget, and typing in the
- nick. Delete a nick by clicking on it's entry and then click on
- 'Delete nick' gadget.
- Favorite Channels...
- In the Favorite Channels window you can make a list of all your
- favourite channels allowing you to join them with a simple double
- mouse-click.
- DCC-Send Window...
- Brings up the DCC-Send window where you can specify a user and a
- file to send to them. This window will also be opened
- automatically when using the 'DCC send' userbutton on the
- interface. 'Send Path' is the path (and filename) that will be sent
- to the user. Enter the name of the user in the textinput gadget at
- the bottom of the window. The cycle gadget next to the 'Nick'
- gadget selects either 'DCC Send' or 'DCC Move' protocols. See DCC
- section for details about these protocols. The 'Reoffer' button
- allows you to reoffer a (failed) file to the user. The 'Remove Job'
- button will remove a complete transfer or if not complete, one
- click will abort the send and the second click will remove it.
- Finally, the 'Cleanup' button removes all finished or aborted
- transfers from the window.
- DCC-Receive Window...
- The DCC-Receive window is very similar to the DCC-Send window.
- This window will appear automatically on receiving a DCC request.
- The files will be downloaded to the path entered in the 'Receive
- Path' field. After a valid path is entered, click on an entry to
- receive, then click the 'Get' gadget at the bottom. You can also
- start the transfer by double-clicking on the entry or enabling
- 'Auto accept DCC send requests' in the User Modes menu. If you
- are trying to receive after a failed send, you may use the
- 'Resume' button instead of 'Get'. This will attempt to start
- transfer where it left off. If you wish to rename the incoming
- file for whatever reason, you may use the 'Rename' button. The
- 'Replace' button will cause the received file to replace any
- present versions. 'Remove Job' will abort an incoming file and
- remove a completed or aborted file. 'Cleanup' removes all
- finished or aborted transfers. See DCC.
- DCC-Chat Window...
- In the DCC-Chat window you can confirm a DCC chat connection from
- another user. Simply select the client sending the request and
- click on 'Open' to make the connection. You can close the
- connections using 'Close'. 'Cleanup' removes all closed DCC chat
- connections. See DCC.
- Raw Log Window...
- The Raw Log window can be used to view the raw IRC messages as
- they appear before AmIRC formats them for easy reading in the
- AmIRC listview. Here you may also clear the log, and select when
- the log is active: 'Never', 'Only if window open', or 'Always'.
- The log Listview shows the USERHOST, Type of message, Channel
- Name, and message, in that order.
- URL Grabber Window...
- Any WWW URL AmIRC recognizes it will place in the URL Grabber
- window. From here you can select them and either send them to your
- browser or the clipboard. You can also clear the list.
- Private Msgs Window...
- The Private Messages window holds a history of private messages
- sent to you, which you can later reference or review. You can of
- course clear the list.
- Info Message Window
- The Info Messages window displays server messages, wallops
- messages, and CTCP requests. Any 'Shanghai' gadgets that are
- activated will prevent that type of message from showing in the
- main channel window, even when the info window is closed. The
- lower part of the window shows AmIRC's Lag-O-Meter. The VU style
- meter is a graphical representation of the current lag to the
- server. Next to the meter is the name of the server. Also shown
- are the current lag, last two probes and the average of the last
- two lags.
- Flush Buffer
- This item will clear the history of the main AmIRC listview.
- Save Buffer...
- This item allows you to select a filename to save the history
- buffer to disk.
- Menus
- =====
- User Modes Menu
- ---------------
- Invisible?
- Toggles wether you're invisible in the global userlist or not. See
- IRC Terms.
- Receive Wallops?
- Toggles wether you will receive messages to all operators or not.
- See IRC Terms.
- Receive Server Notices?
- Toggles wether you receive server notices or not.
- Marked AWAY?
- Marks you are AWAY.
- Auto rejoin on KICK?
- If set, will automatically attempt to reconnect you to a channel
- you have been kicked from. Note that if a ban was set with the
- kick, you will not be able to rejoin.
- Auto reconnect to server?
- If set, this will automatically attempt to reconnect you to the
- server if you are disconnected for any reason.
- Clone detection
- Detect wether clones are present.
- Oper detection
- Detect IRC Operators.
- Auto open Dialog Windows?
- If set, will automatically open chat window upon receipt of a MSG
- or DCC request.
- Auto accept DCC chat requests?
- If set, this will automatically accept DCC chat requests. It will
- not open a chat window for you, however. Do this by opening the
- DCC chat window in the Windows menu.
- Auto accept DCC send requests?
- If set, this will automatically accept DCC send requests, so
- downloading will start immediately.
- Do BEEPs?
- If set, AmIRC will send audio beeps (or samples, if configured in
- the Events page of the settings requester) for certain events.
- Play CTCP SOUND requests?
- If checked, AmIRC will acknowledge and play CTCP sound requests,
- if this is configured properly.
- Do Color codes?
- Here you can enable the (in)famous COLOURCODES.
- Menus
- =====
- Settings Menu
- -------------
- Setup...
- Calls the AmIRC Setup, allowing you to change the many settings of
- AmIRC to suit your needs.
- MIMEPrefs...
- Calls the MIMEPrefs program if present in the AmIRC directory or
- Prefs:. It allows you to set global MIME settings for view and
- saving files.
- Dialog Window Buttons?
- If set, the AmIRC dialogue window will contain 4 gadgets in the
- upper right corner. These are labelled: 'Whois', 'Ping', 'DCC
- Chat', & 'DCC Send'. These gadgets will perform their respective
- functions on the user that the dialogue window is opened to.
- Use MIMEPrefs for viewing?
- If set, AmIRC uses the global MIME settings set with the MIMEPrefs
- program to determine what program to view the received file with.
- Use MIMEPrefs for saving?
- If set, AmIRC uses the global MIME setting set with the MIMEPrefs
- program to determine whether and where to save the received file.
- Use pages by default?
- If set, AmIRC will only open one channel window at a time. If
- multiple channels are joined they can be accessed using the "tab"
- with the corresponding channelname at the top of the window.
- Load Settings...
- Opens a requester allowing you to recall previously saved
- non-default AmIRC Configurations.
- Load settings from default
- Reloads the last saved default configuration
- Save Settings
- Saves the current configuration under the last name set in the
- 'Save settings as...' menu item. If the settings have not
- previously been named, they are saved as default.
- Save settings as...
- Opens a requester allowing you to choose a filename to save the
- current AmIRC configuration as other than default.
- Save as default
- Saves the current AmIRC configuration as the default start-up
- configuration.
- Create icons?
- If Checked, will create icons for saved configuration files,
- allowing them to be selected from the Workbench.
- Save Settings On Exit
- If checked, this item will cause AmIRC to save the current
- settings as default upon exiting the program.
- MUI Settings...
- Opens the MUI Prefs program for altering the MUI Configurable AmIRC
- configuration.
- Menus
- =====
- Plugins Menu
- ------------
- The Plugins menu shows a list of all installed AmIRC plugins. The
- plugins are located in the Plugins directory in the AmIRC directory. It
- also allows you to access any Plugin preference that may be available.
- Menus
- =====
- Rexx Menu
- ---------
- This menu will only be present when any ARexx scripts reside in the
- AmIRC/Rexx/ directory and will display them. AmIRC ARexx scripts should
- be named with the . amirx extension. From this menu you may execute
- any existing AmIRC ARexx script. See the full ARexx for an in-depth
- look on ARexx.
- Using the commands in AmIRC.
- ****************************
- Overview
- ========
- AmIRC has many built-in commands. Some of these commands are processed
- locally, whereas others are sent to the IRC server.
- Commands generally start with a '/' to differentiate them from normal
- text. If you want to use the / character at the start of normal text,
- use '//' instead.
- Many commands require a channel name as a parameter. AmIRC will
- automatically fill in the channel name of the current window if you
- don't specify a channel name on your own.
- For commands which require a nick name (e.g. /MSG or /OP, there
- are three special short-cut arguments:
- .
- The period is replaced with the nickname of the last person you
- have send a private message to.
- ,
- The comma is replaced with the nickname of the last person who
- send a message to you. Be careful with this, since you might
- easily address the wrong person if someone sends you a message
- while you are still typing this command!
- :
- The colon is replaced with the nickname of the last person which
- you have addressed with a 'Nick:' prefix inside a channel.
- You may easily carry a dialogue with a particular user by first
- clicking on their username in the user list, then any time you hit the
- TAB key, the input string will be set up with '/MSG <user> ', after
- which you may type in the message and hit return. This will work after
- initiating a DCC request as well. Please note that if you have
- configured the user list as a separate window, you must reactivate the
- message window after clicking on a username.
- You can also use TAB to complete a nickname by typing only the first
- character, pressing TAB then will cycle you through all the nicks that
- start with that character.
- When you have set an ALIAS you can force AmIRC to use the original
- command by preceding the command with an exlamation mark (!).
- Reference to all AmIRC commands
- ===============================
- Commands
- ========
- ?
- -
- Usage: /? [Command]
- With this command you can get a list of all available commands. When a
- command is added behind it, you get the correct command syntax.
- Alternative: HELP
- /?
- Will show a list of all available commands
- /? Ping
- Will show the correct command syntax for the PING command: Usage:
- /PING [nick]
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /ADMIN [Server]
- The admin message is used to find the name of the administrator of the
- given server, or current server if [Server] parameter is omitted.
- /ADMIN irctest.vapor.com
- Shows the information for the server irctest.vapor.com:
- ½Admin╗ Administrative info about irctest.vapor.com
- ½Admin╗ Vapor's experimental ARCNet Server
- ½Admin╗ Oliver Wagner <owagner@vapor.com>
- ½Admin╗ Slow Mess Clients Welcome(tm)
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /ALIAS [Alias [Replacement, %p for alias parameters]
- With ALIAS you can make an alias for frequently used terms. You can
- also add parameters needed for certain commands using %p.
- Special Note: When you have set an alias for a command that normally
- exists in AmIRC, you can force AmIRC to use the original command
- instead of the alias by preceding it with an exlamation mark.
- You can also change Aliases using the Lists. EXAMPLES:
- /ALIAS Goto Join %p
- You can now use: /GOTO #Test instead of /JOIN #Test
- /!PING
- Forces AmIRC to issue the original PING command instead of an
- alias called PING.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /AWAY [message]
- When used with the optional [message] argument, it will mark you as
- being away and send the message to any client sending a MSG to you.
- Otherwise, it will remove a previously set away message.
- Related: BACK
- /AWAY eating dinner
- Will send the message '<nick> is away: eating dinner', where
- nick is the nickname of the user that is away.
- Will remove a previously set Away Message.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /BACK (no arguments)
- Where AWAY toggles between setting and resetting the Away state. This
- command always resets the Away state and thus no longer marks you as
- away.
- Related: AWAY
- Will reset the away state and no longer marks you as away.
- Commands
- ========
- ---
- Usage: /BAN [channel] userhost[,userhost...]
- This command will ban everyone with the specified userhost(s) from
- entering the channel. With the optional channel argument you can setup
- a ban on a different channel than the one in which window the command
- is executed.
- /BAN bill@*.microsoft.com
- Will prevent a user called bill in the microsoft.com domain
- from entering the channel.
- /BAN Amiga bill@*.microsoft.com
- Will ban user bill on microsoft.com from entering #Amiga.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /BANDEL [channel] userhost[,userhost...]
- Will remove a ban on the specified userhost(s) on the (optional)
- channel.
- /BANDEL *!*@*microsoft.com
- Will remove the ban for the microsoft.com domain.
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage: /BANLIST [channel] userhost[,userhost...]
- Shows a list of bans currently active on the (specified) channel.
- Shows a list of all bans on the currently active channel.
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage: /CHANNEL channel[,channel[,...]] [key[,key,...]]
- Join a channel on the IRC. If the channel doesn't exists, it is
- automatically created.
- There are two kinds of channels: Channel names starting with an
- # are global channels and available on all IRC servers which
- are connected to the net you are currently on. Channels which begin with
- & are local to the chat server you are connected to.
- If a channel requires a special keyword to join, you can submit this
- after the channel name.
- AmIRC will look for a channel window which isn't currently bound to a
- channel. If it doesn't find one, a new window will be created and bound
- to this channel.
- Alternative: JOIN
- /CHANNEL #Amiga
- Join the channel #Amiga
- /CHANNEL #Amiga,#AmIRC
- Join the channels #Amiga and #AmIRC
- /CHANNEL #Secret Booh
- Join the channel #Secret that protected with keyword Booh.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /CLEAR [channel|nick]
- With this command to can clear the buffer of a channel or Query window.
- If no channel name or nick is specified the buffer of the window in
- which the command was issued will be cleared. Be warned that any text
- in the buffer will be gone permanently!
- /Clear #Throat
- Will clear the buffer of the channel #Throat.
- Commands
- ========
- -----------
- Usage: Ctrl-C [Text Colour],[Background Colour]
- Please note that this feature is not really a command, but it can be
- used to control the colour(s) in which a (public) text appears. Both
- the text and the background colour can be changed by first pressing
- Ctrl^C (That's the 'Ctrl' key + the 'C' key simultaneously!). followed
- by either one (for the text colour) or two values (text and
- background). In most fonts Ctrl^C is displayed as a box (unknown
- character). You can have multiple colour changes in a single text, all
- preceded by Ctrl^C. Here's a list of available colours and their
- respective values:
- Value: Colour: RGB Values:
- 0* White 255 255 255
- 1 Black 000 000 000
- 2 Navy 000 000 139
- 3 Green 000 255 000
- 4 Red 255 000 000
- 5 Maroon 139 000 000
- 6 Purple 160 032 240
- 7 Orange 255 165 000
- 8 Yellow 255 255 000
- 9 Lime 050 205 050
- 10 Teal 128 128 128
- 11 Aqua 127 255 212
- 12 Blue 000 000 255
- 13 Fuchsia 255 192 205
- 14 Grey 190 190 190
- 15 Silver 211 211 211
- *Please note that background colour 0 is
- the standard list background colour.
- EXAMPLES: ([CTRL^C] indicates pressing CTRL and C simultaneously)
- This text is [CTRL^C]4 RED.
- When this line is sent to a channel the word RED will be
- displayed in..... red.
- I like [CTRL^C]8,1 Colours [CTRL^C]1,0 a lot.
- Here the word Colours will be Yellow on a Black background.
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage: /CONNECT server [port [remote server]]
- The CONNECT command can be used to force a server to try to establish a
- new connection to another server immediately. CONNECT is a privileged
- command and is available only to IRC Operators. If a [remote server] is
- given then the CONNECT attempt is made by that remote server to the
- given server and port.
- /CONNECT test1.irc.com
- Will connect test1.irc.com to the currently connected server
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /CTCP nick request
- CTCP or Client To Client Protocol is a standard for sending commands
- to other clients on IRC. Basically, CTCP messages are simply private
- messages that include a code to alert the receiving client (not user)
- to respond to the command.
- CTCP commands are typically used to get information from the receiving
- client, such as '/CTCP time', or '/CTCP version'. Even DCC sends a
- request via CTCP to the receiving client, asking to initiate a direct
- connection.
- /CTCP Franky Version
- This will return the version of Franky's client:
- ½Reply╗ Franky VERSION AmIRC/AmigaOS 1.118 by Oliver Wagner <owagner@vapor.com> :
- http://www.vapor.com/amirc/ : [#00000000] : This space for rent.
- Mail <ads@vapor.com> for more info.
- /CTCP Bert Time
- This will show the time set on Bert's machine:
- ½Reply╗ Bert TIME Tue Jan 13 10:54:23 1998
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /CYCLE [channel]
- With CYCLE you can make AmIRC automatically leave and join a
- (specified) channel. This can be useful when you want to check a
- changed user mode on a channel. When no channel name is given, the
- currently active channel will be 'cycled'.
- Will make AmIRC leave and join the currently active channel.
- /CTCP #Amiga
- Will make AmIRC leave and join #Amiga, no matter what channel is
- active.
- ½Reply╗ Bert TIME Tue Jan 13 10:54:23 1998
- Commands
- ========
- ---
- [parameters] or: /DCC CLOSE [SEND|GET|CHAT|SCHAT] nick
- [parameters]
- DCC or Direct Client Connection is a protocol that IRC clients can
- use to communicate directly with each other, bypassing the IRC server.
- The reason for this is to form a faster, more stable and direct
- connection through which users can transfer files, or send private
- messages.
- Note that AmIRC has its own set of Highly Optimized DCC protocols
- built-in, and does not require external DCC utilities.
- The most common use of DCC is for transferring files between two
- clients. The initiating client will send a message through the IRC
- server, telling the receiver that a connection is requested. At this
- time, the receiver will either accept or reject the offer for the
- connection. If the receiver accepts the connection, the initiating
- client will proceed to send the information directly to the receiver.
- If the connection is refused, the initiating client will simply
- time-out the attempt to connect.
- Another use of the DCC standard is DCC chat, which, like DCC Send, will
- send a CTCP request to the receiving client to set up a direct link. In
- this case, however, the purpose of the link is for users to send
- messages to each other. Because the messages are sent through the
- direct link, and do not pass through the IRC server, this method of
- sending messages is much more private than using the IRC's private
- message (MSG) command. With AmiRC, it must be noted that a DCC Chat
- request will not open a dialogue window for you, instead, when DCC chat
- is initiated and accepted, all privmsg's (MSG) to the receiving user
- will be sent through the DCC link. If you wish to have a dialogue box
- for chatting, the best way to do this is to highlight the users's name
- in the userlist by clicking on it and then click on the 'Query' button
- below the listview. This will open a window that has several options
- within it. From here, you can PING or WHOIS the other user, or you may
- initiate a 'DCC Send' or 'DCC Chat'. Starting a 'DCC Chat' from
- this window will allow you to carry on a dialogue with the remote user
- through the window.
- /DCC send Franky AmIRC20.lzx
- Will send a request to Franky to transfer a file called
- AmIRC20.lzx. When Franky (auto-)accepts transfer will begin.
- /DCC move Franky AmIRC20.lzx
- Will basically do the same as 'DCC Send' but it is capable of
- resuming an aborted or failed transfer. It looks in the receiving
- directory and if a file with the same name if found it will send a
- 'DCC Resume' instead of 'DCC Send'.
- Commands
- ========
- --------
- Usage: /DESCRIBE nick describe-text
- DESCRIBE is used to 'describe' something to another user.
- Related: ME MSG
- /DESCRIBE John It is nice weather here
- Send the following text to user John:
- ½Describe╗ <nick> It is nice weather here
- Where <nick> is your nickname.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /DEOP [channel] nick[,nick...]
- Will remove the Channel Operator status of one or several users. Note
- that the user issuing the command needs to be Channel Operator himself.
- Related: OP
- /DEOP Billy
- Removes Channel Operator status from a user called Billy.
- /DEOP #Amiga Billy,John
- Removes Channel Operator status from users Billy and John on
- the channel #Amiga.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /EXCADD [channel] userhost[,userhost...]
- With this (IRCNet specific!) command you can add exceptions to your BAN.
- This way you can prevent a (friendly) user from being banned by you.
- With the optional channel argument you can setup an exception for a
- different channel than the one in which window the command is executed.
- /EXCADD bill@*.microsoft.com
- Will add a user called bill in the microsoft.com domain to
- your ban exceptions, preventing you from banning him.
- /EXCADD Amiga bill@*.microsoft.com
- Will prevent user bill on microsoft.com from being banned on
- #Amiga.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /EXCDEL [channel] userhost[,userhost...]
- With this (IRCNet specific!) command you can delete exceptions to your
- BAN. With the optional channel argument you can remove an exception
- for a different channel than the one in which window the command is
- executed.
- /EXCDEL bill@*.microsoft.com
- Removes a user called bill in the microsoft.com domain from
- your ban exceptions, allowing you from banning him again.
- /EXCDEL Amiga bill@*.microsoft.com
- Allows you to ban user bill on microsoft.com on #Amiga again.
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage: /EXLIST [channel]
- This (IRCNet specific!) command shows you all domains that are excluded
- from your BAN. With the optional channel argument you can view an
- exceptions list for a different channel than the one in which window
- the command is executed.
- Will show a list of all userhosts that are excluded from banning
- on the currently active channel.
- /EXCLIST Amiga
- Will show a list of all userhosts that are excluded from banning
- on #Amiga.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /FAKE server_data
- With this command you can fake data that a server normally sends to
- AmIRC. This is mainly useful for debugging purposes when, for instance,
- writing a script. This way you will be able to test AmIRC's reaction on
- certain incoming data from a server. WARNING: This command can result
- in AmIRC crashing very easily when not used properly! Do not use this
- command unless you are absolutely sure what you're doing.
- /FAKE :Bill!Boss@Microsoft.com JOIN #LameOS
- Will result in AmIRC reporting that: -> Bill(Boss@Microsoft.com)
- has joined channel #LameOS
- /FAKE :Bill PRIVMSG #LameOS Anyone got pie for me?
- Will show the following in the channel window of #LameOS: Bill |
- Anyone got pie for me?
- Commands
- ========
- --------
- Usage: /FINDHOST [channel|ALL] userhost
- With this command you can search for a user using a userhost pattern.
- AmIRC will return all users matching the pattern on the currently
- active channel. Alternatively you can specify which channel will be
- searched in. With the ALL argument you can search the entire network.
- /FINDHOST *.vapor.com
- Will list all users at the vapor.com domain on the currently
- active channel.
- /FINDHOST #Amiga *.vapor.com
- Shows all users at the vapor.com domain on #Amiga.
- /FINDHOST all *.com
- Shows all users at the .com domain on the network.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /GLINE [gline]
- GLINE returns a list of all (partial) domains that are banned from the
- network. The optional parameter is used as a mask.
- Returns all domains banned from the network.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /HELP [Command]
- With this command you can get a list of all available commands. When
- the optional command parameter you get specific help about that command.
- Alternative: ?
- Will show a list of all available commands
- /HELP Ping
- Will show additional help about the PING command.
- Commands
- ========
- --------
- Usage: /HIGHLITE [item]
- HIGHLITE can be used to light up certain texts. They will be shown in a
- colour that's defined in the Colors.
- You can also change Highlighting using the Lists.
- Alternative: HILITE
- Whenever AmIRC encounters MyName it will be shown in the
- Hilighted colour.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /HILITE [item]
- HIGHLITE can be used to light up certain texts. They will be shown in a
- colour that's defined in the Colors.
- You can also change Highlighting using the Lists. Alternative: HIGHLITE
- /HILITE MyName
- Whenever AmIRC encounters MyName it will be shown in the
- Hilighted colour.
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage: /IRCNAME [new name]
- IRCNAME is used to give yourself a nickname or change your current one.
- If the chosen nick is already in use, you will be notified of this and
- prompted for a new nick.
- Alternative: NICK
- /IRCNAME Phalanx
- Sets your nickname to 'Phalanx'
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /IGNORE [userhost|nick [[+|-]TEXT [+|-]PRIV [+|- -]CTCP
- [+|-]ALL]]
- IGNORE can be used to ignore messages coming from an annoying user. You
- can set different levels of ignoring:
- text - This will block only text.
- priv - This will block all private messages.
- ctcp - You won't receive any CTCP request.
- all - All traffic will be blocked.
- /IGNORE bill@user1.microsoft.com +priv
- This will ignore all PrivMsgs (MSG) sent by the offending user.
- /IGNORE Bill -ctcp
- Removes CTCP ignores of Bill
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /INVADD [channel] userhost[,userhost...]
- With this (IRCNet specific!) command you can add users to your
- auto-invite list. This way you automatically INVITE them to a
- (specified) channel whenever they log onto IRCNet. With the optional
- channel argument you can setup an auto-invite for a different channel
- than the one in which window the command is executed.
- /INVADD bill@*.microsoft.com
- Will add a user called bill in the microsoft.com domain to
- your auto-invite list causing you to automatically invite him when
- he logs on.
- /INVADD Amiga bill@*.microsoft.com
- Will make you auto-invite user bill on microsoft.com to
- #Amiga.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /INVDEL [channel] userhost[,userhost...]
- With this (IRCNet specific!) command you can remove users from your
- auto-invite list. With the optional channel argument you can remove an
- auto-invite for a different channel than the one in which window the
- command is executed.
- /INVDEL bill@*.microsoft.com
- Removes a user called bill in the microsoft.com domain from
- your auto-invite list.
- /INVDEL Amiga bill@*.microsoft.com
- Stops you from auto-inviting user bill on microsoft.com to
- #Amiga.
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage: /INVLIST [channel]
- This (IRCNet specific!) command shows you all domains that are
- automatically INVITE to the (specified) channel. With the optional
- channel argument you can view the auto-invites for a specific channel.
- Will show a list of all userhosts that are automatically invited
- to the currently active channel.
- /INVLIST Amiga
- Will show a list of all userhosts that are automatically invited
- to #Amiga.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /INVITE [channel] nick
- Invites a user to the channel given in the argument, regardless of
- wether the channel exists. If the named channel is MODE, the user
- performing the command must be a channel operator for that channel. When
- receiving an invitation you will be presented with a requester.
- /INVITE freddie #AmIRC
- Invites 'freddie' to join #AmIRC.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /INFO [server]
- The INFO command is required to return information which describes the
- server: its version, when it was compiled, the patch level, when it was
- started, and any other miscellaneous information which may be
- considered to be relevant. If no parameter is submitted the currently
- connected server will be shown.
- Will return information about the server the user is currently
- connected to.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /ISON nick [nick [nick [...]]]
- Quickly returns the user's nick if it is found, does nothing if it is
- not.
- /ISON Kenneth
- Returns: '<ISON>Kenneth', if nick 'Kenneth' is found on the
- server.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /JOIN channel[,channel[,...]] [key[,key[,...]]]
- Join a channel on the IRC. If the channel doesn't exists, it is
- automatically created.
- There are two kinds of channels: Channel names starting with an
- # are global channels and available on all IRC servers which
- are connected to the net you are currently on. Channels which begin with
- & are local to the chat server you are connected to.
- If a channel requires a special keyword to join, you can submit this
- after the channel name.
- AmIRC will look for a channel window which isn't currently bound to a
- channel. If it doesn't find one, a new window will be created and bound
- to this channel.
- Alternative: CHANNEL
- /JOIN #Amiga
- Join channel #Amiga
- /JOIN #Amiga,#AmIRC
- Join channels #Amiga and #AmIRC
- /JOIN #Secret Booh
- Join channel #Secret with keyword Booh.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /KICK [channel] nick [reason]
- Forcibly removes a user from the named channel. The user sending the
- /KICK command must be a Channel Operator of the channel. If the optional
- [reason] is given, it will be shown as the reason for the kick.
- /KICK #AmIRC Freddie Take it outside!
- Forces 'Freddie' from channel #AmIRC with the reason 'Take it
- outside!'.
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage: /KICKBAN [channel] nick [reason]
- Forcibly removes a user from the named channel and prevents him from
- re-entering with a ban. The user sending the /KICKBAN command must be a
- channel operator of the channel. If the optional [reason] is given, it
- will be shown as the reason for the kick & ban.
- /KICKBAN #AmIRC Freddie You dirty pirate!
- Forces 'Freddie' from channel #AmIRC with the reason 'You dirty
- pirate!' and cannot re-enter because he's banned.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: Usage: /KILL nick comment
- This command allows IRC Operators to disconnect abusive users from the
- network.
- /KILL Pierat You're not wanted here!
- Disconnects user Pierat with the reason 'You're not wanted
- here!'
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage /LASTLOG [undefined]
- Searches back through AmIRC's buffer and displays all occurrences of the
- specified text.
- /LASTLOG amirc
- Searches and displays all lines from the buffer containing the
- text 'amirc'.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /LEAVE [Channel[,Channel[,...]]
- Leaves a channel. If you don't give a channel name as a parameter, the
- channel currently bound to the window in which in the command is
- entered will be left.
- Alternative: PART
- Leave the channel currently bound to this window.
- /LEAVE #AmigaGER
- Leave channel #AmigaGER.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /LINKS [pattern]
- LINKS shows which server of the IRC network is connected to which other
- server. The optional [pattern] can be used to limit the shown server
- with a mask.
- Related: MAP
- /LINKS *.*com
- Shows all links with servers ending with .com
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /LIST [pattern] [MIN minusers]
- Shows the Windows in which the accessible channels are listed. The
- optional [pattern] is used as a mask and the MIN minusers parameter
- prevents channels with less users to be displayed.
- Returns a list of all public channels on available. Note that
- 'secret' channels are only shown when the user has actually joined
- them.
- /LIST br* 6
- Returns all channels starting with br and minimal 6 users
- present.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /LOAD plugin
- With this command you can force AmIRC to load a certain plugin that has
- been installed after AmIRC was started.
- Forces AmIRC to load the XDCC plugin
- Commands
- ========
- ---
- Usage: /LOG [filename|ON|OFF]
- LOG allows you to start/stop logging, as well as setting the log
- filename and displaying status of logging.
- /LOG
- Displays current status of logging
- Begins logging to the log file
- /LOG <filename>
- Sets the path and name of the log file.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /LUSERS (no arguments)
- Returns information on the current network. Specifically on the number
- of users present.
- This will return information on the users on the current network.
- Commands
- ========
- M
- -
- Usage: /M nick_or_channel[,nick,...] text
- Sends a Private Message to one or more users. Note that this is
- different from a DCC, in that /M (PRIVMSG) is sent through the IRC
- server to the recipient. Note that the TAB key will cycle back and
- forth through the users who have /MSG'ed you. This will appear in the
- input string gadget, and you may simply add your message after it.
- Alternative: MSG RMSG
- /M Kenneth Heya Dude! How's Florida?
- Send the message: "Heya Dude! How's Florida?" to user
- Kenneth.
- /M Kenneth,Aerosoul I am in Pittsburgh
- Sends the message "I am in Pittsburgh" to Kenneth and
- Aerosoul.
- Commands
- ========
- ---
- Usage: /MAP [server]
- MAP returns a map of all servers the network consists of. The optional
- parameter is used as a mask
- Related: LINKS
- /MAP
- Shows a map of all servers
- /MAP *.*.com
- Shows a map of all servers ending with com.
- Commands
- ========
- ME
- --
- Usage: /ME Action
- ME sends a CTCP to the channel.
- Related: DESCRIBE
- /ME is currently happy.
- Sends the following text to the channel:
- '<Action><nick> is currently happy'.
- Where <nick> is the currently selected nickname.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /MODE [channel] [+-modes [modeparms]]
- MODE is used to change the modes of a channel or a user. Only Channel
- Operators can change Channel Modes. Here's a list of all available
- modes:
- o - Remove Channel Operator status. Note that you cannot set ChanOp status using +o.
- p - Private channel; Not visible in the Channel List.
- s - Secret channel; Not visible until you enter.
- i - Invite-only channel; Only accessible on invitation.
- t - Topic protection; Settable by Channel Operators only.
- n - No Messages; No messages from clients outside channel.
- m - Moderated channel; Only ChanOps and people with VOICE can send public messages.
- l - Limit: Set maximum number of users allowed on channel.
- b - Ban: Set a ban to keep users out.
- v - Voice: Give/take the ability to speak on a Moderated channel.
- k - Keyword: Set a channel keyword (password).
- /MODE #AmIRC +tm
- Sets topic protection and makes channel #AmIRC moderated.
- /MODE #AmIRC -o Sarek
- Removes channel operator status from user 'Sarek' on channel
- #AmIRC.
- /MODE #AmIRC +l 50
- Sets limit of 50 users on #AmIRC.
- /MODE #AmIRC -l
- Removes the limit form #AmIRC.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /MOTD (no arguments)
- This returns the Message Of The Day of the server currently connected
- to.
- Shows the current Message Of The Day of the server.
- Commands
- ========
- -------------
- Usage: /MSG nick_or_channel[,nick,...] text
- Sends a Private Message to one or more users. Note that this is
- different from a DCC, in that a /MSG (PRIVMSG) is sent through the IRC
- server to the recipient. Note that the TAB key will cycle back and
- forth through the users who have /MSG'ed you. This will appear in the
- input string gadget, and you may simply add your message after it.
- Alternatives: M RMSG EXAMPLES:
- /MSG Kenneth Heya Dude! How's Florida?
- Send the message: "Heya Dude! How's Florida?" to user 'Kenneth'.
- /MSG Kenneth,Aerosoul I am in Pittsburgh
- Sends the message "I am in Pittsburgh" to Kenneth and Aerosoul.
- Commands
- ========
- Names
- -----
- Usage /NAMES channel[,channel[,...]]
- Gives a list of nicknames on any channel visible to the user (not
- secret or private, or one actually joined by the user performing the
- command).
- /NAMES #AmIRC,#amigaGER
- Will list all users on channels #AmIRC and #amigaGER, provided the
- channels are visible to the user.
- Will return a list of all visible channels and users (Strongly
- Discouraged!)
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /NICK NewNick
- NICK is used to give yourself a nickname or change your current one. If
- the chosen nick is already in use, you will be notified of this and
- prompted for a new nick.
- Alternative: IRCNAME
- /NICK Phalanx
- Sets your nickname to 'Phalanx'
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /NOTE [undefined]
- This command is still a leftover from the past and is not supported any
- more by any current servers.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /NOTICE nick_or_channel[,nick,...] text
- /NOTICE is usually used by Bots or clients being controlled by scripts.
- /NOTICE messages must never be responded to by an automatic reply.
- See MSG for syntax examples.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /NOTIFY [nick]
- With NOTIFY you can specify the nick of a user you want to be notified
- of when he joins IRC. You can set the notification event in the Events
- of the Settings. When no nick is submitted you will be presented with
- the Windows.
- /NOTIFY Bert
- You will be notified when user Bert is joining the IRC network.
- Commands
- ========
- OP
- --
- Usage: /OP [channel] nick[,nick...]
- With this command you can set the Channel Operator status of a user or
- several users at once.
- /OP Bert,Franky
- Sets the Channel Operator status for users Bert and
- Franky
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /OPER user password
- Allows users to set their IRC Operator status. You will need to know the
- password to become IRC Operator. Using /OPER without it's parameters
- will present you with a requester where you can enter your username and
- password.
- /OPER Bill Bucks
- Sets user Bill IRC Operator status using password Bucks.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /PART [Channel[,Channel...]]
- Leaves a channel. If you don't give a channel name as a parameter, the
- channel currently bound to the window in which in the command is
- entered will be left.
- Alternative: LEAVE
- Leave the channel currently bound to this window.
- /PART #AmigaGER
- Leave channel #AmigaGER.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /PING [nick]
- Sends a CTCP to the user with the submitted nick and return the time it
- took to receive it back. If no nick is given the PING will be sent to
- the server.
- Related: CTCP
- /PING Bill
- Will send a PING to Bill and return:
- ½Pong╗ PING Response received from Bill: 2.4s
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /QKICK [channel] nick[,nick...] [reason]
- This command is use to kick or ban a person and presents you with a
- window in which you can select the hostmask use for the ban. Pressing
- either the Kick or Kick&Ban button will kick(ban) the user. Here's
- the hostmasks offered:
- nick!*user@host.do.main : Bans a specific user with a specific nick.
- *!*@*.do.main : Ban all users of do.main.
- *!*user@host.do.main : Ban a user with a specific host.
- *!*@ip1.ip2.ip3.* : Numerical hostmask, banning all users in a domain.
- Alternative: QKICKBAN
- You will be presented with a Kick/Ban window
- Commands
- ========
- --------
- Usage: /QKICKBAN [channel] nick[,nick...] [reason]
- This command is use to kick or ban a person and presents you with a
- window in which you can select the hostmask use for the ban. Pressing
- either the Kick or Kick&Ban button will kick(ban) the user. Here's
- the hostmasks offered:
- nick!*user@host.do.main : Bans a specific user with a specific nick.
- *!*@*.do.main : Ban all users of do.main.
- *!*user@host.do.main : Ban a user with a specific host.
- *!*@ip1.ip2.ip3.* : Numerical hostmask, banning all users in a domain.
- Alternative: QKICK
- You will be presented with a Kick/Ban window
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /QUERY nick [+|-|msg]
- With this command you can open a Query window for a specific user. All
- MSG from this user will be diverted to this window. You can also PING
- or WHOIS the other user, or you may initiate a 'DCC Send' or 'DCC
- Chat'. Starting a 'DCC Chat' from this window will allow you to
- carry on a dialogue with the remote user through the window. If you
- issue the command with a nick that has an iconified Query window, it
- will be uniconified. When using the (optional) + argument the Query
- window will be opened as a page in the current window, with the - a
- seperate Query window will be opened, regardless of the 'Use pages by
- default?' setting. With the optional [msg] argument you can
- immediately send a message to the user when opening the Query window.
- Please note that you can only use one of the arguments at a time.
- /QUERY Hero
- Will open a Query window with user Hero.
- /QUERY Hero -
- Will open a new Query window, regardless of the default setting.
- /QUERY Hero Good Evening
- Will open a Query window and send the message Good Evening
- immediately
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /QUIT [Quit message]
- Used to end an IRC session. The optional [Quit message] is the text that
- will be displayed upon quitting.
- Related: SERVER
- /QUIT Gone to have lunch
- Will quit AmIRC and send the text 'Gone to have lunch' to all
- joined channels.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /QUOTE Raw_data_to_send_to_IRC_server
- Sends text directly to the IRC server without any further processing.
- Warning: Don't even think about using this command without interior
- knowledge of the IRC protocol, or you might run into severe trouble.
- See `RFC 1459' for a description of the IRC protocol.
- Alternative: RAW
- Send the string JOIN #IRC-Heros directly to the IRC server.
- Commands
- ========
- ---
- Usage: /RAW Raw_data_to_send_to_IRC_server
- Sends text directly to the IRC server without any further processing.
- Warning: Don't even think about using this command without interior
- knowledge of the IRC protocol, or you might run into severe trouble.
- See `RFC 1459' for a description of the IRC protocol.
- Alternative: QUOTE
- /RAW JOIN #IRC-Heros
- Send the string JOIN #IRC-Heros directly to the IRC server.
- Commands
- ========
- ---------
- This command will reconnect you to the current server. It is the same
- as the menu item and can be useful when a connection is either timed out
- or lagging.
- Will reconnect you to the current server.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /REHASH (no arguments)
- The rehash message can be used by the operator to force the server to
- re-read and process its configuration file. It's can only be used by
- IRC Operators.
- Will cause the IRC server to reread it's configuration file.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /RELOAD plugin [FORCE]
- This command will make AmIRC reload a plugin that has already been
- loaded. This can be useful if the plugin has been updated. The FORCE
- option will force AmIRC to reload if the plugin refuses to unload.
- Related: LOAD UNLOAD
- Will make AmIRC reload the XDCC plugin.
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage: /RESTART (no arguments)
- This command is used to reset the IRC server. Note that this command
- can only be used by IRC Operators.
- Will reset the IRC server
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /RMSG nick_or_channel[,nick,...] text
- Sends a Private Message to one or more users. Note that this is
- different from a DCC, in that /M (PRIVMSG) is sent through the IRC
- server to the recipient. Note that the TAB key will cycle back and
- forth through the users who have /MSG'ed you. This will appear in the
- input string gadget, and you may simply add your message after it.
- Alternative: M MSG
- /RMSG Kenneth Heya Dude! How's Florida?
- Send the message: "Heya Dude! How's Florida?" to user 'Kenneth'.
- /RMSG Kenneth,Aerosoul I am in Pittsburgh
- Sends the message "I am in Pittsburgh" to Kenneth and Aerosoul.
- Commands
- ========
- RX
- --
- Usage: /RX rxcommand [parms]
- This command is used to start any of the Arexx commands that are in
- AmIRC's Rexx directory. A complete Rexx guide is also available.
- Related: RXRETURN
- /RX leave
- Will start the Arexx command 'Leave.amirx' if present.
- Commands
- ========
- --------
- Usage: /RXRETURN Command [Rest]
- /RXRETURN is only useful to ARexx script authors. It will cause any
- pending GETREXXLINE commands to immediately return with the arguments
- given to it."
- Related: RX
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /SERVER [server [port [password]]]
- You can use this command to connect to a different server or to get
- information about the currently connected server.
- Related: QUIT
- /SERVER irc.server.com
- Connects you to the server irc.server.com
- Shows current connection information
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage: /SILENCE [[+|-]nick|userhost]
- SILENCE can be used to block all CTCP traffic from a certain user or
- userhost. Meaning for instance that no MSG or DCC will be received
- from that user.
- Shows a list of all currently silenced users.
- /SILENCE +Bill
- Will silence user Bill
- /SILENCE -Friend
- Will remove Friend from the Silence list.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /SOUND soundfile[.wav] action_text
- This command can be used to have all clients on a channel play a
- certain sound. Please note that the sound file must be present on the
- user's system to be able to play it, so don't use this randomly as
- nobody will hear a thing when the submitted filename is not found.
- /SOUND Burp
- Will play the sound file Burp.wav on all user's system, if found!
- /SOUND Burp Excuse me!
- Will play the soundfile and send the text 'Excuse me!' with it.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /SQUIT server
- This command is used to disconnect a server from the network. Note that
- only IRC Operators have access to this command.
- /SQUIT irc.server.com
- Will quit server irc.server.com
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /STATS [server] [query]
- The STATS command is used to query statistics of certain server. If the
- [server] parameter is omitted, only the end of statistics reply is sent
- back. The implementation of this command is highly dependent on the
- server which replies, although the server must be able to supply
- information as described by the queries below (or similar).
- The currently supported queries are:
- c - Returns a list of servers which the server may connect to or allow connections
- from.
- h - Returns a list of servers which are either forced to be treated as leaves or
- allowed to act as hubs.
- i - Returns a list of hosts which the server allows a client to connect from.
- k - Returns a list of banned username/hostname combinations for that server.
- l - Returns a list of the server's connections, showing how long each connection
- has been established and the traffic over that connection in bytes and messages
- for each direction.
- m - Returns a list of commands supported by the server and the usage count for
- each if the usage count is non zero.
- o - Returns a list of hosts from which normal clients may become operators.
- y - Show Y (Class) lines from server's configuration file.
- u - Returns a string showing how long the server has been up.
- /STATS irc.server.com u
- Shows how long server irc.server.com has been up
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /SUMMON user
- The SUMMON command can be used to give users who are on a host running
- an IRC server a message asking them to please join IRC. This message is
- only sent if the target server (a) has SUMMON enabled, (b) the user is
- logged in and (c) the server process can write to the user's tty (or
- similar).
- /SUMMON John
- Will ask user John to join IRC.
- Commands
- ========
- ----
- Usage: /TIME [server]
- Returns the local time from the server. If the optional [server]
- argument is given, then that servers local time will be returned.
- /TIME irc.pitt.edu
- Returns the local time from server irc.pitt.edu.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /TOPIC [channel] [New Topic]
- The topic command alone will display the channels topic. If the optional
- [New Topic] argument is given, the topic will be changed to the
- argument given, provided that the topic is not protected, or the user
- issuing the command is an operator on the channel.
- Related: MODE
- Will display the current topic on #AmIRC.
- /TOPIC #AmIRC Amigas Rule!
- Will replace the current topic of #AmIRC with the topic 'Amigas
- Rule'
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /TRACE [server|nick]
- TRACE is used to find the route to specific server. If the parameter is
- omitted, it will return which servers the current server has a direct
- connection to. If the destination given is a nickname, only a reply for
- that nickname is given. If the destination is an actual server, then
- the destination server is required to report all servers and users which
- are connected to it, although only operators are permitted to see users
- present.
- /TRACE Bill
- Traces connection to user Bill.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /UMODE [usermodes]
- UMODE is used to set your own usermodes. The available options are:
- o - Chan Op: Sets/Takes Channel Operator status
- i - Invisible: Sets Visible/Invisible (in global userlist).
- w - Wallops: Allows receiving of texts sent to all Operators.
- s - Server Notices: Allows receiving of Server Notices.
- Related: MODE
- /UMODE i
- Makes you invisible to the global userlist.
- Commands
- ========
- ----------
- Usage: /UNHIGHLITE [item]
- HIGHLITE can be used to light up certain texts. They will be shown in a
- colour that's defined in the Colors.
- You can also change Highlighting using the Lists.
- Alternative: UNHILITE
- Will remove MyName from the Highlight List.
- Commands
- ========
- --------
- HIGHLITE can be used to light up certain texts. They will be shown in a
- colour that's defined in the Colors.
- You can also change Highlighting using the Lists.
- Alternative: UNHILITE
- Usage: /UNHILITE [item]
- Will remove MyName from the Highlight List.
- Commands
- ========
- --------
- Usage: /UNIGNORE [userhost|nick]
- Removes the Ignore state of a user. Will show current ignores when no
- argument is submitted.
- Shows a list of all currently ignored users
- /UNIGNORE Franky
- Will remove all ignores on Franky
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /UNLOAD plugin [FORCE]
- Will make AmIRC unload a plugin. The FORCE option will force the plugin
- to be unloaded.
- Related: LOAD RELOAD
- Makes AmIRC unload the XDCC plugin.
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage: /UNVOICE [channel] nick[,nick...]
- Will remove a user's Voice status. You can specify a certain channel
- and submit multiple users.
- Related: VOICE
- Will remove the Voice status of Boy
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage: /UPING host
- UPING is used by IRCops to ping a certain host. Mainly used for
- debugging the network and see if connections are alive.
- /UPING irc.network.com
- Send a Ping packet to irc.network.com.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /USERS [host]
- The USERS command returns a list of users logged into the server in a
- similar format to who, rusers and finger. This command is frequently
- disabled for security related reasons.
- /USERS *.microsoft.com
- Will show all user connected to *.microsoft.com.
- Commands
- ========
- --------
- Usage: /USERHOST nick[,nick[,...]]
- Returns the login@domain for the specified nickname(s). Up to five
- nicknames may be specified, each separated by a <space>.
- Returns: DuRaN is DuRaN@calci.amiganet.pgh.net
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage /VERSION [nick|server]
- Returns the version of the server's software. If the optional [server]
- argument is given, returns the version of the specified server's
- software. When a user's nick is given instead it will return the user's
- client software version and info.
- /VERSION *.edu
- Returns server version information for all servers matching
- '*.edu'.
- /VERSION Franky
- Will return information and version of Franky's client software.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage /VOICE [channel] nick[,nick...]
- You can give a user a Voice with this command. A voice is needed on a
- Moderated channel to be able to speak. (See MODE for details).
- Related: UNVOICE
- /VOICE Sinatra
- Gives a Voice to user Sinatra.
- Commands
- ========
- -------
- Usage /WALLOPS text_to_broadcast
- Sends a text to all Operators who have 'Receiving WALLOPS' enabled.
- This command is mainly used by servers.
- /WALLOPS Greeting to you all!
- Sends the text 'Greeting to you all!' to all Operators.
- Commands
- ========
- ---
- Usage: /WHO channel|pattern
- Returns a generated list of all users matching the criteria passed to
- the command, i/e. everyone at a particular channel, or matching a
- particular pattern.
- /WHO *.cmu.edu
- Will list all users at the cmu.edu domain.
- /WHO #Amiga
- Shows all users on #Amiga.
- Commands
- ========
- -----
- Usage: /WHOIS nick[,nick[,...]]
- Returns information about the specified user or users, that you are
- allowed to see.
- /WHOIS Phalanx
- Returns available information about user 'Phalanx'.
- Commands
- ========
- ------
- Usage /WHOWAS nick[,nick[,...]]
- Returns information on a nick that no longer exists, due to the user
- leaving the server or changing their nick.
- /WHOWAS Aerosoul
- Checks for and returns available information on the nick
- 'Aerosoul'.
- Customizing your environment
- ****************************
- Overview
- ========
- Now that you have AmIRC running, you may want to get it to operate the
- way you want it to, and to look pleasing as well. This is achieved
- through both the MUI preferences and AmIRC's Menu options.
- MUI Settings
- ************
- Changing MUI Settings
- =====================
- Most of the configuration dealing with how AmIRC's GUI appears can be
- customized with MUI. Check the MUI Settings... entry under the
- Settings menu. This will pop up MUI's interface, allowing you to
- setup AmIRC's MUI Prefs, without disturbing any of your other MUI
- configurations. Read the documentation for MUI to learn more about the
- operation of MUI Preferences.
- AmIRC Configuration
- *******************
- Customizing your environment
- ============================
- Most of the setup functions appear in the Setup entry under the
- Settings menu. Here you will get a window that will allow you to
- access several pages that deal with configuring AmIRC.
- AmIRC Configuration
- *******************
- Messages Page
- =============
- Misc Messages
- -------------
- CTCP Userinfo
- The text in this string is what will be returned to a user who
- sends CTCP to your client.
- KICK Reason
- If you are a channel operator and KICK another user from the
- Channel, this text will appear as the reason for the /KICK.
- Quit Messages
- -------------
- Exit
- This will appear to users in the channel when you exit AmIRC.
- New Server
- This text will appear to users in the channel when you select
- Select Server in the AmIRC menu, and pick a new server to
- connect to.
- System reset
- This is the text to appear if you reboot your amiga (Ctrl-
- Amiga-Amiga) while connected to a server.
- AWAY Messages
- -------------
- Default
- This is the text that will appear when you are set AWAY by
- selecting the Marked Away? item in the User Modes menu or
- using the AWAY command
- AutoAWAY
- Text that appears when you are automatically set away due to
- inactivity.
- Timeout
- This sets how much time will pass before AmIRC assumes you are
- away from the computer and marks you as AWAY. If set to 0 (Zero),
- time-out will be disabled.
- This cycle gadget allows you to choose the conditions of which
- AmIRC will automatically set you to Not AWAY.
- AmIRC Configuration
- *******************
- Events Page
- ===========
- Here you may define certain actions to take place upon incoming events.
- These actions can be as simple as a warning beep from your Amiga, or a
- complex and powerful Rexx command. The following text first explains
- the functions of the columns of this page, and then goes on to explain
- what each event is.
- Columns
- -------
- Event
- The particular event for the action to take place on.
- Deiconify
- If AmIRC is iconified, this will uniconify and bring to front the
- AmIRC window on the occurrence of the event.
- Beep
- This will perform a system beep on the occurrence of the event
- Sound
- If a sound sample is preferred for the event, you may use the
- requester gadget to pick a sound to play instead of the system
- beep. Please Note, AmIRC uses the DataTypes of OS 3.x for sounds,
- and you will not be able to use this feature under OS 2.x.
- Vol
- This sets the volume for the sound sample. The valid range for the
- volume is 0 - 64. This is a slider gadget. The small gadget just
- to the left of this slider gadget can be used to test the selected
- sound file.
- Rexx Command
- Here you may configure a Rexx script to be run on the occurrence
- of the event.
- Events
- ------
- Any Message
- This event occurs on any incoming public message.
- Private Msg
- This event occurs when you receive an incoming private MSG or DCC
- message.
- Notice
- This event occurs when an operator sends out a NOTICE.
- CTCP request
- This event occurs when your client receives any CTCP request. (For
- example /CTCP Time, or /CTCP Version)
- DCC request
- This event occurs on receiving a DCC file transfer request or chat
- request.
- Join
- This event occurs when anyone JOIN the channel you are currently
- on.
- Kick
- This event occurs when anyone is KICK from the channel you are
- currently on.
- Mode change
- This event occurs when the channel mode is changed for the channel
- you are currently on. E.g. If someone is OPed or /DeOPed, or if the
- channel is made private, etc.
- ISON Notify
- This event occurs when AmIRC 'sees' a user that is configured in
- your Notify list.
- Connection
- This event occurs when AmIRC makes a connection to an IRC server.
- Invite
- This event occurs when another user INVITE you to join a channel
- that is currently set to MODE Invite Only.
- Highlite
- This even occurs upon receiving text that is configured in the
- Hilite section of the Lists setup.
- AmIRC Configuration
- *******************
- Actions Page
- ============
- Action buttons
- --------------
- The main part of this window consists of a listview containing the
- Label and Operation for all currently set up action buttons
- that appear beneath the userlist in AmIRC's main window. You can
- specify up to 96 action buttons. They can contain any IRC action, much
- like a macro. As AmIRC doesn't allow configurable function keys to act
- as macros, these buttons are preset for CTCP, DCC and MODE operations.
- Selecting an action from the listview will place it in the gadgets
- below for editing.
- Label:
- This is the label that will appear on the action button.
- Operation:
- This is the operation that is executed when the action button is
- pressed. This can be anything you can enter in the channels input
- gadget. The bottom of the page contains a list with valid
- placeholders that will be replaced when the operation is executed.
- Number of button pages
- This slider determines how many button pages there will be.
- Allowing you to separate the action buttons into different pages
- so they won't take up too much space on the screen. Each page has
- a tab that allows it to be selected. The actions can be sorted in
- the list by dragging and dropping allowing you to determine the
- content of each button page.
- Add New Action
- With this button a new action will be added to the list.
- Delete Action
- With this button the currently selected action will be removed
- from the list.
- These actions can also be accessed by clicking the right mouse
- button after selecting a users nick from the userlist.
- Special
- -------
- On this page you can set some special actions:
- Userlist doubleclick
- This action will be performed when you double-click on a nick in
- the channel's userlist.
- Nick button
- This action will be performed when you click on the button
- containing your own nick.
- The bottom bar shows all valid placeholders for these actions which
- will be replaced when the operation is executed.
- AmIRC Configuration
- *******************
- Lists Page
- ==========
- Alias Page
- ----------
- Here you can create aliases, or short-cuts for complex IRC commands.
- The main part of the page is taken up by the listview containing all
- currently set up aliases. You can modify them by selecting them.
- Add New Alias
- With this button you can add new aliases.
- Delete Alias
- With this button you can remove the currently selected alias from
- the list.
- The bottom bar contains an example template. %p will be replaced by
- any arguments that you use when issuing the alias.
- Ignore Page
- -----------
- Here you can set which users, if any, you want to IGNORE, and what kind
- of messages from them to ignore. The main part of the page consists of
- the listview displaying all current ignores. You can modify them by
- selecting them.
- Ignore Text
- When this item is checked any public message send by the user will
- be ignored.
- Ignore PrivMsgs
- When this item is checked you won't see any MSG from the user.
- Ignore CTCPs
- When this item is checked you won't receive any CTCP request from
- the user.
- Add Ignore
- With this button a new ignore will be added to the list.
- Delete Ignore
- This button will remove a selected ignore from the list.
- Hilite Page
- -----------
- Here you may set certain text to be highlighted in order to get your
- attention if that text appears. The main part of the page is taken up
- by the listview showing all currently set up patterns. You may edit any
- entry by selecting it.
- Add New Hilite pattern
- With this button you can add a new pattern to the list. You may
- set text to match the Nick, Userhost, or any keyword enclosed in
- double quotes. The Hilite patterns will ignore a pattern it
- recognizes if it was input by you, but will be activate on the
- pattern from other users.
- Pattern Definitions:
- --------------------
- Nick
- This will watch the AmIRC listview for the nick that you
- specify, and highlight the text for that users message. The
- 'Nick' entry does not require double quotes.
- Userhost
- This will watch for messages that originate from a particular
- Userhost, and highlight the text for that message. Userhost
- entries may contain wildcards. Examples:
- fred!fdoe@doe1.powernet.edu
- This will highlight only messages from fred at that
- particular address.
- fred!*@*
- This will highlight messages from anyone named fred,
- regardless of address or login name.
- Fred!*@*.powernet.edu
- This will highlight messages from anyone named fred on
- any machine on powernet.edu
- *!*@doe1.powernet.edu
- This will highlight any messages from anyone on the doe1
- machine at powernet.edu
- *!*@*
- This will highlight any messages from any user.
- "Keyword"
- This will highlight any message that contains the text
- enclosed in double quotes.
- 'Keyword'
- This does the same as above but is case sensitive.
- Delete Hilite pattern
- Select a pattern from the list and press this button to delete it.
- AmIRC Configuration
- *******************
- Interface Page
- ==============
- The Interface configuration page allows you to control some specific
- aspects of AmIRC that aren't covered in the MUI configuration.
- General Page
- ------------
- Windows Limits
- --------------
- Scrollback Buffer Size:
- Here the size of the Scrollback buffer can be set (in lines).
- Misc
- ----
- Inline URL/Email handling
- Here you can determine if AmIRC will sent the URL or Email address
- to your browser or email client by either single or double mouse
- click. Or you can disable it completely.
- Timestamps
- With this you can determine if the time stamps that appear in
- front of each entry in the channel list will be either
- Short(hh:mm) or Long(hh:mm:ss), or you can disable
- them.
- Window list action
- You can make the window either Uniconify/Iconify, where the
- windows will just re-open when uniconified, or Uniconify/Pop to
- front, where a window will pop to the front when uniconified.
- Remember buffer position when iconified?
- When this item is selected AmIRC will remember the buffer position
- when it is being iconified. When the interface is brought back up
- it will be at the same position in the buffer.
- Hide page manipulation buttons?
- You can hide the buttons with which you can manipulate the pages.
- Wheel mouse support
- -------------------
- Wheel scroll lines:
- Here you can determine how many lines will be scrolled at a time
- when the mouse wheel is used.
- Channels Page
- -------------
- Fonts
- -----
- Channel text font
- Here you can specify an alternative channel text font that will be
- used in the main channel list. If none is specified the font set
- in the MUI Prefs will be used.
- Userlist
- --------
- Userlist
- You can determine if the user list is visible or not visible, and
- if it is visible, if it is a separate window, or a part of the
- AmIRC window.
- Order
- This gadget determines how the userlist will be shown. Either in
- Alpabetical Order, New at bottom or New at top.
- Popup Menu
- You can select the Userlist popup menu to be Disabled, Same as
- Action Buttons or Complex(Hierarchical).
- Buttons?
- You can have the Action buttons displayed below the user list. If
- the user list is configured as a separate window, the buttons will
- also appear in that window.
- Userlist win open?
- The userlist window can be opened upon start-up, if it is
- configured as a separate window.
- Misc
- ----
- No Balance Bar?
- You can disable the Balance Bar between the user list and the
- channel list.
- Hide Lag-O-Meter?
- You can hide the Lag-O-Meter from the main window.
- 'Economy' channelmode buttons
- In 'Economy' mode the channel mode buttons are merged into a
- single button containing all the relevant switched that are set,
- leaving more space for other interface items. If you want to set
- a channel mode you can click on the button to pop up the channel
- mode buttons
- Dialogs Page
- ------------
- Fonts
- -----
- Dialog window font
- Here you can specify an alternative dialogue window font that will
- be used in the dialogue windows. If none is specified the font set
- in the MUI Prefs will be used.
- Windows Limits
- --------------
- Maximum number of query windows:
- Here you can set how many QUERY windows there will be open maximum
- at a time.
- No query windows when away?
- You can disable QUERY windows from opening when you are set AWAY.
- Misc
- ----
- Query window on different Pubscreen
- Here you can set an alternative public screen on which the QUERY
- window will be opened. If no pubscreen is specified, the Query
- Window will open on AmIRC's default screen.
- AmIRC Configuration
- *******************
- Colors Page
- ===========
- Text Colors
- -----------
- In this section, you may configure the colours that certain text will
- appear in AmIRC. These colours are based on the MUI pen colours that
- you have configured in MUI. Just click and hold on the cycle gadget to
- see a list of the MUI Pen colours available.
- Normal Text
- Text that is a normal message from a user.
- Private Messages
- Text that is a private message from another user to you.
- Mode Changes
- Text that shows a mode change for the channel.
- Local Info
- Text that is generated by local events. E.g. Vapor's MicroDot-2
- notifying you of new mail.
- Background
- The background colour of the listview(s).
- Own Text
- Any text entered by you.
- Nick Related
- Any text that contains a nick action.
- Part Messages
- Text when someone leaves a channel.
- Quit Messages
- Text when someone quits IRC.
- Invite Messages
- Text of an invitation to a channel.
- WhoIs Text
- Text produced by the WHOIS command.
- Notify Messages
- Text of notify messages
- Highlighted Text
- Text that is configured in the Lists list for AmIRC.
- Server Messages
- Text that comes from the server.
- CTCP/DCC Messages
- Text that informs you of an incoming CTCP or DCC request.
- Alt. Background
- The alternative background colour of the listview(s), indicating
- that the buffer is scrolled back and you're not seeing new
- messages being entered until you scroll down.
- Notices
- Notification texts.
- Join Messages
- Text when someone enters a channel.
- Kick Messages
- Text when someone is kicked from a channel.
- CTCP Actions
- Text produced by a CTCP action.
- Topic related
- Text that contains any topic action.
- WallOps Text
- Text meant for all IRC Operators.
- Lists Text
- Text produced by the LIST command.
- Page/Iconify Buttons
- --------------------
- Here you can specify the colour of the Page (tabs) and Tray Window
- buttons, when their respective channel/chat is not visible, indicating
- a special event.
- New Message
- Colour of the button when new messages are present.
- Highlight
- Colour of the button when items have been highlighted.
- AmIRC Configuration
- *******************
- Windows Page
- ============
- Open which windows on startup
- -----------------------------
- In this section you can determine which windows will be opened when
- AmIRC is started. When the gadget behind an item is checked that window
- will be opened.
- Window List?
- The Window List or Tray Window holds a button for each opened
- window.
- URL grabber?
- The URL Grabber window, keeps track of all URL's (or WWW
- addresses) mentioned on any of the joined channels.
- RAW log?
- The RAW Log window contains the raw IRC messages.
- DCC send list?
- The DCC send window can be used to monitor all outgoing DCC
- traffic.
- Notify list?
- The Notify window holds all nicks you want to be notified of when
- they join IRC.
- Info window?
- The Info window shows all redirected messages and a graphical
- representation of current lag to the server.
- Privmsg log?
- The Privmsg displays all messages sent to you with MSG.
- DCC recv list?
- The DCC receive window can be used to monitor all incoming DCC
- traffic.
- Other automatic windows
- -----------------------
- 'Invite' window?
- The 'Invite' window is shown when you are INVITE to a channel.
- AmIRC Configuration
- *******************
- Logging Page
- ============
- Logging
- -------
- In this section the default log file name and log directory can be set.
- You can also specify if you want to log all Channel windows and Dialog
- windows.
- Logfile:
- This is the file that is used when 'Enable Logging?' item is
- enabled in the Menus.
- Logfile directory:
- This is the directory where all individual log files are stored
- when a Channel or Dialog window is logged.
- Log all Channels?
- When this item is checked all Channels will be logged.
- Log all Dialog windows?
- When this item is checked all Dialog windows will be logged.
- Log all URLs?
- When this item is checked all URLs that appear in the URL Grabber
- will be logged.
- Immediate Logging?
- When this item is check AmIRC will start logging immediately when
- started.
- Filename Templates
- ------------------
- Channel log filename:
- Here the filename for the channel log files is determined.
- Dialog log filename:
- Here the filename for the Dialog window log files is determined.
- URL log filename:
- Here the filename for the URL log file is determined.
- The gadget at the bottom lists all valid placeholders for the file
- names.
- AmIRC Configuration
- *******************
- Function Keys Page
- ==================
- Here you may define the Amiga's ten function keys to insert text into
- the input string gadget of AmIRC. By using the keys normally, or with
- the shift or ctrl modifiers, you may define up to 30 text input
- macros that can be used at the press of a key. This is similar to the
- function key macros found on many popular terminal emulation programs.
- A /n at the end of a function key definition will send a <CR> after
- the text. The function key definitions also allow placeholders, similar
- to the Operation.
- AmIRC Configuration
- *******************
- Misc Page
- =========
- CTCP SOUND handling
- -------------------
- Here you may set the directory where AmIRC looks for files requested by
- incoming CTCP requests.
- Directory:
- Here the directory where AmIRC looks for sounds can be entered.
- Volume:
- With this slider the playback volume of the sounds can be set from
- 0-64.
- Sound Player
- ------------
- Use external player?
- When this item is checked AmIRC will use an external player to
- play the sounds.
- Player command line
- This is the command that will be executed when AmIRC uses an
- external player.
- CTCP Flood Control
- ------------------
- Request allowed
- The number of CTCP requests allowed from a host is a specified
- time period.
- Flood requests tolerated
- The number of flood requests allowed before automatically setting
- an IGNORE on the host.
- Time periods (seconds)
- The period of time in which the allowed amount of CTCP's can be
- requested.
- Period extend (seconds)
- Time added to flood period per CTCP request in case of continued
- flooding.
- AmIRC's ARexx Port
- ******************
- Overview
- ========
- AmIRC supports a versatile ARexx Port.
- None
- This script is executed when AmIRC is launched. It may be used to
- initialise scripts.
- Connected.amirx
- ===============
- None
- This script is executed once a connection has been established to a
- server.
- Shutdown.amirx
- ==============
- None
- This script is executed on shutdown of an AmIRC client. It may be used
- to flush memory.
- Note: It is imperative to change host address in the beginning of the
- script because the AmIRC arexx port will drop shortly after
- shutdown.amirx is executed. EXAMPLE :
- /* Shutdown.amirx */
- address REXX
- Custom_CTCP.amirx
- =================
- command fromnick destination arguments
- where "destination" is either the destination channel or your own
- nickname.
- This script will be executed for every CTCP command received that is
- not implemented internally into AmIRC. When this script exists, the
- "Unknown CTCP command ..." line will not be displayed, so include code
- to emulate it.
- This example shows how to implement a simple page command that plays a
- sound and deiconifies the client.
- /* Custom_CTCP.amirx */
- options results
- parse arg command fromnick destination arguments
- /* Display unknown CTCP commands */
- if command ~= 'PAGE' then do
- 'ECHO P=½CTCP╗ C=5 Unknown "'command'" request from' fromnick'.'
- exit
- end
- /* Ignore if request was sent to a channel */
- if left(1,destination) ~= '#' then do
- /* echo a line,deiconify client and play a sample */
- 'ECHO P=½CTCP╗ C=5' fromnick 'has paged you.'
- 'SHOW'
- end
- DCCDone.amirx
- =============
- com successcode nick filename
- where : successcode is 1 for a successful DCC 0 for failed. com is
- SEND for Outgoing DCC's or RECEIVE for Incoming DCC's.
- This script is executed when a DCC is completed/aborted/failed. It may
- be used to perform automated actions on received files.
- This script will extract lha/lzx archives to RAM: and play wav's and
- snd's.
- /* DCCDone.amirx */
- options results
- parse arg com successcode nick filename
- /*Transfer failed/DCC is incoming - abort*/
- if successcode=0 | com='SEND' then exit
- /* Obtain 3 - letter extension */
- ext = upper(right(strip(filename,'B',' "'),4))
- /*
- ** #?.wav or #?.snd will be played in AmIRC
- ** #?.lha will be extracted to RAM:
- ** #?.lzx will be extracted to RAM:
- */
- Select
- when ext = '.WAV' | ext = '.SND' then 'PLAYSOUND' filename
- when ext = '.LHA' then address command 'lha x' filename 'RAM:'
- when ext = '.lzx' then address command 'lzx x' filename 'RAM:'
- otherwise
- end
- HandleFlood.amirx
- =================
- :nick!user@host type target :text
- If this script exists,it will be called once AmIRC identifies a CTCP
- flood. It is passed the last flood-line as arguments. If the script
- does not exist, the internal AmIRC function will be used.
- This example will effectively emulate the internal AmIRC flood
- protection. One may improve on it.
- /* Handleflood.amirx */
- options results
- parse arg last
- "parseline" last
- parse value last.prefix WITH nick'!'user''host
- 'SAY /IGNORE *!*'host 'CTCP'
- "ECHO P=FloodProt Flood from" nick "defused."
- ===
- Usage:
- Treats TEXT just like it has been entered in the string gadget of the
- current window.
- 'say /JOIN #Amigager'
- ===========
- Usage:
- Checks whether a connection is currently established. Returns RC 0 if
- the link is up, RC 5 otherwise.
- =========
- Usage:
- Returns your current nickname.
- "GETMYNICK";"ECHO" result
- =============
- Usage:
- Returns the name of the IRC server you are currently connected to.
- ========
- Usage:
- Returns the userhost specification belonging to NICK. AMIRC keeps an
- internal list of the userhosts of every nick that occurred yet. You can
- query this database with this command. Note however that it is
- possible that the userhost isn't in the database yet; this command will
- not query the server then, but simply return an error.
- "USERHOST Olli";"ECHO" result
- ====
- Usage:
- Sends text to the listview. With P=Text you can set the prefix which
- will be put in the Prefix part of the echo. With C=Colour you can set
- any of the colours set in the AmIRC configuration. The colours you can
- use are :
- C=0 : Normal Text
- C=1 : Highlighted Text
- C=2 : Private Messages
- C=3 : Server Messages
- C=4 : Mode Changes
- C=5 : CTCP/DCC Messages
- AmigaDOS Readargs() has a small bug.
- If you do "ECHO P" or "ECHO P=Prefix P is a letter" or "ECHO C" or
- "ECHO C=1 C is a letter"
- AmIRC will not display anything. To cure this enter the template in
- full like: "ECHO TEXT=P..."
- "ECHO P=Kewlja C=3 This is echo test"
- ===
- Usage:
- Sends text to the server in raw format.
- "RAW PRIVMSG phalanx :heya! what's happening?"
- =========
- Usage:
- Returns the window number for the specified channel.
- options results;"getwinnum CHANNEL=#amiga";"ECHO" result
- ==========
- Usage:
- Returns the name of the channel currently active in the format:
- "#channel."
- If the WINNUM argument is given , the channel for that window is
- returned.
- options results;"getchannel";"ECHO" result
- options results;"getchannel WINNUM=1";"ECHO" result
- ========
- Usage:
- Returns a list of channels currently joined in the format: "#channel1
- #channel2 etc."
- options results;"channels";"ECHO" result
- ======
- Usage:
- Returns status of DCC Send, Receive and Chat to stem variables.
- Remember that the values set are the current ones. If your script will
- delay for a minute or so the values for cps or state will possible
- change. To refresh them, call GETDCC again.
- The status is returned to three stems:
- dcc.send.# : DCC Send
- dcc.send.0 holds number of entries.
- dcc.send.# is composed of :
- nick moveflag hostname state length cps filename
- * moveflag reflects if this DCC is MOVE or SEND
- state can be :
- 0 : Waiting
- 1 : Aborted
- 2 : Sending
- 3 : Complete
- 4 : Failed
- 5 : No Socket
- 6 : No File
- 7 : ReadError
- 8 : Calculating Checksum
- So to see if a dcc is active, check if state=2|state=8
- dcc.receive.# : DCC Receive
- dcc.receive.0 holds number of entries.
- dcc.receive.# is composed of :
- nick moveflag hostname state length cps filename
- * moveflag reflects if this DCC is MOVE or SEND
- state can be :
- 0 : Waiting
- 1 : Connecting
- 2 : Receiving
- 3 : Complete
- 4 : Failed
- 5 : Unable to connect
- 6 : Aborted
- 7 : No Socket
- 8 : Unknown Host
- 9 : No File
- 10: Disk Write Error
- So to see if a dcc is active, check if state=1|state=2
- The following loop goes through the list of dcc receives (if there
- are ones active) and parses each entry.
- if dcc.receive.0>0 THEN DO i=1 TO dcc.receive.0
- parse value dcc.receive.i WITH nick moveflag hostname state length cps filename .
- /*process*/
- end
- dcc.chat.# : DCC Chat
- dcc.chat.0 holds number of entries.
- dcc.chat.# is composed of :
- nick state hostname
- state can be :
- 0 : Waiting
- 1 : Connecting
- 2 : Connected
- 3 : Waiting for
- 4 : Closed
- 5 : Unable to connect
- 6 : No Socket
- 7 : Aborted
- So to see if a dcc is active, check if state=1
- The following loop goes through the list of dcc chats (if there
- are ones active) and parses each entry.
- if dcc.chat.0>0 THEN DO i=1 TO dcc.chat.0
- parse value dcc.receive.i WITH nick state hostname .
- /*process*/
- end
- ===============
- Usage:
- Returns the Nick the user highlighted in the userlist window.
- If the WINNUM argument is specified, the selected user in that window
- will be returned. If the CHANNEL argument is specified, the selected
- user in that channel will be returned.
- options results;"getselecteduser";"ECHO" result
- options results;"getselecteduser WINNUM=1";"ECHO" result
- options results;"getselecteduser CHANNEL=#amiga";"ECHO" result
- =======
- Usage
- Returns the nick of the user number given on the active channel
- userlist.
- If the WINNUM argument is specified, the nick in that window will be
- returned. If the CHANNEL argument is specified, the nick in that
- channel will be returned.
- Keep in mind, the userlist starts from 0!
- options results; "getuser 0"; "ECHO" result
- options results; "getuser 0 WINNUM=1"; "ECHO" result
- options results; "getuser 0 CHANNEL=#amiga"; "ECHO" result
- ========
- Usage
- Returns a string containing the list of users on the active channel.
- The user list is time-sorted and every user is appended the "@" char
- for Ops and "+" char for voice. This is effectively a copy from /names
- output. This will look like : @Nick1 Nick2 +Nick3 Nick4 Nick1 is
- opped, and joined the channel first (is first in the list). Nick3 is
- voiced. Nick4 joined the channel last.
- If the WINNUM argument is specified, the users in that window will be
- returned. If the CHANNEL argument is specified, the users in that
- channel will be returned.
- options results; "getusers"; "ECHO" result
- options results; "getusers WINNUM=1"; "ECHO" result
- options results; "getusers CHANNEL=#amiga"; "ECHO" result
- ============
- Usage
- Returns the status of user "num" on the active channel.
- RC=0 User is on-line, but has no special status.
- RC=1 User is Channel Operator.
- RC=2 User is on-line and has been "Voiced".
- RC=5 User # not in the userlist.
- If the WINNUM argument is specified, the status for the user in that
- window will be returned. If the CHANNEL argument is specified, the
- status for the user in that channel will be returned.
- options results; "getuserstate 0"; "ECHO" rc
- options results; "getuserstate 0 WINNUM=1"; "ECHO" rc
- options results; "getuserstate 1 CHANNEL=#amiga"; "ECHO" rc
- =======
- Usage
- Waits for a line from the server and returns the following stem
- variables;.
- LINE = The entire, unparsed, line received.
- LINE.PREFIX = The Nick and user@host.
- LINE.DEST = The channel the message was written to.
- LINE.REST = The message text.
- options results
- "getline"
- text=line prefix=line.prefix comm=line.command dest=line.dest
- rest=line.rest
- "ECHO" text prefix comm dest rest
- ============
- Usage
- Returns the number of lines in the channel buffer for the active window
- channel.
- options results; "getlinecount"; "ECHO" result
- ===========
- Usage
- Returns the last private message received in the format;.
- :nick!~user@host Messagetype Nick :message text.
- options results; "getlastline"; "ECHO" result
- ============
- Usage
- Returns your away status.
- rc=0 Not away.
- rc=5 Away.
- options results; "getawaystate"; "ECHO" rc
- ==========
- Usage
- Returns the Version number of AmIRC.
- options results; "getversion"; "ECHO" result
- ===============
- Usage
- Returns the path to the sounds played with ctcp sound.
- options results; "GETCTCPSOUNDDIR" ; "ECHO" result
- ================
- Usage
- Returns the path of the dcc receive directory.
- options results; "GETDCCRECEIVEDIR" ; "ECHO" result
- =============
- Usage
- Matches userhost with pattern and sets rc to 0 if there is no match and
- rc to 1 if there is a match. USERHOST must be a real host like
- nick!user@hostname and not a pattern. PATTERN may hold special
- characters like "*" and "?" such as ni*!use?@ho?tna*.
- options results
- "MATCHUSERHOST Joe!Joeshmoe@ppp100.net.il *!*@*.net.il"
- "ECHO" rc
- =========
- Usage
- This command will play a sound via AmIRC. It may play a sound-file if
- you give it a filename. You don't have to give a complete file name,
- you can give one that is in the sounds directory. You may also play
- the sound set for one of the events by specifying the EVENT argument.
- =========
- Usage
- Parses the line specified and returns the following stem variables;
- LINE = The entire, unparsed, line received.
- LINE.PREFIX = The Nick and user@host
- LINE.DEST = The channel the message was written to.
- LINE.REST = The message text.
- options results
- "getlastline"
- last=result
- "parseline" last
- text=line
- prefix=line.prefix
- comm=line.command
- dest=line.dest
- rest=line.rest
- "ECHO" text prefix comm dest rest
- How to Get Help & Updates
- *************************
- Support
- =======
- AmIRC Support Mailing List
- To keep up to date on AmIRC improvements or to get answers to AmIRC
- problems, join the AmIRC support mailing list by sending email to:
- <AmIRC-Request@vapor.com>
- with the text ADD in the body.
- AmIRC FTP Support Site
- For AmIRC Updates & Patches, ftp to:
- ftp.vapor.com, /pub/amirc/
- AmIRC Support on the World Wide Web
- Or, Alternatively, visit the Vapor WWW Site at:
- http://www.vapor.com/
- Index
- *****
- ? command ?
- About AmIRC About AmIRC
- Actions Options Actions
- ADMIN command ADMIN
- Administrator, Showing ADMIN
- ALIAS command ALIAS
- Aliases, setting up Lists
- AmIRC About AmIRC
- AmIRC Menu AmIRC
- AmIRC Support AmIRC Support
- ARexx Menu Rexx
- ARexx Reference ARexx
- Arexx, Using RX
- Auto-Inviting, Adding INVADD
- Auto-Inviting, Listing INVLIST
- Auto-Inviting, Removing INVDEL
- AWAY command AWAY
- AWAY, Resetting BACK
- AWAY, Setting AWAY
- BACK command BACK
- BAN command BAN
- Ban exception(s), Adding EXCADD
- Ban exception(s), Listing EXCLIST
- Ban exception(s), Removing EXCDEL
- Ban, Listing BANLIST
- Ban, Removing BANDEL
- Buffer, Clearing CLEAR
- Buffer, Searching LASTLOG
- Channel Op, Removing DEOP
- Channel, Joining/Creating CHANNEL
- Channel, Joining/Creating JOIN
- Channel, Leaving LEAVE
- Channel, Leaving PART
- Channels, Listing LIST
- ChanOp, Setting OP
- Chat Window, Logging LOG
- CLEAR command CLEAR
- Colourcodes COLOURCODES
- Colours, Changing text COLOURCODES
- Command, Renaming ALIAS
- Commands Commands
- Configuration Options AmIRC Setup
- Configuration with MUI MUI Preferences
- Configuring AmIRC Configuration
- Connecting to an IRC server Connecting
- Contents, Table of Top
- Copyright Information Copyright
- CTCP Action, Sending ME
- CTCP command CTCP
- CTCP command, Sending CTCP
- CTCP Ping, Sending PING
- CTCP Sound Settings Misc
- CYCLE command CYCLE
- CYCLE command, Sending CYCLE
- DCC command DCC
- DCC command, Sending DCC
- DEOP command DEOP
- Events Options Events
- FAKE command FAKE
- Features Features
- Function Keys, Setting up FKeys
- GLINE command GLINE
- Global KLine, Showing GLINE
- HELP command HELP
- Help, Getting HELP
- Help, Getting ?
- Hilighting certain text Lists
- Ignoring Users Lists
- INFO command INFO
- Installing AmIRC Installation
- Interface Options Interface
- IRC Names, Showing NAMES
- IRC Terminology IRC Terms
- IRC, Quitting QUIT
- IRCop, Setting OPER
- ISON command ISON
- JOIN command JOIN
- KICK command KICK
- KICK command QKICK
- KILL command KILL
- LEAVE command LEAVE
- LINKS command LINKS
- LIST command LIST
- LOAD command LOAD
- LOG command LOG
- Logging Settings Logging
- M command M
- MAP command MAP
- ME command ME
- Menus Menus
- Messages options Messages
- MODE command MODE
- Modes, Changing MODE
- MOTD command MOTD
- MOTD, Showing MOTD
- MSG command MSG
- MUI Configuration MUI Preferences
- NAMES command NAMES
- NICK command NICK
- Nickname, Changing NICK
- Nickname, Changing IRCNAME
- Nickname, Setting NICK
- NOTE command NOTE
- Notice, Sending NOTICE
- OP command OP
- OPER command OPER
- Operating AmIRC Operation
- Operators, Sending text to WALLOPS
- PART command PART
- Pattern matching of users WHO
- PING command PING
- Plugin, Loading LOAD
- Plugin, Reloading RELOAD
- Plugin, Unloading UNLOAD
- Plugins Menu Plugins
- PrivMsg, Sending RMSG
- PrivMsg, Sending M
- PrivMsg, Sending MSG
- QUERY command QUERY
- Query window, Opening QUERY
- QUIT command QUIT
- QUOTE command QUOTE
- RAW command RAW
- Raw text, Sending QUOTE
- Raw text, Sending RAW
- Reconnecting RECONNECT
- Registration Registration
- Requirements for running AmIRC Requirements
- RMSG command RMSG
- RX command RX
- Server data, Fake FAKE
- Server Info, Getting INFO
- Server Links, Showing LINKS
- Server Map, Showing MAP
- Server, (Re)connecting CONNECT
- Server, Connecting SERVER
- Server, Quitting SQUIT
- Server, Resetting REHASH
- Server, Restarting RESTART
- Server, Tracing TRACE
- Settings Menu Settings
- Settings menu: Actions Actions
- Settings Menu: Colors Colors
- Settings Menu: Events Events
- Settings Menu: Interface Interface
- Settings Menu: Lists Lists
- Settings Menu: Messages Messages
- SOUND command SOUND
- Sounds, Sending SOUND
- SQUIT command SQUIT
- STATS command STATS
- Stats, Showing STATS
- Support for AmIRC users AmIRC Support
- Text Colors Colors
- Text, Highlighting HIGHLITE
- Text, Highlighting HILITE
- Text, Unhighlighting UNHIGHLITE
- Text, Unhighlighting UNHILITE
- TIME command TIME
- Time, Getting server's TIME
- TOPIC command TOPIC
- Topic, Changing TOPIC
- TRACE command TRACE
- UMODE command UMODE
- UPING command UPING
- User IsOn, Checking if ISON
- User Modes Menu User Modes
- User's, Finding more info on WHOIS
- User, Banning BAN
- User, Describing to DESCRIBE
- User, Disconnecting KILL
- User, Giving Voice VOICE
- User, Ignoring IGNORE
- User, Inviting INVITE
- User, Kicking KICK
- User, Kicking QKICK
- User, Kicking/Banning QKICKBAN
- User, Kicking/Banning KICKBAN
- User, Notifying NOTIFY
- User, Removing Ignore UNIGNORE
- User, Removing Voice UNVOICE
- User, Silencing SILENCE
- User, Summon SUMMON
- User, Tracing TRACE
- Userhost, Finding USERHOST
- USERS command USERS
- Users Info, Showing LUSERS
- Users, Finding FINDHOST
- Users, Listing USERS
- Version, Server's software VERSION
- Version, User's client VERSION
- VOICE command VOICE
- What's new? What's new?
- WHO command WHO
- Who Was User WHOWAS
- WHOIS command WHOIS
- Windows Menu Windows
- Windows Settings Window