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- /*
- * MultiPlayer
- * Copyright (C) 1992 Bryan Ford
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * I (the author of MultiPlayer) can be contacted on the Internet at
- * "bryan.ford@m.cc.utah.edu". See "Player.doc" for other addresses.
- *
- * $Id: player.h,v 5.1 92/09/14 18:44:24 BAF Exp Locker: BAF $
- * Global header for C modules
- *
- * $Log: player.h,v $
- * Revision 5.1 92/09/14 18:44:24 BAF
- * Got rid of C++ style comments
- *
- * Revision 4.3 92/07/20 20:05:00 BAF
- * progload() and progsave() calling format changed
- *
- * Revision 4.2 92/06/21 11:20:24 BAF
- * Migrated regargs to stdargs
- *
- * Revision 4.1 92/06/06 19:57:33 BAF
- * Major_code_cleanup
- *
- * Revision 3.1 92/05/25 07:54:02 BAF
- * GNU-ized.
- *
- *
- */
- #ifndef DOS_DOS_H
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #endif
- #define CLOCK 3579545
- #define callvec(name) { extern void (*name)(void); if(name) (*name)(); }
- #define FFperF 3
- struct ModNode
- {
- struct MinNode node;
- short size;
- char *nameptr;
- BPTR dir;
- char volume;
- char balance;
- unsigned char speed;
- char filter;
- long endtime;
- char flags;
- char pad;
- char name[1];
- };
- #define MNF_ENDFADE 0x02 /* Fade out on ending */
- #define MNF_PTTEMPO 0x04 /* Enable Protracker tempo commands */
- #define MNF_NOTPROTRACKER 0x08 /* This is not a Protracker module */
- /* Program arguments */
- extern struct PlayerArgs
- {
- char *dir;
- char **mods;
- char *prog;
- char *screen;
- int noreq;
- int nowin;
- int norexx;
- int nodetach;
- } argarray;
- /* One of MultiPlayer's windows (or some other thread) */
- struct MPWin
- {
- void *spec;
- short *snappos;
- void (*initfunc)(void);
- struct RemindNode snapnode;
- struct RemindNode checknode;
- struct RemindNode closenode;
- void *userdata;
- struct Window *win;
- long sigmask;
- };
- /* All of the following variables, except the arbitrated globals, are
- declared (and explained more fully) in main.c. */
- /* System flags */
- extern char sysflags, sysflags2;
- #define SF_KILL 0x01 /* Kill MultiPlayer ASAP */
- #define SF_TIMERUP 0x04 /* Timer/sequence needs updating */
- #define SF_WINDOWUP 0x08 /* Windows need updating */
- #define SF_REPEAT 0x10 /* Song is repeating */
- #define SF_SECOND 0x20 /* One second has gone by */
- #define SF_FADEDONE 0x40 /* We're finished fading */
- #define SF_FADEPAUSE 0x80 /* We're fading out for a pause */
- /* Play mode */
- extern char playmode;
- #define PM_SEQUENCE 0 /* Play in sequence */
- #define PM_RANDOM 1 /* Random order */
- #define PM_ONCE 2 /* Play once then unload */
- #define PM_OVEROVER 3 /* Play same module over and over */
- #define PM_SEQUENCEONCE 4 /* Through sequence once */
- /* Show mode */
- extern char showmode;
- #define SM_NOTHING 0 /* Don't mess with the title bar */
- #define SM_CLOCK 1 /* Minute/second music timer */
- #define SM_SEQUENCE0 2 /* Sequence starting from 0 */
- #define SM_SEQUENCE1 3 /* Sequence starting from 1 */
- /* Flash mode */
- extern char flashflags;
- #define FF_SPECTRUM 0x01 /* Spectrum analyzer */
- #define FF_SCOPE 0x02 /* Stereo Scope */
- #define FF_QSCOPE 0x04 /* Quadrascope */
- #define FF_NOTES 0x08 /* Note scroller */
- #define FF_CHANNELS 0x10 /* Channel meter */
- #define FF_INFO 0x20 /* Info display (not really "flashy", but handled the same way...) */
- /* Module type */
- extern char modtype;
- #define MTF_MODSPEED 0x01 /* Supports modspeed */
- #define MTF_SEQUENCE 0x02 /* Supports sequence display */
- #define MTF_REPEAT 0x04 /* Supports repeat detection */
- #define MTF_MODIFIED 0x08 /* Mod prefs have been changed */
- #define MTF_PROTRACKER 0x10 /* This is the Protracker player */
- #define MTF_FILTER 0x20 /* Filter can be controlled */
- #define MTF_JUMP 0x40 /* Module can jump to other positions */
- /* Help contexts */
- #define MAINCONTEXT 0
- #define PANELCONTEXT 1
- /* Other globals */
- extern struct Screen *playerscreen;
- extern struct MsgPort *wbappport;
- extern struct RemindList dolist;
- extern struct RemindList checklist;
- extern struct RemindList updatelist;
- extern struct RemindList timerlist;
- extern struct RemindList snaplist;
- extern struct RemindList closelist;
- extern struct RemindList endlist;
- extern char playmode, showmode;
- /* Arbitrated globals */
- extern struct MinList modlist;
- extern struct ModNode *curmod, *selmod;
- #define adddo(node) remind_add(&dolist,node)
- /* main.c */
- char *showerr(char *mes);
- char *setdir(BPTR newdir);
- char *setdirname(char *name);
- char *progadd(BPTR dir,char *name);
- char *progaddargs(int args,struct WBArg *arg);
- char *progstart(void);
- char *prognext(void);
- char *progprev(void);
- char *progact(struct ModNode *node);
- void progdel(struct ModNode *node);
- void progclear(void);
- char *progsave(BPTR dir,char *filename);
- char *progload(BPTR dir,char *filename,int start);
- void addcalls(
- struct CallNode *check,
- struct CallNode *update,
- struct CallNode *timernode,
- struct CallNode *end);
- void addsigs(long newsigs);
- void remsigs(long oldsigs);
- char *reqmod(int clear);
- char *openfilerequest(void (*donecall)(struct WBArg *args,int count),
- void *frspec,void *userstruct);
- void closefilerequest(void (*donecall)(struct WBArg *args,int count));
- void windowkey(int rawcode,int context);
- void windowclick(int rawcode);
- void standardcallback(struct GuidMessage *gm);
- char *openmpwin(struct MPWin *win);
- void closempwin(struct MPWin *win);
- void setfinmpwin(struct MPWin *win);
- /* window.c */
- void windowremake(void);
- void windowclose(void);
- char *windowopen(void);
- /* progwin.c */
- char *progwinopenclose(void);
- /* Player prototypes */
- void setsong(int song);
- char *loadmod(char *name);
- char *playmod(int song);
- char *startmod(char *name,int song);
- char *contmod(void);
- char *contplaymod(void);
- void stopmod(void);
- void endmod(void);
- int iscantcont(char *errmes);
- /* Globals prototypes */
- void GlobSetByte(char *var,char value,void *(*notroutine)(void));
- void GlobSetWord(short *var,short value,void *(*notroutine)(void));
- void GlobSetLong(long *var,long value,void *(*notroutine)(void));
- void GlobPreMod(void *var,void *(*notroutine)(void));
- void GlobPostMod(void *var,void *(*notroutine)(void));