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- * MultiPlayer
- * Copyright (C) 1992 Bryan Ford
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * I (the author of MultiPlayer) can be contacted on the Internet at
- * "bryan.ford@m.cc.utah.edu". See "Player.doc" for other addresses.
- *
- * $Id: play8.asm,v 3.1 92/05/25 07:52:25 BAF Exp $
- *
- include "exec/types.i"
- include "exec/execbase.i"
- include "hardware/custom.i"
- include "hardware/dmabits.i"
- include "hardware/intbits.i"
- include "bry/macros.i"
- ifnd custom
- custom equ $dff000
- endc
- BUFLEN equ 632
- STRUCTURE VirtChan,0
- APTR vc_sample
- UWORD vc_subpos
- UWORD vc_length
- LABEL vc_pos
- UWORD vc_posfrac
- UWORD vc_posint
- LABEL vc_inc
- UWORD vc_incint
- UWORD vc_incfrac
- APTR vc_relsample
- UWORD vc_rellength
- UWORD vc_bufper
- STRUCTURE HardwareChan,0
- APTR hc_audcustom
- APTR hc_playbuf
- APTR hc_fillbuf
- STRUCT hc_virtchan0,vc_SIZEOF
- STRUCT hc_virtchan1,vc_SIZEOF
- UWORD hc_channum
- UWORD hc_buflend2
- xref _SysBase,intflashsample
- xdef p8_Start,p8_Stop
- xdef p8_SetPeriod,p8_SetVolume
- xdef p8_PlaySample,p8_Release,p8_StopSample
- xdef p8_AudioInt
- code text
- *** Initialize and start the audio engine
- * d0 = Sampling period for combining channels (>= 127 FIXME???)
- p8_Start:
- push d2-d3
- ml #3579545,d2
- divu.w d0,d2
- cq d3
- mw d2,d3
- divu.w #50*2,d3
- lea hc0,a0 ; Reset the data structures
- lea custom+aud0,a1
- mw d0,d1
- cq d0
- bsr.b \clrhc
- bsr.b \clrhc
- bsr.b \clrhc
- bsr.b \clrhc
- bsr p8_AudioInt ; Prime the pump, clear everything out
- bsr p8_AudioInt
- mw #DMAF_SETCLR!DMAF_AUDIO,custom+dmacon ; Start playing
- pop d2-d3
- rts
- \clrhc
- mw d3,hc_buflend2(a0)
- clr.w hc_virtchan0+vc_length(a0)
- mw d1,hc_virtchan0+vc_bufper(a0)
- clr.w hc_virtchan1+vc_length(a0)
- mw d1,hc_virtchan1+vc_bufper(a0)
- mw d0,hc_channum(a0)
- push a0/d3 ; Tell MultiPlayer where to find the data
- ml hc_fillbuf(a0),a0
- add.w d3,d3
- mw d3,d2
- bsr intflashsample
- pop a0/d3
- addq.w #1,d0
- lea hc_SIZEOF(a0),a0
- mw d1,ac_per(a1)
- mw d3,ac_len(a1)
- mw #$40,ac_vol(a1)
- lea aud1-aud0(a1),a1
- rts
- *** Stop the audio engine
- p8_Stop:
- mw #DMAF_AUDIO,custom+dmacon
- rts
- findchan macro
- add.w d0,d0
- add.w d0,d0
- ml virtchantab(pc,d0.w),a1
- endm
- *** Set the period of a virtual channel
- * d0 = Virtual channel number (0-7)
- * d1 = Period (greater than bufper)
- p8_SetPeriod:
- findchan
- tst.w d1
- bz.s 9$
- cq d0
- mw vc_bufper(a1),d0
- divu.w d1,d0
- mw d0,vc_incint(a1)
- clr.w d0
- divu.w d1,d0
- mw d0,vc_incfrac(a1)
- 9$ rts
- virtchantab:
- dc.l hc0+hc_virtchan0,hc0+hc_virtchan1
- dc.l hc1+hc_virtchan0,hc1+hc_virtchan1
- dc.l hc2+hc_virtchan0,hc2+hc_virtchan1
- dc.l hc3+hc_virtchan0,hc3+hc_virtchan1
- *** Start a new note/sample in a channel
- * d0 = Virtual channel number (0-7)
- * a0 = Sample (in fast memory if possible)
- * d1 = Length of sample (not including 632 byte suffix)
- * d2 = Length of repeat part of sample (0 = one-shot)
- p8_PlaySample:
- findchan
- ml a0,vc_sample(a1)
- mw d1,vc_length(a1)
- mw d2,d1
- bnz.b 1$
- mw #$ffff,d1
- 1$ mw d1,vc_subpos(a1)
- clr.l vc_pos(a1)
- rts
- *** Begin the release phase of a sample
- * d0 = Virtual channel number (0-7)
- * a0 = Release part of sample (just after 632 byte prefix)
- * d1 = Length of repeat part (not including 632 byte prefix or 632 byte suffix)
- p8_Release:
- findchan
- illegal
- *** Stop a channel
- * d0 = Virtual channel number (0-7)
- p8_StopSample:
- findchan
- clr.w vc_length(a1)
- rts
- *** Set the volume of a virtual channel
- *** Note: Setting the volume for one virtchan sets the volume for the entire hardchan.
- * d0 = Virtual channel number (0-7)
- * d1 = Volume ($00-$40)
- p8_SetVolume:
- lsr.w #1,d0
- lsl.w #4,d0
- lea custom+aud+ac_vol,a0
- adda.w d0,a0
- mw d1,(a0)
- rts
- ld0 macro
- ml hc_virtchan0+vc_sample(a6),a0
- suba.w d7,a0
- ml hc_virtchan0+vc_pos(a6),d2
- add.w d7,d2
- ml hc_virtchan0+vc_inc(a6),d4
- endm
- ld1 macro
- ml hc_virtchan1+vc_sample(a6),a1
- suba.w d7,a1
- ml hc_virtchan1+vc_pos(a6),d3
- add.w d7,d3
- ml hc_virtchan1+vc_inc(a6),d5
- endm
- sv0 macro
- add.w d7,d2
- \svb0\@ cmp.w hc_virtchan0+vc_length(a6),d2
- blo.b \sv0\@
- sub.w hc_virtchan0+vc_subpos(a6),d2
- bhs.b \svb0\@
- clr.w hc_virtchan0+vc_length(a6)
- \sv0\@ ml d2,hc_virtchan0+vc_pos(a6)
- endm
- sv1 macro
- add.w d7,d3
- \svb1\@ cmp.w hc_virtchan1+vc_length(a6),d3
- blo.b \sv1\@
- sub.w hc_virtchan1+vc_subpos(a6),d3
- bhs.b \svb1\@
- clr.w hc_virtchan1+vc_length(a6)
- \sv1\@ ml d3,hc_virtchan1+vc_pos(a6)
- endm
- comb01 macro
- move.b 0(a1,d3.w),(a2)+
- swap d3
- add.l d5,d3
- swap d3
- endm
- comb10 macro
- move.b 0(a0,d2.w),(a2)+
- swap d2
- add.l d4,d2
- swap d2
- endm
- comb11 macro
- move.b 0(a0,d2.w),d0
- add.b 0(a1,d3.w),d0
- move.b d0,(a2)+
- swap d2
- swap d3
- add.l d4,d2
- add.l d5,d3
- swap d2
- swap d3
- endm
- *** Audio interrupt routine - call after updating song
- p8_AudioInt:
- push d2-d7/a2-a6
- lea hc0,a6
- bsr.b \upchan
- lea hc_SIZEOF(a6),a6
- bsr.b \upchan
- lea hc_SIZEOF(a6),a6
- bsr.b \upchan
- lea hc_SIZEOF(a6),a6
- bsr.b \upchan
- pop d2-d7/a2-a6
- move.w #INTF_AUD0!INTF_AUD1!INTF_AUD2!INTF_AUD3,custom+intreq
- rts
- \upchan
- ml hc_audcustom(a6),a5
- ml hc_fillbuf(a6),d0
- ml hc_playbuf(a6),a2
- ml a2,ac_ptr(a5)
- ml a2,hc_fillbuf(a6)
- ml d0,hc_playbuf(a6)
- mw #$8000,d7
- tst.w hc_virtchan0+vc_length(a6)
- bz \f0
- \f1
- tst.w hc_virtchan1+vc_length(a6)
- bz \f1s0
- \f1s1
- ld0
- ld1
- mw hc_buflend2(a6),d1
- mw d1,d6
- lsr.w #2,d1
- bra 11$
- 1$ comb11
- comb11
- comb11
- comb11
- comb11
- comb11
- comb11
- comb11
- 11$ dbra d1,1$
- andi.w #3,d6
- bra 13$
- 12$ comb11
- comb11
- 13$ dbra d6,12$
- sv0
- sv1
- rts
- \f1s0
- ld0
- mw hc_buflend2(a6),d1
- mw d1,d6
- lsr.w #2,d1
- bra 21$
- 2$ comb10
- comb10
- comb10
- comb10
- comb10
- comb10
- comb10
- comb10
- 21$ dbra d1,2$
- andi.w #3,d6
- bra 23$
- 22$ comb10
- comb10
- 23$ dbra d6,22$
- sv0
- rts
- \f0
- tst.w hc_virtchan1+vc_length(a6)
- bz \f0s0
- \f0s1
- ld1
- mw hc_buflend2(a6),d1
- mw d1,d6
- lsr.w #2,d1
- bra 51$
- 5$ comb01
- comb01
- comb01
- comb01
- comb01
- comb01
- comb01
- comb01
- 51$ dbra d1,5$
- andi.w #3,d6
- bra 53$
- 52$ comb01
- comb01
- 53$ dbra d6,52$
- sv1
- rts
- \f0s0
- mw hc_buflend2(a6),d1
- add.w d1,d1
- lea 0(a2,d1.w),a0
- cq d2
- cq d3
- cq d4
- cq d5
- ml d2,a2
- ml d3,a3
- ml d4,a4
- ml d5,a5
- mw hc_buflend2(a6),d1
- mw d1,d6
- andi.w #15,d6
- bra 73$
- 72$ mw d2,-(a0)
- 73$ dbra d6,72$
- lsr.w #4,d1
- bra 71$
- 7$ movem.l d2-d5/a2-a5,-(a0)
- 71$ dbra d1,7$
- rts
- data play8data
- hc0 dc.l custom+aud0,soundbuf0,soundbuf1
- hc1 dc.l custom+aud1,soundbuf2,soundbuf3
- hc2 dc.l custom+aud2,soundbuf4,soundbuf5
- hc3 dc.l custom+aud3,soundbuf6,soundbuf7
- bss chip,chip
- soundbuf0 ds.b BUFLEN
- cnop 0,4
- soundbuf1 ds.b BUFLEN
- cnop 0,4
- soundbuf2 ds.b BUFLEN
- cnop 0,4
- soundbuf3 ds.b BUFLEN
- cnop 0,4
- soundbuf4 ds.b BUFLEN
- cnop 0,4
- soundbuf5 ds.b BUFLEN
- cnop 0,4
- soundbuf6 ds.b BUFLEN
- cnop 0,4
- soundbuf7 ds.b BUFLEN
- end