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- * MultiPlayer
- * Copyright (C) 1992 Bryan Ford
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * I (the author of MultiPlayer) can be contacted on the Internet at
- * "bryan.ford@m.cc.utah.edu". See "Player.doc" for other addresses.
- *
- * Note: This playroutine was not originally written by me. In general
- * these playroutines are public domain, so I am bringing the versions
- * modified for MultiPlayer under the General Public License. In the
- * few cases of already-copyrighted playroutines, the above copyright
- * notice applies only to the parts of the file written by me.
- *
- * $Id: okta8play.asm,v 4.1 92/06/21 11:14:37 BAF Exp Locker: BAF $
- *
- include "exec/types.i"
- include "exec/memory.i"
- include "exec/libraries.i"
- include "exec/execbase.i"
- include "exec/funcdef.i"
- include "exec/exec_lib.i"
- include "intuition/intuition_lib.i"
- include "player.i"
- include "bry/macros.i"
- BUFLEN equ 632
- MINPER equ 113
- code text
- xref modspec,modmem,modend,intsongpos,intrepeat,getfreqmodspeed
- xref unloadfile,_IntuitionBase,intflashnote
- xref p8_Start,p8_Stop
- xref p8_SetPeriod,p8_SetVolume
- xref p8_PlaySample,p8_Release,p8_StopSample
- xref p8_AudioInt
- xdef okta8start
- okta8start:
- plstartret 9$
- 1$ lea name(pc),a0
- ml a0,d0
- rts
- 2$ ml 4,a1
- mw #227,d0
- btst #AFB_68020,AttnFlags+1(a1)
- bz p8_Start
- mw #127,d0
- bra p8_Start
- cnop 0,4
- dc.l gmod_SetVolume+4
- 9$ gmodbra rs_init
- gmodbra 2$ ; StartMusic
- gmodbra p8_Stop
- gmodbra rs_free
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodbra rs_int
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodnop
- gmodbra 1$ ; GetMakerName
- gmodbra \hook ; Hook
- gmodnop
- gmodbra \vol ; SetVolume
- \hook
- rts
- \vol
- move.w d0,leftvol
- move.w d1,rightvol
- rts
- STRUCTURE sample,0
- STRUCT sm_name,20
- ULONG sm_length
- UWORD sm_rep24
- UWORD sm_rep26
- UBYTE sm_b
- UBYTE sm_vol
- UWORD sm_playmode
- STRUCTURE mysample,0
- APTR msm_ptr
- UWORD msm_len
- UWORD msm_replen
- APTR msm_relptr
- UWORD msm_rellen
- msm_SIZEOF equ sm_SIZEOF
- STRUCTURE pbuff,0
- APTR pb_relptr ; 6
- UWORD pb_rellen ; 10
- UWORD pb_note ; 12
- UWORD pb_period ; 14
- UBYTE pb_active
- UBYTE pb_pad
- **********************************
- **********************************
- ;by A.Sander with Defpac2
- ;(C) 1989 VERLAG MAYER
- ;- only for 4-Channels
- * init ********************************
- p:
- rs_init bsr rs_free
- push d2-d3/d7/a2-a3/a5-a6
- ml sp,d7
- move.l modmem,a5
- cmp.l #'OKTA',(a5)+
- bne rs_error2
- cmp.l #'SONG',(a5)+
- bne rs_error2
- move.l a5,a0
- lea rs_cmformat(pc),a1
- bsr rs_search
- move.l a5,a0
- lea rs_extformat(pc),a1
- bsr rs_search
- bsr rs_getpatts
- bsr rs_getsamples
- lea rs_pbuffs(pc),a0
- moveq #pb_SIZEOF*8/4-1,d0
- rs_loop4 clr.l (a0)+
- dbf d0,rs_loop4
- lea rs_channelmodes(pc),a0
- lea rs_pbuffs+pb_active(pc),a1
- moveq #4-1,d0
- cq d3
- 1$ move.w (a0)+,d1
- st (a1)
- move.b d1,pb_SIZEOF(a1)
- lea pb_SIZEOF*2(a1),a1
- moveq #1,d2
- lsl.w d1,d2
- add.w d2,d3
- dbra d0,1$
- move.w d3,rs_channels
- lsl.w #2,d3
- move.w d3,rs_pattlinelen
- clr.w rs_pointer
- bsr rs_gettrkpos
- sub.l d3,rs_trkpos
- subq.w #1,rs_patty
- move.l #$40404040,rs_vol
- clr.w rs_filter
- move.w rs_speed,rs_actspeed
- clr.w rs_actcyc
- move.w #-1,rs_nextpt
- lea rs_pattline(pc),a0
- moveq #8-1,d0
- rs_loop5 clr.l (a0)+
- dbf d0,rs_loop5
- cq d0
- cq d1
- mw rs_len(pc),d1
- jsr intsongpos
- lea modspec,a0
- jsr unloadfile
- moveq #0,d0
- rs_initout ml d7,sp
- pop d2-d3/d7/a2-a3/a5-a6
- rts
- rs_error2 lea errmes(pc),a0
- ml a0,d0
- b rs_initout
- rs_nomem lea errnomem(pc),a0
- ml a0,d0
- b rs_initout
- * format search ***********************
- ;a0 fpt
- ;a1 format list
- rs_search move.l a0,a2
- move.l (a1)+,d0
- beq.s rs_ex
- rs_loop cmp.l modend,a2
- bhs.s rs_ex
- cmp.l (a2)+,d0
- bne.s rs_next
- move.l (a1)+,d0
- cmp.l (a2)+,d0
- ble.s rs_nocorrect
- move.l -4(a2),d0
- rs_nocorrect move.l (a1)+,a3
- rs_copy subq.l #1,d0
- bmi.s rs_search
- move.b (a2)+,(a3)+
- bra.s rs_copy
- rs_next add.l (a2)+,a2
- bra.s rs_loop
- rs_ex rts
- * pattern descriptor ******************
- rs_getpatts lea rs_pattpts(pc),a2
- move.l a5,a3
- move.l #'PBOD',d3
- rs_loop2 cmp.l modend,a3
- bhs.s rs_ready
- movem.l (a3)+,d1-d2
- cmp.l d3,d1
- beq.s rs_got
- add.l d2,a3
- bra.s rs_loop2
- rs_got ml d2,d0
- bsr alloc
- ml d0,(a2)+
- ml d0,a1
- ml a3,a0
- ml d2,d0
- ml 4,a6
- jl CopyMem
- add.l d2,a3
- bra.s rs_loop2
- rs_ready rts
- * sample descriptor *******************
- rs_getsamples lea rs_samples(pc),a2
- move.l a5,a3
- move.l #'SBOD',d3
- rs_loop2a cmp.l modend,a3
- bhs rs_sready
- movem.l (a3)+,d1-d2
- cmp.l d3,d1
- beq.s rs_gots
- add.l d2,a3
- bra.s rs_loop2a
- rs_gots tst.l 20(a2)
- bne.s rs_setsample
- clr.l msm_ptr(a2)
- lea sm_SIZEOF(a2),a2
- bra.s rs_gots
- rs_setsample
- tst.w 26(a2)
- bz \norep
- tst.w 24(a2)
- bz \releaseonly
- ml a3,a0
- cq d0
- mw 24(a2),d0
- add.w 26(a2),d0
- add.l d0,d0
- cq d1
- mw 26(a2),d1
- add.l d1,d1
- bsr \repeat
- b \release
- \releaseonly
- ml a3,a0
- cq d0
- mw 26(a2),d0
- add.l d0,d0
- ml d0,d1
- bsr \repeat
- \release
- ml a3,a0
- cq d1
- mw msm_len(a2),d1
- adda.l d1,a0
- ml d2,d0
- sub.l d1,d0
- lea msm_relptr(a2),a2
- bsr \oneshot
- lea -msm_relptr(a2),a2
- b \done
- \norep
- clr.w msm_replen(a2)
- clr.l msm_relptr(a2)
- clr.w msm_rellen(a2)
- ml a3,a0
- cq d0
- mw d2,d0
- bsr \oneshot
- \done
- lea sm_SIZEOF(a2),a2
- add.l d2,a3
- bra rs_loop2a
- \oneshot
- bsr \getit
- cq d1
- \oneshot_clr
- mw d1,(a1)+
- dbra d0,\oneshot_clr
- rts
- \repeat
- cmp.w #2,d1 ; Forget these stupid little pseudo-repeats
- bhi.b \repeat_notone
- clr.w msm_replen(a2)
- b \oneshot
- \repeat_notone
- mw d1,msm_replen(a2)
- bsr \getit
- ml a1,a0
- cq d1
- mw msm_replen(a2),d1
- sub.l d1,a0
- \repeat_cpy
- mw (a0)+,(a1)+
- dbra d0,\repeat_cpy
- rts
- \getit
- mw d0,msm_len(a2)
- bz \getnothing
- add.l #BUFLEN,d0
- bsr alloc
- move.l d0,msm_ptr(a2)
- ml d0,a1
- cq d0
- mw msm_len(a2),d0
- ml 4,a6
- jl CopyMem
- ml msm_ptr(a2),a1
- cq d1
- mw msm_len(a2),d1
- add.l d1,a1
- mw #BUFLEN/2-1,d0
- rts
- \getnothing
- clr.l msm_ptr(a2)
- clr.w msm_len(a2)
- addq #4,sp
- rts
- rs_sready rts
- alloc
- push d1/a0-a1
- ml #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1
- lea rs_remember(pc),a0
- ml _IntuitionBase,a6
- jl AllocRemember
- tst.l d0
- bz rs_nomem
- pop d1/a0-a1
- rts
- * exit ********************************
- rs_free
- push a6
- ml _IntuitionBase,a6
- lea rs_remember(pc),a0
- mq #1,d0
- jl FreeRemember
- pop a6
- rts
- * interrupt ***************************
- rs_int movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
- bsr.b rs_rh
- movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
- bra p8_AudioInt
- rs_rh bsr rs_p8
- addq.w #1,rs_actcyc
- move.w rs_actspeed,d0
- cmp.w rs_actcyc,d0
- ble.s rs_addcyc
- rts
- rs_addcyc clr.w rs_actcyc
- cq d0
- mw rs_pattlinelen(pc),d0
- add.l d0,rs_trkpos
- addq.w #1,rs_patty
- bsr rs_getppatt
- tst.w rs_nextpt
- bpl.s rs_pattend
- cmp.w rs_patty,d0
- bgt.s rs_nonew
- rs_pattend clr.w rs_patty
- tst.w rs_nextpt
- bmi rs_nonextpt
- move.w rs_nextpt,rs_pointer
- bra.s rs_newpos
- rs_nonextpt addq.w #1,rs_pointer
- rs_newpos move.w rs_pointer(pc),d0
- cmp.w rs_len,d0
- bne.s rs_nonewinit
- clr.w rs_pointer
- move.w rs_speed(pc),rs_actspeed
- jsr intrepeat
- rs_nonewinit mw rs_pointer(pc),d0
- mw rs_len(pc),d1
- jsr intsongpos
- bsr rs_gettrkpos
- rs_nonew move.l rs_trkpos(pc),a0
- lea rs_pattline,a1
- move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
- move.w #-1,rs_nextpt
- rts
- rs_p8 tst.w rs_actcyc
- bnz.s rs_effects
- bsr rs_set
- bsr rs_setperiods ;FIXME - put in rs_set
- rs_effects bsr rs_effect
- lea rs_vol,a0
- lea $dff0a9,a1 ; Questionable conduct when using play8,
- cq d0 ; but it works fine...
- move.b (a0)+,d0
- mulu.w leftvol(pc),d0
- lsr.w #8,d0
- move.b d0,(a1)
- cq d0
- move.b (a0)+,d0
- mulu.w rightvol(pc),d0
- lsr.w #8,d0
- move.b d0,$10(a1)
- cq d0
- move.b (a0)+,d0
- mulu.w rightvol(pc),d0
- lsr.w #8,d0
- move.b d0,$20(a1)
- cq d0
- move.b (a0),d0
- mulu.w leftvol(pc),d0
- lsr.w #8,d0
- move.b d0,$30(a1)
- tst.b rs_filter
- bz.b rs_blink
- bclr #1,$bfe001
- rts
- rs_blink bset #1,$bfe001
- rts
- rs_set lea rs_pattline(pc),a2
- lea rs_pbuffs(pc),a3
- lea rs_samples(pc),a4
- lea rs_periods(pc),a6
- moveq #8-1,d7
- rs_ploop tst.b pb_active(a3)
- bz.b 1$
- bsr.s rs_set8
- addq.w #4,a2
- 1$ lea pb_SIZEOF(a3),a3
- dbf d7,rs_ploop
- rts
- rs_set8 moveq #0,d3
- move.b (a2),d3
- bz rs_noset
- subq.w #1,d3
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b 1(a2),d0
- lsl.w #5,d0
- lea 0(a4,d0.w),a1
- tst.l sm_length(a1)
- bz rs_noset
- push d0-d2 ; BAF - Flash the note on the display
- mb d7,d0
- mb rs_flashnotes(pc,d3.w),d1
- mb sm_vol(a1),d2
- bsr intflashnote
- pop d0-d2
- move.w d3,pb_note(a3)
- add.w d3,d3
- move.w 0(a6,d3.w),pb_period(a3)
- lea rs_vol(pc),a0
- mw d7,d0
- lsr.b #1,d0
- move.b sm_vol(a1),0(a0,d0.w)
- ml msm_relptr(a1),pb_relptr(a3)
- mw msm_rellen(a3),pb_rellen(a3)
- mw d7,d0
- ml msm_ptr(a1),a0
- mw msm_len(a1),d1
- mw msm_replen(a1),d2
- bra p8_PlaySample
- rs_noset rts
- rs_flashnotes dc.b 0,7,14,21,28,35,42,49,56,64
- dc.b 71,78,85,92,99,106,113,120,128,135
- dc.b 142,149,156,163,170,177,184,192,199,206
- dc.b 213,220,227,234,241,248
- rs_setperiods lea rs_pbuffs,a3
- mq #8-1,d7
- 1$ mw pb_period(a3),d1
- mw d7,d0
- bsr p8_SetPeriod
- lea pb_SIZEOF(a3),a3
- dbra d7,1$
- rts
- rs_effect lea rs_pattline(pc),a2
- lea rs_pbuffs(pc),a3
- lea p(pc),a4
- lea rs_periods(pc),a6
- moveq #8-1,d7
- rs_eloop tst.b pb_active(a3)
- bz.b 1$
- bsr rs_doeff
- addq.w #4,a2
- 1$ lea pb_SIZEOF(a3),a3
- dbf d7,rs_eloop
- rts
- rs_doeff moveq #0,d0
- move.b 2(a2),d0
- add.w d0,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- move.b 3(a2),d1
- move.w rs_effecttab(pc,d0.w),d0
- beq.s rs_noeff
- bmi.s rs_1eff
- jmp 0(a4,d0.w)
- rs_1eff tst.w rs_actcyc
- bne.s rs_noeff
- neg.w d0
- jmp 0(a4,d0.w)
- rs_noeff rts
- rs_effecttab dc.w 0,rs_portd-p,rs_portu-p,0,0,0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,rs_arp-p,rs_arp2-p
- dc.w 0,rs_slided-p,0,p-rs_filt,0,p-rs_slideu
- dc.w 0,0,0,p-rs_slided,0,0
- dc.w 0,p-rs_posjmp,0,p-rs_release,p-rs_cspeed,0
- dc.w rs_slideu-p,rs_volume-p,0,0,0,0
- rs_portd mw pb_period(a3),d0
- sub.w d1,d0
- cmp.w #MINPER,d0
- bhs.b 1$
- mw #MINPER,d0
- 1$ mw d0,pb_period(a3)
- mw d0,d1
- mw d7,d0
- bra p8_SetPeriod
- rs_portu add.w pb_period(a3),d1
- move.w d1,pb_period(a3)
- mw d7,d0
- bra p8_SetPeriod
- rs_arp move.w pb_note(a3),d2
- move.w rs_actcyc,d0
- move.b rs_divtab(pc,d0.w),d0
- bnz.s rs_val1
- and.w #$f0,d1 ;runter
- lsr.w #4,d1
- sub.w d1,d2
- bra.s rs_setarp
- rs_val1 subq.b #1,d0
- bnz.s rs_val2
- bra.s rs_setarp
- rs_val2 and.w #$0f,d1
- add.w d1,d2
- bra.s rs_setarp
- rs_divtab dc.b 0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2
- rs_arp2 move.w pb_note(a3),d2
- move.w rs_actcyc,d0
- and.w #3,d0
- bnz.s rs_val3
- bra.s rs_setarp
- rs_val3 subq.b #1,d0
- bnz.s rs_val4
- and.w #$f,d1
- add.w d1,d2
- bra.s rs_setarp
- rs_val4 subq.b #1,d0
- bz.s rs_setarp
- and.w #$f0,d1
- lsr.w #4,d1
- sub.w d1,d2
- rs_setarp tst.w d2
- bpl.s rs_arpok1
- moveq #0,d2
- rs_arpok1 cmp.w #35,d2
- ble.s rs_arpok2
- moveq #35,d2
- rs_arpok2 add.w d2,d2
- move.w 0(a6,d2.w),d1
- move.w d1,pb_period(a3)
- mw d7,d0
- bra p8_SetPeriod
- rs_slided move.w pb_note(a3),d2
- sub.w d1,d2
- move.w d2,pb_note(a3)
- bra.s rs_setarp
- rs_slideu move.w pb_note(a3),d2
- add.w d1,d2
- move.w d2,pb_note(a3)
- bra.s rs_setarp
- rs_cspeed and.w #$f,d1
- beq.s rs_nochange
- move.w d1,rs_actspeed
- rs_nochange rts
- rs_filt tst.b d1
- sne rs_filter
- rts
- rs_volume lea rs_vol,a0
- mw d7,d0
- lsr.w #1,d0
- add.w d0,a0
- cmp.w #$40,d1
- bgt.s rs_4567
- move.b d1,(a0)
- rs_vex rts
- rs_4567 sub.b #$40,d1
- cmp.b #$10,d1
- blt.s rs_4
- sub.b #$10,d1
- cmp.b #$10,d1
- blt.s rs_5
- sub.b #$10,d1
- cmp.b #$10,d1
- blt.s rs_6
- sub.b #$10,d1
- cmp.b #$10,d1
- blt.s rs_7
- bra.s rs_vex
- rs_6 tst.w rs_actcyc
- bne.s rs_vex
- rs_4 sub.b d1,(a0)
- bcc.s rs_vex
- clr.b (a0)
- bra.s rs_vex
- rs_7 tst.w rs_actcyc
- bne.s rs_vex
- rs_5 add.b d1,(a0)
- cmp.b #$40,(a0)
- ble.s rs_vex
- move.b #$40,(a0)
- bra.s rs_vex
- rs_release mw pb_rellen(a3),d1
- bz rs_rex
- ml pb_relptr(a3),a0
- cq d2
- mw d7,d0
- bra p8_PlaySample
- rs_rex rts
- rs_posjmp move.w d1,d0
- and.w #$f,d0
- lsr.w #4,d1
- mulu #10,d1
- add.w d1,d0
- cmp.w rs_len,d0
- bge.s rs_nojmp
- move.w d0,rs_nextpt
- jsr intrepeat
- rs_nojmp rts
- rs_gettrkpos lea rs_patterns(pc),a0
- add.w rs_pointer(pc),a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b (a0),d0
- bsr.s rs_getpattern
- move.l a0,rs_trkpos
- clr.w rs_patty
- rts
- rs_getppatt lea rs_patterns(pc),a0
- add.w rs_pointer(pc),a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b (a0),d0
- rs_getpattern lea rs_pattpts,a0
- add.w d0,d0
- add.w d0,d0
- move.l 0(a0,d0.w),a0
- move.w (a0)+,d0
- rts
- cnop 0,4
- rs_remember dc.l 0
- rs_cmformat dc.l 'CMOD',8,rs_channelmodes
- rs_extformat dc.l 'SAMP',36*32,rs_samples
- dc.l 'SPEE',2,rs_speed
- dc.l 'PLEN',2,rs_len
- dc.l 'PATT',128,rs_patterns,0
- rs_channelmodes ds.w 4
- rs_channels ds.w 1
- rs_samples ds.b 36*32
- rs_speed dc.w 6
- rs_len dc.w 1
- rs_patterns ds.b 128
- rs_pattpts ds.l 64
- rs_patty ds.w 1
- rs_trkpos ds.l 1
- rs_pbuffs ds.b pb_SIZEOF*8
- rs_pattline ds.l 8
- rs_pattlinelen ds.w 1
- rs_actspeed ds.w 1
- rs_actcyc ds.w 1
- rs_nextpt ds.w 1
- rs_pointer ds.w 1
- rs_vol ds.b 4
- rs_filter ds.w 1
- rs_oldaud ds.l 1
- rs_periods dc.w $358,$328,$2FA,$2D0,$2A6,$280,$25C,$23A,$21A
- dc.w $1FC,$1E0,$1C5,$1AC,$194,$17D,$168,$153,$140
- dc.w $12E,$11D,$10D,$FE,$F0,$E2,$D6,$CA,$BE
- dc.w $B4,$AA,$A0,$97,$8F,$87,$7F,$78,$71
- leftvol dc.w $100
- rightvol dc.w $100
- name dc.b "Oktalyzer (8 channel)",0
- errmes dc.b "Unknown Oktalyzer module variation",0
- errnomem dc.b "Not enough memory",0
- end