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- Here is a list of the contents of disks 976-1000. Future disks in the
- library will be organized by someone else. More details should be
- forthcoming in the next few weeks.
- -Fred
- ========================== Contents of Disk 976 ==========================
- CLIExchange A 592 byte CLI replacement for the standard CBM Exchange
- utility. The only difference is that Exchange has a graph-
- ical user interface while CLIExchange has been designed to
- be called from CLI so it can be used within scripts, menus,
- docks or hotkeys. You need at least 2.04 system release.
- C source included.
- Author: Gakl Marziou
- DieserZug A nicely done WorkBench "Worms" type game, where the object
- is to gobble up pieces making yourself longer and longer,
- while avoiding running into the walls or your "tail".
- Features 3 different speeds, high score list, pause and
- help keys. Version 1.2a, binary only.
- Author: Juha Vehvildinen
- ITF Amiga port of ITF4.01. ITF stands for "Infocom Task Force".
- There have been several ports of Infocom interpreters to the
- Amiga, but none of this program. The interpreter supports
- v1, v2, v3 (Zork1 to Stationfall), v4 (Trinity, Bureaucracy,
- etc.) and v5 (Sherlock, Beyond Zork etc.) games. This is
- more than any other freely distributable interpreter. With
- this interpreter you can play ALL the games in the LTOI2
- package for the IBM PC, by copying the datafiles with Cross-
- DOS or similar, then just running this interpreter. Re-
- quires OS 2.0+. Binary only.
- Author: InfoTaskForce, amiga port by David Kinder
- PCal Creates a very nice looking postscript calendar. By
- default, PCal simply prints an empty calendar. Its
- real power is in its ability to place ``events'' in
- appropriate days on the calendar, thus allowing the
- user to create personalized calendars. This is achieved
- through the use of a "calendar.dat" file that has
- extraordinary flexibility.
- Author: Patrick Wood, Joe Brownlee, Andy Fyfe, et al.
- ========================== Contents of Disk 976 ==========================
- Replex REPLace EXecutable. This handy patch substitutes program
- names that are about to be executed, e.g. if an icon
- default tool specifies ":c/MuchMore" and you prefer to use
- "c:TextRead", you can have it defined as such. You won't
- have to change the icon. This version also has a "catch"
- option to automatically ask for a substitute if a tool
- wasn't found. Replex has a font sensitive intuition inter-
- face, a snapshot option and an unlimited number of defini-
- tions, but requires AmigaDOS v2.04 or later. This is
- version 2.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk number 791.
- Binary only, shareware.
- Author: ASWare, by Ekke Verheul
- UChess A powerful version of the program GnuChess version 4 for the
- Amiga. Plays a very strong game of chess. Code has been
- rewritten and data structures reorganized for optimal effi-
- ciency on 32 bit 68020 and better Amiga systems. Fully
- multitasking, automatically detects and supports 640X480X256
- color AGA mode machines, and does not at any time BUSY wait.
- Requires a 68020/030/040 based Amiga computer system with
- AmigaOS 2.04 or later and 4 Meg of ram minimum. Special "L"
- version optimized for 68040 and requires 10 Meg of ram mini-
- mum. Supports a variety of standard features such as load,
- save, edit board, autoplay, swap sides, force move, undo,
- time limits, hints, show thinking, and a supervisor mode
- that will allow two humans to play with the computer acting
- as a "supervisor". Version 2.78, includes source. This
- version supports third party graphics cards. This is part
- 1 of a 2 part distribution. Part 1 contains the executables
- and documentation, part 2 contains the source and can be
- found on disk 977.
- Author: FSF, Amiga Port by Roger Uzun
- ========================== Contents of Disk 977 ==========================
- Forth An update to the MVP-Forth directory on AmigaLibDisk #9.
- Provided is an improved, faster screen editor which uses
- the keyboard cursor keys, backspace and delete keys and
- function keys which allow fast moving thru the screens,
- pasting from PAD and the printing of screen, triad or PAD
- to the printer port prt:. F1 is the OOPs key. Control
- Keys give fast editing. The control keys and Function
- keys can be reprogrammed by the user if desired. Runs on
- Amiga 1000 and 3000. Probably on Amiga 500 and 2000
- (Untested).
- Author: Fantasia Systems, Inc. Updated by John Bos
- KingCON A console-handler that optionally replaces the standard
- 'CON:' and 'RAW:' devices. It is 100% compatible, but adds
- some VERY useful features, such as: Filename-completion
- (TAB-expansion); A review-buffer; Intuition menus; Jump
- scroll (FAAST output!). Cursor-positioning using the mouse;
- MC68020-optimized version; And more... Version 1.1,
- requires OS2.x, binary only.
- Author: David Larsson
- LibraryGuide An AmigaGuide file that lists about 210 different PD,
- Shareware and Commercial "libraries" often found in the
- LIBS: directory and a simple description of their purpose,
- version info, where to get them, etc. May help you
- determine whether or not you actually "need" some of these
- spaceconsuming things. Version 1.1, an update to version
- 1.0 on disk number 942.
- Author: Dan Elgaard
- UChess A powerful version of the program GnuChess version 4 for the
- Amiga. Plays a very strong game of chess. Code has been
- rewritten and data structures reorganized for optimal effi-
- ciency on 32 bit 68020 and better Amiga systems. Fully
- multitasking, automatically detects and supports 640X480X256
- color AGA mode machines, and does not at any time BUSY wait.
- Requires a 68020/030/040 based Amiga computer system with
- AmigaOS 2.04 or later and 4 Meg of ram minimum. Special "L"
- version optimized for 68040 and requires 10 Meg of ram mini-
- mum. Supports a variety of standard features such as load,
- save, edit board, autoplay, swap sides, force move, undo,
- time limits, hints, show thinking, and a supervisor mode
- that will allow two humans to play with the computer acting
- as a "supervisor". Version 2.78, includes source. This
- version supports third party graphics cards. This is part
- 2 of a 2 part distribution. Part 1 contains the executables
- and documentation, and can be found on disk 976.
- Author: FSF, Amiga Port by Roger Uzun
- ========================== Contents of Disk 978 ==========================
- MakeCat Makes creating locale catalog files easy. It makes catalog
- files from ASCII files that contain the strings and ID
- numbers that should be included in the catalog. Reverse
- operation is also possible with UnMakeCat, so that existing
- catalogs can easily be translated or changed. Includes
- example of how to use locale.library to read catalogs.
- Version 38.02, requires AmigaDOS2.1 or later. Binary only,
- freeware.
- Author: Camiel Rouweler
- Man A simple MAN command, known from UNIX systems. The advan-
- tage is, that it recognizes .guide files to be AmigaGuide)
- documents. MAN then uses a different viewer in order to
- display the AmigaGuide document. Furthermore MAN recog-
- nizes TeX-DVI files as well, using a different viewer to
- display them. You may configure MAN using environment
- variables. Version 1.11a, public domain, includes source.
- Author: Kai Iske
- MiserPrint A print utility that puts up to 8 normal pages of text on
- one sheet of paper. You are able to save paper and time.
- MiserPrint uses the small built-in fonts (Courier and Letter
- Gothic) of the HP-Deskjet printers. Version 1.11, an update
- to version 1.0 on disk number 928. Requires Kickstart 2.04
- or higher, binary only, giftware.
- Author: Heinz-Guenter Boettger
- MouseClock A hardware/software project of a low cost, very small
- external battery backed up clock calendar for all Amigas
- (especially for A1200, A500, A600). It is connected to the
- mouse port #2. Version 1.22, shareware, includes source.
- Author: Adriano De Minicis
- NewEdit A commodity, that patches all string gadgets of the system
- (better: it installs a global edithook for the string gad-
- gets). Beside some new edit functions, NewEdit supports
- copy and paste of text between the clipboard and string gad-
- gets. Version 1.8, includes source.
- Author: Uwe Roehm, based on work by Oliver Wagner
- RachelValley A 256 colour and 16 colour IFF picture of "Rachel Raccoon"
- resting after a hike. These pictures are suitable as Work-
- bench backdrops with the right software.
- Author: Les Dietz
- ========================== Contents of Disk 979 ==========================
- KeysPlease Displays a nice rendition of the Amiga keyboard and allows
- you to either click on a key-gadget or press a key to find
- that key's rawcode or ascii value. Codes are displayed in
- both decimal and hexidecimal. Version 1.3, binary only.
- Author: Brian Koetting
- MouseAideDEMO A DEMO version of a "Mouse" utility which has all the stan-
- dard functions: Acceleration with threshold, window and
- screen cycling by mouse and keyboard, mouse and screen
- blanking, mouse and Auto-Activation, user "hot key" command,
- Keyboard "String" macros, etc. But also has many functions
- other "Mouse" programs do NOT, such as: Shell-Cycling, Key
- Clicking, Mouse Port switching KeyClosing, Multi-Icon-
- Select with Mouse, Middle Mouse Button Windowing, EZ-Date
- generation, Workbench to the front function, Ez-Dragging
- and Sizing, Key zipping, Freezing Mouse and Keyboard of all
- input, etc. Now features an easy to use Pop-Up 2.xx style
- intuition interface (that functions in 1.3) and the ability
- to function correctly in all the new screen modes! Written
- in assembly for efficiency in size and CPU usage. Version
- v9.81a, an update to version v9.69a on disk 892. Binary
- only.
- Author: Thomas J. Czarnecki
- QMouse An unusually small and feature-packed "mouse utility". Was
- inspired by, but not derived from, the original QMouse by
- Lyman Epp. Features include automatic window activation
- (like WindX), top-line blanking for A3000/A2320 users,
- system friendly mouse blanking, mouse acceleration and/or
- threshold, "Pop-CLI", click-to-front/back, "SunMouse",
- "NoClick", "WildStar", Northgate key remapping, and more.
- Requires Kickstart 2.0, but is not a commodity. Only 3K.
- Version 2.90, an update to version 2.30 on disk 802.
- Public domain, assembly source included.
- Author: Dan Babcock
- SnoopLibs A clever tool for developers and others with a more-than-
- usual interest in the functioning of tasks, to patch and
- monitor any library-function-call from a certain task. The
- output-formats can be changed and the results can be printed
- to a window, a file or printer. Only for Kickstart v37(+).
- Includes six ".sl" files (library data) and a tool (fd2sl +
- source) to add more. Comes with an AmigaGuide manual. This
- is version 0.9, first public release.
- Author: ASWare, by Ekke Verheul & Dirk Reisig
- StartWindow Configurable WorkBench "launch-program" type utility. Opens
- a zipwindow that when activated, presents the user with a
- listwindow of pre-configured commands. Ideal for those
- commands used infrequently enough that you don't want a
- dock-icon cluttering up your WorkBench for. Includes
- source for both English and German versions.
- Author: Heinz Reinert
- SuperDuper An exciting, high-speed disk copier and formatter. Typical
- timings are 99s for a disk-to-disk verified copy, or 38s for
- a four disk non-verified format. Also available are buffer-
- ing in RAM, on a hard disk image file or on any sector-
- based Amiga device, like RAD:, VDO:, FMS:, etc. Real-time
- compression using the Xpk standard allows to copy in one
- pass most disks on 1M Amigas, especially in conjunction
- with a special utility which "hides" external drives to the
- system (but not to SuperDuper). Bells and whistles include
- high density floppy support, voice, automatic date incre-
- ment, a list of the disks copied, and automatic start of
- operations based on disk insertion/ejection sensing. Works
- on any Amiga under 2.0 and beyond. The changes from version
- 3.0 are mainly bug fixes and some new features, namely
- optional simple refresh windows, the new NoStartup switch,
- automatic source disk reads, and better window management.
- Version 3.1, an update to version 3.0 on disk number 903.
- Binary only, freeware.
- Author: Sebastiano Vigna
- ========================== Contents of Disk 980 ==========================
- APipe The `APipe-Handler' allows you to add the `APIPE:' DOS
- device to your system. This device acts as a pipe between
- two programs, but in a different manner than the standard
- `PIPE:' device does. This handler interprets the text
- after the `APIPE:' prefix as a command line to execute,
- and the process/command which opens the file indicated by
- the mention of `APIPE:' can now read the standard output
- or write the standard input of the program indicated by
- the command line depending on whether the `APIPE:' file
- was opened for reading or writing, respectively. Thus,
- the opening an `APIPE:' file is analogous to the UNIX
- `popen()' call, but it is more widely available to the
- user. Complete source is included and can be used as an
- example of a handler. Version 37.5, an update to version
- 37.4 on disk number 783.
- Author: Per Bojsen
- HWGRCS A 3 part distribution of an RCS port to the Amiga,
- currently at patch level 8. Part 1 contains the binaries
- and documentation in AmigaGuide and "man" format, part 2
- contains the source code to RCS, and part 3 contains the
- source code and binaries for patch and diffutils. The
- Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple revisions of
- text files. RCS automates the storing, retrieval, logging,
- identification, and merging of revisions. RCS is useful for
- text that is revised frequently, for example: programs, doc-
- umentation, graphics, papers, form letters, etc. Included
- are RCS 5.6, GNU diffutils 2.6 and an LP utility to support
- paged diff outputs. Part 1 on disk 980, part 2 is on disk
- 981, and part 3 is on disk 982.
- Author: Walter Tichy, Paul Eggert, Heinz Wrobel
- ========================== Contents of Disk 981 ==========================
- BootUte A utility to enable more older software work on the Amiga
- 1200 and 4000 series, It is also useful for users with
- accelerators. Requires kickstart 2 or above. Binary only.
- Author: Paul Toyne
- CloudsAGA This program creates random clouds which you might use in
- your paint program, as a texture in a ray tracing program
- or as a background for your workbench. Uses all AGA res-
- olutions. Now requires Workbench 2.0 or higher. This is
- version 1.05, a complete rewrite in OBERON-2. Removed more
- Enforcer hits. Public domain, includes source in OBERON-2.
- Author: Daniel Amor
- ConPaste ConPaste is a 2.0 commodity that allows you to paste clipped
- text into anything. Paste into string gadgets. Paste into
- any text application. In this new version, ConPaste drops
- its priority by 1 when pasting text to allow sufficient
- processor time for the receiving task or window to process
- the text. When you press a user-defined key or key combina-
- tion, ConPaste will take any FTXT found in clipboard unit 0,
- convert the text back into input events, and send the input
- events into the input stream. The output will go to the
- active window or string gadget. This is version 37.25, an
- update to the version distributed with ClipWindow by Jim
- Harvey, on disk 935.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- HuntWindows Starting with 2.0 you can make screens bigger than the
- visual size of your monitor. On a double-size workbench,
- catching windows like requesters etc. can be quite annoying
- at times. This little utility hangs itself on the VBI
- (Vertical Blank Interrupt) to find out which window is
- being activated and moves the screen to show the window in
- full view. Version 3.3, an update to version 1.4 on disk
- number 774. Includes source in assembler.
- Author: Jvrg Bublath
- HWGRCS A 3 part distribution of an RCS port to the Amiga,
- currently at patch level 8. Part 1 contains the binaries
- and documentation in AmigaGuide and "man" format, part 2
- contains the source code to RCS, and part 3 contains the
- source code and binaries for patch and diffutils. The
- Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple revisions of
- text files. RCS automates the storing, retrieval, logging,
- identification, and merging of revisions. RCS is useful for
- text that is revised frequently, for example: programs, doc-
- umentation, graphics, papers, form letters, etc. Included
- are RCS 5.6, GNU diffutils 2.6 and an LP utility to support
- paged diff outputs. Part 1 on disk 980, part 2 is on disk
- 981, and part 3 is on disk 982.
- Author: Walter Tichy, Paul Eggert, Heinz Wrobel
- ========================== Contents of Disk 982 ==========================
- Bin2Hunk Convert any binary file to an AmigaDOS hunk (or object file)
- that can be linked with your linker into your program. This
- is most useful when you wish some form of data to be a part
- of your executable. This data can be sound samples, images,
- text, or whatever. Sports a ReadArgs() CLI interface, as
- well as a GadTools Intuition interface. Memory type options
- include ANY, CHIP, and FAST. Allows naming of your hunks.
- An optional data item containing the size of your data can
- also be specified. Version 2.2, binary only.
- Author: Brian Koetting
- HWGRCS A 3 part distribution of an RCS port to the Amiga,
- currently at patch level 8. Part 1 contains the binaries
- and documentation in AmigaGuide and "man" format, part 2
- contains the source code to RCS, and part 3 contains the
- source code and binaries for patch and diffutils. The
- Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple revisions of
- text files. RCS automates the storing, retrieval, logging,
- identification, and merging of revisions. RCS is useful for
- text that is revised frequently, for example: programs, doc-
- umentation, graphics, papers, form letters, etc. Included
- are RCS 5.6, GNU diffutils 2.6 and an LP utility to support
- paged diff outputs. Part 1 on disk 980, part 2 is on disk
- 981, and part 3 is on disk 982.
- Author: Walter Tichy, Paul Eggert, Heinz Wrobel
- JoyRide A commodity that provides an intuition front-end for joy-
- stick events. This has some nice advantages for both users
- and programmers. Basic features are a simple joystick
- interface, application shareable joystick events, and joy-
- stick events now pass through the input.device stream.
- Version 1.0, includes source to example test program.
- Author: Brian Koetting
- ========================== Contents of Disk 983 ==========================
- CapsLockExt A Commodity that extends the effect of the CapsLock
- key to every key on the keyboard, and allows the Shift
- key to temporarily cancel the CapsLock key. This causes
- CapsLock to act like a SHIFT-lock key on a typewriter.
- Requires OS 2.04 or higher. Version 1.0, includes source
- in assembly.
- Author: Douglas Nelson
- FastJPEG FastJPEG is a fast JPEG picture viewer. Besides being fast,
- it has many other advantages. An important goal was to not
- trade quality for speed. In fact, FastJPEG is both fast
- and has an excellent quality. Most other JPEG viewers
- either produce ugly pictures, or need ages to perform the
- conversion to HAM mode. Version 1.10, binary only.
- Author: Christoph Feck
- Harridan A "Reminder" type program for your startup-sequence. Each
- time you boot, Harridan will check your event list, if an
- event is 'due', Harridan opens a window to remind you. If
- nothing is 'due', you're not bothered. Designed under
- Amiga DOS 2.04 and takes advantage of all its easy to use
- features. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Andy Maxey
- TitleClock A little commodity (about 4k) that throws up a clock in the
- top right corner of a screen's titlebar. It may be set up
- to display itself on one or more screens without running
- multiple copies of the program. It may also be set to
- follow your default public screen and also to always dis-
- play on the frontmost screen. Version 3.3, an update to
- version 2.7 on disk number 949. Freeware, includes source.
- Author: Anders Hammarquist
- Viewtek A feature packed Picture/Animation Viewer. Shows most
- ILBM's (including 24-bit ILBM's), most Compuserve GIF for-
- mat images, most JFIF format JPEG images and most ANIM Op-5
- format animations, with support for different palettes for
- each frame. Supports SHAM, CTBL, and PCHG images, full
- support of ECS/AGA display modes (ie. show 256 color GIF's
- directly, show 800x600 HAM animations, etc.). Supports
- viewing contents of clipboard. Iconifies to a Workbench
- AppIcon. Includes versions for DCTV, EGS, IV-24, Retina,
- Firecracker, OpalVision, and Picasso. Requires AmigaDOS
- 2.04 or later. Version 2.1, an update to version 1.05 on
- disk 903, binary only.
- Author: Thomas Krehbiel
- Yass Yet Another Screen Selector, a commodity with several nice
- features such as: Completely controllable via keyboard (of
- course you can use your mouse, if you really want to); Shows
- Screens and Windows (option); Shows PublicScreenname or
- ScreenTitle (option); Ability to change the default Public
- screen; Opens window even on non-public screens (option).
- Font-sensitive; Resizeable window. Version 2.0, an update
- to version 1.1 on disk number 946. Binary only.
- Author: Albert Schweizer
- ========================== Contents of Disk 984 ==========================
- AGIndex Creates an index for AmigaGuide documents. Indicies are
- sorted alphabetically and can be accessed (in AmigaGuide)
- by pressing the 'Index' button. Index entries can be
- extracted from the source document using two different
- selecting methods: by reference or by declaration.
- Version 1.04, OS2.0 and higher, binary only, freeware
- Author: Camiel Rouweler
- ForceIcon A utility mainly for users of CD-ROM drives. Since one can
- not snapshot the position of a volume's icon, nor replace
- it by a user-defined one, this utility was written. Force-
- Icon allows you to set the position of a disk's icon and/or
- replace it by a different image/icon which doesn't have to
- be a disk.info file. All types of ".info" files may be
- selected. GiftWare, Version 1.4, includes source.
- Author: Kai Iske
- IconToClip A link between the Workbench and the Shell. It adds an item
- to the Tools menu that, when selected, puts the name of any
- highlighted icon into the Clipboard, from which it can be
- pasted to the Shell or any other program that uses the Amiga
- Clipboard. Has an option for writing the full pathname.
- Can handle multiple icon selections, writing the names in
- row or column format. Can also be used as an AppWindow.
- Requires 2.04 or higher. Version 1.0, includes source in
- assembly.
- Author: Douglas Nelson
- Imploder The Imploder allows you to reduce the size of executable
- files while having them retain their full functionality.
- There are other "crunchers" or "packers" available for the
- Amiga, but none are as mindful of the complexities of your
- Amiga system as the Imploder. In addition to this, its
- algorithms are more efficient, both in terms of speed, and
- size reduction. Version 4.0, binary only.
- Author: Albert-Jan Brouwer, Peter Struijk, Erwin Zwart,
- Paul van der Valk
- TWA A commodity that remembers the last active window on any
- screen. If screens are shuffled, the window is automatic-
- ally re-activated when that screen is brought to front.
- Version 1.4, an update to version 1.2 on disk number 874.
- This version fixes a problem which made it impossible to
- autoscroll on a screen which is partially in the back-
- ground. Binary only.
- Author: Matthias Scheler
- WindowDaemon Gives extended control to intuition windows and screens
- through HotKeys and Arexx. Features: Commodities Support;
- HotKey and Arexx support to manipulate the currently active
- window and screen. Standard window controls are avalable
- such as Zip, Close, Size, ToFront, ToBack, NextScreen, etc.
- Able to close the parent window of a drawer when opened on
- "Workbench" if CONTROL is held down. (Only available under
- kickstart V39 or higher); Specialized options to forcefully
- close windows and screens, and also to remove tasks that own
- the active window. Version 1.6, binary only.
- Author: David Swasbrook
- ========================== Contents of Disk 985 ==========================
- AGAiff An IFF-to-RAW converter which can load all ILBM graphics
- supported by the AGA chipset. It is also able to save 24
- Bit colors and sprites wider than 16 pixels. Some features
- make this program quite attractive: Coded as a Commodity;
- Coded completely in fast Assembler; Font-sensitive User
- Interface; <MANY> different save formats; Powerful ARexx-
- ort, supporting all stuff from the GUI; Runs even from
- small Assembler Workdisks if you don't need ARexx, Hotkey
- and all Displaymodes; ... and more ! Manual in AmigaGuide
- format. Version 1.0, first release. Requires OS 3.0 or
- later.
- Author: Michael Krause
- ILBMKiller An IFF/AGA ILBM file viewer. Has optional delete facility
- that allows you to sift though large collections of pic-
- tures, keeping only the ones you want. Version 1.0, in-
- cludes source in Blitz Basic.
- Author: David, Coralie Tucker
- Lines An OS friendly game, played with the mouse, where the goal
- is to draw as many lines as you can, obeying the rules. The
- basic rules are that only eight directions (horizontal,
- vertical, and diagonal) are allowed, a line is exactly
- five points long, and each new line can include at most one
- point that was used in a previous line. Includes both PAL
- and NTSC versions. Version 2.4, binary only.
- Author: Mika Kortelainen
- NewIFF Commodore IFF code modules and examples for OS 1.3 through
- 3.x. Code requires V39+ includes to compile, and under 1.3
- requires the V37 iffparse.library to run. Examples include
- handling AA display, brush loading, 8SVX playing, clipboard
- FTXT reading/writing, etc. Version 39.11, includes source
- in C.
- Author: CBM, submitted by Carolyn Scheppner
- NewTool A program that will quickly replace the default tool in
- project icons. NewTool allows you to specify the default
- tool to use, use a file requester to pick the default tool,
- or it will automatically choose the proper tool depending
- on the file type using WhatIs library. This version is a
- complete rewrite from v37.203 which appeared on disk 947,
- and is now more style guide compliant. Also included is
- NewToolPrefs v1.1 which is a GUI to quickly and easily edit
- your NewTools.prefs file. Version 2.6, binary only.
- Author: Michael J Barsoom
- SmallPlayer A small player for those really big modules. The file is
- less than 10k. Plays powerpacked Protracker modules. This
- is version 1.0a, first public release. Binary only, public
- domain. Requires AmigaDOS 2.04 or above.
- Author: Hallvard Korsgaard
- ========================== Contents of Disk 986 ==========================
- FDPro2Demo Demo of Jaeger Software Inc's WWII flight simulator for
- the Amiga. It has full support for analog joystick and
- rudder pedals and runs in Hi-res Interlace or in DBL
- NTSC/PAL on AGA machines.
- Author: Bill Manders, Matt Shaw, Drew Dorman, Ted Jump
- MeMon An intuition-based utility that allows you to monitor or
- change specific memory addresses. User may select byte,
- word, or long word alignment. Displays in binary, hex,
- and signed or unsigned decimal. Also useful for displaying
- ascii codes of various character key mappings and/or as a
- hex/binary/decimal converter. Version 1.1, an update to
- version 1.0 on disk number 769. Binary only.
- Author: David Ekholm
- Phonedir Personal Phonedirectory is a database for addresses and
- phone numbers. It can also dial the numbers automatically.
- Its window can be hidden, and shown again by selecting from
- the Workbench Tools menu. This is version 2.0, an update to
- version 1.0 on disk 944. Binary only, freeware. Requires
- AmigaDOS 2.04 or above.
- Author: Hallvard Korsgaard
- WBrain A thinking game for the WorkBench. The player must repro-
- duce a random pattern by filling in a grid in the correct
- order. The difficulty ranges from moderately easy to im-
- possible. Uses very little CPU time and very little mem-
- ory, so is ideal for playing while raytracing, etc. Re-
- quires OS2.0+, Version 2.1a, and update to version 1.2 on
- disk number 916. Binary only, freeware.
- Author: Sean Russell
- XFD This software package allows you to decrunch nearly every
- crunched file known to the Amiga. It consists of the
- xfdmaster.library as the brain and a couple of programs
- that offer certain functions to the user. The xfdmaster
- library, successor of the decrunch.library, is a standard
- Amiga shared runtime library. It works with Kickstart V33+
- and offers applications the possibility to directly support
- crunched files of any kind. Version 1.00, binary only.
- Author: Georg Hvrmann
- ========================== Contents of Disk 987 ==========================
- Calc An RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator with a 7-element
- stack window. Includes the standard arithmetic operators,
- plus swap, drop, power, root, natural log, exponential, sin,
- cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan and hex/decimal display
- modes. Version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Sean Russell
- History This is a 2.04/3.0/3.1 compatible version of the history
- command. It allows listing, saving, loading, and execution
- of the standard con-handler command line history. This is
- version 37.5, binary only.
- Author: Andy Finkel
- LhSFX An oldie, but goodie, that somehow missed getting included
- in the AmigaLibDisks. LhSFX is a self-extracting archive
- creator. Update from the original program written by Mike
- Kennedy. Now uses a file requester. Has many bugs fixed.
- Version 1.5, freeware, includes source in assembler.
- Author: Ralf Thanner, Mike Kennedy
- LoanCalc A mortgage/loan calculation utility. Although similar
- programs exist, this one is unique in that it is designed
- to track 'Open' mortgages that allow any size payment to
- be made at any time, as well as providing a printed
- Amortization Table for Fixed mortgages with monthly,
- semi-monthly, bi-weekly and weekly payment re-schedules.
- This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.4 on disk
- number 492. Binary only, giftware.
- Author: Robert Bromley
- MCalc MUIProCalc is a MUI-based calculator much like Jimmy Yang's
- Calc 3.0. It still lacks the plotter, but it offers a
- quite flexible history facility for inserting previously
- entered expressions. Different output formats offered and
- plenty of functions the user may choose from. Furthermore
- the look of the calculator may be customized. It offers an
- ARexx Port, which may be used to let MUIProCalc calc from
- within an editor for example. MUIProCalc may return a TeX
- compatible output, which may be used within a mathematical
- TeX environment. Results or inputs may be copied to the
- Clipboard. This version fixes some bugs. Requires MUI
- (MagicUserInterface by Stefan Stuntz) GiftWare. This is
- version 1.3, includes source.
- Author: Kai Iske
- ========================== Contents of Disk 988 ==========================
- DQua A simple GUI-based utility that solves quadratic equations.
- Version 1.00, includes source in HighSpeed pascal.
- Author: Lee Kindness
- MegaBall Classic amiga action game! Comes with two graphics files,
- one that lets it run on older Amigas (even ones running WB
- 1.2!), and another that lets it take advantage of dazzling
- 24-bit AGA graphics if ya got 'em! Packed with a whole
- bunch of exciting new features, music and boards. Docu-
- mentation in AmigaGuide format. Version 3.0, shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: Ed Mackey
- MemClear A tool for programmers which fills unused memory chunks
- with zeros or any other byte value. In addition to that,
- it is a pure replacement for 'Avail' and can flush unused
- system resources, such as libraries, devices, and fonts.
- The memory type to be filled can be selected (chipmem,
- fastmem, both). It also warns if a defective memory
- structure is recognized. Version 1.8, binary only,
- freeware.
- Author: Ralf Thanner
- ========================== Contents of Disk 989 ==========================
- AntiCicloVir A link virus detector and exterminator. Also detects other
- types of viri. This version can detect: 126 Bootblock; 17
- Link; 28 File; 7 Disk-Validator; 14 Trojans; and 8 Bombs;
- Automatically checks each inserted disk for boot block and
- disk-validator viruses. Can scan all files of a specified
- directory for known link viruses, and constantly monitors
- memory and system vectors. This is version 2.1, an update
- to version 2.0 on disk number 865. Binary only, freeware.
- Author: Matthias Gutt
- FlipIt A commodity that lets you install hotkeys for flipping
- through screens. FlipIt lets you specify a hotkey to push
- the frontmost screen to the back, and a hotkey to bring the
- rearmost screen to the front. This is useful when using
- programs that do not have depth gadgets on their screens.
- Version 1.0. WB 2.0+ required. Binary only.
- Author: Michael J Barsoom.
- PicCon PicCon is short for "Picture Converter". This is a utility
- made for programmers, which will convert IFF ILBMs plus any
- picture format you've got support for in your datatypes
- library to an appropriate image format. This is an essen-
- tial stage mainly in the development of games, but is also
- useful in development of other software (like demos, appli-
- cations, etc.). Not only whole pictures can be converted,
- but also parts of pictures can be cut out to be saved as
- e.g. sprites or small bitplanes. Version 2.01, binary
- only.
- Author: Morten Eriksen
- VirusZII Release II of this popular virus detector that now recog-
- nizes 279 boot and 145 file viruses. The filechecker can
- also decrunch files for testing. The memory checker re-
- moves all known viruses from memory without 'Guru Medita-
- tion' and checks memory for viruses regularly. VirusZ has
- easy to use intuitionized menus including keycuts for both
- beginners and experienced users. Release II versions of
- VirusZ require OS2.O+. This is Release II Version 1.03,
- an upgrade to Release II version 1.0 on disk number 948.
- Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Georg Hvrmann
- ========================== Contents of Disk 990 ==========================
- BootWriter A bootblock installer with many features. You can install
- either an official bootblock, an inbuilt one with the
- possibility to enter some text, or any other bootblock of
- your choice. Bootblocks can be saved and loaded as either
- normal or powerpacked files. Bootblock files and disks'
- bootblocks are checked for viruses using the recognition
- code of VirusZ, and, if available, the bootblock.library
- and brainfile (BBBF). There are about 550 different
- bootblocks recognized. All filing systems are supported.
- This package also contains the assembler includes for the
- Bootblock.library which were missing on AmigaLibDisk919.
- Version 1.2, binary only, freeware.
- Author: Ralf Thanner
- SCSIUtil CLI utility to issue commands to a SCSI disk using a
- specific SCSI id number. Commands include inquiry, seek,
- start/stop motor, read sector(s), play audio CD sectors,
- insert, eject, read capacity, etc. This is version 2.02,
- an update to version 1.815 on disk 889. Includes source
- in C.
- Author: Gary Duncan
- Stocks Demo version of a stocks analysis program. Provides power-
- ful technical analysis using numerous studies including
- Candlesticks, traditional bar charts, 3 moving averages,
- MACD, Stochastics, Gann, TrendLines,%R, Average Volume and
- more. It generates buy/sell signals based on customizable
- trading rules and graphs daily, weekly, and monthly charts
- using a simple ASCII data file format compatable with
- CompuServe historical data. Displays on Workbench or
- Custom Public Screen. Includes on-line AmigaGuide help
- text. Version 3.04a, an update to version 3.02a on disk
- 964. Binary only.
- Author: James Philippou, Bug-Free Development
- ========================== Contents of Disk 991 ==========================
- ASwarmII A "high security" Screenblanker commodity (will not burn-in
- the phosphor even when the CPU is really busy). Based
- loosely upon Jeff Buterworth's "xswarm" for X11 Windowing
- System, it shows from 1-10 "wasps" being chased by 1-500
- "bees". Screen will blank entirely under periods of high
- CPU usage. Requires Amiga OS 2.04 and MUI 1.4 or later.
- This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.3 on disk 798.
- Includes source.
- Author: Markus Illenseer, Matthias Scheler
- CopColEd An editor for colors that can be displayed using the Amiga's
- COPPER. This program was made for PROGRAMMERS. This is
- version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: Ludwig Huber
- Iconian An icon editor that supports OS 3.x functions, AGA display
- modes such as palette sharing, and 256 colors. Iconian
- should do everything IconEdit can, and more. IFF brushes
- are remapped to the current Workbench screen colors, using
- the new palette sharing functions under KickStart 3.x. All
- common drawing tools are present, including bevel boxes.
- Several resizable windows are used. This is version 1.90_,
- shareware, binary only.
- Author: Chad Randall
- MMBCommodity THE ultimate utility for the 3-buttonmouse-owner. Near free
- definition for the midbutton, more qualifiers in conjunction
- with the right button etc. Requires OS 2.0. Version 1.0,
- giftware, binary only.
- Author: Roland Janus
- PrtSc Have you ever noticed that there is a PrtSc key on the
- numeric keypad? This program makes it work! By pressing
- the PrtSc key on your keypad, you get a screen dump to your
- printer. Now includes a GadTools interface for better looks
- and the ability to dump the screen to a file instead of
- the printer if desired. Version 1.75, an update to version
- 1.52 on disk number 945. Freeware, includes source in
- assembler.
- Author: Jan Hagqvist
- SmartCache A small (about 3K) 100% assembly language program that
- patches itself into the 'trackdisk.device' to provide a
- whole cylinder 'Caching' mechanism for all the floppy disk
- drives (including the new HD floppy drives) that you have
- connected to your Amiga. This program has been designed
- to boost the floppy performance by using your excess memory
- in a shared cache scheme. This program is a must for
- floppy based systems, that have the free memory! Tested
- under 1.3 through 2.1. Version 1.77a, binary only.
- Author: Thomas J. Czarnecki
- ========================== Contents of Disk 992 ==========================
- Csh Replacement for the Amiga shell, similar to UN*X csh. Main
- features include over 100 built in commands, 70 functions,
- new system variables, file name completion, freely program-
- mable command line editing, file classes, auto cd, lazy cd,
- intuition menus for the shell window, automatic RX-ing,
- local variables, $( ), statement blocks, high speed, plus
- much more. This is version 5.37, an update to version 5.31
- on disk 889. Includes source in C.
- Author: Andreas M. Kirchwitz, et. al.
- CyberPager Allows one to send alpha-numeric (i.e., full text) messages
- to a pager from an Amiga. This is accomplished by dialing
- into an IXO protocol compliant pager central and uploading
- messages. Features include Alias file for commonly paged
- people to be referred to by name rather than cryptic PIN
- numbers, "Groups" file allowing messages to be easily sent
- to many people working on the same project, in the same
- department, etc, supports multiple pager centrals through
- a services configuration file, full logging of messages
- spooled, dialout attempts, etc. Includes sample rexx
- scripts to generate automatic messages, page the current
- person on duty, etc. This is version 1.4, an update to
- version 1.2 on disk 907, and incorporates a couple bug
- fixes. It also provides support for services which require
- a real password at login time. This support will require
- you to update your services file. Includes source in C.
- Author: Christopher A. Wichura
- KMI Kochtopfs MagicWB Icons (KMI) are some new icons for
- MagicWB by Martin Huttenloher, includes some Directory
- Icons, some Prefs Icons, WBStartup Icons, and many
- Toolmanager Dock Icons.
- Author: Christian Scholz
- Wbsm Activates or deactivates programs that are run from the
- WBStartup drawer. When run from the user-startup script
- holding down the LEFTMOUSEBUTTON during boot up will popup
- the Workbench Startup Manager GUI. Since the user-startup
- script is executed before the programs in the WBStartup
- drawer are run, your selection will be valid in that very
- session. Version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: Herbie van Staveren
- ========================== Contents of Disk 993 ==========================
- Fleuch A little game with 29 extra large stages. The object is to
- pickup up your cargo and climb safely to the next stage,
- without being shot or running into anything, (including your
- cargo!). Scrolling, shooting, some gravitation, similar to
- Thrust (C64). Version 3.0, an update to version 2.0 on disk
- number 932. Binary only.
- Author: Karsten Goetze, Andreas Spreen
- IRMaster Software/hardware project to control devices with an infra-
- red remote control (tv set, cd player etc.) with an amiga.
- Using the IR-editor you can build a remote control, learn
- the IR commands, and launch projects with the IR-runner.
- That means you can control e.g. your tv set from the Work-
- bench. Version 2.2, an update to version 1.0 on disk 943.
- Binary only.
- Author: J|rgen Frank, Michael Watzl
- MUIFFR MUI Fido File Request is a GUI for selecting files from a
- filelist, which almost every Fidonet mailbox provides for
- download. The list of selected files is written to a
- .REQ-file in your outbound directory. The next time you
- call up your Fido Boss these files are automatically
- downloaded by your Fidonet communications software. This
- is version 1.1, includes source in C.
- Author: Martin Steppler
- ========================== Contents of Disk 994 ==========================
- AddPower A utility that adds some miscellaneous useful features to
- the 2.0+ OS. Includes: file requesters in any program, stop
- drive clicking, fix menus and pen colors of pre-2.0 pro-
- grams, wildcard * = #?, make screen borders black, open any
- window on front screen. All features are independently
- configurable. Workbench and AmigaDOS interfaces with on-
- line AmigaGuide documentation. Version 37.14, an update to
- version 37.6 on disk number 939. Binary only.
- Author: Ian J. Einman
- JukeBox A program to play compact digitial audio discs by emulating
- a graphical user interface similar to common CD players.
- Supports various vendor's SCSI-CDROM-player, CDTV and A570.
- It provides a command line oriented, fully programmable
- ARexx user interface, as well. This is version 1.2530, an
- update to version 1.2522 on disk 819. Shareware, binary
- only.
- Author: Franz-Josef Reichert
- TheGuru The Guru is a program that helps you to understand the
- strange GURU message numbers like 8000000B. This is the
- first public release. Version 2.3, binary only.
- Author: E.Lensink
- ToolType A program to make it easier to edit tooltypes in icons.
- ToolType will read the tooltypes from an icon file and
- let you use your favorite text editor to change or add
- to the tooltypes. ToolType can be run from shell, from
- Workbench, or set up as an appicon. Includes an option
- to sort the tooltypes alphabetically. Version 37.210,
- an update to version 37.206 on disk 934. Binary only,
- Workbench 2.0 or later required.
- Author: Michael J Barsoom
- ========================== Contents of Disk 995 ==========================
- BrowserII A "Programmer's Workbench". Allows you to easily and
- conveniently move, copy, rename, and delete files &
- directories using the mouse. Also provides a method to
- execute either Workbench or CLI programs by double-
- clicking them or by selecting them from a ParM like Menu
- with lots of arguments. Uses whatis.library to detect
- file types and executes commands based on these. Version
- 2.41, an update to version 2.13 on disk number 843.
- Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Sylvain Rougier, Pierre Carrette
- ParM Parametrable Menu. ParM allows you to build menus to run
- your favorite tools. ParM can run programs either in Work-
- bench or CLI mode. ParM can have its own little window,
- can attach menus to the CLI window you are running it from,
- or to the WB menus. It has a builtin mouse accelerator,
- screen blanker, etc. Available languages: english, french,
- deutsch, italiano, norsk, svenska, dansk. Version 4.5, an
- update to version 4.3 on disk number 843. Binary only.
- Author: Pierre Carrette, Sylvain Rougier
- WhatIs WhatIs.library can detect file types and is fully parame-
- trable by an ascii file. You can describe file types and
- they will be recognized by the library. Includes a few
- tools (w/source) for the manipulation of filenames. This
- is version 4.0, an update to version 3.4 on disk number
- 843. Requires OS 2.0+. Binary only.
- Author: Sylvain Rougier, Pierre Carrette
- XprKermit An Amiga shared library which provides Kermit file transfer
- capability to any XPR-compatible communications program.
- Supports version 2.0 of the XPR Protocol specification.
- In addition to fixing known bugs in XPR Kermit 1.111, it
- adds: sliding windows support, attribute packets, full
- update of download status (number of bytes transferred,
- time elapsed, time left) and many other features. This is
- version 2.35, an update to version 1.5 on disk number 330,
- includes source.
- Author: Stephen Walton, Frank da Cruz, Marco Papa
- ========================== Contents of Disk 996 ==========================
- Aren An extension of the DOS Rename command. Supports wildcards
- and allows you to change or remove part of a filename. This
- is version 1.2, shareware, includes source in C.
- Author: Marc Mendez
- ECopy A utility to copy files from mass storage devices onto
- floppy disks, so that it takes the minimum number of disks.
- Files can be optionally moved. Uncopied files can have
- their names saved to a file and be used for copying at a
- later time. Great for picture and music collectors. This
- is version 1.10, freeware, includes source.
- Author: Sam Yee
- NewEXT A CLI command which renames files, retaining the original
- name minus the extension and adding on the specified
- extension. Supports wildcards. Version 1.0, includes
- source in HighSpeed Pascal.
- Author: Lee Kindness
- Startup-Menu This utility produces a decisive menu (ie one choice then it
- quits) on start-up which is fully customisable and offers an
- unlimited amount of gadgets/choices. Version 1.00, includes
- HighSpeed Pascal Source. Also includes a small script file
- utility call GetOption, with Pascal source.
- Author: Lee Kindness
- TauIcons Third release of these icons for MagicWB users. Includes
- several new and many updated icons to that of the first
- release. Also includes step by step documentation on how to
- install the icons retaining the tooltypes of the originals.
- Version 1.5.
- Author: Osma Ahvenlampi
- ========================== Contents of Disk 997 ==========================
- MTool MultiTool II is a directory utility resembling DMaster V1.4
- (cosmetically only). It offers all basic functions (copy,
- delete,...), special features can be configured using
- external programs. LH-Archives can be double clicked like
- directories causing MTool to display the archive contents
- in the directory list. Now you can copy files into the
- archive (add), out of the archive (extract) or delete them.
- MTool supports different screenmodes, localization, fonts,
- it opens an appwindow and works as a commodity. Everything
- is set up with a very user friendly prefs editor. MTool
- needs OS2.0 (or higher). Version 2.0a, shareware, binary
- only.
- Author: Boris Jakubaschk
- ========================== Contents of Disk 998 ==========================
- bBaseIII An easy to use, versatile, yet full featured database pro-
- gram that will run on any Amiga with WB1.3 or subsequent.
- Search or sort on any field, print mailing labels, delete
- or undelete records, mail merge, get reports in many for-
- mats, scramble files, flag records, and more. Fields are
- user-configurable, so bBase can be used to keep track of
- addresses, tape or video collections, recipe files, or any-
- thing else you can think of - one program does it all!
- bBaseIII is a greatly enhanced successor to bBaseII. This
- is version 1.43, an update to version 1.4 on disk 923.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Robert Bromley
- ScreenSelect A commodity to change screen order by selecting a screen
- name from a listview. Also allows binding of hotkeys to
- any screen with a proper name. Supports automatic activa-
- tion of windows (remembers last activations) when changing
- to new screen, is configurable with Preferences program,
- has a full intuition interface and is font sensitive
- (including proportional fonts). Documentation in Amiga-
- Guide, ASCII and DVI formats. Requires AmigaOS 2.04 or
- later. Version 2.2 an update to version 2.1 on disk 947.
- Freeware, binary only.
- Author: Markus Aalto
- TeXPrt A front-end for DVI printer drivers based on Stefan Stuntz's
- MUI. It is highly configurable and can be used with various
- DVI printer drivers. Configuration files for Georg Hess-
- mann's DVIPrint (PasTeX), DVILJP (AmigaTeX) and DVILJ2P
- (Gustaf Neumann) are included. TeXPrt has an ARexx port
- and interprets 17 ARexx commands. TeXPrt opens an App-
- Window and supports an (optional) AppIcon for selecting DVI
- files. Needs at least Kickstart 2.04 and MUI. This is
- version 3.0, an update to version 2.0 on disk 892. Free-
- ware, includes source in C.
- Author: Richard A. Bvdi
- Touch A simple TOUCH command, known from UNIX systems. It will
- touch all files (including patterns) given on the command
- line. If a particular file (not including wildcards) does
- not exist, it will be created; just like under Unix. This
- is version 1.3, public domain, includes source.
- Author: Kai Iske
- ========================== Contents of Disk 999 ==========================
- ADAM A calculation program that is able to handle numbers with
- up to some thousand digits before and after the decimal
- point. This is version number 3. The (German) source code
- in assembly language is included.
- Author: Michael Lorek
- ASplit Splits binary/text files into smaller units, to be trans-
- fered to removable storage units. It looks like 'split'
- under Unix., but this version allows you to specify the
- size in bytes (instead of lines). Version 2.0, shareware.
- Includes Source in ANSI C, so it can be compiled on any
- machine.
- Author: Marc Mendez
- DBB Digital Breadboard is a full GUI digital circuit simulator.
- Digital Breadboard currently supports 2 and 3 input AND,
- OR, NAND, and NOR gates, NOT and XOR gates, D, JK, and SR
- edge-triggered flip-flops, multiple independant clocks,
- switched and pulsed inputs, outputs, Vcc, GND, independant
- 4-channel trace scope, event counters, variable speed
- timer, preferences printing, and more. Includes combina-
- tional logic design utilities. Version 1.1.9, an update
- to version 1.1.5 on disk 844.
- Author: Dan Griffin
- HQMM Hero Quest MapMaker. With HQMM, you can create your own
- missions for Hero Quest, the board game. You can place
- all objects that are in the Hero Quest set (doors, traps,
- furniture, monsters etc.) on the map and you can write
- your own story to go with it. All this will be printed
- out in the same style as the original Hero Quest missions.
- Version 1.14, an update to version 1.11 on disk number
- 959. Requires OS2.0+, binary only, freeware.
- Author: Camiel Rouweler
- QuadraComp A music tracker which uses the internal Amiga sound
- capabilities. Features: Uses standard intuition windows;
- Handles the Protracker and Extended Module (EMOD) formats;
- Built-in synth in the sample editor; More and longer samples
- can be used than in normal trackers; Amusing realtime sample
- displays. Version 2.03, an update to version 2.0 on disk
- number 930. Binary only, shareware. Package also includes
- QuadraPlayer, a relatively small, freeware module player,
- that handles both Protracker modules and Extended Modules
- (EMOD's). The music is shown visually in the Monoscope,
- VU-Meters and SpectraScope. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Bo Lincoln & Calle Englund
- ========================== Contents of Disk 1000 ==========================
- BTNtape The "Better Than Nothing" SCSI tape device handler. It
- provides flat-file access to a SCSI tape drive from appli-
- cation programs using simple calls to DOS or C library I/O
- functions. It can also be used with the Amiga TAR utility
- for disk backups. It uses your existing SCSI adapter's
- device driver for access to the bus. This is version 3.0,
- an update to version 2.1 on disk 558. It fixes a number of
- bugs and includes several new features including file number
- tracking and append-only and read-only safety modes.
- Includes C source and extensive documentation.
- Author: Robert Rethemeyer
- Enforcer A tool to monitor illegal memory access for 68020/68851,
- 68030, and 68040 CPUs. This is a completely new Enforcer
- from the original idea by Bryce Nesbitt. It contains many
- new and wonderful features and options and no longer
- contains any exceptions for specific software. Enforcer
- can now also be used with CPU or SetCPU FASTROM or most
- any other MMU-Kickstart-Mapping tool. Major new output
- options such as local output, stdout, and parallel port.
- Highly optimized to be as fast as possible. Version 37.60,
- an update to version 37.55 on disk 950. Binary only.
- Author: Michael Sinz
- FishRachel This picture is a hand drawn cartoon picture of Rachel the
- Raccoon "Just Fishin'" to commemorate the 1000th disk in
- the Freely Redistributable Amiga Library. It is an NTSC
- Hires-Interlace (704x480) IFF picture, and is provided in
- 8-color, 16-color, and 128-color versions for use on all
- Amigas.
- Author: Les Dietz
- PolyFit A program to fit straight lines, polynomes and exponentional
- curves to sets of points. Can fit to polynomes of degree of
- 16 and lower. Calculated coefficients can be printed and
- saved. A graph of the points and curve can be shown (in
- any screen resolution), printed and saved as an IFF file.
- Supports localization. Version 1.21, OS2.0 and higher,
- freeware, binary only.
- Author: Camiel Rouweler
- ===========================================================================
- -Fred
- --
- Read all administrative posts before putting your post up. Mailing list:
- announce-request@cs.ucdavis.edu. Comments to CSAA2@megalith.miami.fl.us.