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- * MultiPlayer
- * Copyright (C) 1992 Bryan Ford
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * I (the author of MultiPlayer) can be contacted on the Internet at
- * "bryan.ford@m.cc.utah.edu". See "Player.doc" for other addresses.
- *
- * $Id: misca.asm,v 5.1 92/09/14 18:40:10 BAF Exp $
- *
- include "exec/types.i"
- include "exec/nodes.i"
- include "exec/interrupts.i"
- include "exec/funcdef.i"
- include "exec/execbase.i"
- include "exec/exec_lib.i"
- include "intuition/intuition_lib.i"
- include "intuition/intuitionbase.i"
- include "dos/dos.i"
- include "bry/macros.i"
- include "player.i"
- xref _LinkerDB,_SysBase,_sysflags,_procpt,_songpos,_songlen
- xref _curmod,_fadevol,_fadeinc,playervolume
- xref _sysflags,_playing,_songtime,_songendtime
- xref _spectrum,_flashactive,_flashytaskptr
- xref scopechandata,notetab,scrollline,scrolllines,_scopeinterval
- xdef intsongpos,intrepeat,intflashnote,intflashsample,intflashscroll,clearflash
- xdef _vblankint,_scopeinterval
- code text
- xref _IntuitionBase
- *** intsongpos - Set a new song position, callable from an interrupt
- * d0.w = Position in song
- * d1.w = Length of song
- * Returns ALL registers saved (convenience for internal players)
- intsongpos:
- movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1/a6,-(sp)
- lea _LinkerDB,a1
- move.l d0,_songpos(a1) ; Store the new values
- move.l d1,_songlen(a1)
- bset #SB_TIMERUP,_sysflags(a1)
- bra.s intsig
- *** intrepeat - Signal the MultiPlayer task that the module is repeating
- * Returns ALL registers saved (convenience for internal players)
- intrepeat:
- movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1/a6,-(sp)
- lea _LinkerDB,a1
- cmpi.b #PM_OVEROVER,_playmode(a1)
- beq.b intout
- bset #SB_REPEAT,_sysflags(a1)
- move.l _curmod(a1),d0
- bz.b intsig
- move.l d0,a0
- tst.w mn_volume(a0)
- bmi.b intsig
- btst #MNB_ENDFADE,mn_flags(a0)
- bz.b intsig
- move.w #128,_fadevol(a1)
- move.w #-1,_fadeinc(a1)
- bra.b intout
- intsig:
- move.l _SysBase(a1),a6 ; Signal the main task
- move.l _procpt(a1),a1
- move.l #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F,d0
- jsr _LVOSignal(a6)
- intout
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1/a6
- rts
- *** vblankfunc - Vertical blank function
- vblankfunc:
- move.l a1,a5
- tst.b _playing(a5) ; Don't do anything unless we're playing something
- bz.b \out
- move.w _fadevol(a5),d0 ; Perform any fading in progress
- bgt \fade
- \fadeback
- movem.l _songtime(a5),d0/d1 ; Update the song time
- addq.l #1,d0
- move.l d0,_songtime(a5)
- tst.l d1
- bz.b \endback
- cmp.l d1,d0
- bhs \endhit
- \endback
- subq.b #1,seccnt(a5) ; Signal the main task every second
- bz \second
- \secback
- subq.b #1,flashycnt(a5) ; Signal the main task every flash
- bnz.b \flashback
- move.b #FFperF,flashycnt(a5)
- tst.b _flashactive(a5) ; Only if flashy window is operative
- bnz \flashy
- \flashback
- \out
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- \fade
- add.w _fadeinc(a5),d0
- bz.b \fadedone
- cmp.w #128,d0
- bls.b \fadenotdone
- mq #-1,d0
- \fadedone
- move.w d0,_fadevol(a5)
- bset #SB_FADEDONE,_sysflags(a5)
- pea \fadeback(pc)
- bra.b \int
- \fadenotdone
- move.w d0,_fadevol(a5)
- exg a4,a5
- bsr playervolume
- exg a4,a5
- bra.b \fadeback
- \second: ; Signal that a second has elapsed
- move.l _SysBase(a5),a1
- move.b VBlankFrequency(a1),seccnt(a5)
- bset #SB_SECOND,_sysflags(a5)
- pea \secback(pc)
- \int:
- move.l _procpt(a5),a1 ; Signal the main task
- move.l #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F,d0
- move.l _SysBase(a5),a6
- jmp _LVOSignal(a6)
- \endhit: ; Signal that we (may be) repeating
- btst #SB_REPEAT,_sysflags(a5)
- bnz \endback
- pea \endback(pc)
- bra intrepeat
- \flashy ; Signal to update the flashy window
- mq #4-1,d0 ; Update the scope channels
- lea scopechandata+scd_SIZEOF*4(a5),a0
- \scopechan
- suba.w #scd_SIZEOF,a0
- tst.w scd_len(a0)
- bz.b \scopechandone
- move.w scd_pos(a0),d1
- add.w scd_inc(a0),d1
- bcs.b \scopechanovf
- move.w d1,scd_pos(a0)
- add.w #SCOPEWIDTH,d1
- cmp.w scd_len(a0),d1
- bhi.b \scopechanovf
- \scopechandone
- dbra d0,\scopechan
- move.l _flashytaskptr(a5),d1 ; Signal the flashy task
- bz \flashback
- move.l d1,a1
- move.l #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F,d0
- move.l _SysBase(a5),a6
- pea \flashback(pc)
- jmp _LVOSignal(a6)
- \scopechanovf ; Got to the end of the sample
- move.w scd_rep(a0),scd_pos(a0)
- bnz.b \scopechandone
- \scopechanoff ; Turn channel off
- clr.w scd_len(a0)
- bra.b \scopechandone
- *** clearflash - Clear the flashy display
- clearflash
- lea _spectrum(a4),a0 ; Clear the spectrum display
- mq #SPECTRUMRES/4-1,d0
- 1$ clr.l (a0)+
- dbra d0,1$
- clr.w scopechandata+scd_len(a4) ; Stop the scope
- clr.w scopechandata+scd_SIZEOF+scd_len(a4)
- clr.w scopechandata+scd_SIZEOF*2+scd_len(a4)
- clr.w scopechandata+scd_SIZEOF*3+scd_len(a4)
- clr.w scrolllines(a4) ; Clear the note scroller
- st.b _flashactive(a4)
- rts
- *** intflashnote - Start a new note in the spectrogram
- * d0.b = Channel (0-4)
- * d1.b = Note frequency (0-255)
- * d2.b = Volume (0-64)
- intflashnote
- push d0-d2/a0/a4
- lea _LinkerDB,a4
- tst.b _flashflags(a4)
- bz.b \out
- lsr.b #4,d1 ; Set the spectrogram
- ext.w d1
- lsr.b #1,d2
- lea _spectrum(a4),a0
- bmi \out
- cmp.b 0(a0,d1.w),d2
- bls.b \nomiddle
- move.b d2,0(a0,d1.w)
- \nomiddle
- lsr.w #1,d2
- cmp.b -1(a0,d1.w),d2
- bls.b \noleft
- move.b d2,-1(a0,d1.w)
- \noleft
- cmp.b 1(a0,d1.w),d2
- bls.b \noright
- move.b d2,1(a0,d1.w)
- \noright
- st.b _flashactive(a4) ; There's now something to display
- \out
- pop d0-d2/a0/a4
- rts
- *** intflashsample - Start a new note in the scope
- * d0.w = Channel (0-4)
- * a0 = Sample data pointer
- * d1.w = Period at which this sample will play
- * d2.w = Sample length in bytes (0 = turn channel off)
- * d3.w = Repeat part length in bytes (0 = no repeat)
- intflashsample
- push d0-d4/a1/a4
- lea _LinkerDB,a4
- tst.b _flashflags(a4)
- bz.b \outout
- ext.w d0
- cmp.w #4,d0 ; Protection
- bhs.b \out
- tst.w d1
- bz.b \out
- move.w d0,d4 ; Find the appropriate channel data structure
- lea scopechandata(a4),a1
- lsl.w #4,d4
- add.w d4,a1
- move.w d2,scd_len(a1)
- bz.b \out
- move.l a0,scd_sample(a1)
- clr.w scd_pos(a1)
- sub.w d3,d2
- bnz.b \smallrep
- mq #1,d2
- \smallrep
- cmp.w #2,d3
- bhi.b \hasrep
- mq #0,d2
- \hasrep move.w d2,scd_rep(a1)
- cmp.w scd_per(a1),d1
- beq.b \nodiv
- move.l _scopeinterval(a4),d0
- divu.w d1,d0
- move.w d1,scd_per(a1)
- move.w d0,scd_inc(a1)
- \nodiv
- * mq #SCOPEWIDTH,d0 ; Prevent static displays for short samples
- * add.w scd_inc(a1),d0
- * cmp.w scd_len(a1),d0
- * blo.b \out
- * move.w #SCOPEWIDTH,scd_inc(a1)
- \out
- st.b _flashactive(a4)
- \outout
- pop d0-d4/a1/a4
- rts
- *** intflashscroll - Change note scroller position
- * Must have already set notetab and scrollmod
- * d0.w = Current line number
- * d1.w = Number of lines in this pattern
- intflashscroll
- move.w d0,scrollline
- move.w d1,scrolllines
- st.b _flashactive
- rts
- data __MERGED
- xdef _prefs,_prefsend
- _prefs ; All the saved preferences variables
- dcxd.b playmode,PM_SEQUENCE
- dcxd.b showmode,SM_SEQUENCE0
- dcxd.w zoomwinleft,$135
- dcxd.w zoomwintop,$a
- dcxd.w progwinleft,$13a
- dcxd.w progwintop,$25
- dcxd.w prefswinleft,$3
- dcxd.w prefswintop,$23
- dcxd.w spectrumwinleft,$5
- dcxd.w spectrumwintop,$a
- dcxd.w scopewinleft,$99
- dcxd.w scopewintop,$a
- dcxd.w channelwinleft,$135
- dcxd.w channelwintop,$a
- dcxd.b flashflags,0
- dcxd.b keepprog,0
- dcxd.w tinywinleft,-1
- dcxd.w tinywintop,0
- dcxd.w qscopewinleft,$99
- dcxd.w qscopewintop,$42
- dcxd.w notewinleft,$5
- dcxd.w notewintop,$42
- dcxd.w settingswinleft,$2
- dcxd.w settingswintop,$3
- dcxd.b pausefade,1
- dsxd.b hotkey,30+1
- dcxd.w mspeed,50
- dcxd.w mvolume,100
- dcxd.w mbalance,0
- dcxd.w modfrleft,0
- dcxd.w modfrtop,0
- dcxd.w modfrwidth,0
- dcxd.w modfrheight,0
- dcxd.w progfrleft,0
- dcxd.w progfrtop,0
- dcxd.w progfrwidth,0
- dcxd.w progfrheight,0
- dcxd.w infowinleft,2
- dcxd.w infowintop,80
- dcxd.b appicon,0
- dsxd.b mainfontname,0
- dc.b "topaz.font",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; 31 bytes
- dsxd.b listfontname,0
- dc.b "topaz.font",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; 31 bytes
- dcxd.w mainfontsize,8
- dcxd.w listfontsize,8
- dcxd.w fontreqleft,0
- dcxd.w fontreqtop,0
- dcxd.w fontreqwidth,0
- dcxd.w fontreqheight,0
- dcxd.b contprogonerr,0
- dcxd.b appicona,0
- * This setting is controlled by the Nasty Audio button on the Prefs window. If set, audio channels
- * are always allocated at maximum priority, disallowing any other programs from playing beeps and
- * other sounds on top of the music.
- dcxd.b nasty_audio,0
- _prefsend
- even
- rnd ds.l 2
- _vblankint:
- dc.l 0,0
- dc.b NT_INTERRUPT,-10
- dc.l intname
- dc.l _LinkerDB
- dc.l vblankfunc
- intname dc.b "MultiPlayer VBlank",0
- seccnt dc.b 1
- flashycnt dc.b 1
- end