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- ============================================================================
- A R E X X / T E L L E D S E C T I O N
- ============================================================================
- This section describes EdPlayer commands which can be issued from ARexx,
- or from programs like telled/cteled. I'll try to explain it so that even
- people who are not familiar with ARexx can use the commands.
- EdPlayer has a special message port. This port is more than an ARexx port,
- because it can accept both ARexx messages and special "EdPlayer" messages
- in the same port. The reason for this is that some unfortunate people
- using OS1.3 still don't have ARexx! What are you guys waiting for??
- Anyway, included in this archive are two programs and their respective
- source codes, called "Telled" (Telled.asm) and "cteled" (cteled.c). The
- two are almost identical: Telled was written in Assembly, being as SMALL
- as possible, for easy use in script files. Cteled was written in Aztec C,
- and is somewhat larger because it actually returns error messages on the
- screen. Both of these programs transmit the special "EdPlayer" messages so
- that ARexx is not required. Their source codes are provided in case you
- want to write your own programs that transmit these messages. However, it
- is strongly recommended that you look up in your ARexx manual the proper
- way of sending true ARexx messages, so that you know how to send messages to
- other ARexx applications, not just EdPlayer.
- In EdPlayer 2.0, two new programs appear in the archive: "AskEd.rexx" and
- "wport" (wport.c). AskEd.rexx is an ARexx script that should be used to
- send the ARexx queries. EdPlayer cannot return a result (other than an
- error) to telled and cteled, so you must use "rx AskEd <query>" to get
- responses from EdPlayer. Wport is a little program I wrote that waits
- for the EDPLAYER message port to appear. This is very useful for scripts
- that launch EdPlayer and immediately try to send it commands; these scripts
- should wait (with wport) for EdPlayer to set up its message port first.
- See wport.c (it's commented) for info on how to use wport.
- For those of you making script files: If you have ARexx, you'll almost
- certainly want to make ARexx scripts instead of CLI scripts. For that, use
- an "address 'EDPLAYER'" type command. Again, see your ARexx manual for
- more details. NOTE: rexx:Startup.EdP (the startup script)
- should ** NOT ** contain an "address 'EDPLAYER'" command! It automatically
- addresses a special startup message port, so that programs waiting with
- wport or whatever don't mix their messages in before the startup script
- completes. ANYWAY, for you people without ARexx, you're stuck making CLI
- scripts! For this, use "telled" or "cteled" as described here: NOTE!: the
- parameters are different. Telled does NOT use quotes, while cteled DOES:
- >>>> telled PLAY mod.cream of the earth
- ;Note that telled NEVER needs any quotes no matter how many spaces are
- ;in the line.
- >>>> cteled "PLAY mod.cream of the earth"
- ;Note that cteled NEEDS quotes, and all parameters go in the SAME
- ;set of quotes, because EdPlayer will parse it, NOT cteled.
- >>>> telled play mod.cream of the earth
- ;NEW for EdP v1.1: Commands are no longer case-sensitive,
- ;EXCEPT the parameter on the "MIDL" command which needs to be
- ;case-sensitive for looking up a midi_destination.
- telled "PLAY mod.test module" ;telled NEVER needs quotes
- X X
- cteled "PLAY" "mod.test module" ;put ALL in one set of quotes
- X X
- Well, I hope you can get the hang of that. There should be some example
- scripts in the archive, for more examples of sending commands.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now it's time for a complete list of commands. Note that you may give ANY
- of these commands to EdPlayer by (1) using the CLI/Shell to issue "telled"
- or "cteled" as shown above, or (2) send the commands via ARexx to the ARexx
- port "EDPLAYER" (port name is all caps).
- I'll list the commands in the order they were created.
- *** New for 2.0: Some commands are no longer 4 letters. However, only the
- first 4 letters of ANY command are needed. Users complained that they
- wanted to type "pause" instead of "paus", "eject" instead of "ejec",
- etc. You can now do this (a) for commands that need no parameters
- (this was actulally an undocumented feature in previous versions),
- and (b) for commands that accept numbers as parameters. You may
- NOT do it for commands that accept text as a parameter, such
- as LOAD, PLAY, JUKE, and MIDL. These commands still need to be
- only 4 letters long, with ONE SPACE between them and their parameter.
- (An exception is the MESS command, which can be extended to MESSAGE).
- Commands are presented with the first four letters capitalized. These
- letters are the only ones used by EdPlayer to identify the command.
- Any letters after them are optional, they are there just to make
- script files more readable. For example, the command presented as "MESSage"
- may be sent to EdPlayer as "mess", as "message", or even as
- "messInTheHall". EdPlayer only looks at the first 4 letters.
- Parameters in [<brackets>] are optional.
- Parameters in <these things> are required!
- LOAD <filename>
- This command is used to load a module into EdPlayer. EdPlayer
- automatically figures out what module type it is, but does not yet
- start to play it. This command can NOT be used with programs! It
- erases the current program. If you want to use programs, see JUKE
- below. Anyway, LOAD will wait until the module finishes loading
- before it returns, so it can report if there was an error or not.
- Note: ALWAYS use a FULL PATH with LOAD, because the current
- directory of EdPlayer may not match the current directory of the
- program sending the command.
- NEW for EdP v1.1: If you want to load a PP encrypted module, you
- can do this: LOAD volume:path/modulename|password
- (Please note the LACK of spaces around the "|").
- If you don't give a password when needed, a password requester opens.
- query: see ANAM.
- PLAY [<filename>]
- This command can be used with or without the parameter. If it is
- given with no parameter, it will attempt to play the current song.
- If there is a parameter, it will call LOAD first, and then PLAY.
- This command will wait for the module to load, so it can report
- errors like LOAD does, but it will return once the song begins to
- play. Note: This is NOT the same as the PLAY button on the CD,
- because there is no PAUSE feature here.
- *** NEW for EdP v2.0: If there is no current song, and no parameter,
- but there IS a current program, PLAY will grab a name from the
- program and use it. To launch a program, I recommend PJUM, not PLAY.
- see PAUS, CONT, PJUM, and NEXT. query: see ANAM.
- Stops the music immediately, just like the STOP button.
- Ejects the current song, un-loading it from your CHIP mem.
- (Just like the EJECT button!) Does nothing to your program.
- see ERAS
- VOLUme <volume>
- Sets the music's volume, and affects the volume slide on the CD
- player panel. <volume> can be an integer from 0 to 64.
- The default is 64, the loudest.
- see FADE. query: see AVOL.
- PAUSe [<rate>]
- This will pause the music. If there is no parameter, the music will
- pause immediately. If there is a <rate>, then the music will fade
- to a pause. Common <rate>s are: 1 = Very slow, 2 = slow,
- 4 = initial default fade rate from CD panel, 8 = medium fast, 16 =
- fast. Integers from 1 to 32 usually work OK. NOTE: Entering a new
- PAUSE rate may not affect the end-of-song fade-out rate, BUT, it
- WILL set a new default for the panel's rate for everything. So next
- time someone uses the panel to fade something, it will happen in the
- last-used <rate>. This side-effect on the panel goes for ALL
- EdPlayer commands that use <rate>, such as CONT, AUTO, FADE, etc.
- see CONT.
- CONTinue [<rate>]
- This will make the music continue, if it has been PAUSed. If no
- <rate> is given, the rate from the last PAUS will be used. For a
- description of <rate>s, see PAUS.
- FADEout [<rate>]
- This is for fading the song to a STOP. You cannot continue after
- this!! The <rate> works like in PAUS, except that if it is not
- specified, it defaults to 4, taking the panel's rate to 4 along
- with it, probably. (Yet another feature that needs testing!)
- NOTE: In program mode, at the end of a FADE, the next song is
- loaded and played. I often send this command when I'm bored
- with one song and want to move to the next in a non-abrupt way.
- AUTOfadeout [<rate>]
- This command is for automatically getting a song (or program) to
- stop at the end (this is the default when EdPlayer starts). If no
- <rate> is specified, the song will stop immediately when it reaches
- the end, otherwise, the song will loop and start to fade to a stop
- at the specified <rate>. During programs, it will set the fade-out
- rate at the end of each song, as well as telling the program not
- to loop. If you set this rate but still want your program to loop,
- just issue a LOOP command afterwards. For a descripton of <rate>s,
- see PAUS. query: see AFAD.
- The current song or program will loop and keep playing, instead of
- stopping, when it reaches the end. This is the opposite of AUTO.
- query: see ALOP.
- This has the same effect as pressing the "Power" button: The
- current song STOPs, gets EJECted, the program is erased, and then
- EdPlayer exits the system, all very quickly. It's a good idea to
- ask the user if he/she wants this before you send a KILL command.
- JUMP <position>
- This is an interesting command. It tells EdPlayer that on the next
- position change (a position currently shows up as "POS" on the
- CD panel), the music should jump to the specified position rather
- than just proceeding to the next one. My brother created a perfect
- example of what this can be used for: He wrote a module (in MED)
- that had several sections, each section ending in a $B command for
- looping. Then he turned EdPlayer's LOOP on, and in a DeluxeVideoIII
- presentation, had EdPlayer start playing this song. Of course, it
- got caught in the first looping section. But then, as the
- presentation continued (it was more like a game actually), he sent
- JUMP commands to EdPlayer to play the different sections. As the
- user moved from one part to the next, the music changed to match the
- current place in the game. It was a really neat effect. Anyway, if
- this DVideo game ever becomes playable, I'm sure he'll distribute
- it....
- *2.0*> ...NOT!!
- My brother lost interest in DVideo after a few months and moved on...
- see SJUM. query: see APOS, ATOT.
- SELFdestruct [<rate>]
- This command works exactly like AUTO, except that at the end of the
- song's fade-out, EdPlayer KILLs itself (exits the system). I don't
- think I ever updated this command for use with programs, because
- quite frankly I never found a use for it myself. If you use it, and
- want it updated, tell me!
- (Updating would mean having it wait for the end of a program, rather
- than the end of a song, before the self-destruct.)
- query: see ASEL.
- NORMalmode
- This command is kind of left over from previous versions. If you
- have an NTSC machine, this runs the NTSC command, and if you have
- a PAL machine, this runs the PALM command.
- see NTSC, PALM. query: see ATEM.
- NTSCmode
- This command is here for those old NoiseTracker mods that sound
- better when played at the NTSC tempo (sped up a bit). Most mods
- use PAL timing, and ALL ProTracker mods use PAL. MED mods are not
- affected by PALM and NTSC.
- see NORM, PALM. query: see ATEM.
- PALMode
- This command sets the tempo to PAL timing, which is now the
- default for EdPlayer.
- see NORM, NTSC. query: see ATEM.
- This command will bring up EdPlayer's CD-like control panel if it's
- not visible, and redraw it if it is. The EdPlayer version
- information will be re-displayed. Whether or not EdSynth appears
- at the same time depends on the most recent SYNT command.
- see ICON, HIDE, SYNT. query: see AMOD, ASYN.
- ICONify
- This command will close the CD display and create the iconified WB
- window that also appears when someone presses the "ICONIFY" button
- or starts EdPlayer with the -i option. Selecting this WB window
- and pressing the right mouse button will bring back the CD panel.
- see MENU, HIDE. query: see AMOD.
- This command will remove EdPlayer's user interface altogether, as if
- you had started EdPlayer with the -h option. This allows WB to be
- closed if necessary, but is not really recommended because the user
- has no way to undo this using the mouse alone. It can only be
- undone with the MENU or ICON commands, above.
- see MENU, ICON. query: see AMOD.
- This is for direct MIDI on MED modules. If any midi.library
- resources have been allocated, they are deallocated and the library
- is closed. Then, EdPlayer tries to allocate the serial port for
- direct MIDI output, using the default MED MIDI routines. This is
- the mode that the MIDI button on the panel uses. Safe to call even
- when a module is playing, because a playing MED module will be
- paused VERY briefly during the allocation & init of the MIDI stuff.
- see NOMI, MIDL. query: see AMID.
- NOMIdi
- NO MIdi. Deallocates any and all MIDI-related resources, such as
- the midi.library or serial port. Safe to call even when a module
- is playing.
- see MIDI, MIDL. query: see AMID.
- MIDL [<midi_destination>]
- (Don't put extra characters on the end of the MIDL command).
- MIDi.Library. If you own the midi.library by Bill Barton, you can
- use this command to take over MED's MIDI output: Instead of
- allocating and directly controlling the serial port, EdPlayer will
- attempt to open the midi.library and create a "midi source" called
- EDPLAYER. Then, if there is a parameter, EdPlayer will try to make
- a "Midi Route" from its source to a destination of the name
- specified in the parameter. This means that if you do NOT give a
- parameter, you must create your own route with a Patch Bay before
- anything can happen. The "standard" use of this command would be
- "MIDL MidiOut" because MidiOut is the standard midi.library output
- to the serial port. However, there are more useful options if you
- are multitasking with other applications that use midi.library, and
- want to recieve MIDI data from EdPlayer. For instance, if you had a
- MIDI monitor called "MidiMon", you could send Edplayer a
- "MIDL MidiMon" to monitor EdPlayer's MIDI output. Like the other
- MIDI commands, it is safe to call MIDL even when a module is
- playing, and MIDL works differently based on what resources are
- already allocated. For instance, if the serial port is allocated
- when you call MIDL, it will be dumped so that midi.library can open.
- Also, if midi.library was ALREADY open, MIDL won't close or re-open
- it or the EDPLAYER midi_source. It will, however, erase the old
- midi route and make a new one, because routes can become useless if
- their destination disappears.
- NOTE that MIDL's parameter is CASE-SENSITIVE!
- Use MidiOut, not MIDIout etc.
- see MIDI, NOMI. query: see AMID.
- PREVious
- EJECts current song, moves to previous song in program, and tries to
- load AND PLAY it. PREV waits for the load to complete before
- returning, so it can result in all the usual load errors (file not
- found, out of mem, etc.) as well as the "no program" error. Note
- that the PREV "|<" button on the panel does not work exactly like
- this, because it does not automatically try to load and play.
- see NEXT, JUKE, PJUM. query: see APRG.
- Like PREV, but moves to NEXT program selection instead of
- previous one. NOTE: If RANDOM mode is ON, then this command will
- send you to a random song!
- NOTE: This command used to be used for starting programs. I now
- recommend using PJUM with no parameters to start programs. See
- PJUM for the reasons.
- see PREV, JUKE, PJUM, RAND. query: see APRG.
- JUKE <filename>
- (Don't put extra characters on the end of the JUKE command.
- For instance, "Jukebox" is NOT a command).
- This is the way to make EdPlayer programs from an ARexx or CLI
- (telled) script. Each call to JUKE adds the one <filename>
- parameter to the end of the current program. It's a good idea to
- include the full path in this filename, because EdPlayer's current
- directory may not be the same one that the script file with the
- JUKEs is executing from. Once a program is created (by a series of
- "JUKE"s), the program can be started by a call to "PJUM".
- NEW for EdP v1.1: If you want to load a PP encrypted module, you
- can do this: JUKE volume:path/modulename|password
- (Please note the LACK of spaces around the "|").
- If you don't give a password for a mod that needs it, a password
- requester opens each time the mod is loaded. If you give a wrong
- password, you will get error #5, and no requester opens.
- see PREV, NEXT
- * NEW COMMANDS in EdP v1.1: *
- DCOLor <decrunch color>
- If you have powerpacked modules, and if you're *NOT* using
- PowerPatch or some such stuff, then you can control the effect
- displayed by powerpacker.library when decrunching your files.
- Possible <decrunch color>s are the same as PP.lib uses:
- 0 = flash palette 0 on all screens
- 1 = flash palette 1 on all screens (EdPlayer's default)
- 2 = flash the mouse pointer
- 3 = do WEIRD FUNNY THINGS with the screen (I don't like this one)
- 4 = NO decrunch effect. It just sits there, quietly decrunching.
- query: see ACOL.
- Nobody asked for this command, but I thought it would be more than
- useful... It erases the current program. POOF. Gone.
- It does nothing to the current song however, so I suggest calling
- both ERAS and EJEC if you want a clean sweep!
- query: see APTO.
- *** NEW COMMANDS in EdP v2.0: ***
- * The PLAY command changed a bit. Now, if PLAY is issued with no
- parameters, and there is no current song, PLAY will look in the current
- program before giving up. However, to start program scripts, I recommend
- PJUM over play.
- FREQuester <frq number>
- File Requester preference. If you have more than one recognised
- file requester in your LIBS: directory, this command lets you
- pick which one you want to use. To get <frq number>, pick a
- LIBRARY NUMBER from below, and add to that number any
- LIBRARY FLAGS you want.
- LIBRARY NUMBERS: (choose one of these numbers)
- 0 = kd_freq.library
- 16 = req.library
- [others like asl.library may appear in future versions]
- LIBRARY FLAGS: (add none/some/all of these to above chosen #).
- 1 = No shadows under text. (affects: kd_freq.library)
- 2 = Use default size, not big size (affects: kd_freq.library)
- [more flags may appear in future versions]
- For example, to use kd_freq.library with no shadowtext and a big
- window, use (library #0) + (flags #1) = 'FREQ 1'.
- query: see AFRQ.
- SAVC <filename>
- Save current program as a CLI script.
- Don't put extra characters on the end of the SAVC command.
- This takes the current EdPlayer program, and saves it to disk as
- <filename>. WARNING: There are no requesters or such if saving
- the program with this name would overwrite an existing file.
- Please be careful. To load a program saved with SAVC, make sure
- that the program "telled" is in your path, and from CLI type:
- execute <filename of program to load>
- Note that these programs do not load as fast as programs
- saved with SAVA.
- Also note that the status of the LOOP and RANDOM LEDs are saved
- with the program.
- see SAVA.
- SAVA <filename>
- Save current program as an ARexx script.
- Don't put extra characters on the end of the SAVA command.
- This does almost the same thing that SAVC does (and hence the same
- WARNING applies), but to load the saved program requires ARexx,
- and is done like this:
- rx <filename of program to load>
- Also, if you want to load a program and start playing from
- song number 16 (for example), you can say:
- rx <filename> 16
- Generally, these programs should be saved to the REXX: directory
- with names ending in .rexx, like this: "SAVA REXX:myprogram.rexx"
- For programs with 40 songs or more, the speed increase of loading
- SAVA programs over loading SAVC programs becomes quite noticable.
- Also note that the status of the LOOP and RANDOM LEDs are saved
- with the program.
- see SAVC.
- PJUMp [<song number>]
- This command has two functions. One is jumping to arbitrary songs
- in a program. When the <song number> is provided, the current song
- stops immediately, and EdPlayer goes to the specified song in the
- program and plays from there. Note that if the <song number> is 0,
- EdPlayer will stop the program and set the current song to "--",
- where it waits for more input.
- The other function this command does, is when no <song number>
- is provided, EdPlayer just tries to get some music from a program
- up and playing. I'm sorry this is such an obvious kludge to make
- a nice command to put at the end of program scripts, but it was
- needed. The main difference between this and the new PLAY command,
- is that this command is satisfied as soon as music is playing.
- So, if a song is already playing when you issue PJUM, then PJUM
- has no effect, whereas PLAY would reset the song to the beginning.
- Also, if a song played and stoped, and THEN a program was loaded,
- a PJUM at the end of the program script would eject the stopped
- song and move into the program, whereas a PLAY in that place would
- have played the current song a second time. As you can see, it
- is much better to have a PJUM at the end of your program scripts
- than a PLAY. PJUM is used by SAVC and SAVA in saved program files.
- see PLAY, SAVC, SAVA. query: see APRG, APTO.
- SJUMp <position>
- SuperJUMP. This command is like JUMP, but its effect is immedeate,
- rather than delayed until the next position change. With this
- command, you can instantly jump to any position in the song.
- (Actually, its effect is delayed until the next line change, but
- lines usually go by so fast no one should notice this).
- see JUMP. query: see APOS, ATOT.
- FILTer <filter>
- This controls the audio filter and whether or not EdPlayer will
- override the song's control it. For <filter>, use one of these:
- 0 = Override turned ON, filter turned OFF.
- 1 = Override turned ON, filter turned ON.
- 2 = Override turned OFF, filter turned OFF.
- 3 = Override turned OFF, filter turned ON.
- 4 = Override turned OFF. (no effect on filter).
- query: see AFIL.
- DISPlaymode <displaymode>
- This controls the display mode. Select a number from each:
- TABLE 1:
- 0 = Prg#, Pos, Total display
- 1 = Line, Pos, Patt display
- 2 = Time (with AM/PM) display
- 3 = Date (month/day/year) display
- TABLE 2:
- 0 = VU meters 0,1,2,3 (Left, Right, Right, Left)
- 4 = VU meters 0,3,2,1 (Left, Left, Right, Right)
- 8 = Spectrum Analyzer
- Pick one choice from Table 1, and one choice from Table 2.
- Then, ADD their numbers together! That gives you the
- number to put next to the DISP command. For example, if
- you wanted a Spectrum Analyzer with Line/Pos/Patt display,
- you would add 8 and 1 to get 'DISP 9'.
- query: see ADIS.
- MCOLor <0 or 1>
- This tells EdPlayer whether or not to try to extract
- RGB color info from MED mods and apply it to the CD panel.
- This will not work on mods older then MED 3.20.
- 0 = normal colors, 1 = extract MED mod colors.
- NOTE: Obviously, some remapping of the colors is done, so
- that colors that look good in MED will usually look ok on
- EdPlayer as well.
- This command has no effect on NT/PT mods or MED mods without RGB.
- query: see MCOL.
- RANDom <0 or 1>
- This turns random mode on (1) and off (0) for the current program.
- This setting is saved with a program when you use SAVC or SAVA.
- When random mode is on, songs play in random order, and the NEXT
- command goes random places, as does the ">|" gadget on the panel.
- If the current program is larger than 5 songs, EdPlayer keeps
- track of the last 4 songs selected by the random fuction,
- and makes sure it does not play the same song twice in a row.
- see NEXT. query: see ARND.
- MESSage [<message>]
- This is a very simple command, that I added mostly because it only
- took about 20 bytes to program it :-). It takes whatever <message>
- you give it, and displays it in the scroll bar under the CD panel.
- If the panel is not open, this command does nothing. If no
- <message> is provided, it displays the song name & author info.
- NOTE that you can add colors and things to your message with the
- "special effects" characters listed in the BUTTONS section under
- Info Bar.
- query: see ANAM.
- LPRIority <pri>
- This controls what EdPlayer's task priority will be while
- loading or decrunching a song. It only accepts 0 or
- negative numbers as input. The default is 0, but you
- could change this to -5 or such if you wanted EdPlayer
- not to strangle the CPU during a mod decrunch. BEWARE,
- if you multitask EdPlayer with a Ray Tracer, Fractal
- Generator, or some other CPU-intensive task while this
- priority is negative, EdPlayer may not be able to get
- any CPU time to load the next module with!! EdPlayer
- would then freeze until the ray trace was done. So, new
- users are advised to keep their hands off this one.
- If you already know about Amiga task priorities, then
- you can change this, but please be careful.
- query: see APRI.
- SWAIt [<pos>]
- Song wait.
- This is a VERY cpu-friendly way to wait for a song to finish or
- reach a certain point. Any script that sends an SWAI will then
- wait until EdPlayer returns the SWAI (careful, there is no
- Ctrl-C or anything to get out of this, but pressing STOP on
- EdPlayer will do the trick). EdPlayer returns an SWAI when
- EdPlayer's position in the current song reaches or passes the
- <pos> given by the SWAI. If the <pos> is higher than the highest
- position in the song, or if no <pos> was given, EdPlayer hangs
- on to the SWAI until the song ends. If the current song ends,
- for _ANY_ reason, _ALL_ remaining SWAI messages are returned.
- You may have any number of SWAI and PWAI messages queued up in
- EdPlayer at the same time; normal ARexx/telled message processing
- will continue for other scripts.
- see: PWAI. query: see APOS, ATOT.
- PWAIt [<song>]
- Program Wait.
- This is a VERY cpu-friendly way to wait for a program to finish or
- reach a certain song. Any script that sends a PWAI will have
- to wait until EdPlayer returns the PWAI (careful, there is no
- Ctrl-C or anything to get out of this, but erasing the program on
- EdPlayer will do the trick). EdPlayer returns a PWAI when
- the current program reaches or passes the given <song> number.
- (NOTE: For random programs, PWAI is almost useless). If the
- <song> number is higher than the highest song in the program,
- or if no <song> was given, EdPlayer hangs on to the PWAI until
- the program ends. If the current program ends or gets erased,
- _ALL_ remaining PWAI messages are returned.
- You may have any number of SWAI and PWAI messages queued up in
- EdPlayer at the same time; normal ARexx/telled message processing
- will continue for other scripts.
- see: SWAI. query: see APRG, APTO.
- SYNTh <0 or 1>
- Controls the appearence of EdSynth.
- 0 = hidden, 1 = displayed
- This command takes effect instantly if EdPlayer's CD panel is
- already open. However, if the panel is NOT open, this command
- merely records whether EdSynth will be there the next time the
- panel is opened. A description of EdSynth is in the BUTTONS section.
- see: MENU query: see ASYN.
- ============================= ARexx queries: ===============================
- This is the ARexx query part of the AREXX/TELLED section. To use queries,
- you MUST have ARexx running, because all queries return RexxArg strings.
- To send a query from an ARexx script, use OPTIONS RESULTS and read
- the variable RESULT after the query returns. To send a query from the
- CLI while ARexx is running, use the provided AskEd.rexx script. Ex:
- rx AskEd <query>
- That will print the result in your CLI window. AskEd.rexx is also a good
- example of how to put queries in your own scripts.
- NOTE: ARexx queries do NOT work through telled or cteled, because those
- programs do not make use of ARexx.
- Ask Name. This returns the name and author info of the current
- song. NOTE: This is NOT to be used as a filename! It may have
- author info in it.
- AVOLume
- Ask Volume. Returns the current volume.
- see VOLU.
- Ask Faderate. Returns the current fade rate, or 0 for no fade.
- the result from this may be used in a later AUTO command.
- see AUTO. Other queries: see ALOP.
- Ask LOOP. Returns 1 if LOOP is on, or 0 if LOOP is off.
- see LOOP, AUTO. Other queries: see AFAD.
- ASELfdestruct
- Ask Self-Destruct. Returns 1 if EdPlayer plans to kill itself after
- the current song finishes, or 0 otherwise.
- see SELF.
- ATEMpo
- Ask Tempo. Returns a string: NTSC or PALM. This string may later
- be passed as a command to restore the tempo to what it was when ATEM
- was issued.
- Ask Mode. Returns a string: MENU, ICON, or HIDE. This string may
- later be passed as a command to restore the user interface to what
- it was when AMOD was issued.
- see MENU, ICON, HIDE. Other queries: see ASYN.
- Ask MIDI. Returns 0, 1, or 2. 0 = No MIDI is active, 1 = MIDI is
- going direct to the serial port, and 2 = MIDI is going into the
- midi.library (via MIDL).
- ACOLor
- Ask color. Returns the decrunch color to be used by powerpacker.
- This number may later be used in DCOL to restore the color.
- see DCOL.
- Ask file requester. Returns the last number sent to FREQ (0 is
- the default).
- see FREQ.
- AFILter
- Ask filter. Returns a number from 0 to 3, showing the status
- of the filter and the filter override. This number may later be
- used in FILT to restore the filter and its override.
- see FILT (for the meanings of the numbers 0 to 3 here).
- ADISplay
- Ask Displaymode. Returns a number showing the status of the LED
- display (both digits and bars). This number may later be used
- in DISP to restore the display mode.
- see DISP.
- AMCOlors
- Ask MED colors. Returns 1 if EdPlayer is trying to use RGB color
- tables found in MED mods, or 0 if EdPlayer is just keeping a normal
- palette. NOTE: This always returns 1 if the last MCOL command
- was a 1, regardless of whether or not EdPlayer has actually found
- any nonstandard colors to use.
- see MCOL.
- Ask Random mode. Returns 1 if EdPlayer is playing songs in random
- order, or 0 if EdPlayer is playing songs sequentially.
- see RAND.
- APRIority
- Ask Load priority. Returns the task priority that EdPlayer uses
- when loading and decrunching modules.
- see LPRI.
- APOSition
- Ask POS. Returns the position in the song, like the "POS" display
- on the panel. NOTE: DO NOT wait for a position in a song by
- calling APOS until it returns a given number. This will EAT UP
- ALL OF YOUR CPU TIME! To wait for a position, use SWAI!
- see SWAI, JUMP, SJUM. Other queries: see ATOT.
- ATOTalpositions
- Ask total positions. Actually, this returns the number of the
- highest position in the song, which technically is one less than
- the total positions in the song. However, it IS the same number
- that appears above "TOTAL" on the panel during a song. It is
- also the greatest number you can legally send to JUMP or SJUM.
- see JUMP, SJUM. Other queries: see APOS.
- APRGnum
- Ask program number. Returns the number of the current song in the
- program. NOTE: DO NOT wait for a song in a program by calling
- APRG until your song is playing. This will EAT UP ALL OF YOUR
- CPU TIME, and possibly block EdPlayer from loading new songs!!
- To wait for a given song, use PWAI.
- see PWAI, PJUM. Other queries: see APTO.
- APTOtal
- Ask program total. Returns the total number of songs in the
- current program. This also happens to be the number of the highest
- song you can PJUM to.
- see PJUM. Other queries: see APRG.
- *End of ARexx commands and queries.