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- Bovs
- Version 2.0
- Bryan's Overlay Supervisor
- Copyright 1992 Bryan Ford
- Disclaimer
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
- expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranty
- of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the results,
- reliability and performance of this program is assumed by you.
- Distribution
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Bovs may be freely distributed as long as it is complete (none of the
- files listed below are left out), all of the files are unmodified, and no
- charge is made for such distribution other than a small fee to cover the
- cost of copying. (In effect, no profit may be made through distribution of
- this program). You may modify this code for your own personal use, but you
- may not distribute modified versions. (If you improve Bovs, send your
- modifications back to me and I'll incorporate them into the master, giving
- credit to you of course. This way we won't have hundreds of different
- versions of Bovs floating around.)
- You may use the object code derived from this source code, or your own
- modified version of this source code, in your own public domain, freeware,
- shareware, or otherwise freely distributable programs, as long as you
- visibly state that you used Bovs and mention the name of its author (Bryan
- Ford) somewhere in your documentation. You do not need to obtain any kind
- of license or special permission to use it in freely distributable software.
- If you want to distribute Bovs or any modified version of it, in either
- source or object form, with a commercial package, you must send me a copy
- of that commercial package as soon as it is released, as well as any major
- updates to the program released in the future. (This only applies for as
- long as the program uses Bovs.) Other than that, there is no cost for
- using Bovs in a commercial program.
- The Bovs distribution must contain the following files, complete and
- unmodified:
- Bovs.doc Bovs documentation (this file)
- Bovs.o Linkable version of Bovs (assembled with OVERLAY=1)
- Bst.o Same, without overlay support (assembled with OVERLAY=0)
- Bovs.h Header file for SAS/C programs
- Bovs.asm Source code for Bovs (A68k)
- MemMan/MemMan.doc MemMan documentation
- MemMan/memman.library MemMan runtime library
- MemMan/MemMan.o Linkable version of MemMan
- MemMan/MemMan.fd Entrypoints for memman.library
- MemMan/MemMan.h Header for C programs using MemMan
- MemMan/MemMan.i Same, for assembly language
- MemMan/MemMan.asm Source to MemMan (A68k)
- MemMan/MemManLib.asm Source to memman.library interface (A68k)
- MemMan/Macros.i Macros you'll need for the above two files
- MemMan/LMKfile SAS/C makefile for MemMan
- MemMan/test Program to test memman.library
- MemMan/test.c Source for MemMan test program
- Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Bovs (pronounced "boffs") is an overlay system designed to replace the
- standard overlay system supplied with SAS/C. It acts as both overlay
- supervisor and startup code. It provides many powerful features that the
- standard SAS/C startup code and overlay supervisor don't provide. It is
- intended especially for large and medium-size applications which need
- flexible and efficient use of memory. It is used in my Shareware music
- player, MultiPlayer. For smaller programs, there is an alternative form of
- Bovs without the overlay system, but with all of Bovs's other features.
- Bovs currently requires SAS/C's linker, BLink (or a very compatible
- linker, if there is such), to create overlaid files. However, other than
- that, SAS/C is not necessarily needed: you can write programs that use Bovs
- in assembly language or any other language that supports register arguments
- and the standard Amiga object file format.
- Programs that use Bovs can be started from Workbench or the CLI. Both
- 1.3 and 2.0 are supported, but when run under 2.0 Bovs supports automatic
- command-line parsing with ReadArgs(). If started from the CLI, Bovs
- detaches and runs your program in a separate process, freeing up the
- original CLI.
- Instead of the standard, rigidly-structured, hierarchially-organized
- overlay system that standard Amiga overlay systems use, Bovs uses a very
- flexible overlay method based on dynamic memory caching. When overlaid
- code is called, the overlay node in which it is contained is loaded in if
- necessary, and the function is called. However, overlay nodes are not
- flushed from memory when other overlay nodes at the same level are called.
- (In fact, Bovs doesn't even use overlay "levels".) Instead, they remain in
- memory and immediately available until the memory they occupy is needed for
- something else.
- This is where MemMan comes in. The Bovs distribution includes MemMan,
- a low-memory manager also written by myself, which allows programs to be
- called when any call to AllocMem() is about to fail, so they can free
- memory they don't need. (Note that while Bovs currently only supports the
- BLink that comes with SAS/C, MemMan can be used by many compilers. See
- MemMan's documentation for details.) Bovs uses MemMan to unload overlay
- nodes that aren't currently in use when the system is about to run out of
- memory. Your program can also use MemMan alongside Bovs.
- If the user of a Bovs program has lots of memory, Bovs ends up acting
- as a "delayed-loading" system, to speed up initial loading and load other
- parts of the program only when necessary. After all parts of the program
- are loaded, if the user never runs out of memory, no more loading is done
- and calls to overlaid functions are instantaneous. However, if the user
- does run out of memory, Bovs can immediately free inactive overlay nodes,
- which gives the system some extra "padding" and helps prevent
- memory-shortage problems.
- To keep track of which overlay nodes are in use and which may be freed
- on demand, Bovs uses a system of nestable locks associated with each
- overlay node. When an overlaid function is called, locking is handled
- automatically: Bovs locks the overlay node before calling the function,
- and unlocks it after the function returns. However, your program may also
- specifically lock and unlock overlay nodes to ensure that they remain in
- memory at certain times.
- Startup Code
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Before getting into Bovs's overlay management, I'll describe how Bovs
- handles startup and exit. First of all, Bovs may not be used along with
- "c.o" or any of the other standard startup code files. áBovs does not
- support SAS's standard C-style memory allocation or file handling
- functions, or any other non-trivial standard library functions. (You can
- still use string functions and such.) Bovs is, therefore, "Amiga-only."
- Bovs supports auto-detaching. When your program is run from the CLI, a
- separate process is started for your program and the original CLI is given
- back to the user. Unlike typical auto-detaching startup code, however,
- Bovs lets the program decide whether or not to detach before actually
- splitting off into a separate process. For example, MultiPlayer (which
- uses Bovs) provides a "NODETACH" command-line switch which will cause it to
- keep running in the normal CLI. If for some reason you don't even want the
- option to detach, you can reassemble Bovs or Bst with the DETACH flag set
- to 0.
- Somewhere in the non-overlaid part of your program (probably your main
- module), you'll have to define several variables containing various pieces
- of information Bovs needs during startup. I'll give the C definitions for
- these variables; for assembly language, just add an underscore ('_') before
- the variable names.
- First, you need to define a longword variable called "stack" which
- contains the stack size required for your program. Note that this value is
- only used if the program was loaded from the CLI and thus was detached from
- the original CLI process. If you want a larger-than-normal stack, make
- sure you set this variable AND the stack size specified in the Workbench
- icon for your program.
- Second, you must define a pointer variable called "progname" which is a
- pointer to a string containing the name for the process created when
- auto-detaching from the CLI. This string is also used as the program name
- when Bovs encounters a serious error and must display a message and
- terminate before ever calling your program. Like the "stack" variable,
- this is not used when the program is run from Workbench.
- Third, you need to define a longword variable called "priority" which
- contains the Exec priority level at which your program is to run. Unlike
- the above variables, this is used when your program is started from either
- the Workbench or the CLI. This priority will be in effect through both
- PreStart() and Main(). If run from the CLI without detaching, Bovs will
- automatically switch back to the CLI's original priority before exiting.
- Finally, you must define three variables which Bovs passes to AmigaDOS
- 2.0's ReadArgs() function if your program is run under 2.0. The variable
- "argtemplate" must be a pointer to a string containing the standard
- argument template. For example, part of MultiPlayer's template is
- "DIRECTORY,PLAY=MODULES/M,PROG=PROGRAM/K". The variable "argarray" must be
- an array of longwords (it's often convenient to define it as a structure in
- C) which AmigaDOS 2.0 will fill in with the parameters from the parsed
- argument template. The variable "argexthelp" must contain a pointer to an
- extended help string which will be displayed to the user as a prompt if '?'
- is entered as an argument on the command line. (If this pointer is NULL,
- the argtemplate will be used for this purpose.) I won't go into the
- details of argument parsing; Commodore's documentation should suffice.
- In addition to these six variables, you must define two functions in
- your main program. First, the PreStart() function ("@PreStart" in assembly
- language) must be defined like this:
- void __regargs PreStart(int arglen,char *argstr)
- D0 A0
- (You may omit the "__regargs" keyword if you are compiling with
- register arguments as the default.) This function will always be called
- before Main(). If your program was run from the CLI, PreStart() will be
- called before detaching, while Main() will be called after detaching. At
- this point, all other variables have been set up and the command line has
- been parsed (if your program was run under 2.0). You may call BExit() and
- BRExit() from this routine; if you do this, and your program was called
- from the CLI, you will never detach from the original CLI. Otherwise, if
- you return from this function normally, Bovs will detach if necessary and
- then call Main().
- Take MultiPlayer as an example of the use of PreStart(). It contains a
- "NODETACH/K" entry in its argument template. MultiPlayer's PreStart()
- function checks for this switch, and if the user specified it on the
- command line, PreStart() simply calls Main() immediately, and when it
- returns, it calls BExit() or BRExit(). Note that if Bovs calls PreStart(),
- unless you call BExit() or BRExit() from within that function, Bovs will
- AlWAYS also call Main() at a later point, even if it runs into a fatal
- error between the two calls. If it can't detach for some reason, it simply
- remains attached and calls Main() directly. That way, you can set things
- up (allocate memory, etc.) in PreStart() without having to worry that
- Main() will never get called for some reason.
- The Main() function ("@Main" in assembly language) is the normal
- entrypoint of your program. It must be defined like this:
- void __regargs Main(int arglen,char *argstr)
- D0 A0
- When either PreStart() or Main() is called, "arglen" contains the
- length of the unparsed command line received directly from AmigaDOS, and
- "argstr" is a pointer to that command line. (Bovs doesn't separate the
- command line into separate arguments like the standard startup code does;
- the name change from "main" to "Main" is intended to emphasize this
- difference.) If your program is called from the Workbench, "arglen" will
- contain zero and "argstr" will contain the Workbench startup message.
- Note that the raw command line is available on entry even if the
- command line was also parsed with 2.0's ReadArgs() function. Under 1.3,
- your "argarray" variable will remain unmodified and unused; under 2.0,
- you'll get both the parsed and the unparsed arguments. Bovs defines the
- long integer symbol "argsparsed" ("_argsparsed" in assembly language),
- which it sets to nonzero if the arguments were successfully parsed with
- 2.0's ReadArgs(). If you want compatibility with both 1.3 and 2.0, you
- should use the parameters in "argargarray" if "argsparsed" is nonzero;
- otherwise parse the raw command line yourself.
- When Main() is called, you don't have any standard input or output
- streams, so don't be printing error messages to nonexistant file handles.
- (You may use standard I/O from PreStart() if your program was called from
- the CLI.) However, your current directory will be whatever the current
- directory was in the CLI your program started from, or if you started from
- Workbench, the directory containing your program icon. You don't have to
- return to this directory before exiting your program, although you must not
- UnLock() it (Bovs will do that if necessary).
- When the Main() function returns, Bovs frees all resources, closes the
- executable file if it was using overlays, and ends the program with a
- return code of zero. You can also do this from anywhere in your program
- (as long as you're running from the original process Bovs started you in)
- by calling BExit() or BRExit(), described later. Remember, Bovs provides
- NO resource tracking like standard C startup code does: you must free
- anything you allocate. (Of course, Bovs will free anything it allocates.)
- Overlays
- ~~~~~~~~
- First of all, be warned that the use of Bovs overlays is not completely
- transparent. Even if you're already using overlays in your program,
- converting it to use Bovs will require a little work. How much it requires
- depends on your program. In this document, I'll assume that you are trying
- to convert a non-overlaid program into an overlaid program that uses Bovs.
- If you have already written an overlaid program, you shouldn't have too
- much trouble figuring out what you need to change.
- Your program will have to have at least one non-overlaid object file,
- as well as one or more overlaid files. You don't have to work out any
- complicated overlay call tree or anything: all the overlay nodes are on the
- same overlay "level", and any combination of them may be loaded at one
- time. Overlay nodes may even call other overlay nodes, although you will
- have to fudge a little to get around some of BLink's error checking.
- You'll have to set up a WITH file that you pass to BLink to link your
- program. In it, along with whatever other BLink options you want, supply
- an OVERLAY construct that looks something like this:
- window.o windowspec.o
- progwin.o progwinspec.o
- prefswin.o prefswinspec.o
- flashy.o flash.o flashyspec.o
- rexx.o
- #
- (This is part of MultiPlayer's WITH file.) All the object files on one
- line are linked into the same overlay node: they are loaded and unloaded
- together, and they may share data, make no-overhead calls to each other,
- and so on. Each line specifies a separate overlay node. Note that you
- should never use asterisks ('*') before the filenames, which normally
- denote overlay sublevels, as Bovs neither needs nor supports hierarchial
- overlays.
- There are certain limitations to what you can do when programming with
- overlays. First, you can't directly reference data in one overlay node
- from another overlay node, or from the root. The only exception to this
- is if you name the overlay node's data hunks "__MERGED", in which case
- BLink will merge the data into the root node's global data segment. In
- effect, the data is no longer associated with the overlay node it was
- defined in, but rather in the permanently resident root node. Compiling
- with SAS/C using the small data model will cause this to happen. You
- should avoid putting too much overlay-node-specific data into the __MERGED
- hunk, because that data will be loaded all the time the program runs, even
- when the actual overlay node isn't loaded. (To keep certain variables out
- of the __MERGED hunk under SAS/C while still using the small data model,
- just define your overlay-node-private variables as __far.)
- Bovs imposes very few restrictions on calling functions in overlay
- nodes. Any time an overlaid function is called, BLink reroutes the call
- through an entrypoint in Bovs, which loads the required overlay node if it
- isn't already loaded, locks it in memory, calls the function, and unlocks
- it when the function returns. Theoretically, functions within overlay
- nodes could call functions in other overlay nodes with no problem.
- However, BLink has some very inconvenient error checking code that won't
- let you link a program in which one overlay node calls another. (This is
- based on the assumption that loading one overlay node causes all other
- overlay nodes on the same level to be unloaded - which, with Bovs, is not
- the case.) For now, unless you find a way to hack BLink to disable this
- code (if you do, tell me how!), you'll have to create "stub" functions in
- some non-overlaid module to bounce calls back into other overlay nodes.
- Function calling conventions in Bovs are quite different from those
- used with the standard overlay manager. In particular, no stack parameters
- are allowed when calling an overlaid function from outside the function's
- overlay node (when BLink has to route the function through Bovs). This is
- because Bovs has to keep some information on the stack during the call so
- it can unlock the overlay node on returning. (It can't just "load and
- jump" like the standard overlay supervisor can.) The only parameters that
- are guaranteed to get to the called function are register parameters passed
- in A0 and A1. (In SAS/C, with register arguments active, this amounts to
- two pointer-type parameters; if you want to pass value parameters, just
- convert them them to void pointers.) In addition, the register A4 is
- passed through to allow easy use of the small data model.
- If you pass register parameters to overlay functions when using Bovs,
- you'll get a bunch of annoying but meaningless warning messages from BLink
- telling you that the register parameters will get destroyed, because it
- thinks that overlay functions are supposed to be called with stack
- parameters. For now, just let the warnings roll up your screen; I'm trying
- to get SAS to put an option in BLink to disable this checking, but so far
- I've had no luck.
- Now we get into the really unconventional bit. When an overlaid Bovs
- function is called, it actually receives one extra parameter that the
- caller never passed to it. This parameter is passed in D0 (just define it
- as a 'long' in a SAS/C function prototype), and contains a "handle" on the
- overlay node in which the function resides. This handle is only valid
- throughout that function call, unless the function locks the overlay node
- into memory with LockOverlay(), described later, before returning. A valid
- handle passed to you will never be zero (unless you are using "Bst" instead
- of "Bovs" and thus have overlays disabled - this is described later), but
- other than that you can't assume anything about what it actually is.
- At this point, you should be able to implement overlaid programs using
- Bovs. Bovs also has some extra features to make your programs sleek and
- efficient, which are described in the following sections.
- Functions
- ~~~~~~~~~
- Bovs defines a few extra functions which you may call during your
- program for various purposes. Besides these, since MemMan must also be
- linked into any program that uses Bovs, you may also call MemMan's memory
- management functions. Do not call MMInit() or MMFinish() from your program
- - Bovs does that for you. However, if you use MemMan directly, you must be
- sure to remove all MMNodes before terminating your program. (See
- MemMan.doc for details on using MemMan.)
- void BExit(void)
- void BRExit(long retcode,long retcode2)
- D0 D1
- Call one of these functions to terminate your program. BExit() returns
- with a returncode of zero; BRExit() allows you to set the return codes
- before exiting. "retcode" should be RETURN_OK, RETURN_WARN, RETURN_ERROR,
- or RETURN_FAIL (defined in dos/dos.h). if you are returning an error,
- "retcode2" should contain the secondary return code - one of the ERROR_xxx
- definitions in dos/dos.h. Note that these return codes will normally be
- "seen" only if you call BRExit() from within your PreStart() routine. If
- you call it from Main(), your program will have already been detached and
- no one will be paying attention to whatever return code you terminate with.
- (Of course, if you have reassembled Bovs with the DETACH flag set to zero,
- then the return code will always be seen by the CLI.) Calling BExit() is
- effectively the same as returning from your Main() function.
- Of course, since Bovs does no resource tracking, you must be sure to
- free all resources before calling BExit() or BRExit(). Also, they may only
- be called from the original process that Bovs gave you.
- void LockOverlay(long ovhan)
- D0
- void UnlockOverlay(long ovhan)
- D0
- Given an overlay handle passed by Bovs to one of your overlaid
- functions, LockOverlay() will lock the overlay node containing that
- function in memory. It will not be unloaded until you unlock the overlay
- node. LockOverlay() calls may be nested, and every call to LockOverlay()
- must be paired with exactly one call to UnlockOverlay(). The only
- exception to this rule is that you don't have to unlock every locked
- overlay node before your program exits: Bovs will unload all loaded overlay
- nodes before exiting, locked or unlocked. In any case, you must never try
- to unlock an overlay node that you haven't already locked.
- You may only call LockOverlay() on a given overlay handle from within
- the function that was passed the handle, or from within a sub-function that
- it calls. You MAY NOT pass an overlay handle back from an overlay function
- to the function that calls it, unless you lock it first. In other words,
- the overlay handle is only valid during the call to the overlaid function,
- unless you lock it within that function.
- When using LockOverlay() and UnlockOverlay() to ensure that a certain
- overlay node stays in memory at certain times, it is permissible for the
- main module or other overlay nodes to access the overlay node's data
- (indirectly through pointers, since direct references are not allowed), or
- to call functions in the overlay node through function pointers. This can
- be desirable, for example, if you have some function that is very
- frequently called and you don't want the slight extra overhead of running
- through the overlay supervisor every time the function is called. However,
- any time "outsiders" access a node's data or functions this way, you must
- be sure that the overlay node is always locked at the time, so it can't
- disappear on you.
- You may call UnlockOverlay() from anywhere in your program, as long as
- you are sure the overlay handle you're passing to it is valid and locked,
- and you're sure that the call will not pull out the carpet from under you
- in some way. To put it in simpler terms, an overlay node may be unlocked
- by (a) an "outsider" who has been given the overlay handle to unlock, or
- (b) a function within the overlay node which was called normally through
- the overlay supervisor (not directly through a function pointer). Since
- functions called through function pointers are not automatically locked by
- Bovs throughout the call, if such a function were to unlock the last lock
- on its own overlay node, it could be unloaded while the function is still
- running. The only time when you may unlock the last lock on an overlay
- node from within such a function is in assembly language: if the call to
- UnlockOverlay() is done with a JMP instruction, and the return address
- points to some other overlay node (or the root), the call to
- UnlockOverlay() will return directly to whatever "outsider" called the
- function in the first place, so there is no problem.
- If this all sounds a little complicated at this point, don't panic: you
- only need to worry about this if you're using function pointers called by
- external modules. If you stick to normal functions, there is not much you
- need to worry about.
- long ResCall(void *routine,void *arg1,void *arg2)
- D0 A2 A0 A1
- This function is a little gimmick that you might find useful for
- creating sleek, fast programs. It is used to call overlaid functions in a
- way slightly different than normal. If some part of the program wants to
- call a function in another overlay node, normally it makes a call normally,
- and BLink reroutes the call to go through Bovs. However, instead of
- calling the function directly, you can pass a pointer to it (which BLink
- turns into a pointer to one of its dynamically created rerouter routines)
- to ResCall, along with the parameters "arg1" and "arg2" which you would
- normally pass to the real function in A0 and A1. ResCall then calls the
- function normally, with the parameters that you specify.
- If the overlay node containing the needed function is already loaded,
- then the function is called normally, and its return value (whatever it may
- be) is passed back in D0, as usual. However, if the overlaid function is
- NOT resident, the function is not called at all, and Bovs returns with zero
- in D0 immediately, without loading the overlay node.
- Thus, ResCall provides a simple and convenient way to call an overlaid
- function only if that overlay node is already resident. I have found this
- useful in many cases, but I'll let you figure them out yourself. In any
- case, if the overlay node is resident and the function is called, all
- standard overlay function calling and locking conventions still apply.
- Bst.o
- ~~~~~
- The alternate object file "Bst.o" (pronounced "beast") can be used in
- place of "Bovs.o" if you want Bovs's startup features without its overlay
- system, or if you want to create a non-overlaid version of a program that
- is normally overlaid. Your normally overlaid functions may end up be
- called with anything (including zero) as the overlay handle parameter in
- D0, since they are not called through the overlay supervisor at all. While
- the LockOverlay() and UnlockOverlay() functions still exist in Bst, they do
- absolutely nothing. Therefore, as long as you're somewhat careful, you
- should be able to link your program in both overlaid and non-overlaid
- versions, and have it perform exactly the same either way. MultiPlayer's
- registered distribution, for example, contains both overlaid and
- non-overlaid versions of the MultiPlayer program, to best suit the user's
- preferences.
- History
- ~~~~~~~
- 2.0 (10-Apr-92)
- Removed the commercial license fee. (All I require now for commercial use is a copy
- of the commercial program when it is completed.)
- Added PreStart call to allow program to avoid auto-detachment.
- Added conditional assembly to allow Bovs to be assembled without auto-detach capability.
- Changed 'argtemplate' to be a _pointer_ to a string, not an actual string.
- Argument parsing on 2.0 now allows a client-defined extended help string ('argexthelp').
- Renamed 'procname' to 'progname'.
- Fixed a bug in setting priority when starting from Workbench.
- Added 'argsparsed' flag which is set if the arguments were parsed with 2.0's ReadArgs().
- Fixed a memory deallocation bug that could cause problems with programs linked in a
- certain (unusual) way.
- 1.0 (18-Feb-92)
- First public release.
- Contact Address
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I tend to move around a great deal, so mail sent directly to me
- sometimes has a hard time catching up. If you want mail to reach me (it
- may take a while, but it WILL reach me), send it to this address:
- Bryan Ford
- 8749 Alta Hills Circle
- Sandy, UT 84093
- I can be reached more quickly (for the time being anyway) on the phone
- or through one of the electronic mail addresses below:
- (801) 585-4619
- bryan.ford@m.cc.utah.edu
- baf0863@cc.utah.edu
- baf0863@utahcca.bitnet
- If you want to get something to me through the mail more quickly, FIRST
- call or E-mail me to make sure I'm still here, then send it to this address:
- Bryan Ford
- 27104 Ballif Hall
- University of Utah
- Salt Lake City, UT 84112
- Enjoy!