Transcription: Back, your body possessed by a track You gotta know how you make me feel You gotta know, you gotta know You gotta know how you make me feel Bad, bad, sad, fine, bad Bad, bad, sad, fine, bad Bad, bad, sad, fine, bad Bad, bad, sad, fine, bad Bad, bad, sad, fine, bad Bad, bad, sad, fine, bad Bad, bad, sad, fine, bad Bad, bad, sad, fine, bad Bad, bad, sad, fine, bad Bad, bad, sad, fine, bad Bad, bad, sad, fine, bad You gotta go out of your mind I'm a figure! You gotta know what your life is to feel You gotta know what your life is to feel You gotta know what your life is to feel You gotta go on yo ...
possesed by a track
Protracker and family
Protracker M.K.
u4ia of cryptoburners copyright 1993 (c) u4ic reproductions strikes again. yes indeed, no mercy 4 coders or ram space =8*) as ever!!! did i hear someone cry 'why does he bother writing such utter drivel'??? welllllllll, i write this utter drivel because there happen to be other people in the world apart from you my friend. if u don't like this mod, then delete it. thats fine by me. if u do like it send me a postcard. written 15:april:1993 u4ia, 32 ingleside rd ,kingswood,bristol, bs15 1hq, u.k. i need to paper my wall =8*) 4:34 before loop. this is a remix of a 'cappella' track. the title eludes me. bye!