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- Hello and welcome, 1 : June : 1992
- Having recently decided to have a tidy up of my modules, I thought i
- would give a list of ALL the modules, that have been released by me,
- on to the FTP networks over the past 2 years.
- In some cases i will try and give a description of the music, so that
- if you don't like a certain type of music, you can avoid it.
- There are a total of 40 modules that, as far as i can work out, have been released.
- Most of the modules listed below will need some form of ProTracker player
- to hear the properly. NoiseTracker/soundtracker and MED tend to do rather
- funny things with my music. So to be safe, get ProTracker.
- I hope that someone may find this list useful.
- e-mail : jim.young@ac.uk.bristol
- or : juyoung@happy.colorado.edu
- ===========================================================================
- 1992 Written at the start of 1992. A tune that
- contains a lot of little tunes. Demo style.
- Bass ic Blues A little blues number written on a drunken
- night. Quite bouncy, quite cute, quite hmmm.
- Fairy lights This tune was written for the Megawatts Xmas
- demo startup sequence. 2 samples in all.
- Hopefully it sounds xmas'y. =8*)
- Give it up Now this is a huge file containing a lot of
- big samples. This was an idea i had a while
- back, to convert records in the UK to MOD
- format, so that you could get a preview.
- Must like techno music for this.
- Original by 'Altern8'.
- Hard 2 the core My first attempt at hardcore rave dance
- music. Not brilliant, but again, BIG!!
- Must like techno music for this.
- Japanese Intentions One of my all time favourite tunes. Very
- pleasant, whilst haunting at the same time.
- Written for a reason that will become
- obvious when you get it.
- Lioths theme Another demo style tune. Very pleasant to
- the ears. Not for the thrash metal fans this
- one. This was written for our long lost
- coder. LAURENT CREMMER. If anyone knows
- where he is, could they get him to call!!!
- Listen 2 the rhythm A strange sort of tune. I just wanted my
- amiga to sing to me for once!! A mixture of
- rave and dance music.
- Live for tomorrow Written for the memory of a close friend of
- mine who committed suicide. Demo style
- music
- On a Raga tip Another tune like 'give it up'.
- Reconstruction of 'SL2's record.
- Runaway scales Never have i seen a tracker move so fast =8*)
- Especially written for Mark Cox to test his
- ModPlay program for the IBM. Good for giving
- your tracker that final test!!
- Taking on the world Demo style music again. With a difference.
- some samples were taken from a trumpet
- mouthpiece and a wine glass. One of my
- favourites.
- The final frontier One of the latest releases. Used in the
- "Alchemy - Deliverance" demo. Dance demo
- style. Its a style of its own really.
- Tuba practice What can i say?? I get asked to comment on
- this one quite a bit. Its silly, its crazed
- its nutty. Its a sample of a 40 ft piece of
- copper tubing that sounded like a tuba. Add a
- couple of steel drums and away you go!!!
- Definitely not a serious piece of music.
- U4ic Nightmare2 Take a sample and cut it down to 80 bytes.
- Loop it and then mess it about a bit.
- Put in some ravey drums, a couple of
- "1 2 3 break" samples and get techno.
- Watch your bass bins One of my latest releases. Hardcore rave.
- Only for the headstrong. And Definitely only
- for people with bass. Play loud. PLAY VERY
- LOUD. techno and a half.
- X-static magic A lot of samples from "Quadrophonia" mixed up
- in my own special way. Techno music.
- Xmas pudding mix Ha ha ha ha ha. Written for the Megawatts
- Xmas card to the network. Hated by Amiga
- Format magazine (Maff Evans watch out). A
- collection of xmas tunes beat(en) up.
- You fat bastard A sampled work out of 'Surfing U.S.M.' by
- Carter the unstoppable sex machine.
- Eat your house out House music to the full. Old, but still
- memorable. Get those old house music records
- out!!!
- Freudian dream Weird is all i can say. Take a KLF blip and
- some samples from the films 'highlander',
- 'stripes' and 'robocop' and let rip.
- Hardcore hypno Hmmmm Another weird one. Old but
- interesting all the same.
- Peter gun Complete wrong i know. The bass is wrong!!!
- So what??? Its ummmmmm errrrr different!!?
- Sampled annie A rework of a tune by the 'Utah saints'
- Eurhythmics samples all over the place.
- Cheers Annie Lenox. Dance style.
- Shadows Oh oh oh oh old. My first ever release.
- Says it all really.
- Sleezy Bar blues Take a smoke filled room, a bottle of bourbon
- a piano and a bass, and mellow to the blues.
- U4ia Oh my title tune. Written some 16 months
- ago! But still has that charm about it.
- Dance style techno'ish
- I'll be waiting 4 U Written for my girlfriend 'Mandie'. What a
- love she is. One of the few that actually
- understands the way i feel.
- Not just any trip Another little blippy track from the past.
- Still good in my mind though. Perhaps I'll
- do a remix of it one day!!!!
- Don't say goodbye Demo style pan pipe tune. Didn't want to
- lose my girlfriend you see.
- Funeral reggae Hmmmmmmmmmmmm weird. But different. Imagine
- a funeral reggae style in Barbados!!! That's
- what i tried to do.
- Beat dis paula Written to prove what i can do with a
- sampler. Very old. But still an old
- favourite of a lot of people.
- Endless worry Nuff said. Too much on my mind at the time.
- Demo style music.
- Mandie's theme Blues rock guitar piece. Written for guess
- who???? Ain't she a love??? =8*)
- Midnight at noon Another oldy. But still liked by many.
- Gothic demo style music.
- Pebbles Demo style again!!! Can't really describe
- it.
- Live power3 Early try at techno music. Star wars samples
- all over the place.
- Take yor ty'me The first piece of music i ever wrote!!!
- Do i have to explain????
- Teddybear boogie blues Written for 'Alf' my 3" high teddy bear.
- Cuteness and a half. This should have been
- in a game!!!
- Ska-ville U.K. Blue beat ska music. I have never heard any
- on the amiga. So i thought i'd give it a
- try. One of the latest releases.
- ===========================================================================
- If you want to contact me then feel free.
- My address and information is usually in the module itself.
- Have fun, and remember, just because someone says onething, doesn't mean
- to say that its the right thing!!!
- My friends
- U4ia of MegaWatts