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- Introduction.
- =============
- The text below was intended to be the documentation on the fileformat used
- in this release of ProTracker. However, we decided to wait with the actual
- implementation of the format until having released a couple of versions,
- because we'd like to hear some comments, suggestions etc. upon it first.
- So read it lightly, and feel free to post your opinion to one of the authors
- (see the ReadMe.doc file elsewhere on the disk). Note that since this is only
- a suggestion, don't start programming a revolutionary new piece of code based
- on this info yet; we may change the format :)... Here we go...
- - Signed Tom "Outland" Bech of CryptoBurners.
- -**-
- Protracker release 3.01 Beta. Fileformat documentation.
- =======================================================
- This document includes the complete documentation of the fileformat used in
- Protracker 3.01▀, and instructions on how to use it. Fields marked "*Reserved*"
- are reserved for future use and are guarantied to cause hangup if messed with.
- General
- -------
- With this release of Protracker we have decided to change the filestructure
- of the musicfiles produced with the program. We felt the old format was
- too obsolete, messy and out of date for us to use any further. So we invented
- this new format. The format is based upon Interchanged File Format (IFF)
- chunks, originally developed by Electronic Arts, but now in widely use on the
- Amiga. The format allows considerable flexibility and does not suffer too
- severly from changes and updates, and is therefore perfect for our use.
- The Format
- ----------
- We will in this section introduce and describe each chunk type appearing in a
- Protracker music file. Look in the next section for the sequencial description.
- ** Contents of Chunk "VERS":
- OFFSET Length Contents Meaning
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 4 "VERS" Chunk identifier.
- 4 4 ???????? Chunk length (in bytes).
- 8 2 ???????? Version number (word).
- 10 6 "PT3.01" Version ID string.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This chunk is used by Protracker to identify the producer of the module, and
- if necessary perform upgrade-conversion if the file was made with a pre-
- vious version of Protracker. There can be at maximum one "VERS" chunk in a
- Protracker music file. This chunk is not critical; it may be obmitted, but
- be aware of the possible incompatibility problems that may arise if it's left
- out.
- ** Contents of Chunk "INFO":
- OFFSET Length Contents Meaning
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 4 "INFO" Chunk identifier.
- 4 4 ???????? Chunk length (in bytes).
- 8 32 [..??..] Song name (string).
- 40 2 ???????? Number of instruments (word).
- 42 2 ???????? Number of positions (word).
- 44 2 ???????? Number of patterns (word).
- 46 2 ???????? Overall volume factor (word).
- 48 2 0006h Default speed (#VB) (word).
- 50 2 ???????? Packed field. See below.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Protracker uses this chunk to set different internal variables, and to store
- vital information used in replay and processing of the file. The song name
- is a maximum 32 Chars long ASCII string. It need not be NULL-terminated.
- Number of instruments indicates the number of instruments used in the song,
- it may range from 0 to 65535. At present version number, however, there may
- be maximum 255 instruments in one song. Number of positions reflects the
- actual length of the song, that is; how many patterns that will be played during
- a complete cycle. This number may vary from 0 to 65535. Number of patterns,
- on the other side, reflects how many _different_ patterns that will be played
- during the song. This number is used to calculate the total length (in bytes)
- of the song. The Overall Volume factor is used to compute the final volume
- of all channels after the individual channel-volumes have been figured out.
- In this way it is easy to control the loudness of the music from the program/
- song itself. Default speed is the number of VBlank frames between each pattern
- position change, and is as default set to 0006h. The packed field consists
- of these bits (right to left order):
- Bit Meaning 0 1 Default
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 Filter flag. Filter off. Filter on. 0
- 1 Timing method. VBlank. CIA timing (BPM). 0
- 2 File type. Module. Song (no instruments). 0
- 3 Packstatus. Packed patterns. Raw patterns. 1
- 4 Length flag. Equal pattern length. Variable pattern length. 0
- 5 Voices flag. 4 voices. 8 voices. 0
- 6 Sample res. 8 bit. 16 bit. 0
- 7 *Reserved* x
- 8 *Reserved* x
- 9 *Reserved* x
- 10 *Reserved* x
- 11 *Reserved* x
- 12 *Reserved* x
- 13 *Reserved* x
- 14 *Reserved* x
- 15 *Reserved* x
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- There can be at most one "INFO" chunk in a Protracker musicfile. This chunk is
- vital; it _must_ be present for the replay routine to function properly.
- ** Contents of Chunk "INST":
- OFFSET Length Contents Meaning
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 4 "INST" Chunk identifier.
- 4 4 ???????? Chunk length (in bytes).
- 8 32 [..??..] Instrument name (string).
- 40 2 ???????? Length of instrument (word).
- 42 2 ???????? Instrument loop start (word).
- 44 2 ???????? Instrument loop length (word).
- 46 2 ???????? Instrument volume (word).
- 48 2 ???????? Instrument finetuning (integer).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The "INST" chunk is used to store information about an instruments properties,
- such as length and volume. The instrument name is a maximum 32 Chars long ASCII
- string. It need not be NULL-terminated. The Length field describes the length
- of the instrument (in words) and thus ranges from 0 to 128Kb (65535 words).
- Instrument Loop Start sets the offset from which to start playing after the
- first replay. This value may vary from 0 to the instrument length. Instrument
- Loop End sets the length of the loop to play after the first replay, relative
- to the loop start value. It may thus vary from 0 to [Ins_len-Loop_start].
- Instrument volume indicates which volume to use in the replay of the sample,
- if the song doesn't say differently. This value varies between 0 and 40h.
- Instrument finetuning sets the sample-rate correction difference and varies
- from -7 to 7 (0fff9 to 0007h).
- There may be any number of "INST" chunks in a Protracker music file,
- limited to the number of instruments actually used in the song. This
- chunk is not vital; it may be left out if the song-only bit of the control
- word in the "INFO" chunk is set. Otherwise, it should result in an error.
- ** Contents of Chunk "PPOS":
- OFFSET Length Contents Meaning
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 4 "PPOS" Chunk identifier.
- 4 4 0ffh Chunk length (in bytes).
- 8 256 [..??..] Pattern position table.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This chunk contains the table defining which pattern to play in a given song-
- position. Each entry in the table is a byte indicating which out of 256
- possible patterns to play. There may be at maximum one "PPOS" chunk in a
- Protracker musicfile. This chunk is vital; it _must_ be present to play the
- song.
- ** Contents of Chunk "PTRN":
- OFFSET Length Contents Meaning
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 4 "PTRN" Chunk identifier.
- 4 4 ???????? Chunk length (in bytes).
- 8 32 [..??..] Pattern name.
- 40 ? [..??..] Pattern data.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This chunk is used in a module of variable pattern length. The chunk must thus
- appear as many times as there are patterns in the song. The chunk length divided
- by 8 ( >>3 ) will show the pattern length (default 64). Pattern name is a 32
- byte long ASCII string, describing the pattern, eg. "Intro part 3". It need not
- be NULL-terminated. This chunk is critical; it must be present in the file, or
- it will be regarded invalid. NOTE: This chunk is not in use in the present
- version (3.01B), and will be ignored if found.
- ** Contents of Chunk "SMPL":
- OFFSET Length Contents Meaning
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 4 "SMPL" Chunk identifier.
- 4 4 ???????? Chunk length (!in bytes!).
- 8 ? [..??..] Raw sample data.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The "SMPL" chunk contains the raw sample data of an instrument. This chunk is
- not critical; if the song-only bit of the "INFO" chunk is set, it may be
- obmitted. If, however, the file is a module, then the number of "SMPL" chunks in
- the file must be equal to or greater than the number of instruments used in the
- song. If not, the file will be regarded incomplete.
- ** Contents of Chunk "CMNT":
- OFFSET Length Contents Meaning
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 4 "CMNT" Chunk identifier.
- 4 4 ???????? Chunk length (in bytes).
- 8 ? [..??..] Raw ASCII text.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The "CMNT" chunk is used for a signature, comments, greetings, date of
- completion or whatever information the composer wishes to include with his or
- hers creation. This chunks is not critical; it may be left out and will
- typically be ignored by most applications.
- These are the chunks that may appear in a Protracker musicfile. If other chunks
- are encountered, they will be ignored. Any program dealing with this fileformat
- should perform tests to determine the validity of the file in consideration.
- Using the Protracker.library will guarantee correct handling of musicfiles, and
- we strongly encourage the use of this runtime shared library instead of hacking
- away on your own. Look elsewhere on this disk for the library documentation,
- the library can be found in the "LIBS/" directory.
- The sequential format
- ---------------------
- In this section we will describe how the various chunks are expected to be
- located within the file. These rules _must_ be followed or it will wreak
- havoc when tried manipulated with inside Protracker. Here comes the header in
- table form:
- OFFSET Length Contents Meaning
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 4 "FORM" Indicate start of IFF file.
- 4 4 ???????? File length.
- 8 4 "MODL" IFF type identifier.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This header must be found in the start of the file, or it will be rejected as
- not being a Protracker musicfile. From offset 12 in the file, things may vary
- somewhat. The only rules are these: After a "INST" chunk a "SMPL" or a new
- "INST" chunk _must_ follow. This "SMPL" chunk will be regarded as the sample
- data of the instrument(s) preceding it. If after a "INST" chunk another "INST"
- chunk follows, and the module-flag in the "INFO" chunk is set, then all "INST"
- chunks following each other will share the same sampledata found in the first
- "SMPL" chunk after them. Also, all "INST" and "SMPL" chunks must be found in
- sequence. That is, when a "INST" chunk is found for the first time in a file,
- all other "INST" and "SMPL" chunks must follow. If this is not so, an error
- message should be given, and processing terminated. Note that in a song-only
- file, no "SMPL" chunks should be included. If any "SMPL" chunks are encountered
- in such a file, they should be ignored and a warning given. All other chunks
- used in a musicfile may be located anywhere in the file, usually in the
- beginning of it, but no assumptions of their locations should be taken. Note
- that all used chunks _must_ be found _before_ the "BODY" chunk, which is the
- last chunk to be found in the file. Searching for chunks should stop when
- encountering a "BODY" chunk. The "BODY" chunk is constructed like this:
- OFFSET Length Contents Meaning
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 4 "BODY" Chunk identifier.
- 4 4 ???????? Chunk length (in bytes).
- 8 ? [..??..] Raw pattern data.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Chunk summary
- -------------
- Now follows a list of the chunks that have meaning in a Protracker musicfile:
- Chunk Function Critical?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "VERS" Contains information about the producer of the file. No
- "INFO" Contains vital information and standard settings. Yes
- "INST" Information about instruments; such as length, volume etc. Yes
- "SMPL" Raw sample data associated with one or more instruments. No
- "PPOS" Position table. Information about patternsequence. Yes
- "CMNT" Comments, greetings etc. Contains information in ASCII code. No
- "PTRN" Pattern data. Used only in modules of varying patternlengths. Yes
- "BODY" Pattern data. Used in modules of equal patternlengths (default). Yes
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* End Of File */