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- /*
- * MultiPlayer
- * Copyright (C) 1992 Bryan Ford
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * I (the author of MultiPlayer) can be contacted on the Internet at
- * "bryan.ford@m.cc.utah.edu". See "Player.doc" for other addresses.
- *
- * $Id: window.c,v 4.4 92/07/19 18:09:48 BAF Exp $
- *
- * $Log: window.c,v $
- * Revision 4.4 92/07/19 18:09:48 BAF
- * Adjustment for putting localdata back into RemindNodes
- *
- * Revision 4.3 92/07/12 08:26:40 BAF
- * end() waits with an EasyRequester as necessary until font requester comes down
- * Enforcer bug with DrawInfo fixed
- *
- * Revision 4.2 92/06/21 11:13:00 BAF
- * Migrated regargs to stdargs
- *
- * Revision 4.1 92/06/06 19:56:05 BAF
- * Major_code_cleanup
- *
- * Revision 3.1 92/05/25 07:53:28 BAF
- * GNU-ized.
- *
- *
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/wb.h>
- #include "bry/macros.h"
- #include "bry/clist.h"
- #include "bry/remind.h"
- #include "bry/misc.h"
- #include "bry/guido.h"
- #include "player.h"
- #define THEIGHT (10)
- #define ZHEIGHT (10+4+16*6+18*2+2)
- #define ERRORLIFE 4 // How long an error stays in the title bar
- struct Screen *playerscreen;
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- extern char *modname, *modtypename, *authorname, **songcatalog;
- extern GuidoSpec windowspec, windowfrspec;
- struct Gadget *windowmodgad, *windowtypegad, *windowauthorgad, *windowsonggad,
- *windowvolumegad, *windowbalancegad, *windowbalanceresetgad,
- *windowspeedgad, *windowjumpbackgad, *windowjumpforwardgad;
- extern long songpos, songlen; // Displayed in the window titlebar
- static struct DrawInfo *dri;
- static struct Screen *driscreen;
- static struct AppWindow *awin;
- static char * errmsg;
- static short errlife;
- static char frclear;
- static void *ifr;
- static long timer(void);
- static long end(void);
- static long check(long sigmask);
- static long update(void);
- static long close(int remake);
- static void snapshotwin(void);
- static void doremake(void);
- static void initfunc(void);
- void windowsettingsupdate(void);
- static struct RemindNode timernode = {{0},timer};
- static struct RemindNode updatenode = {{0},update};
- static struct RemindNode endnode = {{0},end};
- static struct RemindNode remakenode = {{0},doremake};
- static struct MPWin mpwin = {windowspec,0L,initfunc,
- {{0},snapshotwin,(long)&mpwin},
- {{0},check,(long)&mpwin},
- {{0},close,(long)&mpwin}};
- void
- windowupdatetimer(void)
- {
- extern struct TextAttr topaz8;
- extern char *modname;
- static struct IntuiText itext = {1,0,JAM2,0,1,&topaz8};
- char buf[32];
- struct Window *win;
- if(!(win = mpwin.win))
- return;
- sysflags &= ~SF_TIMERUP;
- if((showmode == SM_NOTHING) || (!modname) || (!win))
- return;
- if((songlen >= 0) && (showmode != SM_CLOCK))
- {
- sprintf(buf," %ld/%ld",songpos + (showmode - SM_SEQUENCE0),songlen);
- }
- else
- {
- extern long songtime;
- long time = songtime/60;
- sprintf(buf," %ld:%02ld",time/60,time%60);
- }
- itext.IText = buf;
- if(dri)
- {
- if(win->Flags & WFLG_WINDOWACTIVE)
- {
- itext.FrontPen = dri->dri_Pens[FILLTEXTPEN];
- itext.BackPen = dri->dri_Pens[FILLPEN];
- }
- else
- {
- itext.FrontPen = dri->dri_Pens[TEXTPEN];
- itext.BackPen = dri->dri_Pens[BACKGROUNDPEN];
- }
- }
- PrintIText(win->RPort,&itext,win->Width-50-strlen(buf)*8,0);
- }
- static void updatetitle(void)
- {
- extern char copyright[];
- if(!mpwin.win)
- return;
- SetWindowTitles(mpwin.win,errlife ? errmsg :
- modname ? modname : "MultiPlayer",copyright);
- windowupdatetimer();
- }
- static long
- timer(void)
- {
- if((errlife) && (--errlife == 0))
- updatetitle();
- else if((songlen < 0) || (showmode == SM_CLOCK))
- windowupdatetimer();
- return(0);
- }
- static long
- update(void)
- {
- static char nosongstext[] = "";
- static char *nosongslab[2] = {nosongstext,0};
- extern long cursong;
- struct Window *win;
- if(win = mpwin.win)
- {
- updatetitle();
- GSetText(win,windowmodgad,modname);
- GSetText(win,windowtypegad,modtypename);
- GSetText(win,windowauthorgad,authorname);
- GSetCycleOptions(win,windowsonggad,songcatalog ? songcatalog : nosongslab,cursong);
- GEnDisGadgets(win,modtype & MTF_JUMP,
- windowjumpbackgad,
- windowjumpforwardgad,
- 0L);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- static void
- snapshotwin(void)
- {
- extern short zoomwinleft, zoomwintop;
- extern short tinywinleft, tinywintop;
- struct Window *win = mpwin.win;
- if(win->Flags & WFLG_ZOOMED)
- {
- zoomwinleft = win->LeftEdge;
- zoomwintop = win->TopEdge;
- }
- else
- {
- tinywinleft = win->LeftEdge;
- tinywintop = win->TopEdge;
- }
- }
- static long
- close(int remake)
- {
- char *windowopen(void);
- remind_rem(&timernode);
- remind_rem(&updatenode);
- remind_rem(&endnode);
- if(dri)
- {
- FreeScreenDrawInfo(driscreen,dri);
- dri = 0L;
- }
- if(awin)
- {
- RemoveAppWindow(awin);
- awin = 0L;
- }
- closempwin(&mpwin);
- if(remake)
- showerr(openmpwin(&mpwin));
- else
- adddo(&endnode);
- return(0);
- }
- static long end(void)
- {
- struct Screen *pubscreen;
- pubscreen = playerscreen, playerscreen = 0;
- remind_callrem(&closelist,0);
- if(pubscreen)
- UnlockPubScreen(0L,pubscreen);
- remind_rem(&remakenode);
- return(0);
- }
- static void
- doremake(void)
- {
- struct RemindList templist;
- struct RemindNode *node;
- remind_initlist(&templist);
- while(node = clist_remhead(&closelist))
- clist_addtail(&templist,node);
- remind_callrem(&templist,1);
- }
- void
- windowremake(void)
- {
- remind_add(&dolist,&remakenode);
- }
- static long
- frcheck(void)
- {
- struct WBArg *args;
- long count;
- if(ifr && ((count = GCheckRequester(ifr,&args)) >= 0))
- {
- extern short modfrleft;
- GGetRequesterLocation(ifr,&modfrleft);
- if(count)
- {
- if(frclear)
- progclear();
- if(!showerr(progaddargs(count,args)))
- if(frclear)
- showerr(progstart());
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- static struct RemindNode frchecknode = {{0},frcheck};
- static long
- frend(void)
- {
- if(ifr)
- {
- while(GDeleteRequester(ifr))
- {
- static struct EasyStruct easy = {
- sizeof(easy),0,"MultiPlayer","Please close all file and font requesters","OK"};
- EasyRequestArgs(0,&easy,0,0);
- }
- ifr = 0L;
- }
- remind_rem(&frchecknode);
- return(0);
- }
- static struct RemindNode frendnode = {{0},frend,-100};
- static void
- addfrcalls(void)
- {
- addcalls(&frchecknode,0,0,&frendnode);
- }
- char *
- reqmod(int clear)
- {
- struct {
- struct Window *win;
- char *oktext;
- } params;
- int rc;
- if(!mpwin.win)
- return("Window not open");
- params.win = mpwin.win;
- params.oktext = (frclear = clear) ? "Play" : "Add";
- if(!ifr && !(ifr = GCreateRequester(windowfrspec)))
- showerr("File requester unavailable");
- else
- {
- addfrcalls();
- if((rc = GOpenRequester(ifr,windowfrspec,¶ms)) == 0)
- return("File requester in use");
- else if(rc < 0)
- return("Not enough memory");
- }
- return(0);
- }
- void
- windowsettingsupdate(void)
- {
- extern short mspeed, mvolume, mbalance;
- int endis;
- struct Window * win = mpwin.win;
- if(!win)
- return;
- endis = 0;
- if((!curmod) || (curmod->volume >= 0))
- {
- GSetSliderLevel(win,windowvolumegad,mvolume);
- GSetSliderLevel(win,windowbalancegad,mbalance);
- endis = 1;
- }
- GEnDisGadgets(win,endis,
- windowvolumegad,
- windowbalancegad,
- windowbalanceresetgad,
- 0L);
- endis = 0;
- if((!curmod) || (curmod->speed))
- GSetSliderLevel(win,windowspeedgad,mspeed),
- endis = 1;
- GEnDisGadget(win,endis,windowspeedgad);
- }
- void
- gui_windowsong(struct GuidoMessage *im)
- {
- setsong(im->Code);
- }
- void
- gui_windowvolume(struct GuidoMessage *gm)
- {
- extern void playervolume(void);
- extern short mvolume;
- mvolume = gm->Code;
- playervolume();
- }
- void
- gui_windowbalance(struct GuidoMessage *gm)
- {
- extern void playervolume(void);
- extern short mbalance;
- mbalance = gm->Code;
- playervolume();
- }
- void
- gui_windowbalancereset(void)
- {
- extern void playervolume(void);
- extern short mbalance;
- mbalance = 0;
- GSetSliderLevel(mpwin.win,windowbalancegad,0);
- playervolume();
- }
- void
- gui_windowspeed(struct GuidoMessage *gm)
- {
- extern void playerspeed(void);
- mspeed = gm->Code;
- playerspeed();
- }
- void
- gui_windoweject(void)
- {
- endmod();
- GlobSetLong(&curmod,0L,0);
- }
- void
- gui_windownext(void)
- {
- showerr(prognext());
- }
- void
- gui_windowprev(void)
- {
- showerr(progprev());
- }
- void
- gui_windownew(void)
- {
- showerr(reqmod(1));
- }
- void
- windowerror(char *mes)
- {
- if(mpwin.win)
- {
- errmsg = mes;
- errlife = ERRORLIFE;
- updatetitle();
- }
- }
- /* Zoom/unzoom the main window */
- static void
- windowzoom(void)
- {
- if(mpwin.win)
- ZipWindow(mpwin.win);
- }
- void
- gui_windowzoom(void)
- {
- windowzoom();
- }
- /* Handle button-down events from all MultiPlayer windows */
- void
- windowclick(int code)
- {
- if(code == MENUDOWN)
- showerr(progwinopenclose());
- if(code == MIDDLEDOWN)
- windowzoom();
- }
- /* Guido default callback function, called from within check() */
- static void
- callback(struct GuidoMessage *im)
- {
- switch(im->Class)
- {
- windowupdatetimer();
- break;
- snapshotwin();
- break;
- }
- standardcallback(im);
- }
- /* Window-check called from CheckList */
- static long
- check(long sigmask)
- {
- if((sigmask & mpwin.sigmask) && GCheckPanel(mpwin.win,callback,0L))
- {
- extern struct Library *CxBase;
- extern char hotkey[];
- if((hotkey[0]) && (CxBase))
- windowclose();
- else
- sysflags |= SF_KILL;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /* Called from openmpwin() for initialization */
- static void
- initfunc(void)
- {
- remind_rem(&remakenode);
- if(mpwin.win)
- {
- dri = GetScreenDrawInfo(driscreen = mpwin.win->WScreen);
- remind_add(&timerlist,&timernode);
- remind_add(&updatelist,&updatenode);
- remind_add(&endlist,&endnode);
- if(wbappport)
- awin = AddAppWindowA(1,0,mpwin.win,wbappport,0);
- update();
- windowsettingsupdate();
- }
- }
- /* Close the main window and all other Workbench-style windows */
- void
- windowclose(void)
- {
- setfinmpwin(&mpwin);
- }
- /* Open the main MultiPlayer window (and any flashy window currently enabled),
- or simply activates it if it's already open. */
- char *
- windowopen(void)
- {
- extern short tinywinleft;
- extern char flashflags;
- extern char *flashywinopenclose(void);
- char *err = 0;
- if(mpwin.win)
- {
- WindowToFront(mpwin.win);
- ActivateWindow(mpwin.win);
- return(0L);
- }
- /* User interface only works with 2.04+ */
- if(SysBase->LibNode.lib_Version < 37)
- return("Kickstart 2.04 or later required");
- if(!playerscreen
- && !(playerscreen = LockPubScreen(argarray.screen)))
- return("Public screen unavailable");
- if(tinywinleft < 0)
- tinywinleft = playerscreen->Width-23-320;
- /* First open the flashy windows */
- if(flashflags)
- err = flashywinopenclose();
- /* Then open the main control panel (on top) */
- return(err ? err : openmpwin(&mpwin));
- }