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- /* audio.c */
- /* $Author: espie $
- * $Id: audio.c,v 2.8 1991/12/03 21:24:53 espie Exp espie $
- * $Revision: 2.8 $
- * $Log: audio.c,v $
- * Revision 2.8 1991/12/03 21:24:53 espie
- * Added comments.
- *
- * Revision 2.7 1991/12/03 20:43:46 espie
- * Added possibility to get back to MONO for the sgi.
- *
- * Revision 2.6 1991/12/03 18:07:38 espie
- * Added stereo capabilities to the indigo version.
- *
- * Revision 2.5 1991/12/03 13:23:10 espie
- * Minor bug: a SAMPLE_FAULT is a minor error,
- * we should first check that there was no other
- * error before setting it.
- *
- * Revision 2.4 1991/11/19 16:07:19 espie
- * Added comments, moved minor stuff around.
- *
- * Revision 2.3 1991/11/18 14:10:30 espie
- * New resample function coming from the player.
- *
- * Revision 2.2 1991/11/18 01:12:31 espie
- * Added more notes.
- *
- * Revision 2.1 1991/11/17 23:07:58 espie
- * Just computes some frequency-related parameters.
- *
- *
- */
- #include <math.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include "extern.h"
- #include "machine.h"
- #include "song.h"
- #include "channel.h"
- static char *id = "$Id: audio.c,v 2.8 1991/12/03 21:24:53 espie Exp espie $";
- /* creates a table for converting ``amiga'' pitch
- * to a step rate at a given resampling frequency.
- * For accuracy, we don't use floating point, but
- * instead fixed point ( << ACCURACY).
- */
- #define ACCURACY 16
- #define AMIGA_CLOCKFREQ 3575872
- int step_table[MAX_PITCH];
- /* holds the increment for finding the next sampled
- * byte at a given pitch (see resample() ).
- */
- void create_step_table(oversample, output_fr)
- int oversample; /* we sample oversample i for each byte output */
- int output_fr; /* output frequency */
- {
- double note_fr; /* note frequency (in Hz) */
- double step;
- int pitch; /* amiga pitch */
- step_table[0] = 0;
- for (pitch = 1; pitch < MAX_PITCH; pitch++)
- {
- note_fr = AMIGA_CLOCKFREQ / pitch;
- /* int_to_fix(1) is the normalizing factor */
- step = note_fr / output_fr * int_to_fix(1) / oversample;
- step_table[pitch] = (int)step;
- }
- }
- /* the musical notes correspond to some specific pitch.
- * It's useful to be able to find them back, at least for
- * arpeggii.
- */
- int pitch_table[NUMBER_NOTES];
- void create_notes_table()
- {
- double base, pitch;
- int i;
- base = AMIGA_CLOCKFREQ/440;
- for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_NOTES; i++)
- {
- pitch = base / pow(2.0, i/12.0);
- pitch_table[i] = pitch;
- }
- }
- void init_tables(oversample, frequency)
- int oversample, frequency;
- {
- create_step_table(oversample, frequency);
- create_notes_table();
- }
- #define C fix_to_int(ch->pointer)
- /* The playing mechanism itself.
- * According to the current channel automata,
- * we resample the instruments in real time to
- * generate output.
- */
- void resample(chan, oversample, number)
- struct channel *chan;
- int oversample;
- int number;
- {
- int i; /* sample counter */
- int channel; /* channel counter */
- int sampling; /* oversample counter */
- SAMPLE sample; /* sample from the channel */
- int byte[NUMBER_TRACKS];
- /* recombinations of the various data */
- struct channel *ch;
- /* check the existence of samples */
- for (channel = 0; channel < NUMBER_TRACKS; channel++)
- if (!chan[channel].samp->start)
- {
- if (!error)
- error = SAMPLE_FAULT;
- chan[channel].mode = DO_NOTHING;
- }
- /* do the resampling, i.e., actually play sounds */
- for (i = 0; i < number; i++)
- {
- for (channel = 0; channel < NUMBER_TRACKS; channel++)
- {
- byte[channel] = 0;
- for (sampling = 0; sampling < oversample; sampling++)
- {
- ch = chan + channel;
- switch(ch->mode)
- {
- case DO_NOTHING:
- break;
- case PLAY:
- /* small liability: the sample may have
- * changed, and we may be out of range.
- * However, this routine is time-critical,
- * so we don't check for this very rare case.
- */
- sample = ch->samp->start[C];
- byte[channel] += sample * ch->volume;
- ch->pointer += ch->step;
- if (C >= ch->samp->length)
- {
- /* is there a replay ? */
- if (ch->samp->rp_start)
- {
- ch->mode = REPLAY;
- ch->pointer -= int_to_fix(ch->samp->length);
- }
- else
- ch->mode = DO_NOTHING;
- }
- break;
- case REPLAY:
- /* small liability: the sample may have
- * changed, and we may be out of range.
- * However, this routine is time-critical,
- * so we don't check for this very rare case.
- */
- sample = ch->samp->rp_start[C];
- byte[channel] += sample * ch->volume;
- ch->pointer += ch->step;
- if (C >= ch->samp->rp_length)
- ch->pointer -= int_to_fix(ch->samp->rp_length);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- output_samples((byte[0]+byte[3])/oversample,
- (byte[1]+byte[2])/oversample);
- }
- flush_buffer();
- }
- /* setting up a given note */
- void reset_note(ch, note, pitch)
- struct channel *ch;
- int note;
- {
- ch->pointer = 0;
- ch->mode = PLAY;
- ch->pitch = pitch;
- ch->step = step_table[pitch];
- ch->note = note;
- ch->viboffset = 0;
- }
- /* changing the current pitch (value
- * may be temporary, and not stored
- * in channel pitch, for instance vibratos.
- */
- void set_current_pitch(ch, pitch)
- struct channel *ch;
- int pitch;
- {
- ch->step = step_table[pitch];
- }