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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A History of changes to EdPlayer. All previous users, PLEASE read this
- file to see what's new!!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- EdPlayer v2.0: 7/17/92
- Hmm, I considered calling this EdPlayer 1.2, but then I decided to
- call it v2.0. Why? Well here's a few reasons:
- * 100% new music-playing code. NoiseTracker 1.0 Replay was replaced by
- Protracker 1.1b Replay. MED 3.10 Replay was replaced by MED 3.21
- Replay. (ProTracker hacked a bit to support some NT commands, notably
- effect F00 for which EdP does a pattern-break, not a STOP).
- * Now compatible with ALL Amigas! (I hope!) ProTracker Replay borrows
- a non-cpu specific timer from MED Replay, so it should not skip notes
- on any speed machine.
- * Tested on an A3000, A2000, and A500, under both OS1.3 and OS2.0!
- * 34 new ARexx commands added since 1.1a! 20 of those are ARexx queries,
- where the ARexx script can ask EdPlayer almost anything about its
- current status and settings.
- * New version of kd_freq.library supported. WATCH OUT!! This new
- version requires pressing the "select" gadget in the upper-right
- when multi-selecting files. I don't like this much, but it's
- beyond my control.
- * Select favorite file requester (not stuck with default) (see FREQ).
- * PLAY command will now pull names from the program if needed.
- * Filter Override added, ARexx control of filter added (see FILT).
- * FastForward and Rewind buttons added to panel
- * Random programs added -- EdPlayer plays songs in an arbitrary order.
- * Save programs! Save in ARexx or CLI form. (see SAVA or SAVC).
- * Documentation split into several files for easier access to needed parts.
- * Fade rate control slider added to panel.
- * New VU-meters and a Spectrum Analyzer added to panel.
- * ARexx STARTUP SCRIPT "rexx:Startup.EdP" added.
- * ProgramJump added: jump to specific song # in program (see PJUM).
- * SuperJump added: jump INSTANTLY to a position in song (see SJUM, JUMP).
- * Most ARexx commands can optionally be longer than 4 letters.
- Ex: You can say 'pause 5' instead of 'PAUS 5', etc.
- * My email address changed to elm4@lehigh.edu. Oops, that's not a feature.
- * ARexx control of LED display mode added (see DISP).
- * Extract RGB colors from MED mods and use for panel (see MCOL).
- * Programs Telled and Cteled were improved, see their commented sourcecodes.
- * NT/PT Mod init routine now has range checking, should now warn users
- when trying to load defective NT/PT mods.
- * ARexx can display arbitrary messages in panel scroll bar (see MESG).
- * Optional low-priority background loading/decrunching (see LPRI).
- * New commands (SWAI, PWAI) that suspend a script until a song or program
- is finished or reach a certain point.
- * Text in panel scroll bar not so quick to disappear (used to disappear
- after any gadget or mouse click).
- * New display mode, named "EdSynth" by my brother who thinks everything
- I write should have my name on it. EdSynth displays a piano keyboard
- on the screen and colors notes as they are played. Fun to watch!
- Well, what do you think? Was it worth the number 2.0?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- EdPlayer v1.1a: 11/03/91
- Oops!! Version 1.1 broke EdPlayer's compatability with people using
- OS 1.3 with an overscanned screen. This version fixes that bug. Also
- this version allows the iconified window, which stretches to the left when
- printing long filenames in large fonts, to also stretch to the right if
- it can't go any further left.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- EdPlayer v1.1: 10/25/91
- This is just a minor update to 1.0. I kinda rushed it out, because
- some bugs needed fixing right away. Also some useful stuff added.
- * req.library added. If EdPlayer can't open kd_freq.library, it will
- look for req.library. I'm also thinking about the posibility of asl...
- * powerpacker.library added. If you were using PowerPatch for EdPlayer
- alone, you can remove it from your startup-sequence, as I suspect
- EdP will be much more effecient WITHOUT it. Also you can see neat
- messages like ...LOADING CRUNCHED... and ...DECRUNCHING... if you're
- NOT using the patch. A new AREXX command, "DCOL", allows setting of
- the decrunch effect.
- * New AREXX command "ERAS" allows erasing the program.
- * ARexx commands are no longer case-sensitive. I guess this is kind of
- a frill, but I like it better this way. NOTE: the "MIDL" command
- still NEEDS a case-sensitive parameter for midi_dest.
- * Can load PP encrypted (password protected) modules. Will bring up a
- password requester when needed. Also passwords can be entered via
- ARexx, see LOAD and JUKE in the DOCs for an explanation...
- * Iconified window now supports bigger fonts
- * Iconified window now has NAME of current song! Also scrollbar has a
- new trick that puts the song name there after a scroll.
- * PAL/Overscanned WB screens supported better. EdPlayer 1.0 used to open
- in the NTSC, no overscan position all the time. EdP 1.1 tries to
- center itself, and appear flush with the bottom.
- * FADE bug fixed.... NOT!!!! This is NOT a BUG! PLEASE read the DOCs
- in the BUTTONS section under FADE for a NEW & IMPROVED description
- of why EdPlayer fades the way it does!! The FADE code didn't change.
- * Slight bug in program mode made it impossible to enter songs with
- European characters in the names (like ⁿ, Σ, etc.). This is now
- fixed. Never do signed arithmetic on ASCII bytes... >127 looks neg :-)
- Hmm, now that I look at it, it doesn't seem like such a "minor" update
- after all... oh well...
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Before reporting a suggestion, please make sure it's not in the wish
- list. If it's not, then report it!
- The following is a wish list of features that might or might not appear in
- a future version of EdPlayer:
- * I wish EdP supported asl.library
- * I wish EdP could support MED song+samples format $*#&^*!!!
- My, that list got a lot smaller this time!!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- EdPlayer 1.0: Sometime in July 1991, I think.
- New features in EdPlayer 1.0:
- * All of them.
- Well what did you EXPECT??? duh!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Well that ends the useful part of this file. Only read on if you want
- to hear about...
- ============================================================================
- ============================================================================
- It is a wonderful feeling, to open the box of a brand new A3000.
- Apparently, my MegaBall fans got really addicted. I'd like to thank them.
- Of course, now I have the chance; I can make MegaBall more compatible
- with the 3000. Umm, soon. Ahem *cough* *hack* Anyway, when running
- some final tests on EdPlayer 2.0 on my new A3000, I ran into one
- very mysterious problem.
- The new display mode, that is supposed to separate the VU-meters into
- left and right meters, was separating them into right and left meters.
- This was rather annoying, to see a drum channel beating on the left
- while listening to it on the right. I had previously tested EdPlayer
- on three A2000s and an A500, and the left/right channel separation worked
- just fine on all those machines.
- Silly me, I thought, I must have wired the plugs backwards when connecting
- my stereo to the 3000. I peeked around back and looked at the wiring;
- it looked OK. I pulled out the left plug and tapped on it. I could hear
- clicks on the left speaker. I tried the same with the right plug and
- heard clicks on the right speaker. So, there was nothing wrong with my
- wiring. I could only assume that some quirk in the 3000's motherboard
- was sending the left audio to the plug marked "right," and vice versa.
- This drove me nuts, because I didn't want to assume there was anything
- wrong with my new computer (other than some initial HD troubles which
- Briwall promptly fixed for me :-). After a few days of watching EdPlayer
- get it backwards on the 3000, get it right on the 2000 and 500, and
- re-checking the wiring on all the machines, I finally gave up and
- actually looked at the "Quick Connect" installation guide. I know
- it seems very odd that an experienced Amiga person like myself would
- go looking at the "how to hook up your computer even if you have
- peanuts for brains" wiring diagrams, but I thought it was needed in
- this case.
- What I found was not much use. First, I discovered that Commodore had done
- a MUCH better job with the 3000's install guide than they did with the
- old 2000's. This was just peachy, but it didn't help me. Second, I
- found that the install guide showed the "LEFT" and "RIGHT" labels in
- the same place as on my 3000 (I was secretly hoping they would be
- reversed). And lastly, I found that the guide showed the LEFT plug
- colored red, and the RIGHT plug colored white, when on my A3000,
- the LEFT was white and the RIGHT was red (a much nicer configuration).
- This just confirmed my fears that someone had done some weird switching
- around of the audio hardware that was probably responsible for
- EdPlayer's mixup of the left/right VU-meter display. But the biggest
- suprise was yet to come.
- A few days ago I got my hands on the new RKMs (programmer's manuals for
- Workbench 2.0). I was looking through them and I happened to see the
- entry for the audio.device. Its "Possible Channel Combinations" chart
- (DEVICES, page 23) agreed with my wacky A3000 and disagreed with
- both EdPlayer and all the A2000s and A500s I could find. I quickly
- looked up the same chart in the old Workbench 1.3 manuals
- (LIBRARIES & DEVICES, page 615) and this is what I found:
- Workbench 1.3 RKM's:
- Channel 3 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 0
- left right right left
- Workbench 2.0 RKM's:
- Channel 3 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 0
- right left left right
- So there it is, in back and white in the two books, staring me in the face.
- This is no mistake in my wiring, or in my new A3000's motherboard.
- This is a deliberate and malicious switcharoo on the part of Commodore,
- probably perpetrated by the same C= employee who decided it was a good
- idea to hook the audio filter to the Amiga's power LED.
- This has implications farther reaching than minor EdPlayer viewing
- annoyances. Let's suppose you're playing Dungeon Master on your
- new A3000 and you hear monster footsteps on the right speaker...
- You quickly turn to the right... and no one is there! Suddenly,
- you are attacked from behind! Now you're dead!! Hahahaha.
- All because some engineer decided to switch around the audio outputs.
- So, here is my recommendation to ALL Amiga 3000 owners and developers:
- Plug your A3000's LEFT output into your stereo's RIGHT input, and the
- A3000's RIGHT output into the stereo's LEFT input.
- Maintain compatability!!
- All programs developed for use under 1.3 will then work properly, and all
- programs developed for use under 2.0 should follow the old 1.3 style,
- because switching it around improves nothing! There is really no
- excuse for the two operating systems to be incompatible in this area.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Well, I hope you enjoyed EdPlayer's story this version. See ya in
- EdPlayer 2.1....
- --Ed.