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Text File | 2014-05-19 | 839.0 KB | 18,432 lines |
- ------------------
- amigademo Graphical benchmark for comparing amigas.
- Author: Charlie Heath (MicroSmiths)
- amigaterm Terminal emulation program with xmodem upload/download
- capability.
- Author: Michael Mounier
- balls Simulation of the "kinetic thingy" with balls on strings
- where only the end balls move (quick, can YOU come up
- with a better description?). Anyway, cute.
- Author: Perry Kivolowitz
- colorful Shows off use of hold-and-modify mode.
- Posted to usenet by Robert Pariseau.
- dhrystone Dhrystone benchmark program.
- Author: Reinhold Weicker (Ada version)
- Rick Richardson (C version)
- dotty Source to the "dotty window" demo on the Workbench disk.
- Posted to usenet by Dale Luck.
- freedraw A small "paint" type program. Free drawing, boxes,
- filled boxes, etc.
- Author: Rick Ross
- gad "Fun with Gadgets". Demonstration program for use
- of gadgets.
- Author: John Draper (Aka "crunch")
- gfxmem Graphical memory usage display program. Watch your
- machine's memory usage! Cute and useful.
- Author: Louis Mamakos
- halfbrite Sample program that demonstrates "Extra-Half-Brite"
- mode on latter AMIGA's with new VLSI chip. Allows
- 64 colors in low-res mode, rather than 32.
- Posted to usenet by Robert Pariseau.
- hello Demonstrates creation of a simple window, "hello world".
- Posted to usenet by Eric Lavitsky.
- latffp Shows how to access the Motorola Fast Floating Point
- library from Lattice C. Also demonstrates the tremendous
- speedup obtained.
- Author: Larry Hildenbrand
- palette Sample program for designing color palettes.
- Author: Charlie Heath
- trackdisk Demonstrates use of the trackdisk driver. Useful example
- of "raw" disk read/write.
- Author: Rob Peck
- requesters Sample program and documentation for building and
- using requesters. John worked REAL hard to dig out
- all the information in this one!
- Author: John Draper (aka "crunch")
- speech Sample speech demo program. Stripped down version of
- "speechtoy".
- Author: Rob Peck
- speechtoy Another speech demo program. Cute. You have to see this
- one. Be sure to click gadget that pops up the face.
- Author: David Lucas
- ------------------
- alib Object module librarian.
- Author: Mike Schwartz
- cc Unix-like frontend for Lattice C compiler.
- Author: Fred Fish
- dbug Macro based C debugging package. Machine independent.
- Provides function trace, selective printing of internal
- state information, and more.
- Author: Fred Fish
- make Subset of "unix" make command. Useful, but does not have
- many of the features of the full make, much less the newer
- "augmented make".
- Author: Landon Dyer
- make2 Another make subset command.
- Author: Marc Mengel
- microemacs Small, relatively portable version of emacs. Has
- keyboard macros. No extension language.
- Author: Dave Conroy
- portar Portable archiver. Used to bundle text file up into a
- single file for transmission as a unit, or otherwise
- handling as a single file. "Portable" because the code
- itself is portable and because the archive format is
- very simple (uses ascii headers to separate files).
- From Decus C distribution.
- Author: Martin Minow
- xrf C cross reference utility. Originally from Decus C
- distribution.
- Author: Bob Denny
- ------------------
- gothic Gothic banner printer. Prints DOWN the page, rather
- than across, so arbitrarily long banners can be
- created. Send EOF (CTRL-\e) to end input.
- From a Decus C distribution several years ago.
- Author: unknown
- roff A "roff" type text formatter, roughly following
- "Software Tools" version. Somewhat upwardly compatible
- with unix "nroff" command.
- Author Ken Yap
- ff A very fast text formatter, controlled exclusively by
- command line arguments.
- Author: Gary Perlman & hordes of students
- cforth A highly portable forth implementation. Lots of goodies.
- Author: Allan Pratt
- xlisp A nice little lisp implementation. Compiles and links
- ok, but something in the Lattice C setjmp/longjmp
- code prevents it from currently running. Might be
- easily fixed. Version 1.4
- Author: David Betz
- ------------------
- banner Prints horizontal banner (across screen). From Decus
- C distribution of several years ago.
- Author: Unknown
- bgrep Another grep like utility, also using the Boyer-Moore
- algorithm.
- Author: Roy Mongiovi and Arnold Robbins
- bison A replacement for unix "yacc" command. This is from
- the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort, and was obtained
- from the Free Software Foundation. Compiles and
- links (with some effort) but currently crashes the
- machine. Needs work, but will probably be worth it.
- Author: Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman
- bm A grep like utility using the Boyer-Moore algorithm.
- Author: Peter Bain
- grep Decus grep (Get Regular Expression and Print). Useful
- for finding strings in files.
- Author: Unknown
- kermit This is an absolutely ancient kermit, who's only
- saving grace is that it is small and quite portable.
- On the AMIGA, there is no connect mode, only send and
- receive. You must log into the remote machine via
- one of it's local terminals and point it's kermit at the
- appropriate serial line connected to the AMIGA.
- Author: Unknown, but it is so hacked up it doesn't matter
- by now.
- MyCLI Another CLI for the AMIGA.
- Author: Mike Schwartz
- mandel A Mandelbrot set program.
- Author: Robert French, with additions by RJ Mical
- ------------------
- cons Console device demo program with supporting macro routines.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- freemap Creates a visual diagram of free memory. Comes with
- custom icon so can be run from workbench screen.
- Author: Robert J. Mical
- input.dev In combination with hander.interface.asm (supplied),
- lets a user trap keyboard or mouse events before they
- get to Intuition and if desired, install new (phony/
- generated/other-devices-mouse-simulations) into the
- input stream. Handler.interface.asm is needed to convert
- the calling sequence performed by the input.task for
- the input stream management into something that a
- C program can understand.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- joystick Shows how to set up the gameport device as a joystick.
- Reports parameters received from joystick hooked to
- right port.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- keyboard Sample program to demonstrate direct communications with
- the keyboard.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- layers Shows use of the layers library, used by Intuition to
- create windows (layers handles all overlapping drawing
- areas and keeps things straight, sending to the back,
- bringing to the front, making larger/smaller, etc.)
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- mandelbrot Latest and greatest mandelbrot program. New features
- include the ability to save images in "iff" format,
- for reading into Deluxe Paint or other programs that
- use iff. Also includes code from GraphiCraft to handle
- color palette and change colors at will. Many additions
- by RJ Mical.
- Author: Robert French
- mouse Shows how to set up the gameport device as a mouse so
- that hooking up the mouse to the right port gives access
- to mouse information.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- one.window Produces a window with a console attached. Does graphics
- in the top half and limits the console activity to the
- lower half.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/18/85
- parallel Demonstrates access to the parallel port.
- Author: Tom Pohorsky 12/1/85
- printer Shows how to open and use a printer, does a screen dump
- of the workbench screen if there is a graphics-capable
- printer attached.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- print.support Printer support routines. Currently won't compile,
- missing a header file "local.h".
- Author: unknown
- proctest Sample code to create a process, set up message ports,
- pass messages, etc.
- Author: Rob Peck 1/4/86
- region Demonstrates how a drawing area can be split into linked
- rectangular regions. Draws a rectangle in a single
- playfield display, then draws "Behind a Fence" several
- times behind an apparent fence in the rectangle.
- Only works under Lattice Ver3.03.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- samplefont A sample font that produces clubs, hearts, spaces, and
- diamonds as its four characters. Shows precisely what
- is contained in an Amiga font.
- Author: Unknown
- serial Demonstrates access to the serial port. Requires an
- external terminal connected to the serial port.
- Author: Unknown
- singlePlayfield Creates and displays a 320 by 200 by 2 bit plane
- single playfield display. Completely covers Intuition's
- display, but gives the system back at exit.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- speechtoy Latest and greatest version of Dave's cute speech demo
- program. Comes with custom icon so can be run from
- a workbench screen.
- Author: Dave Lucas
- speech.demo A much simplified version of speechtoy. Also includes
- exec support functions for extended IO requests,
- CreateExtIO() to allocate and initialize a new IO request
- block and DeleteExtIO() to free an extended IO request
- block.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- text.demo Sample program that asks AvailFonts() to make a list of
- the fonts that are available, then opens a window and
- then prints a description of the various attributes that
- can be applied to the fonts, in the font itself.
- Previous versions were released as "whichfont".
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- timer Simple timer example program. Includes dynamic
- allocation of data structures needed to communicate
- with the timer device, as well as the actual device
- IO.
- Author: Rob Peck 12/1/85
- trackdisk Demonstrates use of trackdisk driver. Useful example of
- "raw" disk read/write.
- Author Rob Peck 12/1/85
- ------------------
- compress Compress reduces the size of the named files using
- adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding. The amount of compression
- obtained depends on the size of the input, the number of
- bits per code, and the distribution of common substrings.
- Typically, text such as source code or English is reduced
- by 50-60%. Compression is generally much better then that
- achieved by Huffman coding (as used in "pack") or
- adaptive Huffman coding (as used in "compact"), and takes
- less time to compute. Great for saving disk space, or
- reducing transmission time over phone lines! Also includes
- "btoa" and "atob" for converting binary files to ascii, and
- then back to binary (for transmission over links that do
- not support 8 bits).
- Author: Thomas Spencer, with improvements by others
- dadc A digital computer impersonating an analog clock
- impersonating a digital clock.
- Author: Perry S. Kivolowitz
- microemacs An upgraded version of microemacs originally distributed
- on disk number 2. I don't have an exact list of changes
- but the new executable is about 25% larger, so there must
- be something in there! One enhancement is that some
- functions are now also bound to function keys.
- Author: Dave Conroy, with enhancements by Jack Roose.
- mult Mult reads the input comparing adjacent lines. In the
- normal case, the second and succeeding copies of repeated
- lines are output, and the remainder of the lines are
- removed. Repeated lines must be adjacent in order to be
- found. Options are present to output the first of multiple
- lines, for comparing adjacent lines by field only, and for
- specifying the field separator character. Kind of the
- opposite of the Unix "uniq" program.
- Author: Dennis Bednar
- scales Demonstrates use of the Audio functions in the ROM to
- produce four voice sound. It uses a simple waveform
- (sawtooth) with no amplitude control (ie, envelope)
- or frequency variation (ie, vibrato), but these can be
- easily implemented. Also includes considerable
- documentation on audio device.
- Author: Steven A. Bennett
- setparallel Allows the CLI user to dynamically change any particular
- parallel port parameter.
- Author: Keith Stobie and Tom Pohorsky
- setserial Allows the CLI user to dynamically change any particular
- serial port parameter.
- Author: Keith Stobie and Tom Pohorsky
- sortc A quicksort based sort program, using separate driver
- and sort modules. Originally from a DECUS C distribution.
- Claims to be fast, but when operating entirely out of ram
- takes 93 seconds to sort its input file, sort.c, while
- AmigaDos's sort takes only 43 seconds under the same
- conditions.
- Author: Dave Conroy, Martin Minow, and Ray Van Tassle
- stripc Strips comments and extraneous whitespace from C source
- files. Useful for compacting the C header files to
- increase usable disk space.
- Author: Chris Metcalf
- ------------------
- The "Hack" games disk, derived from sources on disk 8.
- Version 1.0.1. This also contains some icons and other files
- that are not reproducable from the contents of the source
- disk (number 8), so number 7 and number 8 should really be
- ordered as a set. Both disks are almost full. It's huge!
- Courtesy of John Toebes, 120 H Northington Pl, Cary NC. 27511.
- ------------------
- Contains the source to "Hack", a popular UNIX game ported
- to the AMIGA by John Toebes. Please read all the associated
- README files before redistributing with changes. Also, if you
- appreciate John's work, help support it by sending a small
- contribution.
- Courtesy of John Toebes, 120 H Northington Pl, Cary NC. 27511.
- ------------------
- moire Draws moire patterns in black and white in a borderless
- backdrop window. Currently only runs with Lattice C
- version 3.02, when compiled with 3.03 crashes the system.
- Author: Scott Ballantyne
- MVP-FORTH Mountain View Press Forth, version 1.00.03A.
- A shareware version of forth from Fantasia Systems.
- Runable from the workbench, comes with icons and
- such. If you use this, you should send a contribution
- to Fantasia Systems / Mountain View Press.
- proff Another text formatting program. This one is significantly
- more powerful than any of the others previously distributed
- on these disks.
- setlace Program to toggle interlace mode on and off.
- When used with a black background, and amber or green
- characters, produces a nice CLI environment.
- Author: Bob Pariseau, Nov 85
- skewb Not quite sure what this is supposed to be, it was
- downloaded from a bbs with no documentation. C'mon
- folks, at least put a three line description at the
- start of your programs!
- Author: Raymond S. Brand
- sparks Graphics demo that draws a "moving pathway", adding
- to the front and removing from the tail (sure is
- hard to come up with verbal descriptions of these
- things!).
- Author: Scott Ballantyne
- -------------------
- conquest You control an interstellar empire, decide which star
- systems to explore, which planets to colonize, etc.
- The computer will also be building its own empire and
- competing with you for resources. The one with the
- greatest population at the end wins. Executable only,
- no source. Downloaded from Denver BBS.
- Author: Unknown, ported to Amiga by Rob Shimbo
- dehex Simple little program to convert hex format file into
- a binary file. Reads lines of hex characters on stdin
- and writes 8 bit dehex'd bytes to stdout.
- Author: Fred Fish
- filezap Patch program for any type of file. Executable only,
- no source available.
- Author: John Hodgson
- fixobj Strip extraneous garbage off end of object files
- transfered with xmodem. Does not require preknowledge
- of actual file length, uses knowledge of Amiga file
- structure.
- Author: John Hodgson
- iff Routines to read and write iff format files. Includes
- program to display iff files made by DPaint. Also
- see the DPSlide program on disk 11.
- Author: Jerry Morrison, Steve Shaw, and Steve Hayes
- ld I presume this stands for "list directory". Lists
- contents of specified diretory or disk, using inverse
- video and colors to group objects by type.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- ls Minimal implementation of UNIX ls. Demonstrates
- use of UNIX style filename pattern matching code.
- Author: Rick Schaeffer
- sq.usq Squeeze and unsqueeze, from the CPM world. Works, but
- "compress" from disk 6 runs almost twice as fast and
- produces even smaller files.
- Author: R. Greenlaw, Amiga port by Rick Schaeffer
- trek73 A Star Trek game. This one is just crying out to
- be Amiga'ized by some ambitious hacker.
- Authors: Many, see comment in main.c
- yachtc Dice game.
- Author: Sheldon Leemon
- -------------------
- dpslide A slide show program for displaying graphic images
- which are in the iff format, such as output from the
- Electronic Arts Deluxe Paint program. Allows the user
- to select the display time for each slide and the method
- of bringing the slide up to the screen, and then removing
- it. Double buffers images to improve smoothness of
- display. Executable only, no source available.
- Author: Paul Biondo
- pictures Miscellaneous DPaint and digitized pictures, in iff
- format. CAUTION: Some are rated R.
- -------------------
- Note that this disk contains a number of programs apparently available
- only in executable form. I am not real happy with this trend, but
- had no way of getting in contact with the authors who posted these
- programs to various BBS's to request source. I have no reason to
- believe that any of these executable only postings contain any
- deliberate "misfeatures", but you should always use such programs
- cautiously.
- amiga3d Shows a rotating 3 dimensional solid "Amiga sign".
- No source available, executable only (downloaded from
- a Denver BBS)
- Author: Barry (bart) Whitebook of C-A
- ArgoTerm Yet another terminal emulator program. However, this
- one is written in macro assembler, so should be of
- interest to anyone doing serious assembly language
- development. Version 0.20
- Author: Jez San
- arrow3d Shows a rotating 3 dimensional wire frame arrow.
- No source available, executable only (downloaded from
- a Denver BBS)
- Author: Steve Beats of C-A
- ld4 Another directory listing program using some graphics
- style output. Executable only, no source available.
- (Downloaded from a Denver BBS)
- Author: unknown
- IconExec Tools which allow execution of a program from an
- icon without having to recompile the program.
- Author: John Toebes VIII
- images Miscellaneous DPaint and digitized pictures, in iff
- format. Some are rated R.
- SetAlternate Merge the images from two icons to produce one icon with
- a primary image, and a possibly completely different image
- to display when selected.
- Author: John Toebes VIII
- StarTerm Another terminal emulator program. ASCII and XMODEM
- support, telephone dialer, function keys, load file
- stripping, text file conversion, full/half duplex,
- Author: Jim Nangano and Steve Plegge
- -------------------
- This disk is a grab bag of basic programs, mostly untested.
- Some are for AbasiC and some are for Microsoft Basic.
- No speekee basic so if these don't work, call someone else.
- -------------------
- This disk contains the first ever public release of two new pieces of
- code, "dex" and "termcap". Also, this is the first disk in the library
- that includes executables produced with both the Manx and Lattice C
- compilers, whenever possible. This greatly helps to isolate bugs.
- amiga3d Shows a rotating 3 dimensional solid "AMIGA" sign.
- This is an updated version of the program released
- on disk number 12, and now includes full source.
- Author: Barry Whitebook @ Commodore-Amiga
- beep Source for a function that generates a beep sound, like
- CTRL-G on a VT100 terminal.
- Author: Samuel Dicker @ Commodore-Amiga
- dex Program to extract documentation in a human readable
- format inside source files, and produce nroff style
- output for manuals and other such external documents.
- First ever public release.
- Author: Fred Fish
- dimensions Programs to demonstrate three and four dimensional graphics.
- Not quite sure how else to describe them!
- Author: Anselm Hook
- filezap An updated version of the file zap utility first released
- on disk number 10. Can be used to patch any type of
- file. Nice, and VERY useful.
- Author: John Hodgson
- gfxmem An updated version of the graphical memory display
- program first released on disk number 1. Watch your
- machine's memory usage change dynamically under use!
- Author: Louis Mamakos
- gi Converts DPaint brush files to C source files "necessary
- to create an Image structure, including height, width,
- depth, and color information, as well as the array of
- data which represents the bit planes of the image".
- Author: Mike Farren
- pdterm A simple terminal emulator that does ANSI or DEC VT-100
- emulation in 80 cols by 25 lines. Version 1.21.
- Author: Michael McInerny
- shell A simple csh style shell with history and some other
- goodies. Still needs some polishing and enhancement,
- but is quite nice as it. Thanks Matt!!! We've really
- needed something like this for a long time. Now if you
- would just do a ksh version instead...
- Author: Matt Dillon
- termcap A (mostly) unix compatible implementation of a termcap
- library. First ever public release.
- Author: Fred Fish
- -------------------
- Blobs A simple graphics program, reminiscent of the unix "worms"
- program, but in color of course.
- Author: Peter Engelbrite
- Clock A simple digital clock program designed to be small and to
- live completely in the screen title bar, where it is out
- of the way.
- Author: Mike Meyer
- Dazzle An eight-fold symmetry dazzler program. Really pretty!
- Author: Peter Engelbrite
- Fish "A demo program which runs an AnimOb in a double buffered
- screen with sequence cycled animation". (Basically
- shows a fish "swimming" across the top of the screen).
- Author: Catherine Wagner (posted by Barry Whitebook)
- Monopoly A really nice monopoly game written in AbasiC.
- Follow the directions in the file "InstallationGuide"
- to produce a bootable games disk.
- Author: David Addison
- OkidataDump Okidata ML92 driver and WorkBench screen dump program.
- Does both alpha and graphics. Untested (I don't have the
- printer).
- Author: Raimund Gluecker
- Polydraw A drawing program written in AbasiC.
- Author: David Addison
- Polyfractals A fractal program written in AbasiC.
- Author: David Addison
- -------------------
- This is a copy of the Amiga Developer's IFF disk, received directly from
- Commodore-Amiga sources, with permission to place in the library and
- redistribute. It is unchanged except for:
- 1) The volume name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk16.
- 2) This file (README.list16) has been added.
- 3) The standard library README file README.dist
- has been added.
- -------------------
- This is a copy of a H.A.M. (Hold And Modify) graphics demo disk received
- from a vendor that is producing hardware to capture such images, and
- software to process them. It is unchanged except for:
- 1) The volume name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk17.
- 2) This file (README.list17) has been added.
- 3) The standard library README file README.dist
- has been added.
- 4) The 'showilbm' program has been added to allow viewing
- of the two monochrome pictures (dozer.hires and robert.lores)
- without requiring Deluxe Paint.
- 5) The supplied 'readme' file has been augmented with
- information received on hardcopy along with the disk, and
- a note has been added about how to use the showilbm
- program.
- -------------------
- AmigaDisplay Yet another variation of a terminal emulator program.
- This is a modified AmigaTerm that can emulate a dumb
- terminal (interesting paradox here somewhere...), translate
- line termination sequences, optionally capture or discard
- control characters in the captured file, use audible bell,
- use another font, etc.
- Author: Don Woods (Original code by Michael Mounier)
- Ash Prerelease version of a C-shell like shell program.
- Has history, command substitution, loops, etc.
- Author: Thorn Smith
- Browser A program that lets you wander around a file tree and
- peek into files, all with the mouse.
- Author: Mike (I'll be mellow when I'm dead) Meyer
- MC68010 Complete information package for upgrading an Amiga
- to use an MC68010 in place of the MC68000. Includes
- a software fix that makes this transparent to user
- programs that use instructions that are priviledged
- on the 68010.
- Author: Thad Floryan
- Multidim Lets you rotate a 2 to 6 dimensional "cube" on the
- screen using the joystick.
- Author: Robert French
- PigLatin Tired of the "say" command? This one will translate
- and speak your input in pig latin!
- Author: Thomas Clement
- Scrimper Short for "SCReen IMage PrintER". A screen dump utility
- which can be run from the workbench or the CLI.
- Author: Perry Kivolowitz
- Xlisp1.6 A very nice little lisp for those that want to study the
- internals of a real, working lisp interpreter.
- Author: Dave Betz
- -------------------
- BlackJack A line oriented (no graphics) blackjack game.
- Author: Unknown
- JayMinerSlides These are the Amiga slides produced/used by Jay Miner
- (the designer of Amiga's custom graphics chips) in his
- talks about the Amiga. They are all hi-res (640 x 400)
- and are best displayed on a long-persistence color
- monitor.
- Keymap_Test A program to test the keymapping routines and find
- possible bugs. Useful as an example of keymapping.
- Author: Pushpa Kumar
- LockMon Find file locks. Useful for discovering if programs
- properly clean up after themselves.
- Author: Dewi Williams
- -------------------
- AmigaToAtari Source code for an Amiga to Atari ST object code format
- converter. Takes Amiga objects as input and produces
- Atari objects as output. This allows the Amiga to be
- used as a cross development machine providing the
- proper libraries are available. (Currently does not
- work, but I don't have an ST to try it with anyway...)
- Author: Landon Dyer at Atari Corp.
- DiskSalv Program to recover files from a trashed AmigaDOS disk.
- Can also "undelete" files deleted by mistake, so long
- as they have not overwritten by further disk activity.
- Requires two disk drives. VERY useful...
- Author: Dave Haynie
- Hash Small example program that computes the AmigaDOS directory
- hash function.
- Author: Neil Katin at Commodore-Amiga
- Hd Hex dump utility using some ideas from Mike Higgin's
- article in Computer Language magazine, Apr 86.
- Formats the dump based on the natural byte ordering
- of the machine on which it runs.
- Author: David Elins at NEC Information Systems
- MandelBrots Some mandelbrot images submitted for the "mandelbrot
- images contest" some months ago. Only three people
- submitted mandelbrots and these were among the most
- interesting.
- MultiTasking Tutorial and example program for multitasking at the Exec
- level.
- Author: Leo L. Schwab
- Pack Program to strip extraneous whitespace from C programs
- or header files. Can be used to condense the C compiler
- header files to free up disk space.
- Author: Jeff Dickson
- PortHandler
- Author: A sample Port-Handler program that performs
- the functions of the standard Port-Handler. Shows what
- the BCPL environment looks like from the handler point of
- view.
- Author: John Toebus VIII
- Random Random number generator in assembly. Much faster than
- versions using floating point. Can be used by either
- assembly or C programs.
- Author: Steve Beats at Commodore-Amiga
- SetMouse2 Program to set the mouse port to either the left port or
- right port.
- Author: Robert Burns at Commodore-Amiga
- SpeechTerm Terminal emulator that can speak the received text.
- Also has XMODEM file transfer.
- Author: Leftheris Koutsofios
- Ted Demo version of an editor that has since been
- renamed as TxEd (I believe).
- Author: Charles Heath at MicroSmiths
- -------------------
- This is a copy of Thomas Wilcox's Mandelbrot Set Explorer disk.
- It is unchanged except for:
- 1) The volume name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk21.
- 2) This file (README.list21) has been added.
- 3) The standard library README file README.dist
- has been added.
- To run from CLI:
- 1) cd dfX: (where X is drive containing disk)
- 2) mse
- To run from Workbench:
- 1) Click on MSD icon.
- It contains extensive on-line help information, unlike other
- Mandelbrot programs distributed in this library. It also is
- capable of displaying some very pretty hi-res pictures in
- interlace mode.
- -------------------
- This disk contains two new "strains" of microemacs, both derived from
- early releases of Dave Conroy's microemacs. There is currently an
- attempt on usenet, lead by Dave Brower, to coordinate an effort to
- merge features from the different versions into a single supported
- microemacs. In the meantime, perhaps you can find a feature you need
- in one of these...
- Lemacs Microemacs version 3.6 as enhanced and supported
- by Daniel Lawrence. This version works and has been
- tested on Unix V7, BSD 4.2, Amiga, MS-DOS, and VMS.
- Enhancements include overwrite mode, support for Amiga
- function keys, reverse video status line, numeric
- arguments using <ESC><number>, replace, buffer specific
- editing modes, word wrap mode, goto-line, buffer rename,
- insert-file, execute named command, describe bindings,
- startup files, and more.
- Author: Dave Conroy, enhancements by Daniel Lawrence
- Pemacs Microemacs as enhanced by Andy Poggio. New features
- include use of <ALT> keys as Meta keys, default buffers
- on buffer switch, mouse support, higher priority to
- improve interactive response, creation of backup files,
- paragraph fill, word wrap, query replace, and support for
- function keys.
- Author: Dave Conroy, enhancements by Daniel Lawrence
- -------------------
- This disk contains a significantly enhanced version of microemacs based
- on the version 30 release posted to usenet's mod.sources newsgroup.
- Previous versions of microemacs released on these disks derived from
- a very old version of microemacs. Since that old release, the author
- has cleaned up lots of loose ends and restructured major parts of the code.
- Other people have already added support for termcap, ports to other machines
- and operating systems, and a limited GNU emacs compatibility option.
- Because recipients of this disk might wish to run this new microemacs
- on other machines in addition to the Amiga, I have encluded all sources
- that were available to me at the time of release. The subdirectories
- which give alternate implementations are:
- Sys/Vms System modules for VAX VMS
- Sys/Atari System modules for Atari ST
- Sys/Msdos System modules for MSDOS
- Sys/Cpm86 System modules for Cpm
- Sys/Amiga System modules for Amiga
- Sys/Ultrix System modules for Ultrix/BSD4.2
- Sys/SysV System modules for Unix System V
- Tty/Atari Terminal driver for Atari ST
- Tty/7300 Terminal driver for AT&T Unix PC (7300)
- Tty/Intuition Terminal driver for Amiga using Intuition
- Tty/Termcap Terminal driver using termcap for Unix
- Tty/Ansi Terminal driver using Ansi codes
- Tty/Amigados Terminal driver for Amiga using just Amigados
- Tty/Heath Terminal driver for a Heath terminal
- There currently is a major effort underway on usenet, led by Dave
- Brower, to standardize microemacs and bring the many variations under
- one common implementation. Please send any enhancements to rtech!daveb,
- or send them to me and I will see that he gets them.
- -------------------
- Conquest You control an interstellar empire, decide which star
- systems to explore, which planets to colonize, etc.
- The computer will also be building its own empire
- and competing with you for resources. The one with
- the greatest population at the end wins. First
- distributed in executable form only on disk number
- 10. This distribution includes source.
- Author: Unknown, ported to Amiga by Rob Shimbo
- Csh Second release of a csh-like alternative to the
- CLI, first released on disk number 14. Has alias,
- builtin functions like "dir" for speed, history,
- named variables, command re-execution with
- substitution, etc.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Modula-2 A pre-release version of the single pass Modula-2
- compiler originally developed for MacIntosh at ETHZ.
- This code was transmitted to the AMIGA and is executed
- on the AMIGA using a special loader. Binary only.
- -------------------
- This disk contains a port (executables only) of the popular UNIX game
- "Hack", courtesy of John Toebes, 120 H Northington Pl, Cary NC. 27511.
- This is Version 1.0.1E., with graphics enhancements for the Amiga.
- -------------------
- UnHunk Tool to process the Amiga "hunk" loadfile format.
- Collects code, data, and bss hunks together, allows
- individual specification of code, data, and bss origins,
- and generates binary file with format reminiscent of Unix
- "a.out" format. The output file can be easily processed
- by a separate program to produce Motorola "S-records"
- suitable for downloading to PROM programmer.
- Author: Eric Black
- C-kermit Port of the popular "kermit" program, a flexible
- virtual terminal and file transfer program from
- Columbia University.
- Author: Unknown, ported to Amiga by Davide Cervone
- Ps A program to display process priorities and another
- program to set a process's priority to any arbitrary
- valid value. Very useful to provide finer control
- over your multitasking environment.
- Author: Dewi Williams
- Archx Yet more programs for bundling up text files and
- mailing or posting them as a single file unit.
- Author: Martin Minow
- -------------------
- ABdemos Amiga Basic demos. NewConvertFD creates .bmaps from
- fd files. BitPlanes finds addresses of and writes to
- bitplanes of the screen's bitmap. AboutBmaps is a
- tutorial on creation and use of bmaps. LoadILBM loads
- and displays IFF ILBM pics. LoadACBM loads and displays
- ACBM pics. ScreenPrint creates a demo screen and dumps
- it to a graphic printer.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner, Commodore-Amiga
- Disassem A simple 68000 disassembler. Reads standard Amiga
- object files and disassembles the code sections.
- Data sections are dumped in hex. The actual disassember
- routines are set up to be callable from a user program
- so instructions in memory can be disassembled dynamically.
- Author: Bill Rogers, Univ of WAIKATO (New Zealand)
- DvorakKeymap Example of a keymap structure for the Dvorak keyboard
- layout. Untested but included because assembly examples
- are few and far between.
- Author: Robert Burns @ Commodore-Amiga
- Hypocycloids An electronic Spirograph inspired by an article in
- Feb '84 Byte.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- LinesDemo A demo program which illustrates the use of proportional
- gadgets to scroll around in a superbitmap window.
- Posted to usenet by Barry Whitebook @ Commodore-Amiga
- MemExpansion Schematics and directions for building your own homebrew
- 1 Mb memory expansion.
- Author: Michael Fellinger
- SafeMalloc Ever have a program that corrupts it's own memory? Well,
- this little gem can help you find the problem in a hurry.
- Acts as an interface between your program and the real
- malloc, checking for overrun, underrun, and duplicate
- freeing of malloc'd space.
- Author: Bjorn Benson, modifications by Fred Fish
- ScienceDemos Some science demos. Sidereal is a tutorial program which
- introduces the user to the relationships between Julian
- and calendar dates and solar and sidereal times. J2000
- is a utility program which converts stellar positions,
- proper motion, parallax and radial velocity from the
- standard epoch B1950 (FK4) to epoch J2000 (FK5). Galilean
- is a tutorial program which determines the position of
- the Galilean satellites relative to Jupiter.
- Programs courtesy of David Eagle at Science Software.
- -------------------
- Backgammon Another game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly.
- Author: David Addison
- Cpp This is a copy of the Decus cpp, ported to the Amiga.
- This cpp is more powerful and complete than either of
- the built in cpp's in Manx or Lattice C. Also included
- is a modified version of the Unix like cc frontend, for
- Manx C, that knows about the cpp.
- Author: cpp by Martin Minow; cc by Fred Fish
- Cribbage Another game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly.
- Author: David Addison
- MileStone Another game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly.
- Author: David Addison
- Othello Another game in AbasiC by the author of Monopoly.
- Author: David Addison
- Shar A program which can pack and unpack archives compatible
- with the Unix "shar" (shell archiver) program.
- Author: Dave Wecker
- SuperBitMap An example program that shows how to use ScrollLayer,
- how to sync the SuperBitMap prior to printing, and how
- to create a dummy rastport for dumping the SuperBitMap.
- Works under 1.2 and up.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner and Phil Lindsay
- -------------------
- AegisDrawDemo Demo disk of the Aegis Draw program. This is the
- actual production program with only the "save" feature
- disabled and without documentation (intentionally).
- Very impressive program! Received directly from
- Aegis Development.
- Cc Version of the Unix like C compiler frontend program,
- for Manx C. Previous released version was for Lattice C.
- Author: Fred Fish
- Enough A new CLI execute file command that tests for various
- system resources such as available memory or existance
- of specific files, directories, or devices.
- Author: Bruce Barrett @ Commodore-Amiga
- Player Animation player for Aegis Animator. Received directly
- from Aegis Development.
- Rubik An animated Rubik's cube program based on Barry Whitebook's
- "amiga3d" program and Raymond Brand's "skewb" program.
- Author: Bill Kinnersley
- StringLib A public domain reimplementation of the Unix string
- library functions.
- Author: Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto
- Vt100 A vt100 emulator program with Kermit and Xmodem file
- transfer protocols (based on AmigaTerm).
- Author: Dave Wecker
- -------------------
- Note that the programs on this disk are all shareware/freeware.
- This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
- to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
- fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
- library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
- distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
- like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
- To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
- the library.
- Bbs A BBS for the Amiga (BBS-Amiga Version 1.1).
- Author: Ewan Grantham
- Author's suggested shareware donation: $25
- FineArt This is a collection of works from some of the best
- of current Amiga artists. Many thanks to Jim Sachs,
- Sheryl Knowles, Jack Haeger, and Aegis Development
- for submissions.
- FontEditor Does what the name implies, edits font's.
- Author: Tim Robinson
- Author's suggested shareware donation: $5
- MenuEditor Create and edit menus, saving the result as either
- a binary file for further editing or as C source for
- inclusion in a program.
- Author: David Pehrson
- Author's suggested shareware donation: $15
- StarTerm Starterm version 3.0. Very nice telecommunications
- program.
- Author: Jim Nangano
- Author's suggested shareware donation: $20
- -------------------
- Life Executes the cellular automata game of LIFE in the
- blitter chip. Uses a 318 by 188 display and runs at
- 19.8 generations per second.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- Mandelbrot Latest version of Robert French's mandelbrot program,
- version 3.00.
- Author: Robert French
- MxExample Example of mutual exclusion gadget handling.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- RamSpeed Program to measure raw memory speed, comparing internal
- memory to the external memory.
- Author: Perry Kivolowitz
- Set Replacement for the Manx "set" command (to set or
- change environment variables) with several
- improvements.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- Tree Draws a recursive tree (green leafy type, not files).
- Author: Robert French (original version by W. Balthrop)
- TxEd Latest demo version of Microsmith's text editor, TxEd.
- This is the full production version except that files are
- limited to 10K bytes in length and the search/replace
- functions are disabled. Also, demo is based on an older
- version of TxEd, new release has additional features.
- Author: Charlie Heath
- VDraw Drawing program, based on freedraw, but now transformed
- and enhanced beyond recognition. Draws hollow boxes,
- filled boxes, freehand sketches, lines, circles, and arcs.
- Also has area fill, text insertion, 16 different line
- patterns, predefined area fill patterns, a magnify mode,
- cut and paste, color inversion, erase, grid pattern, and
- more. This is version 1.08.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- Xicon Contains two programs; Xicon which lets you use icons to
- call up scripts containing CLI commands, and Ticon, which
- is a simple program to display text files from icons.
- Author: Pete Goodeve
- -------------------
- Address Extended address book written in AmigaBasic.
- Author: Mark Hurst
- Calendar Calendar/diary program written in AmigaBasic.
- Author: Mark Hurst
- DosPlus1 First volume of CLI oriented tools for developers.
- Executables only.
- Author: Bill Beogelein
- DosPlus2 Second volume of CLI oriented tools for developers.
- Executables only.
- Author: Bill Beogelein
- MacView Allows viewing of a standard MacPaint picture file in
- either Amiga low resolution (320 x 200) or high
- resolution (640 x 400). Executable only.
- Author: Scott Evernden
- Puzzle Simulation of puzzle with moving square tiles.
- Executable only.
- Author: Bill Beogelein
- ShowHAM Program to display HAM (Hold And Modify) mode images
- from the CLI environment. Executable only.
- Author: Unknown
- Solitaire Two new ABasiC games, Canfield and Klondike.
- Author: David Addison
- Spin3 Simple program that creates spinning cubes and transforms
- them into op-art. Example of how to create a double
- buffered display with color tables that can be changed.
- Author: Ronald Peterson
- Sword Sword of Fallen Angel. Text adventure game written
- in AmigaBasic.
- Author: Andry Rachmat
- Trails Cute little program that leaves a trail behind the
- pointer when the mouse is moved. The trail has
- programmable symmetry, thickness, and length.
- The other interesting thing about this program is
- that it is written in Modula-2 (source provided).
- Author: Richie Bielak
- -------------------
- 3dstars 3d version of Leo's "stars" program (also on this disk).
- Author: Leo Schwab
- Bigmap Program which demonstrates how to use the low-level
- graphics calls, ScrollVPort especially. Demonstrates
- scrolling around inside a very big bitmap.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- Dbuf.gels Sample program that demonstrates the animation routines
- for Bobs and VSprites. Uses double buffering to smooth
- the display motion.
- Author: David Lucas
- DiskMapper Displays sector allocation of floppy disks.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- MemView Program which sets up a direct window into RAM, thus
- dynamically displaying the contents of memory.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- Oing Displays a window full of little bouncing balls.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- ScreenDump Dumps rastport of highest screen/window to printer.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- Sdb Simple database program, originally released on a
- Author: Unknown, Amiga port by Mic Kaczmarczik
- Sproing Same as Oing but includes sounds of balls colliding with
- boundries.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- Stars Displays a screen full of stars, reminiscent of a view
- from the starship Enterprise's flight deck.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- TermPlus Yet another variant of Michael Mournier's AmigaTerm
- program. This one includes improved ascii capture,
- CRC and checksum xmodem protocol transfers, CompuServe
- B-protocol transfers, a phone library, function key
- support, and limited AmigaDOS functions.
- Author: Enhancements by Bob Rakosky
- Vt100 Release 2.0 of Dave's version of AmigaTerm.
- Includes support for function keys and script files.
- Author: Enhancements by Dave Wecker and Steve Drew.
- -------------------
- Alint Support files for Gimpel lint to make it useful on the
- Amiga.
- Author: Thomas Althoff
- Blink A linker written as a replacement for Alink. Fully
- Alink compatible and supports many additional options
- not found in Alink. Also is much faster than Alink and
- generates smaller executable files. Version 5.7
- Author: Combined efforts of the Software Distillery
- Browser Updated version of the browser program released on disk
- number 18. This one has been "manxified", has scroll
- bars, and several bugs fixed.
- Author: Mike Meyer, enhancements and fixes by Bob Leivian
- Btree Routines to implement a B-tree algorithm and several
- accompanying tests, apparently derived from the single
- file version also included on this disk under "Btree2".
- Still buggy, but looks useful with a little work.
- Author: Richard Hellier, posted to usenet by Steve Jefferson
- Btree2 Previous (original) version of btree routines.
- Author: Richard Hellier
- Calendar Appointment calendar that lets you visually add and
- update appointments. Can also run in background and
- remind you 15 minutes before any scheduled event.
- Author: Unknown, Amiga port by Bob Leivian
- Less Like Unix "more", only better, with forward and
- backward scrolling, searching and positioning by
- percent of file and line number, etc. Very useful!
- Author: Mark Nudelman, Amiga port by Bob Leivian
- NewFonts Set of 28 new Amiga fonts.
- Author: Bill Fischer
- Pr A background print utility with several options for
- letter quality compressed mode and line numbers. Also
- takes multiple files and wildcards.
- Author: Bob Leivian
- Requester A file name requester that looks like the one used in
- Deluxe Paint, and a sample program for using the
- requester.
- Author: Kevin Clague
- -------------------
- ASendPacket Example program for sending multiple packets asynchronously
- to a dos handler, for those interested in implementing
- programs with asynchronous AmigaDos file I/O.
- Author: Phillip Lindsay
- ConsoleWindow Example program for finding the intuition pointer to an
- AmigaDos CON: or RAW: window, so you can do WindowToFront,
- graphics, and other interesting things.
- (Requires AmigaDos 1.2)
- Author: Andy Finkel and Robert Burns
- DirUtil Nice little program to wander around directory tree
- using a windowing interface and performing various
- operations on files.
- Author: Chris Nicotra, enhancements by Dave Jobusch
- DirUtil2 Another variant of dirutil.
- Author: Chris Nicotra, enhancements by Ed Alford
- FileRequester A very nice file requester module for lattice C programs,
- along with a demo driver program.
- Author: Charlie Heath
- MacView Allows viewing of standard MacPaint picture files in
- either Amiga low resolution (320 x 200) or high
- resolution (640 x 400). Executable, sample pictures,
- and icons (version on disk 32 did not include pictures).
- Author: Scott Evernden
- Plop Short, simple, no-frills IFF reader program, and
- a sample picture made using a ray tracing algorithm.
- Author: Jim Kent
- PopCLI Provides a simple way of starting another CLI at any
- time without having to load workbench or exit whatever
- program you may be using. Also has a builtin screen
- saver mode that automatically blanks the Amiga console
- screen when there has been no input for a specified
- period of time.
- Author: John Toebes
- QuickCopy Three versions of quickcopy, a nice little full disk
- copier. Two of the versions are capable of making
- backup copies of "protected" Electronic Art's disks.
- Author: Dave Devenport
- ScrollPf Creates and displays a 400 by 300 by 2 bit plane
- playfield on top of a 320 by 200, 2 plane deep
- playfield, as a demo of dual playfield display.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- SendPacket General purpose subroutine to send AmigaDos packets.
- Author: Phillip Lindsay
- SpriteMaker Program which lets you paint sprites and then converts
- the image into a C data structure to be used in programs.
- Allows interactive testing of the sprite as a pointer.
- Suggested shareware donation of $15 for source code and
- updates.
- Author: Ray Larson
- Tracker Program which converts a boot-load disk (I.E. a kickstart
- disk) into a group of files for electronic transmission
- and reassembly. Completely preserves the original disk
- structure so the target disk will be an exact duplicate
- of the original.
- Author: Brad (Lord Bradford) Wilson
- TriClops Very nice graphics oriented 3-D space invasion game.
- This was previously a commercial product which is
- being released into the public domain for promotional
- purposes (they are working on a multiuser, multimachine
- version).
- Author: Unknown, published by Geodesic Publications
- Tsize A simple utility to print directory tree sizes. Displays
- the total size of all files and subdirectories within a
- given directory.
- Author: Edmund Burnette
- UnIfdef Useful program for removing ifdef'ed sections from a file
- while otherwise leaving the file alone. Allows one source
- to be used as a porting base for many machines, without
- shipping the entire source to every source customer.
- (Preprocess for their machine and send them only the
- source for their specific machine).
- Author: Dave Yost
- Vttest Program to test compatibility of vt100-compatible
- terminals and terminal emulators. Requires the
- resources of a Unix system to test an Amiga hosted
- vt100 emulator. (I haven't yet found one that even
- comes close to passing this test!).
- Author: Per Lindberg
- -------------------
- Acp A copy program with filename expansion and argument
- interpretation like the unix cp.
- Author: Fred Cassirer
- Clock Updated version of the clock program released on disk
- number 15. Adds seconds display, free memory display,
- and faster updates.
- Author: Mike Meyer
- Csh Csh like alternative to the CLI, with changes to
- compile under Manx with 16-bit ints. Has alias,
- builtin functions like "dir" for speed, history,
- named variables, command re-execution with substitution,
- etc. Version 2.01A.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- DietAid Diet planning aid to allow the user to compile lists
- of ingredients (recipes) and automatically compute
- calorie totals, etc. This is a shareware program
- ($10 suggested) that was submitted by the author
- for inclusion in the library.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- Echo An improved echo command with options to control
- color, screen placement of text, etc.
- Author: Larry Phillips
- FixHunk A program to modify executable files to allow them to
- run in external memory. It forces all DATA and BSS hunks
- in the file to be loaded into CHIP memory. CODE hunks will
- still load into FAST ram if available. Version 1.2a.
- Author: D.J. James
- Fm File mapper program. Uses trackdisk device to grab
- sectors and traverse the filesystem to find out what
- sectors a particular file occupies.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- KickBench Instructions and programs for creating and using a
- combined KickStart and WorkBench disk, so only one
- disk is need to reboot. Allows the system to reboot
- unattended after a power failure. Requires disked from
- developer's disk.
- Author: Alonzo Gariepy
- Lex A program (not to be confused with the Unix lex program
- which is a lexical analyzer generator) which computes
- various readability metrics for text files. Computes
- Gunning-Fog, Flesh, and Kincaid indices.
- Author: Jeff Sullivan
- TunnelVision Another fine ABasiC game from David Addison. This is
- a maze game with a 3-D perspective view from inside the
- maze.
- Author: David Addison
- Vc Visicalc-like spreadsheet calculator program.
- Author: James Gosling, Amiga port by Peter Hardie
- Vt100 Version 2.2 of Dave's vt100 emulator program including
- Xmodem and Kermit file transfer protocols.
- Author: Dave Wecker
- YaBoing A game program demonstrating hardware sprite usage,
- including collision detection.
- Author: Ali Ozer, based on original by Leo Schwab
- -------------------
- It is port of Timothy Budd's Little Smalltalk system, done by Bill
- Kinnersley at Washington State University.
- The disk is unchanged except for the following:
- (1) I have added this file, README.list37.
- (2) I have added the standard distribution info file,
- README.dist.
- (3) In order to make room for the above two files (the
- disk only had 2 free blocks) I filtered all the text
- files in the sources, docs, and examples directories
- through a program to remove extraneous CR (^M) characters
- from the end of each line. This also makes the files
- conform to standard Amiga and Unix line delimiter
- conventions. I hope this didn't break anything else
- in the process...
- (4) I have added the file sources/Makefile to help people
- who want to recompile the sources. It uses my cc
- frontend. I was able to compile and link an executable
- that was almost the same size as the one Bill provided
- (100 bytes smaller) using Manx 3.20B in 16-bit int mode,
- but it aborted immediately with an error message, so
- beware.
- -------------------
- CSquared Implementation of Circle Squared algorthm from Sept '86
- Scientific American "Computer Recreations" column.
- Produces wildly colorful but mathematically precise
- patterns.
- Author: Bill DuPree
- FixObj Strip extraneous garbage off the end of object files
- transfered with xmodem. Does not require preknowledge
- of actual file length, uses knowledge of Amiga file
- structure. Version 1.1 (update to copy on disk #10).
- Author: John Hodgson
- Handler An example that implements an AmigaDos Handler (device)
- in non-BCPL format.
- Author: Phillip Lindsay
- Hp-10c Program that mimics an HP-10c (Hewlett Packard calculator),
- written in TDI Modula2.
- Author: Duncan Prindle
- IffDump Two programs for manipulating IFF files. IFFENCODE grabs
- an active screen and writes it to a file in IFF format.
- IFFDUMP decodes information in arbitrary IFF files and
- prints it in a human readable form.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Jsh A simple command line interpreter drawing on features from
- the BSD C shell.
- Author: Jim Kent
- NewStat Replacement program for the AmigaDOS STATUS command. Prints
- task number, priority, address of process, command line
- being executed, current directory, etc.
- Author: James Synge
- Reversi Program to play reversi game. Version 6.1.
- Author: Manuel Almudevar
- UUdecode Programs to encode/decode binary files for transmittal
- via mail, or other text-only methods. Binary file is
- expanded by approximately 35% for transmittal.
- Author: Mark Horton
- Vdraw Drawing program, based on freedraw, but now transformed
- and enhanced beyond recognition. This is version 1.14.
- This shareware program (suggested $15 donation) was
- submitted by the author for inclusion in the library.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- VoiceFiler Voice filer program for Yamaha DX series synthesizers.
- Voices are transfered to and from the Amiga over MIDI.
- Author: Jack Deckard
- Window Sample program which shows how to create a DOS window
- in a custom screen.
- Author: Andy Finkel
- -------------------
- AnsiEcho Some commands written in assembler. Includes an
- echo command, touch, list, cls (clear screen), and ask
- (wait for user input).
- Author: Dewi Williams
- Display Graphics display program to display HAM images from a
- ray tracing program. Includes some really spectacular
- pictures.
- Author: Dave Wecker
- Driver Demo device driver in source. Functions as a RAM disk
- for demonstration purposes.
- Author: Lee Erickson
- Xlisp Small lisp type interpreter, binary only (source to
- older version was on disk #18). Version 1.7.
- Author: Dave Betz
- -------------------
- Note that many of the programs on this disk are shareware/freeware.
- This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
- to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
- fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
- library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
- distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
- like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
- To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
- the library.
- Ahost Amiga terminal emulator featuring ANSI terminal emulation,
- file transfer with CompuServe's B-Protocol, Kermit, and
- Xmodem, user definable function keys, script language,
- RLE graphics and a special conference mode for use
- with CIS. Version 0.9.
- Author: Steve Wilhite & George Jones
- AmigaMonitor Dynamically display the state of the machine, including
- open files, active tasks, resources, device states,
- interrupts, libraries, ports, etc. Display window into
- memory. Version 0.21. Suggested $15 donation.
- Author: Jim Voris
- Arc The ubiquitous compressing archiver program that
- has become the de facto standard for distributing
- binaries and multi-file postings on most BBS's.
- This is Amiga version 0.16, a port of arc version v5.0.
- Suggested $35-$50 donation.
- Author: System Enhancement Associates
- Amiga version by Raymond Brand
- AreaCode Program which decodes area codes into state and locality.
- Version 1.5.
- Author: Bill Beogelein
- Blink A linker written as a replacement for Alink. Fully
- Alink compatible and supports many additional options
- not found in Alink. Also is much faster than Alink
- and produces smaller executable files. Version 6.5.
- Author: Combined efforts of the Software Distillery
- Cosmo An "asteriods" clone. Suggested $6 donation.
- Author: John Harris
- Dg210 Data General D-210 Terminal emulator. Suggested $12
- donation.
- Author: Steve Lenz
- DirUtil Nice little program to wander around directory tree using
- a windowing interface and performing various operations
- on files. Version 1.4.
- Author: Chris Nicotra, enhancements by Dave Jobusch
- DOSHelper Windowing program to print help information about various
- dos commands. Version 1.60. Suggested $10 donation.
- Author: John Youells
- PagePrint Prints text files with date/time header, page breaks, and
- line numbers. Suggested $10 donation.
- Author: Phil Mercurio
- PopCLI Provides a simple way of starting another CLI at any
- time without having to load workbench or exit whatever
- program you may be using. Also has a builtin screen
- saver mode that automatically blanks the Amiga console
- screen when there has been no input for a specified
- period of time. Version II, which now includes source.
- Author: John Toebes
- SpriteEd Lets you simultaneously edit two sprite pairs to form
- a double wide sprite image. Suggested $10 donation.
- Author: Scott Lamb
- X-Spell A spelling checker to proofread text files and then allow
- you to move through the document, deciding what to do with
- the misspelled words. Suggested $15 donation.
- Author: Hayes Haugen
- -------------------
- AmigaVenture A program which allows you to write your own Infocom-style
- adventure programs in AmigaBasic. It is a full-featured
- adventure parser, including direct and indirect objects,
- multiple object processing, adjectives, automatic
- ambiguity resolution, and subordinate clauses. The
- parser includes support for one, two, or three-word verbs,
- and a full set of object-manipulation primitives.
- Author: Mitsuharu Hadeishi
- Csh Version 2.03 of Matt's Csh-like shell. Executable only.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Dbug Macro based C debugging package. Machine independent.
- Provides function trace, selective printing of internal
- state information, and more. First released on disk #2.
- This version includes some bug fixes and enhancements.
- Author: Fred Fish
- DualPlayField An example of using a dual-playfield screen, using a
- method contrary to documentation in the Intuition
- Manual.
- Author: Jim Mackraz
- GetFile A very nice file name requester. Unlike the earlier
- version on disk #35, this version includes source code.
- Author: Charlie Heath
- LatticeXref A cross reference listing of all symbols defined in the
- Lattice 3.10 header files. Sorted alphabetically by
- symbol string, includes file name and line number of all
- references and/or definitions.
- Author: Fred Fish
- Lines A line drawing demo program, reminiscent of the "sparks"
- program on disk #9.
- Author: Paul Jatkowski
- SetFont A program to change the font used in a workbench screen.
- Includes several sample fonts of various sizes.
- Author: Michael McInerny
- Vt100 Version 2.3 of the ever popular vt100 terminal program.
- Includes xmodem and kermit file transfer protocols.
- Author: Dave Wecker
- -------------------
- To quote the "Read Me First" file:
- This diskette contains the Amiga version of MicroGNUEmacs (MG),
- a small but powerful text editor that runs on many other computer
- systems besides the Amiga. One of MG's major goals is to be
- compatible with its cousin GNU Emacs, so certain features you
- may have seen in other versions of MicroEmacs may work differently
- here, or not exist. Hopefully, you'll find the added features MG
- provides to be worth the trouble it takes to make the switch.
- From the "Read Me Second" file:
- This is the fourth Beta distribution of MicroGnuEmacs. Beyond the
- work of Dave Conroy, author of the original public domain v30, this
- contains the efforts of:
- mwm@ucbopal.berkeley.edu Mike Meyer
- mic@ngp.utexas.edu Mic Kaczmarczik
- blarson@usc-oberon.arpa Bob Larson
- rtech!daveb@sun.com Dave Brower
- A very nice job guys! Congratulations.
- This disk is essentially unchanged except that I have added the usual
- README.dist and README.list files, along with changing the volume name
- to AmigaLibDisk42. The original volume name was "MG 1a".
- -------------------
- BasicBoing An AmigaBasic program which shows animation by page
- flipping. Precalculates all views of a rotating 3
- dimensional cube and then cycles through them rapidly
- for animation.
- Author: Arthur Blume
- Bbm Demo copy of B.E.S.T. Software's Business Management
- System. It is a full implementation with file sizes
- reduced for demo purposes.
- Author: Business Electronics Software & Technology Inc.
- BbsList A list of Bulletin Board Systems which support the
- Amiga. The list was compiled from a list on Delphi,
- Compuserve, bathroom walls, etc.
- Author: Dick Sheffold
- Cc C compiler frontends for Manx and Lattice C, developed
- independently by Jay Ts. These automatically filter off
- the annoying banner messages from various passes of
- the compilers.
- Author: Jay Ts
- Copper A copper list disassembler. Dumps the contents of a
- hardware copper instruction list.
- Author: Scott Evernden
- InstIFF A program which converts sampled sound files from the
- Instruments dealer demo disks to IFF sampled sound files
- in a FORM 8SVX.
- Author: Bobby Deen
- PopColours Lets you change the Red/Green/Blue components of any
- color register, on any screen currently in the system.
- Uses a movable window with slider gadgets. Very well
- done. Version 1.0, November 1986.
- Author: Chris Zamara and Nick Sullivan
- SpriteClock A very simple clock that uses a sprite as it's display
- medium, thus allowing it to be displayed on top of all
- other screens. Includes source in assembly language.
- Author: Darrel Schneider
- STEmulator Turns your Amiga into an Atari ST (sort of). Be sure
- to read the README file for the true story...
- Author: David Addison
- WBrun A program designed to allow any program to be invoked from
- CLI yet behave as if it were invoked from Workbench.
- Workbench need not be loaded, thus saving the memory that
- Workbench would normally use.
- Author: John Toebes
- Wild Two versions of Unix shell style wildcard matching routines.
- Author: Rich Salz and Fred Fish
- -------------------
- Icons Some miscellaneous icons for your viewing pleasure.
- Author: Unknown
- NewIFF Some new iff material dealing with sampled voice
- and music iff files.
- Author: Posted to usenet by Carolyn Scheppner
- RayTracePics Ray tracing pictures, some of which appeared on disk
- number 39, but now in IFF HAM format for MUCH faster
- loading and compatibility with existing IFF tools.
- Author: Dave Wecker
- ViewILBM Reads an ILBM file and displays as a screen/window
- until closed. Handles normal and HAM ILBM's.
- Author: Based on ShowILBM, enhanced by Carolyn Scheppner
- -------------------
- Clue Clue board game. Nice.
- Author: Greg Pryor
- Make Another version of make that seems to be more complete
- than many other PD makes.
- Author: Unknown, downloaded from the Software Distillery
- Pictures Miscellaneous pictures selected from dozens of pictures
- that have come my way since the last full art disk.
- Author: Rich Payne, Grace Rohlfs, and others.
- Update Used to update an older working disk with files from a
- newly released disk. Files on the older disk that are
- out of date will be upgraded with files from the new disk.
- Author: Unknown, downloaded from Software Distillery
- WhereIs Program which searches a disk for the first or multiple
- occurances of a file with a given name.
- Author: Steve Poling
- -------------------
- Asm A shareware macro assembler, submitted by the author.
- Asm is a 68010 macro assembler that is compatible with
- the assembler described in the AmigaDOS manual.
- Author: Douglas Leavitt
- CheckModem A program which provides for executing other programs
- from your startup file, if and only if there is actually
- a modem connected to the serial port.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Egad A gadget editor from the Programmers Network. Very
- nicely done and very useful.
- Author: John Draper, Ray Larson, Brent Southard, and
- Dave Milligan
- Jive A filter program which transforms its standard input
- to "jive" on its standard output.
- Author: Unknown
- My.lib A binary only copy of Matt's alternate runtime library.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- ProffMacros Subset implementations of the Berkeley "ms" and System V
- "mm" macro packages, for the proff program.
- Author: Tony Andrews and George Walker
- ValSpeak A filter program which transforms its standard input
- to "valspeak" on its standard output.
- Author: Unknown
- --------------
- 3D-Arm The first stage of a larger project to study goal
- directed animation of articulated objects (objects
- which can move with various degrees of freedom but are
- constrained by attachment to other links within the
- object). This program demonstrates goal directed
- animation with a simulated 3-dimensional robot arm.
- Includes source.
- Author: Bob Laughlin
- Juggler Stunning animation of a robot juggler with ray
- traced reflective spheres. Uses HAM mode display
- and sound effects to boot!
- Author: Eric Graham
- Vt100 Version 2.4 of Dave's vt100 terminal emulator.
- Includes xmodem and kermit file transfer protocols.
- Author: Dave Wecker
- --------------
- Bru Alpha 1 version of a hard disk and/or file archiver
- written for Unix. This is a vanilla port, with very
- little Amiga smarts, but it is usable. This is also
- the last freely redistributable version.
- Author: Fred Fish
- Comm A vt100 like terminal emulator with built in support
- for key functions and a phone number database.
- Version 1.30.
- Author: DJ James
- Csh2.04 Version 2.04 of Matt's csh-like shell. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Csh2.04M Version 2.04 of Matt's csh-like shell, heavily modified
- for Manx C. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon, Manx version by Steve Drew
- Diskperf A disk benchmark program which runs on both Unix and the
- Amiga.
- Author: Rick Spanbauer
- Du Computes disk usage of a file or directory (including
- subdirectories). Very handy.
- Author: Joe Mueller
- MemWatch Memwatch is a program intended to sit in the background
- and watch for random trashing of low memory by an
- application under development. If it detects a write
- to low memory, it repairs it to what used to be there,
- then puts up a requester indicating what damage had been
- done. Very useful!
- Author: John Toebes
- Profiler A realtime execution profiler for Manx 3.30E. Using this
- you can identify what sections of your program are using
- the most time, or being executed the most, and optimize
- as appropriate. I was able to double the speed of some
- programs by using this tool. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- --------------
- Cycloids An updated version of the hypocycloids (electronic
- spirograph) program first released on disk number 27.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- DirUtil An enhanced version of the dirutil from disk number 35.
- Dirutil is a program to wander around a directory tree
- and perform various operations on files. See README file
- for list of new features.
- Author: Chris Nicotra, enhancements by Johan Widen
- Multidef A program to scan a collection of object and library
- files and identify multiply defined symbols. This is
- useful to locate subtle problems where user defined
- symbols override library symbols.
- Author: Paul Jatkowski
- MyUpdate A disk update utility that also provides support for
- automatically stripping comments from C header files
- and for interactive verification on a per file basis.
- Author: Joe Mueller
- Plot Program to compute and plot 3 dimensional functions.
- Includes hi-res interlace mode for maximum detail.
- Author: Unknown; Amiga version by Terry Gintz
- Polygon A moire type pattern generator but with color cycling.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- QMouse A program to query the status of the left mouse button
- and return a status code. The return code can be used
- as a WARN condition in a CLI execute file to alter
- execution. Also includes a separate program to toggle
- interlace on and off. Both are written in assembler and
- are very small.
- Author: Robert Rethemeyer
- Touch A simple command to set the date of a file to the
- current date. Uses new supported method of setting
- a file datestamp (rather than reading and writing
- back a byte).
- Author: Phil Lindsay and Andy Finkel
- Trees Another "tree growing" program, similar to the one
- on disk number 31, but more extensive.
- Author: Unknown; Amiga version by Terry Gintz
- --------------
- Note that many of the programs on this disk are shareware/freeware.
- This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
- to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
- fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
- library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
- distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
- like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
- To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
- the library.
- Asm A shareware macro assembler, submitted by the author.
- Asm is a 68010 macro assembler that is compatible with
- the assembler described in the AmigaDOS manual. This is
- version 1.1, an update to the version on disk number 46,
- and includes bug fixes, additional standard Motorola
- mnemonics and a simple startup code module.
- Author: Douglas Leavitt
- BreakOut A 3-D game. Requires 3-D glasses.
- Author: Tim Kemp
- DiskZap Program to "edit" a disk, sector by sector. Version 1.1.
- Author: Paris Bingham Jr.
- FirstSiliCon A smart input line interpreter that provides a separate
- command window with full editing and recall of previous
- commands. Actual name is "Sili(Con:)".
- Author: Pete Goodeve
- Missile A nice "missile defense" game. Written 100% in
- assembler (source available from author) and is very fast!
- Author: Glen Merriman
- PerfectSound PerfectSound demo, with a sound editor and sample sound
- files. Looks very nice.
- Author: Anthony Wood
- Sizzlers Graphics demo programs.
- Author: Greg Epley
- UnixArc A version of arc suitable for Unix System V.
- Author: System Enhancement Associates
- Wombat Yet another terminal emulation program. Version 3.01.
- Has user settable cursor, programmable function keys,
- vt-102 emulation, auto-dialing, loadable settings files,
- and more.
- Author: Dave Warker
- --------------
- Bison A replacement for unix "yacc" command. This is from
- the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort, and was obtained
- from the Free Software Foundation. This is a working
- update to the version on disk number 4, provided by
- Johan Widen.
- Author: Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman
- Compress This is an update to the compress version released
- on disk number 6. It is tested and seems to work
- well except for a couple glitches noticed at the
- last minute (see the README file). Compress reduces the
- size of the named files using adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding.
- The amount of compression obtained depends on the size of
- the input, the number of bits per code, and the distribution
- of common substrings. Typically, text such as source code
- or English is reduced by 50-60%. Compression is generally
- much better then that achieved by Huffman coding
- (as used in "pack") or adaptive Huffman coding
- (as used in "compact"), and takes less time to compute.
- Author: Thomas Spencer, with improvements by others
- Cos A "Wheel Of Fortune" style game in AmigaBasic.
- Author: Steve Michel
- DifSsed Dif produces a difference file which lists the
- line by line differences between any two text files.
- These differences can be fed to ssed (a stream type
- editor), along with the original text file, to remotely
- reproduce the other (new) file. Binary only.
- Author: Chuck Forsberg, Amiga port by Rich Schaeffer
- Sq.Usq Portable versions of the CPM sq and usq utilities.
- Author: R. Greenlaw, many changes by Bill Swan
- --------------
- Assign Replacement for AmigaDOS assign command, written in C.
- Author: Charles McManis
- Fractal A fractal program which produces a random square
- fractal terrain.
- Author: John Olsen
- HAMpoly A polygon drawing demo which uses HAM mode to produce
- polygons of any of the possible 4096 colors.
- Author: John Olsen
- MxGads Demonstrates how to make mutual exclusion of boolean
- gadgets work, even if they contain GadgetText.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- Poly A polygon drawing demo using the AreaMove, AreaDraw, and
- AreaEnd functions.
- Author: John Olsen
- Tek4010 A Tek 4010 emulator.
- Author: Terry Whelan, with changes by Steve Poling
- Vdraw1.16 Shareware drawing program submitted by the author.
- This version uses menus but includes some items not
- in version 1.19, also on this disk.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- Vdraw1.19 Latest version of Vdraw, with a completely new iconic
- user interface, and some other new features including
- a color palette mixer and DPaint style brushes, extended
- cutting features, area locking, and a flexible printing
- interface.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- --------------
- Animations Some animations made with Aegis Animator. Includes
- a player program.
- Author: Aegis Development
- ARCre Creates rename scripts so that files with long names can
- be easily archived and dearchived correctly by "arc".
- Author: John Hoffman
- Arp Some preliminary programs from a program started on BIX
- by Charlie Heath to replace all the BCPL AmigaDOS programs
- with assembly equivalents. Includes "break", "cd", "chmod",
- "echo", "filenote", and "makedir".
- Author: Charlie Heath and Scott Ballantyne
- Compiler An optimizing C compiler for the 68000. Has successfully
- compiled itself on a 68000 based Unix system V machine,
- but has yet to be fully ported to the Amiga. It will
- currently produce assembly output for simple C routines
- on the Amiga, but needs lots of work to be really useful
- as anything other than a learning tool for budding compiler
- guru's.
- Author: Matthew Brandt
- SpreadSheet A simple "Visicalc-like" spread sheet calculator. Also
- known as "vc" but there is currently a debate about whether
- or not that name is a registered trademark. The version
- on disk number 36 was based on an earlier version of the
- same source. This release also includes source code.
- Author: James Gosling, Mark Weiser, and Bob Bond
- Amiga port by Dave Wecker
- TarSplit A port of the OS/9 program that extracts files from
- Unix tar archives.
- Author: James Jones. Amiga version by Mike Meyer.
- UUencode Programs to encode/decode binary files for transmittal
- via mail or other text-only methods. The binary file
- is expanded by approximately 35% for transmittal. This
- release is an update to the version on disk number 38,
- and includes a simple line-by-line checksum technique that
- can read and write files compatible with the older
- uuencode/uudecode.
- Author: Mark Horton with mods by Alan Rosenthal
- -------------------
- Hanoi Classical demo program for recursion. Solves the
- towers of hanoi problem in a workbench window of
- its own.
- Author: Ali Ozer
- ISpell A quick and dirty port of a Unix version of a freely
- distributable screen oriented, interactive, spelling checker.
- I use the Unix version daily and it is very nice.
- You will need expansion ram to run this with the
- supplied dictionary, as it loads the entire 300K
- hashed dictionary into memory. A hard disk is
- also recommended.
- Author: Pace Willisson
- Ing The next step in the "boing wars". Turns a nice screen
- full of little windows into a screen of lots of bouncing
- little windows. Cute!
- Author: Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab
- Lav A "title bar type" program that displays the number of
- tasks in the Amiga's run queue, averaged over the
- last minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes. Presumably
- inspired by, and named after, the BSD "load average"
- program.
- Author: William Rucklidge
- MidiTools Simple programs to play and record through the MIDI I/F.
- Untested (I have no MIDI hardware).
- Author: Fred Cassirer
- MoreRows A program to make the workbench screen larger than normal.
- The number of additional rows and columns are set via command
- line arguments.
- Author: Neil Katin and Jim Mackraz
- Tilt Another of Leo's cute little toys. This one
- makes your Amiga look like it didn't pass Commodore's
- vibration testing.
- Author: Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab
- -------------------
- Csh Version 2.05 of Matt Dillon's csh like shell, modified
- for Manx C.
- Author: Matt Dillon, Manx'ified by Steve Drew
- NewStartups A couple of new C startup modules. AStartup.asm is
- the source to AStartup.obj, with 1.2 fixes and better
- quote handling. TWStartup.asm is like AStartup.asm but
- opens a stdio window, using a user supplied window
- specification, when executed from workbench.
- Author: Commodore, posted to BIX by Carolyn Scheppner
- Palette A tool which allows you to change another program's
- custom screen colors. Based on Charlie Heath's
- palette program from disk number 1.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- PipeDevice A working 'pipe:' device, which allows the standard output
- of one process to be fed to the standard input of another
- process, with both processes running concurrently.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- ScreenSave A program to save a normal or HAM mode screen as an
- IFF file. Also creates an icon for the saved file.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- ShanghaiDemo Demo version of the Activision game "Shanghai".
- Submitted directly by Activision for inclusion in
- the library.
- SoundExample A double buffered sound example for Manx C using 16-bit
- ints, small code, and small data.
- Author: Jim Goodnow
- Vsprites A working vsprite example.
- Author: Eric Cotton
- Vt100 Version 2.6 of Dave's vt100 terminal emulator with
- kermit and xmodem file transfer. It just keeps getting
- better and better...
- Author: Dave Wecker
- -------------------
- ClipBoard Clipboard device interface routines to provide a standard
- interface, such as Open, Close, Post, Read, Write, etc.
- Author: Andy Finkel
- ConPackets Demos the use of DOS packets, finding the Window pointer
- and ConUnit pointer of the CLI window, toggling Raw mode,
- getting cursor position and limits from the ConUnit, and
- ESC-sequence cursor positioning.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- GetDisks Sample program to find all available disk device names and
- return them as a simple exec list. The list is made of named
- nodes, with the name being the device name.
- Author: Phillip Lindsay
- GetVolume Sample program to get the volume name of the volume that
- a given file resides on. Works on any device, even the
- RAM: device.
- Author: Chuck McManis
- Icon2C Reads an icon file and writes out a fragment of C code
- with the icon data structures, for inclusion in a
- larger program.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- MergeMem Program which attempts to merge the MemList entries
- of sequentially configured ram boards. When successful,
- allows allocating a section of memory which spans
- board boundries.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- mCAD An object-oriented drawing program, version 1.1.
- Uses a small set of graphics primitives (like "line",
- "box", and "text") and a small set of editing functions
- (like "move", "size", and "rotate"). While drawing and
- editing, the user can call on other functions to
- modify the display; to zoom in, slide around, superimpose
- a grid, etc. This shareware program was submitted by
- the author.
- Author: Tim Mooney
- -------------------
- CutAndPaste Public domain implementations of the Unix cut and paste
- commands. Includes source.
- Author: John Weald
- GraphIt A program to plot most simple functions in 2 or 3
- dimensions, as well as 2d parametric equations in
- term of t. Includes source.
- Author: Flynn Fishman
- Juggler Stunning animation of a robot juggler with ray traced
- reflective spheres. Uses HAM mode display and sound
- effects to boot! This is version 1.2 and apparently
- fixes some bugs in the original version released on
- disk number 47. Binary only.
- Author: Eric Graham
- MouseReader Shareware program, submitted by the author, to read
- text files and view iff files using only the mouse.
- Binary only.
- Author: William Betz
- Ogre A game of tactical ground combat in the year 2086.
- Ogres are giat cybernetic tanks, each prodigiously
- armed and possessing a limited self-awareness, allowing
- them to do their own tactical planning. Your goal is
- to neutralize the ogre. Includes source.
- Author: Michael Caplinger; Amiga port by Hobie Orris
- Splines Program to demonstrate various curve fitting and
- rendering techniques. Also includes something unique
- for the Amiga world, pop-up menus. Includes source.
- Author: Helene (Lee) Taran
- -------------------
- ASDG-rrd Extremely useful shareware recoverable ram disk.
- This AmigaDOS device driver implements a completely
- DOS compatible disk device in memory that survives
- resets, guru's, and crashes. An absolute must for
- those with lots of ram. Binary only.
- Author: Perry Kivolowitz, ASDG Inc.
- BigView Displays any IFF picture, independent of the physical
- display size, using hardware scroll. Default display
- size is 320 by 200 in lo-res; HIRES or LACE attributes
- added if user width/height exceeds low resolution
- boundaries. Includes source.
- Author: John Hodgson
- EGraph Egraph reads pairs of x and y values from a list of files
- and draws a formatted graph. Supports four unique curve
- fonts; solid curves, dashed curves, dotted curves, and long
- dashed curves. The maximum number of data points is
- unlimited. Has globs of options. Binary only.
- Author: Laurence Turner
- HyperBase Nice little shareware database management system.
- Version 1.5. Binary only, source available from authors.
- Author: Michael MacKenzie, Marc Mengel, and Craig Norborg
- MemClear Walks through the free memory lists, zeroing free memory
- along the way, and coalescing memchunks that have contiguous
- address spaces. Includes source.
- Author: John Hodgson
- NewZAP A third-generation multi-purpose file sector editing utility,
- from the author of FileZAP. Displays and edits full 512-byte
- sectors via a 106 character wide internal font. Includes
- a search feature to find specific strings or hex digits,
- forwards or backwards. Version 3.0, includes source.
- Author: John Hodgson
- RainBow Marauder-style rainbow generator. Installs a user copper
- list such that the background color is changed every few
- scan lines. Includes source.
- Author: John Hodgson
- SmusPlayers Two SMUS players, to play SMUS IFF music formatted files.
- Executables only.
- Author: John Hodgson
- View A tiny ILBM viewer, for use with either the CLI or WorkBench.
- Includes source.
- Author: John Hodgson
- WBdump JX-80 optimized workbench printer that does not use DumpRPort.
- Much more efficient than the Amiga JX-80 driver for full
- screen dumps. Includes source.
- Author: John Hodgson
- -------------------
- Browser Another version of the browser program released on
- disks number 18 and number 34. Includes some bug
- fixes and enhancements. Includes source.
- Author: Mike Meyer, enhancements by Mark Schretlen
- Browser2 This browser type program is apparently not based on
- the original Mike Meyer version. Binary only.
- Author: Dan Green
- Clock Another clock program, comes in several flavors
- depending upon features desired, which include
- using alternate fonts, using alternate colors, setting
- the time, etc. Binary only.
- Author: Mark Waggoner
- Dme Version 1.22 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple WYSIWYG
- editor designed for programmers. It is not a WYSIWYG
- word processor in the traditional sense. Features include
- arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line statistics
- multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- DropCloth Dropcloth replaces the standard blank WorkBench backdrop
- with a pattern, of setable intensity. Binary only.
- Author: Eric Lavitsky and Perry Kivolowitz
- DropShadow A program that makes your WorkBench windows have
- dropshadows. Neat. Binary only.
- Author: Jim Mackraz
- FixWB A program similar to "DropCloth" (also on this disk),
- but not fully working yet. At least this one is provided
- in source, so you get your choice of a working one in
- binary or a nonworking one in source. Sigh.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- mCAD An object-oriented drawing program, version 1.2.2.
- Uses a small set of graphics primitives (like "line",
- "box", and "text") and a small set of editing functions
- (like "move", "size", and "rotate"). While drawing and
- editing, the user can call on other functions to
- modify the display; to zoom in, slide around, superimpose
- a grid, etc. This shareware program was submitted by
- the author. Many improvements over the version
- released on disk number 56. Binary only.
- Author: Tim Mooney
- Robotroff Another of Leo's cute little display hacks. This one
- has a definite attraction to pointers (don't want to
- spoil the surprise).
- Author: Leo Schwab
- Supermort A general compounding/amortization routine, using the
- intuition environment, which can be used for mortgage/loan
- computations. Binary only.
- Author: Mark Schretlen
- -------------------
- Note that many of the programs on this disk are shareware/freeware.
- This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
- to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
- fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
- library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
- distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
- like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
- To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
- the library.
- Blitz Blitz is a small program that is designed to be loaded
- into memory and that sits in the background until activated
- by its hotkey. It allows you to view a text file, much
- like a TYPE command, only that it lets you move forwards
- and backwards through the file. Its screen updates are
- blitz'n. Binary only.
- Author: Hayes Haugen
- BlitzFonts Blitzfonts makes text output up to 6 times faster,
- transparently to well behaved programs. It is also
- very small and written 100% in assembly for maximum
- speed. Binary only.
- Author: Hayes Haugen
- HandShake Handshake is a full featured VT52/VT100/VT102 terminal
- emulator. The author has taken great pains to support
- the full VT102 spec. This is version 1.20a, binary only.
- Author: Eric Haberfellner
- Med Yet another Amiga text editor. This one lets you edit up
- to 36 files simultaneously and makes extensive use of
- the mouse. This is version 2.1, binary only.
- Author: Francois Rouaix
- PrtDrvGen Program to automatically generate custom printer drivers.
- Version 1.1, binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Joergen Thomsen
- Show A nice, very small slideshow type program, version 2.1,
- binary only.
- Author: Andry Rachmat
- Uedit Version 2.0 of this nice shareware editor. Has learn
- mode, a command language, menu customization, and other
- user configurability and customizability features.
- Binary only.
- Author: Rick Stiles
- Ueturbo Example of extensive customization of Uedit to set up
- a nice development environment. Includes source.
- Author: Tom Althoff
- -------------------
- ATPatch A program which reportedly will patch the Amiga Transformer
- for operation under Workbench 1.2 (I don't have one so
- couldn't test it). Includes source.
- Author: Philip Staub
- FillDisk Disksalv has been known to find some rather interesting
- things in the free blocks of some production disks
- from companies that should know better. This little
- hack makes sure you don't get caught in the same trap,
- by scribbling the disk's free blocks in a totally safe
- manner. Includes source (all 20 lines of it).
- Author: Fred Fish
- LPatch Patch for programs, such as 'Atom', with bad 1.0 Lstartup
- code, which abort during startup under 1.2 with 00038007
- alert (can't open dos library). Includes source.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- MicroEmacs Version 3.8b of Daniel Lawrence's variant of Dave
- Conroy's microemacs. This version is greatly enhanced
- over the last version, distributed on disk number 22.
- For example, there is now a full extension language and
- support for a larger number of 68000 machines. Includes
- source.
- Author: Dave Conroy, MANY enhancements by Daniel Lawrence
- PearlFont A font similar to Topaz, but with smoothed out edges
- and more rounded characters.
- Author: Michael Portuesi
- Terrain Program which demonstrates generation of good looking
- pseudo-random scenery. Includes source in Draco.
- Author: Chris Gray
- VSprites Vsprite example from Rob's book "Programmers' Guide To
- The Amiga". Produces 28 VSprites onscreen simultaneously,
- using only three distinct sets of colors. Includes source.
- Author: Rob Peck
- -------------------
- This disk contains a port of the popular UNIX game "Hack", done by
- John Toebes and the crew at the Software Distillery. This is version
- 1.0.3D. The disk is unchanged except for the following:
- (1) I have added this file, README.list62.
- (2) I have added the standard distribution info file,
- README.dist.
- (3) I have copied all the files to a freshly formatted
- disk, to create the master distribution disk, using
- a command of the form "copy df0: to df1: all". This
- insures that disk fragmentation is kept to a minimum,
- but also has the unfortunate side-effect that all
- the file dates are changed.
- Note that this disk must be named "Hack_Game". I have elected to keep
- that name, rather than using the usual "AmigaLibDiskXX" convention for
- disks in my library, to avoid requiring users to rename the disk before
- using it.
- -------------------
- This disk contains a port of the popular UNIX game "Larn", done by
- Edmund Burnette and the crew at the Software Distillery. This is version
- 12.0B. The disk is unchanged except for the following:
- (1) I have added this file, README.list63.
- (2) I have added the standard distribution info file,
- README.dist.
- (3) I have copied all the files to a freshly formatted
- disk, to create the master distribution disk, using
- a command of the form "copy df0: to df1: all". This
- insures that disk fragmentation is kept to a minimum,
- but also has the unfortunate side-effect that all
- the file dates are changed.
- Note that this disk must be named "Larn". I have elected to keep
- that name, rather than using the usual "AmigaLibDiskXX" convention for
- disks in my library, to avoid requiring users to rename the disk before
- using it.
- Also note that, as distributed, this disk is only about 40% full. Normally
- I try to fill my library disks to about 90-95% full, but these "packaged"
- disks are special.
- -------------------
- This is a copy of the Amiga Developer's IFF disk, received directly from
- Commodore-Amiga sources, with permission to place in the library and
- redistribute. It is an update to disk number 16, and is unchanged except
- for:
- 1) The volume name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk64.
- 2) This file (README.list64) has been added.
- I didn't have room for my standard README.dist file. There were only
- 4 free blocks on the disk when I got it!
- -------------------
- Bawk Text processor inspired by the Unix awk utility. Bawk
- searches files for specific patterns and performs
- actions for every occurrence of these patterns. The
- patterns can be regular expressions. The actions are
- expressed using a subset of the C language. Unfortunately
- this version always gets a stack overflow no matter what
- the stack is set to, I haven't had a chance to find the
- bug. Includes source, so you can hunt for it. Looks
- like it could be a very useful utility for the Amiga.
- Author: Bob Brodt
- CloseWB Simple program for use with MWB (also on this disk)
- to close a current WorkBench screen, and let you
- open WorkBench on a custom screen.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Cookie Fortune cookie program. Includes source.
- Author: Richard Stevens
- JTime Detailed instructions, including schematics in IFF
- format, for building and installing a battery backed
- up real-time clock. The clock goes on the joystick
- port (aka mouse port 2).
- Author: Michael Keryan
- MenuBuilder A program which automates the process of building
- menus. It takes a simple text file and generates
- a C source file with all the needed structures for
- linking with the rest of your program. This is
- version 1.0, and includes source.
- Author: A. Preston
- MWB A program which will create a new 'WorkBench' screen
- and route by request OpenWindow calls meant for the
- WorkBench to these new screens. This allows you to run
- programs which normally open windows on the WorkBench
- screen to use a custom screen instead. Version 1.01,
- includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- NewPackets Tutorial downloaded from BIX C-A support section, which
- describes some new packets and structures in 1.2 AmigaDos.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- PascalToC A Pascal to C translator program which is supposed to
- correctly handle function, procedure, and most type
- declarations. However, this quick and dirty port didn't
- fare too well on even a simple little Pascal fragment from
- Software Tools in Pascal. I don't know if the problem is
- machine dependencies in the code or bugs. Looks like it
- could be useful with a little more work than I have time
- to put into it now. Includes source.
- Author: James Mullens, enhancements by Dan Kegel
- Prep Version 2.1 of a Fortran preprocessor called 'prep', an
- alternative to ratfor. Prep has better macro facilities,
- a concise shorthand for array and vector statements, all the
- standard flow control constructs of forth, and is written
- in generic, portable C (I made no source changes).
- Includes source.
- Author: Roger Ove
- RunBack A program that allows you to start another program which
- is independent of the CLI window. This is useful to start
- programs from your Startup-Sequence, load WorkBench, and
- then close the initial CLI (which could not be closed
- otherwise).
- Author: Charlie Heath, Microsmiths
- SunMouse Makes your mouse behave like the Sun Microsystem
- Sunwindows mouse. You no longer have to 'click' in
- a window to make it active. Just move the mouse pointer
- into the window and start typing. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Scott Evernden
- -------------------
- AmScsi Preliminary documentation for a hardware project to
- build a SCSI controller board. The design does not
- support DMA or AUTOCONFIG'ing.
- Author: Rich Frantz
- Asm68k Full featured macro assembler, version 1.0.1, binary
- only. Well documented.
- Author: W. Wesley Howe
- Assigned Same code showing how to find out whether or not a
- name has been assigned (via the dos ASSIGN command)
- before using it, thus avoiding the DOS Insert-Disk
- requester. Includes source.
- Author: Dan Green
- Dk A little display hack, inspired by Leo's gems. Written
- in Modula-2, includes source.
- Author: Thomas Handel
- Flip Seems like Leo's gems have inspired lots of people. This
- one is quite cute also. Written in assembler, includes
- source.
- Author: Mike Berro
- Foogol Just what you've been waiting for, a foogol cross
- compiler for your Amiga that generates VAX assembly
- code. Now you can port all those Amiga foogol programs
- to your VAX! Seriously, foogol-IV is a tiny Algol like
- language and this is a compiler for it. Includes source.
- Author: Per Lindberg
- Free Free returns the available free bytes on any storage
- device that AmigaDos sees as a drive. A list of up to
- six drives is kept by the program and may be cleared or
- added to at any time by the user. Includes source.
- Author: Tom Smythe
- MallocTest A malloc/free test program that allocates and frees
- randomly sized pieces of memory with random lifetimes,
- and fills them with patterns that can be checked for
- corruption. Useful for beating on your vendor supplied
- memory management routines, or possibly as a poorman's
- memory test program. Includes source.
- Author: Neil Webber
- Melt Another display hack from the master himself...
- Includes source.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- Nart Another display hack from the master himself...
- Includes source.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- Purty Provides an easy way to change some common printer
- settings via a small window with several gadgets.
- Binary only.
- Author: Charles Tyson
- RayTracer A simple ray tracing program. It is capable of depicting
- up to 150 balls and a plane that is covered with a tiling
- of any bitmapped picture. Binary only and sparse
- documentation.
- Author: Friedrich Knauss, Steve Williams, Jim Horn and
- Mark Reichert
- SendPackets Updated versions of the ASendPacket and SendPacket
- examples from disk number 35. ASendPacket is an example
- program for sending multiple packets asynchronously
- to a dos handler, for those interested in implementing
- programs with asynchronous AmigaDos file I/O.
- SendPacket is a general purpose subroutine to send
- AmigaDos packets. Includes source.
- Author: Phillip Lindsay
- SnapShot A small utility for dumping screens. This one works
- like POPCLI and stays dormant until you press Ctrl-Esc.
- Binary only.
- Author: Francois Rouaix
- TagBBS Version 1.02 of a shareware BBS system. Suggested
- shareware donation is $25. Binary only.
- Author: Patrick Hughes
- -------------------
- AmCat Shareware disk cataloging program. Suggested donation
- of $20. Binary only.
- Author: Brian Conrad
- AmigaSpell Very nice intuition oriented shareware spelling checker,
- version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Mike Berro
- Bouncer A 3-D simulation of a bouncing ball written in
- Creative Solutions' Multi-Forth, with source included.
- Author: Jon Bryan
- Comm Another nice terminal program. Version 1.33, binary only.
- Author: DJ James
- Dux5 Latest version of directory utility which is a descendant
- of the original dirutil program by Chris Nicotra. Includes
- source.
- Author: Enhancements and fixes by lots of people
- HexCalc Nice little hex/oct/dec/bin calculator and converter.
- Binary only.
- Author: Scott Ross
- Icons A collection of some icons for general purpose programs
- and some particular programs. The "documentation"
- icon is particularly cute.
- Author: Jeff White
- Mandala A mandala graphic program with sound, sort of Eastern
- music. Binary only.
- Author: Unknown
- PersMait Demo version of shareware personal/personnel file manager.
- Includes list processing, capability to run mailing labels,
- mail merge output feature, and more. Demo version is
- binary only and limited to input mode. Suggested donation
- of $24 for the "real" version.
- Author: Breen and Associates
- RSLClock Yet another nice little clock utility that can sit
- around in your title bar. Lots of options. Version 1.3,
- binary only.
- Author: Roy Laufer
- RTCubes A little graphics demo that shows 16 3D cubes in a 3D
- space, all being translated, rotated, and drawn on the
- screen in real time. Binary only, takes over the machine,
- reboot to recover.
- Author: Ralph Russell
- Wheel Nice little "Wheel of Fortune" type game, written in
- AmigaBasic.
- Author: Hari Wiguna
- -------------------
- This is disk 68 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- To quote the "Read Me" file:
- This diskette contains the latest Amiga version of MicroGNUEmacs
- (MG 1b), a small but powerful text editor that also runs on many
- other computer systems besides the Amiga.
- One of MG's major goals is to be compatible with its "cousin"
- GNU Emacs, so certain features you may have seen in other
- versions of MicroEmacs may work differently here, or not exist.
- Hopefully, you'll find the added features MG provides to be
- worth the trouble it takes to make the switch.
- As well as the commands available on *all* systems MG supports,
- Amiga MG has many Amiga-specific features: the Amiga mouse (with
- 24 different functions!), Intuition pull-down menus, the Browser
- (a very nice way to select files), Amiga function keys, a
- full-screen editing window, and support for using a different
- text font in the editing window.
- MicroGNUEmacs is based on the original work of Dave Conroy, author of the
- public domain v30 version. It has been greatly enhanced through the
- efforts of the following people:
- mwm@ucbopal.berkeley.edu Mike Meyer
- mic@ngp.utexas.edu Mic Kaczmarczik
- blarson@usc-eclb.arpa Bob Larson
- rtech!daveb@sun.com Dave Brower (previous version)
- The current version is known to run on the following systems:
- 4.2 & 4.3 BSD Unix, Sun 3.2
- Ultrix-32 (BSD Unix)
- OS9/68k
- Amiga
- System V
- Eunice
- Primos
- Cpm/68k
- Atari ST
- A very nice job guys! Congratulations.
- This disk is essentially unchanged except that I have added the usual
- README.dist and README.list files, along with changing the volume name
- to AmigaLibDisk68. The original volume name was "MG1b".
- -------------------
- Asm68k Full featured macro assembler, version 1.0.3, binary
- only. Well documented.
- Author: W. Wesley Howe
- BlitLab Blitlab is a program which lets you experiment with
- the blitter, to your hearts content, in relative safety.
- It opens a workbench window with gadgets for all the
- registers of the blitter, and allows you to manipulate
- individual registers and perform blits on a magnified
- bitmap. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- Conman A replacement console handler that provides line editing
- and command line history. Is completely transparent to
- any application program that uses CON: windows. Programs
- that use RAW: input are not affected. VERY useful.
- Shareware version 0.9, binary only (source to be available
- from author).
- Author: William Hawes
- Console Console is a try at a new set of routines to get around some
- of the problems with the standard system routines, and
- includes some simple graphics routines. Includes source.
- Author: Jim Cooper
- Dk A little display hack, inspired by Leo's gems. Written
- in Modula-2, includes source. Slightly newer than version
- on disk number 66.
- Author: Thomas Handel
- Frags Reports the number of free blocks of size 2^(n-1) to
- (2^n)-1 for n up to 24 (blocks of max size 16Mb-1).
- Translation: Gives you some idea of how fragmented
- your free memory is. Includes source.
- Author: Mike Meyer
- IconType Change the type of an icon after editing with IconEd.
- Types are Disk, Drawer, Tool, Project, Garbage, and Device.
- Includes source.
- Author: Larry Phillips
- Make Public domain make from mod.sources, Volume 7, number 91.
- It has been cleaned up, Manx'ified, and some new features
- added, by Steve Walton. Includes source.
- Author: "caret@fairlight.OZ"
- MonProc A simple program to allow you to monitor any process for
- packet activity. Includes source.
- Author: Phillip Lindsay
- MouseClock Turns your mouse pointer into a digital clock with
- updates once per minute. Includes source.
- Author: John Hoffman
- Sb Structure browser, that displays system structures
- via pointers found in other structures. You start
- from IntuitionBase and go from there. Version 1.0,
- includes source.
- Author: Nick Sullivan and Chris Zamara
- Spew Program which generates amusing 'National Enquirer'
- type headlines. Works from a 'rules file' which
- describes how the headlines are to be constructed.
- Includes source.
- Author: Gregory Smith (original by "mark@pixar")
- Spool The SPOOL system consists of 3 programs: A queue manager,
- a printer driver, and a SPOOL request program. The SPOOL
- system demonstrates the power of the Amiga's mutitasking
- abilities in a very practical way. It makes extensive use
- of Amiga Exec's message passing facilities and list-handling
- primitives. Version 1.2, includes source.
- Author: Tim Holloway
- Wc A "word count" program, ala Unix's wc, that is faster
- because it doesn't count what you don't ask for, plus
- some other improvements. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Summit
- -------------------
- Note that many of the programs on this disk are shareware/freeware.
- This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
- to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
- fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
- library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
- distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
- like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
- To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
- the library.
- AmigaMonitor Dynamically display the state of the machine, including
- open files, active tasks, resources, device states,
- interrupts, libraries, ports, etc. Display window into
- memory. Version 1.13, binary only (source available
- from author). Author suggests $15 donation.
- Author: Jim Voris
- Arc The ubiquitous compressing archiver program that
- has become the de facto standard for distributing
- binaries and multi-file postings on most BBS's.
- This is Amiga version 0.23, a port of arc version v5.0,
- binary only. Author suggests $35-$50 donation.
- Author: System Enhancement Associates
- Amiga version by Raymond Brand
- BlackBook Keeps track of those important phone numbers and addresses.
- Shareware, author suggests $30 donation.
- Author: Craig Nelson
- DoTil Lists, in alphabetical order, all files on any two directories,
- showing file size, creation date/time, and amount of free
- disk space. Also copies, renames, or deletes files and/or
- directories, and moves files from one directory to another.
- Version 2.0, shareware, author suggests $15 donation.
- Author: Dan Franki
- GravityWars The object of this game is for one player to hit the
- other player's ship with a missle, before being hit
- yourself. The ships and planets don't move, but
- aiming the missle in the presence of gravity fields
- and black holes makes hitting your target difficult.
- Version 1.03, shareware, author suggests $5 donation.
- Author: Ed Bartz
- Jobs A alternate user interface to WorkBench or CLI. Version
- 2.1, binary only.
- Author: John Sawaya
- Lens This program magnifies a small area surrounding the pointer
- and displays it in a separate window. Version 1.0, binary
- only.
- Author: Ned Konz
- Life-3d A 3d version of the classic cellular-automaton game.
- Shareware, author suggests $20 donation. Version 1.2,
- binary only.
- Author: Bob Benedict
- Logo A logo interpreter, with user interface like the Apple II
- logo. Shareware, author suggests $5 donation.
- Author: Gerald Owens
- SetKey Keymap editor, version 1.0 demo. Version without save
- function disabled is $25. Binary only.
- Author: Charles Carter (CodeWorks)
- Vpg Video Pattern Generator. Creates displays useful for
- adjusting monitors and setting up live shots with
- center crosshair, frame, dots, H lines, V lines and
- an adjustable rectangle. Version 1.0.
- Author: Mike Berro
- -------------------
- AirFoil Airfoil generator utilizing the Joukowski transformation.
- Generates airfoil models as well as their corresponding
- streamline and pressure distributions. Includes source.
- Author: Russell Leighton
- AmiBas Some miscellaneous AmigaBASIC programs, including
- a 3D plot program, a caleidoscope, a C-A logo drawing
- program, a file comparison utility, a string search
- program, etc. Includes source.
- Author: Peter Kittel
- Blocks A variation of "lines", but with variable color blocks.
- Binary only.
- Author: Gary Walker
- Comm Another nice terminal program. Version 1.34, binary only.
- Author: DJ James
- DiskX A handy utility for poking around in the guts of an
- AmigaDOS file system. Binary only, but source available
- from author.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- Fpic Fpic is an image processing program, designed specifically
- to be used in conjunction with digitized (Digi-View) lo-res
- black & white IFF picture files. Provides several filters,
- including average, binary (threshold), clipblit, cross,
- Sobel, Roberts, pixelize, sharpen, and a user defined
- matrix. Also supports merging of two images, histogram,
- image compare, and remapping. Binary only.
- Author: Bob Bush
- IconMk Iconmaker builds icons for files that were created without
- them. Version 1.2a, binary only.
- Author: Eric Levy
- Icons Various new Icons from several sources.
- Author: Several
- NewFonts Two new fonts; shalt18, an electronic ciruit element
- font, and ibm5, a PC like font, different from that
- for Sidecar.
- Author: Peter Kittel
- PetCLI An AmigaBASIC program that allows editing in CLI command
- lines (similar to the PET and MYCLI). Includes source.
- Author: Peter Kittel
- PWDemo Demo version 1.2 of the commercial product PowerWindows.
- PowerWindows aids in creation of custom windows, menus,
- and gadgets. It will write C or assembly source implementing
- these, for linking with your programs. Binary only.
- Author: Inovatronics Inc.
- Rot Program which generates and displays 3D objects. Consists
- of two pieces, an object editor and an action editor.
- The object editor creates 3D objects and the action
- editor defines up to 24 3D views of an object (which
- can be quickly cycled to get an animation effect).
- Version 0.5, binary only.
- Author: C. French
- TimeSet Handy little utility to set the system time from the
- workbench environment, without resorting to preferences.
- Binary only.
- Author: Unknown (DEH?)
- -------------------
- It's been quite a while since the last disk with any pictures, so
- this one is just chock full of them. There are HAM pictures, high
- resolution B&W digitized pictures, and some interesting freehand
- drawings. Has a little of everything...
- -------------------
- Add Lets you create keyboard shortcuts for selection of menu
- items in programs where the author did not make provisions
- for such shortcuts, or chose ones that disagree with you.
- Also includes "until" which waits for a specific named
- window to be created. Shareware, includes source.
- Author: John Russell
- AutoIconOpen Example code to fool WorkBench into thinking it is receiving
- mouse inputs that select and open icons. Includes source.
- Author: Tony Wills
- Dio A module which makes it very easy to use EXEC devices,
- such as the 'serial.device'. It's generic and can be
- used with any EXEC device. It allows you to easily open
- libraries, get multiple IO channels for a device,
- read, write, do asyncronous operations, etc. Includes
- source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Dissolve A program like ViewILBM, but the image slowly coalesces
- as pixels are added in random patterns. Inspired by an
- article in Nov 86 issue of Doctor Dobb's Journal by
- Mike Morton. Includes source.
- Author: Lee Robertson
- DTerm Small, flexible, terminal program with intelligent data
- mapping, intelligent keyboard mapping, dynamic menus,
- intelligent command language, asyncronous IO, duplex
- control, and a state machine structure allowing you
- to build any automatic control structure you wish
- (from auto-redial, sequence dialing, to auto-logon).
- Version 1.10, binary only.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Expose Program which will automatically cause all screen
- drag bars and screen depth-arrangers to become exposed.
- Sends a message to windows which obscure the screen drag
- bars, asking them to move down a pixel, and also
- to become smaller if necessary. Includes source.
- Author: John Russell
- Lit Lit filters a file to stdout, showing all characters
- in an unambiguous format. Printable characters are
- printed as is, non-printable characters are printed
- in any of three representation formats. Version 2.0,
- includes source.
- Author: Donald Irving
- Lmv This shareware program, submitted by the author, is
- called "Long Movie". It loads up to 100 IFF graphics
- files and displays them in forward or reverse order,
- at up to 19 frames per second, to create computer
- animations for VCR recording. Binary only, source
- available from author.
- Author: Jim Webster
- MouseOff Mouseoff will cause the mouse pointer to disappear and
- then reappear if mouse movement is detected. It will
- disappear again after 10 seconds of no mousing around.
- Includes source.
- Author: Denny Jenkins
- ParOut An example that uses the parallel port resources
- (ciaa.resource and misc.resource) to access the parallel
- port directly. Compiled, but untested, since I have
- nothing hooked to mine. Includes source.
- Author: Phillip Lindsay
- PenPalFont A font which will make your six year old feel right
- at home in a CLI window. Cute.
- Author: Burton Ogden
- RunBackGround Ancient history, but when I went looking for it on
- my disks, it was apparently something I missed. This
- program performs a function similar to that performed
- by RunBack on disk number 66, but this one is in
- C rather than assembler. Includes source.
- Author: Rob Peck
- SnapShot A small utility for dumping screens. This one works
- like POPCLI and stays dormant until you press Ctrl-Esc.
- Previous release on disk number 66 did not with with
- expansion ram, this one does. Binary only.
- Author: Francois Rouaix
- TypeAndTell Example program that demonstrates installation of
- an input device handler before the Intuition one.
- This example traps all keys typed by the user and
- pronounces them in real time. To quit press CNTL
- Includes source.
- Author: Giorgio Galeotti
- Xplor A program that scans all the system lists that start in
- ExecBase and prints out their names and addresses at
- which they start. Includes assembly source.
- Author: Larry Phillips
- -------------------
- Cled A simple command line editor which allows you to edit
- your commands before and after they are processed.
- Uses the arrow keys and simple control sequence keystrokes
- for cursor positioning and editing tasks. Version 1.3,
- binary only.
- Author: Pat Empleo
- Control Program which provides finer control over the printer
- device. When it sees a DUMPRPORT, it fires up a requestor
- and lets you play with the values being passed in the
- IORequest block. Includes source.
- Author: Andy Finkel
- Dme Version 1.25 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple WYSIWYG
- editor designed for programmers. It is not a WYSIWYG
- word processor in the traditional sense. Features include
- arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line statistics
- multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows. Update
- to version on disk number 59. Binary only.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- DropShadow A program that makes your WorkBench windows have
- dropshadows. Update to version on disk number 59, this
- one has slider gadgets to adjust the 3-dimensional
- distance between window planes and the shadow darkness.
- Neat, version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Jim Mackraz
- Funds AmigaBASIC program to track the prices of mutual funds or
- stocks. Includes source.
- Author: Bill Strack
- Less Like Unix "more", only better, with forward and
- backward scrolling, searching and positioning by
- percent of file and line number, etc. Very useful!
- This is Amiga version 1.1, an update to the version
- on disk number 34. Includes source.
- Author: Mark Nudelman, Amiga port by Bob Leivian
- Makemake Reads C source files and constructs a vanilla makefile
- in the current directory. Includes source.
- Author: Tim McGrath
- mCAD An object-oriented drawing program, version 1.2.4.
- Uses a small set of graphics primitives (like "line",
- "box", and "text") and a small set of editing functions
- (like "move", "size", and "rotate"). While drawing and
- editing, the user can call on other functions to modify
- the display; to zoom in, slide around, superimpose a grid,
- etc. Update to version on disk number 59.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Tim Mooney
- Random Simple random number generator in C. Includes source.
- Author: Gene Toole (?)
- TDebug Monitor a device by intercepting the EXEC SendIO and DoIO
- vectors. This will give you most of the IO request
- information for any device. Version 1.00, includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Units Units conversion program, including a chart option which
- allows you to create charts of conversions. Nifty.
- Includes source.
- Author: Gregory Simpson
- XCopy A replacement for the AmigaDOS copy command. Preserves
- the file date, provides an "update only" option, and
- uses Unix type wildcards. Binary only.
- Author: Lee Robertson
- -------------------
- Bezier Simple programs to allow you to fool around with Bezier
- curves, using the mouse to move the points that define
- the curve and a prop gadget to change the granularity of
- the curve generation loop. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- BSplines Simple program to fool around with B-SPLINES, ala the
- Bezier programs described above. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Comm Source release for comm version 1.34. Last release
- on disk number 71 was binary only.
- Copy A replacement for the AmigaDOS copy program that
- is upwardly compatible, plus includes some new
- features like date preservation. Version 1.0,
- includes source.
- Author: Jeff Lydiatt
- Diff A simple version of diff. Includes source.
- Author: Erik Baalbergen
- DuM2 A version of the ever popular directory utility (dirutil)
- but this one is written in Modula 2 and includes source.
- Dirutil is a program to wander around a directory tree
- and perform various operations on files. Version 1.5.
- Author: Greg Browne
- Eless A faster directory lister, that also sorts entries
- and displays directories in the current cursor color
- (ala the Manx "ls" program). Includes source.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- Fd A modified version of Leo's "eless" that processes
- an entire track at a time, to minimize rereading of
- blocks. Includes source.
- Author: Leo Schwab, enhancements by Stephen Vermeulen
- HardCopy A neat little program that creates a hardcopy transcript
- of any CLI session (like the unix "script" program).
- Includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- MouseOff Enhanced and smaller version of MouseOff released on
- disk number 73. MouseOff will cause the mouse pointer
- to disappear and then reappear if mouse movement is
- detected. Includes source.
- Author: Denny Jenkins, reworked by Tom Smythe
- SetFont Program to change the font used by a workbench screen.
- Version 2.0, source included.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- SpeedDir Another faster directory lister type program. This
- one uses the standard dir utility format for displaying
- directories. Written in assembler, includes source.
- Author: Bryce Nesbitt
- -------------------
- This is disk 1 of 2 of Chris Gray's Draco distribution for the Amiga.
- The disk is unchanged except for the following:
- (1) I have added this file, README.list76.
- (2) I have added the standard distribution info file,
- README.dist.
- Note that this disk was named "Draco SYS". I have elected to keep
- that name, rather than using the usual "AmigaLibDiskXX" convention for
- disks in my library, to avoid requiring users to rename the disk before
- using it.
- Also note that, as distributed, this disk is only about 65% full. Normally
- I try to fill my library disks to about 90-95% full, but these "packaged"
- disks are special.
- -------------------
- This is disk 2 of 2 of Chris Gray's Draco distribution for the Amiga.
- The disk is unchanged except for the following:
- (1) I have added this file, README.list77.
- (2) I have added the standard distribution info file,
- README.dist.
- Note that this disk was named "Draco Other". I have elected to keep
- that name, rather than using the usual "AmigaLibDiskXX" convention for
- disks in my library, to avoid requiring users to rename the disk before
- using it.
- Also note that, as distributed, this disk is only about 80% full. Normally
- I try to fill my library disks to about 90-95% full, but these "packaged"
- disks are special.
- -------------------
- Cycles A simple but enjoyable game apparently inspired by the
- cycle game in the movie "Tron". Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: John G. Gilmore
- EOMS Experts Only Mercenary Simulator. A neat (and tough!)
- PD game that was originally developed for eventual
- commercial release but for various reasons the author
- decided to release as PD instead. So far my son has
- beat every other Amiga game I've got, both PD and
- commercial, but he gave up on this one. For serious
- game players. Binary only.
- Author: Daniel Cardenas
- MandelVroom A new Mandelbrot picture generator with some neat
- features, including use of contour map making techniques
- that allow you direct control over coloration and
- recoloration in seconds, selectable fixed point or floating
- point computations, contour palette, picture presets, etc.
- Version 1.50, includes source.
- Author: Kevin Clague
- -------------------
- AsmTools Some CLI type tools, written in assembler (echo,
- loadit, mounted, setlace, why). Includes source.
- Author: Bryce Nesbitt
- AssignDev Assigns multiple names to a given device. For example,
- allows the names "df0:" and "df3:" to refer to the
- same physical device. Includes source.
- Author: Phillip Lindsay
- AuxHandler Example of a dos handler that allows use of a CLI via
- the serial port. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Drew
- Cmd Cmd redirects the serial.device or parallel.device output
- to a file. Useful for capturing print jobs for debugging
- or "offline" printing. Includes source.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- Info Replacement for the AmigaDOS info command. Includes source.
- Author: Chuck McManis
- Kill Removes a task and as much of its resources as possible.
- Can close windows, unload process code, etc. Includes
- source.
- Author: George Musser
- M2Error M2error can be used to display compile errors produced by
- the TDI Modula-2 compiler, like the m2error supplied
- by TDI. Includes source.
- Author: Richie Bielak
- MonProc An enhanced version of the process packet monitoring
- program from disk number 69. Includes source.
- Author: Phillip Lindsay, enhancements by Davide Cervone
- Mounted A little program to run from CLI scripts to find out if
- a disk is mounted or not. Includes source.
- Author: Peter DaSilva
- Nro Another roff style text formatter. Includes source.
- Author: Unknown, posted to usenet by Alan Vymetalik
- ParTask Example program for finding the parent task of your current
- task. Includes source.
- Author: Andry Rachmat
- QueryAny Simple program for use in CLI scripts to query for yes/no
- decisions. Includes assembler source.
- Author: Mark Smith
- ScnSizer Sets the preferences data for increasing the window bounds,
- and takes effect immediately. Includes source.
- Author: Thad Floryan
- SharedLib Working example of how to build a shared library. Includes
- source.
- Author: James Synge
- Task Simple example of how to use CreateTask. Includes source.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- Uw Unix Windows client for the Amiga. Version 1.00, includes
- source.
- Author: Michael McInerny
- Who Lists tasks on the ready and wait queues. Includes source.
- Author: George Musser
- -------------------
- Note that many of the programs on this disk are shareware/freeware.
- This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
- to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
- fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
- library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
- distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
- like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
- To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
- the library.
- AmiGazer Compute a view of the night sky, using a database of
- 1573 stars, for any date, time of day, and latitude.
- Click on stars for info about them. Binary only.
- Author: Richard Horne
- CardFile Study aid card file program written in AmigaBasic.
- Useful for organizing small blocks of data, such as
- can be done with a 3X5 card file system. Binary only.
- Author: James Parks
- Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console
- handler, that provides line editing and command line
- histories completely transparent to any application program
- that uses CON: windows. Version 0.98B, binary only.
- Author: William Hawes
- IMandelVroom A slightly modified version of Kevin Clague's mandelbrot
- program (on disk number 78) that uses his "ring detector"
- to draw an approximation of the interior strange attractor
- contours. Binary only (with patches for original source).
- Author: Kevin Clague, enhancements by Howard Hull
- NewDemos Some new demos, including replacements for the standard
- "lines" and "boxes" demos, that use only a few percent
- of the CPU time, so it is reasonable to have lots of them
- running simultaneously to demo multitasking. Binary only.
- Author: Steve Koren
- Othello Othello game, binary only.
- Author: Matthew Bellew
- PrinText Program to display ASCII text files on the screen with
- scrollbar, arrow gadgets, automatic word-wrap, a search
- function, speech, IFF picture loading, and online help.
- Version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: Opher Kahane
- PrtDrvGen Program to automatically generate custom printer drivers.
- Version 2.2b, binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Joergen Thomsen
- RainBench Simple program which cycles the hardware color register to
- get an interesting effect on your workbench screen.
- Binary only.
- Author: Brendan Keliher
- ShortCut A utility that collects keystroke sequences and allows
- you to replace them with a single key stroke. Binary
- only.
- Author: Opher Kahane
- ShowPrint A full-feature IFF picture file screen dump utility.
- Can display and print all sizes of pictures including
- those larger than the screen. Allows adjustment of printer
- output in three modes: ASPECT, FULL, and CUSTOM output.
- Print vertically or horizonatally, in B&W, grey scale, or
- color, etc. Binary only.
- Author: Brian Conrad
- Sizzlers A series of graphics demo programs. Version 1.7.0,
- binary only.
- Author: Greg Epley
- Timer Creates a small window containing a timer. Version 1.5,
- binary only.
- Author: Bill Beogelein
- Tools Some miscellaneous tools, including a memory editor,
- memory disassembler, ascii chart, and calculator.
- Binary only.
- Author: Inovatronics
- -------------------
- Asm68k Full featured macro assembler, version 1.1.0, binary
- only. Well documented.
- Author: W. Wesley Howe
- AutoFacc Autofacc automatically shrinks the ASDG FACC window and
- moves it to the back. Also allows the number of buffers
- to be increased or decreased. Most useful from the
- Startup-Sequence file while booting. Binary only.
- Author: Andry Rachmat
- Brushes Contains 53 custom brushes for use in DPaint while drawing
- schematics. Includes things like resistors, capacitors,
- gates, transistors, IC pacs, etc.
- Author: Jim Lee
- CheckIFF Program to check the structure of IFF files and report
- any problems. Binary only.
- Author: Unknown
- Cled A simple command line editor which allows you to edit
- your commands before and after they are processed.
- Uses the arrow keys and simple control sequence keystrokes
- for cursor positioning and editing tasks. Update to version
- on disk number 74, this is version 1.4, binary only.
- Author: Pat Empleo
- Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console
- handler, that provides line editing and command line
- histories completely transparent to any application program
- that uses CON: windows. This program is shareware, and well
- worth a donation to the author. Version 0.99B, binary only.
- Author: William Hawes
- Fonts Several miscellaneous new fonts for your enjoyment.
- Author: (Several)
- Icon Version 6.0 of the public domain implementation of Icon
- from the University of Arizona. Binary only.
- Author: Ralph Griswold, Cary Coutant, Steve Wampler, et al.
- Amiga port by Scott Ballantyne
- KeyLock Freezes the keyboard and mouse until the correct password
- is typed. Protection against inquisitive kids, cats, and
- other lifeforms. Binary only.
- Author: Andry Rachmat
- Scat Another display hack, created from Leo Schwab's "Ing"
- display hack. Binary only.
- Author: Stephen Pietrowicz
- Smush Another display hack, feed it an iff file and see what
- happens. Binary only.
- Author: Hobie Orris
- Target A little program which takes over the mouse pointer and
- turns it into a gunsight. Pressing the mouse button
- flashes the pointer and gives a gunshot. Version 1.23,
- binary only.
- Author: Matt Fruin and Michael McCarty
- -------------------
- Adventure A port of the classic Adventure game originally
- written by Will Crowther and Don Woods. Has been
- extended to a 550 point version. Also speaks as it
- prints (though I found this feature annoying).
- Minimum 512K recommended. Binary only.
- Author: David Platt, Ken Wellsch, Dave Haynie
- AmicTerm A new terminal/communications program based on
- Dan James' "comm" program, but greatly enhanced.
- Includes a script language, auto redialing, choice of
- display beep or audible beep, enhanced file requester,
- and more. Version .50 (beta), binary only.
- Author: David Salas and Albert Kirk
- D2D-Demo Demo version of Disk-2-Disk from Central Coast Software
- (submitted by George Chamberlin). Binary only.
- Author: Central Coast Software
- DX-Synth Voice filer program for Yamaha DX series synthesizers.
- Voices are transfered to and from the Amiga over MIDI.
- Update to "VoiceFiler" released on disk number 38.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jack Deckard
- DiskMan Another "disk browser and/or dirutil" type program.
- Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Greg Cunningham
- Icons Miscellaneous new disk, directory, and file icons,
- including John Olsen's great "fishdisk" icon (thanks
- John!). Binary only.
- Author: Several
- Panl A universal midi patch panel that allows midi parameter info
- to be sent from the Amiga to any midi device that can accept
- param info. Version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: David Weinbach
- Rocket Another interesting Workbench display hack. This one
- is really a game in disguise. Binary only.
- Author: Peter da Silva
- Sand This program has "magnetic grains of sand" that follow the
- pointer wherever it goes. Cute. Binary only.
- Author: Eric Vaughan
- -------------------
- This disk contains a demo version of TeX, ported to the Amiga by
- Tomas Rokicki. The disk is unchanged except for the following:
- (1) I have added this file, README.list83, the standard
- distribution info file, README.dist, and associated
- icon files, plus "less" to read the text files.
- (2) I have copied all the files to a freshly formatted
- disk, to create the master distribution disk, using
- xcopy, which preserves the file dates. This insures
- that disk fragmentation is kept to a minimum.
- (3) In order to make room for the files I have added, I
- have compressed the file TeX/inputs/amigatex.tex using
- a version of compress (compress.b13) that should run on
- any standard 512K amiga. This version of compress is
- found in c/compress.b13. To recover the original file,
- execute the commands:
- cd AmigaLibDisk83:TeX/inputs
- :c/compress.b13 <amigatex.tex.Z >ram:amigatex.tex -d
- Since this is a demo version of Tom's commercial product, it has
- several limitations that let you get the flavor of the real thing
- but encourage you to buy the commercial version. These limitations
- include TeX being limited to processing only small files, the
- previewer being limited to displaying ten pages or less, and only a
- small number of fonts being provided. The full version of AmigaTeX
- comes on eight floppies and will handle larger documents than most
- mainframe versions of TeX. See the tex/README file for further info.
- -------------------
- AudioTools Demo programs from Rob Peck's article in the July/August
- issue of Amiga World on accessing the audio device.
- Includes source.
- Author: Rob Peck
- BlitLab Blitlab is a program which lets you experiment with
- the blitter, to your hearts content, in relative safety.
- It opens a workbench window with gadgets for all the
- registers of the blitter, and allows you to manipulate
- individual registers and perform blits on a magnified
- bitmap. This is version 1.2, an update to the version
- released on disk number 69. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- Ed An editor based on the editor described in the original
- Software Tools book. It is very similar to the Unix
- "ed" editor, but not identical. Includes source.
- Author: Brian Beattie
- GravityWars The object of this game is for one player to hit the
- other player's ship with a missle, before being hit
- yourself. The ships and planets don't move, but
- aiming the missle in the presence of gravity fields
- and black holes makes hitting your target difficult.
- Version 1.04, shareware, author suggests $5 donation.
- This is an update to the version on disk number 70, and
- includes source in Modula-2.
- Author: Ed Bartz
- HunkPad Two programs to help reduce problems with padding
- added by xmodem transmission.
- Author: J. Hamilton and Aaron Avery
- PipeHandler An AmigaDOS pipe device which supports OPEN, CLOSE, READ,
- WRITE, LOCK, EXAMINE, and EXNEXT. Thus you can have
- "named pipes". It also supports "taps" on a pipe, to
- capture all data flowing through the pipe. Version 1.2,
- includes source.
- Author: Ed Puckett
- PopCLI Provides a simple way of starting another CLI at any
- time without having to load workbench or exit whatever
- program you may be using. Also has a builtin screen
- saver mode that automatically blanks the Amiga console
- screen when there has been no input for a specified
- period of time. Version III, an update to the version
- on disk number 40. Includes source.
- Author: John Toebes
- Requester A file name requester that looks like the one used in
- Deluxe Paint, and a sample program for using the
- requester. This is an update to the version released
- on disk number 34. Includes source.
- Author: Kevin Clague, enhancements by Randy Finch
- ScottDevice A mountable MicroForge SCSI driver. Supports one SCSI buss
- device with two hard disk units attached to it. Version
- 33.1, includes source.
- Author: Scott Turner
- Viacom Another of Leo's amusing little hacks. Sort of a political
- statement regarding the quality of service of a certain
- San Francisco area cable TV service. Includes source.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- -------------------
- Csh Version 2.06 of Matt Dillon's csh like shell, modified
- for Manx C. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon, Manx'ified by Steve Drew
- FileReq Another file requester, but this one also has a fast
- pattern matching capability. Includes source.
- Author: Peter da Silva
- Hide A small utility to allow you to run old or ill-written
- applications on systems with expansion ram. When hide
- is running, all memory allocations take place in chip
- memory. Somehow, something like this missed making it
- onto my earlier disks. Binary only.
- Author: Francois Rouaix
- ImageTools A set of shareware tools, submitted by the author, to
- do various manipulations on IFF images, including comparison
- of the color palettes of a pair of IFF images, filtering
- an IFF image in various ways, producing a color usage
- frequency chart for an IFF image, reducing the size of
- an IFF image to produce a miniature to use as an icon,
- converting an icon to an IFF image, and recoloring an IFF
- image using the palette of a second image, in a least
- squared error fashion. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- LowMem Another fine freely redistributable product from ASDG.
- This one is a low memory server, which is a compact shared
- library which allows arbitrary processes to register their
- desire to be notified of impending memory shortages. This
- allows good citizen programs to free up memory that they
- may not need, so other programs can use it. Binary only.
- Author: Perry Kivolowitz
- Plot6 A star plotting program. Short on documentation and
- user friendliness, but interesting nevertheless.
- Also includes source.
- Author: Darrin West
- RawIO Example of how to set your standard input to what is
- commonly known as "raw" and/or "CBREAK" mode on Unix
- systems. Includes source.
- Author: Chuck McManis
- Rocket Another interesting Workbench display hack. This one
- is really a game in disguise. It is the same as the
- one on disk number 82, but also includes source.
- Author: Peter da Silva
- VMore A shareware program, submitted by the author, that
- is a "more" like text file viewing utility that can
- be run on multiple files from either the WorkBench or
- the CLI. Version 1.00, includes source.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- Vnews A simple news file reader, that will read all the news
- files in a specified directory, optionally starting with
- a specified file. Includes source.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- -------------------
- AutoPoint Autopoint serves two functions: it automatically
- selects the window underneath the mouse pointer and
- it provides a very nice screen saver facility.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jude Katsch
- ClickToFront ClickToFront extends the user-interface so that
- a double-click into a window brings it to the front.
- Now as long as you can see any part of a window you can
- bring it to the front without having to hunt for the page
- gadgets. Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Bryce Nesbitt
- Cmd Cmd redirects the serial.device or parallel.device output
- to a file. Useful for capturing print jobs for debugging
- or "offline" printing. Version 3, includes source.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- FileIISG-Demo A demo version of Softwood File IIsg, a database manager
- with sound and graphics. Also includes a database of
- of previously released disks in this library, courtesy
- of Stan Spence. Binary only.
- Author: Woody Williams and Donald Brady
- -------------------
- AdvSys An adventure writing system, as described in the May 1987
- issue of Byte magazine. Advsys is a special purpose
- programming language that was specifically designed to
- be used to write computer text adventure games.
- Version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: David Betz
- AutoIconOpen Example code to fool WorkBench into thinking it is receiving
- mouse inputs that select and open icons. This is version
- 1.2, an update to the version on disk number 73. Includes
- source.
- Author: Tony Wills
- Claz Converts IFF picture files to POSTSCRIPT. Works with
- Amiga HAM pictures, as well as "normal" pictures. Also
- includes scaling. Version 2.0, includes source.
- Author: Steve Ludtke
- Commodities Commodities Exchange, an Amiga exec library which can be
- opened and used by application programs to gain access to
- input in a very flexible way. This is a "minimal, binary
- only" copy. Source may be available on a future disk.
- Version 0.4.
- Author: Jim Mackraz
- Diff A simple version of diff. Update to version on disk
- number 75, includes source.
- Author: Erik Baalbergen
- Dme Version 1.27 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple WYSIWYG
- editor designed for programmers. It is not a WYSIWYG
- word processor in the traditional sense. Features include
- arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line statistics
- multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows. Update
- to version on disk number 74. Binary only.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- DropShadow A program that makes your WorkBench windows have
- dropshadows. This is version 2.0, the same as on disk
- number 74, but also includes source.
- Author: Jim Mackraz
- Elib Example of building a shared library using small model
- Manx C. Includes source.
- Author: Jim Mackraz
- ID-Handler An AmigaDOS device handler, that generates unique
- identifiers. Generates a new unique 16 digit decimal
- number each time it is opened by an application.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Ed Puckett
- Install Two possible replacement versions of the standard
- install program (to make a disk bootable). Includes
- source.
- Author: Bryce Nesbitt and Scott Turner
- MemWatch Memwatch is a program intended to sit in the background
- and watch for random trashing of low memory by an
- application under development. If it detects a write
- to low memory, it repairs it to what used to be there,
- then puts up a requester indicating what damage had been
- done. Very useful! Version II, includes source.
- Author: John Toebes
- MovePointer Moves the pointer to any specified location on the screen,
- specified by X-Y coordinates. Includes source.
- Author: "Cewy"
- MoveWindow Move a named window to any arbitrary X-Y coordinate and
- possibly resize it at the same time. Includes source.
- Author: "Cewy"
- MunchingSq Leo's "Munching Squares" hack, now upgraded to take a
- single argument for a seed value. Includes source.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- PalTest Example code of how to determine dynamically whether
- or not you are running on a PAL machine. Includes source.
- Author: Christof Bonnkirch
- Sc Program which demonstrates generation of good looking
- pseudo-random scenery. Includes source in C (translated
- from Draco version on disk number 61).
- Author: Chris Gray
- Tek4695 A Tek4695 printer driver. Binary only.
- Author: Philip Staub
- WBDualPF An example of using a dual-playfield screen, using
- a method contrary to documentation in the Intuition
- Manual. Fixed version of copy released on disk
- number 41. Includes source.
- Author: Jim Mackraz
- WarpText Fast text rendering routines, to be linked with application
- programs. Reported to be able to display text as fast,
- or faster than, "blitz". Includes source.
- Author: Bill Kelly
- Yaiffr Yet Another IFF Reader. Handles HAM, HIRES, and overscan,
- includes source.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- Zoo A file archiver, much like "arc" in concept, but different
- in implementation and user interface details. Includes
- some nice features that "arc" lacks (such as file/path
- names up to 255 characters in length). Version 1.42A,
- binary only.
- Author: Rahul Dhesi, Amiga port by Brian Waters
- -------------------
- DirMaster A very nicely done shareware disk cataloger, submitted
- by the author for inclusion in the library. Includes
- sample database of some disk libraries. Version 1.0a,
- binary only.
- Author: Greg Peters
- FuncKey A shareware function key editor, submitted by the author
- for inclusion in the library. Version 1.01, binary only
- (source available from author).
- Author: Anson Mah
- MFF-Demo Demo copy of the MicroFiche Filer program from Software
- Visions Inc. The MicroFiche File is a full-powered
- database program for manipulation of text, numbers, and
- pictures. It uses the microfiche metaphor for dealing
- with your data graphically. This is a full production
- version except that the save option has been disabled.
- Includes a sample database of my disk library. Binary
- only.
- Author: Gary Samad
- ScreenShift Screenshift is a small program that allows you to adjust
- the position of the screen on your display, just like the
- preferences function. Works from CLI or WorkBench.
- Includes source.
- Author: Anson Mah
- Snake A variant on the old "bouncing lines" program, this
- on uses multiple vertices and Bezier splines. Includes
- source.
- Author: KABjorke
- Snap Snap takes a picture of the current front screen and
- reduces it to produce an icon. Can produce icons of
- a user specified size. Binary only.
- Author: Nick Frabotta
- -------------------
- This disk replaces disk number 88, which was pulled from circulation
- due to the redistribution status of files in the directory "snap".
- If you encounter a disk number 88 in circulation, please advise all
- parties concerned that the disk should be erased immediately.
- AutoEnquirer An example of a screen contraption that is like a
- requester except that it's not quite as demanding,
- goes where you want to put it, and remembers where
- it was put. Includes source and Manx'ified version
- of Chris Gray's fractalish terrain generator as a demo.
- Author: Howard Hull
- DEMOlition Another neat little display hack. In the spirit of
- these things, ya gotta run it to find out what it
- does. Includes source.
- Author: Kriton Kyrimis
- DirMaster A very nicely done shareware disk cataloger, submitted
- by the author for inclusion in the library. Includes
- sample database of some disk libraries. Version 1.0a,
- binary only.
- Author: Greg Peters
- FuncKey A shareware function key editor, submitted by the author
- for inclusion in the library. Version 1.01, binary only
- (source available from author).
- Author: Anson Mah
- MFF-Demo Demo copy of the MicroFiche Filer program from Software
- Visions Inc. The MicroFiche File is a full-powered
- database program for manipulation of text, numbers, and
- pictures. It uses the microfiche metaphor for dealing
- with your data graphically. This is a full production
- version except that the save option has been disabled.
- Includes a sample database of my disk library. Binary
- only.
- Author: Gary Samad
- Screenshift Screenshift is a small program that allows you to adjust
- the position of the screen on your display, just like the
- preferences function. Works from CLI or WorkBench.
- Includes source.
- Author: Anson Mah
- Snake A variant on the old "bouncing lines" program, this
- on uses multiple vertices and Bezier splines. Includes
- source.
- Author: KABjorke
- -------------------
- Note that many of the programs on this disk are shareware/freeware.
- This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated
- to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and
- fund further development. I hope that by including them in this
- library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible
- distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that
- like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee".
- To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from
- the library.
- This disk replaces disk number 80, which was pulled from circulation
- due to the redistribution status of files in the directory "tools".
- If you encounter a disk number 80 in circulation, please advise all
- parties concerned that the disk should be erased immediately.
- AmiGazer Compute a view of the night sky, using a database of
- 1573 stars, for any date, time of day, and latitude.
- Click on stars for info about them. Binary only.
- Author: Richard Horne
- CardFile Study aid card file program written in AmigaBasic.
- Useful for organizing small blocks of data, such as
- can be done with a 3X5 card file system. Binary only.
- Author: James Parks
- Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console
- handler, that provides line editing and command line
- histories completely transparent to any application program
- that uses CON: windows. Version 0.98B, binary only.
- Author: William Hawes
- IMandelVroom A slightly modified version of Kevin Clague's mandelbrot
- program (on disk number 78) that uses his "ring detector"
- to draw an approximation of the interior strange attractor
- contours. Binary only (with patches for original source).
- Author: Kevin Clague, enhancements by Howard Hull
- NewDemos Some new demos, including replacements for the standard
- "lines" and "boxes" demos, that use only a few percent
- of the CPU time, so it is reasonable to have lots of them
- running simultaneously to demo multitasking. Binary only.
- Author: Steve Koren
- Othello Othello game, binary only.
- Author: Matthew Bellew
- PrinText Program to display ASCII text files on the screen with
- scrollbar, arrow gadgets, automatic word-wrap, a search
- function, speech, IFF picture loading, and online help.
- Version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: Opher Kahane
- PrtDrvGen Program to automatically generate custom printer drivers.
- Version 2.2b, binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Joergen Thomsen
- RainBench Simple program which cycles the hardware color register to
- get an interesting effect on your workbench screen.
- Binary only.
- Author: Brendan Keliher
- ShortCut A utility that collects keystroke sequences and allows
- you to replace them with a single key stroke. Binary
- only.
- Author: Opher Kahane
- ShowPrint A full-feature IFF picture file screen dump utility.
- Can display and print all sizes of pictures including
- those larger than the screen. Allows adjustment of printer
- output in three modes: ASPECT, FULL, and CUSTOM output.
- Print vertically or horizonatally, in B&W, grey scale, or
- color, etc. Binary only.
- Author: Brian Conrad
- Sizzlers A series of graphics demo programs. Version 1.7.0,
- binary only.
- Author: Greg Epley
- SpaceAceDemo Shareware shoot-em-up spaceship game. Binary only.
- Author: Stephen McLeod
- Timer Creates a small window containing a timer. Version 1.5,
- binary only.
- Author: Bill Beogelein
- -------------------
- This disk contains a distribution of ADL (Adventure Definition Language).
- ADL is a superset of an older language named DDL, by Michael Urban,
- Chris Kostanick, Michael Stein, Bruce Adler, and Warren Usui. ADL
- enhancements were made by Ross Cunniff, who submitted this material
- for inclusion in the library. The disk is essentially unchanged except
- that:
- (1) Many icon files have been added to help workbench only
- users get at least some information about this disk
- and about ADL (which is only usable from the CLI
- environment).
- (2) The disk name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk91.
- (3) The standard library files "GeneralInfo", "Contents",
- and "Distribution", along with their associated icons,
- have been added to the disk.
- (4) The directory 'c' has been added, along with a very
- nice text reader program called "less", which is the
- default tool for reading all the text files for which
- there are icons.
- Included here are the sources to the ADL compiler, interpreter, and
- debugger. The binaries were compiled by Ross with the Lattice 3.03
- compiler. Ross noted in his letter that currently ADL is a
- CLI environment program only, but that he hopes to offer a more
- Amiga'ized version in the future. Also, the stack size should be
- set to at least 10000 before attempting to run ADL.
- -------------------
- As6502 Contains a portable 6502 assembler, including source
- in C.
- Author: J. Van Ornum; Amiga port by Joel Swank
- Bawk Text processor inspired by the Unix awk utility.
- This is an update to the copy released on disk 65.
- Bawk searches files for specific patterns and performs
- actions for every occurance of these patterns. The
- patterns can be regular expressions. The actions are
- expressed using a subset of the C language. Includes
- source in C.
- Author: Bob Brodt; Amiga port by Johan Widen
- HunkPad HunkPad pads an object file out to where it is exactly
- a multiple of 128 bytes, thus making it immune to having
- garbage appended on to the end of it by xmodem type
- file transfer protocols. Version 2, includes source.
- Update to version released on disk 84.
- Author: J. Hamilton
- Less Like Unix "more", only better, with forward and
- backward scrolling, searching and positioning by
- percent of file and line number, etc. Very useful!
- This is Amiga version 1.2, an update to the version
- on disk number 74. Includes source.
- Author: Mark Nudelman, Amiga port by Bob Leivian
- Ndir Library that implements the 4BSD unix directory access
- routines (opendir, closedir, readdir, etc). Includes
- source in C.
- Author: Mike Meyer
- Parse A recursive descent expression parser that parses
- expressions, computes the expression value, and prints
- it. Includes support for some built in transcendental
- functions. Includes source in C.
- Author: John Olsen
- Shar Two programs to pack and unpack shell archives on the
- Amiga. Shell archives are the traditional Usenet
- method of bundling multiple text files for posting
- as a unit or for sending via electronic mail. Includes
- source in C.
- Author: Fabbian G. Dufoe
- SmallLib A replacement for amiga.lib that is about 8 times smaller.
- Binary only.
- Author: Bryce Nesbitt
- UUencode Programs to encode/decode binary files for transmittal
- via mail or other text-only methods. The binary file
- is expanded by approximately 35% for transmittal. This
- release is an update to the version on disk number 53,
- and includes a simple line-by-line checksum technique that
- can read and write files compatible with the older
- uuencode/uudecode, plus a file size test modification that
- is transparent to older uudecodes.
- Author: Mark Horton with mods by Alan Rosenthal and
- Bryce Nesbitt
- -------------------
- Dme Version 1.27 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple WYSIWYG
- editor designed for programmers. It is not a WYSIWYG
- word processor in the traditional sense. Features include
- arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line statistics
- multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows. Update
- to version on disk number 87 (which was binary only). This
- release also includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- MicroEmacs Version 3.8i of Daniel Lawrence's variant of Dave
- Conroy's microemacs. This is an update to the version
- released on disk 61. Includes source.
- Author: Dave Conroy, MANY enhancements by Daniel Lawrence
- -------------------
- AudioTools Demo programs from Rob Peck's article in the July/August
- issue of Amiga World on accessing the audio device.
- This is version 2, an update to the release on disk
- number 84. Includes source.
- Author: Rob Peck
- ClickUpFront ClickUpFront is another program, similar in function to
- the ClickToFront program from disk 86, that allows you
- to bring any window to the front simply by double-clicking
- in any part of it. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- HeliosMouse Another "sunmouse" type program. Automatically activates
- a window simply by moving the mouse pointer into the window.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- Iff2Ps A program to convert any IFF file to postscript for
- printing or viewing on a postscript compatible device.
- Version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: William Mason and Sam Paolucci
- ModulaTools Various useful routines for those programming in Modula
- on the Amiga. Binary only.
- Author: Jerry Mack
- Terrain3d Program which demonstrates generation of good looking
- pseudo-random scenery. This version is a derivative of
- "sc" distributed on disk 87, but now displays terrain
- in 3d relief. Includes source.
- Author: Chris Gray; 3d version by Howard Hull
- -------------------
- Cmd Cmd redirects the serial.device or parallel.device output
- to a file. Useful for capturing print jobs for debugging
- or "offline" printing. Version 4, includes source.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- CygnusEdDemo Demo version of CygnusEd, an editor from CygnusSoft
- Software. CygnusEd supports simultaneous editing of
- multiple files, multiple views of the same file,
- very fast display, margins, word-wrap, status-lines,
- insert/overstike mode, online help, soft scroll
- borders, screen overscan, adjustable tab size, macros,
- text formatting options, block/line/word cut/copy,
- and more. Also includes demo 3.0 version of MandFXP.
- Binary only.
- Author: CygnusSoft Software
- Gomf Gomf stands for "Get Outa My Face", a phrase many a
- programmer has mumbled when a Guru alert appears
- unexpectedly. This interesting little program can
- generally make the Guru go away and allow you to
- clean up and shutdown more cleanly. Version 1.0,
- binary only.
- Author: Christian Johnsen
- Journal Journal is a program that records a sequence of mouse and
- keyboard events as they occur and stores them in a file.
- The file can be played back with another program, also
- supplied, which causes the same sequence of events to
- occur again. Very useful for creating demonstrations
- of programs or documenting repeatable bugs. Version 1.0,
- binary only.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- MergeMem Program which attempts to merge the MemList entries
- of sequentially configured ram boards. When successful,
- allows allocating a section of memory which spans
- board boundries. This is version 2, an update to the
- version released on disk 56. Includes source.
- Author: Carolyn Scheppner
- PrinterStealer A program similar in function to "Cmd" that allows
- diversion of output destined for the printer to
- a file for future output or debugging purposes.
- Binary only, source available from authors.
- Author: Alex Livshits and J-M. Forgeas
- Record-Replay A program, similar in function to "Journal", that
- records and plays back mouse and keyboard events.
- Binary only, source available from authors.
- Author: Alex Livshits and J-M. Forgeas
- -------------------
- AnimPlayer An animation reader and displayer that is the result
- of a consortium of animation software developers, which
- includes the authors of Videoscape, Sculpt3D, Silver,
- Forms-In-Flight, and Animator:Apprentice. Includes
- source.
- Author: Martin Hash et al.
- Chess A port of a chess game posted to Usenet. Still uses
- a "curses" type interface, so needs to be Amiga'ized.
- According to Bob, plays a better game than some of the
- commercial Amiga chess games. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: John Stanback; ported to Amiga by Bob Leivian
- HackBench HackBench provides the source for a WorkBench-like program,
- for experimentation and validation of new interface ideas.
- It is not intended to be an actual WorkBench replacement.
- Author: Bill Kinnersley
- Label Simple program to print labels with arbitrary text.
- Version 1.3, binary only, but source available from author.
- Author: Mike Hansen
- LineDrawer Makes a line drawing based on drawing commands stored
- in a text file. Includes a demo that draws an outline
- map of the USA and state borders. Version 1.0, includes
- source.
- Author: John Olsen
- PopUpMenu Example code implementing pop-up menus that are reasonably
- compatible with Intuition menus. Includes source.
- Author: Derek Zahn
- Tek4695 A Tektronix 4695/4696 printer driver. Includes source.
- Author: Philip Staub
- TimeRam A program to test the access speeds of Fast and Chip ram.
- Binary only.
- Author: Bruce Takahashi
- WarpText Fast text rendering routines, to be linked with application
- programs. Reported to be able to display text as fast,
- or faster than, "blitz". This is an update to the version
- released on disk 87. Version 2.0, includes source.
- Author: Bill Kelly
- -------------------
- This disk replaces disk number 57, which was pulled from circulation
- because of questions about the redistribution status of material in
- the "Ogre" subdirectory (replaced with "shm"). If you encounter a disk
- number 57 in circulation, please advise all parties concerned that the
- disk should be erased immediately.
- CutAndPaste Public domain implementations of the Unix cut and paste
- commands. Includes source.
- Author: John Weald
- GraphIt A program to plot most simple functions in 2 or 3
- dimensions, as well as 2d parametric equations in
- term of t. Includes source.
- Author: Flynn Fishman
- Juggler Stunning animation of a robot juggler with ray traced
- reflective spheres. Uses HAM mode display and sound
- effects to boot! This is version 1.2 and apparently
- fixes some bugs in the original version released on
- disk number 47. Binary only.
- Author: Eric Graham
- MouseReader Shareware program, submitted by the author, to read
- text files and view iff files using only the mouse.
- Binary only.
- Author: William Betz
- Shm A simple graphics demo which approximately simulates the
- motion of two interacting pendulums. Includes source.
- Author: Chris Ediss
- Splines Program to demonstrate various curve fitting and
- rendering techniques. Also includes something unique
- for the Amiga world, pop-up menus. Includes source.
- Author: Helene (Lee) Taran
- -------------------
- Access A 16 color terminal program based on Comm version 1.34.
- Includes new macro window, custom gadgets, colorized
- menus, etc. Version Beta 0.18, binary only.
- Author: Keith Young (based on comm by D.J.James)
- Backup A simple backup program that writes normal AmigaDOS
- disks as the backup destination. To recover files, you
- just copy from the backup disk. Requires manual
- decisions about what subdirectories to backup to
- what disks to make everything fit. Includes source.
- Author: Alan Kent
- DCDemo A demo version of DiskCat 2.3, a disk catalog program.
- Demo is limited to cataloging 100 files at a time.
- Binary only.
- Author: Ed Alford, MicroAce Software
- HdDriver A complete driver for a WD-1002-05 hard disk controller
- card. This card can handle 3 hard disks and 4 floppies,
- but the driver currently only handles one hard disk.
- Includes source.
- Author: Alan Kent
- QBase Quick-Base is a "MailBase Management utility", that lets
- you define and maintain records of your family, friends,
- and other associates. Currently a maximum of 200
- records per file. Binary only.
- Author: Kevin Harris
- Thai A simple Thai quiz program developed by the author while
- he was learning the Thai language. It loads complete
- Thai sentences and words from a supplied file. If you
- click on the sentence or word gadget the program will
- pick a random sentence/word. You then click on the
- Thai/Speak/Phonetic/English gadget to display that
- version (or speak it). Includes source.
- Author: Alan Kent
- -------------------
- This disk contains a distribution of Brian Reed's shareware ray tracing
- package called A-Render, version v.3, binary only. This looks like a very
- nice package, though I haven't had much time to play with it. It was
- submitted directly by the author for inclusion in the library.
- --------------------
- Berserk This animation, unveiled at the September 87 meeting
- of the First Amiga Users Group, got Leo a standing ovation.
- It is a "must see" for every Amiga user, and ranks up
- there with "Juggler" as a premier demo for the Amiga.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console
- handler, that provides line editing and command line
- histories completely transparent to any application program
- that uses CON: windows. This program is shareware, and well
- worth a donation to the author. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: William Hawes
- WBLander Another interesting Workbench display hack. This one
- is really a game in disguise. Previously released
- on disk number 85 as "Rocket", this one has been
- upgraded to have sound effects. Binary only.
- Author: Peter da Silva
- --------------------
- CirPlane A circular plane generator for VideoScape 3D. Generates
- a clockwise circular polygon with the specified number
- of vertices. Used, for example, to cap a cylinder or to
- generate surface detail. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Thad Floryan
- IconAssembler This program loads existing WorkBench icon files and
- allows you to change either the primary or alternate
- images to another image loaded from an IFF-brush file.
- Binary only.
- Author: Stefan Lindahl
- MicroSPELL MicroSPELL is a standalone spelling checker which scans
- text files and reports on misspelled words. It has a 1000
- word "common word" list, a 43,000 word main dictionary, and
- supports multiple user dictionaries. Also interfaces quite
- nicely with MicroEMACS 3.9, with an emacs macro to step
- through the source file, stopping at each suspect word and
- allowing the user to dispose of it in different ways.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Daniel Lawrence
- Midi A midi library and utilities set. This looks like a
- very complete package, though I have no way of testing
- anything since I have no midi hardware. The midi utilities
- include a midi monitor to display incoming midi messages
- to the console, a routing utility, a midi library status
- utility, and more. Also includes source.
- Author: Bill Barton
- PsIntrp A postscript interpreter that reads postscript files and
- previews them on an Amiga screen. Interactive input and
- output takes place in a small window. The page to be
- show is composed behind the window in an interlaced screen
- with 16 colors. Can also take input from a file. Includes
- source in assembler.
- Author: Greg Lee
- StartUps Three replacements for the standard C startup files,
- Astartup.obj and LStartup.obj. The options include
- (1) BothStartup.obj, for WorkBench programs or CLI
- programs with or without command line parameters,
- (2) WBStartup.obj, for WorkBench programs or CLI
- programs that require no command line parameters, and
- (3) CLIStartup.obj, for CLI programs that require command
- line parameters but do not need to be able to be runnable
- from WorkBench. Includes source.
- Author: Bryce Nesbitt
- --------------------
- Dbug Machine independent macro based C debugging package.
- Provides function trace, selective printing of internal
- state information, and more. This is an update to the
- version released on disk 41, and now includes a machine
- independent profiling mechanism. Includes source.
- Author: Fred Fish; profiling support by Binayak Banerjee
- Match_stuff Heavy duty text pattern matching stuff. The pattern
- syntax is an extension of standard AmigaDOS filename
- matching. Also includes some simply matched text
- replacement capability. Includes source.
- Author: Pete Goodeve
- Sectorama A program designed to help Amiga users recover lost or
- damaged data from floppy or hard drives, or to repair
- a damaged volume. The author wrote this out of
- frustration with existing tools when he had multiple
- hard disk drive failures over the course of several
- months. Binary only.
- Author: David Joiner
- SiliCon A smart input line interpreter that provides a separate
- command window with full editing and recall of previous
- commands. Actual name is "Sili(Con:)". This is an
- update to the version first released on disk number 50.
- Binary only.
- Author: Pete Goodeve
- Xicon Xicon lets you use icons to call up scripts containing CLI
- commands. This is version 2.00, an update to the version
- first released on disk 31, and includes close gadgets, window
- size specification, text display capability, plus more.
- Binary only.
- Author: Pete Goodeve
- --------------------
- AvlTrees Library and test program that implement routines for
- creating and using balanced binary trees (AVL trees)
- held entirely in memory. Includes source.
- Author: Paul Vixie
- Calc A programmable calculator program with similarities to a
- hand-held RPN calculator. Can run either interactively
- or in "script" mode by reading programs from a file.
- Version 1.0, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Bob Brooks
- Cref A C cross referencer program. Includes source.
- Author: Mike Edmonds; Amiga port by Joel Swank
- DosKwik A pair of programs which allow you to save files, or
- a group of files, to one or more floppies for quick
- loading (loading up a ram disk for example). Does not
- store files in DOS format, which is why it is faster.
- Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Gary Kemper
- IntuiDOS IntuiDOS is a program to give improved control over,
- and handling of, the material on all diskettes in the
- 'CLI-area' by employing a multi-disk, scrollable
- directory and using Intuition techniques to issue
- DOS commands. Written in assembler. Binary only.
- Author: Lennart Sandin
- MFF-Update A text import utility for MicroFiche Filer (demo version
- released on disk 89) and updates to some PD disk library
- databases. Binary only.
- Author: Gary Samad
- Pack-It Pack-it will take all the files and directories on a disk
- and pack them into a single file for electronic transmission
- via modem. Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Gary Kemper
- Sol Amiga version of solitaire game posted to usenet some
- time ago and modified to use Amiga console control codes
- in place of curses calls. Includes source.
- Author: David Goodenough; Amiga port by Joel Swank
- --------------------
- This is disk 104 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- This disk contains a copy of Glenn Everhart's large and powerful
- spreadsheet program called AnalytiCalc, submitted to me directly by
- Glenn for inclusion in the library. The remainder of this file
- is Glenn's "Abstract.txt" file that describes AnalytiCalc.
- Source and documentation is included on the disk in arc'd form because
- it otherwise would not all fit on the disk.
- AnalytiCalc Abstract:
- AnalytiCalc is a large and powerful spreadsheet program with
- sufficient extra features to have some pretentions of acting as an
- "integrated system". It is a virtual memory system supporting up to
- 18000 columns and 18000 rows, multiple equations per cell, an outlining
- system, built-in cell annotation, and datafile access from any cell(s)
- of the sheet, plus an array of functions not present in most commercial
- spreadsheets. This disk represents the initial Amiga port of AnalytiCalc,
- and as such the console interface is somewhat crude and in addition requires
- use of a custom keymap (one such is supplied) for sensible operation. This
- will be improved upon, but meanwhile the program is released with complete
- sources, documents, and executables. The graphics program and the DIF
- file access program are not yet ported; these will be released when
- they are ready. AnalytiCalc for the Amiga uses files compatible with those
- for AnalytiCalc on MS-DOS, VMS, or RSX-11M or IAS. An example project
- planner spreadsheet is included in the distribution to show off some of
- the things you can do. More example sheets will be forthcoming in the
- future. AnalytiCalc also supports matrix math, FFTs, infinite windowing,
- linear regression, date arithmetic, internal and external macros, LOTS
- of cell addressing modes, goal seeking in up to 8 dimensions, and more.
- [lots more stuff deleted for this posting -- Fred]
- --------------------
- AsmProgs Some misc assembly tools, programs, etc. "AsmFilter"
- (actually in AmigaBASIC) turns the output of the Metacomco
- disassembler into a file that can be re-assembled.
- "AddKickMem" adds the KickStart memory to your free memory
- on an Amiga 1000 with Kickstart in ROM. "Clear" fills
- unused areas of memory with a specific byte pattern.
- "L" is a replacement for the BCPL "list" program, but
- with some graphics enhancements. "SharpFont" is an
- 8 pixel non-proportional font. "Stack" is a replacement
- for the BCPL stack program. Includes some source.
- Author: Glen McDiarmid and Kirk Davies
- BasicProgs Some more AmigaBASIC programs. LeastSquare solves
- least squares problems and graphs the results. Curves
- is a demo of one use for LeastSquare (find curves to
- fit a set of points). Freud is a Freudian analysis
- program. Includes source, needs AmigaBASIC from Extras.
- Author: George Trepal
- Bison A replacement for unix "yacc" command. This is from
- the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort, and was obtained
- from the Free Software Foundation. This is an update
- to the version on disk 51, with some more bug fixes
- provided by Fred Walter. Includes source.
- Author: Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman. Bug fixes
- by Johan Widen, Doug Leavitt, & Fred Walter
- DrunkenMouse Another cute program in the tradition of "display hacks".
- Includes source.
- Author: Alex Livshits
- FlamKey Installs a little key on the WorkBench screen title
- bar, and then waits in background until somebody clicks
- on the key. When activated, allows the keyboard and mouse
- inputs to be locked out until a password is entered.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Alex Livshits
- GravityWars The object of this game is for one player to hit the
- other player's ship with a missle, before being hit
- yourself. The ships and planets don't move, but
- aiming the missle in the presence of gravity fields
- and black holes makes hitting your target difficult.
- Version 2.0, shareware, binary only. This is an update
- to the version on disk number 84.
- Author: Ed Bartz
- IPo2C A utility to write a C-language definition of the current
- intuition pointer to a file, which can then be used
- in a program via SetPointer to mimic the intuition pointer.
- Includes source.
- Author: Alex Livshits
- Pere-et-Fils Example of creating and using reentrant processes.
- Includes source.
- Author: Jean-Michel Forgeas
- Record-Replay A program that records a sequence of mouse and keyboard
- events as they occur and stores them in a file. The file
- can be played back to cause the same sequence of events to
- occur again. Very useful for creating demonstrations
- of programs or documenting repeatable bugs. This is
- version 2.0, an update to the version on disk 95.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Alex Livshits and J-M. Forgeas
- --------------------
- FuncKey A shareware function key editor, submitted by the author
- for inclusion in the library. This is version 1.1, an
- update to the version on disk 89. Binary only (source
- available from author).
- Author: Anson Mah
- MoreArt A small selection of some additional Amiga artwork
- submitted to me since the last "art" disk.
- Authors: Dana Dominiak and Larry Zasitko
- QuickFlix An IFF slideshow and cel animation program that takes
- full advantage of the Amiga's multitasking operating
- system, supports all the graphics modes, can run with
- internal timing or be triggered by an external source,
- caches images in memory to achieve rapid frame rate,
- etc. Version 0.13, binary only, shareware.
- Author: Jeff Kunzelman, Rodney Iwashina, Takeshi Suganuma
- RistiNolla A Finnish game. The name means something like CrossZero,
- and is also called Go-Moku. Version 1.0, shareware, binary
- only.
- Author: Mika Pihlajamaki
- --------------------
- 3DPlot A plotting program which draws a surface removing
- hidden lines. Converted to FORTRAN-77 from an AmigaBasic
- version from Disk 71. Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Original Author Unknown,
- FORTRAN Conversion by James R. White
- AmigaPlot An x-y plotting package for scientest or engineers.
- Plots up to 30 curves, each of which may contain up to 1000
- data points using options stored in a data file. This program
- is shareware. Version 1.20, source available from author.
- Author: James R. White
- Convert Converts a file containing rows and columns of numbers
- to a Lattice Unicalc spreadsheet file. This program is
- shareware, and includes source.
- Author: James R. White
- Drill A program to drill children in addition, subtraction,
- and multiplication. Written in FORTRAN-77. This program is
- shareware and includes source.
- Author: James R. White
- SlowCopy A program to slowly copy a file to the printer to avoid
- filling the printer buffer. Written in FORTRAN-77. Version
- 1.11, includes source. This program is shareware.
- Author: James R. White
- StopWatch A CLI utility program to print out the elapsed
- time between keypresses. Useful for timing benchmark
- Written in FORTRAN-77, includes source.
- This program is shareware.
- Author: James R. White
- Text Files Two text files describing how to build a batch
- file using public domain programs to do an incremental
- hard disk backup in less than five minutes, and how to
- avoid interlace flicker.
- Author: James R. White
- --------------------
- AList A directory listing program based on Dave Haynie's LD4
- program, with extensions and enhancements. Includes source.
- Author: Ed Kivi (original by Dave Haynie)
- MonIDCMP MonIDCMP lets you monitor the IntuiMessages that pass through
- an IDCMP window. It prints the message class, mouse
- coordinates, qualifier values, and other useful information
- when appropriate. Great for debugging applications and
- for snooping around in the inner workings of other programs.
- Includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- Steam A program to calculate the thermodynamic, heat
- transport and critical flow properties of water, both for
- single and two-phase mixtures. Version 1.10, FORTRAN-77
- source available from author. This program is shareware.
- Author: James R. White
- Tek An enhanced version of Dave Wecker's vt100 (v2.6) which
- includes emulation for a Tektronix 4010/4014 graphics
- terminal. This is a much improved version of the Tek4010
- program from disk number 52. Includes source.
- Author: Enhancements by Nick Giordano and Terry Whelan
- --------------------
- Machine A neat new animation from Allen Hastings.
- Author: Allen Hastings
- SimCPM A CP/M simulator for the Amiga. Simulates an 8080
- along with H19 terminal emulation. Includes source.
- Author: Jim Cathey; Amiga port by Charlie Gibbs
- UUpc Version 1.0 of a suite of programs that will allow you
- hook up your Amiga as a usenet node. Includes source.
- Author: Richard Lamb, Stuart Lynne, Jeff Lydiatt
- --------------------
- A68k A 68000 assembler originally written in Modula-2 in
- 1985 and converted to C by Charlie Gibb in 1987. Has
- been converted to accept metacomco-compatible assembler
- source code and to generate Amiga objects. Includes source.
- Author: Brian Anderson; C translation and Amiga work
- done by Charlie Gibb
- Pdc An optimizing C compiler for the 68000 processor. This
- is an update to the version first released on disk 53,
- though apparently not based on the code from that disk.
- Major porting work was done by Jeff Lydiatt to get it to
- the point where it would compile and execute simple programs
- on the Amiga. This version now generates metacomco-
- compatible assembler source code, which can be assembled by
- the assembler also provided on this disk and then linked by
- the freely redistributable linker "blink" (also provided).
- Includes all compiler source and some library and startup
- source code. Requires amiga.lib from developers kit to
- generate complete running example executables.
- Author: Matthew Brandt; major porting work by Jeff Lydiatt
- --------------------
- AmyLoad A graphical monitor of cpu, blitter, and memory use.
- Includes two components; load.device, which monitors
- system parameters, and amyload, which is the user
- interface and display program. Includes source.
- Author: Jeff Kelley
- AssignDev Assigns multiple names to a given device. For example,
- allows the names "df0:" and "df3:" to refer to the
- same physical device. This is a modified version of
- the original released on disk number 79. Includes source.
- Author: Phillip Lindsay, mods by Olaf Seibert
- Gauge Continuously displays memory usage in a vertical bar
- graph, similar to the workbench "fuel gauge" type
- display for disk space. Binary only.
- Author: Peter da Silva
- HeliosMouse Another "sunmouse" type program. Automatically activates
- a window simply by moving the mouse pointer into the window.
- Version 1.1, an update to the version released on disk 94.
- Includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- Labels Alphabetic and numeric ordered cross reference lists
- of defined system constants. Recommended for debugging
- purposes only, use the symbolic values in programs!
- Author: Olaf Seibert
- Mandel Another mandelbrot generator program, with bits and pieces
- of code from C. Heath and R.J. Mical. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Seibert
- PopLife A PopCLI type thingie that instead plays life all over your
- screen. Lots of bits and pieces from Tomas Rokicki's blitlab
- and John Toebes' PopCLI. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Seibert
- --------------------
- BeachBirds Jerrold Tunnell's entry to the Badge Killer Demo
- Contest. Uses sprites and sound to portray a beach
- scene. Runs on a 512K machine. Binary only.
- Author: Jerrold Tunnell
- Bully Mike Meyer's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest.
- Pushes all open screens around (thus the name "bully").
- Designed for showing off more than one demo at a time
- Includes source.
- Author: Mike Meyer
- DropShadow Dropshadow version 2, rev 0, for use with Bryce
- Nesbitt's Wavebench demo. Binary only.
- Author: Jim Mackraz
- HagenDemos Joel Hagen's Badge Killer Demo contest entries, "RGB"
- and "Focus". RGB was the overall winner of the contest.
- It requires a one meg Amiga to run. Binary only.
- Author: Joel Hagen
- Viacom Latest version of viacom for use in conjunction with
- the WaveBench demo. Binary only.
- Author: Leo Schwab and Bryce Nesbitt
- WaveBench This is Bryce Nesbitt's Badge Killer Demo Contest entry.
- It is a neat screen hack, and runs on 512K machines.
- For more laughs, try in conjunction with Viacom or
- Ds (Dropshadow). Includes source.
- Author: Bryce Nesbitt
- --------------------
- AmiCron A simple Unix "cron" type program, which is a background
- task that uses a disk-resident table to automatically
- run certain tasks on a regular basis, at specific times.
- Version 2.3, includes source.
- Author: Steve Sampson, Amiga port by Rick Schaeffer
- Dme Version 1.28f of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple
- WYSIWYG editor designed for programmers. It is not a
- WYSIWYG word processor in the traditional sense. Features
- include arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line
- statistics multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows.
- Update to version on disk number 93, includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- DosDev Example DOS device driver in Manx C. Version 1.10,
- includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- M2Amiga Demo version of the final product M2Amiga. A fast single
- pass Modula-2 compiler with editor, linker, a small set of
- interface and standard libraries. Compiles only small demo
- programs by limiting codesize and imports. Further
- development of the ETHZ compiler on Disk 24. Binary only.
- Demos with source.
- Authors: R. Degen, C. Nieder, M. Schaub, J. Straube (AMSoft)
- NoIconPos This program clears the position info of any of your icons
- to allow WorkBench to pick a reasonable place for the icon
- again. Useful for disk and drawer icons where Snapshot
- rewrites the icon and the window information. Written in
- Modula-2, another demo for M2Amiga, showing the simplicity
- of programming with this Modula-2 compiler.
- Author: Markus. Schaub
- --------------------
- CDecl English to C (and vice versa) translator for C
- declarations. This little gem will translate english
- such as "declare foo as pointer to function returning
- pointer to array 10 of pointer to long" into
- "long *(*(*foo)())[10]", and vice versa. An absolute
- must for anyone except possibly the most hardcore C guru.
- Includes source.
- Author: Graham Ross
- Vt100 Version 2.7 of Dave's vt100 terminal emulator with
- kermit and xmodem file transfer. Includes a few bug
- fixes posted to Usenet shortly after the posting of
- version 2.7. This is an update to the version released
- on disk 55. Includes source.
- Author: Dave Wecker
- WBLander This entry from the Badge Killer Demo Contest is
- a special version of the WBLander program from
- disk 100. The ending is unique. Also uses sound
- effectively. Includes source.
- Authors: Peter da Silva and Karl Lehenbauer
- --------------------
- Killer Killer is an incredible demo written by Robert Wilt.
- It won fourth place in the Badge Killer Demo Contest.
- Requires at least one meg of memory to run. Sound is
- also an important part of the demo so be sure to turn
- it up. Binary only.
- Author: Robert Wilt
- Marketroid Marketroid is Leo's entry for the Badge Killer Demo
- Contest. It is another devious sprite oriented demo
- with lots of "in" jokes. Runs on a 512K machine.
- Includes source.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- --------------------
- Movies A ram animation system with three different example
- animations; Kahnankas, Rocker, and F-15. Kahnankas won
- a close second in the Badge Killer Demo Contest. Both
- Kahnankas and Rocker run on a 512K Amiga and show off
- overscan HAM mode. Includes a animation player program
- (movie), animation builder programs (dilbm, pilbm), and
- a text/graphics display program (vilbm).
- Authors: Eric Graham, Ken Offer,
- --------------------
- AMUC_Demo A really neat horizontal scrolling demo that is a
- 2400 x 200 pixel 32 color IFF picture composed of
- digiview snapshots of members of the AMiga Users
- of Calgary, superimposed on a very wide picture of the
- Calgary Skyline. Binary only.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen and Stephen Jeans
- ExP_Demo Demo version of Express Paint 1.1. This is the program
- that was used to create the huge scrolling demo picture
- in the AMUC_Demo drawer on this same disk. Binary only.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- --------------------
- Empire This is a complete rewrite, from the ground up, in
- Draco, of Peter Langston's Empire game. Empire is
- a multiplayer game of exploration, economics, war,
- etc, which can last a couple of months. Can be
- played either on the local keyboard or remotely
- through a modem. This is version 1.0, shareware,
- and includes source code.
- Author: Chris Gray, original game by Peter Langston
- HAMmmm This is Phil's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest.
- HAMmmm displays lines whose end points are bouncing around
- the screen, which is a double buffered HAM screen.
- The Y positions of the points are continuously copied
- into an audio waveform that is played on all four
- channels, and the pitch of a just intoned chord is
- derived from the average X position of these points.
- Includes source in JForth.
- Author: Phil Burk
- Stars Hobie's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest.
- Based on original code by Leo Schwab, has credits
- longer than the actual demo. Runs on 512K Amiga.
- Binary only.
- Author: Hobie Orris
- WireDemo Matt's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest.
- Demonstrates the Amiga's line drawing speed.
- Runs on a 512K Amiga. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- MicroEMACS Version 3.9e of Daniel Lawrence's variant of Dave
- Conroy's microemacs. This is an update to the version
- released on disk 93. Also included, for the first time,
- is extensive documentation in machine readable form.
- Includes source.
- Author: Dave Conroy, MANY enhancements by Daniel Lawrence
- --------------------
- Amoeba This clone of Space Invaders is one of the best freely
- redistributable games for the Amiga to date. Unlike
- many commercial games, it even works correctly in a
- multitasking environment (by not requiring you to
- reboot just to play a game). Highly recommended!
- Binary only.
- Author: LateNight Developments
- BackGammon A graphical Backgammon game done as an undergraduate
- A.I. course project. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Robert Pfister
- Bankn A complete checkbook system offered by the author as
- shareware. Version 1.3, binary only.
- Author: Hal Carter
- EgyptianRun Cute little "road race + hazards" type game. Version
- 1.1, binary only, shareware, source available from author.
- Author: Chris Hames
- IconImage Program to replace an old icon image with a new image,
- without affecting icontype, drawer data, etc.
- Includes source.
- Author: Denis Green
- --------------------
- BasicStrip An AmigaBASIC program that helps to convert programs
- written in other forms of Basic to AmigaBASIC.
- Author: George Trepal
- DataPlot A shareware plotting program written in AmigaBASIC.
- Also includes a least squares curve fit program.
- Author: Dale Holt
- Plot A shareware 3-D graphing program written in AmigaBASIC,
- with some sample output plots. Source available from
- author.
- Author: George Trepal
- Stairs This AmigaBASIC program demonstrates a musical
- illusion based upon perceptual circularity of widely
- spaced tones whose volumes are defined as a
- sinusoidal relationship to their frequency.
- Author: Gary Cuba
- Uedit Version 2.3 of this nice shareware editor. Has learn
- mode, a command language, menu customization, and other
- user configurability and customizability features.
- Binary only, shareware, update to version on disk 60.
- Author: Rick Stiles
- WBColors A simple little program to change the Workbench colors
- to a predetermined color set, for programs that expect
- to be booted off their distribution disk but instead
- are run from a hard disk. Includes source.
- Author: Stefan Lindahl
- --------------------
- Asteriods Nicely done "blast the asteriods" type game. Unique
- feature is that all the images and sounds are replaceable
- by the end user. So instead of ships and rocks, you can
- have an Amiga against a horde of IBMPC's if you wish.
- Author: Rico Mariani
- Iff2Pcs An interactive puzzle program that takes any IFF file
- containing up to 16 colors, and breaks it up into squares
- to make a puzzle which the user can then piece back
- together again. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Ali Ozer
- Names A shareware program to create and manage mailing lists.
- Binary only.
- Author: Ernie Nelson
- Pr A little utility to print listings in different formats.
- Similar to the Unix "pr" program. Includes source.
- Author: Samuel Paolucci
- PushOver A neat little board strategy game, in AmigaBASIC. Push
- your pieces onto the board until you get five in a row
- in any direction. Includes source.
- Author: Russ Yost
- PuzzlePro Create a puzzle from an IFF picture, which the user can
- then piece back together again. Written in AmigaBASIC.
- Version 1.0, binary only, shareware, source available
- from author.
- Author: Syd Bolton
- --------------------
- Arp ARP stands for "AmigaDOS Replacement Project". Arp
- is an effort led by Charlie Heath of Microsmiths Inc.,
- to replace the current DOS in a compatible fashion, so
- that current programs will continue to work. Arp also
- makes whatever improvements are possible, so that current
- and future programs will work better.
- Author: Various authors contributed work
- Car This animation is one of Allen's entries to the Badge
- Killer Demo Contest. It apparently is an inside joke
- relating to a well known Amigan's experience with
- a certain highend graphics hardware manufacturer.
- Author: Allen Hastings
- --------------------
- Icons Some sample animated icons. You might find just the
- icon for that refugee CLI program you've been meaning
- to make runable from the WorkBench environment.
- Author: L. Pfost
- Tarot An AmigaBASIC program written by the author as an exercise
- for learning BASIC. Contains some nice graphic renditions
- of tarot cards.
- Author: L.Pfost
- --------------------
- ElGato This animation is Kevin's entry to the Badge Killer
- Demo Contest. It also has a background music
- arrangement, that requires Sonix to use.
- Author: Kevin Sullivan
- --------------------
- Colour A program to manipulate the colors of specific named
- screens, saving their current color sets to data files,
- loading new color sets from data files, or interactively
- changing the colors. Includes source.
- Author: John Russell
- Dance These two programs, "dancing polygons", are John's
- entry to the Badge Killer Demo Contest. They are
- variations of one another, but demonstrate the range
- of colors available on the Amiga. Includes source.
- Author: John Olsen
- HBHill This animation is one of Kevin's entries to the Badge
- Killer Demo Contest. It is the first known animation
- that makes use of the Amiga's "Extra Half Brite" mode.
- Author: Kevin Sullivan
- Iconify A subroutine that creates an icon on the Amiga screen
- that can be subsequently dragged around, and double-
- clicked on. You can use this to have your programs
- "iconify" themselves to temporarily get out of the user's
- way. Includes source and demo program.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- OnlyAmiga This animation is Iqbal's entry to the Badge Killer
- Demo Contest. It consists of tree balls being
- juggled by pyramids rotating on their tops.
- Author: Iqbal Singh Hans
- Suplib The support library needed to rebuild various programs
- of Matt's from the source, including DME, DTERM, etc.
- Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- VCheck Version 1.2 of the virus detection program from
- Commodore Amiga Technical Support. This version
- will test for the presence of a virus in memory,
- or on specific disks. Binary only.
- Author: Bill Koester.
- --------------------
- Bounce This program is Steve and Tom's entry for the Badge
- Killer Demo Contest. It creates little dots that
- bounce around and multiply. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Hansel and Tom Hansel
- Nemesis This demo is Mark's entry to the Badge Killer Demo
- Contest. It is quite small for what it does, and
- won fifth place in the contest. Binary only.
- Author: Mark Riley
- Ripples This animation is one of Allen Hastings' entries to
- the Badge Killer Demo Contest. Unlike most other
- animations, it shows a fixed object from a moving
- point of view, rather than a moving object from a
- fixed point of view.
- Author: Allen Hastings
- --------------------
- Dis A 68000 disassembler, written in 68000 assembler.
- Includes source.
- Author: Greg Lee
- DropCloth DropCloth lets you place a pattern, a 2 bitplane IFF
- image or a combination of a pattern and image, into
- the WorkBench backdrop. Version 2.2, shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: Eric Lavitsky
- LedClock An extremely simple clock program, for interlaced
- screens only. Includes source.
- Author: Ali Ozer
- MRBackUp A hard disk backup utility, that does a file by file
- copy to standard AmigaDOS floppy disks. Includes an
- intuition interface and file compression. Version 1.3,
- includes source.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- Paint A simple screen painting program, written in web.
- Requires web preprocessing program to rebuild from
- source. Includes source in web.
- Author: Greg Lee
- PrtDriver A printer driver for the Toshiba "3 in one" printer in
- its Qume (best) mode. Includes source in C and
- assembler.
- Author: Rico Mariani
- SDBackUp A hard disk backup utility. CLI interface only.
- Does file compression. Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Steve Drew
- Sed A clone of the Unix sed (Stream EDitor) program.
- Includes source.
- Author: Eric Raymond
- wKeys A "hot-keys" program that binds keyboard function
- keys to window manipulation functions (window activation,
- front to back, moving screens, etc). Includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- DISK 129
- --------
- DosKwik A pair of programs which allow you to save files, or
- a group of files, to one or more floppies for quick
- loading (loading up a ram disk for example). Does not
- store files in DOS format, which is why it is faster.
- Version 2.0, update to version on disk 103. Binary
- only, shareware.
- Author: Gary Kemper
- MRBackUp A hard disk backup utility, that does a file by file
- copy to standard AmigaDOS floppy disks. Includes an
- intuition interface and file compression. Versions
- 2.0 (with sources) and 2.1 (binary only, source available
- from author). This is an update to version on disk 128.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- PaintJet An "official" Hewlett Packard PaintJet printer driver
- received directly from HP sources. Don't settle for
- a bogus one, or pay the $50 some vendors are apparently
- asking for one.
- Author: Unknown
- Patch Two independent ports of the very useful Unix utility
- "patch", which applies context diffs to text files
- to automatically update them. Patch version 1.3 was
- ported to the Amiga by Rick Coupland and patch version
- 2.0 was ported by Johan Widen. Includes source.
- Author: Larry Wall
- DISK 130
- --------
- DirMaster A very nicely done shareware disk cataloger, submitted
- by the author for inclusion in the library. This is version
- 1.1, an update to the version released on disk 108. Lots
- of neat new features and enhancements. Binary only.
- Author: Greg Peters
- Evo A human evolution toy/tutorial. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Bonner
- Hp A nice RPN calculator program that supports calculations
- with binary, octal, decimal, hex, float, and complex
- numbers. Other features include 32 registers for storing
- data and transcendental functions. Version 1.0, includes
- source.
- Author: Steve Bonner
- Mach A "mouse accelerator" program that also includes hotkeys,
- the features of sun mouse, clicktofront, and popcli, a
- title bar clock with a bbs online charge accumulator, and
- more. Version 1.6a, includes source.
- Author: Brian Moats
- PatEdit A pattern editor for creating patterns to input to
- the Amiga SetAfPt macro call. This call sets the
- area fill pattern for the area filling graphics calls
- such as RectFill, AreaDraw, etc. Includes source.
- Author: Don Hyde
- QMan Mandelbrot generator written partially in assembly for
- speed. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Bonner
- DISK 131
- --------
- Dfc Copies disks like Maurader, but multitasks. Replaces both
- diskcopy and format but is smaller than either. It even has
- a nice little Intuition interface. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- HyperBase Nice little shareware database management system.
- Version 1.6, binary only, source available from authors.
- Update to version on disk number 58.
- Author: Michael MacKenzie, Marc Mengel, and Craig Norborg
- Life A new version of Tomas's ancient Life game, but with a new
- macro language for setting up patterns, some good examples,
- and some more good stuff. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- Mackie A Popcli replacement that draws pretty lines on the screen
- in blanking mode. Includes source.
- Author: Software Distillery; enhancements by Tomas Rokicki
- Mg1b A version of Mg1b with an ARexx port and other improvements
- by Tomas Rokicki. Finally you can define macros and bind
- them to function keys in your startup file! Includes
- source.
- Author: Various; enhancements by Tomas Rokicki
- WFrags Another version of Frags, but this one pops up a nice little
- window that updates occasionally. Necessary for developers
- who wonder what their program is doing to memory, or wonder
- why they can't load that program. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- DISK 132
- --------
- Berserk This animation, unveiled at the September 87 meeting
- of the First Amiga Users Group, got Leo a standing ovation.
- It is a "must see" for every Amiga user, and ranks up
- there with "Juggler" as a premier demo for the Amiga.
- The difference between this distribution, and the one
- on disk 100, is that this one includes "source". I.E.
- it contains all the object descriptions necessary to
- recreate the animation. Thus you can, if you like,
- try modifying various objects to create slightly
- different animations, or use it as an example for
- creating your own animations.
- Seldom does a disk get devoted to a single program,
- however animation is one of the Amiga's greatest
- strengths, and I felt it was appropriate to have at
- least one animation that was available at the
- "source code" level.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- DISK 133
- --------
- Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console
- handler, that provides line editing and command line
- histories completely transparent to any application program
- that uses CON: windows. This program is shareware, and well
- worth a donation to the author. Version 1.1, binary only,
- update to version on disk 100. New features include
- additional editing keys, fast search keys, undo key, clear
- history command, and more.
- Author: William Hawes
- Crc Two programs that are very useful for generating
- 16-bit CRC listings of the contents of disks, and
- verifying that a given disk's files still compute
- to the same CRC's as listed. Version 1.0, binary
- only.
- Author: Don Kindred
- CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 1-128 of the
- library, using the Crc program also included on
- this disk. These were made directly from my master
- disks.
- Author: Fred Fish
- Overscan Patches the Intuition library so that sizable windows
- with MaxHeight of 200 (400 in interlace) and screens with
- Height of 200 (400 in interlace) will take advantage of
- the PAL overscan capability of Intuition V1.2. This
- seems to be useful only for European users that wish
- to run software written for the American market, without
- modifying the applications, but still using the additional
- space. Includes source.
- Author: Ari Freund
- DISK 134
- --------
- BoingThrows A 50 frame HAM animation done with Sculpt-3D, and
- minor touchups with DigiPaint. The animation took
- about 325 hours of runtime to generate.
- Author: Marvin Landis
- Browser A workbench tool, using text-only windows, that makes
- all files in the system accessible for executing,
- copying, moving, renaming, deleting, etc. Billed
- as a "programmers workbench". Version 1.2, binary
- only.
- Author: Peter da Silva
- Dme Version 1.29 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple
- WYSIWYG editor designed for programmers. It is not a
- WYSIWYG word processor in the traditional sense. Features
- include arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line
- statistics multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows.
- Update to version on disk number 113, includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Find Find is a utility which searches for files that satisfy
- a given boolean expression of attributes, starting from
- a root pathname and searching recursively down through
- the hierarchy of the file system. Very much like the
- Unix find program. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Rodney Lewis
- Library Demo version of a shareware program that stores textual
- information without regard to structure or content, and
- allows complicated searching for specific patterns.
- Written in assembler for speed, binary only.
- Author: Bill Brownson
- SmartIcon This shareware program, submitted by the author,
- is an Intuition objects iconifier. Version 1.0
- is limited to iconifying windows, which is still
- very handy. It adds a new "iconify gadget" to
- each window, that when clicked on, iconifies the
- window into an icon in the ram: disk. Binary only,
- source available from author.
- Author: Gauthier Groult
- DISK 135
- --------
- TeXF A selection of 78 TeX fonts, with a conversion
- program to convert them to Amiga fonts. There
- are 22 different fonts at various sizes, ranging
- from 15 pixels high to more than 150 pixels.
- The conversion program can also be used with
- the fonts distributed with AmigaTeX, yielding
- an additional 1000 or so more fonts for use
- with other Amiga programs. Version 2.5,
- binary only.
- Author: Ali Ozer
- DISK 136
- --------
- AsmToolBox An assembler "toolbox" created to make interfacing
- between assembler programs and AmigaDOS easy. Includes
- source.
- Author: Warren Ring
- Bison A replacement for unix "yacc" command. This is from
- the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort. It is a port of
- the latest GNU version, done by William Loftus, with
- the goal of preserving all of bison's current features.
- Includes source and testing program "calc".
- Author: Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman.
- Iff2Pcs An interactive puzzle program that takes any IFF file
- containing up to 16 colors, and breaks it up into squares
- to make a puzzle which the user can then piece back
- together again. Version 1.1, an update to the version
- on disk 122, includes source.
- Author: Ali Ozer
- Paste A version of the Unix paste utility. Paste concatenates
- corresponding lines of the specified files into
- a single output line (horizontal or parallel merging)
- or concatenates them into alternate lines (vertical or
- serial merging). Includes source.
- Author: David Ihnat
- YaBoingII A game program demonstrating hardware sprite usage,
- including collision detection. This is an update
- to the version on disk 36. Includes source.
- Author: Ali Ozer, based on original by Leo Schwab
- Zoo A file archiver, much like "arc" in concept, but different
- in implementation and user interface details. Includes
- some nice features that "arc" lacks (such as file/path
- names up to 255 characters in length). This is version
- 1.71, an update to the version released on disk 108.
- Binary only.
- Author: Rahul Dhesi, Amiga port by Brian Waters
- DISK 137
- --------
- Ct An Amiga program to display images from a CT scanner,
- along with several interesting sample images of scans
- of real people, including a skull, brain, heart, and
- spine. Each image is 256 by 256 pixels in 2048 gray
- scale. The display software, though it has a primitive
- user interface, is quite powerful, including functions
- like convolutions, averaging, laplacians, unsharp
- masking, edge detection, gradients, etc. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Harman
- JeansIcons Miscellaneous cute icons created for AMUC's monthly
- newsletter disk. Submitted by Stephen Vermeulen.
- Author: Steve Jeans
- Muncho A cute little program which plays a digitized sound
- sample when you insert or remove a disk from your
- drive. If you don't like the sounds, you can replace
- them with your own. Binary only.
- Author: Andrew Werth
- Sit An update to the Set Icon Type program from disk 107.
- Version 1.10, includes source.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- VGad A new gadget editor that takes two pictures of the window
- and its gadgets, one being the normal gadget state and
- the other being the fully selected state, and then
- merges the data and converts to C source code. Version
- 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- VirusX A boot sector virus check program that runs in the
- background and automatically checks all inserted
- disks for a nonstandard boot sector. Such disks can
- optionally have their boot sector rewritten to remove
- the virus. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- VLabel A program to print fancy customized disk labels. It will
- combine an IFF picture and up to 50 lines of text (which
- may be placed arbitrarily in any font or point size) and
- then print the result. The IFF picture can be virtually
- any size (up to 1008 by 1000). It will also print labels
- from a batch file produced by SuperBase. Version 1.20,
- binary only.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- DISK 138
- --------
- AmigaLine A series of various technical notes for Amiga programmers.
- Author: Byrce Nesbitt
- Diff A program that uses the same algorithm as the Unix
- diff program and also produces context diffs, suitable
- for use with patch. Source WAS available but got
- eaten by my Amiga when it crashed, so binary only.
- Author: Unknown (Decus C diff?)
- Foreach A simple but useful program that expands a wild
- card file specification and then invokes the
- specified command once per expanded filename,
- with the expanded filename as the command
- argument. Includes source.
- Author: Jonas Flygare
- MacFont A conversion tool to convert Mac fonts to
- Amiga fonts. Binary only.
- Author: John O'Neill and Rico Mariani
- ModulaTools Various useful routines for those programming in Modula
- on the Amiga. Update to version on disk 94, includes
- source.
- Author: Jerry Mack
- Vt100 Two new versions of Dave's vt100 terminal emulator.
- One version, based on vt100 2.6, has been enhanced
- by John Barshinger to include an iconify feature,
- add full 132 column support using overscan, and other
- miscellaneous features. This version is available in
- binary only. The second version is release 2.8
- of the mainstream version of vt100, as enhanced and
- supported by Tony Sumrall. This one include source.
- Author: Dave Wecker
- --------------------
- AmiCron An enhanced and debugged version of AmiCron 2.3
- from disk number 113. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Sampson, Rich Schaeffer, Christian Balzer
- ListScanner A nice little utility to display all the Exec lists.
- Somewhat like the Xplor utility from disk 73.
- Includes source in assembler.
- Author: Heiko Rath
- ProCalc A program that simulates an HP-11C programmable calculator.
- Includes both an English version and a German version.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Gotz Muller
- RemLib Removes a specified library (if currently unused)
- or displays some information about all available
- libraries. Includes source in assembler.
- Author: Heiko Rath
- TurboBackup A fast mass floppy disk duplicator with enforced verify
- mode to prevent generation of incorrect copies. Version
- 1.00, binary only.
- Author: Steffen Stempel and Martin Kopp
- WArranger Sends a window, identified by its name, to the front
- or to the back, without selecting it. Useful in
- conjunction with AmiCron. Works on all screens.
- Includes source in assembler.
- Author: Heiko Rath
- WheelChairSim A wheelchair simulator developed as a project for the
- Technical Resource Centre and the Albert Children's
- Hospital, to allow the matching of a wheelchair joystick
- to a child's handicap and all the child to practice using
- the chair in a safe (simulated) environment. Binary only.
- Author: Unknown, submitted by Dr. Mike Smith
- --------------------
- SBProlog Volume 1 of the 2 volume Stony Brook Prolog (SBP)
- distribution, version 2.3.2. This volume contains the
- executables and libraries. Volume 2, on disk 141,
- contains the C and Prolog source code.
- From the SB-Prolog System, Version 2.2 User Manual:
- "SB-Prolog is a public-domain Prolog system for Unix(tm)
- based systems originally developed at SUNY, Stony Brook.
- The core of the system is an emulator, written in C for
- portability, of a Prolog virtual machine that is an extension
- of the Warren Abstract Machine. The remainder of the system,
- including the translator from Prolog to the virtual machine
- instructions, is written in Prolog."
- In addition to providing a compiler, SB-Prolog also offers
- advanced features such as dynamic loading, mixing of compiled
- and interpreted code, macros, extension tables, a debugging
- facility offering two levels of tracing, profiling tools, and
- other utilities.
- Authors: Logic Programming Group at SUNY, Stony Brook
- Amiga port by David Roch and Scott Evernden
- --------------------
- SBProlog Volume 2 of the 2 volume Stony Brook Prolog (SBP)
- distribution, version 2.3.2. This volume contains the
- C and Prolog source code. Volume 1, on disk 140,
- contains the executables and libraries.
- From the SB-Prolog System, Version 2.2 User Manual:
- "SB-Prolog is a public-domain Prolog system for Unix(tm)
- based systems originally developed at SUNY, Stony Brook.
- The core of the system is an emulator, written in C for
- portability, of a Prolog virtual machine that is an extension
- of the Warren Abstract Machine. The remainder of the system,
- including the translator from Prolog to the virtual machine
- instructions, is written in Prolog."
- In addition to providing a compiler, SB-Prolog also offers
- advanced features such as dynamic loading, mixing of compiled
- and interpreted code, macros, extension tables, a debugging
- facility offering two levels of tracing, profiling tools, and
- other utilities.
- Authors: Logic Programming Group at SUNY, Stony Brook
- Amiga port by David Roch and Scott Evernden
- SmallC An Amiga port of the Small-C compiler, written by Ron
- Cain and published in Dr. Dobb's Journal, in about 1980.
- Small-C is a rather small subset of the full 'C' language.
- However, it is capable of compiling itself, and other
- small, useful programs. Requires an assembler and linker
- to complete the package and produce working executables.
- Includes source and binary.
- Author: Ron Cain. Amiga port by Willi Kusche.
- --------------------
- Diff A program that uses the same algorithm as the Unix
- diff program and also produces context diffs, suitable
- for use with patch. This is the same version that was
- distributed on disk 138, but now includes the missing
- files (including source code).
- Author: Unknown (Decus C diff)
- FracGen A fractal generator program that generates fractal
- pictures from "seeds" that you create. This is
- unlike any of the other "fractal generators" I've
- seen. It can be used to load and display previously
- created fractal pictures, modify existing fractals,
- or create your own fractals. Version 1.1, binary
- only.
- Author: Doug Houck
- SciSubr The Scientific Subroutine Package from DECUS, ported to
- the Amiga to run with Absoft Fortran. This is a valuable
- resource of mathematical and statistical source code
- for those doing Fortran work on the Amiga.
- Author: Unknown; ported to the Amiga by Glenn Everhart
- --------------------
- Rim RIM-5 (Relational Information Manager) is a full
- relational DBMS that is suitable for VERY large
- databases using B-Tree data storage. It has a
- crude (by today's standards) user interface, but
- since full source code is provided, this can be
- fixed. Versions of RIM run on a wide variety of
- systems, small and large, and produce compatible
- databases. Also includes a built in HELP database
- and a programming language. Full Fortran source
- code and documentation included.
- Author: Various, Amiga port by Glenn Everhart
- --------------------
- AnalytiCalc This disk contains a copy of Glenn Everhart's large
- and powerful spreadsheet program called AnalytiCalc,
- submitted to me directly by Glenn for inclusion in the
- library as an update to the version released on disk 104.
- Source and documentation is included on the disk in arc'd
- form because it otherwise would not all fit on the disk.
- --------------------
- Csh This is a version of Matt's csh like shell which
- has been modified to provide file name completion
- and argument execution (via the grave accents
- mechanism). Requires ARP 1.1 to run. Binary
- only, but includes diffs for the reference 2.07
- source base.
- Author: Matt Dillon; enhancements by Johan Widen
- DMouse Matt's done it again, another very useful program!
- This is a versatile screen blanker, mouse blanker,
- auto window activator, mouse accelerator, popcli
- style programmable command key, pop window to front,
- push window to back, etc, widget. Version 1.06,
- includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- DNet A link protocol that provides essentially an unlimited
- number of reliable connections between processes on
- two machines, where each end of the link can be
- either an Amiga or a Unix (BSD4.3) machine. Works
- on the Amiga with any EXEC device that looks like the
- serial.device. Works on UNIX with tty and socket
- devices. Achieves better than 95% average throughput
- on file transfers. Version 1.20, includes sources
- for both the Amiga and Unix versions.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Tab A tablature writing program for the Amiga, with
- intruments for a banjo and a string guitar.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jeff deRienzo
- TinyProlog VT-PROLOG is a simple prolog interpreter provided with
- full source code to encourage experimentation with
- the PROLOG language and implementations. Version 1.1,
- includes source.
- Author: Bill and Bev Thompson
- --------------------
- Blanker2 A screen blanking program that turns the screen black
- after 90 seconds of keyboard and mouse inactivity.
- Implemented as a very tiny event handler to the input
- handler event stream. Version 1.27.88, includes source.
- Author: Joe Hitchens
- C-Light A demonstration copy of a commercial ray tracing program,
- which is identical to the commercial version except that
- it has been limited to ten objects per scene. Binary
- only.
- Author: Ronald Peterson
- CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 129-141 and disks
- 143-145 of the library, using the crc program from
- disk 133. These were made directly from my master
- disks. Disk 142 is omitted because of a problem
- with the crc program.
- Author: Fred Fish
- DmeMacros A set of DME macros which utilize templates to turn
- DME into a language-sensitive editor for C, Pascal,
- Modula-2, and Fortran.
- Author: Jerry Mack
- MemoPad A shareware intuition-based memo reminder program.
- Nicely done. Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Michael Griebling
- --------------------
- This is disk 147 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- This disk contains the latest version of MicroGNUEmacs (MG 2b). Many
- additions and enhancements since the original works by Dave Conroy. A
- large amount of credit should go to the vast number of contributors and
- Beta testers.
- *Note: In order to fit all of the files on one disk and preserve the
- Workbench environment, the machine specific source code files
- and the document files have been archived. An executable copy
- of the public domain archive program "Zoo" has been placed in
- the "c" directory for the convenience of those who may not
- already have it.
- --------------------
- This is disk 148 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- EFJ "Escape from Jovi" A machine-code game featuring
- hi-res scrolling, large playfield, disk-based Hi-Score
- list, stereo sound, and multiple levels. Use a joystick
- in port 2 to control the ship. Binary only, shareware ($8).
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- Fme Nicely done map editor for the Fire-Power (tm) game.
- Features interlaced hi-res with intuition interface. See
- the "Readme.fnf" file for information on making a
- bootable disk. Includes source.
- Author: Gregory MacKay
- HandyIcons Adds a menustrip to the WorkBench window that allows
- you to run selected Workbench Tools by menu selection.
- Can be set up to provide custom environments. Current
- version supports only WorkBench Tools and not Projects.
- Binary only.
- Author: Alan Rubright
- Scrambler A simple program that will encode/decode a text file
- into illegible gibberish, which resembles executable code,
- to evade prying eyes. Version 0.01, Binary only.
- Author: Foster Hall
- --------------------
- This is disk 149 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- AnimalSounds A sample of digitized animal sounds along with a simple
- sound player.
- Authors: The Trumor Company, Inc.
- Sound Player by Don Pitts
- DX-VoiceSorter Written to be used with Jack Deckard's VoiceFiler program.
- (Disk 82). It allows for the sorting of a number of
- voicefiles stored using that program into a new voicefile
- of voices made up from various files. Includes source.
- Author: David Bouckley
- Keep A nice little utility program with an intuition interface
- for BBS and network junkies who download messages in one
- large file and then read them off-line. Using only the
- mouse, you can drive through such files a message at a
- time, examine each at your leisure and tag those you wish
- to keep. Version 1.2, binary only, but source available
- with donation to author.
- Author: Tim Grantham
- Less Like Unix "more", only better, with forward and
- backward scrolling, searching and positioning by
- percent of file and line number, etc. Now lets you
- also print the current file. Very useful!
- This is Amiga version 1.3, an update to the version
- on disk number 92. Includes source.
- Author: Mark Nudelman, Amiga port by Bob Leivian
- Scheme To quote the ReadMe file:
- "Scheme is a statically scoped and properly tail-recursive
- dialect of the Lisp programming language invented by
- Guy Lewis Steele Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman."
- Binary only.
- Amiga port by Ed Puckett
- --------------------
- This is disk 150 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- AirFoil An update to the Airfoil generator on disk #71.
- Generates airfoil models as well as their corresponding
- streamline and pressure distributions. Includes source.
- Authors: Russell Leighton
- Addendum by David Foster
- DC10 An AmigaBasic DC-10 instrument flight simulator. Appears
- to be quite in-depth with flight-planning and take-off
- options along with an extensive documentation file. Requires
- rebuilding on a separate disk and was successfully done so
- by following the author's instructions in the ReadMe_First
- file.
- Author: Jan Arkesteijn
- ExecLib A working example of how to build and use user-defined
- disk-resident libraries. Of special interest to developers
- working with Lattice C.
- Author: Alex Livshits
- Iconizer A utility program that saves your current mouse pointer
- to a small icon. You can restore the pointer just by
- double-clicking on its icon. Allows for building a whole
- library of pointers and to use them whenever you want.
- Binary only.
- Author: Alex Livshits
- Pilot An implementation of the PILOT language for the Amiga,
- including a demo done for the National Park Service.
- PILOT is a limited use language for use in educational and
- computer based instruction programs. Binary only with Beta
- test kit available from authors.
- Author: Terry LaGrone
- StealMemBoot A small utility designed to be a direct replacement for
- NoFastMem kind of programs. It modifies the boot block of
- a disk, so when you boot with it, all memory allocations
- will return only CHIP memory.
- Author: Alex Livshits
- --------------------
- This is disk 151 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- GlobeDemo A graphics demo which displays very smooth transitions of
- the rotating earth. Features a pop-up menu. Includes
- source.
- Author: Bob Corwin
- Icons Yet another potpourri of interesting icons to choose
- from if you need one for your own program.
- Author: Dave Turnock
- Pcopy A small intuition-based disk copier similiar to
- the resident "DiskCopy" except with write-verify
- and other user-selectable options. Useful for making
- multiple copies with reliable data. Requires two disk
- drives. Includes source.
- Author: Dirk Reisig
- SCT A CLI-based utility (SetColorTable) for displaying and/or
- setting a screen's colors. You can save the colors
- of a screen to be restored later, or copy one screen's
- colors to another. Includes source.
- Author: aklevin
- SlideShow Very nicely done slide-show program written in assembly
- language. Features forward/backward presentation and
- creative screen wipes. Currently works only with IFF
- lo-res pictures. Executable only along with some new
- IFF pictures to have come my way. Shareware ($16).
- Authors: Mike McKittrick and Sheldon Templeton
- Surveyor A little utility that opens a window on the current
- screen and displays information about the pointer.
- Allows for absolute or relative measurement between
- two points on the screen. Very handy for precise
- positioning of icons and such. Includes source.
- Author: Dirk Reisig
- --------------------
- This is disk 152 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Blk A requester making tool employing various recursive
- algorithms including a recursive parser. It takes input
- text files and converts them to C-source for including as
- requester declarations. Includes source.
- Author: Stuart Ferguson
- RunBack A variant of Rob Peck's RunBackGround program from disk
- number 73. Allows you to start a new CLI program and run
- it in the background, then closes the new CLI. This version
- automatically searches the command-search-path to find the
- program. Includes source.
- Author: Daniel Barrett
- UUCP This is a version of uucp (Unix to Unix Copy Program)
- for the Amiga, along with some miscellaneous support
- utilities like cron, mail, and compress. Includes source.
- Author: Various, submitted by William Loftus
- --------------------
- This is disk 153 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Dme Version 1.30 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple
- WYSIWYG editor designed for programmers. It is not a
- WYSIWYG word processor in the traditional sense. Features
- include arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line
- statistics multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows.
- Update to version on disk number 134, includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- HP11 Emulates an HP11C calculator including the program mode.
- Features an ON/OFF button that turns the calculator into
- an icon that will sit and wait until you need it again.
- Documentation on the features is scarce, perhaps some
- industrious HP owner could write a small tutorial for the
- benefit of those that don't own an HP calculator.
- Binary only.
- Author: David Gay
- HPMam A program to manipulate settings and fonts on HP LaserJet+
- printers and compatibles. Includes an Intuition interface
- and some sample picture files. Version 1.0, binary only,
- shareware.
- Author: Steve Robb
- Synthemania An interesting, very small (and very persistent!) musical
- piece. If you plan on stopping it without using three
- fingers, you better read the document file first!
- Binary only.
- Author: Holger Lubitz
- --------------------
- This is disk 154 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Ada An Ada Syntax checker for the amiga. Includes lex and
- yacc source.
- Author: Herman Fischer; updates by William Loftus
- AssemblyDemos A interesting group of assembly language demos for your
- visual and aural pleasure. Binary only.
- Author: Foster Hall
- DiskLib Two utilities for those people who like to split up PD
- disks into disks of different categories. Includes source.
- Author: Wilson Snyder
- Guardian Another virus diagnosing and vaccination program.
- Recognizes any non-standard bootblock. Includes a
- small utility program to permanently place the program
- on a copy of your kickstart disk in place of the seldom
- (if ever!) used Debug() function. Binary only.
- Author: Leonardo Fei
- PrintSpool A print-spooling program. Very useful for printing files
- in the background. Many command-line options. Version
- 1.0.0, Includes source.
- Author: Frangois Gagnon
- Utilities A group of four little utility programs, Cal, Undelete
- DClock and WhereIs. Binary only, see the ReadMe file for a
- description of each.
- Author: Dan Schein
- VirusX An update to the virus-detecting program of the same
- name on disk number 137. This version also checks for
- the Byte-Bandit strain. Version 1.21, Includes source.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- Virus_Alert! Yet another anti-virus program with a twist. Once
- installed a message is displayed just after a warm or
- cold boot notifying the the user that the disk and
- memory are virus-free, and forcing a mouse-button press
- before continuing. Anything writing to the bootblock
- thereafter will destroy the message and a normal virus-
- infected boot (???) will take-place. Versions 1.01 and
- 2.01, Binary only.
- Author: Foster Hall
- Wicon A "Window Iconifier". Allows you to turn your windows
- into small icons which can be later recalled. Currently
- installed with MacWin to give your windows a "rubber-
- banding" effect. Version 1.14, Includes source.
- Author: Steven Sweeting
- --------------------
- AsmExamples A couple of assembly code examples. Executables are
- not extremely useful but the code might be of
- considerable benefit to beginning assembly language
- programmers.
- Author: Henrik Clausen
- Bison A replacement for unix "yacc" command. This is from
- the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort. Contains updates
- to the version on disk number 136, submitted by two
- separate sources. Includes source.
- Author: Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman, updates
- by William Loftus and Scott Henry
- NoSmoking Sample program showing the use of a recoverable alert
- while displaying a personal health message. Includes
- source.
- Author: Theo Kermanidis
- Scenery A very nice assembly language random scenery generator.
- Generates very realistic looking landscapes. Includes
- intuition interface and lots of menu options. Version
- 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Brett Casebolt
- --------------------
- Blocks2 Amusing and colorful display of a moving trail of
- "blocks". Update to version on disk number 71, however
- this version also includes source.
- Author: Gary Walker
- Flex Flex is a replacement for the UNIX "lex" (lexical
- analyzer generator) program that is faster than
- lex, and freely redistributable. Includes source.
- Authors: Jef Poskanzer, Vern Paxson, et. al.
- Submissions by William Loftus and Scott Henry
- Go64 Another screen hack aimed at an earlier Commodore product
- (Not to be confused with the commercial product Go-64! from
- Software Insight Systems). Includes source.
- Author: Joerg Anslik
- Grammars A group of lexical grammar files for Ada, C and Pascal for
- use in conjunction with the flex program on this disk and
- the bison program on disk #155
- Authors: Various, submitted by William Loftus
- OOPS! Tired of the monochrome background color of your Workbench
- or CLI? Then try this colorful screen hack to brighten
- things up! Includes source.
- Author: Joerg Anslik
- --------------------
- 60or80 A small utility to toggle the 60/80 column text modes
- without having to go through preferences. Works from
- either the CLI or the Workbench. Includes source.
- Author: Mark Schretlen
- AmicForm Creates a phonebook containing only those areacodes and
- exchanges reachable through PC-Pursuit. Input any of Chet
- Solace's Finalist BBS lists and it creates the phonebook
- in a form usable by AmicTerm and a number of other popular
- terminal programs. Version 1.3, Binary only.
- Author: John Motsinger
- AnimBalls A nifty little animation program that allows you to
- create a collection of balls in three-space and then
- interactively rotate them in real time using the mouse.
- Includes source.
- Author: Jim Guilford
- BootBack A handy little utility to copy and save the boot block
- from a disk, then later restore it should the disk
- get stomped on by some ugly virus. Includes source.
- Author: David Joiner
- ECPM A CP/M emulator for the Amiga. Emulates an 8080
- along with H19 terminal emulation. Update from version
- on disk number 109. Includes source.
- Author: Jim Cathey; Amiga port by Charlie Gibbs;
- Significant improvements by Willi Kusche
- KeyFiler A BBS message file sorter that allows sorting by keyword.
- Includes a textreader, Soundex matching, and limited
- wildcard capabilities. Version 1.0, Binary only.
- Author: John Motsinger
- ScreenZap A little utility to clean away screens that are left
- by ill-behaving programs. It will kill every screen
- behind the WorkBench, noting how many it gets. The
- screens in front of WB are not affected. Includes
- source.
- Author: Lars Clausen
- SetPrefs Allows you to build a whole library of preference settings
- and instantly switch back and forth between them. Affects
- all preference settings not just the colors. Very useful
- for machines with multiple users or multiple external
- devices. Includes Amiga's default and various sample
- preference settings. Binary only.
- Author: Martin Hippele
- Xicon Xicon lets you use icons to call up scripts containing CLI
- commands. This is version 2.01, an update to the version
- on disk 102. Includes source.
- Author: Pete Goodeve
- --------------------
- DiskX Nicely done Sector-based disk editor. Binary only
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- MemBoardTest Originally designed for production testing of A1000 memory
- boards. Very nice intuition interface. Version 2.4,
- Includes source in Modula.
- Author: George Vokalek
- MSDOS A program to list files written in standard MS-Dos or
- Atari ST format. The files can then be copied to Ram and
- rewritten to disk in Amiga-Dos format. Binary only,
- Shareware, Version 0.1.
- Author: Frank W|bbeling
- PCBTool An early version of a shareware PC Board layout program
- Lots of options including variable size pads and traces,
- grids, grid snap, layers, zoom, selectable centering,
- text and more. This version does not support printer/
- plotter dumps or libraries. Version 2.6, binary only.
- Author: George Vokalek
- ScreenX A handy little background utility that provides a small
- clock/memory counter in its inactive mode and a versatile
- screen manipulator when called upon. Binary only with
- source available from author, Version 2.1.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- TaskX A "real-time" task editor. Lets you list and set the
- priorities of all the currently running tasks. Binary
- only, Version 2.0.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- VirusX Update to the version on disk number 154, checks for
- a couple of additional new strains. Includes source,
- Version 1.6.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- YachtC3 Update to the Yachtc program on disk #10, contains some fixes
- and incorporates a simple sound process. Version 3, includes
- source.
- Author: Sheldon Leemon, with enhancements by Mark Schretlen
- --------------------
- Free A little command to put in your c directory that returns
- memory status and number of tasks currently served by EXEC.
- Includes source.
- Author: Joerg Anslik
- MidiTools A group of several different utility programs for those
- who run a Midi system. Binary only.
- Author: Jack Deckard
- StarChart Nicely done intuition based program to display and identify
- about 600 stars, galaxies and nebulae visible in the Northern
- hemisphere. Version 1.2, includes source.
- Author: Ray R. Larson
- TaskControl Nicely done task-handling program allowing you to put to
- sleep, kill or change priorities of the all the currently
- loaded tasks. Also potentially GURU-producing, so be careful
- what tasks you kill, change priorities of, etc. Handy window
- sizer will reduce it almost to an icon to hang around until
- you want to use it. Binary only.
- Author: J. Martin Hippele
- TUC "The Ultimate Clock". Another window title clock/memory
- minder. This one is in 132 columns! Also gives the free
- memory on drives DF0, DF1 & DF2. Includes source.
- Author: Joerg Anslik
- --------------------
- Calls A little utility to help analyze the flow of a C-program by
- laying out the functions called in a hierarchical manner.
- Author: Originally from Usenet with major revisions by
- Kevin Braunsdorf, Amiga port by George MacDonald
- Check A useful little utility for finding structural errors
- in C-source code. Many command-line options. Version
- 1.03, binary only.
- Author: Keith Elbertson
- Dis A 68000 disassembler, written in assembly, this is an update
- to the version on disk #128. Includes source.
- Author: Greg Lee with enhancements by Willi Kusche
- DMouse A versatile screen & mouse blanker, auto window activator,
- mouse accelerator, popcli, pop window to front, push
- window to back, etc, widget. Version 1.09, includes source.
- Update to version on disk number 145.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- DWIP "Daisy Wheel IFF Printer". A graphics printing utility
- that allows the printing of IFF pictures on a daisy wheel
- printer. Includes source.
- Author: Ken Van Camp
- M4 A UNIX M4 look-alike macro processor intended as a
- front end for Ratfor, Pascal, and other languages that do
- not have a built-in macro processing capability. Pd M4
- reads standard input, the processed text is written on the
- standard output.
- Author: Ozan S. Yigit (oz)
- MemoPad A shareware intuition-based memo reminder program.
- Nicely done. Update to version on disk #146, version
- 1.2, binary only.
- Author: Michael Griebling
- NeuralNets A neural network example using the generalized back-
- propagation delta rule for learning, specifically applied
- to the tabula rasa Little Red Riding Hood instance.
- Author: Josiah C. Hoskins
- --------------------
- Friends Cute little screen hack with command-line options to keep
- your mouse pointer company when you step away. Includes
- source.
- Author: Michael Warner
- Getsprite A simple little program to convert Dpaint brushes into
- C-source. Binary only.
- Author: Michael Warner
- IncRev A handy little program that will automatically increment
- the revision number of a program every time it is recompiled.
- Binary only.
- Author: Bryan Ford
- LGZ A Map generator/editor for the LGZ game. Not extremely
- useful if you don't happen to play that game, but good
- source example of intuition interfacing. Vesion 0.1.
- Authors: Lars and Henrik Clausen
- Mackie A versatile cli/macro-key initiator based on POPCLI with
- a unique method of "screen-blanking". I won't say more,
- just try it! Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Thomas Rokicki
- Nag A shareware appointment calendar with it's own editor and a
- unique 'nagging' feature utilizing the Amiga's voice and
- audio devices. Version 1.6, binary only.
- Author: Richard Lee Stockton
- Perl Practical Extraction and Report Language, an interpreted
- language optimized for scanning arbitrary text files,
- extracting information from those text files, and printing
- reports based on that information.
- Author: Larry Wall
- VRTest Another anti-virus utility that allows visual inspection
- of ram starting a $7E7FE, ram cleaning, bootblock
- inspection and vector monitoring/reseting. Written
- entirely in assembly language. Version 3.2, binary only.
- Author: Babar Khan
- XBoot A very simple utility to convert a boot block into an
- executable file so you can use your favorite debugger
- (Wack, Dis, etc.) to study it. Includes source.
- Author: Francois Rouaix
- --------------------
- Avi A workalike version of the UNIX vi editor for the amiga.
- Though not especially recommended for beginners, designed
- for those of you who may have the vi commands permanently
- hard-coded into your fingertips! Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Peter Nestor
- CLI_Utilities This directory contains several subdirectories with
- small utilities, collected from various sources,
- that are only usable from the CLI. See the Readme
- file for further information. Some include source.
- Author: Various
- Dark A small graphics and animation demo. Includes source.
- Author: Phil Robertson
- Flow2Troff A little utility to convert from New Horizons Software
- "FLOW" files to UNIX "troff" files, suitable for printing
- on any troff-compatible laser printer. Version 1.0,
- includes source and a sample "FLOW" file.
- Author: Daniel Barrett
- LabyrinthII A shareware role-playing text adventure game similar in
- operation to the Infocom text adventures. Includes source.
- Author: Russell Wallace
- Iffar Maintains archives of Interchange File Format (IFF) FORM,
- CAT and LIST files in a manner that complies with the
- IFF CAT specification. Version 1.2, includes source.
- Author: Karl Lehenbauer
- SetPALorNTSC A couple of utility programs for testing the suitability
- of a developed program in either the PAL or NTSC
- environments. Includes source and a sample program.
- Author: Peter Kittel
- TES "The Electronic Slave" adds a gadget strip to the top of
- the cli window to perform such functions as device
- directories, info, run ED, and time. Currently, assignments
- are hardcoded but not difficult to change if you own a
- compiler. Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Joerg Anslik
- UnknownGirl Another small musical piece similar in execution to
- "Synthemania" on disk number 153. Binary only.
- Author: Holger Lubitz
- --------------------
- Bankn A complete checkbook system offered by the author as
- shareware. Update to version on disk number 120.
- Version 1.5, binary only.
- Author: Hal Carter
- FiveInLine A board-playing game similiar to Go-Moku, Ristinolla, etc.
- Fast-paced and quickly addictive! Includes source.
- Author: Njel Fisketjxn
- MachII A "mouse accelerator" program that also includes hotkeys,
- the features of sun mouse, clicktofront, popcli, title bar
- clock with a bbs online charge accumulator, and more.
- Update to version on disk number 130. Version 2.4c, binary
- only.
- Author: Brian Moats
- MemTrace Routines to help debug memory allocation and freeing during
- program development. Will complain if you try to free
- memory you didn't allocate and will report on memory not
- freed when your program finishes.
- Author: Jojo Wesener
- PcPatch Patches for PCCopy and PCFormat from the 'EXTRAS 1.2' disk,
- to allow reading/writing/formatting 3.5 inch 360k (2 sides/
- 40 Tracks/9 sectors) MS-DOS disks.
- Author: Werner Guenther
- ReadmeMaster A nifty little database for finding those programs that
- you know exist somewhere (???) in the AmigaLibDisk library.
- Maintains a key-word dictionary of the Contents descriptions
- that allows searching by disk number, program title, author's
- name, or some other descriptive word. Currently supports
- disks 1-154 with planned updates from the author. Binary
- only.
- Author: Harold Morash
- View A mouse-oriented text file reader. Sample operation is
- demonstrated in reading the View.doc file, instead of using
- the usual "Less" text file reader.
- Author: Bryan Ford
- --------------------
- C-Functions A group of four little C-functions to add to your library to
- make your programming life a little easier. Includes source
- and a small demo program showing some of the results.
- Author: Lars Thuring
- DiskSalv Very useful program to recover files from a trashed AmigaDOS
- disk. Can also "undelete" files deleted by mistake, so long
- as they have not overwritten by further disk activity.
- Requires two disk drives. Many enhancements since the
- original version on disk #20. Version 1.3, Binary only
- Author: Dave Haynie
- Hed A handy little editor that is more user-friendly than
- "Ed", yet doesn't require the memorization of complicated
- keystrokes of some of the larger, more powerful, editors.
- Binary only.
- Author: Hal Carter
- Newton Uses the "Newtons Method" algorithm to estimate both real
- and imaginary roots of a polynomial of degree 20 or less.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Daniel Barrett
- NewZAP A third-generation multi-purpose file sector editing utility,
- from the author of FileZAP. Displays and edits full 512-byte
- sectors via a 106 character wide internal font. Includes
- a search feature to find specific strings or hex digits,
- forwards or backwards. Update to version on disk #58.
- Version 3.18, Binary only.
- Author: John Hodgson
- PcView Provides the PC community with the opportunity to display
- IFF pictures to the best of EGA's ability. Displays Amiga
- pics, IBM-PC Deluxe Paint Pics, Apple II-GS Deluxe Paint
- Pics, and others in the IFF standard format. Includes
- source.
- Author: John Hodgson
- PolyRoot Another Polynomial root-finder using the Newtonian algorithm.
- Nicely done in AmigaBasic with good documentation file.
- Version 2.00.
- Author: Jon Giorgini
- PrtDrivers A couple of new Printer Drivers. One for Digital Equipment's
- LN03+ laser printer, and one for Mannesmann Tally's MT420d
- dot matrix.
- Authors: DEC LN03 -- Bernie Mentink
- MT420d -- Sascha Wildner
- Zoo A file archiver, much like "arc" in concept, but different
- in implementation and user interface details. Includes
- some nice features that "arc" lacks (such as file/path
- names up to 255 characters in length). This is version
- 2.00, an update to the version released on disk 136.
- Binary only.
- Author: Rahul Dhesi, Amiga port by Brian Waters
- --------------------
- Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console
- handler, provides line editing and command line histories.
- Completely transparent to any application program
- that uses CON: windows. This program is shareware, and well
- worth a donation to the author. Version 1.3, binary only,
- update to version on disk 133.
- Author: William Hawes
- CPM Another CP/M emulator independently authored from the version
- that appeared on disk #157. Emulates a CPM computer with a
- Z80 processor connected to an ADM3A terminal. Assembly
- source included.
- Author: Ulf Nordquist
- Parsnag A program to aid in performing color separations on Epson
- JX-80 printers. Includes source.
- Author: John Hodgson
- PlotView A couple of programs, Plotview and Plot2Am, for viewing
- UNIX plot files. Also included are two sub-directories:
- Plot -- a device independent plotting package for the Amiga,
- compatible with the UNIX plot subroutine package and
- Plot2Tek -- converts UNIX plot format files to Tektronix
- 410x terminal graphic commands. Source included.
- Author: Joel Swank
- RamCopy A copy program designed for machines with 1 meg or more
- of Ram and only one disk drive. Allows you to copy a
- complete disk in only one pass.
- Author: Stephen Gunn
- SPUDclock A simple program that uses the narrator device to speak the
- time at certain user specified intervals. Lots of command
- line options. Version 1.2, includes source.
- Authors: Robert E. Beaty and H. Bret Young
- --------------------
- AutoGraf Collects and graphically displays information on auto
- mileage. Features such as miles per gallon, cost per
- mile, miles driven, highs, lows, averages, etc. Includes
- sample data file, a couple utility programs and source.
- Version 1.0
- Author: Joel Swank
- Cref A C cross referencer program. Prints out your code with
- line-numbers and complete key-word cross-referencing.
- Update from version on disk #103 which had a serious
- bug. Includes source.
- Author: Mike Edmonds; Amiga port by Joel Swank
- MultiCalc Yet another RPN type graphic calculator. This one
- generates answers with extreme precision (if 3000 digits
- is enough!) Features a 48-digit scrollable display, mouse
- driven with lots of keyboard shortcuts, and iconification
- during non-use. Binary only.
- Author: Kenneth Johnson
- Stevie A public domain clone of the UNIX 'vi' editor. Supports
- window-sizing, arrow keys, and the help key. Version 3.10a,
- includes source.
- Author: Various, Amiga port by Tony Andrews
- --------------------
- CDecl English to C (and vice versa) translator for C
- declarations. This little gem will translate english
- such as "declare foo as pointer to function returning
- pointer to array 10 of pointer to long" into
- "long *(*(*foo)())[10]", and vice versa. Update from
- version on disk number 114. Includes source.
- Author: Graham Ross with enhancements by David Wolverton,
- Tony Hansen, Merlyn LeRoy, Udi Finkelstein and
- probably others!
- CLIcon Allows you to run cli programs from the workbench, similar
- in operation to IconExec, but more versatile.
- Author: Bryan Ford
- CloseMe Another ingenious perversion in the screen hack category.
- Don't miss this one...surely destined to become a classic!
- Includes source.
- Author: Charlie Gibbs
- DSM (Dynamic Sound Machine) Demo version with "Save" disabled
- of a program that will take any IFF sound or raw data and
- save it as a totally self-contained, runable program.
- Author: Foster Hall
- MRPrint A cli-based text file printing utility with lots of nice
- features, including tab-to-space expansion, page headers,
- line numbers, margin control with line-splitting and
- pagination correction, ARP wildcard support, and auto-
- rejection of files containing binary characters.
- Version 3.1, Includes source.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- Smus3.6a An enhanced version of the smus player that last appeared
- on disk number 58.
- Author: John Hodgson
- Sounddemos Some very nice demos for showing off the incredible audio
- power of the Amiga!. 100% assembly language, make sure
- you have the stereo connected for these!
- Author: Foster Hall
- CONTENTS OF DISK 168 & 169
- --------------------------
- These two disks are a "Matt Dillion special", containing binaries and
- sources to the latest versions of a great deal of Matt's many programs.
- For a complete listing of the programs on these two disks, see the file
- called "README". Because of the nature of Matt's programs and the need
- for his support libraries to recreate many of his programs, I opted to
- keep these disks pretty much as Matt sent them to me, rather than follow
- the usual AmigaLibDisk format of binaries and sources in one directory.
- This would have undoubtedly increased this to a three disk set. Please
- note that if you plan on recreating any of these programs, then it is
- quite possible that you will need information from both disks.
- Matt's README included below:
- Matthew Dillon
- 891 Regal Rd.
- Berkeley, Ca. 94708
- dillon@ucbvax.berkeley.edu INTERNET
- ....!ucbvax!dillon USENET
- 16 August 1988
- (c)Copyright 1988 Matthew Dillon, All Rights reserved. All software
- on these disks which is mine may be distributed for non-profit
- only. This software is 'freeware', NOT public domain since I hold
- the copyright on it. Terms are:
- -You may redistribute any of the programs and/or source files
- but you may not distribute modified versions of said to the
- general public (i.e. BBS's, USENET, etc....). Redistribution is
- for non-profit only.
- -You may extract and use any part of the source without strings
- attached as long as the programs you write with it are not an
- attempt to create an enhanced version of the program you extracted
- the source from.
- -I am NOT requesting $$ (this is not ShareWare), but then again,
- I am not so foolish as to not include my address in case anybody
- feels the urge.
- These two disks contain binaries and sources to the latest release of
- quite a bunch of my programs. Many are updates to older versions and
- some are new. The two major additions that are noteworthy are
- Note that to compile various programs you must have a working SUP32.LIB,
- DRES.LIB, and DRES.LIBRARY. Also a new include subdirectory, local,
- must be installed. Only DRES.LIBRARY is independant while the other two
- (binaries) require Aztec C V3.6 ... you have to recompile for other
- versions of Aztec C. With a bit of hacking a good programmer would be
- able to set up an enviroment for Lattice C. Of particular attention to
- somebody trying to do this is the modification of the LIBREF program to
- generate Lattice compatible assembly (in the DRES source section).
- Noted programs which are missing: DNET, and DTERM are not ready for
- re-release yet.
- CONFIG V1.00 Used to configure friendly programs like DME for
- the initial window placement (configures the
- executable)
- Clock V1.00 Simple clock, configurable with config.
- DME V1.31 My programming oriented editor
- DMouse V1.10 mouse enhancer .. acceleration, blanking, etc...
- (now handles requesters better w/ auto-activate)
- Backup V2.01 HD backup/restore (same program just renamed)
- SUPLIB Support (link time) library required to compile
- my programs.
- LIBREF Utility for generating run-time library link library
- assembly files, lvo.asm, and the run-time library's
- vector list. See the DRES source for usage.
- Currently very Aztec in terms of what it generates.
- DRES V1 Support (run time) library w/ lots of functions
- including a generic parser and IPC.
- DASM V2.11 Small-systems assembler. Handles 6502 and some of
- the Motorola single chip microcomputers. Generates
- code (not object module oriented).
- FTOHEX Part of DASM used to convert a DASM executable into
- an intel-hex formatted ascii file.
- FILES V1.2 My disk catalog program. Haven't enhanced it much
- but did fix some bugs.
- SHELL V2.10 Added enviroment variable support and some other
- junk. Use ConMan if you want command line editing,
- I do (it should not be a function of the shell and
- it isn't in mine).
- FINDIT V1.00 Search for a filename (wildcard)
- LIBS V1.00 list libraries/devices in ram or attempt to remove
- libraries.
- SCAT V1.00 Utility to 'cat' binaries without blowing up the
- display
- ADDCR V1.00 Utility to add CR's before LF's in files
- REMCR V1.00 Utility to remove CR's in files
- CMP V1.00 Utility to compare two files
- INCLUDES -- Disk1:include/local
- Config Disk1:c/config Disk1:src/deemu Disk1:doc/
- Clock Disk1:c/clock Disk1:src/deemu Disk1:doc/
- DME Disk1:c/dme Disk2:src/dme Disk1:doc/
- DMouse Disk1:c/dmouse Disk1:src/dmouse Disk1:doc/
- Disk1:l/dmouse-handler
- Suplib Disk2:clib/sup32.lib Disk2:src/suplib Disk1:doc/suplib/
- LibRef Disk1:c/libref (in DRES srcs) (none, see dres sources)
- DRes library Disk2:clib/dres.lib Disk2:src/dres Disk1:doc/dres/
- Disk1:libs/dres.library
- Dasm Disk1:c/dasm Disk1:src/dasm/ Disk1:doc/
- FToHex Disk1:c/ftohex (in Dasm srcs)
- Files Disk1:c/files Disk1:src/files/ Disk1:doc/
- Shell Disk1:c/shell Disk2:src/shell/ Disk1:doc/
- Backup/Restore Disk1:c/backup Disk1:src/com/ Disk1:doc/backup.doc
- Findit Disk1:c/findit Disk1:src/com/ Disk1:doc/com.doc
- Libs Disk1:c/libs Disk1:src/com/ Disk1:doc/com.doc
- Scat Disk1:c/scat Disk1:src/com/ Disk1:doc/com.doc
- AddCR Disk1:c/addcr Disk1:src/com/ Disk1:doc/com.doc
- RemCR Disk1:c/remcr Disk1:src/com/ Disk1:doc/com.doc
- Cmp Disk1:c/cmp Disk1:src/com/ Disk1:doc/com.doc
- --------------------
- Aftterm Commmunications program utilizing IBM 3278 terminal
- emulation. Binary only.
- Author: Don Brereton
- Dis6502 A ported 6502 disassembler with support added for C64
- binary files. Includes source.
- Author: Robert Bond, Amiga port by Udi Finkelstein
- FastText Blitter based fast text rendering routines written in
- assembly. Unique in the fact that they speed up rendering
- of non-proportional fonts of any height, and from 4-16
- pixels in width. Source and test program included.
- Author: Darren M. Greenwald
- MRBackUp A hard disk backup utility that does a file by file
- copy to standard AmigaDOS floppy disks. Includes an
- intuition interface and file compression. Version 2.4,
- Update to version on disk 129. Binary only
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- PtrAnim Nifty pointer animation program, includes lots of samples,
- a utility program and instructions on creating your own
- animations. Be sure to also read the "Disclaimer" in the
- author's ReadMeFirst file. Binary only, shareware
- Author: Tim Kemp
- Surf Generates bezier surfaces of revolution. Will produce some
- amazing pictures of wineglasses, doorknobs, or other objects
- one could turn on a lathe. Includes the capacity to map IFF
- image files onto any surface that it can draw. Source
- included
- Author: Eric Davies
- Turbo Opens a small window with a gadget that when selected,
- turns off bitplane, sprite, copper and audio DMA, presumably
- to increase system speed. Includes source.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- --------------------
- AZComm Modified version of Comm 1.34 that contains Zmodem send,
- receive, and resume receive. Version 1.00, Binary only.
- Author: SS. Patel, based on Comm 1.34 by DJ James
- Maze A couple of very nice demos for the creation and use of
- single-solution mazes, one of which is practically a
- stand-alone game. Includes source.
- Author: Werner Gunther
- Sozobon-C Atari ST version of what appears to be a full K&R freeware
- C-compiler, assembler and linker. The compiler main pass
- and the assembler were compiled and tested on an Amiga A2000
- with only minimal changes, and they appear to work (to the
- extent that they believe they are running on an Atari-ST),
- so an Amiga port should be relatively easy.
- Author: Sozobon, Limited.
- Xoper Very comprehensive program to monitor and control system
- activity. Monitor cpu, memory usage, ports, interrupts,
- devices. Close windows, screens, show loaded fonts or last
- Guru code number. Clean up memory, flush unused libraries,
- devices, fonts. etc. and a whole bunch more! Spawns its own
- process. A very handy background task to have loaded.
- Assembly source included.
- Author: Werner Gunther
- --------------------
- DataToObj A utility to convert raw data files (sprites, image data,
- text, etc.) directly into object code which can then be
- linked to the main program without the need to go through
- the compiling process. Includes source.
- Author: Werner Gunther
- Handshake A full featured VT52/VT100/VT102/VT220 terminal emulator.
- The author has taken great pains to support the full VT102
- spec. Now supports ANSI colors, screen capture and more.
- Update to version on disk number 60. Version 2.12a,
- binary only, shareware.
- Author: Eric Haberfellner
- MFix A small program to insert in the startup-sequence of the
- commercial program, Marauder II, from Discovery Software,
- International. Whenever the copy process is started, the
- rainbow screen is covered by a bare screen until the copy
- is finished. The author claims a 25% decrease in copy time
- is achieved. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Stephen Gunn
- PopInfo A "shrinkable" workbench utility to show you some info
- that Workbench doesn't, such as free memory on external
- devices, chip, fast, and total ram usage and more. Version
- 2.0, Includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- ProCalc A program that simulates an HP-11C programmable calculator.
- Lots of enhancements and bug fixes since the original version
- on disk number 139. Version 1.2, binary only, shareware
- Author: Gotz Muller
- Spiff Make controlled approximations between two files. Similar
- to "diff" but more versatile. Allows for the handling of
- numerals as string literals or numeric values with
- adjustable tolerances. Provides for embedded commands,
- scriptfiles, and many other command-line parameters.
- Potentially very useful, but needs some Amiga-specific work.
- Source and some example files included.
- Author: Dan Nachbar, Bell Communications Research (BELLCORE)
- --------------------
- CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 146-172 using the
- crc program from disk 133. These were made directly
- from my master disks.
- Author: Fred Fish
- FileSelect A FileIO selector, written 100% in assembly. Version
- 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Fabrice Lienhardt
- IffLib A ready-to-use library to perform various manipulations
- on IFF files. Includes a sample IFF viewer and a utility
- to save the front screen as an IFF file.
- Author: Christian A. Weber
- ILBM2C Very useful utility for C-programmers. Reads in a
- standard IFF ILBM file and outputs a file that can then
- be included in your program. Includes source and a sample
- program.
- Author: Tim Kemp
- Tetrix A addictive game of speed, skill and luck. Based on a game
- originally called Tetris. The object is to fit together
- oddly grouped falling blocks to create a solid wall, which
- is then cleared from the bottom up. Sounds simple enough
- right? Sure ...! Shareware, Version 1.1, Binary only.
- Author: David Corbin
- Uedit Version 2.4g of this nice shareware editor. Has learn
- mode, a command language, menu customization, and other
- user configurability and customizability features.
- Binary only, shareware, update to version on disk 121.
- Author: Rick Stiles
- --------------------
- Castle A simple graphics adventure game suitable for beginners.
- Binary only, but source available with a small donation to
- the author.
- Author: H. James Fox
- Iff2Sun A small utility for those of you who may have access to a
- Sun workstation. Takes an Amiga IFF file and converts it to
- a Sun rasterfile format. Source only, as the program needs
- to be re-compiled and run from a Sun.
- Authors: Steve Berry, Mark Thompson
- Print1.2 Another CLI-based printing utility with several nice
- features including the ability to print in ASCII or HEX,
- with or without line numbers and a CTRL-C Trap. Includes
- source.
- Author: John F. Zacharias
- Sh Another version of the 'Sh' utility to unshar shell archives.
- Apparently corrects some problems encountered by similar
- programs. Until we can get everybody using some sort of
- "standard", perhaps if we collect enough of these utilities,
- we will eventually find one that works with the particular
- archive we're trying to unshar! Includes source.
- Author: Jim Guilford
- Strings A simple utility with command-line options for locating
- strings in a binary file. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- TitlePage Prints banner-type title pages for identifying listings.
- Lots of command-line options for specifying various fonts,
- pitches, typestyles, selectable centering, etc. Includes
- source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- Tunnel An interesting graphics demo written in TDI-Modula 2.
- I suggest you don't stare at this too long! Includes
- source.
- Author: Garth Thornton
- --------------------
- Elements Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table
- of Elements. Can display a large amount of pertinent
- data about a selected element along with a good deal of
- general and miscellaneous info.
- Author: Paul Thomas Miller
- Furnish For those of you who may have ever used the "scale size cut
- and place" method of determining your next living-room
- arrangement, this Amiga-ized version may be just what you
- need. Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- Plot Program to compute and plot 3 dimensional functions.
- Major revision to PD version on disk number 49 by the
- same author. Version 4.1, binary only, shareware.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- SafeBoot Very handy intuition-based program to read and save
- custom bootblocks. The bootblock can then be later
- restored should the disk become virus-infected.
- Version 2.2, binary only.
- Author: Mark Lanoux
- SendMorse Brush up on your morse code with this simple program
- that will read an input textfile and output the characters
- at an adjustable rate.
- Author: Joe Larson
- VirusX Version 3.10 of the popular virus detection/vaccination
- program. Features a test for the new IRQ virus, among
- others, and a new "Kill Virus" utility. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- WBDepth CLI program that allows you to change the number of bitplanes
- for the WB screen on the fly. Very useful for A500 and A2000
- users with kickstart in ROM. Binary only.
- Author: Andry Rachmat
- Zippy A "Graphical Shell". Opens a medium-size window and
- attaches a menu-strip for performing all sort of disk/data
- manipulations. Features script files allowing you to attach
- custom menu selections as you move between directories.
- Also included is an intuition based utility for altering
- FileInfo data. (filename, filenote, RWED attributes, etc.)
- Version 2.5, binary only.
- Author: Michael Weiblen
- --------------------
- This is disk 176 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- This disk contains version V23-2A of Glenn Everhart's large and powerful
- spreadsheet program called AnalytiCalc, submitted to me directly by
- Glenn for inclusion in the library as an update to the version released
- on disk 144. AnalytiCalc is presented in entirely ZOOed form because it
- could not otherwise fit on a single disk. Because the auxiliary
- utilities were presented on disk 144, they are not repeated here.
- The ZOO utility is used due to the lack of controversy over the
- format. The public domain BOOZ program is provided to extract the
- contents of the ZOO archives provided.
- With this release, AnalytiCalc has become "Freeware" rather than
- "Shareware". Thus the only restrictions on AnalytiCalc code are
- that derivative programs remain freely distributable.
- HyperNet
- --------
- HyperNet is a small hypertext shell program for Amiga, presented
- with sources and brief documents. It was also submitted by Glenn
- Everhart, the author.
- HyperNet allows a "master" AmigaDos process to control a series of
- connected processes, where the connections are randomly ordered directed
- graphs. Permissible "child" processes available at any stage are
- governed by the links of the graph. The implementation is mainly
- instructive, but can be used for tutorials or demonstrations and
- illustrates the simplicity of hypertext concepts on a multi-tasking
- system.
- --------------------
- ASpice A version of the SPICE 2G.6 circuit analysis program
- which has been modified to run in the Amiga environment.
- The program arrays are adjusted to require one forth the
- memory of the DEC VAX version. Although this does not
- usually put much of a constraint on circuit analysis,
- some users who are used to the full mainframe environment
- may have to be more aware of the memory demands of their
- analysis. Requires a minimum of 1.5 MB memory. This
- version neither supports nor requires the 68020 processor
- or 68881 coprocessor. Binary only.
- Authors: Many, see Documentation
- DiskSalv Version 1.32 of the popular "undelete" and file recovery
- program. Fixes a few bugs apparently found on the version
- 1.3 release on disk number 164.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- Jask An intuition-based replacement for the ASK command. Will
- bring up a requester with a message and boolean yes/no
- type gadgets. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: John Barshinger
- Marge A simple CLI utility to add a specified number of spaces or
- tabs to the left side of every line in a file. Includes
- source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- Path An interesting concept in path-searching. This program
- contains a path-handler that allows you to selectively
- control or assign your system's search path using script
- files. Includes source.
- Author: Rico Mariani
- --------------------
- AmicForm Creates a phonebook containing only those areacodes and
- exchanges reachable through PC-Pursuit. Update to the
- version on disk number 157. Works with the new Finalist
- BBS format. Version 1.4, Binary only.
- Author: John Motsinger
- BlackBox The black box is an 8x8 grid in which several "atoms" are
- hidden. Your job is to find the atoms. You have at your
- disposal a ray projector which you can use to send rays
- into the box from any of the 32 spots around the box.
- Binary only.
- Author: Tim Kemp
- CIATimer Two versions of ciatimer routines to provide precise
- timing for applications requiring a high-accuracy
- real-time clock. Includes source and a sample
- executable.
- Author: Karl Lehenbauer, based on the original
- version by Paul Higginbottom
- Cosmic An interstellar multiplayer game of War and Peace. From
- the looks of the documentation file, it appears fairly
- extensive! Version 1.01, includes source.
- Author: Carl Edman
- Ls Version 2.0 of the popular UNIX style directory lister.
- Revised for Lattice 5.0 and made 1.3 compatible.
- Includes source.
- Author: Justin V. McCormick.
- RemLib Removes a specified library (if currently unused)
- or displays some information about all available
- libraries. Update to version on disk number 139.
- Version 1.11, includes source in assembler.
- Author: Heiko Rath
- RexxArpLib Version 2.0 of the rexxarplib.library, which has grown
- considerably, with substantial intuition interface
- support. Also included is a large number of ARexx macros.
- Author: W.G.J. Langeveld
- --------------------
- DietAid Diet planning aid to allow the user to compile lists
- of ingredients (recipes) and automatically compute
- calorie totals, etc. Update to version on disk number
- 36. Version 3.1, binary only.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- Dmake Beta release of Matt's version of the UNIX make utility.
- Features multiple dependancies, wildcard support, and more.
- Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillion
- Excption Exception is a set of error handling routines that provide
- a programmer with the ability to easily handle often
- difficult to implement routines. Routines such as no more
- memory, file not open, read/write error....etc. Version
- 0.6, includes source.
- Author: Gerald T Hewes
- KickFont For A-1000 owners, will permanently replace the topaz font
- on the kickstart disk with a font called "look". Includes
- a sample in the form of an IFF picture. Version 3.0, binary
- only. Also included is Benjamin Fuller's freely
- redistributable 'SumKick' program.
- Author: Greg Browne
- Launch Sample program showing how you can load and execute a
- program in the workbench environment, then return to the
- CLI. Includes source.
- Author: Peter da Silva
- Regexp A nearly-public-domain reimplementation of the V8 regexp(3)
- package. Gives C programs the ability to use egrep-style
- regular expressions, and does it in a much cleaner fashion
- than the analogous routines in SysV. Includes source.
- Author: Henry Spencer
- TSnip Very nice "cut and paste" type utility with lots of uses
- and functions. Features a pop-up intuition control panel,
- multiple font and color recognition, clipboard and pipe
- support and a couple of utility programs. Version 1.4a,
- source for support programs only.
- Author: John Russell
- UnixUtil A few CLI utilities, including some functionally similiar
- to the UNIX utilities of the same names. Included are:
- Wc, Head, Tail, Tee, Detab, Entab, and Trunc. Descriptions
- are given in the included '.doc' files.
- Author: Gary Brant
- --------------------
- Browser A programmer's "Workbench". Allows you to easily and
- conveniently move, copy, rename, and delete files &
- directories from a CLI environment. Also provides a
- method to execute either Workbench or CLI programs.
- Version 1.6, update to version on disk number 134,
- binary only.
- Author: Peter da Silva
- GeoTime A couple of interesting "clock" type programs based on the
- "Geochron". Observe the earth's shadow scroll across
- a map or globe in real-time, based on the system clock.
- Version 1.0, binary only, shareware.
- Author: Mike Smithwick
- GPrint A black & white graphics print utility for Epson compatible
- printers. (The author's letter to me was quite impressive!)
- Command-line options allow several different print qualities
- and densities. Includes a couple of sample IFF files for
- printing. Version 2.03, binary only, shareware.
- Author: Peter Cherna
- Jed A nicely done, intuition-based editor that is quite
- user-friendly. Features word-wrap, auto-indent, newcli,
- alt buffer, split-window, keyboard macro, help, printing,
- and more. Version 1.0, binary only, shareware.
- Author: Dan Burris
- NoVirus Another Anti-Virus utility. This one features known and
- new virus detection, view boot block, save and restore
- bootblocks, several "Install" options and more. Written
- in assembly. Version 1.56, binary only.
- Author: Nic Wilson
- RepString Nice little CLI utility to replace any type of string in
- any type of file with another string of any type.
- Version 1.0, binary only, shareware.
- Author: Luciano Bertato
- TrekTrivia Very nice mouse-driven trivia type program for Star Trek
- fans. Contains 100 questions with additional trivia disks
- available from the author. Binary only, shareware.
- Author: George Broussard
- --------------------
- AMXLISP Amiga-ized version of the XLisp interpreter originally
- by David Betz. Version 2.00, includes source.
- Author: David Betz; Amiga work by Francois Rouaix
- Bally Amiga port of the former arcade game named Click. This
- version completely lacks sound effects, which shall
- come in later updates. Version 0.1, binary only,
- shareware.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- Tracker Useful debugging routines similar in function but more
- versatile to those of "MemTrace" on disk number 163.
- Will track and report on calls to AllocMem(), FreeMem()
- [or lack thereof!] among others. Version 0.0a (Alpha
- release).
- Author: Karl Lehenbauer
- --------------------
- AMC "Amiga Message Center". Scrolls a message from a text
- file across the screen on a colorful background.
- Similar to the "greetings" programs developed by
- European Amiga enthusiasts. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Foster Hall
- Edimap A keymap editor. Allows you to read in an existing
- keymap file, modify it to suit your needs, and save
- it as a ready-to-use keymap. Version 1.0, includes
- source.
- Author: Gilles Gamesh
- HR136 An IFF file containing a chart showing every possible
- mixture of the sixteen basic palette colors. Also
- included are optimized and monochrome palettes along
- with several tips and techniques for using them with
- various paint programs.
- Author: Dick Bourne
- Iconmerger Intuition-based program to take any two brush files
- and merge them into an alternate-image type icon.
- Version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- Sam Another IFF sound player with several command-line
- options. Includes several samples. Version 1.0,
- binary only.
- Author: Nic Wilson
- SetFont Allows you to change the system font with various
- command-line options. Cleans up all known bugs in
- V2.0 released on disk number 75. Version 2.5,
- includes source in C++.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- --------------------
- FixFd A utility for Amiga assembly programmers. FixFd will
- read a '.FD' file and output a file that can be
- 'INCLUDE'ed rather than having to link with the
- colossal 'Amiga.Lib'. Version 1.0, includes source in
- assembly.
- Author: Peter Wyspianski
- Mklib Another example of building a shared library that
- evolved from "Elib" on disk number 87. Also included
- is a library, Edlib, which contains several functions
- not included in the Manx standard libraries. Includes
- source.
- Author: Edwin Hoogerbeets with C-functions from several
- different authors
- PCQ A subset implementation of a freely-redistributable
- Pascal compiler. Supports include files, external
- references, records, enumerated types, pointers, arrays,
- strings and more. Presently does not support range
- types, the 'with' statement or sets. Version 1.0,
- includes source and sample programs.
- Author: Patrick Quaid
- --------------------
- BI A small brush to to C-code image converter, intended to
- be used from CLI. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- CardMaker A programmer's aid for creating card image data that can
- be used in any card game that uses the standard 52 card
- deck. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- DPS Demo version of a program that will allow you to take
- any IFF file and save it as a totally self-contained
- executable file, without the need for any IFF-viewers.
- Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Foster Hall
- MouseUtil Intuition based program to allow you to change your mouse
- speed without having to go through preferences. Version
- 1.1, includes assembly source.
- Author: Luciano Bertato
- Print Small print utility designed to replace the "copy
- <filename> to prt:" command. Opens a window displaying
- the filename being printed, length, and a status bar
- showing percent completed. Also includes an abort
- gadget. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Luciano Bertato
- VacBench This amusing little screen hack will "clean up" your
- WorkBench screen for you when it gets too cluttered!
- Binary only.
- Author: Randy Jouett
- World A text adventure game similar to the Infocom adventures
- of Planetfall and Starcross. Quite large with a
- tremendous variety of responses. Version 1.02,
- includes source.
- Author: Doug Mcdonald, Amiga port by Eric Kennedy
- --------------------
- This is a copy of the official November 1988 Commodore IFF disk, sent
- to me directly by Commodore for inclusion in the library. The only
- changes I made were:
- (1) Placed all the files in the "documents" directory
- into a zoo file "documents.zoo" to free up enough
- space to add my normal distribution files and icons.
- Some of the files on the disk were already in zoo
- format anyway, so this seems like a minor alteration.
- (2) Changed the file "AboutThisRelease" to reflect the
- zoo'ing of the documents.
- (3) Rearranged the icons to make room for my additional
- icons.
- -Fred
- --------------------
- A68k A 68000 assembler originally written in Modula-2 in
- 1985 and converted to C by Charlie Gibb in 1987. Has
- been converted to accept metacomco-compatible assembler
- source code and to generate Amiga objects. Includes source.
- This is version 2.42, an update to the version on disk 110.
- Author: Brian Anderson; C translation and Amiga work
- done by Charlie Gibb
- Cards'O'Rama A simple game that let's you push your memory. It is played
- with a deck of 32 cards, grouped in 16 pairs. The cards are
- shuffled and then displayed at the beginning of each game.
- Your goal is to pick up as many pairs as you can, until
- there are no cards left on the screen. Version 1.0,
- includes source.
- Author: Werther Pirani
- Qt2 A cute program that gives the time the way many people
- actually do, I.E. "it's nearly ten to five". Includes
- source in assembly.
- Author: Charlie Gibb
- SimCPM A CP/M simulator for the Amiga. Simulates an 8080
- along with H19 terminal emulation. Includes source.
- This is version 2.3, an update to version on disk 109.
- Author: Jim Cathey; Amiga port by Charlie Gibbs and
- Willi Kusche
- --------------------
- Diskperf A disk benchmark program which runs on both Unix and the
- Amiga. This is an update to the version on disk 48, with
- bug fixes and more reliable measurements of the faster
- read and write speeds available under the new Fast
- File System.
- Author: Rick Spanbauer, enhancements by Joanne Dow
- HackLite This is the latest version the Amiga port of Hack,
- with lots of Amiga specific enhancements and neat
- graphics. Now includes an easy to use installation
- program. This is HackLite version 1.0.0, binary only.
- Author: Software Distillery
- Mackie A versatile cli/macro-key initiator based on POPCLI with
- a unique method of "screen-blanking". I won't say more,
- just try it! Version 1.13, includes source. This is
- an update to version 1.1 from disk 161.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- SetCPU A program designed to allow the user to detect and modify
- various parameters related to 32 bit CPUs. Includes
- commands to enable or disable the text/data caches,
- switch on or off the '030 burst cache line fill request,
- use the MMU to run a ROM image from 32-bit memory, and
- to report various parameters when called from a script.
- This is version 1.4, includes source.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- --------------------
- BootIntro This program creates a small intro on the bootblock of any
- disk, which will appear after you insert the disk for
- booting. The headline can be up to 20 characters. The
- scrolling text portion can be up to 225 characters.
- Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- DiffDir Diffdir compares the contents of two directories, reporting
- on differences such as files present in only one directory,
- different modification dates, file flags, sizes, comments,
- etc. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- ExecDis A disassembler comment generator program for the 1.2
- Kickstart ROM exec library image. Generates a commented
- disassembly of the exec library. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Markus Wandel
- FastGro A fractal program, simulating Diffusion-Limited Aggregation
- (DLA) as described in the December 1988 Scientific American
- in the Computer Recreations column. This program is about
- an order of magnitude faster than the "SLO GRO" program
- described in Scientific American. Version 1.0, includes
- source.
- Author: Doug Houck
- FracGen A fractal generator program that generates fractal
- pictures from "seeds" that you create. This is
- unlike any of the other "fractal generators" I've
- seen. It can be used to load and display previously
- created fractal pictures, modify existing fractals,
- or create your own fractals. Version 1.23, binary
- only, update to version on disk 142.
- Author: Doug Houck
- MemoryClock A clock program that shows the amount of free fast ram,
- free chip ram, as well as the time and date. Includes
- source in assembly code.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- MinRexx A simple ARexx interface which can be easily patched into
- almost any program. Includes as an example the freedraw
- program from disk number 1. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- Null A new dos device that behaves like "NIL:" but unlike
- "NIL:", it is a real handler. This makes it useful
- in lots of situations where "NIL:" cannot be used.
- Version 0.0, includes source.
- Author: Gunnar Nordmark
- TextDisplay A text display program, like "more" or "less", but about
- half the size and handles all screen formats (pal/ntsc,
- interlace/non-interlace, etc). Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- --------------------
- Mackie A versatile cli/macro-key initiator based on POPCLI with
- a unique method of "screen-blanking". I won't say more,
- just try it! Version 1.20, includes source. This is
- an update to version 1.13 from disk 187.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- NetHack This is part 1 of a two part distribution of NetHack,
- which was too large to fit on a single disk, even when
- zoo'd. Part 2 is on disk 190. Both parts, along with
- zoo to unpack them, are required to use or rebuild
- NetHack. This is version 2.3, and includes source.
- Author: Various; Amiga work by Olaf Seibert
- Uedit Version 2.4g of this nice shareware editor. Has learn
- mode, a command language, menu customization, and other
- user configurability and customizability features.
- Binary only, shareware, replaces beta 2.4g version
- on disk 173.
- Author: Rick Stiles
- --------------------
- GaryIcons A collection of more interesting and useful icons.
- Author: Gary Roseman
- ILBM2Image Takes an IFF picture and generates a C source module
- which can be compiled and linked with your program to
- display the picture with the intuition DrawImage
- function. Binary only.
- Author: Denis Green
- NetHack This is part 2 of a two part distribution of NetHack,
- which was too large to fit on a single disk, even when
- zoo'd. Part 1 is on disk 189. Both parts, along with
- zoo to unpack them, are required to use or rebuild
- NetHack. This is version 2.3, and includes source.
- Author: Various; Amiga work by Olaf Seibert
- --------------------
- BlitLab Blitlab is a program which lets you experiment with
- the blitter, to your hearts content, in relative safety.
- It opens a workbench window with gadgets for all the
- registers of the blitter, and allows you to manipulate
- individual registers and perform blits on a magnified
- bitmap. This is version 1.4, an update to the version
- released on disk number 84. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- Blk A requester making tool employing various recursive
- algorithms including a recursive parser. It takes input
- text files and converts them to C-source for including as
- requester declarations. This is an update to the version
- released on disk 152, with many enhancements. Includes
- source.
- Author: Stuart Ferguson
- FileBootBlock This simple little program reads blocks 0 and 1 of a
- bootable disk and saves them as a program file that can
- be run (heaven forbid) or disassembled by programs like
- DIS or DSM. Includes source in assembly code.
- Author: John Veldthuis
- ISpell A port of a Unix version of a freely distributable
- screen oriented, interactive, spelling checker.
- This is an update to the version released on disk 54,
- with enhancements by Tomas Rokicki. Version 2.0.02,
- includes source.
- Author: Pace Willisson; enhancements by Tomas Rokicki
- Pz15 Computer version of those cheap plastic puzzles with
- 15 white tiles numbered 1 through 15 and an empty square
- in a 4 by 4 arrangement. This one is more challenging
- since you can't solve it by just prying out the pieces.
- Includes source.
- Author: Mike Hall
- --------------------
- Eval This package allows you to manipulate expressions.
- Currently its two main functions are evaluation and
- differentiation. It also does some basic simplifica-
- tions (based on pattern matching) to make the result
- of a differentiation more presentable. Includes source.
- Author: David Gay
- PacMan87 This is a nice little "pacman like" game with some new
- features like fire pits, stabbing knives, electric arcs
- and flame throwers, that must be avoided. Has three levels
- of difficulty, easy, medium, and hard. Sounds can be
- toggled on or off. Keeps a record of the top ten scores.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Steve Jacobs and Jim Boyd
- ReSourceDemo A demo version of ReSource, an interactive disassembler
- for the Amiga. This is a complete version except that
- the "save" features have been disabled. Version 0.36,
- binary only.
- Author: Glen McDiarmid
- --------------------
- KeyMapEd Allows you to change the KeyMaps used with SetMap.
- This is a full featured editor providing support for
- normal, string and dead keys. The keyboard represented
- is from an A2000/A500 but it is fully compatible with
- A1000 keyboards. Version 1.02, includes source.
- Author: Tim Friest
- Zc This is a modified version of the Sozobon C compiler
- from disk 171. It has been modified to generate code
- compatible with the A68k assembler from disk 186 and
- a new frontend control program makes it easy to use
- like the UNIX "cc" frontend. Version 1.01, includes
- source.
- Author: Johann Ruegg; Amiga work by Joe Montgomery
- --------------------
- Moria A single player dungeon simulation. The object of the
- game is to defeat the Balrog, which lurks in the deepest
- levels of the dungeon. You begin at the town level above
- the dungeon, where you may acquire supplies, weapons, armor,
- and magical devices by bartering with various shop owners,
- before descending into the dungeon to do battle. Amiga
- enhancements include pull down menus, graphics mode, pickup
- mode, a continuous move mode, a real time mode, a message
- wait time mode, as well as other modifications to improve
- overall playability and to take advantage of the unique
- features of the Amiga. Version 3.0, binary only, requires
- at least 1Mb of memory.
- Author: Robert Alan Koeneke and others. Amiga version
- by Richard Henderson and others.
- --------------------
- MicroEMACS Version 3.10 of Daniel Lawrence's variant of Dave
- Conroy's microemacs. This is an update to the version
- released on disk 119. New features include multiple
- marks, more function key support, a better crypt algorithm,
- and end-of-word command, a command line switch for setting
- environment variables, new hooks for macros, a command
- to strip trailing whitespace, internationalization
- features like foreign language message support, horizontal
- window scrolling, much faster search algorithm, Amiga
- intuition support, and more. Includes source and extensive
- online documentation.
- Author: Dave Conroy, MANY enhancements by Daniel Lawrence
- --------------------
- HamPics These are some of the most stunning digitized pictures
- yet for the Amiga. They were scanned at a resolution
- of 4096 by 2800 pixels, 36-bits per pixel, on an
- Eikonix 1435 slide scanner, cropped, gamma corrected,
- scaled, and converted to Amiga IFF HAM files. They are
- displayed with a special ILBM loader that handles
- overscan HAM images. Includes source for the display
- program.
- Author: Jonathan Hue
- --------------------
- CTags Create a tags file from the specified C, Pascal, Fortran,
- YACC, lex, or lisp sources. A tags file can be used
- by a cooperating editor to quickly locate specified
- objects in a program's source code. Berkeley version
- 4.7, includes source.
- Author: Ken Arnold, Jim Kleckner, and Bill Joy
- Ported to Amiga by G. R. (Fred) Walter
- Find Find is a utility which searches for files that satisfy
- a given boolean expression of attributes, starting from
- a root pathname and searching recursively down through
- the hierarchy of the file system. Very much like the
- Unix find program. Version 1.2, includes source.
- This is an update to version 1.0 on disk 134.
- Author: Rodney Lewis
- FixHunk A program to modify executable files to allow them to
- run in external memory. It forces all DATA and BSS hunks
- in the file to be loaded into CHIP memory. CODE hunks will
- still load into FAST ram if available. New features
- include an interactive mode to select where each DATA or
- BSS hunk will load into memory, support for overlays,
- support for AC BASIC compiled programs, and support for
- new hunk types as used by "blink". Version 2.1, binary
- only. This is an update to version 1.2a on disk 36.
- Author: D.J. James
- Nro Another roff style text formatter. This is version 1.5,
- an update to the version released on disk 79. New features
- include generation of ANSI/ISO codes for bold, italics, and
- underline, more than one formatting command on a line,
- longer macro names, and many more formatting commands.
- Includes source.
- Author: Unknown, posted to usenet by Alan Vymetalik
- Many enhancements by Olaf Seibert
- Stevie A public domain clone of the UNIX 'vi' editor. Supports
- window-sizing, arrow keys, and the help key. Version
- 3.35a, includes source. This is an update to version
- 3.10a on disk 166.
- Author: Various, Amiga work by G. R. (Fred) Walter
- --------------------
- Charon Charon is Bradley's entry for the First Annual Badge
- Killer Demo Contest. The text of the demo was written
- by Lord Dunsany (long before the Amiga). Bradley
- created the illustrations and animation. The sound
- track is a traditional Scottish tune "The Arran Boat".
- Author: Lord Dunsany (1915), Bradley Schenck (1988)
- --------------------
- ASimplex An implementation of the Simplex algorithm for solving
- linear programs. It uses the standardized MPSX-format
- for input data files. Version 1.2, includes source.
- Author: Stefan Forster
- Csh Version 3.02a of a csh like shell derived from Matt
- Dillon's shell, version 2.07. Includes many new or
- improved commands, some bug fixes, etc. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni
- MIDIsoft A program to transfer sound samples between the Amiga
- and a Roland S-220. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Dieter Bruns
- Pyro A screen blanking program that goes beyond the normal
- blanking process. When there are no input events, pyro
- takes over and starts a little fireworks display in
- color. Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Steve Jacobs and Jim Boyd
- SnipDemo Demo version 1.23 of signal processing program sold
- by Digital Dynamics. Binary only.
- Author: John Hodgson
- Viewer A very small program for displaying IFF pictures
- of any resolution. This one is written in assembly
- code and is only 988 bytes long. Binary only.
- Author: Mike McKittrick
- --------------------
- NotBoingAgain This is Dr. Gandalf's entry for the First Annual
- Badge Killer Demo Contest. It is an interlaced
- HAM animation with nicely integrated sound effects.
- It is a great visual pun on the original Boing
- demo, but to say anymore would ruin the effect.
- Binary only, requires 1 Mb of memory.
- Author: Dr. Gandalf (Eric J. Fleischer, MD)
- Tank This is Vincent's entry for the First Annual Badge
- Killer Demo Contest. It is an animation of a
- "fishtank simulator", with sound effects and a cute
- twist. Binary only.
- Author: Vincent H. Lee
- --------------------
- Draco Update to Chris Gray's Draco distribution for the Amiga.
- Enhancements include support for floating point, register
- variables, more optimization, improved call/return
- standard, etc. This is version 1.2, an update to the
- version on disk 76. Requires documentation from disk 77
- to complete the distribution kit. Binary only.
- Author: Chris Gray
- DropCloth DropCloth lets you place a pattern, a 2 bitplane IFF
- image or a combination of a pattern and image, into
- the WorkBench backdrop. This is version 2.4, an update
- to version 2.2 on disk 128. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Eric Lavitsky
- --------------------
- SlavicFonts A whole bunch of new fonts from Robin LaPasha. Version 1.0.
- Author: Robin LaPasha
- Vlt VLT is both a VT100 emulator and a Tektronix (4014 plus
- subset of 4105) emulator, currently in use at SLAC
- (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). Although the VT100
- part was originally based on Dave Wecker et al.'s VT100,
- many enhancements were made. The program requires ARP, and
- it has an ARexx port. XMODEM 1K/CRC and Kermit protocol
- support also included. Version 3.656, binary only.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- --------------------
- Examples Assembly and C code examples, including some old
- favorites (like speechtoy and yachtc3) downcoded to
- assembly language. Includes a replacement for the
- official audio device, an example of creating a
- subtask, a rewrite in assembly of R. J. Mical's
- file requester, an example of installing a custom
- input handler ahead of intuition, and more.
- Author: Jim Fiore and Jeff Glatt
- GurusGuide The source files for all examples published in the
- "Guru's Guide, Meditation #1: Interrupts" by Carl
- Sassenrath, the architect of the Amiga's low-level
- multitasking operating system and designer of Exec.
- Author: Carl Sassenrath
- Isam A library of routines to access relational data base
- systems using the Index Sequential Access Method (ISAM).
- This is beta version 0.9, binary only.
- Author: Kai Oliver Ploog
- --------------------
- FileReq A simple file requestor, written as an exercise by the
- author to see how easy it would be (it wasn't). Includes
- source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- GnuGrep The grep program from the GNU project. Replaces grep
- fgrep, egrep, and bmgrep. Currently does not expand
- Amiga style wildcards, so if you wish to scan multiple
- files you will need to use it with a shell that does this
- for you. Version 1.3, includes source.
- Author: Mike Haertel, James Woods, Arthur Olson, Richard
- Stallman, Doug Gwyn, Scott Anderson, Henry Spencer
- HAMCu Installs a custom copper list for the current active view
- (usually workbench) that contains all the colours from 0x000
- to 0xfff. A neat effect and an easy way to show off the
- color capabilities of the Amiga. Includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- Image-Ed An shareware icon editor submitted by the author for
- inclusion in the library. Suggested shareware donation
- of $20. Version 1.8, binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- JPClock A short clock program that is just packed with features.
- Includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- MouseBounce A short hack/game that makes your mouse pointer bounce
- around the screen. The object is to close the MouseBounce
- window and exit the game. Each time you click the mouse
- button, the pointer speeds up. Includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- PopDir A small utility which "pops open" to help you look at the
- contents of a particular directory on demand. Version 1.4,
- includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- PopInfo A small utility which "pops open" to give you information
- about the status of your devices and memory. Version 2.9,
- includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- Teacher Teacher is a short, simple hack. I won't spoil the fun
- by telling you what it does. Includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- --------------------
- Bally Amiga port of the former arcade game named Click. This
- version now has sound effects. Version II, an update to
- the version released on disk 181. Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- BattleForce A nicely done shareware game, submitted by the author,
- that simulates combat between two or more giant, robot-like
- machines. Binary only, version 3.01.
- Author: Ralph Reed
- Chess A port of a chess game posted to Usenet. This is an update
- to the version first included on disk 96. It has been
- upgraded to use an Amiga Intuition interface. Version 2.0,
- binary only.
- Author: John Stanback; ported to Amiga by Bob Leivian
- Version 2.0 upgrades by Alfred Kaufmann
- --------------------
- All of this material is from the 1988 Badge Killer Demo Contest.
- Brownian A demo based on both fractal theory and brownian motion.
- Includes source.
- Author: John M. Olsen
- Hawk A stereo image of a hawk. Requires red/green stereo
- glasses to view.
- Author: Unknown (no documentation included)
- MemFlick Treats all the memory in your Amiga like it was part of
- a bitplane inside a graphics display. Provides sort of a
- graphical picture of your memory usage. Binary only.
- Author: Jim Webster
- PeX A demo of the various graphics capabilities of the Amiga.
- Author: Unknown (no documentation included)
- PictureGarden Another demo, apparently in compiled basic.
- Author: Unknown (no documentation included)
- StereoDemo A demo of stereoscopic graphics, written in assembly
- language. Requires red/green stereo glasses to view.
- Includes sources.
- Author: David M. McKinstry
- Triple Three demos of some of the Amiga's graphics and sound
- capabilities. Binary only.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- --------------------
- Coyote Gene's entry to the 1988 Badge Killer Demo contest.
- A very cute (and large) animation. Requires about
- 1900 blocks of disk space, so it is distributed in
- "arc format".
- Author: Gene Brawn
- --------------------
- AsteroidField This is Michael's entry for the 1988 Badge Killer Demo
- Contest. It is a large animation of a spacecraft flying
- madly through an asteroid field (chased by unseen foes)
- that includes a couple of near misses.
- Author: Michael Powell
- --------------------
- Bowl This is Vern's entry for the 1988 Badge Killer Demo
- Contest. It is a Sculpt-Animate animation that shows
- three colored balls flying in circles above a mirrored
- bowl. Rendering the animation took about 2 weeks.
- Distributed in zoo format because of its size (zoo
- program included for easy unpacking).
- Author: Vern Staats
- Dps A program designed to work with the PrintScript program,
- a commercial PostScript interpreter for the Amiga, to
- provide a page previewer. This is version 1.1 and includes
- source.
- Author: Allen Norskog
- --------------------
- Calc A very nicely done scientific/programmer/plotter calculator.
- The scientific portion has most of the operations found on
- the more popular handhelds. The programmer portion has all
- the special hex/binary/decimal conversions as well as
- register operations like ASL, ROL, LSL, AND, OR, XOR, etc.
- The plotter portion will plot equations. Other features
- include 26 memories, full mouse or keyboard operation,
- pull-down menus, and iconization. Version 3.0, binary only.
- Author: Jimmy Yang
- LabelPrint A program that allows you to easily print labels for
- your disks. Version 1.9, shareware, binary only (source
- available from author).
- Author: Andreas Krebs
- NuHand An animation of a hand with fingernails scrapeing on a
- desktop, including sound effects. This is Bryan's entry
- for the 1988 Badge Killer Demo Contest. Binary only.
- Author: Bryan Carey Gallivan
- --------------------
- AmigaWave This is Allen's entry to the 1988 Badge Killer Demo
- Contest. It is an animation with sound effects.
- Author: Allen Hastings
- Esperanto A keymap modification to usa1 which, in conjunction with
- the supplied slate.font, will allow one to type in Esperanto
- and Welsh, in any program that will use keymaps and fonts.
- Author: Glyn Gowing
- Image-Ed An shareware icon editor submitted by the author for
- inclusion in the library. Suggested shareware donation
- of $20. Version 1.9, binary only. Fixes a serious bug
- in the 1.8 version on disk 204.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- SignFont A keymap and font that will allow the user to be able
- to type in American Sign Language, provided that one
- knows the font.
- Author: Glyn Gowing
- VirusControl A new virus detection and control program that checks
- disks during insertion, protects from link viruses,
- shows bootblock on a screen, periodically checks system
- vectors, controls access to files with a requester, etc.
- Version 1.3, includes full assembly language source code.
- Author: Pius Nippgen
- --------------------
- Alice This animation is Carey's entry to the 1988 Badge
- Killer Demo Contest.
- Author: Carey T. Pelto
- DiskSalv A disk recovery program for all Amiga file system devices
- that use either the Amiga Standard File System or the
- Amiga Fast File System. Disksalv creates a new filesystem
- structure on another device, with as much data salvaged from
- the original device as possible. This is an update to the
- version released on disk 177. Binary only.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- DogsWorld This animation is Charles' entry to the 1988 Badge
- Killer Demo Contest.
- Author: Charles Voner
- --------------------
- Cucug This animation of the Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users
- Group logo was submitted to the 1988 Badge Killer Demo
- Contest by Ed Serbe.
- Author: Ed Serbe
- Icons Almost 300 icons in eight (!) colors. Uses a special
- program to get an eight color workbench to display these
- icons, which were made with DPaintII and IconGen. Most
- icons are miniatures of the main screen of their
- corresponding programs, or the picture they show, made
- with "iconize" and "recolor" from disk 85.
- Author: Wolf-Peter Dehnick
- --------------------
- ArcPrep ArcPrep prepares files and/or directories for archival
- with arc or any other program that can't scan through
- different directories and/or handle long filenames.
- Version 2.1, includes source.
- Author: Garry Glendown
- MandelVroom A Mandelbrot/Julia-curve generating program that features
- five numerical generators (integer, ffp, ieee, 020, and
- 020/881) in hand-crafted assembly for maximum speed, online
- mouse selectable help for all functions, generation of
- multiple pictures simultaneously, a sophisticated user
- interface with shaded gadgets, etc. Some of the other
- features include zoom, magnify, color-cycling, contouring,
- auto-contouring, histogram, statistics, presets, extra-
- halfbrite support, overscan, orbits, pan mode, and more.
- Requires 1Mb or more of memory. This is the source to
- version 2.0, an update to the version on disk 78. A
- compiled binary, along with help files and example
- images, can be found on disk 215.
- Author: Kevin Clague
- MemDiag A memory diagnostic program to identify addresses which
- produce memory errors, and a memory quarantine program
- which removes such defective addresses from the system's
- free memory list, until such time as the hardware errors
- can be corrected. Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Fabbian Dufoe
- RunBack Another step in the evolution of Rob Peck's RunBackGround
- program, from disks 73 and 152. Allows you to start a new
- CLI program and run it in the background, then closes the
- new CLI. This version has been enhanced to use the NULL:
- device by Gunnar Nordmark (included), which is a "real"
- device, so it solves problems with previous versions of
- RunBack which used the Nil: "fake" device, causing many
- crashes. Includes source.
- Author: Rob Peck, Daniel Barrett, Tim Maffett
- SmartIcon This shareware program, submitted by the author,
- is an Intuition objects iconifier. Version 1.0
- is limited to iconifying windows, which is still
- very handy. It adds a new "iconify gadget" to
- each window, that when clicked on, iconifies the
- window into an icon in the ram: disk. This is the
- same version as released on disk 134, but now includes
- the source code.
- Author: Gauthier Groult
- --------------------
- MandelVroom A Mandelbrot/Julia-curve generating program that features
- five numerical generators (integer, ffp, ieee, 020, and
- 020/881) in hand-crafted assembly for maximum speed, online
- mouse selectable help for all functions, generation of
- multiple pictures simultaneously, a sophisticated user
- interface with shaded gadgets, etc. Some of the other
- features include zoom, magnify, color-cycling, contouring,
- auto-contouring, histogram, statistics, presets, extra-
- halfbrite support, overscan, orbits, pan mode, and more.
- Requires 1Mb or more of memory. This is version 2.0,
- an update to the version on disk 78. Source is available
- on disk 214.
- Author: Kevin Clague
- --------------------
- BackDrop Backdrop allows you to define a pattern which will then
- be displayed on the workbench screen in the normally
- empty area behind all the windows. Similar in concept
- to DropCloth, but this one does not require workbench
- to be loaded (and does not cohabit very well with
- workbench). Includes source.
- Author: Eddy Carroll
- C64Emul An April Fools spoof that turns your Amiga into a C64,
- or at least makes it look that way. Includes source.
- Author: Eddy Carroll
- Cloud A program that generates and displays fractal surfaces
- that look remarkably like clouds. Based on ideas from
- the book "Fractals" by Jens Feder. Binary only.
- Author: Mike Hall
- PrtSpool A DOS handler, a print program, and a control program
- that implement a print spooling system. Like PRT:, the
- DOS handler waits for stuff to be sent to it to be
- printed. The print program does line numbering and
- page headers. The control program handles administrative
- functions. Binary only.
- Author: Daniel Barrens
- VirusX Version 3.20 of the popular virus detection/vaccination
- program. Features a test for 8 new viruses since the
- 3.10 version on disk 175. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- Wanderer A neat little game with graphics and sound, ported
- from the Unix version, originally written on a Sun
- workstation. The idea for Wanderer came from games
- such as Boulderdash, Xor, and the Repton games from
- Superior Software. Includes a builtin editor for
- extending the game by adding additional screens.
- Version 2.2, includes source.
- Author: Steven Shipway and others. Amiga port by
- Alan Bland
- --------------------
- AntiCBS An animation cooked up by Leo in protest of CBS's coverage
- of the Hacker's Conference in Oct 88. After reading the
- transcript I was angered enough to feel this needed
- widespread distribution, even though it is quite old.
- Author: Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab
- Echo A small replacement for the AmigaDOS echo that will do
- some special functions, such as clear the screen, delete
- to bottom of screen, scroll the screen, place the cursor
- at a particular location, and set the text style and/or
- color. Includes source.
- Author: Garry Glendown
- InstallBeep This program replaces the DisplayBeep function so that an
- IFF 8SVX sound is played instead of the screen flashing.
- The PlayBeep function runs as a task in the background and
- runs asynchronously so the length of the sound does not
- slow anything down. Includes a couple of sample sound
- files. Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Tim Friest and Don Withey
- SnipIt An input handler wedge which allows you to clip text from
- any window and then paste that text anywhere, as though
- you had typed it on the keyboard. You mark the text you
- want to "snip" using the mouse, and then use the mouse to
- "paste" the last snipped text into the active window,
- requester, or anywhere. Version 1.2, includes source.
- Author: Scott Evernden
- SonixPeek A utility to let you list all the instruments used by one
- or more Aegis Sonix score files. It can scan individual
- files, or search one or more directories, checking all
- score files in each directory. The output is a list of
- all the instruments you need to have present in order to
- be able to play the indicated score files. Includes source.
- Author: Eddy Carroll
- Stevie A public domain clone of the UNIX 'vi' editor. Supports
- window-sizing, arrow keys, and the help key. Version
- 3.6, includes source. This is an update to version
- 3.35a on disk 197.
- Author: Various, Amiga work by G. R. (Fred) Walter
- --------------------
- EdLib A library of additional functions for Manx. This is
- version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 from disk 183.
- Includes source.
- Author: Edwin Hoogerbeets with C-functions from several
- different authors
- Mandel Another mandelbrot generator program, with bits and pieces
- of code from C. Heath and R.J. Mical. This is version 1.3,
- an update to the version on disk 111. New features and
- improvements include an ARexx interface, coordinates in
- sight, more state info saved with a picture, batch files,
- programmable functions, and more plotting options.
- Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Seibert
- Maze A program that lets you build mazes and then solve them.
- Mazes can be trivial one level mazes to very difficult
- three level mazes. Version 1.2, includes source.
- Author: Todd Lewis
- PcPatch Patches for PCCopy and PCFormat from the EXTRAS disk,
- to allow reading, writing, and formatting of any kind of
- MS-Dos style disks, including 720K 3.5" diskettes. Binary
- only. This is an update to the version on disk 163.
- Author: Werner Guenther
- Scanner Scanner makes commented C code of all intuition structures
- in memory. The structures will receive correct pointers
- towards each other. Scanner starts looking at
- IntuitionBase, and follows all pointers, storing them in
- memory. When finished, it writes all the structures to
- the standard output. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Stefan Parmark
- Worm An Amiga implementation of the classic "worms" program,
- based on an article in the Dec 1987 issue of Scientific
- American. You can specify the size and length of the
- worms, and the number of worms. Includes source.
- Author: Brad Taylor, Amiga port by Chuck McManis
- --------------------
- DeepSky A database containing information on 10,368 non-stellar
- objects, 600 color contrasting easily resolved double
- stars, 70 stars for setting circles, and misc white
- dwarfs, red stars, binaries, etc. The database is
- distributed in zoo format, and is about 1.2 Mb after
- extraction. Version 5.0.
- Author: Saguaro Astronomy Club
- Mv A Unix style mv/cp/rm program that moves, copies, or
- removes files. Includes interactive mode, recursive mode,
- and force quiet mode. Copies file permissions, dates,
- and comments, supports arp style wildcards, supports moves
- across volumes, honors the delete bit. Version 1.1,
- includes source.
- Author: Edwin Hoogerbeets
- --------------------
- DNet A link protocol that provides essentially an unlimited
- number of reliable connections between processes on
- two machines, where each end of the link can be
- either an Amiga or a Unix (BSD4.3) machine. Works
- on the Amiga with any EXEC device that looks like the
- serial.device. Works on UNIX with tty and socket
- devices. Achieves better than 95% average throughput
- on file transfers. This is version 2.0, an update to
- version 1.20 released on disk 145. Includes sources
- for both the Amiga and Unix versions.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- AllocMaster Allocmaster is a program inspired by Nick Sullivan's
- "Reserve" article in Amiga Transactor, for controlling
- the amount of both Chip and Fast memory available to
- the rest of the system. It is very useful for testing
- applications in low-memory situations. It also has
- a snapshot feature to report differences in available
- memory before and after running an application. Version
- 1.17, binary only.
- Author: John Gerlach Jr.
- ANSIEd Demo version of an ANSI screen file editor. It allows you
- to easily create and modify a screen of ANSI-style
- text/graphics on the Amiga. The standard ANSI color set
- (red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white) and text
- styles (plain, boldface, underlined, italic) are provided,
- along with some simple editing and drawing functions. This
- demo version has the save features disabled. Version 1.2.0aD,
- binary only.
- Author: Gregory Epley
- BallyII Amiga port of the former arcade game named Click. This
- version adds a "cheat" mode and fixes some minor bugs.
- Version II+, an update to the version released on disk
- 205. Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- DFrame A utility that helps you to create animated bobs. It
- installs itself in DPaint II, after which you can draw
- each bob in DPaint II within its own frame and check the
- animation by calling DFrame from within DPaint. Version
- 1.02, binary only.
- Author: Jan Buitenhuis
- IFFM2 Demo version of an IFF support module for Interface
- Technologies M2Amiga Modula-2 system. Includes a version
- of ViewILBM (with source) that uses the IFF support routines.
- Version 1.0.0D, binary only.
- Author: Gregory Epley
- Steinschlag A tetris like game (Steinschlag means "Falling Rock")
- submitted by the author. Version 1.5, binary only.
- Author: Peter Handel
- --------------------
- MemGauge A tool to display the current memory usage, very much
- like the usage bar Workbench displays in root directories.
- Version 1.4, includes source.
- Author: Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- Mischief This little program is in the long tradition of "display
- hacks". It uses the input.device to perform various acts
- of mischief. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- Plplot A library of C functions useful for scientific plotting
- on the Amiga. The library is Lattice C compatible.
- Contour plotting, three dimensional plotting, axis
- redefinition, log-log plotting and multiple subpages are
- a few of Plplot's features. The plots can be displayed
- on a monitor or sent to a graphics file for subsequent
- printing. Version 1.00, includes source.
- Author: Tony Richardson
- --------------------
- Csh Version 3.03a of a csh like shell derived from Matt
- Dillon's shell, version 2.07. This is an update to the
- version on disk 199. Includes a couple of new filter
- commands, new dir option, new editing options, sourcing
- of a standard startup file, and some bug fixes. Includes
- source.
- Author: Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni
- FixDisk A program to recover as much as possible from a defective
- disk. It can sometimes recover damaged (unreadable)
- tracks, check file integrity, check the directory
- structure, undelete files, copy or show files, fix
- corrupted directory pointers, etc. Full intuition
- interface. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Werner Guenther
- GravSim A program to animate up to 6 planetary masses, all of
- which exert a mutual gravitational force on each other.
- The planetary masses can be placed anywhere on the screen,
- and their mass and initial velocity can be determined by
- the user. The program then steps the animation through
- time, plotting and displaying the new position in the
- trajectory of each mass. Version 1.50, includes source.
- Author: Richard Frost
- Iff2Sun A small utility for those of you who may have access to a
- Sun workstation. Takes an Amiga IFF file and converts it to
- a Sun rasterfile format. This version is an update to the
- version released on disk 174, with better parsing, support
- for HAM mode, and some bug fixes. Source only, as the
- program needs to be re-compiled and run from a Sun.
- Authors: Steve Berry, Mark Thompson
- IFFtoSUN This program takes a standard IFF format image and trans-
- lates it into a SUN rasterfile format, like the Iff2Sun
- program also on this disk. However, this one runs on the
- Amiga. Version 1.31, includes source.
- Author: Richard Frost
- Paccer A pacman clone with sound and a game screen editor. This
- is version 1.0, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Dirk Hoffman
- PopInfo A small utility which "pops open" to give you information
- about the status of your devices and memory. This is
- version 3.0, an update to the version on disk 204.
- Includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- SetCPU A program designed to allow the user to detect and modify
- various parameters related to 32 bit CPUs. Includes
- commands to enable or disable the text/data caches,
- switch on or off the '030 burst cache line fill request,
- use the MMU to run a ROM image from 32-bit memory, and
- to report various parameters when called from a script.
- This is version 1.5, an update to version 1.4 on disk 187.
- Includes source.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- --------------------
- CLImax For all those people who wish that their CLI windows had
- 25 lines of 80 characters just like an old fashioned non-
- windowing computer, the answer is here. CLImax creates a
- borderless backdrop CLI window on a custom screen. Also
- thrown in is MoveSys, which reassigns SYS:, C:, S:, L:,
- DEVS:, LIBS:, and FONTS: to a new volume with one simple
- "pure" command. Includes source.
- Author: Paul Kienitz
- KickMem A program for A1000 hardware hackers that have done the
- Amazing Computing 512K upgrade. KickMem will patch your
- 1.2 or 1.3 kickstart disk to perform addmem during
- kickstart. This allows warm boot surviveability of ram
- disk devices and eliminates addmem commands from your
- startup sequence. Version 2.0, includes source.
- Author: Dave Williams
- MoreIsBetter These two hacks make MORE more useful. One is called V;
- it's a small "pure" CLI command that acts as a front end
- for More, causing it to create its own window. Make V and
- More both resident! The other is Fenestrate, which
- surgically alters the CON: window spec inside More enabling
- it to, for instance, use ConMan features to create a
- borderless window on the topmost screen (very useful with
- CLImax). Includes source.
- Author: Paul Kienitz
- PetersQuest This cute game has you, the intrepid Peter, following
- a trail of hearts through a world of 20 levels, riddled
- with porcupines and other hazards, to rescue Daphne, the
- love of your life that has been kidnapped by the evil
- Brutus. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: David Meny
- Who This is a rewrite of "who", from disk 79, which gives
- substantially more elaborate information about the tasks
- currently running (or waiting) on your Amiga. Includes
- source.
- Author: George Musser, rewrite by Paul Kienitz
- Xebec A couple of hacks to make life easier for those who have
- Xebec hard disks. One makes it more possible to Mount a
- Xebec hard disk with the Fast File System, the other is a
- compact head parking program. Includes source.
- Author: Paul Kienitz
- --------------------
- AmigaTCP This is the KA9Q Internet Software Package. The package
- supports IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, and ARP as basic services, and
- implements the FTP, Telnet, and SMTP protocols as
- applications. It runs on IBM PC and clones, the Apple
- Macintosh, and the Amiga. Includes source.
- Author: Bdale Garbee, Phil Karn, Brian Lloyd
- MyMenu This program allows you to add your own menus to the
- WorkBench menu strip, to run commonly used commands.
- MyMenu will allow you to execute both CLI and WorkBench
- programs, and is configured with a normal text file.
- Includes source.
- Author: Darin Johnson
- --------------------
- Vlt VLT is both a VT100 emulator and a Tektronix (4014 plus
- subset of 4105) emulator, currently in use at SLAC
- (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). Although the VT100
- part was originally based on Dave Wecker et al.'s VT100,
- many enhancements were made. The program requires ARP, and
- it has an ARexx port. XMODEM 1K/CRC and Kermit protocol
- support also included. This is version 4.036, with many
- enhancements over the previous version, 3.656, included
- on disk 202. New features include support for other serial
- ports, external file transfer protocols, and "chat" mode.
- Improved behavior on the Workbench. Tektronix emulation
- now allows saving IFF files, PostScript files, and
- printing bitmaps to the printer. Many other enhancements
- and bug fixes. Binary only.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- --------------------
- MidiLib A disk based library that permits sharing of the serial
- port by MIDI applications through a MIDI message routing
- and processing system. The midi utilities include a midi
- monitor to display incoming midi messages to the console,
- a routing utility, a midi library status utility, and more.
- This is version 2.0, an update to the version released on
- disk 101, and includes significant speed enhancements, new
- utilities to play with MIDI files, and updated utilities,
- documentation and examples. Binary only (source for
- examples and bindings however).
- Author: Bill Barton
- PickPacket PickPacket gives you a visual display of the DosPacket
- structures that are sent to handlers, and lets you see
- the results. You can actually perform handler operations
- such as open files, read or write data, Examine or ExNext
- locks, and so forth, all by talking directly to the file
- system handler involved using PickPacket. Version 1.0,
- includes source.
- Author: John Toebes and Doug Walker
- RexxArpLib A library which originally was supposed to be an ARexx
- interface to the ARP library. However, it has also become
- an interface to various Intuition functions, containing over
- 50 functions including a file requester, string/boolean
- requester, environment variable functions, simple message
- window, wildcard expander, etc. This is version 2.3, an
- update to version 2.0 on disk 178. Binary only.
- Author: W.G.J. Langeveld
- RexxMathLib A library which makes various high level math functions
- such as sin, tangent, log, etc, available in ARexx.
- Version 1.2 and 1.3, binary only.
- Author: W.G.J. Langeveld
- --------------------
- Az A nice little text editor that is fast, simple to use,
- and very Amiga'ized. Version 1.40, binary only.
- Author: Jean-Michel Forgeas
- Glib A text screen oriented librarian and editor for synths.
- Supports the TX81Z, DX100, DEP5, DW8000, and K-5.
- Includes source.
- Author: Tim Thompson, Steve Falco, and Alan Bland
- JazzBench A drop-in multitasking replacement for WorkBench. It
- has more features that WorkBench and is fully multitasking
- (no more waiting for ZZZ clouds). It allows you to extend
- it, add your own menus, key shortcuts, etc. This is alpha
- version 0.8, binary only.
- Author: David Navas
- Xoper Very comprehensive program to monitor and control system
- activity. Monitor cpu, memory usage, ports, interrupts,
- devices. Close windows, screens, show loaded fonts or last
- Guru code number. Clean up memory, flush unused libraries,
- devices, fonts. etc. and a whole bunch more! Spawns its own
- process. A very handy background task to have loaded.
- This is version 1.3, an update to version 1.2 on disk 171.
- Assembly source included.
- Author: Werner Gunther
- --------------------
- AlarmingClock A simple alarm clock program with a very alarming
- "ring", particularly if you hook it up to your
- stereo and turn up the volume. Includes source.
- Author: Brian Neal
- DrawMap A program for drawing representations of the Earth's
- surface. Can generate flat maps, mercator maps,
- a globe view, or an orbital view. Includes source.
- Author: Bryan Brown
- Emporos You are living on the island of Emporos, where several
- countries exist. Your goal is to make one of these
- countries your own. There is only one way to do this,
- and you have to find it out. Binary only.
- Author: Roland Richter
- esuoM A little screen hack that causes the mouse pointer to
- move in the opposite direction of the mouse. Includes
- source.
- Author: Rob Eisenhuth
- LeftyMouse Swaps the functions of the left and right mouse buttons
- so that Lefties can use the mouse with their left hands.
- Includes source.
- Author: Rob Eisenhuth
- Shuffle A basic screen shuffler. Re-defines the key combination
- Left-Amiga-M to push the FRONT screen to the back, instead
- of pushing the Workbench screen to the back. Includes
- source.
- Author: Rob Eisenhuth
- Sim A simulator for register-transfer nets, which are used to
- describe hardware systems. This version also provides
- a compiler to define new devices in addition to Sim's
- internal devices. Version 4.0, binary only.
- Author: Gotz Muller
- --------------------
- AskTask Allows you to examine various bits of the task structures
- of all tasks in the system, from the lists attached to
- ExecBase. Diskplays priority, state, flags, stack,
- signals, etc. You can also remove tasks, change the
- priority of a task, or send arbitrary signals to a
- task. Version 2/4/89, includes source.
- Author: J. Bickers
- Fedup A random access, byte oriented file-editor that gives
- you the option of viewing and editing any file (binary
- or ASCII) using either ASCII or hexadecimal notation.
- Version 2.1, binary only.
- Author: Martin Lindemann
- FileIt A simple database program, written in DRACO. It is
- meant to be portable, thus it does not use any of
- Intuition's facilities. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: John Davis
- NComm A communications program based on Comm version 1.34, by
- DJ James, with lots of very nice enhancements. Also
- includes several auxiliary programs such as AddCall,
- CallInfo, IbmIso, PbConvert, and ReadMail. This is
- version 1.8, binary only.
- Author: DJ James, Daniel Bloch, Torkel Lodberg, et al.
- PrivHndlr A privilege violation handler for the 68010 cpu. Like
- Decigel, but survives a reboot so you can use it with
- copy protected programs that run from boot. Version 3,
- includes source in assembly code.
- Author: John Veldthuis
- Quattro Another Tetris like program. Has three levels of
- play difficulty, sound effects, a 43-color background,
- next stone preview, and joystick or numberpad control.
- Version 1.0, binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Karl-Erik Jenss
- --------------------
- Diff Yet another diff program. This one implements the
- algorithm from Communications of the ACM, April 78.
- It produces output which might be considered to be
- a little more user friendly than the standard Unix
- style diff programs. Includes source.
- Author: Donald C. Lindsay
- File A program that recognizes various types of files and
- prints what that type is. Recognizes font files,
- icon files, executable files, standard object files,
- compressed files, command scripts, C source, directories,
- iff files, LaTeX source, modula II source, arc files,
- shell commands and scripts, TeX source, dvi files,
- uuencoded files, yacc files, zoo archives, etc.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Edwin Hoogerbeets
- NoClick2 A program which silences the clicking of empty drives
- on the B2000 under AmigaDOS 1.3. It should also work
- on an A500. Binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Norman Iscove
- Plot A package for making 2D and 3D plots conveniently.
- AG Baxter wrote the intuition interface program (Plot)
- and Tim Mooney wrote the MultiPlot and ThreeDPlot
- programs, which are called from Plot. This is version
- 1.2 and includes source to Plot.
- Author: AG Baxter, Tim Mooney
- Sed This is the GNU sed (stream editor) program, ported to
- the Amiga. Sed copies the named files, or the standard
- input, to its standard output, while performing certain
- editing operations specified in the command line script
- or in a scriptfile. Version 1.02, includes source.
- Author: Unknown, ported to Amiga by Edwin Hoogerbeets
- --------------------
- BallyIII Amiga port of the former arcade game named Click. This
- version fixes some minor bugs and is faster than the
- previous versions. This is version III, an update to
- the version released on disk 221. Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- Dbug Machine independent macro based C debugging package.
- Provides function trace, selective printing of internal
- state information, and more. This is an update to the
- version released on disk 102, and now includes a machine
- independent stack use accounting mechanism. Includes
- source.
- Author: Fred Fish; profiling support by Binayak Banerjee
- ReSourceDemo A demo version of ReSource, an interactive disassembler
- for the Amiga. This is a complete version except that
- the "save" features have been disabled. This is version
- 3.06, an update to version 0.36 from disk 192. Binary
- only.
- Author: Glen McDiarmid
- --------------------
- Brik A general purpose program that calculates both text and
- binary cyclic redundancy codes (CRCs). Text mode CRCs
- calculated by brik are portable across systems for files
- that are in the usual text format on each system. Binary
- mode CRCs are portable for files that are moved from
- system to system without any change. Brik can be used
- to verify and update an embedded checksum header in files.
- It runs under MS-DOS, UNIX system V, BSD UNIX, VAX/VMS,
- and AmigaDOS. This is version 2.0 and includes source.
- Author: Rahul Dhesi
- CacheCard An accessory to SetCPU for use with A2620 cards or
- 68030 systems. It modifies the MMU table set up by SetCPU
- to selectively control caching for each expansion card.
- It's also an example of how an accessory program can
- track down and modify the SetCPU MMU table without having
- to read all kinds of MMU registers and figure it out for
- yourself. Version 1.00, includes source.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 001-231 using the brik
- program also on this disk. These were made directly from
- my master disks. I have switched to brik, from the crc
- program used to make the lists on disks 133, 146, and 173,
- because it has more features and because source is
- available.
- Author: Fred Fish
- --------------------
- KwikBackUp A harddisk backup program that writes data track by track
- onto multiple floppy disks. Uses the archive bit, saves
- and restores comments and protection flags, and skips
- over bad spots during restore. Version 1.0, includes
- source in Modula-II.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- MuchMore Another program like "more", "less", "pg", etc. This one
- uses its own screen to show the text using a slow scroll.
- Includes built-in help, commands to search for text, and
- commands to print the text. Works with PAL or NTSC, in
- normal or overscan modes. Supports 4 color text in bold,
- italic, underlined, or inverse fonts. Version 1.8,
- includes source in Modula-II and assembly code.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- NetWork Another program in the long tradition of "screen hacks"
- for the Amiga. Won't spoil the surprise by saying what
- it does. Version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- PrintIt A program to print IFF pictures on Epson compatible 9-pin
- printers. Prints in many resolutions, with many ways
- to convert color pics to black and white. Version 1.0,
- includes source in Modula-II.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- WBPic Replaces Workbench's color 0 with an IFF hires non-
- interlaced picture, in 2 or 4 colors. Version 1.0,
- includes source in Modula-II.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- XHair Replaces the mouse pointer with a screen wide crosshair,
- which is useful for positioning things vertically or
- horizontally. Version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- --------------------
- CalcKey A basic four function, memory resident, pop-up calculator
- which uses only about 24K of memory and can automatically
- type the answer to any calculation into the program you
- were using when it was popped up. Version 1.0, binary
- only, shareware.
- Author: Craig Fisher
- Ct An Amiga program to display images from a CT scanner,
- along with several new interesting sample images of scans
- of real people. The display software, though it has a
- primitive user interface, is quite powerful, including
- functions like convolutions, averaging, laplacians, unsharp
- masking, edge detection, gradients, etc. This is version
- 2.2, an update to the version on disk 137. Binary only.
- Additional image disks available from author.
- Author: Jonathan Harman
- MirrorWars A new game featuring sound, title music, and two
- player mode. You fight your opponent via laser rays,
- but beware of the mirrors reflecting your shots.
- Binary only.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- --------------------
- AmigaBench Optimized Amiga assembly versions of the Dhrystone
- benchmark. Includes 68000 and 68020 versions.
- Author: Al Aburto
- DiskHandler A sample implementation of a file system that reads and
- writes 1.2 format diskettes. Includes source.
- Author: Software Distillery
- Heart3D A program to find left ventricle outlines in the output
- of an Imatron CT scanner, and display wireframe animations
- of the beating heart. Includes several sample CT scan
- outputs. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Harman
- Ls Version 3.1 of the popular UNIX style directory lister.
- This is an update to version 2.0 from disk 178, and
- includes some bug fixes, support for multiple wildcard
- pathnames, quicker sorting, a best-fit output, new
- output width and height options, and some other
- new features. Includes source.
- Author: Justin V. McCormick.
- Proc Example program of how to create a full-fledged DOS
- process without needing to call LoadSeg first. Based
- on an idea presented at BADGE. Includes source.
- Author: Leo Schwab
- XprZmodem An Amiga shared library which provides ZModem file
- transfer capability to any XPR-compatible communications
- program. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Rick Huebner
- --------------------
- CLIPrint An example of printing to the CLI from assembly code.
- Includes source (of course).
- Author: Jeff Glatt
- CType Another text file reader, but this one is small, reasonably
- fast, and includes bi-directional scrolling, search, go to
- a given percentage, and printing capabilities. Version 1.0,
- includes source in assembly.
- Author: Bill Nelson
- DPlot A simple display program for experimental data, with the
- goals of supporting paging through lots of data and
- providing comfortable scaling and presentation. Version
- 1.0, source available from author.
- Author: A. A. Walma
- ILBMLib A shared library (ilbm.library) to read/write IFF files,
- derived from the EA IFF code, along with various
- enhancements. Includes examples of using the library
- from C code, assembly code, or BASIC, along with source
- for examples and interface code.
- Author: Jeff Glatt
- ParOut Shows how to allocate and communicate directly with the
- parallel port hardware from an assembly language program.
- Includes source.
- Author: Jeff Glatt (original C code by Phillip Lindsay)
- Speed A performance benchmark useful for comparing Amiga
- processing speeds. Performs 10000 iterations of some
- selected groups of 68000 instructions while using the
- DateStamp time function to record how many ticks it takes
- to complete. This timed duration is then compared against
- two known prestored times, one for a stock A2000 Amiga and
- one for an A2620 enhanced A2000. A relative comparison
- is calculated and displayed. Version 1.0, includes source
- in assembly language.
- Author: Jez San
- --------------------
- CWDemo Demo version of a pop-up utility to control the color
- register assignments of Intuition custom screens.
- Version 3.1, binary only.
- Author: Kimbersoft
- DMouse A versatile screen & mouse blanker, auto window activator,
- mouse accelerator, popcli, pop window to front, push
- window to back, etc, widget. Includes DLineArt, a screen
- blanker replacement program for use with DMouse. This is
- DMouse version 1.20, an update to version 1.10 on disk
- 168/169. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- LabelPrint A program that allows you to easily print labels for
- your disks. This is version 2.5, an update to version
- 1.9 from disk 210. Shareware, binary only (source
- available from author).
- Author: Andreas Krebs
- NGC Yet another virus check program. Checks the bootblock on
- all inserted floppy disks and reports nonstandard ones.
- Checks the jump tables of all resident libraries and devices
- and reports suspicious entries. Version 1, includes source
- in assembly.
- Author: Ulf Nordquist
- Pyth A program to draw the Tree of Pythagoras. Version 1.1,
- includes source.
- Author: Andreas Krebs
- Steinschlag A tetris like game (Steinschlag means "Falling Rock")
- submitted by the author. This is version 1.8, an update
- to version 1.5 from disk 221. Binary only.
- Author: Peter Handel
- --------------------
- This is disk 239 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- It contains Forth programs from the JGoodies #1 disk, from Delta Research
- (the makers of JForth Professional 2.0). All of the material has been
- placed into a subdirectory (JGoodies). Below is a listing of
- subdirectories under JGoodies, and their contents.
- Brunjes Various tools submitted together by the author. StringPkg
- is string package for both Forth style and NUL terminated
- strings. Date&Time are handy tools for getting and printing
- formatted date and time. Utils are utilities used by the
- other files. CursorControl is an example of moving the text
- cursor. SpaceOrEscape is a handy word for pausing or
- stopping program output. Includes source code.
- Author: Roy Brunjes
- Evolution This program graphically simulates the evolution of a
- species of "bugs", the insect kind. Bugs, represented by
- moving blobs, eat bacteria represented by single pixels.
- They mutate, compete for food, reproduce and pass their
- mutations to their offspring. Fascinating example of
- graphics and software simulation. Standalone image and
- source code.
- Author: Russel Yost
- FFT Highly optimized Fast Fourier Transform tools for digital
- signal processing. The FFT can be used to compute the
- frequency spectrum of a complex signal. It is useful in
- a variety of different applications. Floating point and
- integer versions. Mixture of high level and assembly
- language code. Includes source (requires JForth).
- Author: Jerry Kallaus
- Guru Handy "guru" number interpreter (well, handy after reboot
- anyway!). Tells you what "81000009" means, for example.
- CLI usage only. Standalone image with readme file. Source
- code included.
- Author: Mike Haas
- H2J Converts 'C' style '.h' include files to JForth style '.j'
- files. Useful when developing interfaces to new Amiga
- libraries like ARP, etc. Standalone image and source code.
- Author: Phil Burk
- HAMmmm2 Graphics hack that displays moving lines in a HAM screen
- for a hypnotic effect. Uses sound tools from HMSL if
- available, for a drone sound that corresponds to the
- graphics image. Standalone image and source code.
- Author: Phil Burk
- HeadClean This program, combined with a fibre cleaning disk, can be
- used to clean the heads on your disk drives. Source code
- examples of accessing the Trackdisk device, and using
- gadgets are included. Standalone image with source code.
- Shareware. Version 2.0.
- Author: Phil Burk
- JustBeeps Simple example of using Audio and Timer devices. Plays a
- series of beeps whose pitches are based on a just intoned
- tuning system. Standalone image with source code.
- Author: Phil Burk
- Mandelbrot A fast Mandelbrot rendering program that uses some of the
- mathematical properties of the Mandelbrot set to greatly
- reduce the drawing time. Demonstrates graphics programming,
- assembly language, menus and IFF file I/O. Standalone image
- with source code.
- Author: Nick Didkovsky
- NeuralNet Example of Neural Net programming converted to JForth.
- Demonstrates a programming technique that many say is the
- wave of the future for software. This is a simple demo that
- shows neural propagation. Standalone image with source code.
- Author: Robert E. La Quey, ported by Jack Woehr
- Textra This easy-to-use text editor allows multiple windows,
- and provides a simple mouse driven interface. Those
- familiar with the "Macintosh style" editors will be
- comfortable with Textra's Cut, Copy and Paste commands.
- Standalone image. Documentation included. No source code.
- Author: Mike Haas
- --------------------
- CrossDOS A "tryware" version of a mountable MS-DOS file system
- for the Amiga. This is a software product that allows
- you to read and write MS-DOS/PC-DOS and Atari ST
- formatted disks (Version 2.0 or higher) directly from
- AmigaDOS. This tryware version is a "readonly" version,
- which does not allow any writes to the disk. A fully
- functional version is available for a very reasonable
- price from CONSULTRON. Version 3.02, binary only.
- Author: CONSULTRON, Leonard Poma
- Dis An AmigaDOS shareable library which implements a symbolic
- single-instruction disassembler for the MC68000 family and
- a program which uses the library to disassemble/dump
- AmigaDOS object files, making full use of symbolic and
- relocation information. Includes source code in Draco.
- Author: Chris Gray
- DM-Maps IFF maps to the Dungeon Master game. All 14 levels are
- included.
- Author: Unknown
- MemLib A link library of routines to aid in debugging memory
- problems. Works with Lattice C 5.0 and possibly with
- earlier versions. It's features include trashing all
- allocated memory, trashing all freed memory, keeping
- track of freed memory with notification if it is
- written to, notification of memory freed twice or
- not at all, notification of overrunning or underrunning
- allocated memory, generation of low memory conditions
- for testing purposes, and identification of violations
- of memory use by filename and line number of the
- allocating routine. Includes source.
- Author: John Toebes and Doug Walker
- RunBack This is version 6, an update to the version on disk 152
- (the version on disk 214 appears to be on a different
- evolutionary path). This version compiles under Lattice
- with many optimizations enabled, and can be made resident.
- Includes source.
- Author: Rob Peck, Daniel Barrett, Greg Searle, Doug Keller
- XprLib External file transfer protocol library. Document and
- code example for implementing external file transfer
- protocols using Amiga shared libraries. This is an
- update to the version included with the vlt program on
- disk 226.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- --------------------
- ASDG-rrd Extremely useful shareware recoverable ram disk. This
- AmigaDOS device driver implements a completely DOS
- compatible disk device in memory that survives resets,
- guru's, and crashes. An absolute must for those with
- lots of ram. This is an update to the version released
- on disk 58. It now works with up to 8Mb of memory. It
- was rewritten in assembly and is now faster and much
- smaller. Binary only.
- Author: Perry Kivolowitz, ASDG Inc.
- CBBS The W0RLI BBS system for use in amateur radio. Originally
- written for IBM-PC compatibles, it was ported to the Amiga
- by Pete Hardie. This is version 6.1c with source code.
- Author: Hank Oredson, the CBBS group, Pete Hardie
- Fix68010 A program which patches executables that fail to run
- on machines equipped with an M68010, so that they no
- longer use the prohibited priviledged instructions.
- Binary only.
- Author: Gregor Brandt
- Man A program similar to the UNIX "man" program. Displays
- information about a topic from manual pages. Does not
- include any database of topics, you have to supply your
- own. Version 1.2, includes source.
- Author: Garry Glendown
- NoClick A program which silences the clicking of empty drives
- on the B2000 under AmigaDOS 1.3. It should also work
- on an A500. This is version 3.4, an update to the
- version on disk 231. Includes assembly source code.
- Author: Norman Iscove
- Tiles A basic tile game like Shanghai or GunShy. A board is
- covered with a set of 144 tiles, 36 different sets of
- 4 identical tiles, each with a picture on it. The
- object is to remove all the tiles, 2 at a time, by
- matching identical tiles. Version 2.1, includes source
- in Modula II.
- Author: Todd Lewis
- --------------------
- BootBlocks Detailed documentation on what a bootblock is and
- how it works, along with some sample bootblocks and
- a program to install a custom bootblock. Includes
- source for the sample bootblocks and the install
- program.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- Check4Mem Allows you to check for a specified amount of memory,
- with certain attributes, from a batch file. If the
- requirements are not met, a WARN returncode is generated.
- Version 2, includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- CustReq A glorified ASK command for your startup-sequence. It
- generates a requester with the specified title, text,
- positive and negative gadgets (either of which can
- be the default), and an optional timeout value.
- Version 2, includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- FileReq This is Jonathan's second version of a file requester,
- and is much more powerful than the one included on disk
- 204. Shareware, includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- FullView A text viewer that uses gadgets at the bottom of the screen
- (thus can display text 80 columns wide), opens up to the
- full height of the workbench screen, has fast scrolling,
- and can work with compressed files (file compression
- program included). Shareware, binary only, source available
- from author.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- Image-Ed An icon editor that allows you to draw and edit images up to
- 150 by 90, in up to 16 colors. Allows freehand drawing,
- empty or filled rectangles, ellipses, and triangles, lines
- curves, and polygons, copy, flip about x or y axis,
- stretching and condensing, flood fill and complement,
- text with selection and loading of font style, undo,
- magnified and normal sized images, and two active drawing
- screens at once. This is version 2.2, an update to version
- 1.9 on disk 211. Binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- JAR A shareware game (Jump And Run) using 3-D graphics. Your
- task is to collect the blue pills lying on the floors and
- steps, not to fall down or off the steps, and to avoid
- several monsters wandering about. You can collect various
- sorts of weapons to use against the monsters. Version 1.0,
- binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Andreas Ehrentraut
- JPClock A short clock program that is just packed with features.
- This is version 1.2, an update to version on disk 204.
- Includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- PPrefs Preferable Preferences is a program designed to replace
- the standard preferences, that is shorter, more efficient,
- and easier to use. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- PaletteReq An easy way to set the palette of any screen from your
- program. Includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- PopInfo A small utility which "pops open" to give you information
- about the status of your devices and memory. This is
- version 3.1, an update to version 3.0 on disk 223.
- Includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- ZeroVirus A fully integrated virus checker and killer, with bootblock
- save and restore features. Finds both bootblock and file
- based viruses. This is version 1.3, binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- --------------------
- FragIt A dynamic memory thrasher for the Amiga. FragIt randomly
- allocates and deallocates psuedo-random size values of
- memory, ranging from 16 bytes to 50000 bytes by default.
- The result is an allocation nightmare, thousands of memory
- fragments are being created and destroyed continuously.
- This puts stress on the memory allocation routines of an
- application undergoing testing by simulating a very busy,
- highly fragmented memory environment. This is version 2.0,
- featuring many bug fixes, a full intuition interface,
- configuration settings via the icon, and more. Includes
- source.
- Author: Justin V. McCormick
- ImageLab A program which performs image processing on IFF pictures.
- Includes standard image processing functions such as
- convolution, averaging, smoothing, enhancement, histograms,
- FFT's, etc. Also includes file conversion functions,
- a clipboard, and other useful functions. Version 2.2,
- binary only.
- Author: Gary Milliorn
- LPE LaTeX Picture Editor is a graphical editor for producing
- "pictures" for the LaTeX system, which may be imported by
- LaTeX. You can draw boxes, dashed boxes, lines, vectors,
- circles, boxes with centered text, and plain text. This
- is version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Joerg Geissler
- NoClick A program which silences the clicking of empty drives
- on the B2000 under AmigaDOS 1.3. It should also work
- on an A500. This is version 3.5, a last minute update
- to version 3.4 on disk 241. Includes assembly source code.
- Author: Norman Iscove
- Password A program which enhances your computers security by making
- it complicated enough that users without your password
- will get discouraged trying to boot and use your system.
- This should keep out most casual or nontechnical users.
- Version 1.21p, binary only.
- Author: George Kerber
- Pcopy An intuition based disk copier similiar to the resident
- "DiskCopy". This is version 2.0, a highly upgraded
- rewrite of the version on disk 151. It features high speed
- diskcopy with write-verify and data recovery from damaged
- tracks. A lot of effort has gone into making this copier
- friendly in its usage, as well in its multitasking
- properties. Binary only.
- Author: Dirk Reisig
- SimGen This program will add a 2 or 4 color picture to your
- WorkBench screen. If the picture is digitized, it will
- look much like a genlock, hence the name SimGen (Simulated
- Genlock). Binary only.
- Author: Gregg Tavares
- SuperLines A new lines demo with a realtime control panel that you
- can use to change various aspects of the action. Has 10
- builtin color palettes, support for things like color
- "smudge", color cycling, color "bounce", multiple resolu-
- tions, and can display either lines or boxes. This is
- version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Chris Bailey
- WarpUtil Warp (version 1.11), UnWarp (version 1.0), and WarpSplit
- (version 1.1). Warp reads raw filesystems and archives
- them into a compressed version in a normal file. UnWarp
- turns them back into filesystems. WarpSplit splits them
- up into smaller pieces on a track by track basis.
- Binary only.
- Author: SDS Software
- --------------------
- BBChampion This is BootBlockChampionIII, a very nicely done program
- that allows you to load, save, and analyze any bootblock.
- This is version 3.1, binary only.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- BootIntro This program creates a small intro on the bootblock of any
- disk, which will appear after you insert the disk for
- booting. The headline can be up to 44 characters. The
- scrolling text portion can be up to 300 characters. This
- is version 1.2, an update to version 1.0 on disk 188.
- Binary only.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- FMC An alternative to the NoFastMem program. Uses a cute little
- switch gadget to turn fast memory on or off. Version 1.2,
- includes source in assembly code.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- SizeChecker Size checker uses a list of possible sizes of a file to
- check for unexpected changes in the size of those files.
- For example, it can be used to spot a link virus or to
- point out changes in the configuration of your system.
- With the appropriate comments added to your size list,
- you can check to see what version of the files you are
- using (1.2, 1.3, 1.4, ARP, etc). Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- TextDisplay A text display program, like "more" or "less", but about
- half the size and handles all screen formats (pal/ntsc,
- interlace/non-interlace, etc). This is version 1.52, an
- update to version 1.1 on disk 188. Binary only.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- XColor A program designed to change the colors of any screen.
- You can also add and subtract bitplanes in the screen,
- or convert the screen to black and white (grayscale).
- Handles HAM and EHB screens. Version 1.2, includes
- source in assembly code.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- --------------------
- ATOF A small utility that allows you to use the fonts of another
- disk without using the CLI. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- BootIntro This program creates a small intro on the bootblock of
- any disk, which will appear after you insert the disk for
- booting. This is the "next generation" BootIntro, a
- more colorful version than the one on disk 244, but
- the text must be shorter. The first line can be up to
- 24 characters. The second and third lines can be up to
- 22 characters. The scrolling text can be up to 98
- characters. This is "next generation version 1.1".
- Binary only.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- Fenster A program which can operate on windows owned by another
- program, to close them, change their size, refresh gadgets,
- move the window to the background, etc. Version 1.0,
- includes source.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- PathMaster A file requester with lots of features. Can be easily
- configured by the programmer to suit a variety of
- applications. Includes source.
- Author: Justin McCormick
- Reversi Plays the classical reversi game on an 8 x 8 square field.
- Version 1.2, includes source in assembly code.
- Author: Marc Fischlin
- Vlt This is a binary update to the vlt program on disk 226,
- and fixes a problem with external protocol support.
- You still need the rest of the files from disk 226.
- Version 4.065, binary only.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- --------------------
- Dmake Release version 1.0 of Matt's version of the UNIX make
- utility. Update to beta version released on disk 179.
- Features multiple dependancies, wildcard support, and
- more. Binary only.
- Author: Matt Dillion
- LabelPrint A program that allows you to easily print labels for
- your disks. This is version 2.5b, an update to version
- 2.5 from disk 238. Shareware, binary only (source
- available from author).
- Author: Andreas Krebs
- NComm A terminal program for the Amiga based on comm version 1.34.
- Has hot keys for most program functions (including dialing
- up to 10 phone numbers), PAL and NTSC support for normal
- or interlaced screens, screen I/O greater than 2400
- baud, ANSI/VT100 terminal emulation with full 8 color
- text support, IBM graphics, optional translation styles,
- split screen mode, full user control of color palette, full
- support for all European languages, full serial port control
- with baud rates up to 19200, script language, phonebook,
- keyboard macros, and more. Version 1.8, binary only.
- Author: DJ James, Daniel Bloch, et. al.
- NoClick A program which silences the clicking of empty drives
- on the B2000 under AmigaDOS 1.3. It should also work
- on an A500. This is version 3.6, an update to version
- to version 3.5 on disk 243. Includes assembly source
- code.
- Author: Norman Iscove
- ScreenShare A library and support programs that enable applications
- to open up windows on other applications' custom screens.
- For example, your editor may want to open a window on
- your terminal emulator's screen so you can compose a
- message while still being able to see the contents of
- the terminal's screen. Both applications must cooperate
- for the screen sharing to work. Version 1.2, includes
- source for interface portions.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- Ty A text display program based on Amiga "less" version 1.0.
- Has both keyboard and mouse control of all functions,
- an intuition interface, and uses the Amiga specific
- keys (such as the Help key) correctly. Version 1.3,
- includes source.
- Author: Mark Nudelman, Bob Leivian, Tony Wills
- --------------------
- AnalogJoystick Software support for use of analog joysticks on the Amiga.
- Includes a driver, a header file for code that calls the
- driver, and an example program that uses the driver.
- Includes source.
- Author: Dave Kinzer
- AssemTools A collection of files which should be of great interest
- to Amiga assembly language programmers. The collection
- includes 140 macro routines which make assembly language
- programming a lot easier. There is also a library of
- routines containing buffered C-like file handling
- functions (fopen, fclose, fgets, fputs, etc) and a file
- name requester. All routines are re-entrant. Includes
- source for example programs using the macros and library,
- and a 65c02 cross macro assembler.
- Author: Jukka Marin
- RemoteLogin A couple of programs which make possible remote access to
- your Amiga. One program checks the serial port for an
- incoming call, and starts a program when it is detected.
- The other is a password protection program which allows
- starting various programs based upon login id, thus
- providing some minimal security for your computer.
- Includes source.
- Author: Dave Kinzer
- XprLib External file transfer protocol library. Document and
- code example for implementing external file transfer
- protocols using Amiga shared libraries. This is version
- 2.0, an update to the version on disk 240, with many
- extensions and enhancements. Includes sample XPR library
- and source.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- --------------------
- AmiGantt A project definition and management tool designed to
- create a simple, interactive method of outlining the
- task required to complete a particular project, using
- the GANTT chart as the input format. AmiGantt displays
- the project in a multi-window mode with separate windows
- for the GANTT chart, task information input, resource
- histogram display, and Pert chart display. Up to 500
- tasks may be defined for any project, and a project may
- contain other projects as tasks. Version 3.0.0, shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: Donald Tolson
- CLI-Colors A simple little program to change the colors of the border
- around a CLI window. Includes source in assembly code.
- Author: Michael Sinz
- Flipper A small, fast, Othello program. Does not use any look-
- ahead methods. Binary only.
- Author: Michael Sinz
- Maze An example of a fully re-entrant maze generation program
- written in assembly language using Manx's assembler.
- Includes source.
- Author: Michael Sinz
- NetHandler The Software Distillery's network file system handler
- (NET:), using Matt Dillon's DNET to mount one Amiga's
- devices on another Amiga. It also serves as an example
- file system written entirely in Lattice C. Version 1.0,
- includes source.
- Author: Software Distillery
- Regex An Amiga shared library version of the GNU regular
- expression package from the Free Software Foundation.
- A regular expression is a concise method of describing
- a pattern of characters in a string. By use of special
- wildcards, almost any pattern can be described. A regular
- expression pattern can be used for searching strings in
- such programs as editors or other string handling programs.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Edwin Hoogerbeets, FSF, Jim Mackraz
- --------------------
- Automata Four cellular automata programs. AutomaTron is a one
- dimensional cellular automation, Crud is a automation
- based on a sum index rule, Demon is a cyclic space
- automation described in the Aug 89 Scientific American,
- and Life is one of the oldest and best known of all
- cellular automata. Includes source.
- Author: Gary Teachout
- Slicer Slicer computes and displays images of the Mandelbrot
- and Julia sets. Unlike many Mandelbrot programs that
- generate pictures directly, Slicer computes and stores
- an array of raw data which it may then render into
- pictures in a number of ways. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Gary Teachout
- TurMite A two dimensional turing machine simulator. Imagine a
- small bug crawling around on your computer display moving
- one pixel at a time. At each step it uses its internal
- state number and the color of the pixel it's on as indexes
- into a set of tables to decide what color to change the
- pixel to, what direction to move, and what its new internal
- state should be. Includes source.
- Author: Gary Teachout
- --------------------
- ASimplex An implementation of the Simplex algorithm for solving
- linear programs. It uses the standardized MPSX-format
- for input data files. This is version 1.5, an update
- to version 1.2 on disk 199. Changes include bug fixes,
- the ability to run from CLI, it's own window for I/O,
- and some new and improved commands. Includes source.
- Author: Stefan Forster
- Gravity-Well A celestial motion simulator that simulates the motion
- of up to twenty bodies in a Newtonian universe. The
- view of the simulation may be scaled, rotated in three
- dimensions or repositioned. Includes source.
- Author: Gary Teachout
- Paranoids An asylum escape game. Paranoids is a traditional board
- game played by drawing cards, rolling dice, and moving
- pieces around the board. Each player has six pieces,
- four patients and two doctors. The object of the game is
- to get all of your patients out of the asylum. This is
- version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Richard Anderson and Gary Teachout
- RPSC A reverse polish scientific calculator. RPSC is a
- programmable RPN calculator in the Hewlett-Packard
- tradition. It supports operations with real numbers,
- complex numbers, matrices, and 3-D vectors, as well as
- storage and recall of labeled variables. Data and
- programs may be saved, loaded, or written as ASCII text,
- to AmigaDOS files. This is version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Gary Teachout
- --------------------
- Debug A symbolic debugger for the Amiga. Features include
- symbolic disassembly, simple expression parsing,
- multiple breakpoints, memory fill, memory dump,
- single step in trace mode, skip over subroutines, etc.
- Version 2.10, binary only.
- Author: Jim Thibodeau and Larry LaPlume
- DiskSalv A disk recovery program for all Amiga file system devices
- that use either the Amiga Standard File System or the
- Amiga Fast File System. Disksalv creates a new filesystem
- structure on another device, with as much data salvaged from
- the original device as possible. This is version 1.42, an
- update to the version released on disk 212. Binary only.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- DiskSpeed A disk speed testing program specifically designed to give
- the most accurate results of the true disk performance of
- the disk under test. Automatically updates and maintains
- an ASCII database of disk results for tested disks. This
- is version 1.0, includes source in C.
- Author: Michael Sinz
- Linstrom Some miscellaneous small programs from the Linstrom family.
- Includes some basic games, some programs based on algorithms
- from the Computer Recreations column in Scientific American
- (demon, turmites, mountain), and a fish tank simulator.
- Includes source.
- Author: Lloyd Linstrom and family
- Monopoly A simulation of the Parker Brother's board game MONOPOLY.
- Binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Ed Musgrove
- RoadRoute A trip planner that takes a list of cities and a list
- of known routes between cities, and generates the distance
- and time required to reach your destination. Version 1.0,
- includes source.
- Author: Jim Butterfield
- --------------------
- CrossDOS A "tryware" version of a mountable MS-DOS file system
- for the Amiga. This is a software product that allows
- you to read and write MS-DOS/PC-DOS and Atari ST
- formatted disks (Version 2.0 or higher) directly from
- AmigaDOS. This tryware version is a "readonly" version,
- which does not allow any writes to the disk. A fully
- functional version is available for a very reasonable
- price from CONSULTRON. This is version 3.05b, an update
- to version 3.02 on disk 240. Binary only.
- Author: CONSULTRON, Leonard Poma
- TrekTrivia Very nice mouse-driven trivia type program for Star Trek
- fans. Contains 100 questions with additional trivia disks
- available from the author. This is version 2.0, an update
- to the version on disk 180, and includes selectable skill
- levels, a cheat mode, and 250K of digitized music. Binary
- only, shareware.
- Author: George Broussard
- Zerg An Ultima clone that takes your character through a simple
- but deadly fantasy world where you get to slaughter monsters,
- talk with the inhabitants of fully populated towns, embark
- on royal quests, purchase a plethora of weapons, cast spells,
- and otherwise occupy yourself while your computer is engaged
- in more important business. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Mike Shapiro
- --------------------
- DumpDiff A small utility that prints the hexdumps of 2 files,
- with all differences between these two files highlighted.
- Version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- Elements Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table
- of Elements. Can display a large amount of pertinent
- data about a selected element along with a good deal of
- general and miscellaneous info. This is version 1.2a,
- an update to the version on disk 175. It loads faster,
- takes up less disk space, fixes a minor bug, and adds
- a couple of enhancements. Includes source in C.
- Author: Paul Thomas Miller
- KeyMac A keyboard macro processor that allows you to record
- keystrokes and then play them back. Version 0.1,
- includes source in Modula-II.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- MegaWB A program that makes it possible to make your WorkBench
- screen as large as you like. Version 1.2, includes source
- in Modula-II.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- MuchMore Another program like "more", "less", "pg", etc. This one
- uses its own screen to show the text using a slow scroll.
- Includes built-in help, commands to search for text, and
- commands to print the text. Works with PAL or NTSC, in
- normal or overscan modes. Supports 4 color text in bold,
- italic, underlined, or inverse fonts. Version 2.5, this
- is an update to version 1.8 from disk 234. Includes source
- in Modula-II and assembly code.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- MultiSelect A small program that makes it possible to select several
- icons on the workbench without having to press the Shift
- key. This is version 1.0, includes source in Modula-II.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- PowerPacker A shareware command and data cruncher, with a full intuition
- user interface. Executable files which are crunched are
- automatically decrunched upon execution, thus saving precious
- disk space on systems without hard disks. Version 2.3b,
- binary only.
- Author: Nico Francois
- WBShadow A small program that creates a shadow for everything
- that's displayed on your WorkBench (Windows, Icons, Gadgets,
- Menus, Texts, etc). This is version 1.0, includes source
- in Modula-II.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- With A CLI command that allows you to start any other CLI command
- several times and give it all the files that match a file
- pattern as an argument, one at a time. This is version 1.0,
- includes source in Modula-II.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- --------------------
- Etale Another "more" or "less" type file reader, which differs
- from the others in that it supports superscripts and
- subscripts at very low memory cost, and supports a
- complete Greek alphabet. Includes source.
- Author: William Hammond
- MachII A "mouse accelerator" program that also includes hotkeys,
- the features of sun mouse, clicktofront, popcli, title bar
- clock with a bbs online charge accumulator, and more.
- This is version 2.6, an update to version 2.4c on disk
- 163. Binary only.
- Author: Brian Moats
- PatternLib A sharable library which implements AmigaDOS pattern
- matching, and a program that compiles "fd" files into
- library headers and interface stubs. Includes source
- in Draco.
- Author: Chris Gray (?), posted on BIX by Jeff White
- SlotCars A fast action one or two player game of "dueling" slotcars.
- Shoot rockets at your opponent and avoid his. Binary only.
- Author: Brian Moats
- Uedit Version 2.5b of this nice shareware editor. Has learn
- mode, a command language, menu customization, hyper text,
- and other user configurability and customizability
- features. Binary only, shareware, replaces version 2.4g
- on disk 189.
- Author: Rick Stiles
- --------------------
- CyclicSpace A Griffeathian cyclic space generator program. Implements
- a cellular automaton as described in the August 89 issue
- of Scientific American. Version 1.42, includes source in
- assembly code.
- Author: A. J. Brouwer
- MakeIcon This program will make an icon (.info file) using image
- data from either another icon, or an IFF picture file.
- The image data is drawn on the screen so you can see
- exactly what your icon will look like. You can also
- go the other way, and make IFF files from icons, which
- can then be loaded into a standard IFF graphics editor.
- Version 1.1, binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Paul Blum
- MED A music editor much like SoundTracker. A song consists
- of up to 50 blocks of music, which can be played in any
- order. Editing features include cut/paste/copy tracks
- or blocks, changing the vibrato, tempo, crescendo, and
- note volume. Other features include switching of the
- low-pass-filter on or off on a per song basis, and a cute
- little animated pointer of a guy doing "jumping jacks" in
- time to the music! This is version 1.12, binary only.
- Source for a player program included.
- Author: Teijo Kinnunen
- RolandD110 A program to transfer sound samples between the Amiga
- and a Roland D-110. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Dieter Bruns
- RolandS220 A program to transfer sound samples between the Amiga
- and a Roland S-220. This is version 2.0, an update to
- MIDIsoft version 1.0 on disk 199. Includes several
- enhancements. Binary only.
- Author: Dieter Bruns
- SunMaze The 3d maze demo from disk 171, now expanded with shadows
- in the corridors to give more sense of direction. Includes
- source.
- Author: Werner Gunther, Shadows by Dirk Reisig
- --------------------
- BlitDemons This program implements the Demons cellular automaton as
- described in the August, 1989, issue of Scientific American.
- Using extremely simple rules it exhibits rather complex
- behaviour. Uses the blitter to perform over 350,000 cell-
- generations per second. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Walter Strickler
- NameGame A game based on a popular type of word skill puzzle contest
- generally sponsored by newspapers. Binary only.
- Author: Mike Savin, Gladstone Productions
- Stevie A public domain clone of the UNIX 'vi' editor. Supports
- window-sizing, arrow keys, and the help key. This is
- version 3.7a, an update to version 3.6 on disk 217.
- Changes include the addition of ARP wildcard expansion
- for file names, support for the "!cmd" feature of vi,
- other small enhancements, and some bug fixes. Includes
- source.
- Author: Various, Amiga work by G. R. (Fred) Walter
- --------------------
- ColorReq A color palette library callable from any program. Used
- to adjust the colors of any screen. Automatically adjusts
- to screen size, number of colors. Has many features
- including SPREAD, COPY, UNDO, RGB, HSV, as well as
- customizable gadgets. Binary only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt and Jim Fiore
- FileIO An update to the file requester library that appeared on
- disk #203. This one has new features, include files, docs,
- and examples in C, assembly, and Basic. Binary only
- Author: Jeff Glatt and Jim Fiore
- based on original C by R.J. Mical
- Vlt VLT is both a VT100 emulator and a Tektronix (4014 plus
- subset of 4105) emulator, currently in use at SLAC
- (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). Although the VT100
- part was originally based on Dave Wecker et al.'s VT100,
- many enhancements were made. The program requires ARP,
- and it has an ARexx port. XMODEM 1K/CRC and Kermit protocol
- support also included. Other features include support for
- additional serial ports, external file transfer protocols,
- and "chat" mode. The Tektronix emulation allows saving
- IFF files, PostScript files, and printing bitmaps to the
- printer. This is version 4.226, an update to version 4.065
- on disk 245 and version 4.036 on disk 226. It comes in two
- versions, one with Tektronix emulation, and one without.
- Other changes include full XPR version 2.0 support, and a
- scrollback/review/history buffer. Binary only.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- --------------------
- Backup Backup and Restore allow you to backup any directory
- tree with optional compression, and later extract all
- or part of the tree. The protection, date, and file
- comment are saved with each file. This is version 2.04,
- an update to version 2.01 on disk 168. Binary only.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- DMouse A versatile screen & mouse blanker, auto window activator,
- mouse accelerator, popcli, pop window to front, push
- window to back, etc, widget. Includes DLineArt, a screen
- blanker replacement program for use with DMouse. This is
- DMouse version 1.20, an update to the version on disk
- 238 (also called version 1.20). Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- STReplay A shared library which allows loading and playing of
- SoundTracker modules, even from high level languages like
- Basic or C, without any special effort. Includes source.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- Suplib The support library needed to rebuild various programs
- of Matt's from the source, including Dme, DMouse, etc.
- Update to version on disk 169. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- EFJ A fast action machine-code game (Escape From Jovi)
- featuring hi-res scrolling, large playfield, disk based
- high score list, stereo sound, multiple levels, a cheat
- mode, realistic inertia and gravitational effects, an
- animated sprite, and more. Use a joystick in port 2 to
- control the ship. This is version III, an update to the
- version on disk 148. Includes source in assembly code.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- --------------------
- Accordion Demo version of a solitaire type card game. The object
- of the game is to condense all the cards into one pile.
- The cards are dealt face up from left to right, one at
- a time. Piles are built by moving a card or pile from
- the left onto a card or pile to the right. Version 1.0.1,
- binary only.
- Author: Steve Francis
- Calculation Demo version of a solitaire type card game. The object
- of the game is to stack the cards into four ordered stacks,
- one that counts by one, another that counts by two, another
- that counts by three and another that counts by four.
- Version 1.0.2, binary only.
- Author: Steve Francis
- CCLib An implementation of the standard C library, that is done
- as an Amiga shared library, containing over 140 functions.
- Version 1.3, binary only.
- Author: Robert Albrecht
- SeaHaven Demo version of a solitaire type card game. The object
- of the game is to separate the deck into its four suits,
- each in an ordered stack from ace to king. Version 1.1,
- binary only.
- Author: Steve Francis
- --------------------
- CopDis A copper list disassembler that can be run from the
- CLI or linked with and run directly from an application
- program. This is version 0.0a and includes source.
- Author: Karl Lehenbauer
- ShowBiz A fun animation with mice, a dancing alligator,
- a sheep on a trampoline, and more. Includes
- source in "director format".
- Author: Robert Corns
- XprZmodem An Amiga shared library which provides ZModem file
- transfer capability to any XPR-compatible communications
- program. This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0
- on disk 236. It adds support for XPR spec version 2.0
- capabilities, including automatic download activation,
- better user interface for setting options, improved
- transmission speed, and other minor enhancements.
- Includes source.
- Author: Rick Huebner
- --------------------
- Indent This is version 1.1 of GNU Indent, a C source code
- formatter/indenter. Especially useful for cleaning
- up inconsistently indented code. Includes source.
- Authors: Developed by the University of California,
- Berkeley, the University of Illinois, Urbana, and Sun
- Microsystems, Inc. GNU version by Jim Kingdon, Amiga
- port by Dan Riley.
- Jumble A quick "brute force" program for solving for anagrams.
- Not very elegant, but gets the job done. Includes source.
- Author: Mike Groshart
- Lotto Lotto is designed to replace your user group's old shoebox
- full of membership numbers and names and add some pizzaz to
- the process of drawing for doorprizes at club meetings.
- Includes source.
- Author: Mike Groshart
- QMouse A very small mouse accelerator (4K) written in assembly
- language, but with most of the features of its larger
- cousins. Not related to QMouse on disk 49. This is
- version 1.6, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Lyman Epp
- QView A very small file view program (only 3K) written in assembly
- language, but with most of the features of its larger
- cousins. Version 1.1, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Lyman Epp
- WorldDataBank A project using geographical data, declassified and made
- available by the CIA under the Freedom of Information Act,
- to draw a Mercator projection of any area of the Earth
- that you would like to inspect, in various degrees of
- magnification. Also includes a program that displays a
- "satellite view" of any region. Version 2.0, includes
- source.
- Author: The CIA, Mike Groshart, Bob Dufford
- --------------------
- Sentinel A large ray-traced animation created with Turbo Silver
- SV, Deluxe Photolab, Deluxe Paint III, and the Director.
- It consists of approximately 60 to 70 frames of animation,
- rendered during a period of about three and a half weeks.
- This is Bradley Schenck's entry to the 1989 BADGE Killer
- Demo contest, and won first place in the contest. Because
- of its size, it has been split across two disks. The rest
- of the files are on disk 264. Requires 3Mb or more of
- memory to run.
- Author: Bradley Schenck
- --------------------
- Sentinel A large ray-traced animation. This is Bradley Schenck's
- entry to the 1989 BADGE Killer Demo contest, and won first
- place in the contest. Because of its size, it has been
- split across two disks. The rest of the files are on disk
- 263.
- Author: Bradley Schenck
- --------------------
- VAUX-Killer A very funny animation which won 2nd place in the 1989
- BADGE Killer Demo Contest. Because of its size, the
- demo is split across two disks. The other files are
- on disk 266. Two floppy drives, or a hard disk, are
- strongly recommended. Binary only.
- Author: Roger Curren
- --------------------
- VAUX-Killer A very funny animation which won 2nd place in the 1989
- BADGE Killer Demo Contest. Because of its size, the
- demo is split across two disks. The other files are
- on disk 265. Two floppy drives, or a hard disk, are
- strongly recommended. Binary only.
- Author: Roger Curren
- --------------------
- Diglib An Amiga device independent graphics library for fortran
- applications. This is an enhanced and debugged version
- of a public domain library, the development of which was
- sponsored by the US Government. This library is required
- for part of the Matlab package, also included on this disk.
- Includes source in FORTRAN.
- Author: Hal Brand, Craig Wuest, James Locker
- Mackie A versatile cli/macro-key initiator based on POPCLI with
- a unique method of "screen-blanking". I won't say more,
- just try it! This is version 1.3, an update to version
- 1.2 from disk 189. Now includes automatic generation of
- different patterns and some bug fixes. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- Matlab A FORTRAN package (MATrix LABoratory) developed by Argonne
- National Laboratories for in house use. It provides
- comprehensive vector and tensor operations in a package
- which may be programmed either through a macro language
- or through execution of script files. Supported functions
- include sin, cos, tan, arcfunctions, upper triangular,
- lower triangular, determinants, matrix multiplication,
- identity, hilbert matrices, eigenvalues, eigenvectors,
- matrix roots, matrix products, inversion, and more.
- Amiga specific features include workbench startup, polar
- plots, contour plots, enhanced plot buffer control, and
- algorithmic plot display generation. Includes source in
- Author: Cleve Moler, Jim Locker
- --------------------
- Doctor_A This animation of Amiguy on the basketball court is
- Marvin's entry to the 1989 BADGE Killer Demo Contest.
- The animation source (for SculptAnimate-4D) is available
- from the author.
- Author: Marvin Landis
- Klide This line art demo is Jerry's entry to the 1989 BADGE
- Killer Demo Contest, where it won 4th place. Klide uses
- line mode blitter code which is capable of rendering short
- vectors at a rate up to 15,000 lines/second. Binary only.
- Author: Jerry Kallaus
- OnlyAmiga This demo is Rob's entry to the 1989 BADGE Killer Demo
- Contest, where it won 9th place. It demonstrates sound,
- multitasking, HAM color, the blitter, and more. Binary
- only.
- Author: Rob Peck
- --------------------
- Calendar A program that generates calendars in any one of 10
- standard formats for any year after 1900. Binary only.
- Author: Pierre A du Parte
- ChessTutor Chess tutor is a program designed to introduce novice
- chess players to the basics of the game. Shareware,
- written in AmigaBASIC.
- Author: William Jordan
- PropGadget Example code for using proportional gadgets, written
- in assembly code and C, that can be called from your
- own application. Includes source.
- Author: Jerry Trantow
- RadBoogie This demo, which won 7th place in the 1989 BADGE Killer
- Demo Contest, uses almost all features of the Amiga
- extensively, including the copper, blitter, sprite
- hardware, 68000 machine language, and preemptive
- prioritized multitasking. Includes source.
- Author: Dave Quick, Mark Riley, Tomas Rokicki
- ShowDisk A useful program that graphically shows the map of
- sectors used on floppy drives by one or more files.
- The mapping is color coded so you can identify what
- sectors are used by the various directories and files.
- Includes source in assembly language.
- Author: Bernhard Meisner
- SpinPointer While going through some musty archives I found this
- little gem that got overlooked before. It is a short
- source module that provides a "busy" indicator replacement
- for the standard mouse pointer. Includes source.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- --------------------
- ColumnSet A text filter program that takes as input a file with
- one word per line and produces a file with these words
- laid out in the same order in even columns, as many as
- will fit across the output screen or page with at least
- one space between columns. Includes source in Modula-2.
- Author: Kent Paul Dolan
- MRBackUp A hard disk backup utility that does a file by file
- copy to standard AmigaDOS floppy disks. Includes an
- intuition interface and file compression. This is
- version 3.3d, an update to version 2.4 on disk 170.
- Binary only.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- TooMuch3D This animation is Jim's entry to the 1989 BADGE Killer
- Demo Contest, where it won 10th place. It is a warning
- to those of you who spend too much time in front of your
- computer monitors. Binary only.
- Author: Jim Robinson
- --------------------
- CPUStandoff This cute "computer wars" animation is Bob's entry to
- the 1989 BADGE Killer Demo Contest. Lots of visual
- jokes in this one. Binary only.
- Author: Bob Janousek
- LaserBoing This ray-traced animation with sound is Mike's entry to
- the 1989 BADGE Killer Demo Contest. This "Amiga Boing"
- ball is just loaded with energy! Binary only.
- Author: Mike van der Sommen
- --------------------
- AmigaPunt A program designed to predict the performance of horses
- in a race. The premise is that the factors affecting
- a horse's performance, and ultimately the result of the
- race, can be given a value. Binary only.
- Author: Pierre A du Parte
- Balloon This animation with sound effects is Dave's entry to the
- 1989 BADGE Killer Demo Contest. Binary only.
- Author: Dave Schreiber
- Spigot This ray-traced animation, using overscan HAM and sound
- effects, is Eric's entry to the 1989 BADGE Killer Demo
- Contest, where it won 6th place. Binary only.
- Author: Eric J. Fleischer (Dr Gandalf)
- --------------------
- BattleForce A nicely done shareware game, submitted by the author,
- that simulates combat between two or more giant, robot-like
- machines. This is version 3.61, an update to version 3.01
- on disk 205. Binary only.
- Author: Ralph Reed
- PennyWise An easy to use, flexible cashbook program using an Amiga
- Intuition interface. It can be used to keep track of the
- financial transactions of a cheque, bank, business, or
- similar account. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Pierre A du Parte
- --------------------
- HP11 Emulates an HP11C calculator including the program mode.
- Features an ON/OFF button that turns the calculator into
- an icon that will sit and wait until you need it again.
- This is version 1.1, an update to the version on disk 153,
- and includes a few bug fixes and minor changes. Binary
- only.
- Author: David Gay
- KeyBiz This little hack will make you think you have mice
- scurrying around in the back of your computer. Includes
- source.
- Author: Mark Schretlen
- LookFor A general "find that file" utility which is handy for
- hard drives, multiple drives, and multilayered paths.
- Includes source.
- Author: Mark Schretlen
- SlideMaster A slideshow program that can show any IFF ILBM picture,
- including HAM, extra half bright, hires, interlace, and
- overscan, using several different wipes. Also has an
- ARexx port and is fairly small. Version 0.1, binary only.
- Author: Aric Caley
- Snap A tool for clipping text or graphics from the screen, using
- the clipboard device. Snap finds out character coordinates
- automatically, handles different fonts, keymaps, accented
- characters, and more. Version 1.3, includes source.
- Author: Mikael Karlsson
- Xoper Very comprehensive program to monitor and control system
- activity. Monitor cpu, memory usage, ports, interrupts,
- devices. Close windows, screens, show loaded fonts or last
- Guru code number. Clean up memory, flush unused libraries,
- devices, fonts. etc. and a whole bunch more! Spawns its own
- process. A very handy background task to have loaded.
- This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.3 on disk 228,
- and has a completely rewritten interface and an iconify
- feature. Assembly source included.
- Author: Werner Gunther
- --------------------
- Vt100 Version 2.9 of the original Amiga vt100 emulator with
- kermit and xmodem file transfer. This version adds an
- AREXX port, new script and AREXX commands, some bug
- fixes, the ability to use custom external protocol
- modules (not XPR), and support for zmodem. Update to
- version 2.8 on disk 138. Includes source.
- Author: Dave Wecker, Tony Sumrall, Frank Anthes,
- and Chuck Forsberg
- --------------------
- Blit This animation is Richard's entry to the 1989 BADGE
- Killer Demo Contest. An interesting feature of this
- animation is that it uses the Copper to show the lower
- right corner of the screen in Hi-Res, while leaving
- the rest of the screen in Lo-Res. Binary only.
- Author: Richard Addison
- ClickDOS A "directory utility" type program which is reasonably
- small, uses a single window on the Workbench screen
- (which can also be iconified), does not rely on other
- programs for most of its functions, and is very memory
- efficient. This is version 1.10, binary only.
- Author: Gary Scott Yates
- DateRequester A module that provides Intuition based support for
- soliciting a date value from the user. It supports both
- point-and-click selection of date values and direct
- entry of the individual components. It also includes
- a standalone ARexx driven date requester program which
- can be called from ARexx macro files. Includes source.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- --------------------
- ARTM ARTM (Amiga Real Time Monitor) displays and controls
- system activity such as tasks, windows, libraries, devices,
- resources, ports, residents, interrupts, and vectors.
- Version 0.9, binary only.
- Author: Dietmar Jansen and F. J. Mertens
- Icon A high-level programming language with extensive facilities
- for processing strings and lists. Icon has several novel
- features, including expressions that may produce sequences
- of results, goal-directed evaluation that automatically
- searches for a successful result, and string scanning that
- allows operations on strings to be formulated at a high
- conceptual level. Icon resembles SNOBOL4 in its emphasis on
- high-level string processing and a design philosophy that
- allows ease of programming and short, concise programs.
- This is version 7.5 of the public domain implementation of
- Icon from the University of Arizona. It is an update to
- version 6.0 from disk 81. Binary only.
- Author: Ralph Griswold, Clinton Jeffery, et. al.
- LabelPrint A program that allows you to easily print labels for
- your disks. This is version 3.0, an update to version
- 2.5 from disk 238. Shareware, binary only (source
- available from author).
- Author: Andreas Krebs
- LPE LaTeX Picture Editor is a graphical editor for producing
- "pictures" for the LaTeX system, which may be imported by
- LaTeX. You can draw boxes, dashed boxes, lines, vectors,
- circles, boxes with centered text, and plain text. This
- is version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 on disk 243, and
- includes some new drawing tools, enhanced user interface
- features, optimized code, and some bug fixes. Binary only.
- Author: Joerg Geissler
- WBAssign A small WorkBench program that creates AmigaDOS assignments
- without having to open a CLI. Assignments may be made by
- specifying a complete path (as supported by the CLI command),
- or by specifying a path relative to the current directory.
- This allows a program and its assigns to be moved easily.
- In addition, WBAssign can create assigns specified in the
- icon files of other programs located anywhere in the system.
- This is version 1.20, binary only.
- Author: John Gerlach Jr.
- WBRes A program that allows WorkBench users to have resident
- programs, as in the resident capability of WShell, the
- ARP shell, and the WB1.3 Shell. Version 1.2b, shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: John Bickers
- --------------------
- AmigaTrek Three stories which are a parody of the Star Trek series,
- with an Amiga flavor.
- Author: Mike Smithwick
- ASpice A version of the SPICE 2G.6 circuit analysis program
- which has been modified to run in the Amiga environment.
- The program arrays are adjusted to require one tenth the
- memory of the DEC VAX version. Although this does not
- usually put much of a constraint on circuit analysis,
- some users who are used to the full mainframe environment
- may have to be more aware of the memory demands of their
- analysis. Requires a minimum of 1 MB memory. This
- version neither supports nor requires the 68020 processor
- or 68881 coprocessor. This is Amiga version 5.1, an update
- to version 2.3 on disk 177. Binary only.
- Authors: Many, see Documentation. Amiga port by Dan Warns.
- Frag Two CLI utilities that show disk and file fragmentation on
- AmigaDOS floppies. Includes source.
- Author: David Gay
- --------------------
- Ash A ksh-like shell for the Amiga. Some of its features
- include command substitution, shell functions with
- parameters, aliases, local variables, local functions,
- local aliases, powerful control structures and tests,
- emacs style line editing and history functions, I/O
- redirection, pipes, large variety of built-in commands,
- Unix style wildcards, Unix style filename conventions,
- filename completion, and coexistence with scripts from
- other shells. Very well documented. Version 1.0,
- binary only.
- Author: Steve Koren
- MouseClock A clock and free memory display utility that generates
- a small display tied to your mouse, using two hardware
- sprites as the display area. Version 1.2, includes
- source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- MRBackUp A hard disk backup utility that does a file by file
- copy to standard AmigaDOS floppy disks. Includes an
- intuition interface and file compression. This is
- version 3.3e, an update to version 3.3d on disk 270,
- to fix a serious bug in that version. Binary only.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- MRPrint A detabbing print utility that sends text files to
- either the printer device or the standard output.
- Besides expanding tabs, it will also generate page
- headers, line numbers, and new margins. Version 3.4,
- includes source.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- --------------------
- Berserker A virus detection program that can detect various forms
- of the common bootblock and link type viruses. Rather
- than checking for a specific virus, it looks for conditions
- that indicate a possible virus infection, thus it can
- detect new strains of similar viruses. Version 3.0+,
- includes source in assembly.
- Author: Ralf Thanner
- CM A celestial mechanics simulator with an Intuition
- interface. You construct a layout of celestial bodies
- and specify various parameters for the bodies and the
- simulation. CM then animates the bodies according to
- the laws of gravitational attraction. Setups may be
- saved to disk to later reinact interesting scenarios.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: W. John Guineau
- Graph A program that draws mathematical functions on a plane.
- Text and axes may be added, and the result saved to
- disk or printed. Uses a full Intuition interface with
- multiple windows (one per graph), requesters, etc.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: David Gay
- --------------------
- Diff GNU diff and diff3 utilities, version 1.10. This
- version provides all the features of BSD's diff plus
- options to diff non-ASCII files, to ignore changes
- that just insert or delete blank lines, to specify
- the amount of context for context diffs, plus more.
- This version of GNU diff is part of the RCS package
- found on disk 282. Includes source.
- Author: Mike Haertel, David Hayes, Richard Stallman
- & Len Tower. Amiga port by Raymond Brand and
- Rick Schaeffer.
- DiffDir Compares the contents of two directories, generating
- a list of differences to the standard output. Detects
- files or directories present in one hierarchy but not
- the other, file attributes that are different (dates,
- flags, comments, etc), and differences in file size.
- Version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 on disk 188.
- Includes source.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- FarPrint Debugging functions for programs which don't have any links
- to their environment. FarPrint consists of two major parts;
- a harbour process open to receive and distribute messages
- and requests, and a set of C functions to be linked into
- any program wishing to communicate with the FarPrint main
- process. Version 1.3, includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- LoadImage An IFF ILBM reader that accepts overscanned pictures,
- allows you to scroll around in the bitmap if the picture
- is larger than the current display, works on both PAL and
- NTSC machines, supports color cycling using interrupt code,
- and supports printing of image portions. Version 1.9,
- includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- MRARPFile Extended ARP file support package that adds an orthogonal
- set of routines which support generalized I/O with resource
- tracking while using the ARP library. Includes source.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- MRMan A package which contains an Amiga document reading system
- similar to the "man" command on UNIX systems. It offers
- a high degree of flexibility in the naming and placement
- of document files on your system. This is version 1.0 and
- includes source.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- --------------------
- PrintHandler A custom PRT: driver which offers easy single sheet support
- as well as limited data spooling. Version 1.1, includes
- source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- RCS The Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple
- revisions of text files. RCS automates the storing,
- retrieval, logging, identification, and merging of
- revisions. RCS is useful for text that is revised
- frequently, for example programs, documentation,
- graphics, papers, form letters, etc. This is RCS
- version 1.2, and includes source (the source to the
- GNU diff program used with this distribution of RCS
- can be found on disk 281).
- Author: Walter Tichy. Amiga port by Raymond Brand
- and Rick Schaeffer.
- --------------------
- Bref A cross reference program for AmigaBASIC code. Generates
- a list of the BASIC code with lines sequentially numbered,
- plus a table showing all variables and labels used in the
- code, and the line numbers where they were used. Created
- from the CREF program on disk 166, which was written by
- Mike Edmonds and Joel Swank. Version 1.01, includes source.
- Author: Dick Taylor
- CWDemo Demo version of a pop-up utility to control the color
- register assignments of Intuition custom screens. This is
- version 3.2, an update to version 3.1 on disk 238. Binary
- only.
- Author: Kimbersoft
- FullReset A program to get rid of all viruses, vector modifying
- programs, and residents, by forcing a specific reset.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jurgen Klein
- MarbleSlide The aim of this game is to build a slide on a 10 x 11
- board of pieces that move around, allowing the marble
- to reach the goal piece. You play against time. Also
- includes a board editor so you can build custom boards.
- Binary only.
- Author: Peter Handel
- SensoPro You try to remember and mimic the sound/color sequence
- played by the computer. Each time you get it right,
- another sound/color is added to the sequence. Great
- practice in case you ever find yourself in a "Close
- Encounters of the Third Kind" experience. Binary
- only.
- Author: Peter Handel
- WatchMan A little screen hack inspired by "EyeCon" on Sun systems.
- Includes source.
- Author: Jonas Petersson
- --------------------
- ARPTools A group of small utility programs requiring ARP, that have
- been created to address some deficiencies of the ARP CLI
- environment, especially to exploit the potential offered
- by non-named pipes in the ARP shell. Version 1.0, includes
- source.
- Author: Fabio Rossetti
- Back Two programs to assist users of Matt Dillon's Backup/Restore
- program in making error-free VERIFIED backups onto floppy
- disks. Also useful as a trackdisk device example. Includes
- source.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- Dme Version 1.38 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple
- WYSIWYG editor designed for programmers. It is not a
- WYSIWYG word processor in the traditional sense. Features
- include arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line
- statistics multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows.
- Update to version 1.31 on disk number 169, includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- FileTest This routine is used to recursively descend the file system
- tree from a specified directory location, reading the files
- into memory (if they will fit) as it goes. Useful as a
- complete test of file system integrity. Includes source.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- IconTools Here are some tools for icon tricks. Note that these tools
- are really hacks because they exploit some areas of the
- .info files that the current version of WorkBench does not
- clear or reset upon loading the icon. There are three
- programs here which allow WorkBench drawer windows to appear
- in non-standard colors and allow you to move the position
- of the file name text to anywhere in the icon's graphic.
- Released to the public in the hope that 1.4 will allow more
- flexible user customization of the WorkBench appearance.
- Includes source.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- RecurDir A recursive directory program that is useful as an aid in
- ZOOing files in nested directories. Allows one to easily
- ZOO the complete contents of a disk. Includes source.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen
- --------------------
- AvailMem A small free memory counter that continuously displays the
- amount of free chip and fast memory in bytes (as opposed
- to K). Version 1.03. Includes source.
- Author: Dave Schreiber
- DynaShow A program and example image using a dynamic HiRes technique
- to display up to 4096 colors in high res with overscan.
- Dynamic HiRes uses a different 16 color palette on each
- scan line. Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: NewTek
- 'Liner 'Liner is a freely distributable outliner. It can be used
- to create outlines of any length, in a number of different
- formats, and can save the outlines as straight text for
- export to other programs. Version 1.32. Includes source.
- Author: Dave Schreiber
- MSizer A program that allows you to resize a window from any corner
- when holding down the left mouse button and the left Amiga
- key. Includes source.
- Author: Khaled Mardam-Bey
- Plasma A plasma cloud generator program that uses the extra
- halfbrite mode. Plasma clouds are a special form of
- fractal which show very smooth color gradations.
- Version 1.f, includes source.
- Author: Roger Uzun
- Rubik Translation to C of a Rubiks Cube solver program originally
- written in Basic by John Murphy. Includes versions to do
- an "unwrapped" 2D solution, and a more visual 3D solution.
- Version 0.0, includes source.
- Author: Roger Uzun
- --------------------
- CCutils Eight small CLI utilities that use the cclib.library
- shared library. Includes a program to display disk
- usage on your menu bar, a program to check the integrity
- of IFF files, a program to remove shared libraries from
- memory if they are not being used, and more. Binary
- only.
- Author: Robert Albrecht
- EW Patch for Intuition OpenWindow() and CloseWindow(), creating
- a Mac-style frame whenever a window is opened or closed.
- Very short, includes source in assembler.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- FastDisk A disk optimizer providing two ways of optimizing.
- Originally written by Thorsten Stolpmann. This is version
- II, now featuring an Intuition interface, ARP support,
- bug hunting, and Lattice C compatibility, done by Oliver
- Wagner. Includes source in C.
- Author: Thorsten Stolpmann and Oliver Wagner
- S220to8SVX Converts sound samples from a Roland S-220/S-10/MKS-100
- to 8SVX IFF 8-bit samples. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Dieter Bruns
- Txt2Exe This program takes a text file, creating a runnable command
- which will output the text. Allows various operations to be
- done on the text. Binary only.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- Uedit Version 2.5d of this nice shareware editor. Has learn
- mode, a command language, menu customization, hyper text,
- and other user configurability and customizability
- features. Binary only, shareware, update to version 2.5b
- on disk 254.
- Author: Rick Stiles
- --------------------
- DAsm A multipass, symbolic, macro assembler for multiple target
- machines, including 6502, 68705, 6803, and 6811. Supports
- conditional assembly, addressing mode overrides, arbitrary
- number of named segments, pseudo-ops for repeat loops, data
- generation, etc. Version 2.12, includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- FullView A text viewer that uses gadgets at the bottom of the screen
- (thus can display text 80 columns wide), opens up to the
- full height of the Workbench screen, has fast scrolling,
- and can work with compressed files (file compression
- program included). Shareware, binary only, source available
- from author. This is version 1.1, an update to the version
- on disk 242.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- JPDirUtil A directory-utilities type program with many built-in
- commands, and 16 customisable gadgets. User configurable in
- many ways. Can be iconified to Workbench screen. This is
- version 1.11, binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- MouseCoords A small assembly utility which shows you the current
- position of the mouse pointer. Can be "jumped" to operate
- on any screen. Includes source in assembly.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- OSK A software keyboard, which allows you to type using the
- mouse. Can be made to send keystrokes to any window, and
- can be iconified. Includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- PopDir A small utility which "pops open" to help you look at the
- contents of a particular directory on demand. Version 1.6,
- an update to version 1.4 on disk 204. Includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- Unshar This program extracts files from Unix shar archives. It
- scores over similar programs by being small and fast,
- handling extraction of subdirectories, and recognising a
- wide variety of `sed' and `cat' shar formats. Version 1.1,
- includes C source.
- Author: Eddy Carroll
- VirusX Version 4.0 of a popular virus detection/vaccination
- program. This is an update to version 3.20 from disk 216.
- Includes a check for the new Xeno virus.
- Author: Steve Tibbett, Dan James, Jim Meyer
- ZeroVirus A fully integrated virus checker and killer, with bootblock
- save and restore features. Finds both bootblock and file
- based viruses. Uses Brainfiles to recognise viruses, and has
- "on-line" Brainfile editing facilities. Can be iconified to
- Workbench screen. This is version 2.01, an update to version
- 1.3 on disk 242. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- --------------------
- DiskSpeed A disk speed testing program specifically designed to give
- the most accurate results of the true disk performance of
- the disk under test. Automatically updates and maintains
- an ASCII database of disk results for tested disks. This
- is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 251, with
- a few new features and a cleaner user interface. Includes
- source in C.
- Author: Michael Sinz
- PlotData2D Plots data onto a custom user defined screen and window,
- reading the plot and screen/window definitions, along with
- the X and Y data pairs, from a disk file. Supports linear,
- log-log, and semi-log axis plots. The data can be plotted
- with lines, symbols, or both. Includes numerous example
- plots. Version 1.0, includes source in Fortran.
- Author: Robert C. Singleterry Jr.
- Scripit A script language that allows you to automate actions you
- would normally have to do manually. Scripit can do anything
- that you do manually, by either the mouse or keyboard, by
- using a set of commands that instruct Scripit to simulate
- specific mouse or keyboard actions. Also has an ARexx port,
- so it can be driven by ARexx allowing ARexx control over
- programs that do not have ARexx ports. Includes both a
- recorder to generate scripts and a player to execute them.
- This is version 1.20, binary only.
- Author: Khalid Aldoseri
- --------------------
- AmiGo A Go board and player for the Amiga. You can play against
- another human, against the Amiga, or have the Amiga play
- itself. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Todd Johnson, Stoney Ballard
- Atree A disk utility which imitates similar utilities widely
- available on IBM compatibles (PC Tools, Xtree, QuickDos,
- etc). The intent is to allow the user a graphic
- representation of the entire directory structure on a
- disk device, including the files in each directory, and
- the capability of moving quickly through the tree to a
- directory to access its files. Version 1.7, binary only.
- Author: Don Schmidt
- LHArc An archive program like Arc and Zoo, with a heavy emphasis
- maximum compression for minimum archive size, using LZHUF
- compression. This is Amiga version 1.0 (compatible with
- MSDOS version 1.13). Binary only.
- Author: Paolo Zibetti
- Orbit Plots the ground trace of satellites on a map of the earth,
- using the orbital elements for some 130 satellites, from a
- list which is updated every two weeks on Compuserve.
- Version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: Timothy Middendorf
- TreeWalk A command for visiting all the files of a subtree of an
- Amiga file system, testing every file in the specified
- subtree against a supplied "filter" expression, and if
- the file passes through the filter, to issue the specified
- command with that file as one of the arguments. It is
- designed to be reasonably fast, robust, and not use a
- lot of stack space or any other critical resources.
- Includes source.
- Author: Mike Meyer
- --------------------
- DPlot A simple display program for experimental data, with the
- goals of supporting paging through lots of data and
- providing comfortable scaling and presentation. This is
- version 2.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 237, and
- incorporates several significant enhancements. Binary
- only.
- Author: A. A. Walma
- IPC An IPC (Inter-Process Communication) package, with the
- goal of creating a standard for IPC on the Amiga that
- is flexible enough to handle the widest possible range
- of applications. The protocol used addresses different
- problem areas than ARexx, and emphasizes different aspects
- of the communication process, such as fast communication
- and preservation of data structure. Includes source.
- Author: Pete Goodeve and Peter da Silva
- KillReq A small program which disables Intuition's AutoRequest
- function. In particular, this prevents AmigaDOS from
- putting up system requesters, which is useful if you are
- operating your Amiga remotely and can't use the mouse to
- click CANCEL. Unlike similar utilities which affect only
- a single CLI, KillReq disables ALL requesters. This is
- version 1.0 and includes C source.
- Author: Eddy Carroll
- Xicon Xicon lets you use icons to call up scripts containing CLI
- commands. This is version 2.5, an update to version 2.01
- on disk 157. New features include automatic selection of
- the correct execution directory, the option to have
- keyboard interaction, and the use of IF, ELSE, etc DOS
- commands. Binary only.
- Author: Pete Goodeve
- --------------------
- GMC A console handler with command line editing and function
- key support. GMC provides extended command line editing,
- function key assignment in four levels, extended command
- line history, online help for functions in the handler,
- and an iconify function. Version 4.0, binary only.
- Author: Gotz Muller
- Keyboard Functions to translate RAWKEY Intuition messages into
- usable keycodes. Includes source.
- Author: Fabbian Dufoe
- Sim A simulator for register-transfer nets, which are used to
- describe hardware systems. This version also provides
- a compiler to define new devices in addition to Sim's
- internal devices. This is version 4.2, an update to
- version 4.0 on disk 229. Binary only.
- Author: Gotz Muller
- SKsh A ksh-like shell for the Amiga. Some of its features
- include command substitution, shell functions with
- parameters, aliases, local variables, local functions,
- local aliases, powerful control structures and tests,
- emacs style line editing and history functions, I/O
- redirection, pipes, large variety of built-in commands,
- Unix style wildcards, Unix style filename conventions,
- filename completion, and coexistence with scripts from
- other shells. Very well documented. Version 1.2, an
- update to version 1.0 on disk 279, where it was called
- ash. Binary only.
- Author: Steve Koren
- --------------------
- Devstat Assembly code example of locating and listing information
- about all mounted devices. Includes source.
- Author: Fabrice Lienhardt
- FileRequest Assembly code example of a file requester. This is
- version 2.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 173, where
- it was called FileSelect. New features include 3 speed
- scrolling of filenames and ghosting of unavailable
- devices. Includes source.
- Author: Fabrice Lienhardt
- MultiPlot A package for making 2D plots conveniently. Tim Mooney
- wrote the original program, which was then enhanced by
- Alan Baxter with a nicer user interface, support for
- the PLT: device, and support for file conversions. Rich
- Champeaux and Jim Miller wrote the PLT: handler which
- emulates a plotter by accepting HP-GL commands, creating
- a raster image, then dumping it to any preferences supported
- graphics printer. This is version XLN and includes source
- to MultiPlot. Update to version 1.2 on disk 231, where it
- was called just "Plot". This version is 2D only.
- Author: Alan Baxter, Tim Mooney, Rich Campeaux, Jim Miller
- --------------------
- ClockDJ A utility which combines a clock, mouse accelerator,
- screen blanker, window manipulator, function keys, and
- macros into a single program, written in assembly
- language for maximum efficiency. Includes an ARexx
- port. Version 4.07, binary only.
- Author: David Jenkins
- CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 001-292 using the brik
- program. These were made directly from my master disks.
- I have switched to brik, from the crc program used to make
- the lists on disks 133, 146, and 173, because it has more
- features and because source is available. This is an
- update to the lists on disk 233.
- Author: Fred Fish
- --------------------
- DNet A link protocol that provides essentially an unlimited
- number of reliable connections between processes on
- two machines, where each end of the link can be
- either an Amiga or a Unix (BSD4.3) machine. Works
- on the Amiga with any EXEC device that looks like the
- serial.device. Works on UNIX with tty and socket
- devices. Achieves better than 95% average throughput
- on file transfers. This is version 2.10.13, an update
- to version 2.0 released on disk 220. Includes sources
- for both the Amiga and Unix versions.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- FmsDisk A file based trackdisk simulator, useful for creating
- a floppy-like partition on your hard disk (so you can
- diskcopy to a floppy) without actually having to create
- a special partition for it. Also useful for testing
- new filesystems and such. Supports up to 32 units,
- with either the old filesystem or the new fast filesystem.
- Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- GnuGrep The grep program from the GNU project. Replaces grep
- fgrep, egrep, and bmgrep. Currently does not expand
- Amiga style wildcards, so if you wish to scan multiple
- files you will need to use it with a shell that does this
- for you. This is version 1.5, an update to version 1.3
- on disk 204. Includes source.
- Author: Many (see README file)
- Lhwarp A program which will read tracks directly from your floppy
- disk, compress them using adaptive huffman encoding, and
- output them to a file. The resulting file can be used by
- lhwarp to reconstruct an image of the original disk. This
- is version 1.03 and includes source.
- Author: Jonathan Forbes
- MandelMountains
- A program that renders three-dimensional images of
- blowups of the Mandelbrot set. Includes several example
- images. Version 1.1, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Mathias Ortmann
- --------------------
- Comal Demo of AmigaCOMAL (missing only SAVE), an incremental
- p-code compiler from Denmark. COMAL is a language with
- the design goal of combining the modern structured
- approach of Pascal with the ease of use and interactivity
- of BASIC. There are versions of COMAL for IBM, VAX, CP/M,
- C-64, Amiga and various European operating systems.
- Includes a complete turtle graphics package. Is perfect
- for education yet powerful enough for applications
- programming. Version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Svend Daugaard Pedersen
- Freddy Dan Dalgas Kristiansen
- Patch A port of the very useful UNIX utility which applies context
- diffs to text files to automatically update them. This is a
- port of version (patch level 12), which Eric has
- dubbed Amiga version 1.0. It is an update to an earlier
- version on disk 129. Includes source.
- Author: Larry Wall, Amiga port by Eric Green
- --------------------
- Clean A small program written in assembly code, to be used
- in conjunction with a cleaning disk, to clean your
- floppy drive heads. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Dan Burris
- DevKit A collection of C and ARexx language programs to
- facilitate the software development process. With
- DevKit, you can launch your compiler from within your
- editor, have the cursor positioned on your errors, look
- up the autodoc page for any Amiga function at a single
- keystroke, find a system structure within the include
- files, or find any function in the code you are writing.
- Version 1.2, includes source.
- Author: Peter Cherna
- Elements Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table
- of Elements. Can display a large amount of pertinent
- data about a selected element along with a good deal of
- general and miscellaneous info. This is version 1.3,
- an update to version 1.2a on disk 253. It adds a non-
- interlace mode and extend selection of two elements.
- Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Paul Thomas Miller
- Hypno A "bouncing polygons" type program like Mackie, LineArt,
- and Bezier. Includes source in C.
- Author: Markus Schmidt
- Jed A nicely done, intuition-based editor that is quite
- user-friendly. Features word-wrap, auto-indent, newcli,
- alt buffer, split-window, keyboard macro, help, printing,
- and more. This is version 1.1, an update to version 1.0
- on disk 180. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Dan Burris
- SuperMenu An information display system you can use to quickly and
- easily display text files (and sections of text files) with
- the press of a button. Version 1.62, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Paul Thomas Miller
- WriteIcon Sample code that creates an icon using a compiled-in image,
- the source of which can be created with Icon2C on disk 56.
- Version 1.0, includes source in C.
- Author: Dan Burris
- --------------------
- BBChampion This is BootBlockChampionIII, a very nicely done program
- that allows you to load, save, and analyze any bootblock.
- This is version 3.21, an update to version 3.1 on disk
- 244. New features include checks for five different LAMER
- viruses and some other enhancements. Binary only.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- DClock A "Dumb Clock" utility that displays the date and time in
- the Workbench screen title bar. Uses only about 2 percent
- of the CPU time and about 10Kb of memory. Also has an
- alarm clock feature and audible beep for programs that
- call DisplayBeep. Version 1.5, includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- Fenster A program which can operate on windows owned by another
- program, to close them, change their size, refresh gadgets,
- move the window to the background, etc. This is version
- 2.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 245. Includes source.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- FileMaster A file editor like NewZap or FedUp, which allows you to
- manipulate bytes of a file. You may also change the file
- size or execute a patch. Version 1.11, includes source.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- --------------------
- Hangman A simple hangman program similar to one seen on some
- UNIX machines. Currently runs only from CLI. Includes
- source in C.
- Author: Gary Brant
- Rxil An ARexx interface library that makes it easy for programs
- to implement a complete, robust ARexx interface with
- minimal effort. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Don Meyer
- SceneGenDemo Demo of a program called Scene Generator, that generates
- very realistic looking landscapes. This program is an
- enhanced, low cost commercial version, of the Scenery
- program included on disk 155. This is version 2.03,
- binary only.
- Author: Brett Casebolt
- Yacc This is a port of Berkeley Yacc for the Amiga. This
- Yacc has been made as compatible as possible with the
- AT&T Yacc, and is completely public domain. Note that
- it is NOT the so-called Decus Yacc, which is/was simply
- a repackaging of the proprietary AT&T Yacc. Amiga
- version 1.0a, includes source.
- Author: Bob Corbett, Amiga port by Eric Green
- --------------------
- SuperEcho A neat program to be used with Perfect Sound-like audio
- digitizers that generates LIVE audio effects, including
- Echos, Deep Voice, Squeaky Voice, Many People, M-M-Max
- Headroom and much more. Binary only.
- Author: Kevin Kelm
- TACL An adventure player for games written with The Adventure
- Construction Language, a commercial computer language.
- Includes two sample games; one is text-only and the other
- is text-graphic. Binary only, plus the TACL source code
- that was used to write the graphic adventure.
- Author: Kevin Kelm and Rhett Rodewald
- TitleGen A simple script language program for generating vertically
- crawling title sequences in any font and up to 500 lines
- long. Good for video production. Version 1.6, binary only.
- Author: Kevin Kelm
- XenoZap A program that recursively descends into directories,
- disabling the Xeno virus in all executable files that it
- finds. Version 1.0, includes source in Modula-2.
- Author: Kevin Kelm
- --------------------
- Aquarium A program for searching through a special database
- containing information about the contents of the
- library, in order to find programs that match a
- specified list of conditions. Includes a database
- of disks 1-300, and a program to add the contents
- of future disks to the database. Binary only.
- Author: B Lennart Olsson
- IffLib A ready-to-use library to perform various manipulations
- on IFF files. Includes a sample IFF viewer and a utility
- to save the front screen as an IFF file. This is version
- 16.1, an update to version 15.3 on disk 173, and includes
- a couple of bug fixes and some new features. Binary only.
- Author: Christian A. Weber
- UeditUpdate This is a partial update to the 2.5d version of Uedit on
- disk 286. It includes only the UES executable, which has
- had patches d1 through d4 applied. Disk 286 is still needed
- for a complete Uedit shareware distribution. Binary only.
- Author: Rick Stiles
- --------------------
- Chop A program which uses a hotkey to chop a displayed screen
- down to a temporary maximum of 4 planes in lo-res or 2
- planes in hi-res, allowing the processor full speed access
- to chip memory. Only the displayed screen is affected, the
- program painting the screen continues to work with the full
- color palette. Unchoping the screen puts everything back
- to normal. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Nico Francois
- DiskTalk A cute little program, like "muncho" on disk 137, which
- plays digitized sound samples when you insert or remove a
- floppy disk. Samples are saved as IFF sound files.
- Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Nico Francois
- MiscUtils Some small sound and screen hacks. Includes source in C.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein
- PPMore Another "more" like utility. This one reads text files
- that have been crunched with PowerPacker, thus saving space
- at the slight expense of some time to uncrunch the text.
- Version 1.3, binary only.
- Author: Nico Francois
- ProgUtils Some miscellaneous programming utilities and examples.
- Includes source in assembly code.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein
- QuickHelp A utility that helps you make and display your own help
- files for commands. Disk space usage is minimized by
- using PowerPacker to crunch the help files. Version 1.2,
- binary only.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein
- RollOn A "Soko-Ban" like shareware game, submitted by the author.
- Includes both English and German versions, a level editor,
- and digitized sounds. This is version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Tobias Eckert
- Selector A program that helps you assemble programs on a boot disk
- and start them in a user friendly way. Version 2.5,
- binary only.
- Author: Nico Francois
- TurboMandel A fast mandelbrot program, written in a mix of C and
- assembly language. You can select between using floating
- point or integer calculation. Other features include a
- full intuition interface, cycling capabilities, extensive
- color control, a user definable iteration depth, fully
- implemented zoom, a 3-D display mode, support for extra
- halfbrite as well as interlace and hires, IFF load and
- save, accuracy selections, and more. Version 1.0,
- includes source in assembly and C.
- Author: Marivoet Philip
- --------------------
- CPM A program to compute mandelbrots via the Continous
- Potential Method, as described in the book "The Science
- of Fractal Images" by H. O. Pietgen and D. Saupe. It is
- used to make 3-dimensional pictures of the mandelbrot
- set. This is a batch mode type program so several images
- can be generated, one after the other, without any human
- interaction. Includes source.
- Author: Lars Clausen
- DEM A program to compute mandelbrots via the Distance Estimator
- Method, as described in the book "The Science of Fractal
- Images" by H. O. Pietgen and D. Saupe. It is used to make
- high resolution black-and-white images. This is a batch
- mode type program so several images can be generated, one
- after the other, without any human interaction. Includes
- source.
- Author: Lars Clausen
- Demon This program implements the Demons cellular automaton as
- described in the August, 1989, issue of Scientific American.
- Using extremely simple rules it exhibits rather complex
- behaviour. Includes source.
- Author: Lars Clausen
- FixIcons A program to scan through all files in a given volume or
- directory, looking for project icons and changing their
- default tools according to instructions given in a script
- file. Version 1.2, includes source.
- Author: Lars Clausen
- IceFrac A fractal generator using the Diffusion Limited Aggregation
- algorithm, as described in the book "The Beauty of Fractal
- Images". This is version 2.1 and includes source.
- Author: Lars Clausen
- Rocket Another program in the long tradition of screen hacks.
- This one zeroes in on your mouse pointer. Binary only.
- Author: Lars Clausen
- ScreenZap A utility that forcibly removes screens and windows from
- your system. Useful to get rid of zombie screens or windows
- that have been left around by aborted or buggy programs.
- This is version 2.3 and includes source.
- Author: Lars Clausen
- SnowFall Another program in the long tradition of screen hacks for
- the amiga. Watch the snow fall, get blown around by the
- wind, and collect in realistic heaps. Includes source.
- Author: Lars Clausen
- --------------------
- Circles A circles pattern generator, reminiscent of one of the
- early Amiga demos. Version 1.1, includes source in C.
- Author: Joel Swank
- DocSplit A program to split the 1.3 autodoc files into individual
- subroutine files. One file is created for each subroutine,
- with the name created by appending ".doc" to the subroutine
- name. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- Gears A program to calculate and display the gears of a multispeed
- bicycle. Works for bicycles with 3 to 21 gear combinations.
- Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- IRA Allows easy calculation of future values of investment.
- Enter the beginning investment value, annual percentage
- rate, annual deposit amount, and number of years, to
- compute the future value. Version 2.0, includes source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- Lines A color line pattern generator, adapted from Mackie.
- Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- Mean18 Two custom golf courses for Mean 18.
- Author: Joel Swank
- Multic Formats a single column of input into multiple side by
- side columns. Includes source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- PageCnt Counts and displays the number of form feeds in a file,
- along with the length of the longest line. Version 1.0,
- includes source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- Skel A skeleton workbench application that makes writing
- workbench programs easier. Provides routines for main,
- initialization and termination, gadget and menu handling,
- argument processing, help window, about requester, etc.
- Version 1, includes source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- SuperRetLab Prints return address labels 3-up on single-wide 3.5 inch
- by 7/16/ inch label stock. Can print up to 5 lines per
- label. Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- Verify Walks a directory hierarchy reading all files, reporting
- any files that can't be entirely read. Version 1.2,
- includes source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- --------------------
- Fenster A program which can operate on windows owned by another
- program, to close them, change their size, refresh gadgets,
- move the window to the background, etc. This is version
- 2.1, an update to version 2.0 on disk 298. Includes source.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- Lhwarp A program which will read tracks directly from your floppy
- disk, compress them using adaptive huffman encoding, and
- output them to a file. The resulting file can be used by
- lhwarp to reconstruct an image of the original disk. This
- is version 1.20, an update to version 1.03 on disk 295.
- New features include much faster compression/decompression,
- a 32-bit CRC, and two additional compression methods.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Forbes
- Mackie A versatile cli/macro-key initiator based on POPCLI with
- a unique method of "screen-blanking". I won't say more,
- just try it! This is version 1.4, an update to version
- 1.3 from disk 267. Includes fixes to work with latest
- WShell and the new 'never' keyword. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- Obsess Obsess-O-Matic is a real-time puzzle game like Tetrix
- where the object is to fit the falling pieces together
- to form complete horizontal rows. Features such as burning,
- exploding, and invisible pieces enhance game play. Other
- features such as a puzzle piece editor are included in the
- version available directly from the author. This is
- version 1.0, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Wayne Phillips
- PrFont Prints a sample of each font from the fonts: directory.
- Draws one line of each font on a custom hires screen,
- which can be printed. Version 1.3, includes source.
- Author: Joel Swank
- Reversi Plays the classical reversi game on an 8 x 8 square field.
- Version 2.0, an update to version 1.2 on disk 245. Includes
- source in assembly language.
- Author: Marc Fischlin
- SpaceLog A database containing data for all of the man related space
- missions of the United States and the Soviet Union that were
- related to the development of manned space flight, from the
- beginning of the space age to the present (368 missions),
- listed in chronological order. Includes an AmigaBASIC
- program to manipulate the database. Version 1.54, binary
- only.
- Author: Gene Heitman
- --------------------
- Life A new version of Tomas's Life game. This version includes
- a new torus option, an option to perform calculations with
- the processor rather than the blitter, and a couple of
- other minor changes. This is an update to the version on
- disk 131, includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- RexxPlPlot A library of C functions useful for scientific plotting
- on the Amiga. The library is Lattice C compatible.
- Contour plotting, three dimensional plotting, axis
- redefinition, log-log plotting and multiple subpages are
- a few of Plplot's features. The plots can be displayed
- on a monitor or sent to a graphics file for subsequent
- printing. This is RexxPlPlot version 0.3, an update to
- Plplot version 1.00 on disk 222. New features include
- an ARexx interface, support for IFF output, support for
- PostScript output, support for Preferences, some new
- functions, bug fixes, and more. Includes source.
- Author: Tony Richardson, Samuel Paolucci, Glenn Lewis
- and Tomas Rokicki
- Tree A very simple directory tree traversal program, written
- primarily as an aid to creating zoo archives and disk
- backups. Has options to exclude certain directories or
- files with specific extensions. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- --------------------
- DissiDemos Demo of Midi Sample Wrench, which provides pro sample
- editing features for owners of musical samplers.
- Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt
- FileIO A disk based shared library to make filename selection easy
- for load and save routines using an Intuition interface.
- This is version 1.5, and update to the version on disk 257.
- Now includes the ability to select multiple filenames and
- fixes some bugs in the 1.4 version. Binary only.
- Author: R. J. Mical, Jeff Glatt and Jim Fiore
- Samp Documentation and interface library for an IFF FORM
- "SAMP", 16-bit sampled sound file format. This format
- allows more than one waveform per octave, and the lengths
- of different waveforms do not have to be factors of 2.
- Includes a utility to convert 8SVX files to SAMP format.
- Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt
- --------------------
- FReq A general purpose file requester, which was designed to be
- easy to use and fast, with a built-in ARexx port allowing
- you to use it from ARexx scripts or applications with ARexx
- ports. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Jeffrey D. Wahaus
- ScreenShare A library and support programs that enable applications
- to open up windows on other applications' custom screens.
- For example, your editor may want to open a window on
- your terminal emulator's screen so you can compose a
- message while still being able to see the contents of
- the terminal's screen. Both applications must cooperate
- for the screen sharing to work. This is version 1.21,
- an update to version 1.2 on disk 246. Includes source
- for interface portions.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- StarBlanker A screen blanker that replaces your display with a randomly
- chosen animated starfield. Version 1.00, includes source
- in Modula-2.
- Author: Chris Bailey
- Vlt VLT is both a VT100 emulator and a Tektronix (4014 plus
- subset of 4105) emulator, currently in use at SLAC
- (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). Although the VT100
- part was originally based on Dave Wecker et al.'s VT100,
- many enhancements were made. Features include use of ARP,
- an ARexx port, XMODEM 1K/CRC and Kermit protocols, support
- for additional serial ports, external file transfer protocols
- (XPR), a "chat" mode, and scrollback/review/history buffer.
- It comes in two versions, one with Tektronix emulation, and
- one without. The Tektronix emulation allows saving IFF files,
- PostScript files, and printing bitmaps to the printer. This
- is version 4.428, an update to version 4.226 on disk 257.
- The major change for this update is a rewrite of the
- Tektronix emulation to support almost all of the Tektronix
- 4105 escape sequences. Binary only.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- --------------------
- Bind A binding (glue) library builder. Takes a standard
- '.fd' (function definition) file and generates a binding
- library for the functions defined in the '.fd' file.
- Version 1.2, an update to the version released with
- midilib on disk 227. Binary only.
- Author: Bill Barton
- Csh Version 4.00a of a csh like shell derived from Matt
- Dillon's shell, version 2.07. This is an update to
- version 3.03a on disk 223. Changes include ARP pattern
- matching, improved search command, some new commands
- like 'basename', some new options, bug fixes, and an
- ARexx port. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni
- SKsh A ksh-like shell for the Amiga. Some of its features
- include command substitution, shell functions with
- parameters, aliases, local variables, local functions,
- local aliases, powerful control structures and tests,
- emacs style line editing and history functions, I/O
- redirection, pipes, large variety of built-in commands,
- Unix style wildcards, Unix style filename conventions,
- filename completion, and coexistence with scripts from
- other shells. Very well documented. Version 1.3, an
- update to version 1.2 on disk 291. Binary only.
- Author: Steve Koren
- --------------------
- Mon A machine code monitor/debugger program for the Amiga
- which is re-entrant and can be made resident. This is
- version 1.24, binary only.
- Author: Timo Rossi
- UUCP An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail
- and news. This is Matt's version 1.00 for the Amiga,
- based on William Loftus's Amiga UUCP 0.40 release with
- news code from his 0.60 release, and months of work by
- Matt Dillon to make fixes and add enhancements. Includes
- source.
- Author: Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- CRobots A game based on computer programming. Unlike arcade type
- games which require human input controlling some object,
- all strategy in CRobots is condensed into a C language
- program that you design and write, to control a robot
- whose mission is to seek out, track, and destroy other
- robots, each running different programs. All robots are
- equally equipped, and up to four may compete at once.
- Version 2.1w, binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Tom Poindexter, Amiga version by David Wright
- Echo Echo is a replacement for the AmigaDOS or ARP echo command.
- This version provides easy color setting or positioning for
- all echo'ed strings. Completely compatible with the AmigaDOS
- and ARP echo commands, all your old batch files should work
- correctly. Version 1.08c, includes source.
- Author: George Kerber (based on echo by Garry Glendown)
- Etime Etime will display the elapsed time between events. This is
- useful in scripts to display the elapsed time between the
- beginning and ending. Many options including color and time
- displayed as hh:mm:ss or total seconds. Version 1.05c,
- includes source.
- Author: George Kerber
- Fortune Fortune will ramdomly display a 'fortune' selected from the
- fortunes file (supplied). The 'fortunes' file is easily
- modified or added to by the user, using any text editor.
- Fortune provides color and speech by user option.
- Version 2.04c, includes source.
- Author: George Kerber
- Incr Incr will easily allow the user to keep a total count of
- any event run from a batch file. Incr will take a number
- from a file, increment it by one and display the result.
- The new count is written back to the file. Version 1.04b,
- includes source.
- Author: George Kerber
- PKAZip The PKWare ZIP tool for the Amiga. Provides functions
- to create, examine, extract, test, modify, display, and
- print files which are in the ZIP compressed format
- Uses a full Intuition interface with no CLI support.
- Version 01.00, binary only.
- Author: PKWARE Inc, Amiga version by Dennis Hoffman
- Udate Udate is a replacement for the AmigaDOS date command,
- containing many options similiar to the UNIX date command.
- Udate will allow you to set the date and time via prompts
- or directly from the command line, will display any part
- of the date or time using the options in any color desired,
- and will also make an automatic adjustment of your system
- clock for Daylight Savings Time so your computer will be
- one less clock you will ever have to set twice a year for
- DST. Version 1.15c, includes source.
- Author: George Kerber
- --------------------
- ChinaChallenge A game similar to Shanghai or Mahjong. The goal is to
- remove all parts of the pile, the so called Dragon, step
- by step. This dragon is composed of 120 different game
- pieces. You can always find four pieces displaying the
- same picture or chinese symbols. Binary only.
- Author: Dirk Hoffmann
- LHArc An archive program like Arc and Zoo, with a heavy emphasis
- maximum compression for minimum archive size, using LZHUF
- compression. This is version 1.10, an update to version 1.0
- on disk 289. Changes include 20-50% faster compression,
- 17% faster decompression, file sorting, more efficient use
- of memory, a new progress indicator display, and some bug
- fixes. Binary only.
- Author: Paolo Zibetti
- Moonbase You must guide a lunar lander to ferry cargo from an
- orbiting space station to bases on the surface of the moon.
- You get cargo and fuel for the lander by docking with the
- space station. The goal is to complete all the assigned
- cargo deliveries, and to destroy as few landers as possible
- in doing so. Binary only.
- Author: Jim Barber
- TrackSalve A trackdisk patch which removes all known bugs and patches
- the trackdisk task to allow various enhancements, such as
- reading good sectors from partially bad tracks, write
- verification, write protect simulation, and turning off
- clicking. Version 1.0, includes source in C and assembler.
- Author: Dirk Reisig
- --------------------
- UUCP An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail
- and news. This is Matt's version for the Amiga, based
- on William Loftus's Amiga UUCP 0.40 release with news
- code from his 0.60 release, and months of work by Matt
- to make fixes and add enhancements. This is version
- 1.03D, an update to version 1.00 on disk 310. Includes
- source.
- Author: Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- A68k A 68000 assembler originally written in Modula-2 in
- 1985 and converted to C by Charlie Gibb in 1987. Has
- been converted to accept metacomco-compatible assembler
- source code and to generate Amiga objects. Includes source.
- This is version 2.61, an update to the version on disk 186.
- Author: Brian Anderson; C translation and Amiga work
- done by Charlie Gibb
- Zc A full K&R C compiler based on a port of the Atari ST
- version of the Sozobon-C compiler. Includes the C compiler
- main pass written by Johann Ruegg with fixes and enhancements
- by Joe Montgomery and Jeff Lydiatt, a cc front end written
- by Fred Fish with enhancements by Jeff Lydiatt and Ralph
- Babel, an optimizer written by Tony Andrews, an assembler
- written by Brian Anderson and Charlie Gibb, a linker written
- by the Software Distillery, generic include files, and a C
- runtime library written by Dale Schumacher and ported by
- Jeff Lydiatt. This is version 1.01, an update to disks 171
- and 193.
- Author: Various, see documentation.
- --------------------
- AmigaFox A text processor with graphics capabilities. Version
- 1.00, binary only.
- Author: Michael Wust
- Drawmap A program for drawing representations of the Earth's
- surface. Can generate flat maps, mercator maps, globe
- views and orbital views. This is version 2.0, an update
- to version 1.0 on disk 229. Enhancements include
- dropshadows, user text entry and placement, improved
- event processing and better looking mouse pointers.
- Includes source.
- Author: Bryan Brown
- Surf Generates bezier surfaces of revolution. Will produce some
- amazing pictures of wineglasses, doorknobs, or other objects
- one could turn on a lathe. Includes the capacity to map IFF
- image files onto any surface that it can draw. This is
- version 2.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 170. Changes
- include support for data file formats that can be translated
- to input files for various 3D modeling programs, an increase
- in the number of grey shades available, and the capability of
- modifying the endpoints of segments. Source included.
- Author: Eric Davies
- --------------------
- Formulae An implementation of basic propositional formulae
- manipulation routines in Scheme (Scheme is available on
- disk 149). Uses only essential procedures so it should
- run under any Scheme. Includes source in Scheme.
- Author: Gauthier Groult and Bertrand Lecun
- Iff2C Yet another IFF ILBM to C converter. Two unique features
- are the ability to generate comments representing the
- actual image, and the planepick computation. This is
- version 0.30 and includes source.
- Author: Gauthier Groult and Jean Michel Forgeas
- IntuiSup A shared library which implements extensions to the Amiga
- operating system and graphical environment. Includes
- several example programs that make use of the library,
- including building a nifty file requester from the
- library's user interface routines. Version 1.15, binary
- only. Source available from author.
- Author: Gauthier Groult
- Life Another version of Tomas's Life game. Includes a torus
- option, an option to perform calculations with the processor
- rather than the blitter, and more. This is version 5.0, an
- update to the version on disk 306, and is about 15% faster.
- Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- SmartIcon This shareware program, submitted by the author, is an
- Intuition objects iconifier. Version 2.0 is still limited
- to iconifying windows, which is still very handy. It adds
- a new "iconify gadget" to each window, that when clicked
- on, iconifies the window into an icon in the ram: disk.
- This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 214.
- Includes source.
- Author: Gauthier Groult
- Vectors A simple program to test how fast the Amiga can draw lines.
- Includes two versions, 1.0 and 1.1, each of which performs
- tests slightly differently. Includes source.
- Author: Gauthier Groult and Jean Michel Forgeas
- --------------------
- StillStore A program designed for freelance, corporate, and broadcast
- television. It loads and displays IFF images of any
- resolution interchangeably from a list file or as inputted
- directly (I.E. random access). The user may easily skip
- forward or backward one or more pictures in the list. A
- "generic" display is always just a few seconds away. The
- program can be used "on air" with no concern that a pull
- down menu will suddenly appear in the viewable area. It
- also provides for a precise cue for changing windows or
- screens. While the main purpose is to load "news windows"
- of 1/4 screen size, StillStore can also handle full-sized
- and overscanned images. Also includes slide show modes and
- a screen positioning feature. Stillstore is written in the
- Director language from the Right Answers Group. Version 1.2,
- binary only, source available from authors.
- Author: R. J. (Dick) Bourne and Richard Murray
- Uniq A text processor which compacts repeated adjacent lines.
- Intended to be used with a sorted file to print unique
- lines, or repeated lines. Behaviour and options like UNIX
- version. Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: John Woods, Amiga port by Gary Duncan
- --------------------
- CNewsBin This is part 1 of a C News distribution for the Amiga.
- This part includes all the binary and text files necessary
- to set up and run C News. Part 2 is available on disk 319
- and contains the source.
- Author: Various, Amiga port by Frank Edwards
- Lhwarp A program which will read tracks directly from your floppy
- disk, compress them using adaptive huffman encoding, and
- output them to a file. The resulting file can be used by
- lhwarp to reconstruct an image of the original disk. This
- is version 1.21, an update to version 1.20 on disk 305.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Forbes
- PKAZip The PKWare ZIP tool for the Amiga. Provides functions
- to create, examine, extract, test, modify, display, and
- print files which are in the ZIP compressed format
- Uses a full Intuition interface with no CLI support.
- This is version 1.01, an update to version 1.00 on
- disk 311. Binary only.
- Author: PKWARE Inc, Amiga version by Dennis Hoffman
- WaveMaker WaveMaker is intended to give beginning music and physics
- students a "hands on" feel for how complex waves are made
- by adding a harmonic series of sine waves. A fundamental
- and up to seven harmonics are available. The resulting
- waveform can be displayed on the screen or played on the
- audio device using the keyboard like a piano. A game mode
- is also provided. Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Thomas Meyer
- Xoper Very comprehensive program to monitor and control system
- activity. Monitor cpu, memory usage, ports, interrupts,
- devices. Close windows, screens, show loaded fonts or last
- Guru code number. Clean up memory, flush unused libraries,
- devices, fonts. etc. and a whole bunch more! Spawns its own
- process. A very handy background task to have loaded.
- This is version 2.2, an update to version 2.0 on disk 274.
- Changes include mostly bug fixes and some minor enhancements.
- Assembly source included.
- Author: Werner Gunther
- --------------------
- AHDM Amiga Hard Disk Menu. When placed in your startup sequence,
- AHDM offers a ten page menu, each page having up to ten
- possible actions. By double clicking on an action, that
- action will execute any legal AmigaDOS command, program,
- or script file. This allows you to interactively select
- which programs you wish to start or packages to install
- at boot time. Version 1.1a, binary only, demo version
- that only supports 2 pages of actions.
- Author: Scott Meek
- CNewsSrc This is part 2 of a C News distribution for the Amiga.
- This part includes all the source for C News and the UUPC
- package that it uses. Part 1 is available on disk 318
- and includes all the binary and text files necessary to
- set up and run C News on the Amiga.
- Author: Various, Amiga port by Frank Edwards
- Mathtrans A very small library which replaces the mathtrans.library
- distributed by Commodore-Amiga, for those who own an
- MC68881/82 floating point unit. Calculation speed of
- some functions is increased up to 15 times. Version 1.1,
- includes source.
- Author: Heiner Huckstadt
- --------------------
- AmigaTrek A continuation of Mike's Amiga Trek stories, which are
- parodies of the Star Trek series, with an Amiga flavor.
- Earlier stories are on disk 278.
- Author: Mike Smithwick
- AmiOmega Amiga port of the Omega game. Omega is similar to hack
- or rogue, but is much more complex. There is a city,
- several towns, a wilderness, lots of dungeons, a multitude
- of monsters, lots of spells, magic items, etc. There are
- several quests to complete. All in all, it is an excellent
- game. Requires 1Mb or more of memory. Amiga version 1.0,
- binary only.
- Author: Laurence Brothers, Amiga port by Rick Golembiewski
- --------------------
- DezHexBin An intuition based programmers tool to convert integers
- between decimal, hexadecimal, and binary. Very small.
- Version 1.1, includes source in assembly code.
- Author: Michael Djavidan
- IconJ IconJ significantly enhances the IconX program, and is
- 100% compatible. It allows scripts to be executed by
- double-clicking the script's icon. Abilities include
- joining the script with the icon file itself, or calling
- it from any directory or disk, executing either AmigaDOS
- or ARexx scripts, outputing to any file or device, running
- interactive scripts and scripts that contain conditionals,
- and creating relative console windows. Includes a utility
- called AtatJ which attaches or detaches a script to/from
- an icon file. Version 1.0, includes source in JForth.
- Author: Rich Franzen
- Ifs An Iterated Function System viewer which graphically
- displays iterated function systems and allows the user
- to interactively create the affine functions that define
- such systems. An IFS can represent complex pictures very
- compactly. Simple IFSs can describe an infinite number of
- different and interesting fractal displays. Includes a
- number of displays that the author and others have
- discovered. Version 1.5, includes source in C.
- Author: Glen Fullmer
- Planets Some routines ported to the Amiga by Bob Leivian, that
- compute the location of the planets (as viewed from a
- specific point on the earth) and the phase of the moon,
- for an arbitrary date and time. Includes source.
- Author: Keith Brandt VIII, Jim Cobb, F. T. Mendenhall,
- Alan Paeth, Petri Launiainen, Bob Leivian
- Turtle A shared library of "turtle" functions for drawing in a
- RastPort. Includes source in assembly and C.
- Author: Thomas Albers
- UnixDirs A program which intercepts calls to dos.library to add
- the UNIX style '.' and '..' syntax for current and parent
- directories, respectively, to file and path names. I.E.,
- you can refer to files in the current directory as './foo'
- and files in the parent directory as '../foo', or any
- combination of the two. Includes source in assembly.
- Author: Murray Bennett and Mark Cyster
- Whereis Another "find-that-file" utility. Whereis searches on your
- (hard-)disk for a file(name) and displays the path to that
- file. Some features are case independent search, wildcards,
- interactive mode (cd implemented), can display size and date
- of files, always abortable, can archive filenames for "ZOO"
- (like fnams/recurdir), and no recursive procedures. Includes
- source in C. Version 1.18 (2-15-90).
- Author: Roland Bless
- --------------------
- Gwin This is version 1.0 of GWIN. GWIN or Graphics WINdow is
- an integrated collection of graphics routines callable
- from C. These routines make it easy to create sophisticated
- graphics programs in the C environment. One-line calls give
- you a custom screen (ten types available), menu items,
- requestors, text, circles, polygons, etc. GWIN is a
- two-dimensional floating point graphics system with
- conversion between world and screen coordinates. GWIN
- includes built-in clipping that may be turned off for
- speed. Use of color and XOR operations are greatly
- simplified. Many examples of the use of GWIN are
- included in an examples directory. Examples include
- line/bar graph program, geographic mapping program,
- SPICE 2G.6 graphics post-processor, and others. Extensive
- documentation is included.
- Author: Howard C. Anderson.
- --------------------
- ColorTools Three tools that manipulate the colors of your screen.
- Binary only.
- Author: Dieter Bruns
- CZEd A complete midi package for use with all Casio CZ
- synthesizers. Contains a full fledged sound editor, a
- split simulator for CZ-101/1000/230S, a bank loader and
- a memory dump for CZ-1. This is a formerly commercial
- package now released as shareware. Binary only.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- LinkSound Two examples of functions that you can link with your
- own code to produce a short musical "beep" or a sound
- that is similar to striking a drum. Includes source.
- Author: Dieter Bruns
- Show A very versatile program to display IFF ILBM files.
- Features realtime unpacking scroll, smart analysis of any
- IFF file, total control over display modes, simple
- slideshow processing, pattern matching, and a dozen other
- options. Only 9K. Version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Sebastiano Vigna
- --------------------
- ANSIEd Demo version of an ANSI screen file editor. It allows
- you to easily create and modify a screen of ANSI-style
- text/graphics on the Amiga. The standard ANSI color set
- (red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white) and text
- styles (plain, boldface, underlined, italic) are provided,
- along with some simple editing and drawing functions.
- This demo version has the save features disabled. This is
- version 1.3.0, an update to version 1.2.0aD on disk 221.
- Binary only.
- Author: Greg Epley
- DiskFree An small iconifiable intuition program that shows the
- amount of free space available on all mounted disk
- devices, both numerically and graphically. Version 1.0,
- shareware, binary only.
- Author: Dieter Kuntz
- DPFFT An enhanced version of DPlot from disk 290. DPlot is
- a simple display program for experimental data, with the
- goals of supporting paging through lots of data and
- providing comfortable scaling and presentation. The
- enhancements for DPFFT include addition of a Fast Fourier
- Transform (FFT), display of a customized amplitude and
- phase spectrum, a prewhitening capability, and a Welch
- window for spectral smoothing. This is version 2.1,
- binary only.
- Author: A. A. Walma
- Mailchk A mail client for Dnet, which will inform you of any new
- mail and will give the choice of viewing, deleting, or
- printing a message. Version 2.01, includes source.
- Author: Stephane Laroche
- Tetris A PD clone of the popular Tetris type games. Written
- completely in assembly code. Very fast and responsive.
- Includes full source.
- Author: Andy Hook
- --------------------
- Batchman A program that allows the user to execute CLI programs
- and batch files simply by clicking on a gadget. It can
- be used as the center of a turnkey system, where the
- user simply clicks on gadgets to launch applications.
- Version 1.1, includes source in Modula-II.
- Author: Michal Todorovic
- DClock A "Dumb Clock" utility that displays the date and time
- in the Workbench screen title bar. Uses only about 2
- percent of the CPU time and about 10Kb of memory. Also
- has an alarm clock feature and audible beep for programs
- that call DisplayBeep. This is version 1.12, an update
- to version 1.5 on disk 298, with many enhancements and a
- few bug fixes. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- DoRevision This program implements easy creation of source code
- revision headers (very similar to the log headers to
- be found at the top of the Amiga 'C' include files).
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- FAM A File Access Manager for the Amiga that allows multiple
- ARexx programs to access a buffered version of a directory
- in a consistent and serialized manner. It buffers all the
- names, dates, sizes and so on, for quick access. This is
- version 1.1 and includes source.
- Author: Darren New
- FarPrint Debugging functions for programs which don't have any
- links to their environment. FarPrint consists of two
- major parts; a harbour process open to receive and
- distribute messages and requests, and a set of C functions
- to be linked into any program wishing to communicate with
- the FarPrint main process. This is version 1.5, an update
- to version 1.3 on disk 281, and adds a shared library as
- well as linker libraries for both Lattice and Aztec C.
- Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- KeyMacro A keyboard macro program, configurable via a text file,
- that also supports hotkey program execution. You can map
- up to eight functions to each key, including keys such as
- cursor keys, the return key, etc. Version 1.0, includes
- source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- LifeCycles Some sort of biorhythm type program. No docs included.
- Version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Michal Todorovic
- MemGuard MemGuard is a MemWatch-like program which has been
- rewritten in assembly language for maximum speed and
- efficiency. Unlike MemWatch MemGuard does not run as
- Task in a dummy loop but rather as a low-level interrupt
- routine which is capable of trapping memory thrashing even
- before exec might know of it and even while task switching
- is forbidden. In fact the low-memory area is checked each
- frame. Virtually no processing time is wasted, the
- interrupt routine does the check in about half a raster
- scan line's time. This program was contributed by Ralf
- Thanner, who spent three weeks programming & debugging it.
- In this program Ralf uses some very delicate tricks to
- let his interrupt routine work with Intuition alerts.
- Version III, binary only.
- Author: Ralf Thanner
- RexxHostLib This is a shared library package to simplify the ARexx
- host creation/management procedure. Rexx-message parsing
- is also included making it possible to control ARexx from
- programs such as AmigaBASIC (can you imagine AmigaBASIC
- controlling AmigaTeX?). Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- --------------------
- CBDump This is a CLI utility for those who are working with the
- Amiga's clipboard device. It's sole purpose in life is
- to dump the current contents of the clipboard to stdout
- or by redirection to a pipe or a file. Useful for
- testing and interfacing with programs that do not support
- the clipboard. Source included.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen.
- DispMod One of the series of ROBBS (Rexx Object Building Block
- System) modules by Larry Phillips. DispMod is a display
- module that only understands ARexx messages. It allows,
- under program control, the display of text and the
- acceptance of keyboard data. Version 0.11, includes
- source.
- Author: Larry Phillips
- Itb This program converts an icon to an IFF picture (brush)
- file. It handles both single and alternate image (animated)
- icons. This is version 1.10 which adds a colour palette to
- the previous version from disk 85. Version 1.10, binary
- only.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen.
- MicroTerm A very small, very simple, almost brain-dead terminal
- program. Primarily useful as an example of how to talk to
- the console and serial devices. Version 0.1, includes
- source.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen.
- NeuronalNets Some programs for playing with Neuronal Nets using
- Hopfield and Hamming algorithms. Binary only.
- Author: Uwe Schaefer
- PopScreen A small hack to pop a hidden screen to the front from the
- CLI. This was written to allow the author to use VLTjr
- with other programs that also use custom screens. Source
- included.
- Author: Stephen Vermeulen.
- Snap A tool for clipping text or graphics from the screen,
- using the clipboard device. Snap finds out character
- coordinates automatically, handles different fonts, keymaps,
- accented characters, and more. Version 1.4, an update
- to version 1.3 on disk 274. Includes source.
- Author: Mikael Karlsson
- VSnap This is an enhanced version of Snap 1.3, submitted by
- Steve Vermeulen, which adds the ability to save clipped
- graphics as IFF FORM ILBM's to the clipboard, so they can
- be imported to other programs that understand IFF and the
- clipboard. I have dubbed it VSnap, since the official
- 1.4 Snap is also included on this disk. Includes source.
- Author: Mikael Karlsson, enhancements by Steve Vermeulen
- --------------------
- ARTM ARTM (Amiga Real Time Monitor) displays and controls
- system activity such as tasks, windows, libraries, devices,
- resources, ports, residents, interrupts, vectors, memory,
- mounts, assigns, fonts and hardware. Includes both a PAL
- and an NTSC version. This is version 1.0, an update to
- version 0.9 on disk 277. Binary only.
- Author: Dietmar Jansen and F. J. Mertens
- MM An implementation of the game Mastermind. In this game
- you must try to guess a color combination which the amiga
- sets via a random generator. There are 6 colors which can
- be set in any combination. Includes source.
- Author: Dietmar Jansen
- MRBackUp A hard disk backup utility that does a file by file copy
- to standard AmigaDOS floppy disks. Includes an intuition
- interface and file compression. This is version 3.4, an
- update to version 3.3e on disk 279. Binary only.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- Msh An Amiga file system handler that handles MSDOS formatted
- diskettes. You can use files on such disks in almost
- exactly the same way as you use files on native AmigaDOS
- disks. This is a fully functional, read/write version,
- that supports 8, 9, or 10 sector disks of 80 tracks, and
- should also work on 40 track drives and hard disks with
- 12 or 16 bit FAT of any dimension the FAT allows.
- Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Seibert
- Softfont Converts portrait soft fonts for HP LaserJet compatible
- laser printers to landscape format. Includes source.
- Author: Thomas Lynch
- --------------------
- AnalytiCalc A full featured system for numerical analysis and
- reporting. Includes a spreadsheet, graphics programs,
- documents and facilities for performing many commonly
- needed functions. Features include an 18000 by 18000
- cell spreadsheet using virtual memory, random access
- to other saved spreadsheet formulas or values, easy
- save or merge of partial sheets, up to 400 windows on
- screen, ability to drive any cell from external macros,
- built in matrix algebra, random number generation,
- date arithemetic, and much more. This is version
- V24-01a, an update to version V23-2A on disk 176.
- Binary only.
- Author: Glenn Everhart
- Hames Some miscellaneous programs from Chris Hames. DirWork
- V1.01 is a fast, small, simple efficient DirUtility.
- FSDirs V1.3 is a floppy accelerator program. VMK V27
- is a small virus detector/killer that knows about 27
- different viruses and can detect new ones. NoInfo V1.0
- stops programs from producing ".info" files. Binaries
- only.
- Author: Chris Hames
- RoadRoute A trip planner that takes a list of cities and a list
- of known routes between cities, and generates the distance
- and time required to reach your destination. This is an
- update to version 1.0 on disk 251, with an expanded
- datebase of cities and roads for New Mexico, Texas,
- Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Louisiana,
- Arkansas, Missouri, Colorado and Mississippi, added by
- Fred Mayes and Gary Delzer. Includes source.
- Author: Jim Butterfield, Fred Mayes, Gary Delzer
- --------------------
- CPU Two programs, one in C and one in assembler, which
- check for CPU type. This version can detect 68000,
- 68010, 68020, and 68881 processors. Includes source.
- Author: Ethan Dicks, based on WhatCPU by Dave Haynie
- DiskSpeed A disk speed testing program specifically designed to
- give the most accurate results of the true disk perform-
- ance of the disk under test. Automatically updates and
- maintains an ASCII database of disk results for tested
- disks. This is version 3.1, an update to version 2.0 on
- disk 288, with some source code cleanups and stress tests
- for CPU and DMA. Includes source in C.
- Author: Michael Sinz
- Empire This is a complete rewrite, from the ground up, in
- Draco, of Peter Langston's Empire game. Empire is
- a multiplayer game of exploration, economics, war,
- etc, which can last a couple of months. Can be
- played either on the local keyboard or remotely
- through a modem. This is version 1.33w, an update
- to version 1.0 on disk 118, and includes many changes
- and enhancements. Binary only.
- Author: Chris Gray, David Wright, Peter Langston
- FileSystems Displays AmigaDOS disk devices with information about
- the head geometry, BufMemType, and the lower level
- exec device. Includes source.
- Author: Ethan Dicks
- OnePlane Removes the highest number bitplane from the WorkBench
- screen. Normally used to take Workbench screen from
- 2 bitplanes to 1 bitplane. This allows CON: style
- devices to scroll text faster. Includes source.
- Author: Ethan Dicks
- --------------------
- Mostra A very versatile program to display IFF ILBM files.
- Features realtime unpacking scroll, smart analysis of any
- IFF file, total control over display modes, simple
- slideshow processing, pattern matching, and a dozen other
- options. Only 14K. This is version 1.0, an upgrade to
- the Show program on disk 323, and adds SHAM, double
- buffering, faster decompression, color cycling, TeXdocs,
- startup files for easy customizing, and complete WorkBench
- support through ToolTypes and Style icons. Binary only.
- Author: Sebastiano Vigna
- Palette A tool which allows you to change another program's
- custom screen colors. This is version 1.1, an update
- to the version on disk 55. New features include checks
- for WorkBench startups, checks for HAM, Half Brite, or
- more than five bitplanes, and more graceful exits.
- Includes source in assembly.
- Author: Randy Jouett, CJ Fruge, Carolyn Scheppner,
- Charlie Heath
- Vt100 A vt100 emulator for the Amiga, which also supports
- various file transfer protocols like kermit, xmodem,
- ymodem, zmodem, etc, has an Arexx port, can use
- custom external protocol modules, and more. This is
- version 2.9a, an update to version 2.9 on disk 275.
- Includes source.
- Author: Dave Wecker, Tony Sumrall, Frank Anthes,
- and Chuck Forsberg
- XprKermit An Amiga shared library which provides Kermit file
- transfer capability to any XPR-compatible communications
- program. Supports version 2.0 of the XPR Protocol
- specification. Version 1.5, includes source.
- Author: Marco Papa, Stephen Walton
- --------------------
- CRobots A game based on computer programming. Unlike arcade type
- games which require human input controlling some object,
- all strategy in CRobots is condensed into a C language
- program that you design and write, to control a robot
- whose mission is to seek out, track, and destroy other
- robots, each running different programs. All robots are
- equally equipped, and up to four may compete at once.
- This is version 2.2w, an update to version 2.1w on disk
- 311. Binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Tom Poindexter, Amiga version by David Wright
- Csh Version 4.01a of a csh like shell derived from Matt
- Dillon's shell, version 2.07. This is an update to
- version 4.00a on disk 309. Changes include mostly bug
- fixes and corrections. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni
- Iff2Ex A program to convert IFF pictures to an executable. It
- can handle NTSC/PAL, interlace and overscan. Version 1.0,
- binary only.
- Author: Pieter van Leuven
- LhArcA An intuitionized and faster version of lharc for the Amiga.
- Requires ARP library. Version 0.99a, binary only.
- Author: Haruyasu Yoshizaki, Amiga version by Stefan Boberg
- LVR Link Virus Remover. A program that recursively searches
- directories for link viruses in executable files. This
- is version 1.20, binary only.
- Author: Pieter van Leuven
- NTSC-PAL Utilities which allow Amigas with the new ECS 1Mb Agnus
- to easily switch between PAL and NTSC display modes.
- Version 1.0, includes source in assembly.
- Author: Nico Francois
- PatchLoadSeg This program patches the loadseg routine to automatically
- detect link viruses when a program is loaded. Displays an
- alert when a virus is detected in a program being loaded
- for execution. Version 1.20, includes source.
- Author: Pieter van Leuven
- VirusUtils Two programs to detect viruses on disk and in memory.
- Virushunter removes all known viruses in memory.
- Viruskiller removes all known viruses in memory and after
- removing the viruses the disks can be checked without the
- virus copying itself to the disks. Version 3.60, binary
- only.
- Author: Pieter van Leuven
- --------------------
- AniPtrs Some cute animated pointers. I have adopted one of them
- as my permanent replacement for the boring red arrow.
- Binary only.
- Author: Bob McKain
- DevPatch A program that installs a patch for OpenWindow to check the
- NewWindow structure. If the title matches a specific
- string, the height will be forced to 45 pixels. This helps
- to reduce chip memory usage for programs that open overly
- large windows and then seldom use them. Includes source.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein, Nico Francois, P. Marivoet
- Helper A little InputEvent hack, activated via the HELP key.
- Originally meant to provide a unique method of giving the
- user help (you don't have to put that help stuff into your
- own program). Now also contains a color requester and a
- small notepad. Version 1.01, includes source.
- Author: Michael Balzer
- K1_Editor An editor for the Kawai K1(m) synthesizer with two
- auxiliary programs for managing sound dumps. This is
- version 1.00, shareware, includes source.
- Author: Michael Balzer
- Kryptor A small, simple and comfortable file encoder/decoder.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Michael Balzer
- RevBut Another InputEvent hack, giving you a toggling right mouse
- button. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Michael Balzer
- --------------------
- MultiPlot A package for making 2D plots conveniently. Tim Mooney
- wrote the original program, which was then enhanced by
- Alan Baxter with a nicer user interface, support for
- the PLT: device, and support for file conversions. Rich
- Champeaux and Jim Miller wrote the PLT: handler which
- emulates a plotter by accepting HP-GL commands, creating
- a raster image, then dumping it to any preferences supported
- graphics printer. This is version XLNb, an update to
- version XLN on disk 292, and includes many bug fixes, style
- changes, and enhancements. Includes source.
- Author: Alan Baxter, Tim Mooney, Rich Campeaux, Jim Miller
- --------------------
- FBM An Amiga port of the Fuzzy PixMap image manipulation
- library. This package allows manipulation and conversion
- of a variety of color and B&W image formats. Supported
- formats include Sun rasterfiles, GIF, IFF, PCX, PBM
- bitmaps, "face" files, and FBM files. Also has input
- converters for raw images, like DigiView files, and
- output converters for PostScript and Diablo graphics.
- Besides doing format conversion, some of the other image
- manipulation operations supported include rectangular
- extraction, density and contrast changes, rotation,
- quantization, halftone grayscaling, edge sharpening,
- and histograms. Version 0.9, binary only.
- Author: Michael Mauldin; Amiga port by Kenn Barry
- PPMore A "more" replacement program that reads normal ascii text
- files as well as files crunched with PowerPacker. The
- crunched files can result in consider disk space savings.
- Version 1.5, binary only.
- Author: Nico Francois
- PPShow A "show" program for normal IFF ILBM files or ILBM files
- crunched with PowerPacker. The decrunching is done auto-
- matically as the file is read. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Nico Francois
- WhatIs A neat little utility which not only recognizes a wide
- variety of file types (executables, IFF, icons, zoo files,
- etc), but prints interesting information about the structure
- or contents of the recognized file types. Version 1.2a,
- binary only.
- Author: J. Tyberghein
- --------------------
- BoingDemo Demo version of a neat game due for release in March 1990.
- It is fully functional but the play time is limited to
- five minutes per play. Version 0.30, binary only.
- Author: Kevin Kelm, Alternate Realities
- DTC A utility providing a simple calendar which can hold
- and show appointments. It may be useful in managing
- your time. Its chief goals were to provide day, week
- and month at a glance for any date between 1/1/0001
- and 12/31/9999, defaulting to the current date. It
- is menu driven and fairly easy to use. Includes source
- in Fortran.
- Author: Mitch Wyle, Amiga port by Glenn Everhart
- SeeHear A program to do a spectrogram of a sampled sound file.
- This is a graph with time on one axis, frequency on the
- other and the sound intensity at each point determining
- the pixel color. With source in C, including FFT routine.
- This is version 1.1.
- Author: Daniel T. Johnson
- --------------------
- Car A two-dimensional full screen scrolling racing game with
- realistic four channel stereo sound and overscan, for
- either NTSC or PAL Amigas. The goal is to guide your car
- around one of ten selected tracks. Each track has its
- individual high score list. Version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Anders Bjerin
- FileWindow A completely public domain file requester which may be used
- in any program, even commercial ones. It uses dynamically
- allocated memory to hold the file names so the only limitation
- is the amount of memory available. Includes a filter option
- to limit display of filenames to only ones with a specific
- extension. Names are automatically sorted while they are
- being read and displayed. Version 1.10, includes source.
- Author: Anders Bjerin
- MiniBlast A shoot'em up game which runs just fine in a multitasking
- environment. At last you can enjoy a satisfying megablast
- while you are writing a boring essay. Shoot anything that
- moves, and if it doesn't move, shoot it anyway. This is
- version 1.00, binary only.
- Author: Anders Bjerin
- Sys A game built on the addictive game PONGO but with several
- added features. You have been assigned the demanding task
- of cleaning viruses from your SYSOP's hard disk. To kill
- a virus, you simply kick a disk at it. There are fifty
- different levels, and on each level, the speed will increase
- and the viruses will be smarter and start to hunt you.
- Version 2.10, binary only.
- Author: Anders Bjerin
- --------------------
- CManual A complete C manual for the Amiga which describes how
- to open and work with screens, windows, graphics, gadgets,
- requesters, alerts, menus, IDCMP, sprites, etc. The
- manual consists of more than 200 pages in 11 chapters,
- together with more than 70 fully executable examples with
- source code. When unpacked, the manual and examples
- nearly fill up three standard Amiga floppies. This is
- version 1.00 and includes source for all examples.
- Author: Anders Bjerin
- --------------------
- Cpp This is a copy of the Decus cpp, ported to the Amiga.
- This cpp is more powerful and complete than either of
- the built in cpp's in Manx or Lattice C. This is an
- update to the version on disk 28. It has had some
- ANSI features added. Includes source.
- Author: Martin Minow, Olaf Seibert
- SASTools Various submissions from "Sick Amiga Soft". Includes
- some virus tools, some screen hacks, some small games,
- and miscellaneous utilities. Includes source in assembly
- and Modula-II.
- Author: Jorg Sixt
- SID A very comprehensive directory utility for the Amiga
- that supports at least a couple of dozen different commands
- for operating on files. Version 1.06, binary only.
- Author: Timm Martin
- --------------------
- PCQ A freely redistributable, self compiling, Pascal compiler
- for the Amiga. The only major feature of Pascal that
- is not implemented is sets. This is version 1.1c, an
- update to version 1.0 on disk 183. It is much enhanced
- and about four times faster. Includes the compiler source
- and example programs.
- Author: Patrick Quaid
- --------------------
- NorthC A complete freely redistributable C environment for the
- Amiga based on the Sozobon Ltd C compiler, Charlie Gibb's
- assembler, the Software Distillery's linker, and portions
- from other sources. Steve has pulled everything together
- and added some enhancements in the process. Version 1.0,
- partial source only.
- Author: Steve Hawtin, et. al.
- Plplot A library of C functions useful for scientific plotting
- on the Amiga. The library is Lattice C compatible.
- Contour plotting, three dimensional plotting, axis
- redefinition, log-log plotting and multiple subpages are
- a few of Plplot's features. The plots can be displayed
- on a monitor or sent to a graphics file for subsequent
- printing. This is version 2.6, and update to version
- 1.00 on disk 222. This version includes a greatly
- improved intuition interface, preferences support for
- hardcopy, several new device drivers, and the capability
- of adding additional device drivers easily. Includes
- source.
- Author: Tony Richardson
- SpeakerSim Demo version of SpeakerSim 2.0, a loudspeaker CAD program.
- Simulates vented (Thiele-Small) and closed box systems.
- Also simulates 1st, 2nd, and 3rd order high and low pass
- filters. Binary only.
- Author: Dissidents
- --------------------
- P2C P2C is a tool for translating Pascal programs into C.
- It handles the following Pascal dialects: HP Pascal,
- Turbo/UCSD Pascal, DEC VAX Pascal, Oregon Software
- Pascal/2, Macintosh Programmer's Workshop Pascal,
- Sun/Berkeley Pascal. Modula-2 syntax is also supported.
- Most reasonable Pascal programs are converted into fully
- functional C which will compile and run with no further
- modifications. This is version 1.13 and includes source.
- Author: Dave Gillespie, Amiga port by G. R. (Fred) Walter
- --------------------
- IE This is an icon editor which can create and modify icons
- up to 640x200 pixels in size (also dual render). It can
- set stack size, position of icon (also free-floating),
- default tool, 10 tool types and control over opened
- window. It can also generate the C source code behind the
- icon for program inclusion. Version 1.0, binary only,
- source available from author.
- Author: Peter Kiem
- SKsh A ksh-like shell for the Amiga. Some of its features
- include command substitution, shell functions with
- parameters, aliases, local variables, local functions,
- local aliases, powerful control structures and tests,
- emacs style line editing and history functions, I/O
- redirection, pipes, large variety of built-in commands,
- Unix style wildcards, Unix style filename conventions,
- filename completion, and coexistence with scripts from
- other shells. Very well documented. Version 1.4, an
- update to version 1.3 on disk 309. New features include
- a "tiny" version, a working case construct, support for
- resident commands, smaller and faster external commands,
- and more. Binary only.
- Author: Steve Koren
- Softfont Converts portrait soft fonts for HP LaserJet compatible
- laser printers to landscape format. This is an update
- to the version included on disk 327. Includes source.
- Author: Thomas Lynch
- --------------------
- SnakePit A simple, yet addictive game in which you must get the
- snake (you) off of the screen. There are, however, some
- rough spots and some obstacles that may need to be
- overcome. An excellent example of a game that is as
- system friendly as possible. Includes source.
- Author: Michael Sinz
- SoftSpan Soft Span BBS program. Intuitive, command-line based
- menu system with message bases, up/down loads, file
- credit system, extensive help system, etc. This is
- shareware version 1.0, binary only, lattice C source
- code available from the author.
- Author: Mark Wolfskehl
- StockBroker A program that helps you follow the recent table of
- exchange from one (or more) share(s). But of course
- you must tell the Amiga the recent table of exchange
- every day. Requires AmigaBASIC. Binary only.
- Author: Michael Hanelt
- --------------------
- Keyboard Functions to translate RAWKEY Intuition messages into
- usable keycodes. Translation into Modula-2 of C source
- (by Fabbian G. Dufoe, III) on disk 291. Version 1.0.
- Includes source.
- Author: Fabbian G. Dufoe III, Peter Graham Evans
- RKMCompanion A two disk set of material created by Commodore for use
- with the 1.3 revison of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference
- Manual, Libraries and Devices, published by Addison-Wesley.
- Almost 300 files, including C source code examples and
- executables, have been packed into two lharc archives,
- one for each disk of the two disk set. These examples
- are not public domain, but may be used and distributed
- under the conditions specified in the copyrights.
- Author: Commodore Business Machines, Inc.
- --------------------
- CRobots A game based on computer programming. Unlike arcade type
- games which require human input controlling some object,
- all strategy in CRobots is condensed into a C language
- program that you design and write, to control a robot
- whose mission is to seek out, track, and destroy other
- robots, each running different programs. All robots are
- equally equipped, and up to four may compete at once.
- This is version 2.3w, an update to version 2.2w on disk
- 331. Binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Tom Poindexter, Amiga version by David Wright
- Du Prints number of disc blocks used in selected files or
- directories. Modified from original version on disk 48
- to make output more readable, and handle ^C exit.
- Includes source.
- Author: Joe Mueller, enhancements by Gary Duncan
- GetImage An enhanced version of "gi" from disk 14. It now looks
- for the GRAB marker, in the brush file, instead of assuming
- that it is at a specific place, sets up the PlanePick
- value in the Image structure, and deletes any unused
- bitplanes to save memory and disk space. Includes source.
- Author: Mike Farren, enhancements by Chuck Brand
- MemFrag Displays number of memory chunks/sizes to show memory
- fragmentation. Chunks are displayed as 2**N bytes which is
- a rough guide but still useful. This is an enhanced version
- of "Frags" from disk 69. Includes source.
- Author: Mike Meyer, enhancements by Gary Duncan
- Roses A program that draws sine roses. Implements an algorithm
- given in the article "A Rose is a Rose ..." by Peter M.
- Maurer in American Mathematical Monthly, Vol 94, No. 7,
- 1987, p 631. A sine rose is a graph of the polar equation
- "r = sin(n*d)" for various values of n and d.
- Author: Carmen Artino
- Unshar This program extracts files from Unix shar archives. It
- scores over similar programs by being small and fast,
- handling extraction of subdirectories, recognising a wide
- variety of `sed' and `cat' shar formats, and handling large
- files spread across several shar files. This is version 1.3,
- an update to the version on disk 287. Includes C source.
- Author: Eddy Carroll
- VcEd A Voice (Tone) Editor for the Yamaha 4 Operator series
- synthesizers. Binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Chuck Brand
- X2X Cross converts between Motorola/Intel/Tektronix ASCII-hex
- files. These files are typically used for down-line-loading
- into EPROMS, or for transmission where binary files cause
- chaos. Handles S1, S2, S3, INTEL (inc USBA records),
- Tektronix (inc extended). Source included.
- Author: Gary Duncan.
- --------------------
- Az A nice little text editor that is fast, simple to use,
- and very Amiga'ized. This is version 1.50, an update
- to version 1.40 on disk 228, with lots of new features,
- bug fixes, and other improvements. Binary only.
- Author: Jean-Michel Forgeas
- CassEti Cassette tape label printer. Includes source in GFA
- Basic.
- Author: Thorsten Ludwig
- FME Patch to AllocMem() to allow badly designed programs which
- request fast mem without necessity to be run on 512k
- machines. Includes source in assembler.
- Author: Holger Lubitz
- GoWB Very small (296 bytes) and effective replacement for the
- well known "LoadWB" and "EndCLI" command pair. This release
- fixes a severe bug in the first version which used to guru
- if run out of a script. Includes source in C.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- PacketSupport A link library, for use with Lattice C, providing a few
- functions to handle DOS packet postage. Includes source.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- PatchNTSC OS fix to allow the growing number of PAL display programs
- to be run on NTSC machines. Will patch the Intuition
- OpenScreen() function to assure screens with PAL height to
- be opened in interlace mode. Includes source in assembler.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- TextPaint Second major release of the Ansi editor. All major bugs
- have been fixed, and a bunch of new options have been added,
- e.g. possibility to reload ansi files or CLI modules, 4
- color option, optimized keyboard layout, new drawing modes,
- right mouse button support (like DeluxePaint) and much more.
- Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- Timetest Working example to show the time() and gmtime() functions of
- the Lattice C support library. Includes source in C.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- WBD Possibly the smallest utility to set the workbench screen
- to any depth. Includes source in C.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- --------------------
- Cursor A 3-pass BASIC Compiler for BASIC programs written in
- AmigaBASIC, does not yet support all of the BASIC
- commands but is able to compile itself. This is
- version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Jurgen Forster
- Drip Drip is an arcade style game with 15 floors (levels).
- You must move along the pipes of each floor and rust
- them to advance to the next level. Every 3 floors
- completed will entitle you to a bonus round where
- extra drips can be won. An extra drip will also be
- awarded for every 10,000 points. Binary only.
- Author: Art Skiles
- --------------------
- ColorReq Describes the update to the color.library and has an example
- program, with source, that demonstrates its use.
- Author: Dissidents Software
- DisEditor This is a demo of the dissidents shareware text editor.
- Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Dissidents Software
- DisSecretary This program can be used to file information in a
- "file cabinet" type environment. It is well suited for
- jobs such as maintaining a disk catalog, or user group
- membership, etc. Included is a data file of the library
- catalog, disks 1 to 310. Version "Wanda", binary only.
- Author: Dissidents Software
- FileIO Contains updated files for version 1.6 of the dissidents
- requester library. There is a bug fix to the library as
- well as a new function. See disk 257 for the complete
- documentation, and examples.
- Author: Dissidents Software
- ILBMLib Contains updated files for the dissidents ilbm.library
- on disk 237, with new lib features and a new library.
- Also included is a much improved (better organized) doc
- file, and new C examples that show how to use the library
- for any kind of IFF file. See disk 237 for other examples.
- Author: Dissidents Software
- InstallLibs A program to copy files to the LIBS: dir of a boot disk.
- Can be used to create a handy installation program (hard
- disks especially) for programs that need disk-based
- libraries. Includes source.
- Author: Dissidents Software
- SAMP An IFF sampled sound format designed for professional
- music use. It can be used for 16-bit samples, multiple
- waveforms, etc. Includes a SAMP reader/writer shared
- library, interface routines, and programming examples.
- Also includes a program to convert 8SVX to SAMP.
- Author: Dissidents Software
- --------------------
- This is disk 349 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- MED A music editor much like SoundTracker. A song consists
- of up to 50 blocks of music, which can be played in any
- order. Editing features include cut/paste/copy tracks
- or blocks, changing the vibrato, tempo, crescendo, and
- note volume. Other features include switching of the
- low-pass-filter on or off on a per song basis, and a cute
- little animated pointer of a guy doing "jumping jacks" in
- time to the music! This is version 2.00, an update to
- version 1.12 on disk 255. Now includes full source.
- Author: Teijo Kinnunen
- --------------------
- Icons A large variety of icons for many uses, of practically
- every description. Most are animated.
- Author: Bradley W. Schenck
- MemMometer A program that opens a narrow window and graphically
- displays your memory usage like a gauge. Based on
- WFrags, by Tomas Rokicki. Version 2.10, includes source.
- Author: Howard Hull
- Stitchery This shareware program loads in IFF images and creates
- charted patterns from them for use in counted cross-stitch
- and other forms of needlework. It requires one megabyte of
- memory to run, and works best with a good high-resolution
- printer for printing the patterns. The Stitchery was
- written with The Director and the Projector is included.
- Version 1.21.
- Author: Bradley W. Schenck
- TrackUtils Two utilities that deal with disk tracks. TCopy copies one
- or more tracks from one disk to another, and is useful for
- copying part of a floppy disk into RAD: during bootup.
- TFile creates a dummy file which "marks" a specified range
- of tracks, preventing AmigaDOS from using them and allowing
- them to be used for raw trackdisk data. Includes C source.
- Author: Eddy Carroll
- --------------------
- PDC Publicly Distributable C (PDC) is a complete C compilation
- system including a compiler, assembler, linker, librarian,
- and numerous utilities, documentation files, libraries, and
- header files. PDC supports many ANSI features including
- all ANSI preprocessor directives, function prototyping,
- structure passing and assignment. In addition it supports
- Lattice C compatible libcall pragmas, precompiled header
- files, builtin functions, and stack checking code. This is
- version 3.33 and includes full source.
- Author: Lionel Hummel, Paul Petersen, et al.
- --------------------
- MG Beta version of mg3, including ARexx support. This is
- probably the most stable beta for the next year, as many
- new features are going in after this. Amiga-only release.
- Sources compressed with lharc to fit on the disk. Update
- to mg2b on disk 147.
- Author: Mike Meyer, et al.
- PrintHandler A custom PRT: driver which offers easy single sheet
- support as well as limited data spooling. Version 1.6,
- an almost entirely rewritten update to version 1.1 on
- disk 282. Includes source in 'C'.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- TreeWalk File tree walking subroutine designed to be fast, robust,
- and not use a lot of any critical resource. Includes both
- a CLI interface to that routine the form of a find-like
- utility that uses C expressions instead of Unix-like flags,
- and a program to tell you if directory trees will fit
- on a given disk, or how many extra blocks you'll need if
- they won't. Includes source. Update to version on disk 289.
- Author: Mike Meyer
- --------------------
- AztecArp An Arp package fixed to work with the 5.0 release of
- the Aztec 'C' compiler. The original Manx support
- files were incomplete, contained bugs preventing them
- from working properly and had the wrong linker format.
- Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- CompDisk A disk compression/disk compression package which was
- written to be fast and easy to use. Includes an Arp
- and an Intuition interface. Includes source in 'C'.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- NorthC A complete freely redistributable C environment for the
- Amiga based on the Sozobon Ltd C compiler, Charlie Gibb's
- assembler, the Software Distillery's linker, and portions
- from other sources. Steve has pulled everything together
- and added some enhancements in the process. This is
- version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 on disk 340.
- Partial source only.
- Author: Steve Hawtin, et. al.
- --------------------
- FastBlit A small tool to speed up blitter operations by up to
- 60%. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Ralf Thanner
- KeyMacro A keyboard macro program, configurable via a text file,
- that also supports hotkey program execution. You can
- map up to eight functions to each key, including keys
- such as cursor keys, the return key, etc. Version 1.4,
- an update to version 1.0 on disk 325, which fixes the
- bugs in version 1.0. Includes source in 'C'.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- MandelMountains
- A program that renders three-dimensional images of
- blowups of the Mandelbrot set. Includes several example
- images. This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.1
- on disk 295. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Mathias Ortmann
- MemGuard MemGuard is a MemWatch like program which has been
- rewritten in assembly language for maximum speed and
- efficiency. Unlike MemWatch, MemGuard does not run as
- task in a dummy loop but rather as a low-level interrupt
- routine which is capable of trapping memory trashing
- even before exec might know of it and even while task
- switching is forbidden. Version IIIa, an update to
- version III on disk 325, binary only.
- Author: Ralf Thanner
- MXMLib An example Amiga shared library compiled with Aztec
- 'C' 5.0. This library contains basic support functions
- employed by programs such as KeyMacro or PrintHandler.
- In short: mxm.library is the standard MXM system support
- library. Version 34.14, includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- --------------------
- Berserker A viruskiller which checks for certain conditions
- indicating possible virus infection. Different from
- other programs of this kind, Berserker does not rely
- on checksums only, it will also check the possible
- virus behind the altered checksum. Therefore even new
- viruses with old infection methods can be traced and
- resident tools are not touched. Includes source in
- assembly language.
- Author: Ralf Thanner
- ImageEditor A simple to use graphics editor which allows you to draw
- and save images/sprites as assembler or C source code.
- Includes IFF support, undo, and an iconify function.
- Another feature is the small memory usage so you can use
- multitasking even on a 512K machine. Maximum picture size
- is 166*58 pixels. This is version 2.4 and includes source.
- Author: Robert Junghans
- LoadImage An IFF ILBM reader that accepts overscanned pictures,
- allows you to scroll around in the bitmap if the
- picture is larger than the current display, works on
- both PAL and NTSC machines, supports color cycling
- using interrupt code, and supports printing of image
- portions. Version 1.11, update to version 1.9 on disk
- 281, includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- RexxHostLib This is a shared library package to simplify the ARexx
- host creation/management procedure. Rexx-message
- parsing is also included making it possible to control
- ARexx from programs such as AmigaBASIC (can you
- imagine AmigaBASIC controlling AmigaTeX?). This is
- version 34.12 which has been recompiled and made a lot
- shorter using Aztec 'C' 5.0, an update to version 1.6
- on disk 325. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- SoundEditor An 8SVX stereo sound file editor written in assembly
- language for speed and minimum size. Version V.8,
- binary only.
- Author: Howard Dortch, Mike Coriell, Matt Gerald
- TrackSalve A Trackdisk patch which removes all known bugs, and one
- unknown so far, and patches the Trackdisk task to allow
- various enhancements, such as reading good sectors from
- partially bad tracks, write verification, write protect
- simulation, auto motor off, auto update and turning off
- clicking. Other features are MFM-upate and I/O by non-
- chip buffers. This is version 1.3, an update of version
- 1.0 on disk 312. Includes source in C and assembler.
- Author: Dirk Reisig
- Tron Another game about the lightcycle race sequence in the
- science fiction computer film "Tron". One or two players
- and other options. Written in GFA-BASIC and then com-
- piled. Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Dirk Hasse
- --------------------
- AlgoRhythms An algorithmic composition program that improvises music
- over a MIDI interface connected to the serial port. A
- MIDI interface and synthesizer are needed. The music
- does not have a strong pulse, and does not repeat motifs
- or melodies, but can be very pretty. Version 1.0 with
- source in C, and sample data files.
- Author: Thomas E. Janzen
- NComm A communications program based on Comm version 1.34, by
- DJ James, with lots of very nice enhancements. Also
- includes several auxiliary programs such as AddCall,
- CallInfo, GenList, PbConvert, and ReadMail. This is
- version 1.9, an update to version 1.8 on disk 230.
- Binary only.
- Author: DJ James, Daniel Bloch, Torkel Lodberg, et al.
- --------------------
- Empire Empire is a multiplayer game of exploration, economics,
- war, etc, which can last a couple of months. Can be
- played either on the local keyboard or remotely through
- a modem. This is version 2.1w, an update to version
- 1.33w on disk 329. Changes include a client-server
- system, a chat/CB mode, realtime private player to
- player messages, and other enhancements. Binary only.
- Author: Chris Gray, David Wright, Peter Langston
- --------------------
- Blob Another screen hack. Makes red drops of slime flow down
- your screen. Version 1.1, includes source in C.
- Author: Guido Wegener
- OPS5c OPS5c is a compiler for the expert system language OPS5.
- The compiler takes OPS5 source code as input and creates a C
- source code file to be compiled to create an executable.
- Arbitrary C code may be linked with the executable and
- executed as a result of firing rules. The system's strong
- point is its speed and as a result it sometimes has large
- executables and large memory requirements. At least 1 Meg.
- of memory is suggested. Binaries only for compiler and
- run-time library. Version 1.08a. Requires a C compiler.
- Authors: Bernie J. Lofaso, Jr, Dan Miranker and Arun Chandra.
- Pipeline A game like the commercial game 'Pipe dream' (Pipe mania).
- Needs a joystick and PAL display. High scores are saved
- to disk. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Andre Wichmann.
- ReDate Scans a disk and dates each directory according to the most
- recent item contained within (not including .info files).
- Ideal for use after a COPY ALL CLONE, where the directories
- are CREATED rather than copied and thus lose their date
- information. Includes source in assembler.
- Author: Jim Butterfield
- RoadRoute Revision of trip planner program to find "best road route"
- between any two points of travel. The user is encouraged
- to customize files CITIES and ROADS to suit travel interests.
- This is version 1.5, an update to the original version on
- disk 251, and makes provision for very large city menus and
- itineraries. You might like to use files from disk 328
- (Mayes/Delzer). Also includes RoadScan, a checker for
- RoadRoute files (CITIES and ROADS). Very large files may
- contain goofs (cities with no roads, the same road entered
- twice, etc.), or oddities (direct road not as fast as multi-
- point). These are pointed out, together with areas where
- users might wish to make economies in the data base.
- Includes source in C.
- Author: Jim Butterfield
- ScanIFF Scans through an IFF file, identifying the elements.
- Faster than standard utility IFFCheck since it uses Seek,
- but does not do IFFCheck's detailed format checking.
- Intended for use as a "template" from which programmers
- can code their specific application. For example, an
- expanded version has been used to extract instrument data
- from music files. Includes source in assembler.
- Author: Jim Butterfield
- ViewDir A LIST type of utility showing contents of a disk or
- directory. For directories, shows SIZE. For files, takes
- a quick look and identifies TYPE if possible. Update to
- original version on disk 251. Now works with SPAT for
- pattern matching, and has a small style change. Includes
- source in assembler.
- Author: Jim Butterfield
- --------------------
- ABridge An interim solution to Anim-5 incompatability problems.
- Identifies the origin of an Anim-5 file and modifies it to
- facilitate easy exchange between AniMagic, Videoscape,
- Animation Station, DPaint III, Animation: Editor(v1.11),
- The Director, SA4D, Movie2.0, Photon Paint 2.0 and Cel
- Animator. Fully intuitionalized interface, full ARexx
- support including a "Find ARexx" option if you start ARexx
- after running ABridge. This is version 1.0, shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: Ron Tarrant, Mythra-mations Animation and Software
- DICE Dillon's Integrated C Enviroment. A C frontend, pre-
- processor, C compiler, assembler, linker, and support
- libraries. Also includes the editor, dme. Features
- include ANSI compatibility, many code optimizations,
- and autoinit routines (user routines called during
- startup before main is called). This is version 2.02,
- shareware, binary only.
- Author: Matthew Dillon
- TextPlus A word processor for the Amiga, with both German and
- English versions. TextPlus enables you to write letters,
- books, programs etc. in a very easy and comfortable way.
- Version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Martin Steppler
- --------------------
- UUCP An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail
- and news. This is Matt's version for the Amiga, based
- on William Loftus's Amiga UUCP 0.40 release with news
- code from his 0.60 release, and months of work by Matt to
- make fixes and add enhancements. This is version 1.06D,
- an update to version 1.03D on disk 313. Includes source.
- Author: Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- Brush_4D Converts IFF images into Sculpt 4D object format. Works
- with any IFF image, including HAM & Extra Halfbrite.
- Convert brushes in full color, with optional wrap, to 3D
- shapes. Also includes optimization routine.
- Version 1.00, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Bruce Thomson
- FileMaster A file editor like NewZap or FedUp, which allows you to
- manipulate bytes of a file. You may also change the file
- size or execute a patch. Version 1.20, update to version
- on disk number 298, includes source in assembly.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- TextPaint Version 0.97 of the Ansi editor. Several significant
- enhancements and bug fixes since the release of version
- 0.90 on disk number 346. Binary only.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- Turn An interesting board game with the simplicity of checkers
- yet requiring the "move-lookahead" of a good chess player.
- Binary only.
- Author: Peter Handel
- XColor-Lib Link library with a full-fledged color requestor along with
- several color functions like copy, spread, exchange, antique
- black & white, etc. to aid in creating your own custom
- color requestors. Contains several demos along with include
- files for C, AmigaBasic, DevPac Assember and KickPascal.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- --------------------
- ArchEdge Intuition interface for several of the more popular
- archiving utilities such as ARC, ZOO, LHARC and PAK.
- Includes an "Auto-Pad" function that will automatically
- add some morsels for the modem. Version 1.5, includes
- assembly source.
- Author: Robert Lang
- Fenster A program which can operate on windows owned by another
- program, to close them, change their size, refresh gadgets,
- move the window to the background, etc. This is version
- 2.2, an update to version 2.1 on disk 305. Includes
- source in assembly.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- Imperium_Romanum
- Strategic, "RISK" style game for up to four players.
- Based in the ancient times of Rome, Athens, Alexandria
- and Carthago. Binary only, shareware ($10), with C source
- available from the author. Version 1.50E.
- Author: Roland Richter
- KeyMenu Allows fast, easy access to pull-down menus from the keyboard
- without having to remember all the special amiga key sequences
- Version 1.01, binary only.
- Author: Rainer Salamon
- MemRoutines Some "plug-compatible" replacements for the Lattice C
- functions memcpy(), memcmp(), and memset(). Unlike the
- Lattice functions that deal with data one-byte at a time,
- these versions deal with longword chunks, which can improve
- performance of Amigas equipped with a 68020 or 68030.
- Includes source in assembly.
- Author: Robert Broughton
- PUZZ Very nice implementation of the sliding-block-puzzle concept.
- Good graphics and the ability to create your own puzzles
- using an IFF ILBM file and a text file. Includes source and
- several sample puzzles. Version 1.0.
- Author: Martin Round
- Rubik Another 3D Rubik's cube solver independantly authored from
- the version on disk #285. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Martin Round
- sMOVIE A smooth scrolling text displayer, useful for creating
- video titles, slide show intros, etc. Includes source.
- Author: Martin Round
- --------------------
- BootBase Another bootblock save/restore utility. Includes
- an auto-compare function. Includes source.
- Author: Steven Lagerweij
- LabelPrint3.5 A program that allows you to easily print labels for
- your disks. This is version 3.5, an update to version
- 3.0 from disk 277. Shareware, binary only (source
- available from author).
- Author: Andreas Krebs
- MigaMind A small WorkBench "Master-Mind" type game. Includes
- source.
- Author: Ekke Verheul
- PLW Phone-Line-Watcher. For users of Hayes compatible modems.
- Monitors the serial port and records all incoming calls.
- Current version only allows remote user to receive a
- predetermined message, login, and leave a reply. Possible
- updates will allow them access to AmigaDos. Version 1.1,
- binary only.
- Author: Christian Fries
- RandSam Plays random soundsamples at random times, with random
- volume, random cycles, and a bit random period. It will
- definitely catch the attention of the unsuspecting Amiga
- user (particularly one that has the stereo turned up!) when
- a lion suddenly roars as they're typing away on their
- favorite word processor! User modifiable start-up
- configuration file. Include source and some sample sounds.
- Author: Steven Lagerweij
- SampleScanner By-passes the Amiga Dos file system and scans a disk directly,
- block by block, for sound samples. Allows you to "hear" the
- disk as it is being scanned. If a sample is found, it can
- be saved to disk for editing, direct use, etc.
- Author: Steven Lagerweij
- WO An intuition-based address book that allows saving of
- data in normal or password-encoded form. Version 1.0,
- includes partial source, (password encoding routines not
- included).
- Author: Heinzelmann
- --------------------
- Aniptrs2 Some more animated pointers to choose from to "liven"
- up your display environment. Binary only.
- Author: Bob McKain, pointer animation program by Tim Kemp
- DPFFT Update to version on disk number 324. DPFFT includes
- the ability to plot a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the
- data, customized amplitude and phase spectrum, prewhitening
- capability, and a Welch window for spectral smoothing.
- Version 2.2, binary only.
- Author: A. A. Walma
- Iconaholism A selection of some very nice looking icons designed for
- an 8-color WorkBench. Includes script files to view the
- icons in their intended colors.
- Author: R.G.Tambash
- MemLook Similar to "MemFlick" on disk #206. For lack of a better
- explanation, it gives sort of a graphical view of your
- machine's entire memory area. Features memory guage and
- controllable scrolling speed via the cursor keys.
- Version 1.1B, binary only, source available from author
- Author: Thomas Jansen
- SNAG_Pointers Results of the Southern Nevada Amiga Groups (SNAG)
- first animated pointer contest.
- Authors: Various, pointer animation program by Tim Kemp
- --------------------
- Badger Reminder program for your startup-sequence. Badger will
- open a window and display any important events that are
- 'due'. Badger will not bother you if there is nothing to
- report. Events are entered via menu and prompts. Binary
- only, shareware.
- Author: George Kerber
- DmeAsm A utility for those who use Matt Dillon's Dme editor and
- HighSoft's DevPac Assembler. DmeAsm is a CLI command file
- that takes your source code as a parameter and opens a window
- similar to the Assemble window inside Devpac (Genam2) and
- gives similar options. If no parameter is supplied then the
- window will still open and you can supply your own. Version
- 1.1, includes source in assembly
- Author: Nic Wilson & W Weber
- EasyBackup A CLI-based hard-disk backup/restore utility. Features
- incremental backups by archive bit status, by datestamp,
- or command-line query. Incremental backups can be appended
- to an existing backup set. Includes source.
- Author: Oliver Enseling
- EasyMouse Another threshhold-mouse-accelerating, screen-to-back,
- window to-front, mouse-blanking, screen-blanking, auto-
- window activating, low-memory-warning, auto-window sizing,
- configuration-saveable clock! Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Oliver Enseling
- TrackDos A program that allows easy transfer of data between DOS,
- memory and trackdisk.device. DOS means the data contained
- within a file, memory means the data contained anywhere
- within the memory map and trackdisk.device means data
- stored on a disk not accessable with DOS (eg. bootblocks
- special loader disks etc.). The transfer of data between
- these three areas is not normally easy or convenient.
- TrackDos was written to overcome this. Binary only.
- Author: Nic Wilson
- Password A program which enhances your computers security by making
- it complicated enough that users without your password
- will get discouraged trying to boot and use your system.
- This should keep out most casual or nontechnical users.
- Update to version on disk #243. Version 1.42p, binary only.
- Author: George Kerber
- Udate Udate is a replacement for the AmigaDOS date command,
- containing many options similiar to the UNIX date command.
- Udate will allow you to set the date and time via prompts
- or directly from the command line, will display any part
- of the date or time using the options in any color desired,
- and will also make an automatic adjustment of your system
- clock for Daylight Savings Time so your computer will be
- one less clock you will ever have to set twice a year for
- DST. Update to version on disk #311, this version is
- slightly smaller and works correctly with the 68030.
- Version 1.14c, binary only.
- Author: George Kerber
- View80 Very impressive scrolling text file reader. Three scrolling
- modes and controllable via keyboard or mouse. Opens file
- requestor if no filename is given. Automatically configures
- screen size for PAL or NTSC machine. Sample operation in
- reading the document files. Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Federico Giannici
- --------------------
- 3DTicTacToe A three-dimensional "four-in-a-row" version of TicTacToe,
- human against computer. Version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: Ron Charlton
- DosError A small CLI utility that will return a slightly more verbose
- description of a DOS error code than that returned by the
- System. Can save a trip to the manual for vague or unfamiliar
- error codes. Version 2.0, includes source in assembly.
- Author: Robert Lang
- IntuiFace An intuition interface that handles the important functions
- of creating, inserting, extracting and listing files for
- three popular archiving utilities: ARC, ZOO and LHARC.
- Version 1.00, binary only, shareware.
- Author: Matthias Zepf
- LoanCalc Entirely keyboard driven mortgage utility. Although similiar
- programs exist, this one is unique in that it is designed
- to track 'Open' mortgages that allow any size payment to be
- made at any time as well as providing an amortization table
- for fixed mortgages with monthly, semi-monthly, bi-weekly and
- weekly payment schedules. Version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: Robert Bromley
- Makewords "PhoneWord" takes a full or partial telephone number and
- attempts to create a word from the various "alphabedigit"
- combinations. "Unjumble" may useful in solving the Sunday
- morning newspaper "Scramble". Includes source.
- Author: Ron Charlton
- MeMeter A small utility for monitoring the Amiga's memory usage.
- Unique snapshot facility allows you to store the current
- numbers, launch a program, see how much memory it
- requires, end the program, and see if it returns all the
- memory. Version 2.1, binary only.
- Author: Gaylan Wallis
- NDebt Amusing, but saddening, this program opens a small window
- that displays a continuously updated tally of America's
- national debt, based on its historically phenomenal growth
- rate. Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Ron Charlton
- PrintStudio Very nice intuition-based general purpose print utility that
- prints text with a variety of options. Prints several graphic
- formats with yet more options. Print any part of a picture,
- print screens and windows, save screens and windows as IFF
- files, modify color palettes, change printing parameters and
- lots more! Version 1.2, binary only, shareware.
- Author: Andreas Krebs
- --------------------
- Enigmas Nifty graphic simulation of the World War II German
- Enigma-Machine, a message encoding/decoding device
- that produced extremely difficult to crack cryptographic
- code. Binary only.
- Author: Gaylan Wallis
- GwPrint An intuition-based text file print utility. Offers a wide
- selection of adjustable features for controlling pagination,
- headers, trailers, margins, date and page-numbering and
- various print styles/sizes. Version 2.0, binary only,
- shareware.
- Author: Gaylan Wallis
- HyperDialer Database for names and addresses, full intuition interface.
- Dynamically allocated, with configurable script startup file.
- Iconifies to titlebar icon. Search, sort, insert, delete,
- full file requesters. Uses modem to control dialing of
- multiple phone numbers. Binary only, shareware, with source
- available from author.
- Author: David Plummer
- SCM Screen Color Modifier. A palette program that allows the
- changing/saving/loading of a screen's colors. Includes a
- separate loader program that can be used in batch files to
- set a screen's colors to predefined values after a program
- has been launched. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Jean-Marc Nogier
- SuperView A shareware file-viewer that displays all types of IFF files
- with many features like: Workbench support, all display modes,
- auto overscan, color cycle (CRNG, CCRT), AmigaBasic ACBM
- files, first cell in and ANIM file, Type 5 animations and
- more. Written in assembly, pure code for residency under
- 1.3. Version 3.0, binary only.
- Author: David Grothe
- Tricky Another of Peter's innovative and addictive games. Sort of
- a "video-bowling" concept where the object is to wipe out
- groups of "computerized" symbols in such a fashion that the
- last item hit becomes the target for the next ball (with
- a few tricks of course!). Lots of levels and the usual
- level editor that accompanies most of Peter's games.
- Binary only.
- Author: Peter Handel
- --------------------
- Elements Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table
- of Elements. This is version 2.0, an update to version
- 1.3a on disk 297. This version adds general row and column
- information, plus a test mode where the program asks specific
- questions about the selected element or row/column. Binary
- only, shareware.
- Author: Paul Thomas Miller
- GraphicsPak A set of functions for general graphics operations such as
- boxes/lines, blitting, and opening/closing the libraries.
- It is used by both of the PopMenu and ListWindow test
- programs. Includes source.
- Author: Paul Thomas Miller
- Lila A shareware utility that allows you to print listings or
- other text files on Postscript printers, with header,
- page numbers, and multicolumn pages. Can print in portrait
- or landscape orientation. Version 8912a, binary only.
- Author: Bertrand Gros
- ListWindow Gives simple initialization, handling, and freeing of
- Macintosh-like "list-windows." These are user-sizeable
- windows with a scrollable list of text strings, optionally
- sortable. The list can be scrolled with a scroll-bar, up
- and down arrows, arrow keys, or a SHIFT+key combination
- which searches for the first occurance of the specified
- key. Source and a sample program included.
- Author: Paul Thomas Miller
- NewEx An assembly program to replace xicon, IconX and similar
- utilities. Unique in the fact that it uses a WorkBench
- "Tool" icon instead of a "Project" icon. This allows
- workbench startup of programs that could ordinarily only
- be started by the CLI. Version 1.1, includes assembly
- source.
- Author: Kjell Cederfeldt
- PopMenu A set of functions for the setting up, drawing, and
- handling of pop-up menus that are affixed to windows.
- Clicking on the menu box area will open up the full menu,
- with the list of menu items inside. Source and a sample
- program included.
- Author: Paul Thomas Miller
- SuperMenu An information display system you can use to quickly and
- easily display text files (and sections of text files) with
- the press of a button. Version 2.0, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Paul Thomas Miller
- SysInfo A program which reports interesting information about the
- configuration of your machine, including some speed
- comparisons with other configurations, versions of the
- OS software, etc. Version 1.4, binary only.
- Author: Nic Wilson
- Today Amiga implementation of IBM PL/1 history program. Tells
- you important events and birthdays on current or specified
- day. Command line options include once-per-day setting for
- startup sequences. Version 0.91, binary only, shareware.
- Author: David Plummer, data files originally from an IBM
- VM/CMS version by Mike Butler
- --------------------
- AQData Information to aid users in updating B. Lennart Olsson's
- Aquarium Version 1.12 database. Includes information on
- disks up to number 360.
- Author: Howard Hull
- Flip Another program in the long tradition of screen hacks.
- Run it and see what happens. Binary only.
- Author: Andreas Schildbach
- Fortune Randomly display a 'fortune' selected from a fortunes
- file (supplied), by text or voice. New version will work
- from the Workbench or CLI. Version 2.04g, update to version
- on disk #311, source included.
- Author: George Kerber
- Spy A program that tracks calls to AmigaDOS and Exec functions,
- reporting them to the screen, along with their calling
- parameters and the results. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Federico Giannici
- VAXterm A VT220 terminal emulator that is close to the real VT220
- terminal in both supported facilities and user interface.
- Designed primarily for connection to VAX/VMS, it should
- work with any host computer with VT220 terminal support.
- Supports file transferring for ASCII files by means of DCL
- commands. Version 2.4, includes source.
- Author: Tuomo Mickelsson
- XprTransmit XprTransmit is an Cli-based command that allows you
- to easily access to any Xpr Library without having to
- worry about call-back-function et cetera. It is able
- to access every "serial.device"-like exec-device.
- Only little documentation. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Andreas Schildbach
- --------------------
- SKsh A ksh-like shell for the Amiga. Some of its features
- include command substitution, shell functions with
- parameters, aliases, local variables, local functions,
- local aliases, powerful control structures and tests,
- emacs style line editing and history functions, I/O
- redirection, pipes, large variety of built-in commands,
- Unix style wildcards, Unix style filename conventions,
- filename completion, and coexistence with scripts from
- other shells. Very well documented. Version 1.5, an
- update to version 1.4 on disk 342. New features include
- user definable keymaps, an ARexx port, many new internal
- and external commands, selective disabling of wildcards,
- preparsing of script files, bug fixes, and more.
- Author: Steve Koren
- --------------------
- This is disk 371 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Fractals A Fractal generator that generates many different types of
- fractals based on the iteration of complex-valued formulas.
- The program can generate the Mandelbrot and Julia sets, as
- well as the sets of more unusual formulas such as
- lambda*COS(Z) and Newton-R. Version 2.1, includes source
- and some sample creations.
- Author: Ronnie Johansson.
- LockDevice A package to protect filing devices from being accidentally
- formatted. Can be used with any filing device and file
- system. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- Port2 Sample C program showing how to control a mouse connected
- to the second mouse/joystick port. Executable creates a
- second mouse pointer that is controlled by a mouse plugged
- into port 2. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- PPLib A shared, runtime library to aid in the development of
- programs that need to decrunch files crunched with Power-
- Packer. Version 34.1 (release 1.1), binary only.
- Author: Nico Frangois
- PPMore A "more" replacement program that reads normal ascii text
- files as well as files crunched with PowerPacker. The
- crunched files can result in considerable disk space
- savings. Version 1.7, update to version on disk number
- 334, binary only.
- Author: Nico Frangois
- PPShow A "show" program for normal IFF ILBM files or ILBM files
- crunched with PowerPacker. The decrunching is done auto-
- matically as the file is read. Version 1.2, update to
- version on disk number 334, binary only.
- Author: Nico Frangois
- PPType A "print" program that will print normal ascii files or
- files crunched with PowerPacker. Several nice features
- such as page headers and numbers, adjustable tab sizes,
- page info taken from preferences and more. Version 1.1,
- binary only.
- Author: Nico Frangois
- --------------------
- This is disk 372 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Magnetic_Pages A software package that allows you to create and display
- a disk-based magazine. The magazine produced is of a
- similar format to that of a traditional paper magazine.
- You can combine text and graphics on a single page, branch
- to different sections by clicking on icons and play sound
- and music. Features a full intuition driven interface.
- Version 1.0, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Mark Gladding.
- PLW Phone-Line-Watcher. For users of Hayes compatible modems.
- Monitors the serial port and records all incoming calls.
- Allows a remote user to login, receive and leave a message,
- and transfer files via Zmodem in either direction. Two
- level DOS access, Disabled DOS-requestors and more. Greatly
- enhanced version of initial release on disk 363. Version
- 2.8, binary only.
- Author: Christian Fries
- RemapIcon A utility to remap icons to be exchanged between Kickstart
- 2.0 and Kickstart 1.2/1.3 Workbench environments. The icon
- images are remapped to reflect the different colour palette
- used by the Workbench releases. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- --------------------
- This is disk 373 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Multiplot An intuitive data plotting program featuring flexible
- input options, arbitrary text addition, automatic scaling,
- zoom and slide with clipping at boundaries, a range of
- output file formats and publication quality printed
- output. Workbench printers are supported via transparent
- use of the PLT: device. This is version XLNc, an update
- to the version on disk 333. Includes many new features,
- a nicer user interface, and low memory options allowing
- it to be used in half megabyte machines. Includes source.
- Authors: Alan Baxter, Tim Mooney, Rich Champeaux,
- Jim Miller
- --------------------
- This is disk 374 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- IPDevice Pipes for Power People. A pipe-like DOS device that
- passes data immediately rather than waiting until a buffer
- is full. It also allows multiple writers to a single
- channel, maintained connections, and piped connections
- to a Shell. Binary only.
- Author: Pete Goodeve
- Mat A comprehensive String-Search/Pattern-Match Utility for
- both text files and directories. A powerful command line
- syntax allows automatic file editing, construction of
- command scripts, and so on. Example Shell scripts are
- included. Binary only (a much enhanced version of the
- original on Disk #102).
- Author: Pete Goodeve.
- PopArt Intuition based image data generator and animator.
- Includes source.
- Author: Phlip
- SoftSpan Soft Span BBS program. Intuitive, command-line based
- menu system with message bases, uploads, downloads, file
- credit system, extensive help system, etc. Version 1.1,
- an update to that on disk number 343, includes bug fixes
- and some enhancements. Binary only.
- Author: Mark Wolfskehl
- --------------------
- This is disk 375 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- BI A brush to C code image converter. This is version 1.3,
- an update to version 1.0 on disk number 184. Contains
- bug fixes and support for AmigaBasic. Binary only.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- CardMaker A programmer's aid for creating card image data that can
- be used in any card game that uses the standard 52 card
- deck. This is version 2.1, an update to version 1.0 on
- disk number 184. Contains bug fixes and support for
- AmigaBasic. Binary only.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- ParM Parameterable Menu. ParM allows you to build menus to
- run programs in either the CLI or WorkBench environment.
- ParM can have it's own little window, or attach menus to
- the CLI window you are running it from. Version 1.1,
- includes source.
- Author: Sylvain Rougier, Pierre Carrette
- TextPlus A word processor for the Amiga, with both German and
- English versions. TextPlus enables you to write letters,
- books, programs etc. in a very easy and comfortable way.
- Version 2.2, an update to version 2.0 on disk number 359.
- Now includes full source.
- Author: Martin Steppler
- --------------------
- This is disk 376 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- AztecArp An Arp package fixed to work with the 5.0 release of
- the Aztec 'C' compiler. The original Manx support
- files were incomplete, contained bugs, and had the
- wrong linker format. This is an update to the version
- on disk number 353, fixing a couple of bugs and adding
- some new useful features. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- Matrix Solves systems of linear equations. Includes both PAL
- and NTSC versions. Version 1.00, includes source.
- Author: Rudiger Dreier
- Plotter A two-dimensional mathematical function plotting program.
- Includes both PAL and NTSC versions. Version 3.71,
- includes source.
- Author: Rudiger Dreier
- ToolLibrary A shared library for the Amiga. Contains some mathematical
- (evaluation of strings) and Intuition (menus, requester)
- functions. Version 2.06, includes source.
- Author: Rudiger Dreier.
- --------------------
- This is disk 377 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- AnsiRead2 Bridges the gap between IBM and Amiga ANSI by displaying
- IBM ANSI text and graphic animations (as usually captured
- from bulletin boards) in their full intended colors and
- motion. Includes several samples. Version 0.2, binary
- only, shareware.
- Author: Glenn Kauffman
- Formatter A disk formatting program with an intuition interface
- which supports write verification, disk installation,
- fast formatting and automatic start. Formats a 3.5"
- disk in a multitasking environment in about 1:36
- minutes (with verify turned on). Version 2.4a, includes
- source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- Icon2C A simple tool to turn any Workbench icon file into 'C'
- sourcecode, similar to the program of the same name by
- Carolyn Scheppner on disk number 56. This version has an
- arp interface and offers support for Kickstart 2.0 icons.
- Version 1.2, includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- IE An icon editor which can create and modify icons up to
- 640x200 pixels in size (also dual render). It can
- set stack size, position of icon (also free-floating),
- default tool, 10 tool types and control over opened
- window. It can also generate the C source code behind the
- icon for program inclusion. Now reads/writes IFF files
- and handles 4 or 8 colour icons. Version 2.0, update to
- version on disk number 342, source available from author.
- Author: Peter Kiem
- IntuitionEd Intuition based utility that creates C source code for
- screen, window, border and text structures. IntuitionEd
- can also write the code for several functions required
- for the opening and closing of these structures. The
- code can then be compiled by either Manx and Lattice.
- Shareware donation to the author will receive an enhanced
- version capable of writing gadget structures as well.
- Version 1.0, binary only, several samples included.
- Author: Niels Thorwirth
- PowerLOGO An experimental programming language based on Lisp and
- LOGO. It is versatile, highly interactive, organizes
- programs as collections of procedures, and includes lists
- as first-class data objects. Version 1.00, binary only.
- Author: Gary Teachout
- --------------------
- This is disk 378 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Adapt CLI utility that converts special German characters in
- files imported from MS-DOS systems into the right Amiga
- codes. Can easily be changed to work with other languages.
- Version 2.2, includes source.
- Author: Lars Eggert
- ANSIMaster ANSI editor that provides the full IBM font set and
- color capability. Very useful for the design of custom
- ANSI screens/graphics for telecommunications. Version
- 1.0, binary only.
- Authors: James Davis and Joe Rattz, Jr.
- DevRen A DEVice RENamer, originally designed to allow the
- renaming of an external drive on an A2000 (always
- recognized as DF2:) to be DF1: However, works with
- any mounted device such as RAD: RAM: RAW: CON: etc,
- as long as the original and renamed version have the
- same character length. Version 1.5, includes source.
- Author: Stefan Rosewig
- JoyLib Both a linktime version and a shared library of Joystick
- routines featuring a technique which proves to be extremely
- fast on 68010 or higher processors, and still faster than
- most of the other routines on standard processors.
- Includes source for library in Assembler and the
- demonstration program in C.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- MachIII A "mouse accelerator" program that also includes hotkeys,
- the features of sun mouse, clicktofront, popcli, title bar
- clock with a bbs online charge accumulator, Arexx support
- and much more. This is version 3.0, an update to version
- 2.6 on disk 254. Binary only.
- Author: Brian Moats and Polyglot software
- MuchMore Another program like "more", "less", "pg", etc. This one
- uses its own screen to show the text using a slow scroll.
- Includes built-in help, commands to search for text, and
- commands to print the text. Works with PAL or NTSC, in
- normal or overscan modes. Supports 4 color text in bold,
- italic, underlined, or inverse fonts. Version 2.7, this
- is an update to version 2.5 from disk 253. Includes source
- in Oberon and assembly code.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- MuchMorePoPa Extended version of MuchMore V2.7. Displays texts that have
- been packed with PowerPacker. Version 2.7, includes source
- in Oberon and assembly code.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- Observer Working example for a Lattice LSR-program. Opens a small
- window and displays volume names of all inserted disks
- (DF0: through DF3:). Includes source in Lattice C.
- Author: Oliver Wagner
- TheGuru A program to bring the Guru back into Kickstart 2.0, for
- those who will miss it, (well sorta anyway!). Version
- 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Nico Frangois
- --------------------
- This is disk 379 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
- Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
- Append CLI utility that allows you to directly append one or
- more files to another without having to use the
- roundabout methods necessary with the AmigaDOS "join"
- command. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Oliver Enseling
- FileEncrypt Another intuition based file encryptor to enable you to
- scramble your highly secret, hard earned source code and
- prevent your co-workers from taking credit for it!
- Includes (unscrambled) source.
- Author: Lorenz Wiest
- LLSort Replacement for the AmigaDOS SORT command. Pure bit set
- and may be made resident. Features COLSTART and FIELDS
- parameters and sorts in either ascending/descending
- order. Also sorts with or without case sensitivity.
- Binary only.
- Author: Les Leist
- TheA64Package A comprehensive emulator/utility package to assist
- Commodore 64 users in upgrading to the Amiga. According
- to the author, this package compares to or surpasses the
- commercially available packages of the same nature. Many
- of the utilities require a hardware interface that allow
- the Amiga to access C64 peripherals such as disk drives
- and printers. The hardware interface is free with a
- shareware donation to the author. Version 1.00, binary
- only.
- Author: Cliff Dugan, QuesTronix
- Xnum A useful CLI conversion utility that takes a decimal,
- binary, octal or hex number as input and displays the
- number in all four formats. Binary only.
- Author: Oliver Enseling
- Yawn! A small WorkBench sliding block puzzle to keep your
- mind and fingers busy while your compiler is busy
- crunching away on your highly secret, hard earned
- source code that you hopefully remembered to unscramble
- first! Features selectable size from 4x4 to 7x7 and
- European, Hindi or Arabic numerals. Includes source.
- Author: Lorenz Wiest
- --------------------
- Oberon A freely distributable demo version of a powerful Oberon
- compiler. Oberon is a modern, object oriented language
- developed by Prof. Dr. Niklaus Wirth of ETH Z|rich in
- Switzerland as a successor to Modula-2. This single pass
- compiler creates standard Amiga object files, uses a large
- variety of optimizations to create fast code, supports
- writing of reentrant programs, allows you to call code from
- other languages like C and Assembler, etc. The package
- includes the compiler, an editor, a link utility, a program
- to display compilation errors and some demo programs.
- Version 1.16, binary only.
- Author: Fridtjof Siebert
- --------------------
- SKsh A ksh-like shell for the Amiga. Some of its features
- include command substitution, shell functions with
- parameters, aliases, local variables, local functions,
- local aliases, powerful control structures and tests,
- emacs style line editing and history functions, I/O
- redirection, pipes, large variety of built-in commands,
- Unix style wildcards, Unix style filename conventions,
- filename completion, and coexistence with scripts from
- other shells. Very well documented. Version 1.6, an
- update to version 1.5 on disk 370. Includes several
- important bug fixes and a few minor new features such
- as command line cut and paste. Binary only.
- Author: Steve Koren
- --------------------
- CrossDOS A "tryware" version of a mountable MS-DOS file system
- for the Amiga. This is a software product that allows
- you to read and write MS-DOS/PC-DOS and Atari ST
- formatted disks (Version 2.0 or higher) directly from
- AmigaDOS. This tryware version is a "readonly" version,
- which does not allow any writes to the disk. A fully
- functional version is available for a very reasonable
- price from CONSULTRON. This is version 4.00b, an update
- to version 3.05b on disk 252. Binary only.
- Author: CONSULTRON, Leonard Poma
- Msh An Amiga file system handler that handles MS-DOS formatted
- diskettes. Version "1.30" (Release 1 patch 3). You can
- use files on such disks in almost exactly the same way as
- you use files on native AmigaDOS disks. This is a fully
- functional, read/write version, that supports 8, 9, or 10
- sector disks of 80 tracks, and should also work on 40 track
- drives and hard disks with 12 or 16 bit FAT of any
- dimension the FAT allows. Update to version "1.5" (Release
- 1) on disk 327. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Seibert
- --------------------
- LHArc An archive program like Arc and Zoo, with a heavy emphasis
- maximum compression for minimum archive size, using LZHUF
- compression. This is version 1.21, an update to version
- 1.10 on disk 312. Binary only.
- Author: Paolo Zibetti
- LibraryKiller A small utility that allows you to remove libraries that
- aren't used any more. Version 1.0, includes source in
- assembly.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- MandelMountains
- A program that renders three-dimensional images of
- blowups of the Mandelbrot set. Includes several example
- images. This is version 2.1, an update to version 2.0
- on disk 354. The most significant enhancement for this
- version is that is is two to three times faster due
- to inclusion of a specially tuned fixed point arithmetic
- package. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Mathias Ortmann
- Pcopy An intuition based disk copier for AmigaDOS disks featuring
- high speed diskcopy with write verify, data recovery from
- damaged tracks, full multitasking compatibility, and a user
- friendly interface. This is version 2.11, an update to
- version 2.0 on disk 243, with new data recovery routines
- and some minor bug fixes. Binary only.
- Author: Dirk Reisig
- --------------------
- Contact Demo version of a "pop-up" program for managing personal
- contacts. Allows you to keep a name and address list
- along with phone numbers and comments. Can print mailing
- labels with a couple of mouse clicks (supports PostScript
- printers). Names and address can be "clipped" into other
- programs such as word processors, and Contact can even
- dial your modem for you. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Craig Fisher, CMF Software
- Elements Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table
- of Elements. Includes general row and column information,
- plus a test mode where the program asks specific questions
- about the selected element or row/column. This is version
- 2.3, an update to version 2.0 on disk 368. Binary only,
- shareware.
- Author: Paul Thomas Miller
- NorthC A freely redistributable programming package containing
- all the programs required for developing in C. Based on
- the Sozobon Ltd C compiler, Charlie Gibb's assembler, the
- Software Distillery's linker, and portions from other
- sources. Steve has pulled everything together and added
- some enhancements in the process. This is version 1.2, an
- update to version 1.1 on disk 353. Changes include extra
- examples, many bug fixes, further documentation and some
- improvements. The environment is supplied compressed and
- unpacks to two disks. Partial source is included.
- Author: Steve Hawtin, Charlie Gibbs, Sozobon Ltd, The
- Software Distilary and many others.
- --------------------
- MortCalc Yet another loan calculator, but this one was written
- with accuracy in mind. The monthly payments times the
- number of months should balance the total principal
- plus interest, to the cent. Version 2.5, freeware,
- source included.
- Author: Michel Laliberte
- XLispStat A statistical program based on David Betz' XLisp. It
- does some of the most advanced dynamic statistical
- graphics, included brushing, linking, and 3D rotations.
- Menus and requestors can be created dynamically with
- simple lisp commands, and treated as lisp objects, so
- that the program could be used for many other non-
- statistical purposes, such as interactive expert
- systems. XLisp-Stat has an ARexx port so that an editor
- may be used to prepare lisp programs and send them
- directly to XLisp-Stat to be executed. Commands, as
- character strings, may also be sent from XLisp-Stat
- with the lisp command, "arexx". All graphics produced
- may be saved to files in IFF format. This version of
- XLisp-Stat (v.2.1, release 1) has been ported to the
- Amiga by James Lindsey, from the Mac version supplied
- by Luke Tierney. Requires a numerical coprocessor
- (M68881/M68882) and an M68020/M68030 processor.
- This disk contains the executables, manual, and lisp
- files. The sources can be found on disk 386.
- Author: David Betz, Luke Tierney, James Lindsey
- --------------------
- Statpack Demo version of a statistics and data manipulation
- program. Version 3.2, binary only.
- Author: James Lindsey
- XLispStat A statistical program based on David Betz' XLisp. It
- does some of the most advanced dynamic statistical
- graphics, included brushing, linking, and 3D rotations.
- Menus and requestors can be created dynamically with
- simple lisp commands, and treated as lisp objects, so
- that the program could be used for many other non-
- statistical purposes, such as interactive expert
- systems. XLisp-Stat has an ARexx port so that an editor
- may be used to prepare lisp programs and send them
- directly to XLisp-Stat to be executed. Commands, as
- character strings, may also be sent from XLisp-Stat
- with the lisp command, "arexx". All graphics produced
- may be saved to files in IFF format. This version of
- XLisp-Stat (v.2.1, release 1) has been ported to the
- Amiga by James Lindsey, from the Mac version supplied
- by Luke Tierney. Requires a numerical coprocessor
- (M68881/M68882) and an M68020/M68030 processor.
- This disk contains the sources. The executables,
- manual, and lisp files can be found on disk 385.
- Author: David Betz, Luke Tierney, James Lindsey
- --------------------
- BlitterSand An interesting cellular automata program that gets its
- roots from a "sandpile". Intriguing to watch. Includes
- assembly source.
- Author: Mike Creutz
- ExtFuncProc External Function Process. Allows execution of any library
- function from simple tasks even if these functions require
- a process environment. For experienced programmers only
- because there isn't any documentation written yet but only
- an example. ExtFuncProc is used by GMC. It runs under
- KS 2.0. Binary only.
- Author: Goetz Mueller
- GMC A console handler with command line editing and function
- key support. GMC provides extended command line editing,
- function key assignment in four levels, extended command
- line history, online help for functions in the handler,
- and an iconify function. This is version 9.2, an update
- to version 4.0 on disk 291, with many new features,
- including an output buffer (dump to printer and window),
- filename completer, script function, undo function, prompt
- beeper, pathname in window title, close gadget for KS 2.0,
- etc. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Goetz Mueller
- H2I Translates C include files into assembler include files.
- Useful for programmers that use both C and assembler code
- in the same program. Helps to keep the structure definitions
- consistent. Version 1.1, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Goetz Mueller
- MandAnim A Mandelbrot Animation program that allows you to easily
- generate series of lo-res/16-color pictures. Features
- full mouse and/or keyboard operation, zooms, auto-save,
- high (cheat) speed, iconization, etc. The generated
- pictures all remember their positions and settings so
- they can be re-loaded. Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Ekke Verheul.
- MandelBlitz Very fast Mandelbrot plotter with lots of handy functions
- such as color cycling, zoom, special palette control,
- file requestors and more. Version 1.0, binary only
- Author: Nico Franτois
- Menu A fast-access menu system configurable via a script file
- that allows the user run selected programs. Version 2.0,
- binary only.
- Author: Stefan M÷rnhag
- NTSC-PAL Two programs that give A500/A2000 owners with the new ECS
- 1Mb Agnus installed the ability to boot into either a NTSC
- or PAL environment. *Very* useful for both NTSC and PAL
- owners alike. Version 1.1, includes assembly source.
- Author: Nico Franτois
- Wreq Replace "pop-up" requestors with line-oriented requesters
- (similar to those found in an MS-DOS environment) that
- can be easily handled from the keyboard. If there is no
- interactive console for the process, the requester won't
- appear. Includes assembly source.
- Author: Tuomo Mickelsson
- --------------------
- Calc A shell style, command-line calculator. Calc does not
- have a fancy keypad display as many other calculator
- programs do. Instead, it is capable of taking its input
- from a file, the keyboard, or a command line and output-
- ting its results to a file or the screen. It can also
- apply a single equation to all of the values stored in a
- file (or files). It handles all common mathematical
- expressions, can optionally predefine physical constants
- and store variables. Version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Bill Dimm
- DClock A "Dumb Clock" utility that displays the date and time
- in the Workbench screen title bar. This is version 1.27,
- an update version 1.12 disk number 325. Many more useful
- enhancements/bug fixes, including an ARexx interface.
- Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- DIEd A full-screen ANSI editor including an animation utility.
- Provides PAL and NTSC compatibility. Many useful features
- such as horizontal and vertical block cut/pasting operations,
- line/block/screen centering, save defaults and more.
- Version 2.4, binary only.
- Author: P-E Raue
- Free Display how much free space (bytes or blocks) you have on any
- or all of your mounted disk volumes. Runs from CLI only.
- Based on "Free" by Tom Smythe on Fish Disk 66, but totally
- rewritten and enhanced. Version 1.01, includes source.
- Author: Daniel Jay Barrett
- KeyMapEd Allows you to change the KeyMaps used with SetMap. This
- is a full featured editor providing support for normal,
- string and dead keys. The keyboard represented is from
- an A3000/A2000/A500 but it is fully compatible with A1000
- keyboards. This is version 1.1i, an update to version
- 1.02 on disk number 193, binary only.
- Author: Tim Friest
- SnoopDos A utility for monitoring AmigaDOS calls. In particular,
- it allows you to see what libraries, devices, fonts,
- environment variables or startup files a program is looking
- for. Very useful when you're trying to install a new
- application. Version 1.0, includes source in C.
- Author: Eddy Carroll
- --------------------
- Kick Another screen hack, specifically for A500/A2000 owners.
- I don't want to spoil any surprises but reportedly causes
- some machines to crash. Binary only.
- Author: Tony Solomon, Paul Fortin
- Plot A 3-D function plotting program with provisions for
- coordinate translation on both axes, parametric equations,
- and standardized notation of the pow function (x^y -- which
- now works as specified.). This is version 5.1, an update
- to version 4.1 on disk 175, with some enhancements and bug
- fixes. Binary only.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- PolySys An extended version of the 0L-system (string rewriting)
- described in The Science of Fractal Images (edited by
- Pietgen and Saupe). The basic algorithm has been expanded
- and modified extensively, and looping commands similiar to
- those found in other Turtle graphics systems (Logo, etc)
- have been added. Support for three-dimensional drawing,
- with perspective, is also included. Version 1.0, binary
- only.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- Retab Useful command-line "tab-to-space" and "space-to-tab"
- expansion utility. Several command-line options to specify
- size/settings and the ability to protect material enclosed
- by delimiters (quotes, brackets, carats, etc.) from
- expansion. Version 1.03, binary only.
- Author: Paul Klink
- ZPlot Graphs formulas based on 4-D complex number planes. ZPlot
- currently supports the Mandelbrot set, Julia sets, and
- Phoenix curves, with over 500 mapping variations. The math
- functions supported include sin(z), sinh(z), z^z, e^z, z^n,
- sqrt(z), cos(z), cosh(z), tan(z), tanh(z), log(z), ln(z)
- and n^z. Version 1.3d, binary only
- Author: Terry Gintz
- --------------------
- Flip Allows you to quickly and easily switch between various
- screens. Can close screens, pull them up, and activate
- windows. Has the unique feature of sorting screens in a
- way that all title bars are visible at one time. This is
- version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Lars Eggert
- ReadmeMaster A nifty little database for finding those programs that
- you know exist somewhere (???) in the AmigaLibDisk library.
- Maintains a keyword dictionary of the Contents descriptions
- that allows searching by disk number, program title, author's
- name, or some other descriptive word. Currently supports
- disks 1-360, an update to the version on disk number 163.
- Binary only.
- Author: Harold Morash
- SetClock A utility to set or read the hardware clock on a Spirit
- Technology memory expansion board. Works in a manner
- similar to the SetClock utility which is supplied by
- Commodore with Amigas that have hardware clocks as
- standard equipment. Includes source in PCQPascal and
- assembler.
- Author: Willi Kusche
- SM Small utility to center the display. Recoded version of
- "ScreenShift" by Anson Mah (Disk 88), only half the size.
- Includes source.
- Author: Anson Mah, Lattice V5.04 recoding by Oliver Wagner
- --------------------
- Curses A link library containing many of the terminal independant
- standard "curses" functions. Designed primarily for
- those interested in porting unix screen based programs to
- the Amiga. Version 1.10, binary only.
- Author: Simon John Raybould
- Eco An ECHO replacement which allows many escape sequences for
- colors, text styles, cursor positioning, system variables,
- and much more. Has PURE bit set and can be made resident.
- Version 3.40, includes source.
- Author: Dario de Judicibus
- FractalLab Investigate the realm of fractals and allow your imagination
- to run wild. Virtually an unlimited number of these self-
- similar curves can be created with FractalLab. Includes
- several interesting samples. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- ListPlot A 2D plotting program built around the PLPLOT plotting
- library. Its principle advantage is that it supports
- a variety of graphics devices. By default, output is
- sent to a window on the Amiga's screen. Through command
- line options, the graph can be sent to any preferences
- printer with graphics capability, stored as an IFF file,
- stored in HPGL format, stored in Aegis Draw format, or
- stored as an Encapsulated Postscript File. A variety of
- line styles and colors are available. Includes source.
- Author: Frederick R. Bartram and Anthony M. Richardson
- --------------------
- BTNTape A "Better Than Nothing" SCSI tape device handler. It
- provides flat file access to a SCSI tape drive from
- application programs using simple DOS calls to Read()
- and Write(). It can also be used with the Amiga TAR
- utility for disk backups. Files may span multiple tape
- volumes and may start at any tape block. This handler
- requires a "SCSI-direct" compatible hard disk driver.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Robert Rethemeyer
- CPlot Graphs linear functions in two dimensions, similiar to
- a Mandelbrot plot. You start with a linear function like
- 10sin(x**2+y**2) and CPlot treats each point on the screen
- as an X-Y coordinate, color-scaling it according to its
- magnitude for a preset range of inputs. Includes some
- very nice sample creations. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Terry Gintz
- Pmode Very simple command line utility to send escape sequences
- to the printer to change print styles. Specifically
- tested a NEC P6 Plus, but it should work with many printers.
- Included source should make it easy to add/modify escape
- sequences.
- Author: Dario de Judicibus
- SetNoClick Very simple program to set the NOCLICK flag in the public
- section of a trackdisk unit. Only works with version 36
- and up of trackdisk.device. Includes source.
- Author: Marc Boucher
- Spades Amiga'ized version of the popular card game. This is
- a single player version, where you play one hand and
- the computer plays your partner and also your two
- opponents. Version 1.1, includes source.
- Author: Greg Stelmack
- --------------------
- FileIO The dissidents file requester. This is version 1.9, an
- update to version 1.6 on disk 348. Binary only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt, Dissidents Software
- FontConvert A printer font conversion program to convert standard
- Amiga fonts into a form suitable for downloading to
- a printer that supports user defined printer fonts.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- FuncLib A program that allows you to add or remove rexx function
- libraries.
- Author: Jeff Glatt, Dissidents Software
- ILBMLib A shared library (ilbm.library) to read/write IFF files,
- derived from the EA IFF code, along with various
- enhancements. Version 0.3, a partial update to version
- on disk 348.
- Author: Jeff Glatt, Dissidents Software
- LibTool A program that allows you to develop C or assembly code,
- and then quickly turn it into a shared library. Also
- generates all support files for your library including
- Pragma files (both Manx and Lattice), bmap files, include
- files, C interface glue files. Can be used to make a
- device, too.
- Author: Jeff Glatt, Dissidents Software
- PrintSpool A small print spooling shared library that provides an easy
- way to print graphics and text for any application. It can
- print ascii text of any length or dump any part or all of a
- rastport. Takes care of opening the printer.device and
- manages its own resources. Version 0.1, binary only, with
- source code examples.
- Author: Jeff Glatt, Dissidents Software
- RexxIntuition This is a ARexx function library that allows you to
- open windows/screens from an ARexx script, attach menus,
- gadgets, (file) requesters, load and save ILBM picture
- files, auto-requesters, print text and graphic dumps,
- and completely interact with the user in an intuition
- environment. Adds all of those Amiga features that
- ARexx lacks.
- Author: Jeff Glatt, Dissidents Software
- RexxLib A shared library that can be easily used by any C or
- assembly programmer to add an ARexx interface to his
- programs. Handles all of the messy details including
- message creation/deletion and error handling.
- Author: Jeff Glatt, Dissidents Software
- --------------------
- Aniptrs3 Some more animated pointers to choose from to "liven"
- up your display environment. Other pointers from Bob
- are on disks 332 and 364. Binary only.
- Author: Bob McKain, pointer animation program by Tim Kemp
- 'Liner A shareware outliner whose function is to create outlines
- for notes or export to other programs. 'Liner can save an
- outline as ASCII text, and is clipboard compatible.
- Enhancements over the previous version include support for
- ARexx, Workbench, overscanned screens, more than one line
- of text per outline number, a preferences file, and
- search/replace. Version 2.00, an upgrade to version 1.32
- on disk 285. Includes C source.
- Author: Dave Schreiber
- Pics Some miscellaneous pictures with a "cartoon" theme.
- Author: Bob McKain
- PrintImage A simple program that provides an easy way to print
- IFF ILBM images. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- --------------------
- DragonCave A nicely done Sokoban like game for the Amiga. Features
- include sound effects, two or three dimensional graphics,
- 100 levels (50 of which can be customized with the built-
- in editor), undo of up to 1000 preceding steps, transparent
- copying of data files to ram: for reduced load times, both
- English and German versions, and more. Version 1.00,
- binary only.
- Author: Hartmut Stein and Michael Berling
- --------------------
- ColorCatch A utility that lets you grab colors from a screen and
- save them as an executable file. Version 1.0, includes
- source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- NewLook A program that changes the system gadgets in all the
- screens and windows. Version 1.0, includes source in
- assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- PBar An editor to change the pattern in the windows drag bar
- and save the pattern as an executable file with an icon
- looking like the pattern. Version 1.0, includes source
- in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- PCalender A little calender program which lets you look through
- years and months using the arrow-keys. Version 1.0,
- includes source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- PClock A little clock program which shows the time and the
- available CHIP and FAST memory. Version 1.0, includes
- source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- PFiler A very good and small file requester to link onto your
- own programs. Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- Resident A resident startup module for Aztec C. Version 1.0,
- includes source.
- Author: Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- RoadRoute Trip planner program to find "best road route" between
- any two points of travel. Features include the user
- customization of CITIES and ROADS files to suit travel
- interests and provision for very large city menus and
- itineraries. Also includes RoadScan, a checker for
- RoadRoute files (CITIES and ROADS). Very large files
- may contain goofs (cities with no roads, the same road
- entered twice, etc.), or oddities (direct road not as
- fast as multipoint). These are pointed out, together
- with areas where users might wish to make economies in
- the data base. Version 1.6, an update to version 1.5
- on disk 358, includes source.
- Author: Jim Butterfield
- TurboTopaz Two Text speed up programs like FastFonts. Allows
- replacement of the Topaz-80 font from both CLI and
- WorkBench. Includes a program to measure to speed of
- Text speed up programs. Version 1.0, includes source
- in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- --------------------
- DKBTrace A complete ray tracer that supports arbitrary quadric
- surfaces (spheres, ellipsoids, cones, cylinders, planes,
- etc.), constructive solid geometry, and various shading
- models (reflection, refraction, marble, wood, and many
- others). It also has special case code to handle spheres,
- planes, triangles, and smooth triangles. By using these
- special primitives, the rendering can be done much more
- quickly than by using the more general quadrics. This
- is version 2.0 and includes source in C.
- Author: David Buck
- --------------------
- DClock A "Dumb Clock" utility that displays the date and time
- in the Workbench screen title bar. Includes an ARexx
- interface. This is version 1.29, an update to version
- 1.27 on disk 388. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- Formatter A faster and more user friendly floppy disk formatter
- that is also an example of how to format Amiga file
- systems in general and get AmigaDOS to accept them.
- Formatting without verify takes about 50 seconds,
- with verify takes about 100 seconds. Version 2.7,
- includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- GMC A console handler with command line editing and function
- key support. GMC provides extended command line editing,
- function key assignment in four levels, extended command
- line history, online help for functions in the handler,
- and an iconify function. Also includes an output buffer
- (dump to printer and window), filename completer, script
- function, undo function, prompt beeper, pathname in window
- title, close gadget for KS 2.0, etc. This is version 9.6,
- an update to version 9.2 on disk 387. Shareware, binary
- only.
- Author: Goetz Mueller
- HunkFunk A program to "disassemble" any given AmigaDOS hunk file,
- which includes executables, linker libraries, linker
- object files, overlayed files, etc. Written as an exercise
- by the author to learn a few things about AmigaDOS hunk
- structures. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- KeyMacro A keyboard macro program, configurable via a text file,
- that also supports hotkey program execution. You can
- map up to eight functions to each key, including keys
- such as cursor keys, the return key, etc. Version 1.6,
- an update to version 1.4 on disk 354. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- --------------------
- AutoCLI A 'PopCLI' type replacement that works with WorkBench 2.0.
- Also fixes the problem with PopCLI crashing the machine if
- used on a PAL Amiga to open a CLI window with a vertical
- size greater than 200 lines. Other features include an
- optional Function-key press with the qualifier to execute
- an S:script file. Version 1.6, binary only.
- Author: Nic Wilson
- CCLib An implementation of the standard C runtime library, with
- a few extra goodies thrown in. Supports a large number of
- functions including stream I/O, low-level I/O, string,
- memory, linked list, sorting, time, process control and
- more. Version 3.0, includes source and several utility
- programs.
- Author: Robert W. Albrecht
- PrettyWindows Three different C routines to add various borders inside
- of windows. Includes source and a demo.
- Author: Thom Robertson
- TrackDisplay A simple program that continuously monitors and displays
- the current track for each floppy disk. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- --------------------
- DriveWars DriveWars is a Shareware shoot'em up game that pits
- you, df0: or df1:, against a computer virus that is
- about to destroy all U.S. records of Iraq's positions
- during operation Desert Shield. In version 1.0, you
- must fly df0: through the computers and destroy all
- contaminated chips and disks.
- Author: Joe Angell
- ParNet The Software Distillery's NET: file system using Matt
- Dillon's parallel port code. Using a special DB25 cable,
- two Amigas can be connected via the parallel port. One
- Amiga can mount the other as a device and read/write the
- files as if they were local. Version 2.4, binary only.
- Author: Doug Walker, John Toebes, Matt Dillon
- ReqLib A runtime, reentrant library designed to make it easier
- for programmers to use powerful, easy to use requesters,
- for communicating with users. Includes such functions
- as a color requester, file requester, message display
- requester and many functions to make the creation of gadgets
- for your own custom requesters easier. Binary only.
- Author: Colin Fox and Bruce Dawson
- SetCPU A program designed to allow the user to detect and modify
- various parameters related to 32 bit CPUs. Includes
- commands to enable or disable the text/data caches,
- switch on or off the '030 burst cache line fill request,
- use the MMU to run a ROM image from 32-bit memory, and
- to report various parameters when called from a script.
- This is version 1.60, an update to version 1.5 on disk 223.
- Includes source.
- Author: Dave Haynie
- SF2 File search utility. Default searching starts from the
- root directory of the specified device and descends down
- into its subdirectories. Searching includes looking into
- archive files generated by various compression utilities.
- Archive files ending with a .ARC, .LHZ, .ZIP and .ZOO
- are currently supported. Lots of command line options.
- Requires ARP 1.3 (rev. 39.1). Version 2.0, binary only,
- shareware.
- Author: Andrea Suatoni
- --------------------
- CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 001-400 using the brik
- program. These were made directly from my master disks.
- This is an update to the lists on disk 293.
- Author: Fred Fish
- HappySong A song created using the freely distributable program
- MED V.2.10. Player program included.
- Author: Alex Van Starrex
- --------------------
- ADoc A freely redistributable help utility for the Amiga.
- Allows you to have permanent help on any subject you want.
- Major feature is automatic searching of the word on which
- you clicked. Includes a 50 Kb help file (French only) on
- all Intuition and Dos function calls. This is version
- 3.10, binary only, French and English versions.
- Author: Denis GOUNELLE
- APrf A freely redistributable printing utility for the Amiga.
- Major features are full Intuition interface, preview
- function, page selection, margins setup, line numbering,
- and more. This is version 2.62, binary only, French and
- English versions.
- Author: Denis GOUNELLE.
- Pcopy An intuition based disk copier for AmigaDOS disks featuring
- high speed diskcopy with write verify, data recovery from
- damaged tracks, full multitasking compatibility, and a user
- friendly interface. This is version 2.12, an update to
- version 2.11 on disk 383, with new data recovery routines
- and some bug fixes. Binary only.
- Author: Dirk Reisig
- PLW Phone-Line-Watcher. For users of Hayes compatible modems.
- Monitors the serial port and records all incoming calls.
- Allows a remote user to login, receive and leave a message,
- and transfer files via Zmodem in either direction. Two
- level DOS access, disabled DOS requestors and more. This
- is version 3.0, an update to version 2.8 on disk 372. New
- features include the ability to define external programs
- as menu options that can be executed by the remote user.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Christian Fries
- PrintStudio Very nice intuition based general purpose print utility
- that prints text with a variety of options. Prints
- several graphic formats with yet more options. Print any
- part of a picture, print screens and windows, save screens
- and windows as IFF files, modify color palettes, change
- printing parameters and lots more! This is version 1.25,
- an update to version 1.2 on disk 366. Shareware, binary
- only.
- Author: Andreas Krebs
- StdFile A module that can be linked with any Intuition based
- program to provide a standard file requestor similar to
- the one in AmigaDOS 2.0. Even if you use the standard
- requestor under 2.0, it is useful to have one available
- for use if you need to run on pre-2.0 systems. Includes
- source.
- Author: Jeff Lydiatt and Peter da Silva
- --------------------
- FixDisk A program to recover as much as possible from a defective
- disk. It can sometimes recover damaged (unreadable)
- tracks, check file integrity, check the directory
- structure, undelete files, copy or show files, fix
- corrupted directory pointers, etc. Full intuition
- interface. This is version 1.2, an update to version
- 1.0 on disk 223. Binary only.
- Author: Werner Guenther
- KawaiEditor A Kawai K4 editor (apparently some kind of midi
- based music synthesizer). Version 1.0, shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: Jan Saucke
- NiftyTerm NiftyTerm is an h19/VT102/VT52 emulator for the Amiga.
- It was originally designed to be used with DNet, but it
- has been expanded so that it may be used as a normal
- terminal emulator. Niftyterm was designed to be a good
- emulation of these terminals, as well as being fairly
- small and fast. Version 1.0, binary only, source available
- from authors.
- Author: Christopher Newman, Todd Williamson
- PokerDemo Demo version of some Solitaire card games from UnSane
- Creations. Includes "Accordion", "Calculation", "Poker
- Solitaire", and "SeaHaven Towers". Binary only.
- Author: Steve Francis
- RexxHostLib This is a shared library package to simplify the ARexx
- host creation/management procedure. Rexx-message
- parsing is also included making it possible to control
- ARexx from programs such as AmigaBASIC (can you
- imagine AmigaBASIC controlling AmigaTeX?). This is
- version 36.14, an update to version 34.12 on disk 355.
- Differences include a few bug fixes and new functions.
- Includes source.
- Author: Olaf Barthel
- --------------------
- LHArc An archive program like Arc and Zoo, with a heavy emphasis
- maximum compression for minimum archive size, using LZHUF
- compression. This is version 1.30, an update to version
- 1.21 on disk 383. Binary only.
- Author: Paolo Zibetti
- NGTC Release One of a trivia game based on "Star Trek: The Next
- Generation" TV series. Contains over 500 questions on
- Season One of the series with over 50 audio/video clues.
- This disk contains the game module and part 1 of the
- Trivia Database. You MUST have disk 405 which contains the
- rest of the Trivia Database and the required player program.
- Created with The Director. Binary only.
- Author: Gregory Epley
- --------------------
- GIFMachine A program that will convert CompuServe GIF image files
- into IFF SHAM and 24bit ILBMs. It offers a number of
- extra options like dithering, horizontal and vertical
- flip, as well as automatic border removal. Requires
- KickStart version 2.0 or greater to run. Version 2.104,
- includes source.
- Author: Christopher Wichura
- NGTC Release One of a trivia game based on "Star Trek: The Next
- Generation" TV series. Contains over 500 questions on
- Season One of the series with over 50 audio/video clues.
- This disk contains part 2 of the Trivia Database and the
- "Projector" player. You MUST have disk 404 which contains
- the rest of the Trivia Database and the game module.
- Created with The Director. Binary only.
- Author: Gregory Epley
- --------------------
- ATCopy A program to copy files from the Amiga side of a system
- equipped with a PC/AT bridgeboard, to the PC side, using
- wildcards. Copies directly through the shared memory.
- Supports CLI and WorkBench usage. Version 2.0, shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: Peter Vorwerk
- DirWork A fast small simple efficent shareware DirUtility that
- gets directories off floppies in about half the normal
- time. Configurable options and buttons, as well as all
- the usual features. This is Version 1.12, an update to
- the one on disk 328. Binary only.
- Author: Chris Hames
- DMS DISK-Masher is a utility that allows users to compress and
- archive entire floppy disks. Offers four different types
- of compression, extended virus checking of boot blocks,
- and data encryption. Requires at least 512K of memory.
- This is version 1.01, binary only.
- Author: SDS Software
- GnuAwk GNU awk is the GNU Project's implementation of the AWK
- programming language. It conforms to the definition
- and description of the language in The AWK Programming
- Language, by Aho, Kernighan, and Weinberger, with the
- additional features defined in the System V Release 4
- version of UNIX awk. Version 2.10 beta, includes source.
- Author: Paul Rubin, Jay Fenlason, Arnold Robbins, et al.
- GnuGrep The grep program from the GNU project. Replaces grep
- fgrep, egrep, and bmgrep. This is an update to version
- 1.5 on disk 295 and now handles AmigaDOS style wildcard
- specifications. Includes source.
- Author: Many (see README file)
- MadBlanker A cute screen blanker that bounces a transparent rectangle
- around on the screen, like a theater spotlight, with
- configurable options which include size and whether or not
- you want the rectangle to change size. Version 2.0,
- includes source.
- Author: K. Mardam-Bey
- --------------------
- DMouse A versatile screen & mouse blanker, auto window activator,
- mouse accelerator, popcli, pop window to front, push
- window to back, etc, widget. This is DMouse version 1.24,
- an update to version 1.20 on disk 258. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Flex Flex is a replacement for the UNIX "lex" (lexical
- analyzer generator) program that is faster than
- lex, and freely redistributable. This is version 2.3,
- an update to the version on disk 156. Includes source.
- Authors: Jef Poskanzer, Vern Paxson, William Loftus,
- et. al.
- WonderSound Wondersound is an additive harmonic instrument design
- tool with a separate envelope design window and 16
- relative harmonic strength and phase angle controls.
- Version 1.4, binary only.
- Author: Jeffrey Harrington
- --------------------
- DCmd A utility that monitors a CLI's console IO and copies it
- to a user specified file. The console IO is unaffected
- by this monitoring. Version 1.00, includes source.
- Author: Matthew Dillon
- KickDate Saves and retrieves the current system date stamp to
- the first sector of the kickstart disk. This is handy
- for A1000 users with autobooting hard drives, since it
- can save the system time across system resets and power
- cycles. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Joe Porkka
- MoniDie A cute little "screen hack". Be sure to turn up the
- sound. Binary only, source available from author.
- Author: David Donley
- Post An excellent PostScript interpreter for the Amiga which
- supports the full Adobe language and type 1 PostScript
- fonts. Includes Charter font in Roman, Italic, Bold, and
- Bold-Italic, and Courier font in Roman, Roman-Oblique,
- Bold, and Bold-Oblique. Requires Arp library V39+ and
- ConMan V1.3+. Version 1.3, includes source in C.
- Author: Adrian Aylward
- --------------------
- Trek An excellent shareware Star Trek game. The object of
- the game is to stay alive, healthy, and maintain the
- Enterprise in good condition. As Captain of the ship,
- you must go on missions where you show your common sense
- and level headedness. An overly cautious Captain will
- loose his ship as well as a careless or irrational
- Captain. This distribution unpacks into two almost
- full disks. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Tobias Richter
- --------------------
- MechFight A role playing game where you explore a world, buy or
- find items, and fight against robots and aliens. During
- the game you are asked to perform certain tasks. This
- is version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Florian Marquardt
- Vlt VLT is both a VT100 emulator and a Tektronix (4014 plus
- subset of 4105) emulator, currently in use at SLAC
- (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). Although the VT100
- part was originally based on Dave Wecker et al.'s VT100,
- many enhancements were made. Features include use of ARP,
- an ARexx port, XMODEM 1K/CRC and Kermit protocols, support
- for additional serial ports, external file transfer protocols
- (XPR), a "chat" mode, and scrollback/review/history buffer.
- It comes in two versions, one with Tektronix emulation, and
- one without. The Tektronix emulation allows saving IFF files,
- PostScript files, and printing bitmaps to the printer. This
- is version 4.846, an update to version 4.428 on disk 308.
- Binary only.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- --------------------
- BPDI Demo version of a new strategy game written in GFA-BASIC.
- German version only. Binary only.
- Author: Dirk Hasse
- DiskPrint Prints labels for 3.5" disks, primarily for PD library
- disks. Label data files can be loaded into memory so
- labels for special disks are available without having to
- type anything in or without having to wait for AmigaDOS
- to read in the full directory. Version 2.3e, shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: Jan Geissler
- Mind A design for artificial intelligence (AI) based upon
- linguistics. The included animation shows how one node
- on a syntax tree flushes out the currently active concept
- in a mind contemplating a scene of the external world
- through the eye. Includes five documents describing the
- theory behind the animation.
- Author: Arthur Murray
- PCStatus Bridgeboard user's program that displays the status of the
- CAPS, NUM, INS, and SCROLL key in a separate window on
- every PC screen. Also, both the Amiga and the PC will
- use the same status of the Caps Lock key. Version 2.0,
- shareware, binary only.
- Author: Alexander Hagen
- Tron Another game about the lightcycle race sequence in the
- science fiction computer film "Tron". One or two players
- and other options. Written in GFA-BASIC and then com-
- piled. This is version 1.23, an update to version 1.1
- on disk 355. Now includes source in GFA-BASIC.
- Author: Dirk Hasse
- --------------------
- AutoAddRAM Allows you to add several non-autoconfig memory boards
- at once, optionally specifying priority and memory chunk
- name. This is version 2.03, binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- Check4Mem Allows you to check from a batch file for a specified
- amount of memory with certain attributes. If the
- requirements are not met, a WARN returncode is generated.
- This is version 3, an update to the version on disk 242.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- CopperBars A simple but pretty demo of some rolling copper bars.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- CopperMaster This program allows you to easily create your own custom
- copper lists for the Workbench screen.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- CustReq A glorified ASK command for your startup-sequence. It
- generates a requester with the specified text, positive
- and negative gadgets (either of which can be the default),
- and an optional timeout value. This is version 4, an
- update to the version on disk 242, binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- DirectoryOpus A slightly disabled demonstration version of a powerful
- commercial directory utility. Very user friendly and
- configurable, with many features. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- FAClock Front Analog Clock. This clock program always stays at
- the very front of the display. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- FullView A text viewer that uses gadgets at the bottom of the screen
- (thus can display text 80 columns wide), opens up to the
- full height of the Workbench screen, has fast scrolling, and
- can work with files compressed by PowerPacker. Also shows
- IFF pictures. This is version 2.02, an update to version
- 1.1 on disk 287, binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- Image-Ed An icon editor that allows you to draw and edit images up
- to 150 by 90, in up to 16 colors. Allows freehand drawing,
- empty or filled rectangles, ellipses, triangles, lines
- curves, and polygons, copy, flip about x or y axis,
- stretching and condensing, flood fill and complement,
- text with selection and loading of font style, undo,
- magnified and normal sized images, and two active drawing
- screens at once. This is version 2.4, an update to version
- 2.2 on disk 242. Shareware, binary only, source available
- from author.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- JoyMouse A simple program that allows you to use a joystick as a
- mouse. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- JPDirUtil A directory-utilities type program with many built-in
- commands, and 16 customizable gadgets. User configurable
- in many ways. Can be iconified to Workbench screen. This
- is version 1.12, an update to version 1.11 on disk 287.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- NoReq A very short program that alternately turns on and off the
- DOS requesters. Useful for bulletin boards or other systems
- that may be unattended for long periods of time. Includes
- source in assembly.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- OSK A software keyboard, which allows you to type using the
- mouse. Can be made to send keystrokes to any window, and
- can be iconified. This is version 1.2, an update to the
- version on disk 287. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- PopInfo A small utility which "pops open" to give you information
- about the status of your devices and memory. This is
- version 4.0, an update to version 3.0 on disk 242. Binary
- only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- SuperPlay A versatile sound playing utility, that will play any file,
- with user definable volume and speed. Will also play files
- randomly from a list. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- SwapName A variant on the "rename" command that instead swaps the
- names of two files. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- TicTacToe A simple TicTacToe game. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- ZeroVirus A fully integrated virus checker and killer, with bootblock
- save and restore features. Finds both bootblock and file
- based viruses. Uses Brainfiles to recognise viruses, and
- has "on-line" Brainfile editing facilities. Can be iconified
- to Workbench screen. This is version III 1.15, an update to
- version 2.01 on disk 287. Binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Potter
- --------------------
- Aerotoons Animations with anthropomorphed aircraft as the center
- of their humor. Includes "Swiss Army F-16 In Combat"
- and "Stealthy Manuever II".
- Author: Eric Schwartz
- Juggette Some cute "juggler" animations from Eric Schwartz.
- Includes "Juggette Anim", "Juggette_2", and "Juggler
- Demo 2".
- Author: Eric Schwartz
- --------------------
- Anims Some more cute animations from Eric Schwartz. Includes
- "Batman", "LateNight", and "Terminal".
- Author: Eric Schwartz
- Din A library that allows you to share image and text objects
- between programs. The din.library is ideal if you want
- to write an editor and a DTP program that can share text,
- or a drawing program and a DTP program that can share a
- brush. Requires AmigaDOS 2.0. This is version 1.0, some
- source included.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein
- Lila A shareware utility that allows you to print listings or
- other text files on Postscript printers, with header,
- page numbers, and multicolumn pages. Can print in portrait
- or landscape orientation. This is version 9004b, an update
- to version 8912a on disk 368, binary only.
- Author: Bertrand Gros
- PPAnim An anim player for normal IFF ANIM opt 5 (DPaint III,...)
- files or ANIM files crunched with PowerPacker. The
- decrunching is done automatically as the file is read.
- Features many command line options, palette change during
- animation, full overscan PAL/NTSC support and yet it is
- only 7K. Compatible with AmigaOS 2.0. Some new 2.0
- features (ASL requester) supported. Version 1.0, binary
- only.
- Author: Nico Francois
- PPLib A shared library to make life easy for people who wish to
- write programs that support PowerPacker. Loading crunched
- files from C or assembly is made fast, short and easy.
- This is version 34.2, an update to version 34.1 on disk
- 371, and fixes a relatively serious bug. Library binary
- only, source examples included.
- Author: Nico Francois
- Wrap A program to wrap a Sculpt-Animate 4D image around a
- sphere or cylinder. You can even use reliefed surfaces
- to construct planetary objects or other textured shapes.
- Version 1.32, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Martin Koistinen
- --------------------
- CBBS A W0RLI-like BBS system for use in amateur radio.
- Originally written for IBM-PC compatibles, it was ported
- to the Amiga by Pete Hardie. This is version 6.71a, an
- update to Version 6.1c on disk 241. Binary only, source
- available from Pete Hardie.
- Authors: Hank Oredson, the CBBS group, Pete Hardie
- FileTypes This program can recognize different kinds of files in a
- directory. Currently recognized types are executable and
- IFF (all types, ILBM, 8SVX etc.). Includes listing the
- whole contents of a directory or only files of one or more
- types. This is version 2.1, and includes assembly source.
- Author: Sebastian Leske
- Uedit A nice shareware editor with learn mode, a command
- language, menu customization, hypertext, online help,
- a teach mode, split windows, copy and paste, undo,
- and other user configurability and customizability
- features. This is version 2.6c, an update to version
- 2.5d on disk 287. Binary only.
- Author: Rick Stiles
- --------------------
- Budget A program to help with managing personal finances.
- Version 1.301, binary only.
- Author: Le Lay Serge Camille
- Clock Two programs to put clocks on the WB screen. The
- executables are small (2Kb) and take little processor
- time (1.5%) to run. Version 1.4. Both programs
- require ARP. Source in C is included.
- Author: Stuart Mitchell
- Intoxicated A nice little screen hack which affects the mouse.
- Saying any more would spoil the fun. Includes source.
- Author: Thomas Albers
- Quantizer FLCLQ color quantizer which converts 24 bit true color
- images into 256, or less, color images. Uses a fairly
- sophisticated algorithm, mixing median-cut, popularity,
- and a custom algorithm. Includes a version for Amiga's
- with a math coprocessor. Version 1.0, shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: Christophe Labouisse and Frederic Louguet
- SoundEditor An 8SVX stereo sound file editor written in assembly
- language for speed and minimum size. This is V.98,
- an update to V.80 on disk 355. Many new features
- including a working digitizer, raw loads, raw mac
- loads, time markers, rate converters, delay, ramp,
- filters, scroll, and it will iconify. Binary only.
- Authors: Howard Dortch, Mike Coriell, Matt Gerald
- Utils A group of small utility programs requiring ARP. "Du"
- displays the disk space used by a directory, "Head"
- displays the first lines of a file and "Cookie" displays
- a humorous message. All executables are very small
- (less than one disk block each). Assembly source is
- included.
- Author: Stuart Mitchell
- WTF WTF (Window To Front) is a little hack which brings a
- window to the front when double-clicked. Includes source.
- Author: Thomas Albers
- --------------------
- Alert Program to create custom alert boxes and standalone
- programs to display them. Each alert can be up to 7 lines
- of up to 77 characters per line. Version 3.6, shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: Thomas Jansen
- Coyote Another cute animation from Eric Schwartz. This one is
- "Coyote 2: The Road Test", Eric's tribute to Chuck Jones.
- Has the typical Roadrunner and Coyote mayhem.
- Author: Eric Schwartz
- DataEasy A database program which includes a phone dialer, speech
- output, a simple screen editor for making and modifying
- the database definitions, a screen print function, form
- letter printing, sorting, searching, and two small sample
- databases. Version 1.1, binary only, source available
- from author.
- Author: J. Dale Holt
- MemLook Gives a graphical view of your machine's entire memory
- area. Features memory gauge and controllable scrolling
- speed via the cursor keys. Version 2.0, an update to
- version 1.1B on disk 364. Includes source in assembly.
- Author: Thomas Jansen
- MostCurrent Two programs that are to be used with B. Lennart Olsson's
- Aquarium program. The first program creates a new button
- called "Most Current". The second program updates the
- index file so that the "Most Current" button is set for
- all entries that are the most current versions of their
- set. Version 1.0, includes source in C.
- Author: Peter A. Phelps
- Quiz A simple Quiz game. Current quiz subjects include "Bible",
- "Indians", "New England", "Physics", and "States". Binary
- only.
- Author: J. Dale Holt
- WBGauge A utility to patch AmigaOS 2.0 to bring back the little
- gauge in the left border of disk windows, showing the ratio
- of available space on the disk. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Jean-Michel Forgeas
- WhatIs A neat little utility which not only recognizes a wide
- variety of file types (executables, IFF, icons, zoo files,
- etc), but prints interesting information about the structure
- or contents of the recognized file types, such as what
- libraries, devices, resources, fonts, etc. a program uses.
- This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.2a on disk 334,
- and is for AmigaDOS 2.0 only. Binary only.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein
- --------------------
- AtMovies Another of Eric's cute animations, this one starring
- his cartoon creation "Amy the Squirrel" and her boyfriend
- in some hijinks at the movies.
- Author: Eric Schwartz
- BootCACHE Utility to turn off the 68020/68030 instruction and data
- caches upon rebooting. This improves chances of old
- programs (especially games) working on Amigas with one
- of these processors (e.g. the A3000). Version 1.0,
- includes source in assembly.
- Author: Nico Francois
- LJP A program to print text files on an HP LaserJet printer.
- Supports landscape or portrait modes, use of any built-in
- font, automatic downloading of soft fonts, extremely fast
- printing, one or two logical pages on a single paper,
- multiple styles of page headers, adjustable page length
- and width, user specified pitch and point of a font,
- selectable margins and tab spacing, multiple copies,
- optional line numbers, and more. Version 1.01, binary
- only.
- Author: Khalid Aldoseri
- ModulaDefs Implementation and Definition modules for the Amiga's
- Graphics, Intuition, and Math libraries, to be used with
- the Modula 2 compiler from disk 24. Includes a source
- example of using the modules. Binary only for the rest
- of the distribution.
- Author: Jonas Green
- PSX A public screen manager for AmigaDOS 2.0. Lets you open,
- manipulate, and close public screens, set the global
- public screen bits, and provides a good example of using
- GadTools and ReadArgs. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- PubScreens Two utilities to manipulate public screens. You can open
- and close them, or ask for information. PublicS is the
- workbench version of PubScreen. AmigaDOS 2.0 only. This
- is version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein
- Running A classical maze and puzzle game. You run around in a
- maze and try to catch the ghosts or spiders. It is
- completely multitasking friendly and compatible with
- AmigaDOS 1.2/1.3 and 2.0. You can design your own levels.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein
- ScreenX A program designed to make getting at screens easier,
- particularly screens that are lost behind other screens
- that don't give you depth gadgets. You can pop them to
- the front, push them to the back, save the screen to an
- IFF file, print it, and even try to close it. This is
- version 3.0, an update to version 2.1 on disk 158.
- Binary only.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- --------------------
- ParM Parameterable Menu. ParM allows you to build menus to
- run whatever program you have on a disk. ParM can run
- programs either in workbench or CLI mode. This is an
- alternative to MyMenu which can run only when WorkBench
- is loaded. ParM can have it's own little window, or can
- attach menus to the CLI window you are running it from.
- This is version 2.5r, an update to version 1.1 on disk
- 375. Includes source.
- Author: Sylvain Rougier and Pierre Carrette
- ReqAztec An enhanced version of the interface to req.library for
- Aztec C 5.0. Includes source in assembly.
- Author: Pierre Carrette.
- ReqLib A runtime, reentrant library designed to make it easier
- for programmers to use powerful, easy to use requesters,
- for communicating with users. Includes such functions
- as a color requester, file requester, message display
- requester and many functions to make the creation of gadgets
- for your own custom requesters easier. This is version
- 2.5, an update to version 1.2 on disk 400. Binary only.
- Author: Colin Fox and Bruce Dawson
- SetColors A Palette replacement program that does a lot more in only
- 3K. Can save and load color files, and update preferences.
- Includes source in C.
- Author: Pierre Carrette.
- Yacc This is a port of Berkeley Yacc for the Amiga. This
- Yacc has been made as compatible as possible with the
- AT&T Yacc, and is completely public domain. Note that
- it is NOT the so-called Decus Yacc, which is/was simply
- a repackaging of the proprietary AT&T Yacc. This is
- an update to the version on disk 299. Includes source.
- Author: Bob Corbett et. al.
- --------------------
- BootX Yet another virus killer. BootX can check the bootblock
- of a disk, check memory for any resident viruses, and
- scan a disk for link viruses. It can load bootblock
- libraries for you to write on your disks as an alternative
- for the boring DOS install bootblock. It can load brain
- files so you can add any new bootblocks that BootX does
- not yet recognize. BootX is written completely in assembly
- for maximum speed and minimum size. Version 3.40, binary
- only.
- Author: Peter Stuer
- Iff2Src A utility to convert IFF pictures or brushes to source
- (C or assembly). The bitplanes, mask, colormap and image
- are written to a file. You can convert multiple files at
- once. Supports new 2.0 AppIcon windows (like IconEd).
- AmigaDOS 2.0 only. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein
- MenuWriter Allows you to write a menu to the bootblock fo a disk.
- Allows up to 30 entries of 39 characters long, with
- commands up to 31 characters long. The loader also
- allows batch files to be executed. Includes a built
- in virus detector. Version 3.1, binary only, source
- available from author.
- Author: Peter Stuer
- QuickHelp With the QuickHelp utilities you can make your own help
- files like "man" in UNIX (it is not compatible however).
- AmigaDOS 2.0 only. Version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein
- ShowGadgets A simple utility to view all gadgets in a window.
- Includes source.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein
- SpaceWar A two player game with each player controlling a spaceship.
- The object is to shoot the other player, gaining one point
- for each kill. The game ends when a player reaches fifty
- points. Version 1.11, binary only.
- Author: Jeff Petkau
- SysInfo A program which reports interesting information about the
- configuration of your machine, including some speed
- comparisons with other configurations, versions of the
- OS software, etc. Version 1.94, an update to version 1.4
- on disk 368. Binary only.
- Author: Nic Wilson
- TTDDD Textual TDDD is an ASCII version of Turbo Silver's TDDD
- object and cell description files. The TTDDD format
- enables users to algorithmically generate objects, scenes,
- and animations. Includes programs to convert between TDDD
- and TTDDD formats. Version 1.0, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Glenn M. Lewis
- WinMan A very simple utility to manipulate windows. It adds some
- menus to the workbench, which you can use to shrink,
- maximize, tile or cascade your windows. AmigaDOS 2.0 only.
- Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Jorrit Tyberghein
- --------------------
- DMouse A versatile screen & mouse blanker, auto window activator,
- mouse accelerator, popcli, pop window to front, push
- window to back, etc, widget. This is DMouse version 1.25,
- an update to version 1.24 on disk 407. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- EZAsm Combines parts of the "C" language with 68000 assembly,
- giving it the "feel" of a higher level language. Supports
- all 1.3 functions. Uses braces and "else" like "C".
- Resulting code is optimized as much as possible. Takes
- source file you create and outputs a .asm file. Includes
- example source and executable files. Version 1.3, binary
- only.
- Author: Joe Siebenmann
- NoVirus Another Anti-Virus utility. This one features known and
- new virus detection, view boot block, save and restore
- bootblocks, several "Install" options and more. Written
- in assembly. This is version 3.31, an update to version
- 1.56 on disk 180, and is a limited demo of the commercial
- version. Binary only.
- Author: Nic Wilson
- Zon An arcade/adventure game that mixes a unique blend of
- puzzle solving and arcade adventure. Your mind and your
- reflexes will both be tested to their limits as you
- work your way towards your goal, recovering the Rings
- of Zon. Has 19 levels of action, save/restore your
- game on any level, stereo digitized soundtracks and
- sound effects, over 100 objects to discover and explore,
- up to 300 moving objects on the screen at once, and more.
- Volume 1, shareware, binary only.
- Author: George Broussard
- --------------------
- Gravity A program which simulates the movements of astronomical
- objects under the influence of gravity. For example, you
- can simulate the solar system or two stars circling around
- each other. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Guido Burkard
- Imploder Allows you to reduce the size of executable files while
- letting them retain full functionality. Uses efficient
- algorithms (both time and space) as well as taking into
- full consideration the complexity of the Amiga environment.
- Very well done. Version 3.1, binary only.
- Author: Peter Struijk and Albert J. Brouwer
- PopUpMenu A small program that makes it possible for you to use
- pop-up-menus with any program that uses standard intuition
- menus. Version 3.5, includes source.
- Author: Martin Adrian
- SystemTracer A tool to view and manipulate various AmigaDOS 1.2 and
- 1.3 system structures. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Guido Burkard
- TrackDOS A program that allows easy transfer of data between DOS,
- memory and trackdisk.device. DOS means the data contained
- within a file, memory means the data contained anywhere
- within the memory map and trackdisk.device means data
- stored on a disk not accessable with DOS (eg. bootblocks
- special loader disks etc.). The transfer of data between
- these three areas is not normally easy or convenient.
- TrackDos was written to overcome this. This is version
- 1.04, an update to the version on disk 365. Binary only.
- Author: Nic Wilson
- TrekTrivia Very nice mouse-driven trivia type program for Star Trek
- fans. Contains 100 questions with additional trivia disks
- available from the author. Includes selectable skill
- levels, a cheat mode, and 250K of digitized music. This
- is version 3.0, an update to version 2.0 on disk 252.
- Binary only, shareware.
- Author: George Broussard
- --------------------
- Hollywood An easy to play trivia game with such subjects as M*A*S*H,
- Star Trek (old and TNG), Indiana Jones, general television
- trivia, and more. Each topic contains fifty questions and
- a related picture. Each time you answer a question right,
- a small portion of the picture is added to the screen.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author:
- LCDCalc Probably the prettiest looking four founction (with memory)
- calculator ever written for the Amiga. Written in J-Forth.
- Version 1.023, binary only.
- Author: Mike Haas
- Pogo Another of Eric's cute animations. This one has Pogo and
- crew trying to hold a conversation with the beautiful
- Miss Mam'a'selle.
- Author: Eric Schwartz
- SetRamsey A program that allows you to test the current settings of
- the RAMSEY ram controller chip on an Amiga 3000 under
- Kickstart 1.3 or 2.0, and change them if you wish. Useful
- for hardware debugging to control static column mode, burst
- mode, or change the refresh rate. Version 1.02, binary only.
- Author: Nic Wilson
- --------------------
- AutoCLI A 'PopCLI' type replacement that works with WorkBench 2.0.
- Also fixes the problem with PopCLI crashing the machine if
- used on a PAL Amiga to open a CLI window with a vertical
- size greater than 200 lines. Other features include an
- optional Function-key press with the qualifier to execute
- an S:script file. Version 1.88, and update to version 1.6
- on disk 399, with more enhancements. Binary only.
- Author: Nic Wilson
- MED A music editor much like SoundTracker. A song consists
- of up to 50 blocks of music, which can be played in any
- order. Editing features include cut/paste/copy tracks
- or blocks, changing the vibrato, tempo, crescendo, and
- note volume. Other features include switching of the
- low-pass-filter on or off on a per song basis, and a cute
- little animated pointer of a guy doing "jumping jacks" in
- time to the music! This is version 2.13, an update to
- version 2.00 on disk 349. Binary only.
- Author: Teijo Kinnunen
- TurboTitle A program created for the purpose of subtitling Japanese
- Animation films and to create a standard Amiga subtitle
- format. Is perfectly suited for subtitling any foreign
- film. Version 0.71, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Robert Jenks
- --------------------
- A-Gene Demo version of a shareware genealogy database program.
- The PAL version has been distributed in Australia and
- England for some time. This NTSC demo version is complete
- except that it is limited to 600 persons/300 marriages,
- does not support a text-editor to add free-form reports to
- records and does not show Digi-view pictures from within
- the program. The color requester is not included as this
- entails adding a library file to libs: and is not really
- needed. A-Gene needs 1Mb of ram, and a printer/2nd disk
- drive are a big help. Version 3.10, binary only.
- Author: Mike Simpson.
- CheckBook Checkbook accountant is a checkbook recording program
- intended to be used as a companion to a checkbook register,
- not a replacement. Offers a simple way of balancing
- checkbooks, tracking bank transactions, and recording
- budgeted transactions. Version 0.9, binary only.
- Author: Jeffrey Almasol
- Downhill A skiing arcade game. Ski skylar mountain, a dangerous,
- steep, downright scary mountain with bonus flags to pick
- up, rocks, bushes, and branches to jump over, all while
- avoiding obstacles such as trees. The longer you stay up
- the faster you ski and the more points you get. Binary
- only, joystick required, works only under AmigaDOS 1.3.
- Author: David Alves
- HeadGames A "Shoot-Em-Up" game done with SEUCK game constructor,
- featuring digitized heads as enemies. Binary only.
- Author: Neil Sorenson
- --------------------
- Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console
- handler, provides line editing and command line histories.
- Completely transparent to any application program that
- uses CON: windows. This program is shareware, and well
- worth a donation to the author. This is version 1.3e,
- an update to version 1.3 on disk 165. Changes include
- updates for WorkBench 2.0 console refresh and cut/paste,
- and improvements to window resizing. Binary only.
- Author: William Hawes
- Metro In METRO, you play the role of a city planner. Using
- limited funds, you must construct a mass-transit subway
- system capable of meeting the needs of your city. Build
- wisely and your system will be a success, but poor planning
- will lead to disaster and financial ruin. Shareware,
- binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Mark A. Thomas and David P. Townsend
- RickParksArt A collection of artwork from one of the leading Amiga
- artists. Includes "Bryce", "Clipper", "Einstein",
- "Falconer", "Lincoln", "Lion", "Mickey", "Norman", and
- "Stymie". Superb hand drawn images with lots of detail.
- Author: Rick Parks
- --------------------
- BlackJack A blackjack simulation program with the ability to simulate
- nearly any casino blackjack game in the world. Allows the
- use of the most popular playing strategies and modifications
- to them. Has color coded strategy tables to enhance the
- learning of the strategy. Tracks basic statistics such as
- number of hands played, bankroll limits, casino profitability
- and others. Allows from 1 to 7 players, including the
- computer. Has online help, a demo mode, and a special
- practice mode. Version 1.01, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Dan Cogliano
- Chemesthetics Chemesthetics is a program that draws molecules using the
- calotte model. This means that atoms are drawn as bowls.
- Using this model, even extremely dangerous molecules like
- dioxine look quite nice. Chemesthetics has a fully
- intuitionized user interface and pictures can be saved as
- IFF graphics files. Version 2.00, includes source.
- Author: Joerg Fenin / Metalworx
- Cyrillic Cyrillic (Russian) 12-point font.
- Author: Elaine and Timm Martin
- STV Simple text viewer with mouse and keyboard scrolling, text
- search, and hooks to be launched onto custom screens. Works
- great under both Workbench v1.3 and v2.0 and from the CLI
- or icon. Version 1.00a, includes full C source.
- Author: Timm Martin.
- --------------------
- BCBMusic A set of three original songs written and composed using
- the freely distributable MED v2.10 music editor. These
- songs do not require a separate player program because it
- is actually compiled in with the song. WB2.0 compatible.
- Binary only.
- Author: Brian C. Berg
- CyroUtils Four handy animation utilities from Cryogenic Software.
- Includes an animation creation tool that allows you to
- combine selected pictures into a standard animation,
- an animation information tool that is used to extract
- certain information from a given animation, an animation
- combining tool that allows you to join two animations
- into a larger one, and an animation splitting tool that
- allows you to split one animation into two smaller ones.
- Binary only.
- Author: Cyrogenic Software
- ShadowMaker Demo version of an Intuition based Font shadow generator.
- In seconds you can convert your favorite fonts into color
- fonts with professional video shadows built right in.
- This demo version is missing the characters 'w', 'x', 'y',
- and 'z'. Binary only.
- Author: Stephen Lebans
- Train An electric train contruction set game simulation.
- Shareware, binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Dennis Saunders
- WonderSound Wondersound is an additive harmonic instrument design
- tool with a separate envelope design window and 16
- relative harmonic strength and phase angle controls.
- Version 1.6, an update to version 1.4 on disk 407.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jeffrey Harrington
- --------------------
- ATCopy A program to copy files from the Amiga side of a system
- equipped with a PC/AT bridgeboard, to the PC side, using
- wildcards. Copies directly through the shared memory.
- Supports CLI and WorkBench usage. This is version 2.1,
- an update to version 2.0 on disk 406. Shareware, binary
- only.
- Author: Peter Vorwerk
- CLImax A command like NewCLI or NewShell except that it creates a
- borderless CLI or Shell window on a custom screen. Now you
- can use the whole display just like a non-windowing computer.
- Requires ConMan 1.3 or newer. Release three, vastly improved
- over the first release on disk 224. Includes source.
- Author: Paul Kienitz.
- Dr Another alternative CLI directory lister command. This one
- features extreme optimization for speed, a variety of output
- formats, hiding of .info files by default, and AmigaDOS
- pattern matching. It is pure (residentable). It is intended
- to outperform all other directory listers. Includes the
- additional utilities ForEvery and Whichever. Release 1.2,
- includes source.
- Author: Paul Kienitz.
- FixCLI A tiny pure command which fixes problems with CLI's not
- created by other CLI processes. A new CLI or Shell created
- by such programs as PopCLI or DMouse gets no path and no
- current directory. FixCLI very quickly and efficiently gives
- a path to a CLI that does not have one (it looks for other
- processes that have valid paths) and sets the current
- directory as specified if none is already set. Put it in
- your S:Shell-Startup script. Includes source.
- Author: Paul Kienitz.
- MoveSYS Reassigns SYS:, C:, S:, L:, LIBS:, DEVS:, and FONTS: to a new
- disk or directory in one step. Can be used from CLI or
- Workbench; just click it and shift-double-click a disk or
- drawer icon. More flexible and robust than some other
- programs written for the same purpose. It's small and pure.
- Second release (the one on disk 224 worked from CLI only).
- Includes source.
- Author: Paul Kienitz.
- RunBack A very compact version of the popular utility for starting a
- CLI process in the background, without preventing the CLI
- window from closing. This version is pure and only 468 bytes
- long. Requires the NULL: device, which is included. Using
- NULL: makes it more flexible and robust than older RunBacks.
- Can optionally delay up to nine seconds after starting the
- command. Includes source in assembly.
- Author: Paul Kienitz.
- Scrub A floppy drive cleaning program which automatically detects
- which drive has a cleaner diskette in it. Spins it for
- thirty seconds while moving the heads around. Pure.
- Includes source.
- Author: Paul Kienitz.
- Timer The timer device made easy! Example of how to create both
- synchronous and asynchronous waits. Includes a sample C
- program, a detailed technical discussion, and modules that
- you can plug in to your C programs.
- Author: Timm Martin
- Tripppin A Workbench game based on an out-of-print board game. The
- object is a race in which each move you make restricts your
- opponent's choice of countermoves. Features a computer
- opponent of adjustable toughness. Includes source.
- Author: Paul Kienitz.
- Uedit-Stuff A variety of configuration material for Uedit. Includes
- stuff for remembering multiple chunks of deleted text,
- interfacing through Rexx with a terminal program, displaying
- matching '(' characters when you press ')', expanding
- abbreviations into phrases as you type, easily shifting lines
- and blocks of text left or right, improvements to several
- existing Uedit features, and more.
- Author: Paul Kienitz.
- V A front-end for Commodore's More or some other text viewer
- that can be made resident. Can be used from Workbench,
- greatly reducing disk loading time because V is much smaller
- than More, which need not be loaded if it is resident. From
- CLI, causes More to create a new window, specified with an
- environment variable, rather than using the CLI window. V is
- itself residentable. Much improved since the version on
- disk 224, to which it is only distantly related. Includes
- source in assembly.
- Author: Paul Kienitz.
- --------------------
- Lotto Small lotto number selector with C source.
- Author: Timm Martin
- Pointer Use the SID sleepy pointer in your programs. Includes
- C source, a sample program, and modules that you can plug
- in to your C programs.
- Author: Timm Martin
- SculptTools Programs to create objects for use in Sculpt 4D. Includes
- Brush_4D to convert IFF brushes to objects in full color
- with HAM and EHB support and wrap to various shapes (update
- to version on disk 361), Fractal_4d to create fractal
- mountains with various coloring from brush, checkers or
- based on altitude, and Spiral_4d to create a variety of
- objects based around tubes and helixes. Binary only.
- Author: Bruce Thomson
- SmartFields SmartFields is a replacement for Intuition string gadgets.
- It allows you to incorporate into your Amiga C programs
- the powerful editing capabilities often found in mini-
- computers. Includes full C source and documentation.
- Author: Timm Martin.
- --------------------
- A68Kex Twelve examples demonstrating the use of Charlie Gibbs A68K
- assembler. Over a quarter megabyte of assembly source code.
- Author: E. Lenz
- AdvTemplates A collection of PD spreadsheet templates for business and
- law, originally intended for Lotus 123 on IBM PC's. They
- have been transfered to the Amiga, loaded into Gold Disk's
- The Advantage, and saved as native Advantage files.
- Requires Advantage V1.1 or higher.
- Author: Amiga port by Michal Todorovic
- CheetSheet A compilation of cheats, hints, backdoors, helpful bugs,
- passwords, codes, solves, and walkthroughs for over 150
- Amiga games. January 1st, 1991 edition.
- Author: Mark Shnayer
- EZAsm Combines parts of the "C" language with 68000 assembly,
- giving it the "feel" of a higher level language. Supports
- all 1.3 functions. Uses braces and "else" like "C".
- Resulting code is optimized as much as possible. Takes
- source file you create and outputs a .asm file. Includes
- example source and executable files. Version 1.31, an
- update to version 1.3 on disk 421. Binary only.
- Author: Joe Siebenmann
- --------------------
- APalAsm A Programmable Array Logic (PAL) program based on an old
- MMI Fortran IV program from the 'PAL Handbook' Second
- Edition and Third Edition by MMI. This Version (1.00) is
- completely rewritten for Fortran 77. The outputs produced
- are sent to separate files instead of the screen. There
- are plenty of example PAL files to test, inspect, or just
- to learn what PAL's are all about. The Fortran source is
- included with the instructions to compile using AC/Fortran
- version 2.3.
- Author: Bob Metzler
- Badger Reminder program for your startup-sequence. Badger will
- open a window and display any important events that are
- 'due'. Badger will not bother you if there is nothing to
- report. Events are entered via menu and prompts. This
- is version 2.01e, an update to the version on disk 365,
- and includes many new features. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: George Kerber
- Conquest Lore of Conquest is a war game similar in concept to the
- board game Risk. You are the lord of an entire world,
- destined to rule the galaxy. Some worlds are virgin fruits,
- ready for you to colonize. Some worlds have natives who do
- not wish to accept your rule, these you must conquer for
- they will yield more valuable resources. As you claim the
- galaxy you will find, you are not the only one extending
- your dominion. This is a two-player game, so be prepared
- to defend yourself and take what is yours! Version 1.2,
- binary only, shareware.
- Author: Michael Bryant
- FifoDev FIFO: is like PIPE: but is based on fifo.library rather
- than its own implementation. Fifo.library is a general
- fifo library implementation that supports named fifos,
- writing to a fifo from a hardware exception, multiple
- readers on a fifo with each getting the same data stream,
- efficient reading, and automatic or manual flow control.
- Programs that require non-blocking IO can access one side
- of a FIFO: connection via the fifo.library instead of the
- FIFO: device. Includes some source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Reader A program to scan a word list to locate which words can
- be made from the letters given. Allows matching of words
- by length and by giving the letters known, ie. m.t.h for
- the word MATCH. Great for word games and crosswords.
- Results output to screen and a RAM: based file. The word
- list is in ascii and so can be edited if desired. New
- words can be added and it could be used for different
- languages if required. Supplied with over 24,200 words
- (mostly English spellings). Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Gary Brittain
- SBackup Programmers utility to assist in maintaining old versions
- of source code. SBackup maintains 2-99 old versions in
- any location desired. Version 1.00e, binary only.
- Author: George Kerber
- TMonth TMonth will execute any program the first time it's executed
- each month. Very useful, for example, to execute the ATOM-
- CLOCK program to set your clock each month. Version 1.0f,
- binary only.
- Author: George Kerber
- Whence Whence will locate any program/file in your current path.
- Similar to the the UNIX whence command. Version 1.0, binary
- only.
- Author: George Kerber
- --------------------
- DiskPrint Prints labels for 3.5" disks, primarily for PD library
- disks. Label data files can be loaded into memory so
- labels for special disks are available without having to
- type anything in or without having to wait for AmigaDOS
- to read in the full directory. This is version 2.3.5,
- an update to version 2.3e on disk 411. Shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: Jan Geissler
- Gwin GWIN or Graphics WINdow is an integrated collection of
- graphics routines callable from C. These routines make it
- easy to create sophisticated graphics programs in the C
- environment. One line calls give you a custom screen (ten
- types available), menu items, requestors, text, circles,
- polygons, etc. GWIN is a two dimensional floating point
- graphics system with conversion between world and screen
- coordinates. GWIN includes built in clipping that may be
- turned off for speed. Use of color and XOR operations are
- greatly simplified. Many examples of the use of GWIN are
- included in an examples directory, including a line/bar graph
- program, geographic mapping program, SPICE 2G.6 graphics post
- processor, and others. Extensive documentation is included.
- This is version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 on disk 322,
- recompiled to be compatible with MANX Aztec C Release 5.
- Author: Howard C. Anderson.
- SysInfo A program which reports interesting information about the
- configuration of your machine, including some speed
- comparisons with other configurations, versions of the
- OS software, etc. Version 1.98, an update to version 1.94
- on disk 420. Binary only.
- Author: Nic Wilson
- --------------------
- Backup Backup and Restore allow you to backup any directory
- tree with optional compression, and later extract all
- or part of the tree. The protection, date, and file
- comment are saved with each file. This is version 2.06,
- an update to version 2.04 on disk 258. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- DynaCADD Part 1 of a two part demo distribution of DynaCADD from
- Ditek International. DynaCADD is a professional 2D and
- 3D CAD package. This demo is fully functional except
- for disabled save and export functions. Requires a
- system with 68020/68030 and a 68881/68882 math processor.
- This disk contains all the files necessary to recreate
- the DynaCADD demo disk number 1. The files for demo disk
- number 2 can be found on library disk number 435. This
- is version 1.84, binary only.
- Author: Ditek International
- GMC A console handler with command line editing and function
- key support. GMC provides extended command line editing,
- function key assignment in four levels, extended command
- line history, online help for functions in the handler,
- and an iconify function. Also includes an output buffer
- (dump to printer and window), filename completer, script
- function, undo function, prompt beeper, pathname in window
- title, close gadget for KS 2.0, etc. This is version 9.8,
- an update to version 9.6 on disk 398. Shareware, binary
- only.
- Author: Goetz Mueller
- TypingTutor A simple typing tutor program which measures your typing
- speed and adjusts the level of difficulty accordingly.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author: William Jordan
- --------------------
- DeluxeBeep A little program that uses the exec SetFunction call to
- play a sound sample of your choice whenever a program
- calls the Intuition DisplayBeep routine. Includes source
- and instructions on how to install your own sounds.
- Author: Jan van den Baard
- DynaCADD Part 2 of a two part demo distribution of DynaCADD from
- Ditek International. DynaCADD is a professional 2D and
- 3D CAD package. This demo is fully functional except
- for disabled save and export functions. Requires a
- system with 68020/68030 and a 68881/68882 math processor.
- This disk contains all the files necessary to recreate
- the DynaCADD demo disk number 2. The files for demo disk
- number 1 can be found on library disk number 434. This
- is version 1.84, binary only.
- Author: Ditek International
- Labeler A label generation program for Epson compatible printers.
- Has both English and German versions. This is version 3.0,
- binary only, shareware, source available from author.
- Author: Siegfried Rings
- --------------------
- AztecArp An Arp interface package fixed to work with Aztec `C'
- version 5.0. This is version 1.9, an update to the
- version on disk 376, and includes a number of bug fixes
- and a couple of new features (such as vsprintf/vfprintf/
- vprintf-like Arp routines and fixes for Kickstart 2.0).
- Includes source in `C' and assembly language.
- Author: Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- BatchRequester A simple program which opens an Arp filerequester and
- writes the result to an environment variable. Very useful
- if used in batchfiles. Version 1.1, source code in Oberon.
- Author: Christoph Teuber
- Berserker Detects and eliminates viruses. Knows all `popular' viruses
- and their kin, including the new `Centurion' and `Traveling
- Jack' link viruses. Comes with a resident handler which
- continually checks memory to prevent virus infection and a
- utility to fix programs corrupted by the `Centurion' and
- `Traveling Jack' viruses. Version 5.02, an update to the
- version on disk 355. Contains partial source in assembly.
- Author: Ralf Thanner
- Input How to read keyboard input simply and quickly. Includes
- C source, a sample program, technical discussion, and
- programming modules that you can "plug in" to your own C
- programs. Includes source.
- Author: Timm Martin.
- KeyMacro A keyboard macro program, configurable via a text file,
- that also supports hotkey program execution. You can
- map up to eight functions to each key, including keys
- such as cursor keys, the return key, etc. Version 1.8,
- an update to version 1.6 on disk 398. Includes source.
- Author: Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- LhLib A shared reentrant Amiga runtime library featuring highly
- optimized assembly language versions of the LhArc data
- compression / decompression routines. Compresses faster
- and more efficiently than any other currently available
- implementation of the Lzhuf algorithm. Two example appli-
- cations for data compression/decompression, an interface
- to the Amiga Oberon Compiler, and documentation how to use
- the library in your own programs are included. This is
- version 1.8, binary only.
- Authors: Holger P. Krekel and Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- MemGuard A program similar to MemWatch, which continually checks
- the low memory vector table for random trashing. Has
- been optimized and greatly enhanced to support the 68010,
- 68020, 68030, etc. microprocessors. Unlike MemWatch,
- MemGuard does not run as task in a dummy loop but rather
- as a low level interrupt routine which is capable of
- trapping memory trashing even before exec might know of
- it, and even while task switching is forbidden. Version
- IV, an update to version IIIa on disk 354, binary only.
- Author: Ralf Thanner
- MMB With MMB, users of 3 button mice under WB 2.0 can use the
- middle mouse button as a shift key to do multiple selects.
- Binary only.
- Author: Garry Glendown
- MT420d Printer driver for the Mannesmann Tally MT420d. Update to
- the old version on disk 164. Includes a few bug-fixes.
- Author: Sascha Wildner
- Zoom A fast and efficient floppy disk archiving utility based
- on the data compression / decompression algorithms used by
- lh.library. Has an Intuition and a Shell interface, fully
- supports Kickstart 2.0, is able to add texts and notes to
- archived output files, knows 66 different bootblock viruses,
- includes a number of compression parameters (such as
- encryption of the output file) and a lot more. Version 3.10,
- binary only.
- Author: Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- --------------------
- CLIwindow CLIwindow allows you to manipulate the dimensions of a
- CLI window. It can be moved, enlarged, or shrunk. This
- is version 1.00. Includes source in assembly.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- Flip Very small program which replaces the left-Amiga-N and M
- commands with screen and window flipping commands. It's
- an excellent example of how to use PC-relative addressing
- within input handlers. Version 2.0, includes a technical
- discussion and source in C and assembly.
- Author: Mike Monaco and Timm Martin.
- FMouse A mouse pointer accelerator, similar to Matt Dillon's
- DMouse. Includes a screen blanker and "hot keys". This
- is version 1.01. Includes source in assembly.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- PatchCompiler A program to generate patches using a Pascal like language
- to describe what needs to be patched. This is version 1.0.
- Includes source in assembly.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- WaitAnyKey A CLI command which will wait until the user presses any
- key. Useful for batch files, to pause until any key is
- struck. Version 1.00, includes source in assembly.
- Author: Roger Fischlin
- --------------------
- GadgetED A program for creating and editing intuition gadgets.
- Includes a palette editor, generation of either C or
- assembly source, and binary saving for later loading
- and editing. Version 2.0, includes source.
- Author: Jan van den Baard
- MenuC A menu and gadget compiler. Takes a simple ascii file
- describing menues and gadgets and creates the appropriate
- IntuiText structures needed to actually create working
- menues and gadgets, in either C or assembly source. This
- is version 0.8, binary only.
- Author: Bruce Mackey
- ToolLib A shared library containing 45 useful functions for all
- kinds of programs. There are functions for ports, sorting,
- gadgets, memory, string, directory and file handling, etc.
- Version 7.6, includes source.
- Author: Jan van den Baard
- --------------------
- AIBB Amiga Intuition Based Benchmarks is a program designed to
- test various aspects of CPU performance using a full
- intuition interface. Tests include "WritePixel", Sieve,
- Sort, Savage, Dhrystone, and Matrix. Version 2.0, binary
- only.
- Author: LaMonte Koop
- Curses A link library containing many of the terminal independant
- standard "curses" functions. Designed primarily for
- those interested in porting UNIX screen based programs to
- the Amiga. Version 1.22, an update to version 1.10 on
- disk 391. Includes source and examples.
- Author: Simon John Raybould
- DeluxeChanger Converts binary files to assembler, basic, or C source code
- data initialization statements. It is useful to add
- graphics or sound samples to programs as initialized data.
- Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.
- Author: Andreas Ropke
- HDClick A program selector, typically installed in the startup
- sequence as the first command. Has user defined gadgets,
- a configuration file, an iconify function, and works with
- both NTSC and PAL systems. This is version 1.21, binary
- only.
- Author: Claude Mueller
- M2Utils Various source modules for Benchmark Modula-2. Includes
- ColorReq, an interface to the Dissidents color.library;
- IFFLib, an interface to Christian Webers iff.library; and
- ARP, an interface to ARP V1.3.
- Author: Sascha Wildner
- --------------------
- 3DPlot A 3D function plotting program that does hidden line, solid,
- or contour plots of equations of the form Z=F(X,Y). You can
- scale the plot, set plot limits, change rotation, etc. Can
- save and load the plots themselves, as well as the data.
- Version 2.0, includes source.
- Author: Randy Finch
- DMake Matt's version of the UNIX make utility. Features multiple
- dependancies, wildcard support, and more. This is version
- 1.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 246, but now includes
- source.
- Author: Matt Dillion
- MegaD Yet another disk utility program for the Amiga. This one
- allows an unlimited number of directories to be accessed
- simultaneously. Version 1.01, shareware, binary only.
- Author: John L. Jones
- --------------------
- Deksid A disk and file hexadecimal editor. Useful for editing
- binary files. Version 1.10, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Christian Warren, Marc Dionne
- DiskPrint Prints labels for 3.5" disks, primarily for PD library
- disks. Label data files can be loaded into memory so
- labels for special disks are available without having to
- type anything in or without having to wait for AmigaDOS
- to read in the full directory. This is version 2.3.5b,
- an update to version 2.3.5 on disk 433, and fixes a
- minor problem with some printers. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Jan Geissler
- Dme Version 1.42 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple
- WYSIWYG editor designed for programmers. It is not a
- WYSIWYG word processor in the traditional sense. Features
- include arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line
- statistics multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows.
- Update to version 1.38 on disk number 284, includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- ToolManager With ToolManager you can add your own programs to the
- tools menu of the 2.0 Workbench. Requires Workbench
- 2.0. Version 1.2, includes source.
- Author: Stefan B.
- UUCP An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail
- and news. This is Matt's version for the Amiga, based
- on William Loftus's Amiga UUCP 0.40 release with news
- code from his 0.60 release, and months of work by Matt to
- make fixes and add enhancements. This is version 1.08D,
- an update to version 1.06D on disk 360, and consists of
- three parts. Parts 1 and 2 are on this disk, and part 3
- is on disk 443. Includes source.
- Author: Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- DICE Dillon's Integrated C Enviroment. A C frontend, pre-
- processor, C compiler, assembler, linker, and support
- libraries. Features include ANSI compatibility, many
- code optimizations, and autoinit routines (user routines
- called during startup before main is called). This is
- version 2.06.14, an update to version 2.02 on disk 359.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Matthew Dillon
- UUCP An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail
- and news. This is Matt's version for the Amiga, based
- on William Loftus's Amiga UUCP 0.40 release with news
- code from his 0.60 release, and months of work by Matt to
- make fixes and add enhancements. This is version 1.08D,
- an update to version 1.06D on disk 360, and consists of
- three parts. Parts 1 and 2 are on disk 442, and part 3
- is on this disk. Includes source.
- Author: Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- ChinaChallenge A game similar to Shanghai or Mahjong. The goal is to
- remove all parts of the pile, the so called Dragon, step
- by step. This dragon is composed of 120 different game
- pieces. You can always find four pieces displaying the
- same picture or chinese symbols. This is version II,
- an update to the version on disk 312. Changes include
- some bug fixes, unlimited undo, saving and loading of
- games, background music, title screen, etc. Binary only.
- Author: Dirk Hoffmann
- EliteBBS An online message and file handling system. Features
- include a message base, private mail, file library,
- support for xmodem, ymodem, and zmodem, fully buffered
- serial I/O routines for top speed, time limits, and
- more. Version V.31, binary only.
- Author: Nick Smith
- MissileCmd A fast Missile Command game written in assembly. Features
- include using a hires interlaced screen, time based events
- for correct operation on any speed Amiga, multitasking
- friendly, and sound effects. Binary only.
- Author: Max Bithead
- RegExpLib Shared library that implements regular expression pattern
- matching. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Stephen Moehle
- UltraF-4 Demo version of a super graphic based floppy format program
- that can format four floppy disks at the same time and even
- format disks that other programs give up on. Binary only.
- Author: Terry Bullard and Signa Bullard
- --------------------
- MWTape A tape handler which uses scsi.device to implement serial
- access to typical streaming tape devices. Includes source.
- Author: Markus Wandel
- OptMouse A program which allows you to use a Mouse Systems M3 serial
- mouse on the Amiga and instructions which allow a serial
- mouse to be modified to plug directly into the Amiga mouse
- port. Useful as an example of how to "fake" mouse movements
- and may be of use in writing drivers for digitizers, light
- pens, and the like. Includes source.
- Author: Ed Hanway
- Tar A port of a UNIX tar clone that can work with the TAPE:
- handler (also on this disk) to read and write UNIX tar
- compatible tapes. Includes source.
- Author: John Gilmore, FSF, Jonathan Hue, et. al.
- TurboText An almost fully operational demonstration copy of a new
- sophisticated text editor for the Amiga. Features many
- unique capabilities including an impressive ARexx interface
- with over 140 commands available, full outlining abilities,
- clipboard support, complete reconfigurability, recorded
- macros, programmer's calculator, emulations of many popular
- text editors, and much more. This demo version does not
- allow saving or printing of documents and limits the size
- of cut and paste operations. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Martin Taillefer
- UUCP A bug fix for UUCP 1.08 released on disks 442 and 443, which
- had already been finalized at the time this fix reached me so
- could not be included there. Fixes a serious bug in uucico.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- CanonBJ A printer driver for the Canon BJ series of printers.
- Faster and supports more graphic and text modes than
- the standard Commodore driver. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Wolf Faust
- GamePort A toolkit with link time and shared libraries that allow
- easy access to the GamePort device. Includes examples
- and test programs. Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Paris Bingham
- Input A toolkit with link time and shared libraries that allow
- easy access to the Input device. Includes examples
- and test programs. Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: Paris Bingham
- PointerLib A disk based shared library which provides programmers
- with easy access to custom pointers and a consistent
- user selected busy pointer. Includes source.
- Author: Luke Wood
- Post An excellent PostScript interpreter for the Amiga which
- implements the full Adobe language. Supports type 1 and
- type 3 fonts, screen output, file output, and printer
- output. Requires Arp library V39+ and ConMan V1.3+. This
- is version 1.4, an update to version 1.3 on disk 408.
- Includes source in C.
- Author: Adrian Aylward
- --------------------
- AmiBack Demo version of a new backup utility. Features include
- backup to any AmigaDOS compatible device (such as floppies,
- removable hard disks, fixed media hard disk, and tape
- drives), no copy protection, configuration files, complete
- backups, incremental backups, selective backups, file
- exclusion filter, setting of archive bit, etc. Demo version
- does not have restore, compare, or scheduler. Version 1.0,
- binary only, requires AmigaDOS 2.0.
- Author: MoonLighter Software
- BackPac Demo version of a new backup program. Features include
- intuition interface, data compression, 907K written per
- floppy, full and incremental backups, full or selected
- restores, inclusion/exclusion patterns, user defined config
- files, multitasking friendly. Version 1.3, binary only.
- Author: Canadian Prototype Replicas
- DFC Disk Format and Copy program. A nice, general purpose,
- disk formatter and copier. This is version 5, an update
- to the version on disk 131. Includes source.
- Author: Tom Rokicki and Sebastiano Vigna
- FlashBack Demo version of a new backup utility. Fully functional
- version except for the restore operation. Features include
- backup of multiple partitions in one pass, backup of non-
- AmigaDOS partitions, backup to a file, automated unattended
- backups, pattern matching, and streaming tape support.
- Version 2.05, binary only.
- Author: Leon Frenkel, Advanced Storage Systems
- SMan A Mandelbrot generation program. Uses the mouse to select
- regions within borders of the Mandelbrot set to zoom up
- to magnifications of 10**19. Includes math coprocessor
- support and options to save images as an IFF file. Shows
- example of assembly programming of extended precision for
- the 68881. Includes source.
- Author: David McKinstry
- TCL Port of Tool Command Language, a simple textual language
- intended primarily for issuing commands to interactive
- programs such as text editors, debuggers, illustrators,
- shells, etc. It has a simple syntax and is programmable
- so TCL users can write command procedures to provide more
- powerful commands than those in the built in set.
- Alpha 2 version, binary only.
- Author: Dr. John Ousterhout, Amiga port by Hackercorp
- --------------------
- AmigaPet Another cute screen hack. Version 2.52b, binary only,
- source available from author.
- Author: Patrick Evans
- FifoDev FIFO: is like PIPE: but is based on fifo.library rather
- than its own implementation. Fifo.library is a general
- fifo library implementation that supports named fifos,
- writing to a fifo from a hardware exception, multiple
- readers on a fifo with each getting the same data stream,
- efficient reading, and automatic or manual flow control.
- Programs that require non-blocking IO can access one side
- of a FIFO: connection via the fifo.library instead of the
- FIFO: device. Version 2, an update to version on disk 432.
- Includes some source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- Mkid A program identifier database package that provides a logical
- extension to "ctags". The ID facility stores the locations
- for all uses of identifers, preprocessor names, and numbers
- (in decimal, octal, or hex). Includes source.
- Author: Greg McGary, Amiga port by Randell Jesup
- NightMare A handy little program that uses "shock" techniques to scare
- people. Fun to watch while someone else is using your
- computer. Version 1.0, binary only, source available from
- author.
- Author: Patrick Evans
- OnTime Holds up a task until a given time and then releases it to
- run. Version 1.0a, binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Patrick Evans
- PicToANSI Converts a one bit plane 320x200 IFF picture to a file that
- displays the picture on any ANSI compatible terminal.
- Binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Patrick Evans
- SolitaireX A solitaire game. Features include all possible moves shown
- with a pulsing green box around the card, reshuffle, unlimited
- undo, and tournament mode. Binary only.
- Author: Stephen Orr, Gregory M. Stelmack
- ST2Amiga A program to convert Atari ST format relocatable executables
- to Amiga format relocatable executables, for subsequent
- loading into the ReSource disassembler and conversion to
- Amiga. ST2Amiga should also compile and run on an ST.
- Version 1.1, includes C source.
- Author: David Campbell
- Swish A small simple screen hack that pushes the screen around
- using the view port, and simulates a floating motion.
- Binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Patrick Evans
- --------------------
- Globulus Demo version of a new arcade game that is reminiscent of
- the old Q-bert game. You control a cute little character
- and hop him around pathways in a diagonal kind of world,
- while trying to avoid bad things and catch good things.
- Binary only.
- Author: Innerprise
- Handshake A full featured VT52/VT100/VT102/VT220 terminal emulator.
- The author has taken great pains to support the full VT102
- spec. Supports ANSI colors, screen capture, XPR external
- protocols, user selectable fonts, ARexx, and more. This is
- version 2.20c, an update to version 2.12a on disk number
- 172. Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Eric Haberfellner
- Iff2Ansi Turns any two-color low-res IFF picture into ANSI text that
- can be displayed on any ANSI compatible terminal. This is
- version 0.1, includes source in assembly.
- Author: Carnivore/BeerMacht
- Shazam A picture viewer for Dynamic HiRes images created with
- Macro Paint, the 4096 color high resolution paint program
- from Lake Forest Logic. Version 1.1, includes two sample
- Dynamic HiRes images and source for display program.
- Author: Lake Forest Logic
- WonderSound Wondersound is an additive harmonic instrument design
- tool with a separate envelope design window and 16
- relative harmonic strength and phase angle controls.
- Version 1.7, an update to version 1.6 on disk 428.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jeffrey Harrington
- --------------------
- AmyVsWalker Another cute animation from Eric Schwartz. This one has
- Amy the Squirrel attempting to take a wrench to the a
- "Walker" from "The Empire Strikes Back".
- Author: Eric Schwartz
- MinRexx A simple ARexx interface which can be easily patched into
- almost any program. Includes as an example the freedraw
- program from disk number 1. This is version 0.4, an
- update to the version on disk 188. Includes source.
- Author: Tomas Rokicki
- Tabu Quarter inch cartridge (QIC) tape backup utility. Works
- with Microbotics HardFrame. May work with other controllers
- as well (untested). Includes source.
- Author: Roy C. Sigsbey
- UUCP A bug fix for UUCP 1.08 released on disks 442 and 443, which
- had already been finalized at the time this fix reached me
- so could not be included there. Includes a new getty and
- some bug fixes.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- 'Liner A shareware outliner whose function is to create outlines
- for notes or export to other programs. 'Liner can save
- an outline as ASCII text and is clipboard compatible.
- This version utilizes a number of AmigaOS 2.0 features and
- thus requires 2.0. Support for the new ECS Denise display
- modes is also included. Version 2.11, an upgrade to
- version 2.00 on disk 394. Includes source in C.
- Author: Dave Schreiber
- Convert Converts 39 different image formats into CBM standard
- 24 bit IFF files for display on devices such as Black
- Belt Systems HAM-E product. Version 1.6, binary only.
- Author: Pete Patterson and Ben Williams
- ProDrivers AmigaDOS 1.3 printer drivers for the IBM 4201 and 4202
- series of printers. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: David White
- RCS The Revision Control System (RCS) manages multiple
- revisions of text files. RCS automates the storing,
- retrieval, logging, identification, and merging of
- revisions. RCS is useful for text that is revised
- frequently, for example programs, documentation,
- graphics, papers, form letters, etc. This is an update
- to RCS version 1.2 on disks 281 and 282, and includes
- only the files that have changed.
- Author: Walter Tichy. Amiga port by Raymond Brand
- and Rick Schaeffer.
- RRamDisk Another recoverable ram disk. This one supports up to 32
- units and can be autobooted. Unused sectors are deleted
- from memory. The ram disk can be formatted, copied to, or
- used just like a normal disk drive. Binary only.
- Author: Bob Dayley
- SnoopDos A utility for monitoring AmigaDOS calls. In particular,
- it allows you to see what libraries, devices, fonts,
- environment variables or startup files a program is
- looking for. Very useful when you're trying to install
- a new application. Version 1.2, an update to version 1.0
- on disk 388. Includes source in C.
- Author: Eddy Carroll
- --------------------
- Budget A program to help with managing personal finances.
- Version 1.302, an update to version 1.301 on disk 416.
- Binary only.
- Author: Le Lay Serge Camille
- FLODemo Floorplan Construction Set demo. Fully functional except
- the Save IFF function is disabled and 15 pages of clip
- rooms have been replaced by a single sample page. This
- is version 1.48, binary only.
- Author: Jim Hennessey, Gramma Software
- ImageLab A program which performs image processing on IFF pictures.
- Includes standard image processing functions such as
- convolution, averaging, smoothing, enhancement, histograms,
- FFT's, etc. Also includes file conversion functions,
- a clipboard, and other useful functions. Version 2.4,
- an update to version 2.2 on disk 243, includes bug fixes,
- PAL support, overscanned and super-bitmap image support,
- improved paint operation, better area selection, HAM
- histograms, and FFTs. Binary only.
- Author: Gary Milliorn
- MandelPAUG A version of MandFXP with complete online help, a fully
- implemented Mandelbrot and Julia set "movie mode", and
- many improvements in the user interface. Version 2.1,
- binary only, source available.
- Author: Bruce Dawson, Steve Larocque, Jerry Hedden
- --------------------
- AmigaTration A "Concentration" like game for the Amiga, where you must
- locate matching tiles on a grid that can range from 4x4
- (easy) to 12x12 (difficult). Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Gabe Dalbec
- Lemmings Demo version of an enchanting new game from Psygnosis.
- The lemmings are cute little guys you have to guide across
- the screen from one level to the next, over and under and
- around various obstacles, by using your mouse and changing
- each lemming's characteristics to get them to perform
- various useful tasks such as building bridges or digging
- through obstacles. Binary only.
- Author: Dave Jones, Gary Timmons, Scott Johnston, and
- Brian Johnston
- ProjMot A Projectile Motion plotter. Plots the path of a projectile
- fired with a variable initial velocity and angle. Display
- can be scaled, and time can be accelerated. The program
- returns the distance traveled and the time it took. This is
- version 1.01, includes source.
- Author: Chris Hopps
- Quick A utility program specifically targeted at hard drive users
- to eliminate the frustration of launching programs on the
- Amiga. It eliminates the need to open Workbench windows
- and/or remember and type in long pathnames to executables.
- Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Greg Gorby
- --------------------
- Decigel A software fix for programs that use instructions which
- are priviledged on the 68010/020/030. Update to the
- version on disk 18. Includes source in assembly.
- Author: Byrce Nesbitt
- Enforcer Enforcer uses the MMU to build a shroud of protection
- over anything that is not legal memory. Any empty holes
- in the address space are marked as illegal. Reads of
- the system ROMs are allowed, but not writes. With the
- exception of longword reads of location 4, the lowest
- 1K of memory is completely protected. When an illegal
- access is detected, the power LED will flash and a
- detailed message will be sent out the serial port.
- Binary only.
- Author: Bryce Nesbitt
- Redaktu A PostScript program which runs on PixelScript to edit
- other PostScript programs. Several examples and a
- detailed explanation are included.
- Author: John Starling
- StillStore A program designed for freelance, corporate, and broadcast
- television. It loads and displays IFF images of any
- resolution interchangeably from a list file or as inputted
- directly (I.E. random access). The user may easily skip
- forward or backward one or more pictures in the list. A
- "generic" display is always just a few seconds away. The
- program can be used "on air" with no concern that a pull
- down menu will suddenly appear in the viewable area. It
- also provides for a precise cue for changing windows or
- screens. While the main purpose is to load "news windows"
- of 1/4 screen size, StillStore can also handle full-sized
- and overscanned images. Also includes slide show modes and
- a screen positioning feature. Stillstore is written in the
- Director language from the Right Answers Group. This is
- version 1.2.1, an update to version 1.2 on disk 317. Binary
- only, source available from authors.
- Author: R. J. (Dick) Bourne and Richard Murray
- Vortex A universal accented character converter for Amiga, IBM-PC,
- MacIntosh, and C64 files written in most west european
- languages (Danish, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Islandic,
- Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish, and more. Works with either
- ASCII or Word Perfect files. Version 1.5, includes source.
- Author: Michel Laliberte
- --------------------
- AngusCopy A disk copy program with intuition user interface.
- Version 2.0, shareware, includes source in Modula II.
- Author: Andreas Gunser
- ConvMacF Converts MacIntosh type 1 Adobe fonts to a format usable on
- the Amiga. Reads a compressed MacIntosh format Adobe font
- file and unpacks it to an ASCII text file, which permits
- sending the font to a printer as a PostScript program.
- Includes source.
- Author: Unknown, Amiga port by Joe Pearce
- MemMon A small memory monitor. Version II, shareware, includes
- source in Modula II.
- Author: Andreas Gunser
- Vlt VLT is both a VT100 emulator and a Tektronix (4014 plus
- subset of 4105) emulator, currently in use at SLAC
- (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). Although the VT100
- part was originally based on Dave Wecker et al.'s VT100,
- many enhancements were made. Features include use of ARP,
- an ARexx port, XMODEM 1K/CRC and Kermit protocols, support
- for additional serial ports, external file transfer protocols
- (XPR), a "chat" mode, and scrollback/review/history buffer.
- It comes in two versions, one with Tektronix emulation, and
- one without. The Tektronix emulation allows saving IFF files,
- PostScript files, and printing bitmaps to the printer. This
- is version 5.034, an update to version 4.846 on disk 410.
- Binary only.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- --------------------
- CheatSheet A compilation of cheats, hints, backdoors, helpful bugs,
- passwords, codes, solves, and walkthroughs for over 150
- Amiga games. February 1st, 1991 edition, an update to
- January 1st edition on disk 431.
- Author: Mark Shnayer
- CManual Parts 1 and 2 of a complete C manual for the Amiga which
- describes how to open and work with Screens, Windows,
- Graphics, Gadgets, Requesters, Alerts, Menus, IDCMP,
- Sprites, VSprites, AmigaDOS, Low Level Graphics Routines,
- Hints and Tips, etc. The manual also explains how to use
- your C Compiler and gives you important information about
- how the Amiga works and how your programs should be designed.
- The manual consists of 15 chapters together with more than
- 100 fully executable examples with source code. When
- unpacked, the manual and examples nearly fill up four
- standard Amiga floppies. This is version 2.0, an update to
- version 1.0 on disk 337. Because of its size, it is
- distributed on two library disks, parts 1 and 2 on disk 456
- and parts 3 and 4 on disk 457.
- Author: Anders Bjerin
- --------------------
- CManual Parts 3 and 4 of a complete C manual for the Amiga which
- describes how to open and work with Screens, Windows,
- Graphics, Gadgets, Requesters, Alerts, Menus, IDCMP,
- Sprites, VSprites, AmigaDOS, Low Level Graphics Routines,
- Hints and Tips, etc. The manual also explains how to use
- your C Compiler and gives you important information about
- how the Amiga works and how your programs should be designed.
- The manual consists of 15 chapters together with more than
- 100 fully executable examples with source code. When
- unpacked, the manual and examples nearly fill up four
- standard Amiga floppies. This is version 2.0, an update to
- version 1.0 on disk 337. Because of its size, it is
- distributed on two library disks, parts 1 and 2 on disk 456
- and parts 3 and 4 on disk 457.
- Author: Anders Bjerin
- Line A shell written to enhance the bare-bones CLI with features
- that many people find useful in the UNIX csh, including
- history, aliases, a directory stack, etc. Version 1.15,
- includes source.
- Author: John D. Aycock
- QuickReq An "Ask utility" to replace the "ask" command from AmigaDOS.
- QuickReq can load arguments from files thus making it
- possible to handle long questions and texts. Also supports
- optional line breaks in BodyText, an option to center text
- to window, DisplayBeep when requester is activated, setting
- your own FrontPen number, specifying requesters width and
- height and all kinds of overscan displays. First public
- release. Version 2.0, includes source.
- Author: Markus Aalto
- --------------------
- ATCopy A program to copy files from the Amiga side of a system
- equipped with a PC/AT bridgeboard, to the PC side, using
- wildcards. Copies directly through the shared memory.
- Supports CLI and WorkBench usage. This is version 2.2,
- an update to version 2.1 on disk 429. New features
- include much faster copying and selection of all options
- using WorkBench. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Peter Vorwerk
- Csh Version 4.02a of a csh like shell derived from Matt Dillon's
- shell, version 2.07. This is an update to version 4.01a on
- disk 331. Changes include bug fixes, preservation of file
- protection bits by cp, some new commands, and reformatted
- documentation. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni
- GIFMachine A program that will convert CompuServe GIF image files
- into IFF SHAM and 24bit ILBMs. It offers a number of
- extra options like dithering, horizontal and vertical
- flip, as well as automatic border removal. Requires
- KickStart version 2.0 or greater to run. This is version
- 2.116, an update to version 2.104 on disk 405. Includes
- source.
- Author: Christopher Wichura
- TeXify A package of ARexx scripts, for CygnusEd users, which
- allows total control of AmigaTex from within CED. This
- is version 1.10e, binary only.
- Author: Wolf Faust
- --------------------
- AmiDock An Amiga version of the NeXT's "dock", but more versatile
- and not as limited. Provides you with a number of buttons
- on the WorkBench screen that, when pressed, will launch
- other programs. These buttons are fully configurable to
- run any program you want. Version 1.2.4, binary only.
- Author: Gary Knight
- Conquest Lore of Conquest is a war game similar in concept to the
- board game Risk. You are the lord of an entire world,
- destined to rule the galaxy. Some worlds are virgin fruits,
- ready for you to colonize. Some worlds have natives who do
- not wish to accept your rule, these you must conquer for
- they will yield more valuable resources. As you claim the
- galaxy you will find, you are not the only one extending
- your dominion. This is a two-player game, so be prepared
- to defend yourself and take what is yours! Version 1.3, an
- update to version 1.2 on disk 432. Binary only, shareware.
- Author: Michael Bryant
- Rxgen An ARexx library that allows you to call any function of
- almost any Amiga library from an ARexx program. This is
- version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Francois Rouaix
- XprZmodem An Amiga shared library which provides ZModem file
- transfer capability to any XPR-compatible communications
- program. This is version 2.10, an update to version 2.0
- on disk 261. Includes source.
- Author: Rick Huebner
- Zoom A fast and efficient floppy disk archiving utility based
- on the data compression / decompression algorithms used by
- lh.library. Has an Intuition and a Shell interface, fully
- supports Kickstart 2.0, is able to add texts and notes to
- archived output files, knows 66 different bootblock viruses,
- includes a number of compression parameters (such as
- encryption of the output file) and a lot more. Version 4.1,
- an update to version 3.10 on disk 436. Binary only.
- Author: Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- --------------------
- JMenu This program allows an AmigaDOS script to display a menu,
- wait for the user to make a selection either with the mouse
- or the keyboard, and return the selection back to the script
- through an environment variable. It can also immediately
- execute any valid AmigaDOS command based upon the menu
- selection. The maximum size of the menu is based on the
- screen resolution and font size, up to a maximum of 26
- selections of a maximum of 80 characters each and an optional
- title area of up to 4 lines. Version 1.1, binary only.
- Author: James Collins
- NetHack A screen oriented fantasy game where your goal is to grab as
- much treasure as you can, retrieve the Amulet of Yendor, and
- escape the Mazes of Menace alive. On the screen is a map
- of where you have been and what you have seen on the current
- dungeon level. As you explore more of the level, it appears
- on the screen in front of you. Nethack generates a new
- dungeon every time it is played, thus even veteran players
- will continue to find it entertaining and exciting. This
- is version 3.0, patch level 10, an update to version 2.3 on
- disks 189 and 190. Binary only, source available.
- Author: Various, see documentation.
- ShadowMaker Demo version of an Intuition based Font shadow generator.
- In seconds you can convert your favorite fonts into color
- fonts with professional video shadows built right in.
- The only restriction for this demo is that the final font
- height at SAVE times must be less than 40 pixels in height.
- Version 1.5, an update to version on disk 428. Binary only.
- Author: Stephen Lebans
- --------------------
- DFrags Disk Fragmentation reporting utility. Displays disk
- fragmentation for both floppy and hard disk devices.
- Does not attempt to change any data, just gives a report.
- Version 2.02, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Custom Services
- DiskPrint Prints labels for 3.5" disks, primarily for PD library
- disks. Label data files can be loaded into memory so
- labels for most PD disks are available after a few mouse-
- clicks. Features include three different label sizes,
- default file, different label library functions, Amiga-
- LibDisk contents read-in and easy handling. This is
- version 2.7.2, an update to version 2.3.5b on disk 441.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Jan Geissler
- Logic A small game that is somewhat reminiscent of "life".
- Version 2.0, includes source in assembly.
- Author: Thomas Jansen
- MandAnim A Mandelbrot Animation program that allows you to easily
- generate series of lo-res/16-color pictures. Features
- full mouse and/or keyboard operation, zooms, auto-save,
- high (+cheat) speed, iconization, preview, ease, etc.
- The generated pictures all remember their positions and
- settings so they can be reloaded. This is version 1.2,
- an update to version 1.1 on disk 387. Binary only.
- Author: Ekke Verheul.
- NewList A powerful LIST replacement. Supports many features
- including sorts, character filters, case sensativity,
- most options offered by LIST, date construction,
- UNIX wildcards, and much more. Sort routines are VERY
- fast and memory usage is minimal. Version 4.5, binary
- only.
- Author: Phil Dietz
- SBall A game using the joystick to control a "bouncing ball".
- Binary only.
- Author: Hertzig Wolfgang and Meisner Christian
- TDraw An easy to use Window Title Bar Pattern Editor for use
- with TBar. Load, save, test, and edit patterns. Saves
- script files that can be executed later to change window
- patterns at anytime (like on boot-up). Includes TRand,
- a utility to pick a random TBar file so your WorkBench
- will look different each time you reboot. Version 1.0,
- binary only.
- Author: Phil Dietz
- Tron Another game based on the lightcycle race sequence in the
- science fiction computer film "Tron". This is version 1.0,
- unrelated to other Tron releases in the library. Includes
- source in assembly.
- Author: Thomas Jansen
- --------------------
- CacheDisk Improves floppy disk throughput by caching entire tracks of
- data. Buffers disk reads and writes for maximum speed gain
- and has a user setable number of buffers for each drive.
- Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Terry Fisher
- DisTerm The dissidents telecommunication program. Has built in
- phone directory requester, autodial, various file transfer
- protocols, ascii send and capture, full/half duplex, split
- window, color requester, macro keys, selectable baud, CR/LF
- expansion, automatically configured per phone entry. Binary
- only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt
- Humartia An arcade game where each player controls a jet and must
- destroy the opponents jet, which is accomplished when a
- jet has been hit 75 by either missiles or air mines.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jason Bauer
- SeaLance Game based on a Trident submarine simulator. You must use
- the weapons at your disposal to liberate the earth's cities
- from alien occupation. Binary only.
- Author: Jason Bauer
- Up&Down The object of this game is to get four of your chips in a
- row (across, down, or diagonally) without letting your
- opponent get his chips in a row first. Binary only.
- Author: Jason Bauer
- --------------------
- ExecRexx A program that turns an ARexx script into an executable
- which can be run from WorkBench or the CLI. Binary only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt
- FileIO A file requester library based upon an example by R.J. Mical.
- Has numerous features, including uses other than disk I/O.
- Version 1.C, update to version 1.9 on disk 393. Binary only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt, Jim Fiore, R.J. Mical
- ILBM The ilbm reader/writer library 0.5 and examples. Also can
- be used for non-ILBM files. 100% compatible with original
- Electronic Arts code. Binary only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt
- LibTool A utility that can quickly convert C or assembly code into
- an Amiga shared library. Also makes all support files
- including C and assembly include files, bmap files, Manx and
- Lattice pragmas, C glue stubs. Can also make a device.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt
- PrintSpool A shared library to easily add text or graphics print
- spooling to any C or assembly program. Binary only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt
- RexxIntuition An ARexx function library which allows ARexx scripts to open
- windows/screens, add menus, add proportional, boolean, and
- string gadgets, use requesters, load/save ILBM pictures, use
- a color requester, print text in various colors, sizes, and
- styles, draw colored lines and boxes, print text or graphics,
- etc. Binary only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt
- RexxLib A shared library that can be used to easily add an ARexx
- implementation to any program in a memory efficient manner.
- Binary only.
- Author: Jeff Glatt
- --------------------
- Cross A program that creates crossword puzzles. Has a message
- data file to allow easy translation into almost any human
- language, with English and German currently supported.
- This is version 3.3, includes source in M2Amiga Modula-2.
- Author: Jurgen Weinelt
- FileWindow A completely public domain file requester which may be used
- in any program, even commercial ones. It uses dynamically
- allocated memory to hold the file names so the only limitation
- is the amount of memory available. Includes a filter option
- to limit display of filenames to only ones with a specific
- extension. Names are automatically sorted while they are
- being read and displayed. This version has been enhanced
- by Bernd Schied for more device gadgets, renaming of files
- and directories, ANSI-C source, and more. Update to version
- 1.10 on disk 336. Includes source.
- Author: Anders Bjerin, Bernd Schied
- PictureEditor An "object-oriented" paint program that allows you to
- create, modify, load, and save hierarchical structured
- picture objects. Version 1.12, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Hans W. Stremlau
- Scan CLI utility to display the individual character contents
- of any file. Displays the ASCII and Hex values, count and
- percentage of total along with actual character (if
- displayable). Listing is displayed on a console window or
- optionally written to an output file. Possible uses would
- be to scan files for binary characters, relative character
- counts, matching numbers of special characters, determining
- LF/CR configurations, etc. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Dan Fish, console routine by Jim Cooper
- --------------------
- FCS Prerelease version of an iterated Fractal Construction
- Set program, used to generate iterated fractal images
- such as Sierpinski's triangle, ferns, etc. This is
- version 0.99, binary only.
- Author: Garth Thornton
- Lz An lharc compatible archiver that is reported to be much
- faster than other available archivers and produce smaller
- archives. Version 2.00, binary only.
- Author: Jonathan Forbes
- MRBackUp A hard disk backup utility that does a file by file copy
- to standard AmigaDOS floppy disks. Includes an intuition
- interface and file compression. Version 5.02a, an update
- to version 3.4 on disk 327. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Mark Rinfret
- TextPlus A word processor for the Amiga, with both German and
- English versions. TextPlus enables you to write letters,
- books, programs etc. in a very easy and comfortable way.
- This is version 2.2E, the same as on disk 375. However,
- this release includes the source (the description on
- disk 375 claims the source is included but it was not).
- Author: Martin Steppler
- --------------------
- DICE Dillon's Integrated C Enviroment. A C frontend, pre-
- processor, C compiler, assembler, linker, and support
- libraries. Features include ANSI compatibility, many
- code optimizations, and autoinit routines (user routines
- called during startup before main is called). This is
- version 2.06.15 (2.06B), an update to version 2.06.14 on
- disk 443. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Matthew Dillon
- HamLabDemo Demo version of an expandable image format conversion
- utility. Converts GIF, TIFF, PBMPLUS, Spectrum 512, MTV,
- QRT, and Sun images into HAM and SHAM. Images can be
- scaled, dithered, color corrected, and cropped. This
- demo version is limited to processing images of 512 by
- 512 pixels or less. Version 1.1, shareware, binary only.
- Author: J. Edward Hanway
- Mosaic Mosaic is a game played with a set of 81 two-by-two tiles
- on a 24-by-24 playing area. The objective of the game is
- to place your tiles such that squares of the same pattern
- are connected as much as possible. Version 1.0, includes
- source.
- Author: Kirk Johnson and Loren J. Rittle
- StopWatch A stop watch application with the precision of one milli-
- second (variable), which scans the joystick button. Full
- multitasking capability and intuition interfacing, ARexx
- port for parameter and result handling, and supports all
- non-proportional WorkBench fonts. Written in Modula 2 and
- assembly language. Version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Christian Danner
- --------------------
- Multiplot An intuitive data plotting program featuring flexible input
- options, arbitrary text addition, automatic scaling, zoom
- and slide with clipping at boundaries, a range of output
- file formats and publication quality printed output.
- Workbench printers are supported via transparent use of
- the PLT: device. This is version XLNd, an update to version
- XLNc on disk 373. Includes bug fixes, many new features,
- postscript and HP LaserJet III support, logarithmic axes.
- Author: Alan Baxter, Tim Mooney, Rich Champeaux, Jim Miller
- PowerSnap A utility that allows you to use the mouse to mark characters
- anywhere on the screen, and then paste them somewhere else,
- such as in another CLI or in a string gadget. Checks what
- font is used in the window you snap from and will look for
- the position of the characters automatically. Recognizes all
- non proportional fonts of up to 24 pixels wide and of any
- height. Works with AmigaDOS 2.0 in both shell and WorkBench
- environments. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Nico Francois
- --------------------
- Post An excellent PostScript interpreter for the Amiga which
- implements the full Adobe language. Supports type 1 and
- type 3 fonts, screen output, file output, and printer
- output. Requires Arp library V39+ and ConMan V1.3+. This
- is version 1.5, an update to version 1.4 on disk 446.
- Changes include better type 1 font rendering and some bug
- fixes. Includes source in C.
- Author: Adrian Aylward
- Vlt Vlt version 5.045, a partial update to version 5.034 on
- disk 455. Includes new executables with and without
- Tektronix emulation, and a new xprascii library. You
- still need the files from disk 455 to make a complete
- distribution. Binary only.
- Author: Willy Langeveld
- --------------------
- AirAce A fast paced WWI biplane shoot'em up game built using
- Accolade's Shoot'Em Up Construction Kit. Binary only.
- Author: Robert Grace
- FastLife A fast life program featuring an intuition interface, four
- screen sizes, 19 generations/second, and 153 patterns in
- text file format. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Ron Charlton
- Triangle A game like chinese checkers, consisting of fourteen pegs
- and one empty hole in a triangular formation. The object
- of the game is to leave one peg in the original empty hole
- or have eight pegs on the board and no possible moves.
- Version 1.1, includes source in BASIC.
- Author: Russell Mason
- WordPuzzle The object of this game is to find a word in a puzzle
- arrangement. There are three different variations of the
- game. Version 1.1, includes source in BASIC.
- Author: Russell Mason
- --------------------
- BCF FORTRAN-77 compiler, linker, and runtime support library.
- No Amiga specific hooks, just vanilla FORTRAN. ANSI
- compatible with extensions. Version 1.3c, binary only.
- Author: Andre Kostli
- KeyMenu An alternative to Intuition's method of menu selection via
- the keyboard. Uses one key to activate the menu for the
- currently active window, the cursor keys to move through
- the menu as you choose, and the return key to select the
- desired menu item or escape key to abort selection. Works
- with AmigaDOS 2.0 mouse accelerator and has option to blank
- Intuition's pointer. Version 1.03, includes assembly source.
- Author: Ken Lowther
- TripleYachtZ An implementation and variation of the game "Yacht". Plays
- both Single (the standard game) and Triple, which differs
- from normal Yacht-Z in that all scores in the 3rd column of
- your scorecard are worth three times as much as the normal
- value and those in the 2nd are worth double. Version 1.2,
- binary only, source available from author.
- Author: Stephan Iannce
- --------------------
- BTNTape A "Better Than Nothing" SCSI tape device handler. It
- provides flat file access to a SCSI tape drive from
- application programs using simple DOS calls to Read()
- and Write(). It can also be used with the Amiga TAR
- utility for disk backups. It requires a "SCSI-direct"
- compatible SCSI bus adapter but will also work with the
- A2090(A). It now supports many more tape drives, and has
- some new features. This is version 2.0, an update to
- version 1.0 on disk 392. Includes source.
- Author: Robert Rethemeyer
- MachIII A "mouse accelerator" program that also includes hotkeys,
- features of sun mouse, clicktofront, popcli, title bar
- clock with a bbs online charge accumulator, Arexx support
- and much more. Updates for Workbench 2.0 have been added
- along with many fixes and new features. This is version
- 3.1, an update to version 3.0 on disk 378. Binary only.
- Author: Brian Moats and Polyglot software
- MoleWt MoleWt is a molecular weight calculator. The program
- accepts a chemical formula and returns the molecular weight.
- This is version 1.01, binary only.
- Author: John Kennan
- Uedit A nice shareware editor with learn mode, a command
- language, menu customization, hypertext, online help,
- a teach mode, split windows, copy and paste, undo,
- features. This is version 2.6e, an update to version
- 2.6c on disk 415. Binary only.
- Author: Rick Stiles
- --------------------
- CNewsBin This is part 1 of a C News distribution for the Amiga.
- This part includes all the binary and text files necessary
- to set up and run C News. Part 2 is available on disk 473
- and contains the source. C News uses UUCP, such as Matt
- Dillons implementation (see disks 479 and 480) or that
- included with this software's previous version (disk 319).
- This package has been reworked and now includes a newsreader,
- AmigaRN (Sharware). All major (and a few minor) features of
- Unix C News are implemented. The Author refers to this as
- release 15-Dec-90, an update to the orginal version on disks
- 318 and 319.
- Author: Various, Amiga port by Frank Edwards
- ICalc An expression calculator that works with real and complex
- numbers, has arbitrarily-named variables and user-defined
- functions, startup files and more. Version 1.0, includes
- source.
- Author: Martin Scott
- IFFBeep A small utility that lets you replace the screen flash of
- DisplayBeep() with any IFF 8SVX sound file. Also plays
- sounds on disk insertion/removal. It can be run from the CLI
- or Workbench and includes an interactive "control panel".
- Version 2.0, binary only.
- Author: Paul Wilkinson
- --------------------
- BigBrother A virus infection detection program with some optional
- utilities. It runs as a normal task and checks every
- 1 second the important memory locations in the Amiga.
- As a bonus, BigBrother is capable of starting a new shell,
- starting script files, viewing and installing bootblocks.
- All this in a program less than 10K. Includes assembly
- source.
- Author: Erwin van Breemen
- CNewsSrc This is part 2 of a C News distribution for the Amiga.
- This part includes all the source for C News. Part 1 is
- available on disk 472 and includes all the binary and text
- files necessary to set up and run C News on the Amiga.
- CNews uses UUCP, such as Matt Dillons implementation (see
- disks 479 and 480) or that included with this sofware's
- previous version (disk 319). This package has been reworked
- and now includes a newsreader, AmigaRN (Sharware). All
- major (and a few minor) features of Unix C News are
- implemented. The Author refers to this as release 15-Dec-90,
- an update to the orginal version on disks 318 and 319.
- Author: Various, Amiga port by Frank Edwards
- Family_Sol A preliminary version of the Authors "Family Solitair"
- card game. A standard game of Solitair with options for
- multiple players, sound etc. Binary only.
- Author: Errol Wallingford
- MissileCmd A fast Missile Command game written in assembly. Features
- include using a hires interlaced screen, time based events
- for correct operation on any speed Amiga, multitasking
- friendly, and sound effects. This is version 2, an update
- to the version on disk 444, with bug fixes and enhancements.
- Binary only.
- Author: Max Bithead
- --------------------
- Aequipot A program that renders multicolor pictures using an algorithm
- based on electrostatic effects. Renders in low-res and high-
- res, and in two speed/quality modes. Includes both PAL and
- NTSC versions of the program. English and German docs. This
- is version 1.06, includes source in PCQ, freeware.
- Author: Juergen Matern
- AmiDock AmiDock is an Amiga version of the NeXT's Dock facility.
- It will open up a small window on your WorkBench full
- of little IFF brushes, Each brush represents an application,
- like an ICON but it's a brush. Click on the brush and your
- application will start. This is version 1.2.4. Shareware,
- binary only.
- Author: Gary Knight
- CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 401-470 using the brik
- program. These were made directly from my master disks.
- This is an update to the lists on disk 401.
- Author: Fred Fish
- Enforcer Detects/protects against illegal memory hits. Compatible
- with all OS versions & machines (requires a Memory Management
- Unit or 68030 processor). The low 1K of memory and all
- areas that are not RAM are protected from CPU reads or
- writes. ROM is marked as read-only. Version 2.6f, binary
- only.
- Author: Bryce Nesbitt
- GreekFont A 12 point font with Greek letters. Version 1.0.
- Author: Daniel Moosbrugger
- Imperium Strategic, "RISK" style game for up to four players.
- Based in the ancient times of Rome, Athens, Alexandria
- and Carthago. Binary only, shareware ($10), Manx-C source
- available from the author. English version 1.66E and German
- version 1.79D. Update to version 1.50E on Disk 362.
- Author: Roland Richter
- --------------------
- AssignX A 2.0-only utility to create assignments when you get a
- "Please insert volume" requester. Also lets you cancel the
- request, forever. Installs by dropping into your WBStartup
- drawer. This is version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- Blankette VERY tiny screen blanker/dimmer. Very nice on your system,
- very little CPU time, compatible with just about everything.
- Dims screen rather than going black. Includes assembler
- source.
- Author: Max Bithead
- CITAS Convert ILBM To Assembler Source. CITAS allows one to
- easily put graphics into his/her own programs. CITAS
- takes a standard IFF ILBM image file and converts it into
- either assembler or 'C' source code. Designed for blitter
- image control, all of the necessary labels are generated,
- along with color map information, mask generation, and other
- options. This is version 2.0, shareware, binary only.
- Author: Max Bithead
- GadgetED A program for creating and editing intuition gadgets.
- Includes a palette editor, generation of either C or
- assembly source, and binary saving for later loading
- and editing. Also comes with "PatchGE", a program for
- converting the original format of GadgetED binaries to
- be loadable by this and future versions. Version 2.3,
- an update to version 2.0 on disk 438, includes source.
- Author: Jan van den Baard
- ToolLib A shared library containing 45 useful functions for all
- kinds of programs. There are functions for ports, sorting,
- gadgets, memory, string, directory and file handling, etc.
- Version 8.1, an update to version 7.6 on disk 438, includes
- source.
- Author: Jan van den Baard
- --------------------
- Browser A programmer's "Workbench". Allows you to easily and
- conveniently move, copy, rename, and delete files &
- directories from a CLI environment. Also provides a
- method to execute either Workbench or CLI programs.
- Version 1.7, an update to version on disk number 180,
- binary only.
- Author: Peter da Silva
- MED A music editor much like SoundTracker. A song consists
- of up to 50 blocks of music, which can be played in any
- order. Editing features include cut/paste/copy tracks
- or blocks, changing the vibrato, tempo, crescendo, and
- note volume. Other features include switching of the
- low-pass-filter on or off on a per song basis, and a cute
- little animated pointer of a guy doing "jumping jacks" in
- time to the music! Improvements include AmigaDos 2.0
- compatibility. This is version 3.00, an update to
- version 2.13 on disk 424. Binary only.
- Author: Teijo Kinnunen
- Mostra Mostra is a shareware IFF utility featuring real-time
- unpacking scroll, dozens of options, "smart" analysis of
- any IFF file (FORMs, LISTs,... also nested ILBM!), total
- control over display modes, simple slideshow processing,
- pattern matching, SHAM, an external link to show Dynamic
- Mode pictures, double buffering, fast decompression, color
- cycling, TeXdocs, startup files for easy custom configur-
- ations and complete WB support, through ToolTypes and
- Style icons! This is version 1.14, an update to version
- 1.0 on disk 330. Binary only.
- Author: Sebastiano Vigna
- ToolManager ToolManager is a full featured program to add programs
- (either WorkBench or CLI) to the tools menu of the 2.x
- WorkBench. Programs can be added by dragging their icons
- onto the ToolManager "config" window or the optional
- ToolManager icon or by editing the config file. Requires
- Workbench 2.0. This is version 1.3, an update to the
- version on disk 442. Includes source.
- Author: Stefan Becker
- --------------------
- IRMaster This is a hardware/software project to allow the Amiga
- to read an infrared remote control via the parallel port.
- Includes an ILBM of the schematic for a simple interface
- to the A1000 parallel port, some modifications are needed
- for other Amigas. The source code and executable for
- a reader program are included. For further functionality
- modifications to the source can be performed.
- Author: Ron Peterson
- MegaBall This is a new version of the game "Ball" by the same
- author. It is a Breakout type game, and is very good.
- Complete with impressive sound. This one's addicting.
- Binary only.
- Author: Ed Mackey
- NoDelete This program pops up a requestor to alert you of a file
- deletion being attempted via DeleteFile() and allows you
- accept or cancel it. This also pertains to any files you
- attempt to delete via "delete". Version 1.5a source is
- included.
- Author: Uwe Sch"urkamp
- --------------------
- LSlabel A simple label printing utility. Very powerful as the user
- can/must do a lot of settings by himself. Features include
- variable linefeeds (in 1/216 inch steps), a very exactly
- setting of the label length and freely configurable printer
- codes. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Stefan Berendes.
- MED-Songs A selection of musical pieces created with MED, the musical
- editor program (see disk 476 for MED 3.00). Includes
- MEDPlayer version 3.0.
- Author: Hans-H. Adam
- MP A small, useful utility for sending any MIDI data back and
- forth between an Amiga and a MIDI instrument. Helpful for
- learning about MIDI, writing/debugging MIDI software,
- figuring out your instrument's system-exclusive implementa-
- tion, and more. Very versatile. Version 1.0, includes
- source.
- Author: Daniel J. Barrett
- NewList A powerful LIST replacement. Supports many features
- including sorts, character filters, case sensitivity,
- most options offered by LIST, date construction, UNIX
- wildcards, and much more. Sort routines are very fast
- and memory usage is minimal. Version 4.9, an update
- to version 4.5 on disk 461. Binary only.
- Author: Phil Dietz
- --------------------
- CheckPrt A small program for checking the presence of a parallel
- printer from within a script file. Binary only.
- Author: Tom Kroener
- TDP A small trackdisplay program that uses whatever screen is
- up front. Binary only.
- Author: Tom Kroener
- UUCP An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail
- and news. This is Matt's version for the Amiga, based
- on William Loftus's Amiga UUCP 0.40 release with news
- code from his 0.60 release, and months of work by Matt to
- make fixes and add enhancements. This is version 1.13D,
- an update to version 1.08D on disk 442, and consists of
- four parts. Parts 1 and 2 are on this disk, and parts 3
- and 4 are on disk 480. Includes source.
- Author: Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- Cryptor A program that encrypts and decrypts data (files). It
- uses a mathematical algorithm with password key protection.
- Has both English and German versions and documentation.
- This is version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Thomas Schossow
- NoCare This utility speeds up your windowing environment. The
- OpenWindow vector is patched. When someone tries to open
- a window in the workbench screen, the lower refreshbit in
- the nw_Flags field is cleared. This way, only NOCAREREFRESH
- windows will be opened, resulting in faster window movements.
- Windows opened in customscreens are not affected. This is
- version 1.5. Assembly source included.
- Author: Raymond Hoving
- TplEdit A gadtools template editor. It is able to generate nearly
- standalone C source code. The program will only run under
- OS 2.0, Kickstart 37.73 or higher. This is version 1.00
- Alpha. Includes source.
- Author: Matt Dillon
- UUCP An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail
- and news. This is Matt's version for the Amiga, based
- on William Loftus's Amiga UUCP 0.40 release with news
- code from his 0.60 release, and months of work by Matt to
- make fixes and add enhancements. This is version 1.13D,
- an update to version 1.08D on disk 442, and consists of
- four parts. Parts 1 and 2 are on disk 479, and parts 3
- and 4 are on this disk. Includes source.
- Author: Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon
- --------------------
- K1 An editor program for the Kawai K1-II synthesizer. Includes
- a bankloader for single-patches and multi-patches, a single-
- patch editor, a multi-patch editor, and support for the
- effect-session and K1 controllers. Version 4.8, binary
- only.
- Author: Andreas Jung
- MCP A "TRON" like cycle race game for up to four players.
- Version 13.76, update to version on disk 338, includes
- source in assembly.
- Author: Jorg Sixt
- TLPatch A utility to allow corrections in pronunciation for programs
- that use the Translate() function. It allows you to extract
- the exception table from the translator.library, use a text
- editor to edit the table, and then restore it back into the
- library. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Richard Sheppard
- WaveMaker WaveMaker is intended to give beginning music and physics
- students a "hands on" feel for how complex waves are made
- by adding a harmonic series of sine waves. A fundamental
- and up to seven harmonics are available. The resulting
- waveform can be displayed on the screen or played on the
- audio device using the keyboard like a piano. A game mode
- is also provided. Version 1.2, an update to version 1.1 on
- disk 318, with several bugs fixed, more efficient code, and
- a new display option. Includes source.
- Author: Thomas Meyer
- --------------------
- Ephemer A program which calculates the positions of the sun, moon,
- and planets for any date and any place. Includes source
- in HiSoft BASIC.
- Author: Yvon Alemany
- Molec3D An interactive 3D solid modelling program for molecules.
- Produces a graphic, three dimensional representation of
- molecules, based on 3D coordinates data from geometry
- optimization programs, X-ray measurements, or any other
- source. Can handle up to 500 atoms at a time. Requires
- 1Mb or more of memory. Version 1.022, binary only.
- Author: Stefan Abrecht
- --------------------
- ButExchange An input handler to help left handed Amiga users. It reverses
- the function of the mouse buttons, so that the left button
- becomes the right and vice versa. Very small, uses only 168
- bytes of memory. Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- ColorSamples A few executable color samples made by ColorCatch from disk
- 396. Contains the 'old' colors from kickstart 1.3 and the
- 'new' colors from kickstart 2.0. Very useful because some
- programs/icons look awful when displayed in colors other
- than the ones they were created for.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- InputLock An input handler to help Amiga users who have cats other pets
- (or children) that mess with the Amiga as soon as it is left
- for a second. It installs an input handler which lets you
- lock the keyboard and mouse by pressing a few buttons. Very
- small, uses only 190 bytes of memory. Version 1.0, includes
- source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- MED MED is a music editor that can be used to compose music for
- demos/games etc. It can be used as a stand-alone music
- program as well. The features include built-in sample editor,
- synthetic sound editor, MIDI support (up to 16 tracks), and
- options to read/write NoiseTracker modules. Included are
- routines that allow programmers to easily incorporate music
- made with MED in their programs. This is version 3.10, an
- update to version 3.00 on disk 476. Binary only.
- Author: Teijo Kinnunen
- MouseXY A small utility that opens a little window in which it shows
- the mouse coordinates and the color at that position. It can
- be moved from screen to screen and is able to show coordinates
- even when you are moving/resizing windows or moving Workbench
- icons. Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- PicSaver A small utility that allows you cut rectangular portions of
- any screen and store them on disk as IFF ILBM files. Also
- allows easy saving of windows and entire screens to disk.
- Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- PointerX Spins the hands of any pointer that looks like the standard
- AmigaDOS 2.0 Workbench "busy" pointer (a clock). Will also
- work with any application that uses the same pointer.
- Includes source.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- PSX A public screen manager for AmigaDOS 2.0. Lets you open,
- manipulate, and close public screens, set the global
- public screen bits, and provides a good example of using
- GadTools and ReadArgs. Version 1.1, an update to version
- on disk 418. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- PWKeys An input handler that allows you to manipulate windows and
- screens by pressing keys on the keyboard. It currently lets
- you perform 17 different functions. Includes an interactive
- program to define hotkeys. Very small, uses only 1124 bytes
- of memory. Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- TD A program like TrackDisplay on disk 399 by Olaf Barthel. It
- monitors and displays the current track for each floppy disk
- connected to the Amiga. Version 1.0, includes source in
- assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- --------------------
- BootPic BootPic allows you to install nearly any IFF picture that
- you like in place of the WorkBench hand that appears after
- a reset. Version 1.0, includes source in assembly.
- Author: Andreas Ackermann
- EZAsm Combines parts of "C" with 68000 assembly language. The
- resulting code is optimized as much as possible. Now
- bundled with A68k and Blink for a complete programming
- environment. New "c.lib" functions and more. This is
- version 1.5, an update to version 1.31 on disk 431.
- Includes example source and executable files. Binary
- only.
- Author: Joe Siebenmann
- MSClock A clock utility, which displays memory, date, time and
- online time (if connected to another computer via modem)
- in the titlebar of the WorkBench screen. This is version
- 1.3, includes source.
- Author: Martin Steppler
- Spright Spright is a sprite making utility. Simple or attached
- sprites can be saved to a file ready to be added to your
- program. The colors used with the sprite(s) will also
- be saved. Version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: Todd Neumiller
- TextPlus A word processor for the Amiga, with both German and English
- versions. This is version 3.0, an update to version 2.2E on
- disk 465. New features include the ability to print footnotes
- and serial letters, multiple windows, an ARexx-interface with
- 120 commands, powerful block-operations, ANSI-compatibility,
- ability to load files crunched by PowerPacker, etc.
- Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Martin Steppler
- Viewer Displays IFF pictures fast! Version 1.0. Includes source
- in EZAsm.
- Author: Joe Siebenmann
- --------------------
- Drawmap A program for drawing representations of the Earth's
- surface. This version includes a completely rewritten
- user interface and some new functions. Version 2.25d, an
- update to version 2.0 on disk 315. Includes source.
- Authors: Bryan Brown & Ulrich Denker
- NiftyTerm NiftyTerm is an h19/VT102/VT52 emulator for the Amiga.
- It was originally designed to be used with DNet, but it
- has been expanded so that it may be used as a normal
- terminal emulator. Niftyterm was designed to be a good
- emulation of these terminals, as well as being fairly
- small and fast. Version 1.2, an update to version 1.0 on
- disk 403. Binary only, source available from authors.
- Author: Christopher Newman, Todd Williamson
- Spades This is an Amiga version of the card game spades. It is a
- one player version, where the computer plays your partner
- and two opponents. This is version 1.2, an update to
- version 1.1 on Disk 392. Includes source in C.
- Author: Greg Stelmack
- --------------------
- Metafont Amiga port of the Metafont package, a program to create
- TeX fonts. Includes versions for 68000 and 68020. Disk
- 487 contains a copy of the Metafont font source files
- from the TeX distribution tape, including the Computer
- Modern Roman and the LaTeX fonts. This is version 2.7,
- binary only.
- Author: Donald E. Knuth, Stefan Becker (Amiga port)
- SoundEd Demo version of an 8SVX sound editing package, written
- in machine code for optimum speed and minimum size.
- Can also be used for digitizing with SoundEd or Perfect
- Sound hardware. Version 1.0, demo, binary only.
- Author: Howard Dortch and Mike Coriell
- --------------------
- AssignX A 2.0-only utility to create assignments when you get a
- "Please insert volume" requester. Also lets you cancel the
- request, forever. Installs by dropping into your WBStartup
- drawer. This is version 1.2, an update to version 1.0 on
- disk 475. Includes source.
- Author: Steve Tibbett
- MFSrc A copy of the Metafont font source files from the TeX
- distribution tape, suitable for use with the Amiga port
- of Metafont on disk 486. Included are the Computer
- Modern Roman and the LaTeX fonts. These should be
- sufficient to run a normal TeX installation.
- Author: Various
- PPrint A printing utility, designed for all those who slowly but
- surely become frustrated with programmers who think that
- they can do a form feed better than their printer can.
- This one relies on the printer itself to do the formatting,
- and on the program to send the settings. Features include
- a full icon driven user interface, the ability to convert
- tabs to any size, and the ability to save a number of
- standard settings. Version 1.10, includes source.
- Author: Marc Jackisch
- --------------------
- LordOfHosts A strategy game for two players based on a board game called
- "Shogun". Features include flexible mouse/joystick controls,
- undo and redo of up to 500 preceding steps, fully intuition-
- ized user interface. Version 1.0, complete source code,
- precompiled include files and debugger files included.
- Author: Tim Pietzcker
- MidiTools A group of several different utility programs for those
- who run a Midi system. Update to version on disk 159.
- Includes three new programs, two of which are synthesizer
- editors, and compatibility with AmigaDOS 2.0. Binary only.
- Author: Jack Deckard
- SGD This program makes it possible to delete games, that are
- saved by any of the existing Sierra adventures (e.g.
- Leisure suit Larry). The program has a LEARN-option for
- including new adventures. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Maico Ditzel
- SuperDuper A very fast disk copier and formatter. Can make up to four
- unverified copies from a ram buffer in 36 seconds. Verified
- copies from a ram buffer take 67 seconds for one destination
- drive, plus 34 seconds for each additional destination.
- Binary only.
- Author: Sebastiano Vigna
- View80 Scrolling text file reader with three scrolling modes
- controllable via keyboard or mouse. Opens file requestor
- if no filename is given. Automatically configures screen
- size for PAL or NTSC machine. Version 2.0, an update to
- version 1.1 on disk 365. Binary only.
- Author: Federico Giannici
- --------------------
- Automata Automata is an extremely versatile, cellular automaton
- simulation. Virtually every aspect of the simulation can
- be altered, saved, and later recalled. Also supplies many
- powerful editing functions (such as patterns, rotations,
- reflections, etc) for creating and modifying cell configur-
- ations. Additional features include editable icons, an
- immense variety of rules from which to choose, "music"
- which changes as the cell configuration changes and methods
- to speed execution from 3 to 60 (or more) generations per
- second. Binary only.
- Author: Jerry Mack
- MkBmap Builds Amiga format bitmapped fonts from PostScript fonts.
- Uses the library "post.library" (disk 468) to render the
- characters. Best results are obtained with fully hinted
- type 1 fonts, such as those supplied by Adobe and other
- vendors. Version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Adrian Aylward
- SKsh A ksh-like shell for the Amiga. Some of its features
- include command substitution, shell functions with
- parameters, aliases, local variables, local functions,
- local aliases, powerful control structures and tests,
- emacs style line editing and history functions, I/O
- redirection, pipes, large variety of built-in commands,
- Unix style wildcards, Unix style filename conventions,
- filename completion, and coexistence with scripts from
- other shells. Very well documented. Version 1.7, an
- update to version 1.6 on disk 381. Lots of new features
- and bug fixes. Binary only.
- Author: Steve Koren
- --------------------
- AmiCheck An easy to use, intuitive, friendly checkbook program.
- Allows you to enter your checks in a very natural style,
- giving you a running balance as you do so. Options
- include reconciling your checkbook, starting new registers
- with outstanding checks only, printing all, cleared,
- outstanding, or selected entries, and more. Version 2.0,
- shareware, binary only, requires AmigaDOS 2.0.
- Author: Jeff Hoag
- AntiLemmin Another great, humorous, animation from Eric Schwartz. This
- one was obviously inspired by the wonderful Lemmings game.
- Lasts a full two minutes and ten seconds. Requires at
- least 2 Mb of memory.
- Author: Eric Schwartz
- Recolor A fully configurable icon recoloring tool that can swap or
- shift the colors of selected icons and truncate the depth of
- the icon color map. Binary only.
- Author: Michael Sinz
- --------------------
- bBaseII A simple database program using an intuition interface.
- Stores, sorts, and searches for information. Limited to
- 9 fields in each record. Features include fast sorting,
- search in any field, and best of all, it's really easy to
- use. Binary only.
- Author: Robert Bromley
- DICE Dillon's Integrated C Enviroment. A C frontend, pre-
- processor, C compiler, assembler, linker, and support
- libraries. Features include ANSI compatibility, many
- code optimizations, and autoinit routines (user routines
- called during startup before main is called). This is
- version 2.06.21, an update to version 2.06.15 on disk
- 466. Includes bug fixes and experimental dynamic object
- module loading support. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Matthew Dillon
- fBlanker A utility for blanking the screen after a defined period
- of no action. Shows a multicolor Amiga checkmark. This
- is version 1.1, binary only, requires AmigaDOS 2.0.
- Author: Markus Stoll
- Klondike A single player card game. Version 1.1c, binary only.
- Shareware.
- Author: Peter Wiseman
- --------------------
- LoanCalc Keyboard and mouse driven mortgage utility. Although
- similar programs exist, this one is unique in that it
- is designed to track 'Open' mortgages that allow any size
- payment to be made at any time, as well as providing a
- printed amortization table for fixed mortgages with
- monthly, semi-monthly, bi-weekly and weekly payment
- schedules. This is version 1.4, an update to version 1.2
- on disk 366. Binary only.
- Author: Robert Bromley
- SBProDemo A restricted use trial version of Superbase Professional 4
- complete with sample application. The limitations are
- 35 records max per file, programs can be edited but not
- saved, and forms can be edited but not saved or printed.
- In every other respect this is identical to the release
- product. SBpro4 is compatible with SB4 Windows V1.21.
- Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Precision Software Limited.
- --------------------
- AmiBack Demo version of a new backup utility. Features include
- backup to any AmigaDOS compatible device (such as floppies,
- removable hard disks, fixed media hard disk, and tape
- drives), no copy protection, configuration files, complete
- backups, incremental backups, selective backups, file
- exclusion filter, setting of archive bit, etc. Demo version
- does not have restore, compare, or scheduler. Version 1.03,
- an update to version 1.0 on disk 447. Binary only.
- Author: MoonLighter Software
- AmigaLib A library of Workbench/ROM-Kernel interface routines for
- use with AbSoft Fortran. Includes source.
- Author: Jim Locker
- AmiGantt A project definition and management tool designed to create
- a simple, interactive method of outlining the task required
- to complete a particular project, using the GANTT chart as
- the input format. AmiGantt displays the project in a multi-
- window mode with separate windows for the GANTT chart, task
- information input, resource histogram display, and Pert chart
- display. Up to 500 tasks may be defined for any project, and
- a project may contain other projects as tasks. Version 4.0.0,
- an update to version 3.0.0 on disk 248. Shareware, binary
- only.
- Author: Donald Tolson
- BBFormat A floppy disk formatter for diskettes with hard errors.
- Bad media areas are mapped out so AmigaDOS will not use
- them. Presently not intuitionized, runs from CLI only.
- Version 5/7/91, includes source.
- Author: David Varley
- BizCalc A do-it-all user friendly loan calculator that calculates
- weekly and biweekly loans. Can generate amortization
- tables to the screen, to the printer, or to a file. Uses
- menus, bottons, or keyboard commands, and iconifies.
- Has six decimal precision option and more. This is
- version 1.1, an and expansion of MortCalc 2.5 on disk 385.
- Binary only.
- Author: Michel Laliberte
- Connex A "connect-4" type game. Shareware, binary only.
- Author: Adrian Millett
- ScreenMod Allows you to modify most of the parameters of any screen
- structure in memory, including colors and viewmodes. Use-
- ful for PAL programs which open their screens low. Has a
- companion program to automate changes later on. This is
- version 1.0, includes source.
- Author: Syd Bolton
- --------------------
- Bref A cross reference program for AmigaBASIC code. Generates
- a list of the BASIC code with lines sequentially numbered,
- plus a table showing all variables and labels used in the
- code, and the line numbers where they were used. This is
- version 2.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 283. This
- is a major revision, including a new intuition interface.
- Includes source.
- Author: Dick Taylor
- ButExchange An input handler to help left handed Amiga users. It reverses
- the function of the mouse buttons, so that the left button
- becomes the right and vice versa. Very small, uses only 168
- bytes of memory. This is version 1.1, an update to version
- 1.0 on disk 483. Includes source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- DeafLab A program which translates text into hand signs for the
- deaf. Can be used to directly communicate with a deaf
- person that has trouble reading text, or used as a
- teaching tool for learning handsigning. Version 1.7,
- shareware, binary only.
- Author: Gary Creighton
- InputLock An input handler to help Amiga users who have cats other pets
- (or children) that mess with the Amiga as soon as it is left
- for a second. It installs an input handler which lets you
- lock the keyboard and mouse by pressing a few buttons. Very
- small, uses only 190 bytes of memory. This is version 1.1,
- an update to version 1.0 on disk 483. Includes source in
- assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- PicSaver A small utility that allows you cut rectangular portions of
- any screen and store them on disk as IFF ILBM files. Also
- allows easy saving of windows and entire screens to disk.
- This is version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 on disk 483.
- Includes source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- PWKeys An input handler that allows you to manipulate windows and
- screens by pressing keys on the keyboard. It currently lets
- you perform 25 different functions. Features include mouse
- blanking, screen blanking, mouse acceleration, "sun mouse",
- mouse/keyboard locking, and an interactive program to define
- hotkeys and other settings. This is version 2.0, an update
- to version 1.0 on disk 483. Includes source in assembler.
- Author: Preben Nielsen
- StackWatch Monitors the stack of any selected task or process 30 times
- per second and reports the allocated stack, maximum stack
- used, and current stack used. Version 1.0, binary only.
- Author: Jim Locker
- vScreen Allows you to have screens that are larger than the actual
- display area of your monitor. These larger "virtual screens"
- scroll when you move the mouse off the edge of the visible
- section of the screen. Currently does not work under AmigaDOS
- 2.0. Includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- --------------------
- AnalytiCalc The AnalytiCalc spreadsheet, directly executable. This
- version features operation with only one window, many
- "3 dimensional" sheet addressing primitives, and
- optional execution from icons. Two images are furnished,
- one for smaller and one for large internal storage (though
- both have software virtual memory if needed). These
- images operate OK under AmigaDos 1.2, 1.3, and 2.0.
- They include code allowing the spreadsheet to be treated
- as a series of "pages" so that a cell has a row, column,
- and (optionally) page, and ranges can be in depth along
- pages as well as along rows or columns. The mapping is
- flexible enough so that it can be used to facilitate
- computing traces of matrices if desired, as well as for
- more conventional use. Version V25-03B, an update to
- version V24-01a on disk 328. Includes source.
- Author: Glenn Everhart
- --------------------
- AvailMem A small free memory counter that continuously displays the
- amount of (and size of the largest block of) free chip,
- fast, and total memory in bytes (as opposed to K). This
- is version 1.12, a Workbench 2.0-compatible upgrade to
- version 1.03 on disk 285. Includes source.
- Author: Dave Schreiber
- DU A Workbench 2.0-aware DU program. Unlike other Amiga DU
- programs, it will skip over links to files and links to
- directories. Not only does this give a more accurate
- representation of how much space the contents of a
- particular directory are taking up, it also prevents
- infinite loops when a directory has a link to one of it's
- ancestors. Version 1.02, includes source.
- Author: Dave Schreiber
- GodsDemo Playable demo of a very popular European game.
- Author: Bitmap Brothers
- MemMometer A program that opens a narrow window and graphically
- both displays your memory usage like a gauge, and also
- detects changes in regions of memory over time. Detected
- changes are catagorized and displayed using color coded
- bands. This is version 2.20, an update to version 2.10
- on disk 350. It accomodates AmigaDOS 2.0 and the Amiga
- 3000 32-bit memory addresses. Includes source.
- Author: Howard Hull
- Ruler Ruler is a small tool used in the measurement and con-
- strainment of text. Originally conceived as a tool for
- insuring that filenames didn't exceed the Amiga's 30
- character limit, it is nevertheless useful in any sit-
- uation when the number of characters in a line of text
- needs to be counted. Version 5.00, includes source.
- Author: Thad Floryan, Chad Netzer and Dave Schreiber
- --------------------
- AutoActivate A commodity which activates the window under the mouse-
- pointer when pressing any key. Requires AmigaOS 2.0. This
- is version 1.08. Includes german version and source in C.
- Author: Stefan Sticht
- Back&Front Sends a window to back or brings it to front with defined
- actions. For example put a window in front by double-
- clicking in it and send it back with the middle mouse button.
- Any keyboard or mouse event can be trapped. Number of
- required actions can be changed (double-click vs triple-
- click). Implemented as a commodity. Requires AmigaOS 2.0.
- This is version 1.03. Includes german version and source.
- Author: Stefan Sticht
- CenterScreen A commodity which centers the frontmost screen horizontally
- on hotkey. Useful if you normally operate with overscan
- screens and an old program opens a normal size screen.
- Requires AmigaOS 2.0. This is version 1.05. Includes
- german version and source in C.
- Author: Stefan Sticht
- ChangeColors A new palette tool to change the colors of the workbench or
- any other public screen. The feature of this tool is its
- font independance; it uses the font of the screen on which
- it opens, instead of insisting on topaz 8. Looks really
- great if you use any other font than topaz on your workbench
- screen. This is version 1.03. Includes german version.
- Binary only.
- Author: Stefan Sticht
- LeftyMouse Yet another LeftyMouse, this one implemented as a commodity.
- Swaps the left and right mousebutton for lefties. Requires
- AmigaOS 2.0. This is version 1.04. Includes german version
- and source in C.
- Author: Stefan Sticht
- MouseAccel Yet another mouse accelerator, this one implemented as a
- commodity. If you find the built-in accelerator too slow,
- try this one. Requires AmigaOS 2.0. This is version 1.01.
- Includes german version and source in C.
- Author: Stefan Sticht
- MouseBlanker Blanks the mouse pointer after a defined timeout or if you
- press any key. Implemented as a commodity. Requires AmigaOS
- 2.0. This is version 1.13. Includes german version and
- source in C.
- Author: Stefan Sticht
- NewShellCX An "open shell on hotkey" commodity (like PopCLI). Requires
- AmigaOS 2.0. This is version 1.05. Includes german version
- and source in C.
- Author: Stefan Sticht
- NLCalc A calculator program that uses the NL 3D look (see NLDaemon
- on this disk). It will open on any screen at the touch of
- a function key. Version 3.1.2, includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- NLDaemon Implements a "New Look" in Amiga programs, by using 3D-like
- gadgets. Converts standard intuition window gadgets into
- 3D versions. Version 1.4.3, includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- Reboot A program which reboots your Amiga by calling exec's Cold-
- Reboot() function. This is version 1.02. Includes source
- in C.
- Author: Stefan Sticht
- Request Opens the OS 2.0 autorequester from script files. Title,
- text, gadgets and publicscreen of the requester can be
- changed by commandline options. This is version 1.00.
- Includes source in C.
- Author: Stefan Sticht
- WindowShuffle Activates and brings to front next or previous window with
- hotkeys. Hotkeys can be changed. Implemented as a commodity.
- Requires AmigaOS 2.0. This is version 1.05. Includes german
- version and source in C.
- Author: Stefan Sticht
- --------------------
- CPalette A palette adjusting program that can be brought up on just
- about any screen, including HAM and EHB. Version 1.1,
- includes source in assembly.
- Author: Craig Lever
- FreeCopy FreeCopy is unlike most copiers in that it does not actually
- copy disks. It removes the protection so disks can easily
- be backed up with almost any program, and in some cases be
- installed on your hard drive. Version 1.4, binary only.
- Author: Greg Pringle
- Pauky Demo version of an English to German (and vice versa) word
- translation trainer. Version 1.2, binary only.
- Author: David Wetzel
- TapeCover TapeCover prints out those little paper inserts for casette
- tape cases. It lets you enter the name of the songs, and the
- title of each side. It should work on any printer that can
- print in that semi-condensed mode. Version 1.0, includes
- source in C.
- Author: Greg Pringle
- WordSearch This is an automated wordsearch generator. Words orienta-
- tions can be limited to any subset of the eight primary
- directions and the puzzle can be rotated or flipped. It
- has a spartan but functional user interface highlighted
- by the req.library. The system default font under WB 2.0
- is supported for the puzzle display window. Version 1.0,
- includes source in C.
- Author: Craig Lever
- YatZ One player Yatzee game. This program was written to take up
- little memory and to multitask nicely. Version 1.0, includes
- source in C.
- Author: Greg Pringle
- ZoomDaemon Adds a "zoom" gadget to every window that can be resized.
- Pressing this gadget makes the window as large as possible
- or as small as possible, or brings it back to its normal
- size. Version 2.1.3, include source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- --------------------
- Diglib An Amiga device independent graphics library for fortran
- applications. This is an enhanced and debugged version
- of a public domain library, the development of which was
- sponsored by the US Government. This library is required
- for part of the Matlab package, also included on this disk.
- This is an update to the version on disk 267. Includes
- source in FORTRAN.
- Author: Hal Brand, Craig Wuest, James Locker, Mike Broida
- Matlab A FORTRAN package (MATrix LABoratory) developed by Argonne
- National Laboratories for in house use. It provides
- comprehensive vector and tensor operations in a package
- which may be programmed either through a macro language
- or through execution of script files. Supported functions
- include sin, cos, tan, arcfunctions, upper triangular,
- lower triangular, determinants, matrix multiplication,
- identity, hilbert matrices, eigenvalues, eigenvectors,
- matrix roots, matrix products, inversion, and more.
- Amiga specific features include workbench startup, polar
- plots, contour plots, enhanced plot buffer control, and
- algorithmic plot display generation. This is an update
- to the version on disk 267, with many bug fixes and code
- reorganizations. Includes source in FORTRAN.
- Author: Jim Locker, Cleve Moler, Mike Broida
- --------------------
- Signal Two programs designed to make it easy to write shell scripts
- that must be synchronized with the operation of another, in
- order to avoid disk thrashing for example. Includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- sWindows A program that allows you to use the title of a window to
- specify the screen on which the window will appear. This
- provides a method of opening CON: and RAW: windows on screens
- other than the WorkBench, for example. Includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone
- wIconify A program, and number of companion utilities, that allow
- you to iconify windows on any screen, including custom
- screens. Iconified windows become small icons on the bottom
- of the screen, and they can be opened again by double-
- clicking them. Also allows any screen to become a shared,
- WorkBench-like screen, and gives you the ability to create
- new screens specifically for this purpose. Each window can
- have its own custom icon. There is a programmers interface
- to allow programs to control their own icons. Version 3.8,
- includes source.
- Author: Davide Cervone