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- Guido
- Version 2.1
- Copyright (C) 1992 Bryan Ford
- Distribution
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Unlike MultiPlayer, Guido is NOT distributed under the General Public
- License. It is distributed under a separate copyright, with different
- distribution requirements. The distribution requirements are thus: I
- grant a license to link the library "guido.lib" into my music player
- program MultiPlayer ONLY. The Guido compiler GComp may be used to generate
- Guido user interface object files for MultiPlayer ONLY. Guido may be
- distributed ONLY with MultiPlayer, not by itself or with anything else. Any
- other use requires written permission directly from me (Bryan Ford). The
- Guido distribution must include the following files, complete and unchanged:
- Guido.doc This file
- GComp User interface specification compiler
- guido.lib Library to be linked with MultiPlayer
- guido.h Header file needed by MultiPlayer
- I know that this is a rather strange distribution requirement, but
- right now I don't have the time to put together full documentation and
- everything else needed to release Guido as I did with Bovs and MemMan. I
- eventually plan to release Guido under a license much like that of Bovs and
- MemMan (such that you will be allowed to use it freely in freely
- distributable programs, or for a small license fee in commercial programs).
- If there's sufficient interest in Guido I'll try and hurry up and release a
- really presentable version.
- In the meantime, you can use it to play with MultiPlayer's user
- interface and see how you like the language-oriented user interface design.
- What follows is a very brief (and quite outdated) section describing the
- Guido source code file format. It certainly doesn't say everything about
- Guido, but it may at least give you enough information to customize
- MultiPlayer's user interface. I'll work on full documentation some other
- time.
- File Format
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- In this section, I put actual keywords usable in GUI files in all caps
- for clarity. I have tried not to use all caps for anything but this
- purpose, so if you see a word in all caps, chances are GComp understands
- it. GComp, however, doesn't care about case, so you can do whatever you
- want in the actual GUI file.
- Type Parameters Description
- ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Byte number 8-bit signed integer. REL adds the specified number to
- REL number the last value used for this field.
- STRUCT (char)
- IMPORT (char)
- Short number 16-bit signed integer.
- REL number
- STRUCT (short)
- IMPORT (short)
- Long number 32-bit signed integer.
- REL number
- STRUCT (long)
- IMPORT (long)
- Pointer label 32-bit pointer. Providing a label without an IMPORT
- "text" keyword creates a direct reference - the address of that
- ARRAY (...) label will be used as the pointer. With IMPORT, an
- NULL indirect reference is created - the label is assumed to
- STRUCT (ptr) be a pointer variable, which is used as the pointer.
- IMPORT (ptr) The NULL keyword specifies a null pointer. See below
- for information about the ARRAY construct.
- RPointer STRUCT (ptr) Runtime pointer. Same as above, except you MUST use
- IMPORT (ptr) either STRUCT or IMPORT - no immediate modes are
- supported.
- Boolean none 1-bit flag. The presense of such a keyword, unless it
- STRUCT (long) is followed by a STRUCT or IMPORT keyword, turns the
- IMPORT (long) flag on. If a STRUCT or IMPORT keyword is used, the
- variable it refers to must be a 32-bit long int which
- is interpreted as true if it is nonzero (as in
- standard C conventions).
- Bit OR none Presense of one of these keywords causes a particular
- bit (or a number of bits) to be OR'd into a preceding
- Byte, Short, or Long value. The Bit OR type is the
- only type that does not support the STRUCT or IMPORT
- modifiers. To set these values at runtime, you must
- directly use the Byte, Short, or Long that these
- keywords OR their values into.
- A few notes about Pointers: A text string enclosed in double quotes is
- treated the same way as in C - a null-terminated string is created
- elsewhere and the pointer points to the first character of that string. An
- ARRAY is a special construct mainly for use with CYCLE and MX gadgets. If
- you enter the keyword ARRAY any place where a Pointer is expected, an array
- of other Pointers will be created and the "master" pointer will point to
- the first entry in the array. After the ARRAY keyword you may enter as
- many other immediate pointers as you want (i.e. labels, "text", NULL, even
- nested ARRAYs, but not STRUCT or IMPORT). Terminate the list with an END
- keyword.
- ~~~~~~
- Name Type Description
- ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- TITLE Pointer String to put in titlebar of window.
- SCREENTITLE Pointer Same for titlebar of screen while window is active.
- SCREEN RPointer Screen on which to open this window.
- LEFT Short Recommended left edge for window.
- TOP Short Recommended top edge for window.
- WIDTH Short Width for interior (panel area) of window.
- HEIGHT Short Height for interior of window.
- ZLEFT Short These values work the same as the above, but specify
- ZTOP Short the alternate, "zoomed" state. (This "zoomed" state
- ZWIDTH Short might actually be an iconified or shrunken state -
- ZHEIGHT Short it's really just an "alternate" state.)
- MINWIDTH Short Minimum allowed size for window. Unlike the above
- MINHEIGHT Short parameters, these DON'T get adjusted for the interior
- of the window - they specify the minimum width of the
- entire window, including border. Therefore, make them
- big enough to prevent funny things happening with
- unexpectedly large borders.
- MAXWIDTH Short Maximum allowed size for window. Defaults to basically
- MAXHEIGHT Short infinite size. Specifies window exterior, like MINWIDTH
- FLAGS Long Goes straight into NewWindow.Flags.
- The following Bit OR keywords apply to this field.
- SIZEGADGET Bit OR Makes the window sizeable.
- DRAGBAR Bit OR Makes the window draggable.
- DEPTHGADGET Bit OR Makes the window depth-arrangeable.
- CLOSEGADGET Bit OR Provides the window with a close gadget.
- SIZEBRIGHT Bit OR Puts the size gadget into the right border.
- SIZEBBOTTOM Bit OR Puts the size gadget into the bottom border.
- SIMPLEREFRESH Bit OR Application must do all refreshing.
- (Guido handles all gadget refreshing automatically
- on simplerefresh Guido panels.)
- SIMPLE_REFRESH Bit OR Synonym for above.
- SMARTREFRESH Bit OR Automatic refreshing except when window changes size.
- SMART_REFRESH Bit OR Synonym for above.
- SUPERBITMAP Bit OR Virtual bitmap; you must provide BitMap.
- SUPER_BITMAP Bit OR Synonym for above.
- BACKDROP Bit OR Puts the window in the background of the screen.
- REPORTMOUSE Bit OR Floods you with MOUSEMOVE messages.
- GIMMEZEROZERO Bit OR Creates a double-layered window.
- BORDERLESS Bit OR Creates a window without a border.
- ACTIVATE Bit OR Activates the window as soon as it opens.
- RMBTRAP Bit OR Sends right mouse button messages straight to you.
- NOCAREREFRESH Bit OR Stifles all refresh messages.
- IDCMPFLAGS Long Goes straight into NewWindow.IDCMPFlags.
- The following Bit OR keywords apply to this field.
- REFRESHWINDOW Bit OR Tells you when the window needs refreshing.
- (Always include this if you're using Guido Panels
- on simplerefresh windows.)
- MOUSEBUTTONS Bit OR Tells you about mouse clicks and unclicks.
- MOUSEMOVE Bit OR Tells you about every mouse move while your window
- is active. (Must also use REPORTMOUSE above.)
- DELTAMOVE Bit OR Use with MOUSEMOVE - gives delta values.
- GADGETDOWN Bit OR Gadget pressed messages. (MX gadgets use this.)
- GADGETUP Bit OR Gadget released messages. (Most gadgets use this.)
- MENUVERIFY Bit OR Tells you when the user wants to use the menus.
- MENUPICK BIT OR Gives information about menu selections.
- MENUHELP Bit OR Tells you when the HELP key is pressed in the menus.
- SIZEVERIFY Bit OR Tells you when the user wants to size the window.
- NEWSIZE Bit OR Tells you when the user has sized the window.
- CLOSEWINDOW Bit OR Tells you when the close gadget was pressed.
- RAWKEY Bit OR Gives you raw, unadulterated keycodes.
- VANILLAKEY Bit OR Gives you preprocessed ASCII keystrokes.
- NEWPREFS Bit OR Tells you when system preferences have changed.
- DISKINSERTED Bit OR Duhh, tells you when George Bush sneezes.
- DISKREMOVED Bit OR Tells you when somebody sights Martians.
- ACTIVEWINDOW Bit OR Tells you when your window becomes active.
- INACTIVEWINDOW Bit OR Tells you when somebody else steals the show.
- INTUITICKS Bit OR One of these every tenth of a second.
- IDCMPUPDATE Bit OR Duhh, who knows? I don't have the 2.0 manuals...
- CHANGEWINDOW Bit OR Haven't the slightest...
- BUTTONIDCMP Bit OR Include this if you use buttons.
- CHECKBOXIDCMP Bit OR Include this if you use checkboxes.
- MXIDCMP Bit OR Include this if you use MX gadgets.
- RADIOIDCMP Bit OR Synonym for above.
- CYCLEIDCMP Bit OR Include this if you use cycle gadgets.
- NUMBERIDCMP Bit OR Include this if you use number (read-only) gadgets.
- INTEGERIDCMP Bit OR Include this if you use integer (editable) gadgets.
- TEXTIDCMP Bit OR Include this if you use text (read-only) gadgets.
- STRINGIDCMP Bit OR Include this if you use string (editable) gadgets.
- LISTVIEWIDCMP Bit OR Include this if you use listviews.
- Gadgets
- ~~~~~~~
- This section lists the keywords common to all (or at least most) gadget types.
- Name Type Description
- ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- EXPORT Pointer When this gadget is created, fills in the pointer pointed
- to by this pointer with a pointer to the newly created
- Gadget, which can be used in Guido library function calls.
- WIDTH Short Size of gadget (optional).
- HEIGHT Short
- LABEL Pointer Label text for this gadget.
- LABELFLAGS Long Corresponds to GadTools' NewGadget.Flags field.
- The following Bit OR keywords go into this field.
- LABELLEFT Bit OR Right-aligns the label to the left of the gadget.
- LABELRIGHT Bit OR Left-aligns the label to the right of the gadget.
- LABELABOVE Bit OR Centers the label above the gadget.
- LABELBELOW Bit OR Centers the label below the gadget.
- LABELIN Bit OR Chucks the label smack dab in the middle of the gadget.
- HIGHLABEL Bit OR Draws the label in a more shocking color.
- ~~~~~~
- This gadget type has no extra keywords.
- ~~~~~~~~
- Name Type Description
- ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- CHECKED Boolean Pre-select the checkbox.
- CYCLE and MX (synonym RADIO)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Name Type Description
- ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- OPTIONS Pointer Points to a null-terminated array of string pointers
- defining the selection options. You can use the
- ARRAY keyword to conveniently build these arrays within
- the GUI file, or use IMPORT or STRUCT to reference
- your own arrays.
- ACTIVE Long Number of the initially active option, counting from zero.
- ~~~~
- Name Type Description
- ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- TEXT Pointer Defines the text to display initially in the text box.
- COPYTEXT Boolean If set, an internal copy of the text string is kept so
- you can free your own string after you set the text.
- BORDER Boolean If set, a beautiful sunken border appears around the text.
- ~~~~~~
- Name Type Description
- ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- STRING Pointer Defines the initial string for the string gadget. This
- string is immediately copied to an internal buffer.
- MAXSIZE Long Defines the length of the string buffer allocated.
- ~~~~~~
- Name Type Description
- ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- NUMBER Long Number to display initially.
- BORDER Boolean Draws a sunken border around the number.
- ~~~~~~~
- Name Type Description
- ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- NUMBER Long Number to use initially as the default in the gadget.
- MAXSIZE Long Maximum number of digits the user may enter.
- ~~~~~~~~
- Name Type Description
- ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- LIST Pointer Pointer to an Exec-style list to display initially.
- The strings displayed are in the ln_Name fields.
- READONLY Boolean If you set this, the listview will appear sunken and
- the user won't be able to select items.
- SHOWSELECTED Special If you use this keyword, the currently selected entry
- will automatically be shown below the listview. To
- simply display the currently selected entry, enter
- SHOWSELECTED NULL. To allow the currently selected
- entry to be edited, put a STRING gadget definition
- immediately before this one and use SHOWSELECTED PREV.
- TOPITEM Long Specifies the item number to be displayed at the top
- of the ListView list, counting from zero.
- ACTIVE Long Specifies the item number to be initially selected,
- counting from zero. Use -1 for no initial selection.
- ~~~~~~~
- Name Type Description
- ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- MULTISELECT Boolean Allows the user to select several files at once.
- SAVE Boolean Inverts the imagery and disables double-clicking.
- HAIL Pointer Text to display in the filerequester titlebar.
- OK Pointer Text to display in the OK gadget.
- CANCEL Pointer Text to display in the Cancel gadget.
- PATTERN Pointer AmigaDOS wildcard pattern - only filenames that
- get past this will get displayed.
- WINDOW RPointer Pointer to the window over which to show the
- file requester (mainly used for finding the
- screen to put it in).
- DONEMASK Long Specifies a signal mask which the filerequester
- will send you when the user has closed it (i.e.
- pressed OK or Cancel). You can use IMPORT or
- STRUCT and AllocSignal() to get a signal at
- runtime, or you can be lazy and use one of the
- Bit OR keywords below to use standard AmigaDOS
- signal bits.
- DONECTRLC Bit OR Sends you SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C when done.
- DONECTRLD Bit OR Sends you SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D when done.
- DONECTRLE Bit OR Sends you SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E when done.
- DONECTRLF Bit OR Sends you SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F when done.
- Version History
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 2.1 (R3, May 25, 1992)
- Released in GNU-ized MultiPlayer 1.30.
- Added separate copyright messages, made it at least somewhat releasable.
- 2.0 (R2, May 5, 1992)
- Released in MultiPlayer 1.20.
- Variable fonts.
- 1.0 (R1)
- Guido before the dawn of history.