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- * MultiPlayer
- * Copyright (C) 1992 Bryan Ford
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * I (the author of MultiPlayer) can be contacted on the Internet at
- * "bryan.ford@m.cc.utah.edu". See "Player.doc" for other addresses.
- *
- * Note: This playroutine was not originally written by me. In general
- * these playroutines are public domain, so I am bringing the versions
- * modified for MultiPlayer under the General Public License. In the
- * few cases of already-copyrighted playroutines, the above copyright
- * notice applies only to the parts of the file written by me.
- *
- * $Id: stplay.asm,v 4.1 92/06/21 11:15:03 BAF Exp Locker: BAF $
- *
- include "player.i"
- xref modmem,modend,suppmem
- xref getfreqmodspeed,ntgetsongname,ntgetsongauthor,dmawait
- xdef ststart
- code text
- ststart:
- plstartret 9$
- cnop 0,4
- dc.l gmod_Hook
- 9$ gmodnop
- gmodbra mt_init ; StartMusic
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodq 1 ; ContinueMusic
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodbra ntgetsongname ; GetSongName
- gmodbra ntgetsongauthor ; GetSongAuthor
- gmodbra getfreqmodspeed ; GetFrequency
- gmodbra mt_music ; TimerTick
- lea name(pc),a0 ; GetMakerName
- move.l a0,d0
- rts
- **********************************************
- *
- * Soundtracker Module-Player
- * for Soundtracker V2.6
- *
- * SEKA version
- * (Devpac: replace 'blk' with 'dcb' (sic!) )
- *
- * last change: 03-Nov-90 mtn
- *
- **********************************************
- * Note: mt_init has to be called up with the
- * address of the module in A0 !!
- **********************************************
- * equates for voice-structure *
- mt_cmdperiod equ 0 ;period
- mt_cmd equ 2 ;instr/cmd
- mt_cmdpar equ 3 ;cmd-parameter
- mt_sampleadr equ 4 ;address of sample
- mt_samplelen equ 8 ;length of sample
- mt_samplerep equ $a ;address of repeat-part
- mt_samplerepl equ $e ;length of repeat-part
- mt_period equ $10 ;period to play
- mt_volume equ $12 ;volume to set
- mt_dmabit equ $14 ;dmabit for channel
- mt_slidedir equ $16 ;slide up/down
- mt_slidespeed equ $17 ;speed of slide
- mt_slidedest equ $18 ;slide to period x
- mt_vibamp equ $1a ;vibrato amplitude
- mt_vibcount equ $1b ;counter for vibrato
- mt_voicelen equ $1c
- * equates for global player data-structure *
- mt_data equ 0 ;address of module
- mt_pattpos equ 4 ;current position
- mt_dmacon equ 6 ;dma-bits
- mt_speedEven equ 8 ;current speed (even frames)
- mt_speedOdd equ 9 ; -"- (odd frames)
- mt_songpos equ $a ;position-counter
- mt_counter equ $b ;frame-counter
- mt_break equ $c ;flag for pattern-break
- mt_datalen equ $e
- mt_init:
- movem.l a2-a4,-(SP)
- lea mt_playerdata(PC),a4
- * clr.l mt_data(a4)
- * cmp.l #'MTN'*256,$5b8(a0)
- * bne mt_initerror
- move.l a0,mt_data(a4)
- move.l modend,a3
- subq.l #4,a3
- lea $3b8(a0),a1
- moveq #0,d1
- move.w #$1ff,d0
- mt_loop:
- cmp.b 0(a1,d0.w),d1
- bhi.s mt_nothigh
- move.b 0(a1,d0.w),d1
- mt_nothigh:
- dbf d0,mt_loop
- addq.b #1,d1
- lea mt_samplestarts(PC),a1
- lsl.l #8,d1
- lea 0(a0,d1.l),a2
- add.w #$5bc,a2
- moveq #$1e,d0
- mt_lop3: cmp.l a2,a3 ; < Fix - prevent trashing memory
- blt.s 1$
- clr.l (a2)
- 1$ move.l a2,(a1)+
- moveq #0,d1
- move.w 42(a0),d1
- add.l d1,d1
- add.l d1,a2
- add.w #$1e,a0
- dbf d0,mt_lop3
- or.b #2,$bfe001
- move.b #$06,mt_speedEven(a4)
- move.b #$06,mt_speedOdd(a4)
- lea mt_voice1(PC),a0
- move.w #$0001,mt_dmabit(a0)
- lea mt_voice2(PC),a0
- move.w #$0002,mt_dmabit(a0)
- lea mt_voice3(PC),a0
- move.w #$0004,mt_dmabit(a0)
- lea mt_voice4(PC),a0
- move.w #$0008,mt_dmabit(a0)
- lea $dff0a8,a0
- clr.w (a0)
- clr.w $10(a0)
- clr.w $20(a0)
- clr.w $30(a0)
- clr.b mt_songpos(a4)
- clr.b mt_counter(a4)
- clr.w mt_pattpos(a4)
- *mt_initerror:
- movem.l (SP)+,a2-a4
- rts
- mt_end:
- move.l a0,-(SP)
- lea $dff0a8,a0
- clr.w (a0)
- clr.w $10(a0)
- clr.w $20(a0)
- clr.w $30(a0)
- move.w #$f,$96-$a8(a0)
- move.l (SP)+,a0
- rts
- mt_music:
- movem.l d2-d5/a2-a6,-(SP)
- lea mt_playerdata(PC),a4
- move.l mt_data(a4),d0
- beq mt_playerror
- move.l d0,a0
- addq.b #1,mt_counter(a4)
- move.b mt_counter(a4),d0
- move.w mt_pattpos(a4),d1
- lsr.w #2,d1
- and.w #1,d1
- move.b mt_speedEven(a4,d1.w),d1
- cmp.b d1,d0
- blt.s mt_nonew
- clr.b mt_counter(a4)
- bra mt_getnew
- mt_nonew:
- lea mt_voice1(PC),a6
- lea $dff0a0,a5
- bsr mt_checkcom
- lea mt_voice2(PC),a6
- lea $dff0b0,a5
- bsr mt_checkcom
- lea mt_voice3(PC),a6
- lea $dff0c0,a5
- bsr mt_checkcom
- lea mt_voice4(PC),a6
- lea $dff0d0,a5
- bsr mt_checkcom
- bra mt_endr
- mt_arpeggio:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b mt_counter(a4),d0
- divu #$3,d0
- swap d0
- tst.w d0
- beq.s mt_arp2
- cmp.w #2,d0
- beq.s mt_arp1
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),d0
- lsr.b #4,d0
- bra.s mt_arp3
- mt_arp1: moveq #0,d0
- move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),d0
- and.b #$f,d0
- bra.s mt_arp3
- mt_arp2: move.w mt_period(a6),d2
- bra.s mt_arp4
- mt_arp3: add.w d0,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- move.w mt_period(a6),d1
- lea mt_periods(PC),a0
- moveq #$24,d3
- mt_arploop:
- move.w 0(a0,d0.w),d2
- cmp.w (a0),d1
- bge.s mt_arp4
- addq.l #2,a0
- dbf d3,mt_arploop
- rts
- mt_arp4: move.w d2,6(a5)
- rts
- mt_getnew:
- clr.w mt_dmacon(a4)
- lea $dff0a0,a5
- lea mt_voice1(pc),a6
- moveq #0,d5
- bsr.s mt_playvoice
- lea $dff0b0,a5
- lea mt_voice2(pc),a6
- moveq #1,d5
- bsr.s mt_playvoice
- lea $dff0c0,a5
- lea mt_voice3(pc),a6
- moveq #2,d5
- bsr.s mt_playvoice
- lea $dff0d0,a5
- lea mt_voice4(pc),a6
- moveq #3,d5
- bsr.s mt_playvoice
- bra mt_setdma
- mt_playvoice:
- move.l mt_data(a4),a0
- lea 12(a0),a3
- lea $3b8(a0),a2
- lea $5bc(a0),a0
- moveq #0,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- move.b mt_songpos(a4),d0
- lsl.w #2,d0
- add.w d0,a2
- move.b 0(a2,d5.w),d1
- lsl.l #8,d1
- add.w mt_pattpos(a4),d1
- move.l 0(a0,d1.l),mt_cmdperiod(a6)
- addq.l #4,d1
- moveq #0,d2
- move.b mt_cmd(a6),d2
- and.b #$f0,d2
- lsr.b #4,d2
- move.b mt_cmdperiod(a6),d0
- and.b #$f0,d0
- or.b d0,d2
- tst.b d2
- beq.s mt_setregs
- moveq #0,d3
- lea mt_samplestarts(PC),a1
- move.l d2,d4
- subq.l #$1,d2
- lsl.l #2,d2
- mulu #$1e,d4
- move.l 0(a1,d2.l),mt_sampleadr(a6)
- move.w 0(a3,d4.l),mt_samplelen(a6)
- move.w $2(a3,d4.l),mt_volume(a6)
- move.w $4(a3,d4.l),d3
- tst.w d3
- beq.s mt_noloop
- move.l mt_sampleadr(a6),d2
- add.w d3,d3
- add.l d3,d2
- move.l d2,mt_samplerep(a6)
- move.w $4(a3,d4.l),d0
- add.w $6(a3,d4.l),d0
- move.w d0,mt_samplelen(a6)
- move.w $6(a3,d4.l),mt_samplerepl(a6)
- move.w mt_volume(a6),8(a5)
- bra.s mt_setregs
- mt_noloop:
- move.l mt_sampleadr(a6),d2
- add.l d3,d2
- move.l d2,mt_samplerep(a6)
- move.w $6(a3,d4.l),mt_samplerepl(a6)
- move.w mt_volume(a6),8(a5)
- mt_setregs:
- move.w mt_cmdperiod(a6),d0
- and.w #$fff,d0
- beq mt_checkcom2
- move.b mt_cmd(a6),d0
- and.b #$f,d0
- cmp.b #$3,d0
- bne.s mt_setperiod
- bsr mt_setmyport
- bra mt_checkcom2
- mt_setperiod:
- move.w mt_cmdperiod(a6),mt_period(a6)
- and.w #$fff,mt_period(a6)
- move.w mt_dmabit(a6),$dff096
- clr.b mt_vibcount(a6)
- move.l mt_sampleadr(a6),(a5)
- move.w mt_samplelen(a6),4(a5)
- move.w mt_period(a6),d0
- and.w #$fff,d0
- move.w d0,6(a5)
- move.w mt_dmabit(a6),d0
- or.w d0,mt_dmacon(a4)
- bra mt_checkcom2
- mt_setdma:
- lea $dff000,a5
- moveq #8,d3 ;less than this can cause trouble
- bsr mt_waitscan
- move.w mt_dmacon(a4),d0
- or.w #$8000,d0
- move.w d0,$96(a5)
- moveq #1,d3
- bsr mt_waitscan
- lea mt_voice4(pc),a6
- move.l mt_samplerep(a6),$d0(a5)
- move.w mt_samplerepl(a6),$d4(a5)
- lea mt_voice3(pc),a6
- move.l mt_samplerep(a6),$c0(a5)
- move.w mt_samplerepl(a6),$c4(a5)
- lea mt_voice2(pc),a6
- move.l mt_samplerep(a6),$b0(a5)
- move.w mt_samplerepl(a6),$b4(a5)
- lea mt_voice1(pc),a6
- move.l mt_samplerep(a6),$a0(a5)
- move.w mt_samplerepl(a6),$a4(a5)
- addq.w #4,mt_pattpos(a4)
- cmp.w #$100,mt_pattpos(a4)
- bne.s mt_endr
- mt_nex: clr.w mt_pattpos(a4)
- clr.b mt_break(a4)
- addq.b #1,mt_songpos(a4)
- and.b #$7f,mt_songpos(a4)
- move.b mt_songpos(a4),d1
- move.l mt_data(a4),a0
- cmp.b $3b6(a0),d1
- bne.s mt_endr
- clr.b mt_songpos(a4)
- mt_endr: tst.b mt_break(a4)
- bne.s mt_nex
- mt_playerror:
- movem.l (SP)+,d2-d5/a2-a6
- rts
- mt_waitscan:
- move.b 6(a5),d1
- mt_scanloop:
- cmp.b 6(a5),d1
- beq.s mt_scanloop
- dbf d3,mt_waitscan
- rts
- mt_setmyport:
- move.w mt_cmdperiod(a6),d2
- and.w #$fff,d2
- move.w d2,mt_slidedest(a6)
- move.w mt_period(a6),d0
- clr.b mt_slidedir(a6)
- cmp.w d0,d2
- beq.s mt_clrport
- bge.s mt_rt
- move.b #$1,mt_slidedir(a6)
- rts
- mt_clrport:
- clr.w mt_slidedest(a6)
- mt_rt: rts
- mt_myport:
- move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),d0
- beq.s mt_myslide
- move.b d0,mt_slidespeed(a6)
- clr.b mt_cmdpar(a6)
- mt_myslide:
- tst.w mt_slidedest(a6)
- beq.s mt_rt
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b mt_slidespeed(a6),d0
- tst.b mt_slidedir(a6)
- bne.s mt_mysub
- add.w d0,mt_period(a6)
- move.w mt_slidedest(a6),d0
- cmp.w mt_period(a6),d0
- bgt.s mt_myok
- move.w mt_slidedest(a6),mt_period(a6)
- clr.w mt_slidedest(a6)
- mt_myok: move.w mt_period(a6),$6(a5)
- rts
- mt_mysub:
- sub.w d0,mt_period(a6)
- move.w mt_slidedest(a6),d0
- cmp.w mt_period(a6),d0
- blt.s mt_myok
- move.w mt_slidedest(a6),mt_period(a6)
- clr.w mt_slidedest(a6)
- move.w mt_period(a6),$6(a5)
- rts
- mt_vib: move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),d0
- beq.s mt_vi
- move.b d0,mt_vibamp(a6)
- mt_vi: move.b mt_vibcount(a6),d0
- lea mt_sin(PC),a0
- lsr.w #$2,d0
- and.w #$1f,d0
- moveq #0,d2
- move.b 0(a0,d0.w),d2
- move.b mt_vibamp(a6),d0
- and.w #$f,d0
- mulu d0,d2
- lsr.w #$6,d2
- move.w mt_period(a6),d0
- tst.b mt_vibcount(a6)
- bmi.s mt_vibmin
- add.w d2,d0
- bra.s mt_vib2
- mt_vibmin:
- sub.w d2,d0
- mt_vib2: move.w d0,$6(a5)
- move.b mt_vibamp(a6),d0
- lsr.w #$2,d0
- and.w #$3c,d0
- add.b d0,mt_vibcount(a6)
- rts
- mt_nop: move.w mt_period(a6),$6(a5)
- rts
- mt_checkcom:
- move.w mt_cmd(a6),d0
- and.w #$fff,d0
- beq.s mt_nop
- move.b mt_cmd(a6),d0
- and.b #$f,d0
- tst.b d0
- beq mt_arpeggio
- cmp.b #$1,d0
- beq.s mt_portup
- cmp.b #$2,d0
- beq mt_portdown
- cmp.b #$3,d0
- beq mt_myport
- cmp.b #$4,d0
- beq mt_vib
- move.w mt_period(a6),$6(a5)
- cmp.b #$a,d0
- beq.s mt_volslide
- rts
- mt_volslide:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),d0
- lsr.b #4,d0
- tst.b d0
- beq.s mt_voldown
- add.w d0,mt_volume(a6)
- cmp.w #$40,mt_volume(a6)
- bmi.s mt_vol2
- move.w #$40,mt_volume(a6)
- mt_vol2: move.w mt_volume(a6),$8(a5)
- rts
- mt_voldown:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),d0
- and.b #$f,d0
- sub.w d0,mt_volume(a6)
- bpl.s mt_vol3
- clr.w mt_volume(a6)
- mt_vol3: move.w mt_volume(a6),$8(a5)
- rts
- mt_portup:
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),d0
- sub.w d0,mt_period(a6)
- move.w mt_period(a6),d0
- and.w #$fff,d0
- cmp.w #$71,d0
- bpl.s mt_por2
- and.w #$f000,mt_period(a6)
- or.w #$71,mt_period(a6)
- mt_por2: move.w mt_period(a6),d0
- and.w #$fff,d0
- move.w d0,$6(a5)
- rts
- mt_portdown:
- clr.w d0
- move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),d0
- add.w d0,mt_period(a6)
- move.w mt_period(a6),d0
- and.w #$fff,d0
- cmp.w #$358,d0
- bmi.s mt_por3
- and.w #$f000,mt_period(a6)
- or.w #$358,mt_period(a6)
- mt_por3: move.w mt_period(a6),d0
- and.w #$fff,d0
- move.w d0,$6(a5)
- rts
- mt_checkcom2:
- move.b mt_cmd(a6),d0
- and.b #$f,d0
- cmp.b #$e,d0
- beq.s mt_setfilt
- cmp.b #$d,d0
- beq.s mt_pattbreak
- cmp.b #$b,d0
- beq.s mt_posjmp
- cmp.b #$c,d0
- beq.s mt_setvol
- cmp.b #$f,d0
- beq.s mt_setspeed
- rts
- mt_setfilt:
- move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),d0
- and.b #1,d0
- add.b d0,d0
- and.b #$fd,$bfe001
- or.b d0,$bfe001
- rts
- mt_pattbreak:
- st mt_break(a4)
- rts
- mt_posjmp:
- move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),d0
- subq.b #1,d0
- move.b d0,mt_songpos(a4)
- st mt_break(a4)
- rts
- mt_setvol:
- cmp.b #$40,mt_cmdpar(a6)
- ble.s mt_vol4
- move.b #$40,mt_cmdpar(a6)
- mt_vol4: move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),$8(a5)
- rts
- mt_setspeed:
- move.b mt_cmdpar(a6),d0
- and.w #$ff,d0
- beq.s mt_rts2
- move.b d0,d1
- and.b #$f0,d1
- beq.s mt_speed1
- lsr.b #4,d1
- bra.s mt_speed3
- mt_speed1:
- move.b d0,d1
- mt_speed3:
- and.b #$f,d0
- bne.s mt_speed2
- move.b d1,d0
- mt_speed2:
- move.b d0,mt_speedEven(a4)
- move.b d1,mt_speedOdd(a4)
- clr.b mt_counter(a4)
- mt_rts2: rts
- mt_sin:
- dc.b $00,$18,$31,$4a,$61,$78,$8d,$a1,$b4,$c5,$d4,$e0,$eb,$f4,$fa,$fd
- dc.b $ff,$fd,$fa,$f4,$eb,$e0,$d4,$c5,$b4,$a1,$8d,$78,$61,$4a,$31,$18
- mt_periods:
- dc.w $0358,$0328,$02fa,$02d0,$02a6,$0280,$025c,$023a,$021a,$01fc,$01e0
- dc.w $01c5,$01ac,$0194,$017d,$0168,$0153,$0140,$012e,$011d,$010d,$00fe
- dc.w $00f0,$00e2,$00d6,$00ca,$00be,$00b4,$00aa,$00a0,$0097,$008f,$0087
- dc.w $007f,$0078,$0071,$0000,$0000
- mt_playerdata: ds.b mt_datalen
- mt_samplestarts: ds.l 31
- mt_voice1: ds.b mt_voicelen
- mt_voice2: ds.b mt_voicelen
- mt_voice3: ds.b mt_voicelen
- mt_voice4: ds.b mt_voicelen
- name dc.b "SoundTracker 2.6",0
- end