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- /* commands.c */
- /* $Author: espie $
- * $Id: commands.c,v 2.4 1991/12/03 13:23:10 espie Exp espie $
- * $Revision: 2.4 $
- * $Log: commands.c,v $
- * Revision 2.4 1991/12/03 13:23:10 espie
- * Defensive programming: check the range of each note
- * for arpeggio setup.
- *
- * Revision 2.3 1991/11/19 16:07:19 espie
- * Added comments, moved minor stuff around.
- *
- * Revision 2.2 1991/11/18 01:12:31 espie
- * Minor changes.
- *
- * Revision 2.1 1991/11/17 23:07:58 espie
- * Used some constants.
- *
- * Revision 2.0 1991/11/17 21:42:08 espie
- * Structured part of the code, especially replay ``automaton''
- * and setting up of effects.
- *
- * Revision 1.9 1991/11/17 17:09:53 espie
- * Added missing prototypes.
- *
- * Revision 1.8 1991/11/16 15:42:43 espie
- * tabs.
- *
- * Revision 1.7 1991/11/08 14:25:55 espie
- * Dynamic oversample and frequency.
- *
- * Revision 1.6 1991/11/07 21:40:16 espie
- * Added arpeggio.
- *
- * Revision 1.5 1991/11/07 20:12:34 espie
- * Minor problem with version id.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 1991/11/07 20:11:10 espie
- * Added embedded version id.
- *
- * Revision 1.3 1991/11/07 20:05:53 espie
- * Fixed up vibrato depth.
- * Added vibslide and portaslide.
- *
- * Revision 1.2 1991/11/07 15:27:02 espie
- * Added command 9.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 1991/11/06 09:46:06 espie
- * Initial revision
- *
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "extern.h"
- #include "channel.h"
- #include "machine.h"
- #include "song.h"
- static char *id = "$Id: commands.c,v 2.4 1991/12/03 13:23:10 espie Exp espie $";
- /* sine table for the vibrato effect (could be much more precise) */
- int vibrato_table[32] =
- { 0, 25, 49, 71, 90, 106, 117, 125, 127, 125, 117, 106, 90,
- 71, 49, 25, 0, -25, -49, -71, -90,-106,-117,-125,-127,-125,
- -117,-106, -90, -71, -49, -25};
- /***
- *
- *
- * setting up effects/doing effects.
- * The set_xxx gets called while parsing the effect,
- * the do_xxx gets called each tick, and update the
- * sound parameters while playing it.
- *
- *
- ***/
- void do_nothing(ch)
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- }
- void set_nothing(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- }
- /* slide pitch (up or down) */
- void do_slide(ch)
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- ch->pitch += ch->slide;
- ch->pitch = MIN(ch->pitch, MAX_PITCH);
- ch->pitch = MAX(ch->pitch, MIN_PITCH);
- set_current_pitch(ch, ch->pitch);
- }
- void set_upslide(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- ch->adjust = do_slide;
- if (a->para)
- ch->slide = a->para;
- }
- void set_downslide(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- ch->adjust = do_slide;
- if (a->para)
- ch->slide = -a->para;
- }
- /* modulating the pitch with vibrato */
- void do_vibrato(ch)
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- int offset;
- /* this is a literal transcription of the protracker
- * code. I should rescale the vibrato table at some point
- */
- ch->viboffset += ch->vibrate;
- ch->viboffset %= 64;
- offset = (vibrato_table[ch->viboffset >> 1] * ch->vibdepth)/64;
- /* temporary update of only the step value,
- * note that we do not change the saved pitch.
- */
- set_current_pitch(ch, ch->pitch + offset);
- }
- void set_vibrato(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- ch->adjust = do_vibrato;
- if (a->para)
- {
- ch->vibrate = HI(a->para);
- ch->vibdepth = LOW(a->para);
- }
- }
- /* arpeggio looks a bit like chords: we alternate between two
- * or three notes very fast.
- * Issue: we are able to re-generate real chords. Would that be
- * better ? To try.
- */
- void do_arpeggio(ch)
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- if (++ch->arpindex >= MAX_ARP)
- ch->arpindex =0;
- set_current_pitch(ch, ch->arp[ch->arpindex]);
- }
- void set_arpeggio(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- /* normal play is arpeggio with 0/0 */
- if (!a->para)
- return;
- /* arpeggio can be installed relative to the
- * previous note, so we have to check that there
- * actually is a current(previous) note
- */
- if (ch->note == NO_NOTE)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "No note present for arpeggio");
- error = FAULT;
- }
- else
- {
- int note;
- ch->arp[0] = pitch_table[ch->note];
- note = ch->note + HI(a->para);
- if (note < NUMBER_NOTES)
- ch->arp[1] = pitch_table[note];
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Arpeggio note out of range");
- error = FAULT;
- }
- note = ch->note + LOW(a->para);
- if (note < NUMBER_NOTES)
- ch->arp[2] = pitch_table[note];
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Arpeggio note out of range");
- error = FAULT;
- }
- ch->arpindex = 0;
- ch->adjust = do_arpeggio;
- }
- }
- /* volume slide. Mostly used to simulate waveform control.
- * (attack/decay/sustain).
- */
- void do_slidevol(ch)
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- ch->volume += ch->volumerate;
- ch->volume = MIN(ch->volume, MAX_VOLUME);
- ch->volume = MAX(ch->volume, MIN_VOLUME);
- }
- /* note that volumeslide does not have a ``take default''
- * behavior. If para is 0, this is truly a 0 volumeslide.
- * Issue: is the test really necessary ? Can't we do
- * a HI(para) - LOW(para).
- */
- void parse_slidevol(ch, para)
- struct channel *ch;
- int para;
- {
- if (LOW(para))
- ch->volumerate = -LOW(para);
- else
- ch->volumerate = HI(para);
- }
- void set_slidevol(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- ch->adjust = do_slidevol;
- parse_slidevol(ch, a->para);
- }
- /* portamento: gets from a given pitch to another.
- * We can simplify the routine by cutting it in
- * a pitch up and pitch down part while setting up
- * the effect.
- */
- void do_portamento(ch)
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- if (ch->pitch < ch->pitchgoal)
- {
- ch->pitch += ch->pitchrate;
- ch->pitch = MIN(ch->pitch, ch->pitchgoal);
- }
- else if (ch->pitch > ch->pitchgoal)
- {
- ch->pitch -= ch->pitchrate;
- ch->pitch = MAX(ch->pitch, ch->pitchgoal);
- }
- set_current_pitch(ch, ch->pitch);
- }
- /* if para and pitch are 0, this is obviously a continuation
- * of the previous portamento.
- */
- void set_portamento(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- ch->adjust = do_portamento;
- if (a->para)
- ch->pitchrate = a->para;
- if (a->pitch)
- ch->pitchgoal = a->pitch;
- }
- /*
- * combined commands.
- */
- void do_portaslide(ch)
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- do_portamento(ch);
- do_slidevol(ch);
- }
- void set_portaslide(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- ch->adjust = do_portaslide;
- parse_slidevol(ch, a->para);
- }
- void do_vibratoslide(ch)
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- do_vibrato(ch);
- do_slidevol(ch);
- }
- void set_vibratoslide(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- ch->adjust = do_vibratoslide;
- parse_slidevol(ch, a->para);
- }
- /***
- *
- * effects that just need a setup part
- *
- ***/
- /* IMPORTANT: because of the special nature of
- * the player, we can't process each effect independently,
- * we have to merge effects from the four channel before
- * doing anything about it. For instance, there can be
- * several speed changein the same note,
- * only the last one takes effect.
- */
- void set_speed(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- a->new_speed = a->para;
- a->do_stuff |= SET_SPEED;
- }
- void set_skip(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- /* yep, this is BCD. */
- a->new_note = HI(a->para) * 10 + LOW(a->para);
- a->do_stuff |= SET_SKIP;
- }
- void set_fastskip(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- a->new_pattern = a->para;
- a->do_stuff |= SET_FASTSKIP;
- }
- /* immediate effect: starts the sample somewhere
- * off the start.
- */
- void set_offset(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- ch->pointer = int_to_fix(a->para * 256);
- }
- /* change the volume of the current channel.
- * Is effective until there is a new set_volume,
- * slide_volume, or an instrument is reloaded
- * explicitly by giving its number. Obviously, if
- * you load an instrument and do a set_volume in the
- * same note, the set_volume will take precedence.
- */
- void set_volume(a, ch)
- struct automaton *a;
- struct channel *ch;
- {
- ch->volume = a->para;
- }
- /* Initialize the whole effect table */
- void init_effects(table)
- void (*table[])();
- {
- table[0] = set_arpeggio;
- table[15] = set_speed;
- table[13] = set_skip;
- table[11] = set_fastskip;
- table[12] = set_volume;
- table[10] = set_slidevol;
- table[9] = set_offset;
- table[3] = set_portamento;
- table[5] = set_portaslide;
- table[2] = set_upslide;
- table[1] = set_downslide;
- table[4] = set_vibrato;
- table[6] = set_vibratoslide;
- table[14] = set_nothing;
- table[7] = set_nothing;
- table[8] = set_nothing;
- }