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- /* C version of TellEd, version 2.0, by Ed Mackey */
- /* This is a program demonstrating how to call EdPlayer withOUT the
- use of ARexx. Do NOT use this method on ANY other program besides
- EdPlayer. For information on creating true AREXX messages, please
- see your ARexx manual. */
- /* This is for the Aztec Manx C compiler */
- /* and is dedicated to all those MegaBall fans
- who gave me the money to buy it... */
- #include <functions.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include "edplayer.h"
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- UBYTE *argv[];
- {
- long mypri,lp,retval; /* Init some variables */
- char *daa;
- char *dbb;
- struct MsgPort *myport, *mynewport;
- struct Message *mymsg;
- struct EdMessage sndmsg, *EdPmsg;
- retval = 21; /* Error if something goes wrong */
- if (argc != 2) {
- printf("Usage: %s \"<Edplayer command>\"\n",argv[0]);
- } else {
- sndmsg.result = 0l; /* Always init results to 0 */
- sndmsg.result2 = 0l;
- (char *)sndmsg.EdCommand = (char *)argv[1]; /* load up command */
- printf("Telling EdPlayer to %s.\n",argv[1]);
- mypri = 0;
- mynewport = CreatePort(NULL,mypri); /* Make a replyport */
- sndmsg.MainMess.mn_Length = 44;
- sndmsg.MainMess.mn_ReplyPort = (struct MsgPort *)mynewport;
- Forbid(); /* MULTITASKING = OFF, so EdP doesn't trick us */
- myport = FindPort((char *)"EDPLAYER");
- if (myport == NULL) {
- Permit(); /* MULTITASKING = ON */
- printf("Could not find EdPlayer in system. Please run it.\n");
- } else {
- PutMsg(myport,(struct Message *)&sndmsg); /* SEND THE MSG! */
- Permit(); /* MULTITASKING = ON */
- mymsg = WaitPort(mynewport); /* Wait for it..... */
- mymsg = GetMsg(mynewport); /* Get the returned message */
- EdPmsg = (struct EdMessage *)mymsg;
- retval = EdPmsg->result;
- printf("Returned %d: ",retval); /* Tell user the number */
- switch (retval) { /* Tell user what the # means... */
- case 0 : printf("All OK.\n"); break;
- case 4 : printf("Can't give result. Use ARexx (AskEd) not cteled.\n"); break;
- case 5 : printf("Incorrect password for PP-encrypted file.\n"); break;
- case 6 : printf("No program.\n"); break;
- case 7 : printf("Illegal JUMP.\n"); break;
- case 8 : printf("Music STOPped, can't continue.\n"); break;
- case 9 : printf("Nothing to PLAY!\n"); break;
- case 10 : printf("Syntax error.\n"); break;
- case 11 : printf("Can't allocate serial port for MIDI.\n"); break;
- case 12 : printf("File not found.\n"); break;
- case 13 : printf("Can't find LIBS:powerpacker.library.\n"); break;
- case 14 : printf("Disk error.\n"); break;
- case 15 : printf("Out of CHIP memory.\n"); break;
- case 16 : printf("Unknown module type, or corrupted module!\n"); break;
- case 17 : printf("Can't find LIBS:rexxsyslib.library.\n"); break;
- case 21 : printf("EdPlayer is exiting, command ignored.\n"); break;
- default : printf("Unknown error! Please upgrade to a newer version of cteled.\n");
- };
- DeletePort(mynewport); /* Kill the replyport */
- }
- }
- exit(retval); /* Tell AmigaDOS all about it, too */
- }