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- ********************************************************************************
- *
- * MemMan
- * Version 3.0
- * Low-Memory Manager
- * Copyright 1992 Bryan Ford
- * See MemMan.doc for distribution requirements
- *
- ********************************************************************************
- * $Id$
- * Assemble with A68k version >2.71.
- include "exec/types.i"
- include "exec/lists.i"
- include "exec/ables.i"
- include "exec/memory.i"
- include "exec/libraries.i"
- include "exec/semaphores.i"
- include "exec/funcdef.i"
- include "exec/exec_lib.i"
- include "bry/macros.i"
- include "bry/memman.i"
- _intena equ $dff09a
- STRUCTURE MemManSem,SS_SIZE ; SignalSemaphore
- UBYTE mms_MemCrunch ; Flag: we're currently having a memory crunch
- BYTE mms_pad
- ULONG mms_AppCount ; Number of apps using MemMan now
- STRUCT mms_MMList,MLH_SIZE ; List we link MMNodes onto
- LABEL mms_Code ; Copied MemMan library code
- ; Structure is continued farther down... (hehe)
- code text
- xdef MMInit,MMFinish,MMAddNode,MMRemNode
- xdef _MMInit,_MMFinish,_MMAddNode,_MMRemNode
- * This code is copied into the global MemManSem structure.
- * The first six bytes are overwritten with a JMP instruction
- * whenever MemMan is not in use.
- * Immediately after that is the old AllocMem vector
- * (the last part of the JSR instruction).
- * Yup, self-modifying code - isn't it beautiful? :-)
- * This makes each AllocMem() call slightly faster and should be fine if we
- * are very careful of caching (which we are). Since the only self-modifying
- * code we use is in MEMF_PUBLIC memory, there should be no virtual or protected
- * memory problems either.
- codest:
- movem.l d0/d1,-(sp) ; Save registers (4 bytes)
- jsrinst:
- jsr $12345678 ; Call regular AllocMem() (2 + 4 bytes)
- tst.l d0
- bz.b \failed
- \out
- addq #8,sp ; Succeeded on the first try
- rts
- \failed:
- cmp.b codest-mms_Code+mms_MemCrunch(pc),d0 ; Avoid recursion from GetRidFuncs
- bz.b \out
- movem.l a2-a3,-(sp)
- DISABLE a0 ; AllocMem only requires FORBID, but the MMList requires DISABLE
- lea codest-mms_Code+mms_MemCrunch(pc),a0
- st.b (a0)
- move.l codest-mms_Code+mms_MMList+LH_HEAD(pc),a2
- move.l jsrinst+2(pc),a3
- \retry:
- move.l LN_SUCC(a2),d1 ; Traverse the list forwards
- bz.s \fin ; (kill HIGHEST priority nodes first)
- move.l mmn_GetRidFunc(a2),a1 ; Call the GetRidFunc
- move.l mmn_GetRidData(a2),a0
- move.l d1,a2 ; Find next node BEFORE call
- movem.l 8(sp),d0/d1
- jsr (a1)
- tst.l d0
- bz.b \retry
- movem.l 8(sp),d0/d1 ; Try allocating again
- jsr (a3)
- tst.l d0
- bz.b \retry
- \fin:
- move.l a0,-(sp) ; Some nasty apps rely on d1/a0/a1...
- lea codest-mms_Code+mms_MemCrunch(pc),a0
- clr.b (a0)
- movem.l (sp)+,a0/a2-a3
- addq.l #8,sp ; Pop AllocMem args off stack
- rts
- semname:
- dc.b "MemMan21",0
- ds.w 0
- codefin:
- ; Continuation of MemManSem structure (now that we know the code size)
- STRUCT mms_Code_def2,(codefin-codest)
- *** Initialize MemMan - patches AllocMem()
- * Returns:
- * d0 = Nonzero if successful, zero if failed
- MMInit:
- _MMInit:
- apush
- move.l 4,a6
- lea semname(pc),a1 ; See if the semaphore already exists
- jsr _LVOFindSemaphore(a6)
- move.l d0,semaphore
- bnz \oldsem
- \newsem:
- move.l #mms_SIZEOF,d0 ; Allocate the public memory block
- jsr _LVOAllocMem(a6)
- move.l d0,semaphore
- bz \outnomem
- move.l d0,a5
- lea mms_MMList(a5),a0 ; Initialize the data area
- move.w #1,mms_AppCount(a5)
- lea mms_Code+(semname-codest)(a5),a0
- move.l a0,LN_NAME(a5)
- lea codest(pc),a0 ; Copy the public code
- lea mms_Code(a5),a1
- move.l #codefin-codest,d0
- jsr _LVOCopyMem(a6)
- move.l a6,a1 ; SetFunction AllocMem()
- lea mms_Code(a5),a0
- move.l a0,d0
- movea.w #_LVOAllocMem,a0
- jsr _LVOSetFunction(a6)
- move.l d0,mms_Code+(jsrinst-codest)+2(a5) ; Set JSR vector
- cmpi.w #36,LIB_VERSION(a6) ; Clear the cache after setting vector
- blo.b \newsemcc
- jsr _LVOCacheClearU(a6)
- \newsemcc:
- move.l a5,a1 ; Add to system semaphore list
- move.l a5,a0 ; BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG in 1.3!!!
- jsr _LVOAddSemaphore(a6)
- bra \outok
- \oldsem: ; Semaphore was already in memory
- move.l d0,a5
- addq.w #1,mms_AppCount(a5)
- cmp.w #$4ef9,mms_Code(a5) ; See if we have to reactivate the code
- bne.s \codefine
- move.l codest(pc),mms_Code(a5) ; Restore the first six bytes
- move.w codest+4(pc),mms_Code+4(a5) ; No more or we'll trash the vector
- cmpi.w #36,LIB_VERSION(a6) ; Clear the cache after changing code
- blo.s \oldsemcc
- jsr _LVOCacheClearU(a6)
- \oldsemcc:
- \codefine:
- \outok:
- lea mms_MMList(a5),a0
- move.l a0,mmlist
- moveq #1,d0
- \out:
- apop
- rts
- \outnomem
- moveq #0,d0
- bra.b \out
- *** Uninstall our application from the memory manager
- MMFinish:
- _MMFinish:
- apush
- move.l 4,a6
- move.l semaphore,d0 ; Never successfully initialized?
- bz \out
- move.l d0,a5
- subq.w #1,mms_AppCount(a5)
- bnz.s \otherapps
- move.w #$4ef9,mms_Code(a5) ; Quick bounce with a JMP instruction
- move.l mms_Code+(jsrinst-codest)+2(a5),mms_Code+2(a5)
- cmpi.w #36,LIB_VERSION(a6) ; Clear the cache after changing code
- blo.s \cc
- jsr _LVOCacheClearU(a6)
- \cc:
- \otherapps:
- clr.l semaphore ; Safety
- \out:
- apop
- rts
- *** Add an MMNode (if it wasn't already on the MMList)
- * a1 = Pointer to MMNode
- MMAddNode:
- _MMAddNode:
- cmp.b #MMNT_LINKED,LN_TYPE(a1) ; Don't add a node twice
- bne.b mmadd
- rts
- mmadd
- move.l a6,-(sp)
- move.l a0,a6
- move.b #MMNT_LINKED,LN_TYPE(a1) ; Mark it as added
- move.l mmlist,a0 ; Add it to the global list in prioritized order
- jsr _LVOEnqueue(a6)
- move.l (sp)+,a6
- rts
- *** Remove an MMNode (only if it was on the MMList)
- * a1 = Pointer to MMNode
- MMRemNode:
- _MMRemNode:
- cmp.b #MMNT_LINKED,LN_TYPE(a1) ; Don't remove unless it was added
- beq.b mmremove
- rts
- mmremove
- clr.b LN_TYPE(a1) ; Mark it as not added
- REMOVE ; Remove it from the public MMList
- rts
- bss __MERGED
- semaphore ds.l 1 ; Pointer to public semaphore
- mmlist ds.l 1 ; Points to mms_MMList in MemManSem
- end