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- ============================================================================
- A N D N O W , T H E B U T T O N S :
- ============================================================================
- If you're reading this, I hope you have tried playing with EdPlayer a bit.
- You know that there are a lot of buttons on the main panel that appears
- when you run the program. Here they are, left-to-right, slowly working
- downward from the top. (There are no keyboard equivalents for any of
- these buttons in this release. You'll have to use your mouse. Sorry).
- POWER: This exits EdPlayer rather immediately. No "Are you Sure?" prompts
- or anything, because they sometimes annoy me. Of course, all the
- proper shutdown routines are run, such as unloading the current
- song, etc. Note that the close gadget in the "iconified" WB window
- has this same function (see ICONIFY below).
- (ARexx/telled users: see KILL, SELF in ARexx section)
- "T": Tempo control. NoiseTracker modules can have different tempos
- depending on whether you are in PAL or NTSC mode. This button
- toggles between the two tempos, with the current status appearing in
- the LED display. Note that this option is memorized "per song" in
- program mode (see PRG below). Note that modules composed with
- ProTracker should always be played in PAL mode. ProTracker
- always sounds like it is in PAL, even on NTSC machines.
- (ARexx/telled users: see PALM, NORM, NTSC in ARexx section)
- HELP: This is the "Online Help Function." I call it "online" because you
- can get help while you are using EdPlayer. (Of couse, this being an
- Amiga, you can multitask and get help from the DOCs while you are
- using EdPlayer too. Oh, never mind.) Anyway, you click here to
- turn help on, then click on the buttons you want help with, and then
- click here again to turn help back off.
- "|<": EJECTs current song, moves to previous program selection, and
- displays title of that selection. You can use this to flip through
- a program, select where you want to start, and press PLAY to start.
- (see PRG below).
- (ARexx/telled users: see PREV in ARexx section)
- ">|": Same as "|<" above, but moves to NEXT prg selection rather than the
- previous one.
- NOTE: In random mode, this button jumps to a random song, not the
- next one.
- (ARexx/telled users: see NEXT in ARexx section)
- ?: The button with the little question mark on it is the random play
- button. It toggles a similar-looking LED. When the LED is lit,
- the current program plays in random order. Also, the NEXT command
- and the ">|" button (just above) jump to random songs rather than
- the next song when this is on. The status of the random LED is
- saved when a program is saved.
- (ARexx/telled users: see RAND, SAVA, SAVC in ARexx section)
- PRG: OK, now it's time to explain programs. A "program" is a list of
- module filenames that EdPlayer can memorize, along with two options
- per name (PAL / NTSC and FADE / NO FADE). When such a list exists,
- EdPlayer will attempt at the end of each song to load and play the
- next song in the program, using the options for that song. The two
- buttons listed above this one scroll through the program.
- Now about the PRG button itself:
- Be careful with this button!! It's main use is for ERASING the
- current program! This is because CREATING programs is more easily
- done with the OPEN button described below. If EdPlayer has a program
- in memory, the "PRG" LED will light up on the display.
- *2.0*>It is now possible to save programs! Yay! But not from the panel.
- (aww...) Look in the ARexx Commands section for SAVA and SAVC.
- (ARexx/telled users: see JUKE, ERAS, SAVA, and SAVC in ARexx section)
- EJECT "^": Unloads current song, freeing lots of CHIP memory. Does NOT
- erase current program.
- (ARexx/telled users: see EJEC in ARexx section)
- Fade Slide: A tiny slider to the right of the EdPlayer logo controls
- the rate at which songs fade out. Because it is small and
- its effects are large, numbers appear in the info bar at
- the bottom when you use this slider. A fade rate of 1 is
- slow fade, 4 is normal fade, and higher numbers are faster
- fades. Note that if the FADE LED (yellow triangle) is not
- lit, this slide is ignored, and the song does not fade at all.
- Be sure to look at the description of the Fade BUTTON (below).
- (ARexx/telled users: see AUTO in ARexx section)
- OPEN: For this one, you need the kd_freq.library version 3.0 or higher in
- your LIBS: directory! This library might have come with the
- EdPlayer archive, because its copyright notice is as follows:
- >>If you want to use 'kd_freq.library' in any freely distributable program,
- >>you may include the 'kd_freq.library' file as long as you also include the
- >>'FR_User.DOC' file and mention 'Copyright 1990 Khalid Aldoseri'.
- Oh yes, the author of this library, Khalid Aldoseri, can be reached
- at the following address:
- Khalid Aldoseri
- P.O. Box 505
- Manama, Bahrain.
- Fax: (973) 694777
- Compuserve 75166,2531
- And I almost forgot to mention that this library is Copyright 1990
- Khalid Aldoseri. Now that you have the kd_freq.library, you can use
- the EdPlayer OPEN button to bring up it's file requester. With this
- requestor, you should select the filename of a module you want to
- hear. If there is no program, the song will load and begin to play.
- However, if there IS a program (even an empty one created with PRG),
- the song's name will be added to the program. NOTE THAT A MUCH
- EASIER way to make programs is with the file requester's "Extended
- Select" feature. To use this, hold down the SHIFT key and click
- several module filenames. As you click them, they light up.
- (If you press shift-rightarrow, ALL the files in a dir will light up).
- ***> THEN, you MUST hit the "SELECT" gadget at the top right.
- When you press "OK", ALL of the filenames will be added, in
- alphabetical order, to the END of the current program. If no
- program exists when you use this feature, one will automatically be
- created. To start any program, press PLAY.
- NEW for EdP v1.1: EdPlayer can now use the req.library if it can't
- find the kd_freq.library. You have to be a little more careful
- with req, however: it lets you specify drive names ("DF0:") instead
- of volume names ("MyMods1:") so if you have 30 disks and you
- program them all as DF0:something, you're going to be CONFUSED!!
- *2.0*> Various notes for v2.0 and up:
- I cannot control many features of the file requesters. All of the
- file requesters are written by OTHER PEOPLE, and are only called
- on by EdPlayer as libraries. Please report bugs in a file requester
- to the author of that file requester, not me!! The next version
- of EdPlayer may support the asl.library (Workbench 2.0 standard).
- (ARexx/telled users: see LOAD, PLAY, JUKE, FREQ in ARexx section)
- "<<": Rewind button. This button skips back to the start of the previous
- position ("Pos") in the song. If you hit it a few times, it sounds
- like you are "rewinding" to an earlier part of the song.
- ">>": FastForward button. This button skips ahead to the start of the
- next position ("Pos") in the song. You can hit it a few times
- to skip over any boring parts of a song.
- PLAY "|>": This button has many functions. If no song is loaded, it will
- try to get a module name from the program and load & play it.
- If a song IS loaded, but not playing, it will ignore the
- program and play the current song. If a song is ALREADY
- playing, this button will PAUSE it (either immediately or
- fade-to-pause, see FADE). Finally, if a song is paused, and
- you press this, the song will continue, either immediately or
- fade-back-in (see FADE again).
- (ARexx/telled users: see PLAY, PAUS, CONT in ARexx section)
- STOP: This button has a square on it. It stops the music IMMEDIATELY,
- regardless of the state of the "fade" light. If you want a
- fade-out, fade to a PAUSE and then press STOP. I made it this way
- because I found that in practice, when people press STOP, they just
- want the music to STOP right there because they're debugging or
- something, and fading is mostly for song changes in a program.
- NOTE that you can NOT continue after a STOP! You must start again
- from the beginning of that song. If you wanted to continue, you
- should have pressed PAUSE (a function of the PLAY button above).
- (ARexx/telled users: see STOP, FADE in ARexx section)
- LOOP: This button has a little curved arrow on it, signifying a loop. It
- will toggle on and off the similar-looking LOOP LED on the display.
- When this LED is lit, the current song will loop to the beginning
- (or wherever the composer decided it would loop to) and keep
- playing. In program mode, each song will come to an end, but the
- whole program will loop when it runs out of titles. When this LED
- is NOT lit, the current song will end (either immediately or
- fade-to-stop, see FADE) and in program mode, the program will end
- when it runs out of titles (but it won't be erased). Note that
- certain MED modules have a special "STOP" command ($FFE) encoded
- into the end of the song, and these modules will NEVER LOOP,
- regardless of this button.
- Random programs also ignore this button, they just go on selecting
- songs at random and never stop...
- (ARexx/telled users: see LOOP, AUTO in ARexx section)
- FADE: This button has a triangle that is supposed to signify volume fading
- away (sort of). Whenever you use PAUSE or CONTINUE, or when the
- song reaches an end just before a program change, the song can
- either stop/start immediately, or gradually fade out/in.
- NOTE the two kinds of music modules:
- 1) The kind where the music comes to a nice stopping point at
- the end, and doesn't need to loop.
- 2) The kind where the end of the score sounds like it should
- keep going! Then it loops to somewhere in the middle. These
- tunes appear to have NO stopping place, because anywhere you
- stop them makes it sound abruptly cut off.
- Most module players only handle the first kind of tune. But with
- EdPlayer's FADE function, a song of the second type can loop when
- it reaches the end, and then fade to a stop in part of the song
- you already heard (where it will be after a loop, obviously).
- This puts a very nice pseudo-ending on an otherwise endless tune.
- HOWEVER, if you apply this to a song of the first type, you get
- something that sounds like it stops, re-starts, and then fades.
- A LOT of people reported this as a BUG! Well, it's NOT.
- Just turn FADE OFF for those songs, with this nice FADE button! The
- button toggles on and off the similar-looking FADE LED on the
- display. When this LED is lit, EdPlayer will try to fade the song
- as mentioned. When this LED is dark, EdPlayer will just do instant
- stops and starts. If a song comes to an end, and LOOP is off (or
- program is on) and FADE is on, the song will LOOP anyway, but begin
- fading to a stop, and the program change will occour after the fade.
- Note that this button has NO effect on (1) the STOP button or (2)
- MED modules that have the special STOP effect ($FFE) encoded into
- them. However, these MED modules WILL trigger program changes, of
- course. SETTING the fade rate: see the "PAUS" command in the
- ARexx section!!
- (ARexx/telled users: see PAUS, LOOP, AUTO, FADE in ARexx section)
- FILTER OVERRIDE: This button looks like a small arrow mushed in with the
- filter button. It toggles a similar-looking LED.
- When lit, EdPlayer will not change the audio filter
- except for specific requests from the user such as
- the filter button or FILT command. When not lit,
- the filter is automatically controlled by EdPlayer.
- (ARexx/telled users: see FILT in ARexx section)
- FILTER: This button looks like a dot with little waves coming out of it.
- It has a similar-looking FILTER LED on the display panel that
- shows the status of the Amiga's audio filter, which is also
- displayed by your Amiga's so-called "power" LED. Pressing
- this button toggles the state of the audio filter. Unless
- you have filter override on, you won't need this button much,
- because the filter is normally automatically handled by EdPlayer.
- (ARexx/telled users: see FILT in ARexx section)
- ICONIFY: This button looks like a WB 1.3 back gadget, but it's NOT the one
- in the title bar. It gets rid of the CD-player like controls,
- saving a bit of CHIP mem, and produces a tiny "iconified" window
- on the WB screen. This window has only two options: The close
- gadget will exit EdPlayer (see Power above), and the right mouse
- button, if pressed when the window is selected, will bring back
- the CD-player look. Of course, all the EdPlayer functions remain
- in effect in this mode, like program changes and ARexx messages.
- Plus, this mode saves a bunch of CPU time, because EdPlayer can
- sleep rather than updating the display every video cycle. If you
- REALLY need to conserve memory, you should hide EdPlayer
- altogether and then close the WB screen, using one of the ARexx
- commands and then some utility for closing WB:
- (ARexx/telled users: see MENU, ICON, HIDE in ARexx section)
- DISPLAY: This button looks like a calculator 8. It toggles between
- four display modes, described in the LED Display section
- (EdP2.0.LEDs.DOC)
- (ARexx/telled users: see DISP in ARexx section)
- BARS: This button is mushed up with DISPLAY because it controls a
- different part of the display: The moving bars. It cycles
- the bars through three modes:
- 1) Normal VU-meters, like EdPlayer 1.1a and before. The bars display
- voices 0,1,2,3 (speakers: Left, Right, Right, Left).
- 2) Sorted VU-meters. The bars display voices 0,3,2,1
- (speakers: Left, Left, Right, Right). Easier to watch than (1).
- (NOTE: I just recently got an A3000, and found that the audio
- outputs were marked wrong!! The one marked "left" output the
- right speaker's channel and vice versa. I know of several
- A500s and A2000s that say voices 0 and 3 are LEFT).
- 3) Spectrum Analyzer. Thanks to Eric Parkin for drawing this.
- It displays notes based on their frequency (pitch). Because there
- is so little room for a wide range of notes, EdPlayer keeps track
- of the collective avarage of all the notes in a song so far, and
- "pans" the analyzer to focus in on the most-used range of notes.
- (ARexx/telled users: see DISP in ARexx section)
- MIDI: This button is supposed to look like a MIDI plug. Sort of. Anyway,
- it toggles MIDI on and off. The MIDI LED on the display shows the
- current status of MIDI. When the light is off, your serial port is
- free for things like downloading, etc., and when the light is on,
- the serial port is allocated for MED modules to send MIDI data with.
- Note to midi.library users!!!! See "MIDL" in ARexx section!
- (ARexx/telled users: see MIDI, MIDL, NOMI in ARexx section)
- VOLUME SLIDE: Well, what do YOU think it does? It controls the volume of
- a piece of music. Also, it might NOT be such a good idea to
- fuss around with this thing while the music is already
- trying to FADE in/out of its own accord due to the FADE LED.
- (ARexx/telled users: see VOLU in ARexx section)
- EDSYNTH POPUP: To the right of the volume slider is a small button with
- three shapes on it that are supposed to resemble piano
- keys. This button reveals (or removes) a fun new toy
- called "EdSynth" (thank Al for the name). EdSynth
- has a much more accurate rendition of a piano keyboard on
- it, and the keys will light up different colors as notes
- are played on them by the current song. The color of
- the note is controlled by the instrument number playing
- it. There may be more instruments than there are colors,
- in which case two instruments may share a color. The
- colors in this version are: (when not affected by MCOL):
- Red, Green, Light Grey, Yellow, Tan,
- Inverted (black keys turn white, white keys turn black),
- and checkerboard (red/green mix).
- EdSynth is rather fun to watch; I recommend keeping it
- open when you don't need as much viewing area of other
- screens.
- (ARexx/telled users: see SYNT in ARexx section)
- INFO BAR: You can click in the space between EdPlayer's "feet" to display
- the name and author info of the current song. Also, this space
- shows other useful stuff like the online help, and the version
- info when you first start EdPlayer or when you come out of an
- Iconify or HIDE. NOTE TO MODULE AUTHORS: If you want to create
- some "author info" to appear in this bar whenever your module
- plays, there are 2 ways: (1) For PT-MODs: Create some
- instrument names preceded by a "#". Each instrument name in the
- PT-MOD that starts with a # will be linked together (add your
- own spaces!) and displayed in the bar. (2) For MED MODs:
- Create an "annotext" as the MED documentation describes.
- *2.0*> As of EdPlayer v2.0, EdP will search the instrument names
- of MED mods that contain them (MED 3.2 and up) and will
- add any instrument names starting with a "#" to the end
- of the annotext.
- SPECIAL EFFECTS: EdPlayer can handle some neat effects in the
- author info of a module (NT OR MED). These effects all start
- with a <`> mark, NOT to be confused with the more ordinary <'>
- mark. PLEASE NOTICE the difference between ` and ' !!!!
- The ` key, on my American keyboard, is in the top-left, just
- under the ESC key.
- Here are the effects: (lowercase letters ONLY!)
- `s = SLOW. Text will scroll at 1/4 normal speed.
- `n = NORMAL. Text resumes normal scroll speed.
- `f = FAST. Text goes THREE TIMES normal speed!!
- `r = RED. Text from here on will be red.
- `y = YELLOW
- `g = GREEN
- `t = TAN (EdPlayer's tanish color used on buttons)
- `w = WHITE, the default.
- `` = ` (if you really want a ` mark to appear).
- To use any of these effects, just insert them in the author text
- of your module. Note that using a ` mark at all will FORCE the
- text to scroll, even if it was short enough to fit all on the
- lo-res screen at once (NOT LIKELEY!!).
- NOTE: If you play a MED mod with MCOL turned on, the colors
- produced by the above effects may be different, depending on
- the palette of the MED mod in question.
- (ARexx/telled users: see MESS, MCOL in ARexx section)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following are only visible when the EdSynth keyboard is displayed:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- EDSYNTH BOGUS PITCHBENDER: When my brother Al drew me a keyboard, he
- decided to write "EdSynth" on it, and he also drew
- a small pitchbender on the left side. I left both of
- these things where they were, because they look kind of
- cool. However, they do nothing else. In fact, the only
- mouse-sensitive part of EdSynth is its power button.
- Obviously, EdSynth is purely for viewing pleasure.
- EDSYNTH POWER: This power button just gets rid of EdSynth, unlike the
- main EdPlayer power button which exits the whole program.
- Currently there is no way to display only EdSynth and not
- the CD panel.
- That's all the buttons in this version. Hope ya like 'em.